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#1876 Le 26/03/2020, à 12:04


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

YannUbuntu a écrit :

"linux-signed-generic not found" -> le paquet signé n'existe pas encore pour focal. voir
EDIT: le cat de /efi/refind/refind.conf et  /boot/refind_linux.conf  sera actif dans 4pp78

A ce niveau,   je ne sais trop que penser de la commande proposée dans la seconde partie de la réparation lorsqu'on décide de purger tous les noyaux.

sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed linux-headers-generic

Après quelques essais, il me semble que frapper simplement cette commande  devrait être suffisant

sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y linux-generic linux-headers-generic

Je vais tout recasser pour le vérifier
En attendant le boot-info produit  de l'instance réparée

La voici
On devrait tout y voir  Mais pas de chance, la version secure a été débloquée..... Donc aucune erreur détectée. Il reste simplement à booter pour vérifier.

AJOUT:   Le boot est maintenant possible. MAIS
             - La commande journalctl -b -p err   signale que le kernel n'est pas complet,    Cala a au moins ces deux conséquences.
                   -   Les partitions FAT32 ne peuvent plus se monter à cause du format iso8859-1 non connu
                   -   Le réseau ne peu pas s'ouvrir. L'icône de gestion du réseau n'est pas présente
Donc nouvelle réparation en complétant la commande de réparation  proposée par une commande supplémentaire

sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y linux-generic

Voici le boot-info généré
     Il me semble qu'on y voit
            - 15660 lignes  de l'état des lieux
            -     960 lignes de réparation
Il me reste à rebooter. pour vérifier

Dernière modification par geole (Le 29/03/2020, à 14:54)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1877 Le 29/03/2020, à 19:45


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Un petit point de situation.
   D'abord,  réinstaller le dernier noyau est quasiment une opération banale lorsqu'on ne le fait pas sur une instance en cours de développement
    C'est visible dans cette discussion

C'est plus compliqué  sur une instance non stabilisée.  Je n'ai pas encore trouvé la vraie cause. J'ai fait probablement des actions inutiles.
La dernière idée fut de booter en mode recovery et d'y activer le réseau qui a mis en route. (gros OUF!)
      Les partitions FAT32 se montent maintenant bien.    La souris est inutilisable car elle parle en anglais de Singapour.
(Vu dans le panneau de "setting" qui n'est plus français)
Pour le clavier, cela va assez bien.... pour l'écran ce n'est pas trop mal , Mais il  en reste une trace

  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 三月   15 14:52 Bureau
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 二月   29 10:10 Documents
  4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 a a    558 三月    5 12:47 FIC
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 二月   29 10:10 Images
  8 -rw-r--r-- 1 a a   7648 三月   29 15:38 kernel.txt
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 二月   29 10:10 Modèles
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 二月   29 10:10 Musique
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 二月   29 10:10 Public
308 -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 313411 三月   15 13:17 sda17.pcl.gz
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 三月    5 12:39 Téléchargements
  4 drwxr-xr-x 2 a a   4096 二月   29 10:10 Vidéos

Je ne sais pas trop comment cela s'est produit....
Peut-être lié à la commande de reconfiguration (dpkg-reconfig -a)  qui s'est faite sans rien me demander??? .

Je suis en train de jouer avec les écrans de reconfiguration du langage. Cela devrait se rétablir.

Pour le sujet refind, Peut-être ai-je mal transmis les noms, Mais rien n'est édité dans le boot-info.

a@a:~$ ls    -ls  /boot/*conf
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 301 三月   27 15:47 /boot/refind_linux.conf

Cependant suivant  qu'il existe une partition de boot ou pas, ce fichier se trouve au premier niveau ou sous le répertoire /boot

a@a:~$ ls -ls /boot/efi/EFI/refind/*conf
13 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12544 三月   29 13:07 /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf

Celui-ci est toujours sous le répertoire /EFI/refind

Je memorise cela

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y  shim-signed
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 shim-signed : Depends: shim (= 15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) but 15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu1 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y  shim
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
shim is already the newest version (15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  amd64-microcode intel-microcode iucode-tool thermald
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 149 not upgraded.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y  shim-signed
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 shim-signed : Depends: shim (= 15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) but 15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu1 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Ainsi que ce conseil

sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed linux-headers-generic shim-signed linux-headers-generic

Il y a du doublonnage et l'ordre n'est pas nécessairement bon, Probablement cet ordre afin que s'i l'un se passe mal, le suivant soit exécuté.

sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y  linux-headers-generic
sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y    shim shim-signed
sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" apt-get install -y grub-efi-amd64-signed

D'autre part,    avant de proposer à l'utilisateur de lancer des commandes de suppression des noyaux , il serait  probablement bon de s'assurer que le réseau est opérationnel. Soit l'appication le fait, soit elle propose une commande

sudo chroot "/media/ubuntu/Ubu2004-SLIM-BIS" ping -c 4

Ce qui semble être la cause  du problème rencontré avec la version daily 20.04.      En live USB, il me semble que la connexion wifi n'est pas opérationnelle ( pas de câble éthernet à ma disposition).     Je suis actuellement en live-usb 18.04  pour avancer sur le problème......

Ne m'en tirant pas, j'ai pris la décision de faire un chroot depuis une session 20.04 installée sur disque dur et de faire les deux commandes suivantes:

apt update
apt upgrade

J'en ai profité pour regarder  le problème du shim-signed

root@a:/# apt purge -y shim-signed
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Le paquet « shim-signed » n'est pas installé, et ne peut donc être supprimé
Les paquets suivants ont été installés automatiquement et ne sont plus nécessaires :
  amd64-microcode intel-microcode iucode-tool libpoppler95 thermald
Veuillez utiliser « apt autoremove » pour les supprimer.
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.

root@a:/# apt purge shim
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets suivants ont été installés automatiquement et ne sont plus nécessaires :
  amd64-microcode intel-microcode iucode-tool libpoppler95 thermald
Veuillez utiliser « apt autoremove » pour les supprimer.
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVÉS :
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 1 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Après cette opération, 3862 ko d'espace disque seront libérés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] 
(Lecture de la base de données... 190009 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Suppression de shim (15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu1) ...

root@a:/# apt install shim
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets suivants ont été installés automatiquement et ne sont plus nécessaires :
  amd64-microcode intel-microcode iucode-tool libpoppler95 thermald
Veuillez utiliser « apt autoremove » pour les supprimer.
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
0 mis à jour, 1 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 575 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 3834 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
0% [Connexion à (2001:860:f70a::2)]
Réception de :1 focal/main amd64 shim amd64 15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1 [575 kB]
575 ko réceptionnés en 3s (199 ko/s)
Sélection du paquet shim précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 190001 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../shim_15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de shim (15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) ...
Paramétrage de shim (15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) ...

root@a:/# apt install shim-signed
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets suivants ont été installés automatiquement et ne sont plus nécessaires :
  amd64-microcode intel-microcode iucode-tool libpoppler95 thermald
Veuillez utiliser « apt autoremove » pour les supprimer.
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
0 mis à jour, 1 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 344 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 1388 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Réception de :1 focal/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.40+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1 [344 kB]
344 ko réceptionnés en 2s (147 ko/s)  
Préconfiguration des paquets...
Sélection du paquet shim-signed précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 190009 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../shim-signed_1.40+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de shim-signed (1.40+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) ...
Paramétrage de shim-signed (1.40+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) ...

Reste à booter pour vérifier. => c'est guère mieux,   le gdm.service se plante..   Je réinstalle gdm3,  l'écran est alors disponible mais toujours pas le réseau.

Alors des moyens plus importants:

apt install --reinstall linux-generic
apt install --reinstall linux-base

Ce dernier paquet résout le problème de connexion du réseau.

Puis un nouvel essai en purgeant les noyaux.
Le compte-rendu d'intervention est disponible dans ce lieu.

Dernière modification par geole (Le 01/04/2020, à 16:11)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1878 Le 30/03/2020, à 11:32


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

@YannUbuntu : puisque tu sembles être dans une phase de modifs de Boot-repair, pourrais-tu virer cette alerte bidon : "Les fichiers de démarrage de [L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS] sont loin du début du disque. Votre BIOS pourrait ne pas les détecter". Encore quelqu'un qui s’inquiète avec ça : … #p22247919

EDIT le 5 avril 2020 : après sortie de la version 4ppa80 de Boot-info, je vérifie sur mon install de Ubuntu 18.04 que cette alerte a bien été supprimée (voir plus bas le post de YannUbuntu du 05/04/2020, à 04:23).
Pour mémoire, voici tout ce qui a été supprimé par rapport à un boot-info de la version précédente 4ppa78 :

=================== Final advice in case of suggested repair

Les fichiers de démarrage de [L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS] sont loin du début du disque. Votre BIOS pourrait ne pas les détecter. Vous voudrez peut-être re-essayer après avoir créé une partition /boot (EXT4, >200MB, en début de disque). Cela peut être réalisé via des outils tels que gParted. Puis sélectionnez cette partition via l'option [Partition /boot séparée :] de [Boot-Repair]. (

Bon débarras !

Dernière modification par malbo (Le 05/04/2020, à 09:16)

Hors ligne

#1879 Le 30/03/2020, à 20:13


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

    Il me semble que le problème est toujours d'actualité lorsque les fichiers de boot sont au-delà du 1er To dans la partition?/le disque?  !

Dernière modification par geole (Le 30/03/2020, à 20:14)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1880 Le 30/03/2020, à 20:15


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair


Sur mon disque, Ubuntu est située sur une partition logique, bien loin du début du disque (après 1To), et pourtant il n'a pas de problème

Acer Aspire X3990-Dual boot Windows 7 / Ubuntu 18.04

Hors ligne

#1881 Le 30/03/2020, à 22:02


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Cela fait des années d'avoir cette "erreur" de partition  placé  le plus loin.. Tout n'a pas été parfait , mais quand même cela a t-il vraiment posé un PB ? Je ne le crois pas ! C'est les mêmes choses qui sont écrites enfin de boot-info roll

Plus grande est la face, plus grand est le dos!
Toutes les fautes de frappe, d'orthographe, de grammaire et de syntaxe ci-dessus, sont la propriété intellectuelle de l'auteur. Elles doivent être reproduites et même corrigées sans l'accord préalable du susdit et toc !

Mint 21.1,Voyager20.04 et 22.04,Ubuntu 22.04,Emmabuntus 1.Buster, Debian 12.buster, Hybryde 14.04, Pas d'OS intermédiaire ! PC Medion AKOYA  DD 1T + 2 .

Hors ligne

#1882 Le 01/04/2020, à 18:34


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Bonjour Yannubuntu.
Tu as probablement vu ma difficulté d'utiliser boot-repair     avec l'option purger tous les kernels et réinstaller le dernier kernel.
Ma conclusion est qu'il a y un oubli dans boot-repair. Il serait bon que tu le prennes en considération.

L'environnement de détection est le suivant:  Ordinateur  bootant en EFI avec disques ayant  la table de partiton GPT y compris les disques externes. Plus de RAIDS,  chiffrage  dans des partitions luks.
     Une instance 20.04 installée sur disque interne de façon standard.
     Deux  instances 20.04 sur disque externe avec partition de boot séparée créée dans le disque interne.
Ayant plusieurs instances EFI, j'ai bien oublié le grub. Refind étant ce qui convient dans un tel contexte lorsque le bios ne sait pas proposer les multiples instances présentes. Malheureusement, je viens de découvrir que refind n'a probablement pas prévu de regarder le contenu des disques externes GPT.

Les noyaux sont en version 5.04   Indice 14    à l'installation en Février.  Indice 18 courant Mars. C'est avec cet indice que j'ai commencé l'utilisation du réparateur pour participer.  Indice 21 depuis quelque jours.     C'est le dernier noyau que j'utilise.
L'une des instances externes me sert de référence et j'utilise l'autre pour faire ces actions  de vérification.
Je me suis certainement mélangé les doigts par moments. Mais j'ai voulu aller au bout de la réparation.
J'ai fini par comprendre que la cause de la non mise en route était l'absence des deux noyaux suivants:    linux-base et linux-generic.
J'ai fini par les réinstaller en technique CHROOT avec la version 20.04 du disque interne.
Tout est réparé, et j'ai rejoué le scénario en bien surveillant.
  Je peux donc dire qu'avec la version actuelle, le noyau linux-base reste présent après la réparation.   
  Mais le noyau linux-generic n'est plus présent.

A mon avis, il est éliminé dans la purge des noyaux et pas réinstallé. (Deux réparations successives avec un chroot utilisateur entre les deux)
Je ne sais pas trop que penser.  J'admets que cela fonctionne bien en version 18.04. Cela voudrait donc dire que la logique des noyaux de base est un peu différente en 20.04.
    D'où ma première réflexion Cela va-t-il rester comme cela?    C'est un peu ce que je pense.
   Il serait donc bien que le script de réparation propose (ou fasse lui-même) la commande apt install   linux generic
      => Je ne sais pas trop, à quel niveau, elle doit être proposée, à mon avis après la commande demandant d'installer le shim car elle fabrique la structure update-initramfs mais n'enchaîne pas sur le grub. On voit qu'elle récupère ce qui n'a pas été éliminé de /boot.
Cette action semble urgente.

root@a:/# apt install linux-generic
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets supplémentaires suivants seront installés : 
  linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic linux-image-generic linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic
Paquets suggérés :
  fdutils linux-doc | linux-source-5.4.0 linux-tools
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
  linux-generic linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic linux-image-generic linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic
0 mis à jour, 4 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 55 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0 o/47,7 Mo dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 202 Mo d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] 
Sélection du paquet linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 188776 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic_5.4.0-21.25_amd64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic (5.4.0-21.25) ...
Sélection du paquet linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic précédemment désélectionné.
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic_5.4.0-21.25_amd64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic (5.4.0-21.25) ...
Sélection du paquet linux-image-generic précédemment désélectionné.
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../linux-image-generic_5. ...
Dépaquetage de linux-image-generic ( ...
Sélection du paquet linux-generic précédemment désélectionné.
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../linux-generic_5. ...
Dépaquetage de linux-generic ( ...
Paramétrage de linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic (5.4.0-21.25) ...
I: /boot/vmlinuz is now a symlink to vmlinuz-5.4.0-21-generic
I: /boot/initrd.img is now a symlink to initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
Paramétrage de linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic (5.4.0-21.25) ...
Paramétrage de linux-image-generic ( ...
Paramétrage de linux-generic ( ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic (5.4.0-21.25) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
W: /sbin/fsck.ext4 doesn't exist, can't install to initramfs
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-21-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-14-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-14-generic
The ZFS modules are not loaded.
Try running '/sbin/modprobe zfs' as root to load them.
Some pools couldn't be imported and will be ignored:
The ZFS modules are not loaded.
Try running '/sbin/modprobe zfs' as root to load them.
The ZFS modules are not loaded.
Try running '/sbin/modprobe zfs' as root to load them.
The ZFS modules are not loaded.
Try running '/sbin/modprobe zfs' as root to load them.

    Une seconde réflexion: il faudrait peut-être que boot-repair , lorsque, la purge des noyaux est demandée liste dans son compte-rendu le contenu des paquets ( dpkg -l | grep linux )
- Avant de commencer l'élimination ou de  proposer la première commande de réparation à l'utilisateur. 
  - Après avoir fini la réparation  ou après l'exécution de la seconde  commande de réparation à l'utilisateur.

   Une troisième réflexion: En  cas de purge des noyaux, il serait bon de purger les fichiers de boot présents dans le répertoire /boot
J'ai nommé  config-***  vmlinuz*
(refind boote avec ceux en gras et il m'a fallu un certain pour comprendre   qu'un noyau "périmé" ne fonctionne pas bien du tout  au niveau réseau lorsque des éléments de base sont absents.)

Une quatrième réflexion informative: J'ai fini pas abandonner refind pour revenir au grub
        Cela ne fonctionnait pas du tout,  il disait qu'il  ne trouvait pas  la partition contenant ubuntu. J'ai mis le paramètre  rootdelay sans succès.
J'ai donc fini par abandonner la partition de boot séparée.    Mais le fonctionnement n'est pas terrible.
Il y a un message d'erreur  qui n'est pas persistant, mais en faisant plein de tentatives, il me semble bien que le message dit " You need to load kernel first. Ce qui est en rapport avec le problème....

  Une cinquième réflexion. Je n'ai pas d'explication sur la perte de linux-base.
     Peut-être que boot-repair pourrait tester son absence et  aussi proposer de le réinstaller?

Merci de m'avoir lu.

Dernière modification par geole (Le 01/04/2020, à 19:11)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1883 Le 05/04/2020, à 04:23


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

à venir dans 4ppa80:
1) une option pour faciliter le debuggage de la version Python3 , voir … 2s-python3
2) Geole, j'ai corrigé le probleme linux-generic (qui était du à un paquet manquant dans focal), ajouté les dpkg -l | grep linux. Pour linux-base, je le fais reinstaller par précaution.
3) j'ai aussi amélioré le ls des fichiers refind, à verifier
4) Malbo, j'ai supprimé l'alerte.

dodo maintenant smile

Dernière modification par YannUbuntu (Le 05/04/2020, à 04:24)

à consulter/améliorer: Guide du Débutant, Logiciels, Ecole, Travail, Maison

Hors ligne

#1884 Le 05/04/2020, à 06:18


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Merci pour les infos ,  smile

Plus grande est la face, plus grand est le dos!
Toutes les fautes de frappe, d'orthographe, de grammaire et de syntaxe ci-dessus, sont la propriété intellectuelle de l'auteur. Elles doivent être reproduites et même corrigées sans l'accord préalable du susdit et toc !

Mint 21.1,Voyager20.04 et 22.04,Ubuntu 22.04,Emmabuntus 1.Buster, Debian 12.buster, Hybryde 14.04, Pas d'OS intermédiaire ! PC Medion AKOYA  DD 1T + 2 .

Hors ligne

#1885 Le 05/04/2020, à 11:19


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Bonjour @ tous.

Merci Yann.  smile

C'est vrai que ce message provoquait des inquiétudes.

@+.   Babdu89   .

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#1886 Le 05/04/2020, à 12:38


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Je viens d'installer la version 20.04 disponible en BETA.
L'installation de boot-repair semble bien se passer. Cependant il y a deux petits messages d'avertissement que je pense  sans importance

Saving system state
ERROR couldn't save system state: Current machine isn't Zsys, nothing to create 

INFO Updating GRUB menu                           
ERROR "update-grub" returned an error: exit status 1

La suite va arriver tranquillement

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ setxkbmap fr
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y boot-repair boot-info && boot-repair
Ign:1 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal InRelease
Hit:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal Release
Get:4 focal-security InRelease [97.9 kB]     
Get:5 focal InRelease [265 kB]                
Get:6 focal InRelease [17.5 kB]
Get:7 focal/main amd64 Packages [1844 B]
Get:8 focal-security/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [108 B]
Get:9 focal/main Translation-en [1628 B]
Get:10 focal-updates InRelease [89.1 kB]
Get:11 focal/main amd64 Packages [971 kB]
Get:12 focal/main Translation-en [501 kB]
Get:13 focal/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [29.1 kB]
Get:14 focal/restricted amd64 Packages [22.0 kB]
Get:15 focal/restricted Translation-en [6224 B]
Fetched 2003 kB in 4s (510 kB/s)                                 
Reading package lists... Done
Ign:1 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal InRelease
Hit:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal Release
Hit:4 focal InRelease                                           
Hit:5 focal InRelease                     
Hit:6 focal-updates InRelease                                   
Hit:7 focal-security InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
28 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
  boot-sav efibootmgr gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 glade2script-python3 pastebinit
Suggested packages:
  mdadm os-uninstaller
Recommended packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  boot-info boot-repair boot-sav efibootmgr gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 glade2script-python3 pastebinit
0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 28 not upgraded.
Need to get 517 kB/545 kB of archives.
After this operation, 3139 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 focal/main amd64 gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 amd64 12.10.1+18.04.20180322.1-0ubuntu5 [3448 B]
Get:2 focal/main amd64 glade2script-python3 all 3.2.4~ppa6 [35.3 kB]
Get:3 focal/main amd64 pastebinit all 1.5.1-1 [14.2 kB]
Get:4 focal/main amd64 boot-sav all 4ppa80 [444 kB]
Get:5 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 17-1 [28.1 kB]
Get:6 focal/main amd64 boot-info all 4ppa80 [7016 B]
Get:7 focal/main amd64 boot-repair all 4ppa80 [12.5 kB]
Fetched 517 kB in 1s (348 kB/s)      
Saving system state
ERROR couldn't save system state: Current machine isn't Zsys, nothing to create 
Selecting previously unselected package gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1.
(Reading database ... 223483 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../0-gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1_12.10.1+18.04.20180322.1-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 (12.10.1+18.04.20180322.1-0ubuntu5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package glade2script-python3.
Preparing to unpack .../1-glade2script-python3_3.2.4~ppa6_all.deb ...
Unpacking glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package boot-sav.
Preparing to unpack .../2-boot-sav_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Unpacking boot-sav (4ppa80) ...
Selecting previously unselected package boot-info.
Preparing to unpack .../3-boot-info_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Unpacking boot-info (4ppa80) ...
Selecting previously unselected package boot-repair.
Preparing to unpack .../4-boot-repair_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Unpacking boot-repair (4ppa80) ...
Selecting previously unselected package efibootmgr.
Preparing to unpack .../5-efibootmgr_17-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking efibootmgr (17-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pastebinit.
Preparing to unpack .../6-pastebinit_1.5.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking pastebinit (1.5.1-1) ...
Setting up efibootmgr (17-1) ...
Setting up pastebinit (1.5.1-1) ...
Setting up gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 (12.10.1+18.04.20180322.1-0ubuntu5) ...
Setting up glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
Setting up boot-sav (4ppa80) ...
Setting up boot-repair (4ppa80) ...
Setting up boot-info (4ppa80) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.64ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.36.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.1-1) ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.24-1ubuntu2) ...
Refreshing boot menu
INFO Updating GRUB menu                           
ERROR "update-grub" returned an error: exit status 1 
'universe' distribution component enabled for all sources.
Ign:1 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal InRelease
Hit:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal Release
Hit:4 focal InRelease                                           
Hit:5 focal InRelease                     
Hit:6 focal-updates InRelease
Hit:7 focal-security InRelease
Get:8 focal/universe amd64 Packages [8596 kB]
Get:9 focal-security/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [112 B]
Get:10 focal/universe Translation-en [5127 kB]                                                                                        
Get:11 focal/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [264 kB]                                                                                   
Get:12 focal-updates/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [112 B]                                                                            
Fetched 14.0 MB in 19s (744 kB/s)                                                                                                                                      
Reading package lists... Done
Ign:1 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal InRelease
Hit:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Beta amd64 (20200402) focal Release
Hit:4 focal InRelease                     
Hit:5 focal InRelease                                           
Hit:6 focal-updates InRelease             
Hit:7 focal-security InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
28 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
  libpython2-stdlib libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib python-gi python2 python2-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal
Suggested packages:
  python-gi-cairo python2-doc python-tk python2.7-doc binutils binfmt-support
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  glade2script libpython2-stdlib libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib python-gi python2 python2-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal
0 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 28 not upgraded.
Need to get 4102 kB of archives.
After this operation, 17.5 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 focal/main amd64 glade2script all 3.2.4~ppa6 [36.2 kB]
Get:2 focal/universe amd64 libpython2.7-minimal amd64 2.7.17-1ubuntu6 [335 kB]
Get:3 focal/universe amd64 python2.7-minimal amd64 2.7.17-1ubuntu6 [1324 kB]
Get:4 focal/universe amd64 python2-minimal amd64 2.7.17-2ubuntu4 [27.5 kB]
Get:5 focal/universe amd64 libpython2.7-stdlib amd64 2.7.17-1ubuntu6 [1885 kB]
Get:6 focal/universe amd64 python2.7 amd64 2.7.17-1ubuntu6 [248 kB]
Get:7 focal/universe amd64 libpython2-stdlib amd64 2.7.17-2ubuntu4 [7072 B]
Get:8 focal/universe amd64 python2 amd64 2.7.17-2ubuntu4 [26.5 kB]
Get:9 focal/universe amd64 python-gi amd64 3.36.0-1 [212 kB]
Fetched 4102 kB in 6s (700 kB/s)  
Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-minimal:amd64.
(Reading database ... 223672 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../0-libpython2.7-minimal_2.7.17-1ubuntu6_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libpython2.7-minimal:amd64 (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python2.7-minimal.
Preparing to unpack .../1-python2.7-minimal_2.7.17-1ubuntu6_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking python2.7-minimal (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python2-minimal.
Preparing to unpack .../2-python2-minimal_2.7.17-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking python2-minimal (2.7.17-2ubuntu4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../3-libpython2.7-stdlib_2.7.17-1ubuntu6_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python2.7.
Preparing to unpack .../4-python2.7_2.7.17-1ubuntu6_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking python2.7 (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libpython2-stdlib:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../5-libpython2-stdlib_2.7.17-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libpython2-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.17-2ubuntu4) ...
Setting up libpython2.7-minimal:amd64 (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Setting up python2.7-minimal (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Linking and byte-compiling packages for runtime python2.7...
Setting up python2-minimal (2.7.17-2ubuntu4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python2.
(Reading database ... 224419 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../python2_2.7.17-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking python2 (2.7.17-2ubuntu4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python-gi.
Preparing to unpack .../python-gi_3.36.0-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking python-gi (3.36.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package glade2script.
Preparing to unpack .../glade2script_3.2.4~ppa6_all.deb ...
Unpacking glade2script (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
Setting up libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Setting up python2.7 (2.7.17-1ubuntu6) ...
Setting up libpython2-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.17-2ubuntu4) ...
Setting up python2 (2.7.17-2ubuntu4) ...
Setting up python-gi (3.36.0-1) ...
Setting up glade2script (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.24-1ubuntu2) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.64ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.36.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.1-1) ...
Refreshing boot menu
INFO Updating GRUB menu                           
ERROR "update-grub" returned an error: exit status 1 

Boot-repair d'une version 12.04 avec réinstallation du dernier noyau =>
Boot-repair d'une version 20.04 avec réinstallation du dernier noyau  et création d'une partition de  boot  (commentaires après le reboot) =>
Les remarques:
- Reboot   standard avec le dernier noyau sans problème.
- Reboot  en mode   recovery ,  network, root, resume sans problème avec le dernier noyau.
- Reboot avec les noyaux précédants  impossible. Ce fut un piège accidentel:  Installation initiale  de la BETA  sans partition dédiée au  boot  (oubli) et réparation demandée dans une partiton de boot ayant déjà été utilisée avec la version DAILY )    Il faudra vérifier lorsque cette version aura deux noyaux  de disponibles

Quelques extraits du compte-rendu
1) Les commandes de réparartion faites (à partir de la ligne 12646

=================== User settings
The settings chosen by the user will purge (in order to sign-grub) and reinstall the grub-efi-amd64-signed of sda23, using the following options:     kernel-purge   sda24/boot, sda2/boot/efi,
Additional repair will be performed:     use-standard-efi-file  restore-efi-backups

2) Le contenu du noyau avant d'y toucher (une nouveauté)

=================== dpkg -l | grep linux- before kernel purge
ii  linux-base                                 4.5ubuntu3                                 all          Linux image base package
ii  linux-firmware                             1.187                                      all          Firmware for Linux kernel drivers
ii  linux-generic                                                    amd64        Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers
ii  linux-headers-5.4.0-21                     5.4.0-21.25                                all          Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.4.0
ii  linux-headers-5.4.0-21-generic             5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Linux kernel headers for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-headers-generic                                            amd64        Generic Linux kernel headers
ii  linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic               5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Signed kernel image generic
ii  linux-image-generic                                              amd64        Generic Linux kernel image
ii  linux-modules-5.4.0-1002-oem               5.4.0-1002.4                               amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-modules-5.4.0-21-generic             5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic       5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-sound-base                           1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu5                       all          base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
ii  syslinux-common                            3:6.04~git20190206.bf6db5b4+dfsg1-2        all          collection of bootloaders (common)
ii  syslinux-legacy                            2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu9                       amd64        Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies

Comme c'est la version BETA, elle est quasiment touite neuve. Ces modules  (linux-modules-5.4.0-1002-oem) sont présents.
3) Ainsi que le résultat après installation (nouveauté)

=================== dpkg -l | grep linux- after kernel reinstall
ii  linux-base                                 4.5ubuntu3                                 all          Linux image base package
ii  linux-firmware                             1.187                                      all          Firmware for Linux kernel drivers
ii  linux-generic                                                    amd64        Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers
ii  linux-headers-5.4.0-21                     5.4.0-21.25                                all          Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.4.0
ii  linux-headers-5.4.0-21-generic             5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Linux kernel headers for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-headers-generic                                            amd64        Generic Linux kernel headers
ii  linux-image-5.4.0-21-generic               5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Signed kernel image generic
ii  linux-image-generic                                              amd64        Generic Linux kernel image
ii  linux-modules-5.4.0-1002-oem               5.4.0-1002.4                               amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-modules-5.4.0-21-generic             5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-21-generic       5.4.0-21.25                                amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii  linux-sound-base                           1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu5                       all          base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
ii  syslinux-common                            3:6.04~git20190206.bf6db5b4+dfsg1-2        all          collection of bootloaders (common)
ii  syslinux-legacy                            2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu9                       amd64        Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies

Tout a bien été rébati.

4) Je ne vois pas trop l'intéret de régarder pour les vieilles DAILY (il m'en reste une de référence avec deux noyaux) car on sait que les vieux noyaux étaient éliminés.

5) Le démarage de l'ordinateur a bien été rectifié pour booter en priortié sur ubuntu ( Pour une fois que l'insallation de la BETA ne le modifiait pas  et laissait REFIND positionné!!!!)

BootCurrent: 0007
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,0007,0000,0003,0004,0008,2003,2001,2002
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(EFIMicrosoftBootbootmgfw.efi)RC
Boot0001* ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(EFIubuntushimx64.efi)

6) J'ai vu ce conseil avec un nom de fichier  valide et plus de remarque indiquant que les fichiers de boot étaient  loin du début du disque

If your computer reboots directly into Windows, try to change the boot order in your BIOS.
If your BIOS does not allow to change the boot order, change the default boot entry of the Windows bootloader.
For example you can boot into Windows, then type the following command in an admin command prompt:
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi

7) Pour le grub, on voit le vieux qui est resté présent et le nouveaux qui  propose des  noyaux  obsolètes.

=================== sda23: Location of files loaded by Grub: ===================

           GiB - GB             File                                 Fragment(s)

 881.430217743 = 946.428489728  boot/grub/grub.cfg                             5
 867.301753998 = 931.258167296  boot/vmlinuz                                   2
 867.301753998 = 931.258167296  boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-21-generic                  2
 867.301753998 = 931.258167296  boot/vmlinuz.old                               2
 874.559566498 = 939.051184128  boot/initrd.img                                5
 874.559566498 = 939.051184128  boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic               5
 874.559566498 = 939.051184128  boot/initrd.img.old                            5

============================= sda24/grub/grub.cfg: =============================

# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
  set have_grubenv=true
if [ "${initrdfail}" = 2 ]; then
   set initrdfail=
elif [ "${initrdfail}" = 1 ]; then
   set next_entry="${prev_entry}"
   set prev_entry=
   save_env prev_entry
   if [ "${next_entry}" ]; then
      set initrdfail=2
if [ "${next_entry}" ] ; then
   set default="${next_entry}"
   set next_entry=
   save_env next_entry
   set boot_once=true
   set default="0"

if [ x"${feature_menuentry_id}" = xy ]; then

export menuentry_id_option

if [ "${prev_saved_entry}" ]; then
  set saved_entry="${prev_saved_entry}"
  save_env saved_entry
  set prev_saved_entry=
  save_env prev_saved_entry
  set boot_once=true

function savedefault {
  if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then
    save_env saved_entry
function initrdfail {
    if [ -n "${have_grubenv}" ]; then if [ -n "${partuuid}" ]; then
      if [ -z "${initrdfail}" ]; then
        set initrdfail=1
        if [ -n "${boot_once}" ]; then
          set prev_entry="${default}"
          save_env prev_entry
      save_env initrdfail
    fi; fi
function recordfail {
  set recordfail=1
  if [ -n "${have_grubenv}" ]; then if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then save_env recordfail; fi; fi
function load_video {
  if [ x$feature_all_video_module = xy ]; then
    insmod all_video
    insmod efi_gop
    insmod efi_uga
    insmod ieee1275_fb
    insmod vbe
    insmod vga
    insmod video_bochs
    insmod video_cirrus

if [ x$feature_default_font_path = xy ] ; then
insmod part_gpt
insmod ext2
set root='hd0,gpt23'
if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt23 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt23 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt23  18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810

if loadfont $font ; then
  set gfxmode=auto
  insmod gfxterm
  set locale_dir=$prefix/locale
  set lang=C
  insmod gettext
terminal_output gfxterm
if [ "${recordfail}" = 1 ] ; then
  set timeout=30
  if [ x$feature_timeout_style = xy ] ; then
    set timeout_style=hidden
    set timeout=0
  # Fallback hidden-timeout code in case the timeout_style feature is
  # unavailable.
  elif sleep --interruptible 0 ; then
    set timeout=0
### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
set menu_color_normal=white/black
set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray
### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
function gfxmode {
	set gfxpayload="${1}"
	if [ "${1}" = "keep" ]; then
		set vt_handoff=vt.handoff=7
		set vt_handoff=
if [ "${recordfail}" != 1 ]; then
  if [ -e ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt ]; then
    if hwmatch ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt 3; then
      if [ ${match} = 0 ]; then
        set linux_gfx_mode=keep
        set linux_gfx_mode=text
      set linux_gfx_mode=text
    set linux_gfx_mode=keep
  set linux_gfx_mode=text
export linux_gfx_mode
menuentry 'Ubuntu' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
	gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
	insmod gzio
	if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
	insmod part_gpt
	insmod ext2
	set root='hd0,gpt24'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
	linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-21-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
	initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
submenu 'Advanced options for Ubuntu' $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-advanced-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
	menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-21-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.4.0-21-generic-advanced-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
		gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
		insmod gzio
		if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd0,gpt24'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		echo	'Loading Linux 5.4.0-21-generic ...'
		linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-21-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
		echo	'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
		initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
	menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-21-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.4.0-21-generic-recovery-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
		insmod gzio
		if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd0,gpt24'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		echo	'Loading Linux 5.4.0-21-generic ...'
		linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-21-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro recovery nomodeset 
		echo	'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
		initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
	menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-18-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.4.0-18-generic-advanced-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
		gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
		insmod gzio
		if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd0,gpt24'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		echo	'Loading Linux 5.4.0-18-generic ...'
		linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-18-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
		echo	'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
		initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-18-generic
	menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-18-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.4.0-18-generic-recovery-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
		insmod gzio
		if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd0,gpt24'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		echo	'Loading Linux 5.4.0-18-generic ...'
		linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-18-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro recovery nomodeset 
		echo	'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
		initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-18-generic
	menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-14-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.4.0-14-generic-advanced-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
		gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
		insmod gzio
		if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd0,gpt24'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		echo	'Loading Linux 5.4.0-14-generic ...'
		linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-14-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
		echo	'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
		initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-14-generic
	menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-14-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.4.0-14-generic-recovery-18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810' {
		insmod gzio
		if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd0,gpt24'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt24 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt24 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt24  d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
		echo	'Loading Linux 5.4.0-14-generic ...'
		linux	/vmlinuz-5.4.0-14-generic root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 ro recovery nomodeset 
		echo	'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
		initrd	/initrd.img-5.4.0-14-generic

### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###

8) Je n'ai rien vu pour les sorties refind dans boot-repair.  Mais dans un nouveau boot-info, jai vu

=================== /boot/refind_linux.conf :
"Boot standard"   "root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810   ro quiet splash "
"Boot RECOVERY"   "ro recovery nomodeset  root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "
"Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "
"Boot SANS EFI "   "ro noefi root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "

Fin de remarques

Dernière modification par geole (Le 05/04/2020, à 15:52)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1887 Le 05/04/2020, à 14:55


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Pour l'amélioration

a@a:~$ sudo boot-info -d --python3
Please install the glade2script-python3 package.
a@a:~$ sudo apt install glade2script-python3
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Le paquet suivant a été installé automatiquement et n'est plus nécessaire :
Veuillez utiliser « sudo apt autoremove » pour le supprimer.
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
0 mis à jour, 1 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 6 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 35,3 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 200 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Réception de :1 focal/main amd64 glade2script-python3 all 3.2.4~ppa6 [35,3 kB]
35,3 ko réceptionnés en 2s (22,7 ko/s)          
Sélection du paquet glade2script-python3 précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 154840 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../glade2script-python3_3.2.4~ppa6_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
Paramétrage de glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
a@a:~$ sudo boot-info -d --python3
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3:70: PyGIDeprecationWarning: Since version 3.11, calling threads_init is no longer needed. See:
glade2script 3.2.0, Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Fevrier 2012
[[ GTK LIB ]] ==> GtkBuilder
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _about
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3:1378: DeprecationWarning: Gdk.Screen.get_width is deprecated
  self.screen_width, self.screen_height = (screen.get_width(),
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3:1379: DeprecationWarning: Gdk.Screen.get_height is deprecated
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logoos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appname
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appdescription
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_gpl
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_copyright
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websiteos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image5
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> button_closeabout
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backupwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pleasechoosebackuprep
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backup_filechooserwidget
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelbackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_savebackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _dialog3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _terminal
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _purgewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label8
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_purgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_installgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label11
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_grubpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox60
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox61
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_kernelpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _mainwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootrepairsubtitle
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_brmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_osmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _expander1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _notebook1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_unhide
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _spinbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_seconds
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox4
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_place_or_force
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox32
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_advanced_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_about
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainapply
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainquit
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> pulsatewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label0
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _progressbar1
=> [[ PY ]] => b"SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')"
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script-python3", line 4474, in run
    cmd = sortie.split('@')[0]
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Lorsque je répond NON a la question "Y a -il un  RAIDS dans cet ordinateur, il me semble que cela se bloque assez rapidement
Le contenu du log est le suivant

=================== log of boot-info 20200405_1505 ===================
boot-info version : 4ppa80
boot-sav version : 4ppa80
boot-sav-extra version : 4ppa80
glade2script version : 3.2.4~ppa6
/dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
/dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
/dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
/dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
/dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
/dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
/dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
/dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
/dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
/dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
/dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
/dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
/dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
/dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
/dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
/dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
/dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
/dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
/dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
/dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
/dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
/dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
/dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
/dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
/dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"
  Found volume group "Geole-vg" using metadata type lvm2
  1 logical volume(s) in volume group "Geole-vg" now active
  ACTIVE            '/dev/Geole-vg/Data' [4.00 GiB] inherit
Y a-t-il un RAID sur cet ordinateur ? no
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes (os-prober). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
[debug]Delete the content of TMP_FOLDER_TO_BE_CLEARED and put os-prober in memory
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes (mount). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
boot-info is executed in installed-session (Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch), focal, Ubuntu, x86_64)
CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
Address sizes:                   36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
ro recovery nomodeset  root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810  initrd=\initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
[debug] sda12 is LVM2_member
Set sda as corresponding disk of mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug] sda12 is LVM2_member
Set sda as corresponding disk of mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda23 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda2 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda3 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda4 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda5 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda6 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda7 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda8 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda9 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda10 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda11 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda13 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda14 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda15 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda16 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda17 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda18 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda19 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda20 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda21 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda22 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda24 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda25 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda26 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda27 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda28 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is notbiosboot
[debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: 
[debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  400708     116408  78% /boot/efi
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
[debug]DF/dev/sda3             485512     400     448848   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]DF/dev/sda4           51951612 30546284   21405328  59% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]DF/dev/sda5           44963904 24629856   18026972  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]DF/dev/sda6           13979088 5829048    7416856  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]DF/dev/sda7             999288  154868     775608  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]DF/dev/sda8           41467492 31665216    9802276  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]DF/dev/sda9           41023968 24499232   14411204  63% /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]DF/dev/sda10           2093048 1909180     183868  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]DF/dev/sda11          10190136 3183308    6466156  33% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]DF/dev/sda13          30832636 14439192   14804208  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]DF/dev/sda14          41943036 38535172    3407864  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]DF/dev/sda15           5232640 4624136     608504  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40060112   11599304  78% /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]DF/dev/sda17            538956     432     499032   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
[debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346196    3120504  84% /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]DF/dev/sda21            999320  314992     615516  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332156964  158896088  68% /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]DF/dev/sda24            991512  227912     696016  25% /boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /boot
[debug]DF/dev/sda25          35862144 33357116     653636  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]DF/dev/sda26           4186104 2742596    1443508  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]DF/dev/sda27            999320  643780     286728  70% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]DF/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data     4063168 1400324    2436748  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]PART_UUID of sda23 is 18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810
[debug]PART_UUID of sda2 is A3C1-2EA7
[debug]PART_UUID of sda3 is 52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b
[debug]PART_UUID of sda4 is 6CB8862A7B84D3A0
[debug]PART_UUID of sda5 is 299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f
[debug]PART_UUID of sda6 is 03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1
[debug]PART_UUID of sda7 is 3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0
[debug]PART_UUID of sda8 is 4AD43343D4333115
[debug]PART_UUID of sda9 is 4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00
[debug]PART_UUID of sda10 is BA02-088B
[debug]PART_UUID of sda11 is d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4
[debug]PART_UUID of sda13 is cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6
[debug]PART_UUID of sda14 is 4014B1E11150574B
[debug]PART_UUID of sda15 is E5D1-92E3
[debug]PART_UUID of sda16 is A606949C06946ED5
[debug]PART_UUID of sda17 is a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1
[debug]PART_UUID of sda18 is f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0
[debug]PART_UUID of sda19 is 16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821
[debug]PART_UUID of sda20 is fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f
[debug]PART_UUID of sda21 is ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110
[debug]PART_UUID of sda22 is 007A992054C5D589
[debug]PART_UUID of sda24 is d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
[debug]PART_UUID of sda25 is 17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e
[debug]PART_UUID of sda26 is CD1E-DEFB
[debug]PART_UUID of sda27 is 2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66
[debug]PART_UUID of sda28 is dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc
[debug]PART_UUID of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is 117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67
[debug] BYTES_BEFORE_PART[1] (sda) = 2048 sectors * 512 bytes = 1048576 bytes.

=================== os-prober:
/dev/sda23:L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) CurrentSession:linux
/dev/sda11:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (12.04):Ubuntu:linux
/dev/sda13:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu1:linux
/dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi:Windows Boot Manager:Windows:efi
/dev/sda20:Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu2:linux
/dev/sda5:Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (16.04):Ubuntu3:linux
/dev/sda6:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu4:linux
/dev/sda9:Ubuntu 19.10 (19.10):Ubuntu5:linux

=================== blkid:
/dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
/dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
/dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
/dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
/dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
/dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
/dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
/dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
/dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
/dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
/dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
/dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
/dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
/dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
/dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
/dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
/dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
/dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
/dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
/dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
/dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
/dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
/dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
/dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
/dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"

[debug]sda23 contains L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) (linux)
[debug]sda11 contains Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda13 contains Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda2 contains Windows Boot (windows)
[debug]sda20 contains Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda5 contains Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda6 contains Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda9 contains Ubuntu 19.10 (linux)

1 disks with OS, 8 OS : 7 Linux, 0 MacOS, 1 Windows, 0 unknown type OS.
[debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: 
[debug]Mount path of sda23 is: 
[debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  400708     116408  78% /boot/efi
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
[debug]Mount path of sda2 is: /boot/efi
[debug]DF/dev/sda3             485512     400     448848   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]DF/dev/sda4           51951612 30546284   21405328  59% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]DF/dev/sda5           44963904 24629856   18026972  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]Mount path of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]DF/dev/sda6           13979088 5829048    7416856  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]Mount path of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]DF/dev/sda7             999288  154868     775608  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]DF/dev/sda8           41467492 31665216    9802276  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]DF/dev/sda9           41023968 24499232   14411204  63% /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]Mount path of sda9 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]DF/dev/sda10           2093048 1909180     183868  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]DF/dev/sda11          10190136 3183308    6466156  33% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]Mount path of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]DF/dev/sda13          30832636 14439192   14804208  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]Mount path of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]DF/dev/sda14          41943036 38535172    3407864  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]DF/dev/sda15           5232640 4624136     608504  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40060112   11599304  78% /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]DF/dev/sda17            538956     432     499032   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
[debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346196    3120504  84% /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]Mount path of sda20 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]DF/dev/sda21            999320  314992     615516  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332156964  158896088  68% /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]DF/dev/sda24            991512  227912     696016  25% /boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /boot
[debug]DF/dev/sda25          35862144 33357116     653636  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]DF/dev/sda26           4186104 2742596    1443508  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]DF/dev/sda27            999320  643780     286728  70% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]DF/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data     4063168 1400324    2436748  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda23 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda2 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda3 : no-os
Windows not detected by os-prober on sda4.
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda4 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda5 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda6 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda7 : no-os
Windows not detected by os-prober on sda8.
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda8 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda9 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda10 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda11 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda13 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda14 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda15 : no-os
Windows not detected by os-prober on sda16.
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda16 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda17 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda18 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda19 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda20 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda21 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda22 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda24 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda25 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda26 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda27 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda28 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of mapper/Geole--vg-Data : no-os
[debug]sda contains minimum one OS
1+0 enregistrements lus
1+0 enregistrements écrits
1048576 octets (1,0 MB, 1,0 MiB) copiés, 0,0191819 s, 54,7 MB/s
[debug]/var/log/boot-info/20200405_150519/sda/partition_table.dmp created
[debug] Total of 8 OS detected on sda disk.
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')

=================== /etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 13:19 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 13:16 grub.d.bak
total 132
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10627 mars  11 17:46 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  11 17:46 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17123 mars  11 17:46 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 38596 mars  11 17:46 10_linux_zfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 mars  11 17:46 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  5921 avril  5 13:19 25_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12059 mars  11 17:46 30_os-prober
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1424 mars  11 17:46 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 mars  11 17:46 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  11 17:46 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  11 17:46 README

=================== /etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda23: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
/boot detected in the fstab of sda23: UUID=d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d	 (sda24)
[debug] sda23 ends at 947615956480GB. farbios
[debug] sda23 ends at 947615956480GB. farbios

=================== sda23/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
# !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This configuration was auto-generated on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 15:01:04 +0200 by mkconf

=================== sda23/proc/mdstat :
Personalities : 
unused devices: <none>

[debug] sda2 ends at 548404736GB. not-far
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fbx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fwupx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/mmx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/MokManager.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/REFbkpbootmgfw.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/refind_x64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/shimx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/fbx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
[debug] sda3 ends at 1078984192GB. not-far
[debug] sda4 ends at 54277438976GB. not-far
[debug] sda4 ends at 54277438976GB. not-far
No sda5/etc/default/grub

=================== sda5/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.  20 19:11 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.  21  2016 grub.d.bak
total 84
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  9791 févr.  8  2018 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 janv. 24  2018 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12512 févr.  8  2018 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11082 févr.  8  2018 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4307 mars   2  2018 25_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11692 févr.  8  2018 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 févr.  8  2018 30_uefi-firmware
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 févr.  8  2018 40_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   216 févr.  8  2018 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 févr.  8  2018 README

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda5: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda5 ends at 101191777792GB. farbios
[debug] sda5 ends at 101191777792GB. farbios

=================== sda5/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# auto-create devices with Debian standard permissions
CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This file was auto-generated on Sat, 22 Oct 2016 14:30:51 +0200
# by mkconf $Id$


=================== sda6/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  3 22:17 grub.d
total 80
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 juil. 16  2018 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 juil. 17  2018 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 juil. 17  2018 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1992 janv. 28  2016 20_memtest86+
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 juil. 17  2018 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 juil. 17  2018 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 juil. 17  2018 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 juil. 17  2018 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 juil. 17  2018 README

=================== sda6/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda6: UUID=A3C1-2EA7   (sda2)
[debug] sda6 ends at 115871841792GB. farbios
[debug] sda6 ends at 115871841792GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda7 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.

=================== sda7recordfail=1/grub/grubenv :

[debug] sda7 ends at 133723848192GB. farbios
[debug] sda7 ends at 133723848192GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda8 ends at 176186562048GB. farbios
[debug] sda8 ends at 176186562048GB. farbios

=================== sda9/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  23 23:12 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  21 18:21 grub.d.bak
total 128
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10627 mars  12 17:40 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  12 17:40 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17123 mars  12 17:40 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 37613 mars  12 17:40 10_linux_zfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 mars  12 17:40 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3317 mars  23 23:12 25_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  12 17:40 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  12 17:40 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 mars  12 17:40 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  12 17:40 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  12 17:40 README

=================== sda9/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda9: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda9 ends at 219136654848GB. farbios
[debug] sda9 ends at 219136654848GB. farbios
=================== No kernel in /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/boot:

[debug] sda10 ends at 221284138496GB. farbios
[debug] sda10 ends at 221284138496GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/BOOT/bkpbootx64.efi

=================== sda11/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 12:52 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  21 17:39 grub.d.bak
total 60
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7806 déc.  15  2015 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5522 déc.  15  2015 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7877 déc.  15  2015 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6449 déc.  15  2015 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3891 avril  5 12:52 25_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6675 déc.  15  2015 30_os-prober
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1388 déc.  15  2015 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  214 déc.  15  2015 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   95 déc.  15  2015 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  483 déc.  15  2015 README

=================== sda11/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda11: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda11 ends at 232021556736GB. farbios
[debug] sda11 ends at 232021556736GB. farbios

=================== sda11/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# auto-create devices with Debian standard permissions
CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This file was auto-generated on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 17:28:29 +0100
# by mkconf $Id$


=================== sda13/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 avril  3 18:14 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 févr.  8  2019 grub.d.bak
total 76
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  18  2019 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 mars  18  2019 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 mars  18  2019 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  18  2019 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  18  2019 30_uefi-firmware
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 mars  18  2019 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  18  2019 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  18  2019 README

=================== sda13/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda13: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda13 ends at 280109252096GB. farbios
[debug] sda13 ends at 280109252096GB. farbios

=================== sda13/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
# !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This configuration was auto-generated on Tue, 07 Aug 2018 14:09:29 +0200 by mkconf

[debug] sda14 ends at 323058925056GB. farbios
[debug] sda14 ends at 323058925056GB. farbios
[debug] sda15 ends at 328427634176GB. farbios
[debug] sda15 ends at 328427634176GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/cdboot.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/cdboot_noprompt.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/boot/bkpbootx64.efi
[debug] sda16 ends at 381326879744GB. farbios
[debug] sda16 ends at 381326879744GB. farbios
[debug] sda17 ends at 381905010176GB. farbios
[debug] sda17 ends at 381905010176GB. farbios
[debug] sda18 ends at 393139453440GB. farbios
[debug] sda18 ends at 393139453440GB. farbios
[debug] sda19 ends at 403379846656GB. farbios
[debug] sda19 ends at 403379846656GB. farbios

=================== sda20/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.   7 14:47 grub.d
total 84
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 févr.  8  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 juil. 16  2018 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 juil. 17  2018 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 juil. 17  2018 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1992 janv. 28  2016 20_memtest86+
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 juil. 17  2018 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 juil. 17  2018 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   847 sept.  4  2019 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   851 août  10  2019 40_custom.old
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 août  10  2019 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 juil. 17  2018 README

=================== sda20/etc/grub.d/40_custom :
menuentry 'Windows Boot Manager (sur /dev/sda2)' --class windows --class os  'osprober-efi-A3C1-2EA7' {
	insmod part_gpt
	insmod fat
	set root='hd0,gpt2'
	if [ x = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt2 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt2 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt2  A3C1-2EA7
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root A3C1-2EA7
	chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
menuentry 'Ce bon vieux windows' --class windows --class os  'Manuel'{
insmod part_gpt
insmod fat
set root='hd0,gpt2'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root XXXX-XXXX
       chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bkbootmgfw.efi

=================== sda20/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="debug ignore_loglevel quiet splash fsck.mode=force vt.handoff=7"

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda20: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda20 ends at 423780941312GB. farbios
[debug] sda20 ends at 423780941312GB. farbios
[debug] sda21 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda21 ends at 424854683136GB. farbios
[debug] sda21 ends at 424854683136GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda22 ends at 927693012480GB. farbios
[debug] sda22 ends at 927693012480GB. farbios
[debug] sda24 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda24 ends at 948664532480GB. farbios
[debug] sda24 ends at 948664532480GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
[debug] sda25 ends at 986245496320GB. farbios
[debug] sda25 ends at 986245496320GB. farbios
=================== No kernel in /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/boot:

[debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
[debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
[debug] sda27 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
[debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
[debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=================== /boot/refind_linux.conf :
     "Boot standard"   "root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810   ro quiet splash "  
     "Boot RECOVERY"   "ro recovery nomodeset  root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 " 
     "Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "
     "Boot SANS EFI "   "ro noefi root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "

/usr/share/boot-sav/ ligne 195: avertissement : substitution de commande: octet nul ignoré en entrée

=================== efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0007
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0007,0001,0000,0004,0008,0002,0009,0003,2003,2001,2002
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC
Boot0001* ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)
Boot0002* Ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
Boot0003* Ubuntu	HD(15,GPT,7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd,0x259be800,0xa00000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
Boot0004* Windows Boot Manager	HD(15,GPT,7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd,0x259be800,0xa00000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC
Boot0005* EFI Network 0 for IPv6 (08-9E-01-B7-1C-5D) 	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(089e01b71c5d,0)/IPv6([::]:<->[::]:,0,0)RC
Boot0006* EFI Network 0 for IPv4 (08-9E-01-B7-1C-5D) 	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(089e01b71c5d,0)/IPv4(,0,0)RC
Boot0007* refind	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi)
Boot0008* EFI HDD Device (TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100)	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,0x2)/Sata(0,0,0)/HD(26,GPT,f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39,0x72d06800,0x800000)RC
Boot0009* Ubuntu	HD(10,GPT,e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b,0x1982c800,0x400000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
Boot2001* EFI USB Device	RC
Boot2003* EFI Network	RC

=================== UEFI/Legacy mode:
BIOS is EFI-compatible, and is setup in EFI-mode for this installed-session.
SecureBoot disabled. (maybe sec-boot, Veuillez indiquer ce message à

=================== PARTITIONS & DISKS:
sda23	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	fstab-has-goodBOOT,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, .
sda2	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	is-correct-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /boot/efi.
sda3	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	recovery-or-hidden,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda3.
sda4	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	haswinload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	bootmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda4.
sda5	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub1,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda5.
sda6	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-pc grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda6.
sda7	: sda,	is-sepboot,	grubenv-ng	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda7.
sda8	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	haswinload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda8.
sda9	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda9.
sda10	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-kernel,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda10.
sda11	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda11.
sda13	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda13.
sda14	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda14.
sda15	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	bootmgr,	is-winboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda15.
sda16	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	haswinload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	bootmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda16.

Si je réponds OUI a cette même question,  il y a message supplémentaire
"RAID détecté. Vous voudrez peut-être réessayer après avoir installé les paquets [dmraid]."
Si je réponds oui, cela devrait partir dans internet à la recherche du logiciel.....   Mais je ne sais pas s'il est disponible en 20.04.

Cependant cela semble aller plus loin.  Mais message d'ereur. C'est peut-être  lié à refind   La ligne en question serait probablement
        [[ "$(printf %x \'"$(cat "$sb_var")")" = 1 ]] && SECUREBOOT=enabled || SECUREBOOT=disabled

=================== log of boot-info 202004r05_1516 ===================
boot-info version : 4ppa80
boot-sav version : 4ppa80
boot-sav-extra version : 4ppa80
glade2script version : 3.2.4~ppa6
/dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
/dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
/dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
/dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
/dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
/dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
/dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
/dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
/dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
/dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
/dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
/dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
/dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
/dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
/dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
/dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
/dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
/dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
/dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
/dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
/dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
/dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
/dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
/dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
/dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"
  Found volume group "Geole-vg" using metadata type lvm2
  1 logical volume(s) in volume group "Geole-vg" now active
  ACTIVE            '/dev/Geole-vg/Data' [4.00 GiB] inherit
Y a-t-il un RAID sur cet ordinateur ? yes
Unusual RAID (no raid in blkid).

		/dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
/dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
/dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
/dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
/dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
/dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
/dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
/dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
/dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
/dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
/dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
/dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
/dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
/dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
/dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
/dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
/dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
/dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
/dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
/dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
/dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
/dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
/dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
/dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
/dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"
Scanning MDraid Partitions
mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically
mdadm --detail --scan: 
RAID détecté. Vous voudrez peut-être réessayer après avoir installé les paquets [dmraid].
[debug] , MDADM /usr/sbin/mdadm
Warning: no DMRAID nor MD_ARRAY.
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes (os-prober). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
[debug]Delete the content of TMP_FOLDER_TO_BE_CLEARED and put os-prober in memory
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes (mount). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
boot-info is executed in installed-session (Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch), focal, Ubuntu, x86_64)
CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
Address sizes:                   36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
ro recovery nomodeset  root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810  initrd=\initrd.img-5.4.0-21-generic
[debug] sda12 is LVM2_member
Set sda as corresponding disk of mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug] sda12 is LVM2_member
Set sda as corresponding disk of mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda23 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda2 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda3 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda4 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda5 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda6 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda7 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda8 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda9 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda10 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda11 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda13 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda14 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda15 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda16 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda17 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda18 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda19 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda20 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda21 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda22 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda24 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda25 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda26 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda27 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of sda28 is notbiosboot
[debug]BIOSBOOT of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is notbiosboot
[debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: 
[debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  400896     116220  78% /boot/efi
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
[debug]DF/dev/sda3             485512     400     448848   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]DF/dev/sda4           51951612 30546284   21405328  59% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]DF/dev/sda5           44963904 24630044   18026784  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]DF/dev/sda6           13979088 5829236    7416668  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]DF/dev/sda7             999288  154868     775608  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]DF/dev/sda8           41467492 31665216    9802276  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]DF/dev/sda9           41023968 24499420   14411016  63% /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]DF/dev/sda10           2093048 1909180     183868  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]DF/dev/sda11          10190136 3183496    6465968  33% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]DF/dev/sda13          30832636 14439380   14804020  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]DF/dev/sda14          41943036 38535172    3407864  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]DF/dev/sda15           5232640 4624136     608504  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40060112   11599304  78% /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]DF/dev/sda17            538956     432     499032   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
[debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346384    3120316  84% /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]DF/dev/sda21            999320  314992     615516  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332156964  158896088  68% /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]DF/dev/sda24            991512  227912     696016  25% /boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /boot
[debug]DF/dev/sda25          35862144 33357116     653636  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]DF/dev/sda26           4186104 2742596    1443508  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]DF/dev/sda27            999320  643780     286728  70% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]DF/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data     4063168 1400324    2436748  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]PART_UUID of sda23 is 18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810
[debug]PART_UUID of sda2 is A3C1-2EA7
[debug]PART_UUID of sda3 is 52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b
[debug]PART_UUID of sda4 is 6CB8862A7B84D3A0
[debug]PART_UUID of sda5 is 299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f
[debug]PART_UUID of sda6 is 03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1
[debug]PART_UUID of sda7 is 3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0
[debug]PART_UUID of sda8 is 4AD43343D4333115
[debug]PART_UUID of sda9 is 4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00
[debug]PART_UUID of sda10 is BA02-088B
[debug]PART_UUID of sda11 is d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4
[debug]PART_UUID of sda13 is cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6
[debug]PART_UUID of sda14 is 4014B1E11150574B
[debug]PART_UUID of sda15 is E5D1-92E3
[debug]PART_UUID of sda16 is A606949C06946ED5
[debug]PART_UUID of sda17 is a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1
[debug]PART_UUID of sda18 is f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0
[debug]PART_UUID of sda19 is 16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821
[debug]PART_UUID of sda20 is fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f
[debug]PART_UUID of sda21 is ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110
[debug]PART_UUID of sda22 is 007A992054C5D589
[debug]PART_UUID of sda24 is d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
[debug]PART_UUID of sda25 is 17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e
[debug]PART_UUID of sda26 is CD1E-DEFB
[debug]PART_UUID of sda27 is 2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66
[debug]PART_UUID of sda28 is dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc
[debug]PART_UUID of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is 117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67
[debug] BYTES_BEFORE_PART[1] (sda) = 2048 sectors * 512 bytes = 1048576 bytes.

=================== os-prober:
/dev/sda23:L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) CurrentSession:linux
/dev/sda11:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (12.04):Ubuntu:linux
/dev/sda13:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu1:linux
/dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi:Windows Boot Manager:Windows:efi
/dev/sda20:Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu2:linux
/dev/sda5:Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (16.04):Ubuntu3:linux
/dev/sda6:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu4:linux
/dev/sda9:Ubuntu 19.10 (19.10):Ubuntu5:linux

=================== blkid:
/dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
/dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
/dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
/dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
/dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
/dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
/dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
/dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
/dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
/dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
/dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
/dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
/dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
/dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
/dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
/dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
/dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
/dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
/dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
/dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
/dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
/dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
/dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
/dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
/dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"

[debug]sda23 contains L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) (linux)
[debug]sda11 contains Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda13 contains Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda2 contains Windows Boot (windows)
[debug]sda20 contains Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda5 contains Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda6 contains Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (linux)
[debug]sda9 contains Ubuntu 19.10 (linux)

1 disks with OS, 8 OS : 7 Linux, 0 MacOS, 1 Windows, 0 unknown type OS.
[debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: 
[debug]Mount path of sda23 is: 
[debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  400896     116220  78% /boot/efi
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
[debug]Mount path of sda2 is: /boot/efi
[debug]DF/dev/sda3             485512     400     448848   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
[debug]DF/dev/sda4           51951612 30546284   21405328  59% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
[debug]DF/dev/sda5           44963904 24630044   18026784  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]Mount path of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
[debug]DF/dev/sda6           13979088 5829236    7416668  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]Mount path of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
[debug]DF/dev/sda7             999288  154868     775608  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
[debug]DF/dev/sda8           41467492 31665216    9802276  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
[debug]DF/dev/sda9           41023968 24499420   14411016  63% /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]Mount path of sda9 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
[debug]DF/dev/sda10           2093048 1909180     183868  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
[debug]DF/dev/sda11          10190136 3183496    6465968  33% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]Mount path of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
[debug]DF/dev/sda13          30832636 14439380   14804020  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]Mount path of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
[debug]DF/dev/sda14          41943036 38535172    3407864  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
[debug]DF/dev/sda15           5232640 4624136     608504  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
[debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40060112   11599304  78% /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
[debug]DF/dev/sda17            538956     432     499032   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
[debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346384    3120316  84% /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]Mount path of sda20 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
[debug]DF/dev/sda21            999320  314992     615516  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
[debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332156964  158896088  68% /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
[debug]DF/dev/sda24            991512  227912     696016  25% /boot
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /boot
[debug]DF/dev/sda25          35862144 33357116     653636  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
[debug]DF/dev/sda26           4186104 2742596    1443508  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
[debug]DF/dev/sda27            999320  643780     286728  70% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
[debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28
[debug]DF/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data     4063168 1400324    2436748  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda23 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda2 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda3 : no-os
Windows not detected by os-prober on sda4.
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda4 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda5 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda6 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda7 : no-os
Windows not detected by os-prober on sda8.
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda8 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda9 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda10 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda11 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda13 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda14 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda15 : no-os
Windows not detected by os-prober on sda16.
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda16 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda17 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda18 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda19 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda20 : is-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda21 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda22 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda24 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda25 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda26 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda27 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda28 : no-os
[debug]PART_WITH_OS of mapper/Geole--vg-Data : no-os
[debug]sda contains minimum one OS
1+0 enregistrements lus
1+0 enregistrements écrits
1048576 octets (1,0 MB, 1,0 MiB) copiés, 0,0500222 s, 21,0 MB/s
[debug]/var/log/boot-info/20200405_151611/sda/partition_table.dmp created
[debug] Total of 8 OS detected on sda disk.
SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')

=================== /etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 13:19 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 13:16 grub.d.bak
total 132
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10627 mars  11 17:46 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  11 17:46 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17123 mars  11 17:46 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 38596 mars  11 17:46 10_linux_zfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 mars  11 17:46 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  5921 avril  5 13:19 25_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12059 mars  11 17:46 30_os-prober
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1424 mars  11 17:46 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 mars  11 17:46 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  11 17:46 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  11 17:46 README

=================== /etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda23: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
/boot detected in the fstab of sda23: UUID=d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d	 (sda24)
[debug] sda23 ends at 947615956480GB. farbios
[debug] sda23 ends at 947615956480GB. farbios

=================== sda23/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
# !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This configuration was auto-generated on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 15:01:04 +0200 by mkconf

=================== sda23/proc/mdstat :
Personalities : 
unused devices: <none>

[debug] sda2 ends at 548404736GB. not-far
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fbx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fwupx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/mmx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/MokManager.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/REFbkpbootmgfw.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/refind_x64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/shimx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/fbx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
[debug] sda3 ends at 1078984192GB. not-far
[debug] sda4 ends at 54277438976GB. not-far
[debug] sda4 ends at 54277438976GB. not-far
No sda5/etc/default/grub

=================== sda5/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.  20 19:11 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.  21  2016 grub.d.bak
total 84
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  9791 févr.  8  2018 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 janv. 24  2018 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12512 févr.  8  2018 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11082 févr.  8  2018 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4307 mars   2  2018 25_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11692 févr.  8  2018 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 févr.  8  2018 30_uefi-firmware
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 févr.  8  2018 40_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   216 févr.  8  2018 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 févr.  8  2018 README

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda5: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda5 ends at 101191777792GB. farbios
[debug] sda5 ends at 101191777792GB. farbios

=================== sda5/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# auto-create devices with Debian standard permissions
CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This file was auto-generated on Sat, 22 Oct 2016 14:30:51 +0200
# by mkconf $Id$


=================== sda6/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  3 22:17 grub.d
total 80
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 juil. 16  2018 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 juil. 17  2018 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 juil. 17  2018 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1992 janv. 28  2016 20_memtest86+
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 juil. 17  2018 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 juil. 17  2018 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 juil. 17  2018 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 juil. 17  2018 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 juil. 17  2018 README

=================== sda6/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda6: UUID=A3C1-2EA7   (sda2)
[debug] sda6 ends at 115871841792GB. farbios
[debug] sda6 ends at 115871841792GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda7 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.

=================== sda7recordfail=1/grub/grubenv :

[debug] sda7 ends at 133723848192GB. farbios
[debug] sda7 ends at 133723848192GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda8 ends at 176186562048GB. farbios
[debug] sda8 ends at 176186562048GB. farbios

=================== sda9/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  23 23:12 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  21 18:21 grub.d.bak
total 128
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10627 mars  12 17:40 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  12 17:40 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17123 mars  12 17:40 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 37613 mars  12 17:40 10_linux_zfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 mars  12 17:40 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3317 mars  23 23:12 25_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  12 17:40 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  12 17:40 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 mars  12 17:40 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  12 17:40 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  12 17:40 README

=================== sda9/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda9: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda9 ends at 219136654848GB. farbios
[debug] sda9 ends at 219136654848GB. farbios
=================== No kernel in /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/boot:

[debug] sda10 ends at 221284138496GB. farbios
[debug] sda10 ends at 221284138496GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/BOOT/bkpbootx64.efi

=================== sda11/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 12:52 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  21 17:39 grub.d.bak
total 60
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7806 déc.  15  2015 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5522 déc.  15  2015 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7877 déc.  15  2015 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6449 déc.  15  2015 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3891 avril  5 12:52 25_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6675 déc.  15  2015 30_os-prober
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1388 déc.  15  2015 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  214 déc.  15  2015 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   95 déc.  15  2015 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  483 déc.  15  2015 README

=================== sda11/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda11: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda11 ends at 232021556736GB. farbios
[debug] sda11 ends at 232021556736GB. farbios

=================== sda11/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# auto-create devices with Debian standard permissions
CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This file was auto-generated on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 17:28:29 +0100
# by mkconf $Id$


=================== sda13/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 avril  3 18:14 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 févr.  8  2019 grub.d.bak
total 76
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  18  2019 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 mars  18  2019 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 mars  18  2019 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  18  2019 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  18  2019 30_uefi-firmware
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 mars  18  2019 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  18  2019 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  18  2019 README

=================== sda13/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda13: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda13 ends at 280109252096GB. farbios
[debug] sda13 ends at 280109252096GB. farbios

=================== sda13/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
# mdadm.conf
# !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
# !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
# Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.

# by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
# containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
# wildcards if desired.
#DEVICE partitions containers

# automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
HOMEHOST <system>

# instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts

# definitions of existing MD arrays

# This configuration was auto-generated on Tue, 07 Aug 2018 14:09:29 +0200 by mkconf

[debug] sda14 ends at 323058925056GB. farbios
[debug] sda14 ends at 323058925056GB. farbios
[debug] sda15 ends at 328427634176GB. farbios
[debug] sda15 ends at 328427634176GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/cdboot.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/cdboot_noprompt.efi
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/boot/bkpbootx64.efi
[debug] sda16 ends at 381326879744GB. farbios
[debug] sda16 ends at 381326879744GB. farbios
[debug] sda17 ends at 381905010176GB. farbios
[debug] sda17 ends at 381905010176GB. farbios
[debug] sda18 ends at 393139453440GB. farbios
[debug] sda18 ends at 393139453440GB. farbios
[debug] sda19 ends at 403379846656GB. farbios
[debug] sda19 ends at 403379846656GB. farbios

=================== sda20/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.   7 14:47 grub.d
total 84
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 févr.  8  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 juil. 16  2018 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 juil. 17  2018 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 juil. 17  2018 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1992 janv. 28  2016 20_memtest86+
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 juil. 17  2018 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 juil. 17  2018 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   847 sept.  4  2019 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   851 août  10  2019 40_custom.old
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 août  10  2019 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 juil. 17  2018 README

=================== sda20/etc/grub.d/40_custom :
menuentry 'Windows Boot Manager (sur /dev/sda2)' --class windows --class os  'osprober-efi-A3C1-2EA7' {
	insmod part_gpt
	insmod fat
	set root='hd0,gpt2'
	if [ x = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt2 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt2 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt2  A3C1-2EA7
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root A3C1-2EA7
	chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
menuentry 'Ce bon vieux windows' --class windows --class os  'Manuel'{
insmod part_gpt
insmod fat
set root='hd0,gpt2'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root XXXX-XXXX
       chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bkbootmgfw.efi

=================== sda20/etc/default/grub :
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="debug ignore_loglevel quiet splash fsck.mode=force vt.handoff=7"

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

/boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda20: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
[debug] sda20 ends at 423780941312GB. farbios
[debug] sda20 ends at 423780941312GB. farbios
[debug] sda21 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda21 ends at 424854683136GB. farbios
[debug] sda21 ends at 424854683136GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda22 ends at 927693012480GB. farbios
[debug] sda22 ends at 927693012480GB. farbios
[debug] sda24 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda24 ends at 948664532480GB. farbios
[debug] sda24 ends at 948664532480GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of bkp file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
[debug] sda25 ends at 986245496320GB. farbios
[debug] sda25 ends at 986245496320GB. farbios
=================== No kernel in /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/boot:

[debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
[debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
[debug] sda27 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
[debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
[debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
[debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=================== /boot/refind_linux.conf :
     "Boot standard"   "root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810   ro quiet splash "  
     "Boot RECOVERY"   "ro recovery nomodeset  root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 " 
     "Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "
     "Boot SANS EFI "   "ro noefi root=UUID=18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810 "

/usr/share/boot-sav/ ligne 195: avertissement : substitution de commande: octet nul ignoré en entrée

=================== efibootmgr -v

J'ai passé l'étape RAID, mais cela bloque à un autre endroit. Je  n'ai aucune idée du problème

=================== sda13/etc/grub.d/ :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 avril  3 18:14 grub.d
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 févr.  8  2019 grub.d.bak
total 76
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  18  2019 05_debian_theme
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 mars  18  2019 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 mars  18  2019 20_linux_xen
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  18  2019 30_os-prober
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  18  2019 30_uefi-firmware
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 mars  18  2019 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  18  2019 41_custom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  18  2019 README

=================== sda13/etc/default/grub :
a@a:~$ sudo mount  /dev/sda13 /mnt
a@a:~$ ls -als /mnt/etc/default/grub
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1210 avril  3 18:25 /mnt/etc/default/grub
a@a:~$ cat /mnt/etc/default/grub
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

Dernière modification par geole (Le 05/04/2020, à 16:09)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1888 Le 05/04/2020, à 16:49


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Je  crois qu'il y a un gros problème avec le boot-info fait à partir d'une instance ubuntu installée. Ici la 20.04 BETA

Il perd la trace des fichiers, peut-être se trompe-t-il d'endroit?     J'ai relancé une seconde fois  en préfixant par sudo car j'ai eu un doute.

ATTENTION. C'est bon avec une live-usb 20.04 BETA

Du coup, je relance  le test ....

 sudo boot-info -d --python3
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3:70: PyGIDeprecationWarning: Since version 3.11, calling threads_init is no longer needed. See:
glade2script 3.2.0, Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Fevrier 2012
[[ GTK LIB ]] ==> GtkBuilder
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _about
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3:1378: DeprecationWarning: Gdk.Screen.get_width is deprecated
  self.screen_width, self.screen_height = (screen.get_width(),
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3:1379: DeprecationWarning: Gdk.Screen.get_height is deprecated
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logoos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appname
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appdescription
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_gpl
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_copyright
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websiteos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image5
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> button_closeabout
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backupwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pleasechoosebackuprep
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backup_filechooserwidget
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelbackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_savebackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _dialog3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _terminal
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _purgewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label8
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_purgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_installgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label11
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_grubpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox60
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox61
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_kernelpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _mainwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootrepairsubtitle
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_brmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_osmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _expander1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _notebook1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_unhide
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _spinbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_seconds
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox4
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_place_or_force
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox32
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_advanced_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_about
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainapply
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainquit
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> pulsatewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label0
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _progressbar1
=> [[ PY ]] => b"SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')"
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script-python3", line 4474, in run
    cmd = sortie.split('@')[0]
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Mais toujours bloqué, La trace indique

ubuntu@ubuntu:/var/log/boot-info/20200405_150616$ tail -f *log
[debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda28/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
/usr/share/boot-sav/ line 195: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input

=================== efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0007
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0007,0001,0000,0004,0008,0002,0009,0003,2003,2001,2002
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC

Le blocage à ce niveau, me rappelle beaucoup de choses,   Pendant tous les tests précédant,   le boot-repair ne savait pas lire le contenu  et se plantait

Voici la commande faite

BootCurrent: 0007
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0007,0001,0000,0004,0008,0002,0009,0003,2003,2001,2002
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC
Boot0001* ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)
Boot0002* Ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
Boot0003* Ubuntu	HD(15,GPT,7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd,0x259be800,0xa00000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
Boot0004* Windows Boot Manager	HD(15,GPT,7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd,0x259be800,0xa00000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC
Boot0005* EFI Network 0 for IPv6 (08-9E-01-B7-1C-5D) 	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(089e01b71c5d,0)/IPv6([::]:<->[::]:,0,0)RC
Boot0006* EFI Network 0 for IPv4 (08-9E-01-B7-1C-5D) 	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(089e01b71c5d,0)/IPv4(,0,0)RC
Boot0007* refind	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi)
Boot0008* EFI HDD Device (TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100)	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,0x2)/Sata(0,0,0)/HD(26,GPT,f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39,0x72d06800,0x800000)RC
Boot0009* Ubuntu	HD(10,GPT,e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b,0x1982c800,0x400000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
Boot2001* EFI USB Device	RC
Boot2003* EFI Network	RC

df -h
Filesystem                  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                        2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs                       584M  1.8M  582M   1% /run
/dev/sda26                  4.0G  2.7G  1.4G  66% /cdrom
/dev/loop0                  2.1G  2.1G     0 100% /rofs
/cow                        2.9G  751M  2.2G  26% /
tmpfs                       2.9G  110M  2.8G   4% /dev/shm
tmpfs                       5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                       2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                       2.9G  2.7M  2.9G   1% /tmp
tmpfs                       584M   68K  584M   1% /run/user/999
/dev/loop1                   94M   94M     0 100% /snap/core/8935
/dev/loop2                   55M   55M     0 100% /snap/core18/1705
/dev/loop3                  222M  222M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/21
/dev/loop4                   49M   49M     0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1474
/dev/loop5                   48M   48M     0 100% /snap/snap-store/336
/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data  3.9G  1.4G  2.4G  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
/dev/sda10                  2.0G  1.9G  180M  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
/dev/sda11                  9.8G  3.1G  6.2G  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
/dev/sda13                   30G   14G   15G  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
/dev/sda14                   40G   37G  3.3G  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
/dev/sda15                  5.0G  4.5G  595M  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
/dev/sda16                   50G   39G   12G  78% /mnt/boot-sav/sda16
/dev/sda17                  527M  432K  488M   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
/dev/sda2                   505M  397M  109M  79% /mnt/boot-sav/sda2
/dev/sda20                   19G   15G  3.0G  84% /mnt/boot-sav/sda20
/dev/sda21                  976M  308M  602M  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
/dev/sda22                  469G  317G  152G  68% /mnt/boot-sav/sda22
/dev/sda23                   19G  6.2G   12G  36% /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
/dev/sda24                  969M  223M  680M  25% /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
/dev/sda25                   35G   32G  639M  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
/dev/sda3                   475M  400K  439M   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
/dev/sda4                    50G   30G   21G  59% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
/dev/sda5                    43G   24G   18G  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
/dev/sda6                    14G  5.6G  7.1G  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
/dev/sda7                   976M  152M  758M  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
/dev/sda8                    40G   31G  9.4G  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
/dev/sda9                    40G   24G   14G  63% /mnt/boot-sav/sda9
/dev/sda27                  976M  629M  281M  70% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
/dev/sda28                  7.8G  316M  7.1G   5% /mnt/boot-sav/sda28

Dernière modification par geole (Le 05/04/2020, à 18:21)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1889 Le 05/04/2020, à 17:27


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Post#1886 geole a écrit;

- Reboot avec les noyaux précédants  impossible. Ce fut un piège accidentel:  Installation initiale  de la BETA  sans partition dédiée au  boot  (oubli) et réparation demandée dans une partiton de boot ayant déjà été utilisée avec la version DAILY )    Il faudra vérifier lorsque cette version aura deux noyaux  de disponibles

Je ne sais pas si cette option  (réinstaller Grub en réinstallant la dernière version du noyau) a changé. Mais depuis le début, boot-repair supprime toutes les versions du noyau, et ne réinstalle que la dernière version disponible.

YannUbuntu confirmera ou pas.


La doc confirme:

Purge kernels and reinstall last kernel

Cette option est maintenant préremplie (version 4ppa77). Elle permet de réinstaller le dernier noyau de ubuntu en éliminant auparavant tous les noyaux existants dans le UBUNTU sélectionné. Elle peut s'utiliser lorsque le démarrage du grub se plante dans le traitement du fichier initramfs car il sera reconstruit. Il semble préférable de la déactiver en première intention.

@+.   Babdu89   .

Dernière modification par Babdu89 (Le 05/04/2020, à 17:35)

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#1890 Le 05/04/2020, à 18:14


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Bonjour Badbu89
Nous sommes bien d'accord. C'est un piège qui ne doit normalement pas exister
Il n'y a bien qu'un noyau mais  le fichier de grub   connaît les anciens noyaux car ils ont été récupérés dans une vieille partition de boot qui n'a pas été épurée.
J'attends donc que cette version possède deux noyaux pour voir que tout devrait bien aller. Je pense que la suppression des noyaux supprime bien les fichiers de boot. Ce n'est quand même pas tous  les jours qu'on change de partition de boot et qu'on oublie de la formater pendant l'installation et qu'elle contient un reste de fichiers de boot totalement périmés.

Nota, le problème est connu, lorsqu'on installe une nouvelle version sans formater la partition, Toute la structure de boot ancienne est conservée et est proposée au boot par le grub (ou refind). Bien sur, on ne peut pas booter car les nouveaux en question ont disparu. a écrit :

Remarque 3 dans paragraphe 2.2
Votre menu grub (grub-pc) de démarrage affiche plusieurs noyaux (ou kernel) Linux, du genre linux 2.6.30-14-generic. La réinstallation sans formatage n'enlève pas les précédents noyaux installés.

Ce truc est vicieux lorsqu'on on décide d'installer une version plus ancienne que la version actuelle  si celle-ci ne plaît pas, il faut penser que par défaut, elle est toujours proposée.
Pour être puriste, on pourrait demander à boot-repair  de faire le ménage de la structure de boot lorsqu'il fait le ménage de la structure des noyaux.  Cependant, ce ménage des noyaux doit éliminer les fichiers de boot correspondants aux noyaux supprimés mais  pas ceux qui traînent depuis une éternité pour diverses raisons  (par exemple autoremove pas fait).

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1891 Le 05/04/2020, à 18:58


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

@ geole.

YannUbuntu confirmera.

Je pense que cette option est à utiliser lorsque plus aucunes versions du kernel, anciennes et dernière installée, ne permettent de démarrer.

Soit on réinstalle, soit on essaye de réparer en chrootant depuis une autre instance ou en live session, ce qui n'est pas évident à faire. Soit on tente le coup avec boot-repair en réinstallant la dernière version kernel disponible

Je pense qu'il faut prendre çà comme un pis aller.

@+.   Babdu89   .

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#1892 Le 06/04/2020, à 10:42


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair


Ce matin, j'ai lancé  ubuntu en version 18.04 et frappé la commande

sudo boot-info -d --python3

Elle  trace bien dans le terminal..     Une zone de suivi  (habituelle) s'affiche dans l'écran      avec le curseur balayant de droite à gauche et de gauche à  droite.
Dans mon souvenir       cet écran de suivi  ne s'affichait pas en version 20.04.     Je ne l'avais pas dit car je ne savais pas qu'il devait s'afficher.
Je vais rebooter en 20.04 afin de confirmer cette absence d'écran    qui pourrait être la cause du blocage du script.

Voici le résultat qui s'affiche assez rapidement
Veuillez écrire sur un papier l'URL suivante :

ATTENTION je n'avais pas la dernière version . Je viens de l'installer et c'est bloqué!!!!!!

sudo apt update
Ign :1 all InRelease
Atteint :2 bionic InRelease                
Atteint :3 all Release                   
Atteint :4 bionic InRelease     
Atteint :5 bionic InRelease     
Réception de :6 bionic-cran35/ InRelease [3626 B]
Atteint :7 bionic InRelease          
Atteint :8 bionic InRelease
Atteint :9 bionic InRelease
Atteint :10 bionic InRelease
Réception de :12 bionic InRelease [15,4 kB]
Atteint :13 bionic InRelease   
Réception de :14 bionic/main i386 Packages [1844 B]
Réception de :15 bionic/main amd64 Packages [1844 B]
22,7 ko réceptionnés en 3s (6632 o/s)             
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
4 paquets peuvent être mis à jour. Exécutez « apt list --upgradable » pour les voir.
sudo apt upgrade
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Calcul de la mise à jour... Fait
Les paquets suivants seront mis à jour :
  boot-info boot-repair boot-sav boot-sav-extra
4 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 606 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 3072 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] 
Réception de :1 bionic/main amd64 boot-sav all 4ppa80 [444 kB]
Réception de :2 bionic/main amd64 boot-info all 4ppa80 [7016 B]
Réception de :3 bionic/main amd64 boot-repair all 4ppa80 [12,5 kB]
Réception de :4 bionic/main amd64 boot-sav-extra all 4ppa80 [142 kB]
606 ko réceptionnés en 3s (205 ko/s)      
(Lecture de la base de données... 214310 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../boot-sav_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de boot-sav (4ppa80) sur (4ppa78) ...
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../boot-info_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de boot-info (4ppa80) sur (4ppa78) ...
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../boot-repair_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de boot-repair (4ppa80) sur (4ppa78) ...
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../boot-sav-extra_4ppa80_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de boot-sav-extra (4ppa80) sur (4ppa78) ...
Paramétrage de boot-sav (4ppa80) ...
Paramétrage de boot-repair (4ppa80) ...
Paramétrage de boot-info (4ppa80) ...
Paramétrage de boot-sav-extra (4ppa80) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour desktop-file-utils (0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04.2) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour gnome-menus (3.13.3-11ubuntu1.1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour mime-support (3.60ubuntu1) ...
sudo boot-info -d --python3
Please install the glade2script-python3 package.
Gtk-Message: 10:47:23.732: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
sudo apt install glade2script-python3
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
0 mis à jour, 1 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 35,3 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 200 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Réception de :1 bionic/main amd64 glade2script-python3 all 3.2.4~ppa6 [35,3 kB]
35,3 ko réceptionnés en 2s (21,5 ko/s)          
Sélection du paquet glade2script-python3 précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 214310 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../glade2script-python3_3.2.4~ppa6_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
Paramétrage de glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa6) ...
sudo boot-info -d --python3
glade2script 3.2.0, Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Fevrier 2012
[[ GTK LIB ]] ==> GtkBuilder

(glade2script-python3:30428): IBUS-WARNING **: 10:48:48.461: The owner of /home/a/.config/ibus/bus is not root!
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _about
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logoos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appname
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appdescription
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_gpl
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_copyright
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websiteos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image5
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> button_closeabout
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backupwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pleasechoosebackuprep
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backup_filechooserwidget
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelbackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_savebackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _dialog3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _terminal
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _purgewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label8
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_purgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_installgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label11
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_grubpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox60
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox61
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_kernelpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _mainwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootrepairsubtitle
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_brmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_osmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _expander1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _notebook1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_unhide
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _spinbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_seconds
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox4
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_place_or_force
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox32
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_advanced_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_about
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainapply
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainquit
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> pulsatewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label0
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _progressbar1
=> [[ PY ]] => b"SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')"
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script-python3", line 4474, in run
    cmd = sortie.split('@')[0]
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Au besoin, je peux recevoir des consignes pour modifier  directement ce fichier /usr/bin/glade2script-python3

a@a:~$ cd /usr/bin
a@a:/usr/bin$ ls -ls glade*
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178077 mars  15 14:14 glade2script
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178389 mars  15 14:14 glade2script-python3

La fin du fichier de log indique
a@a:/var/log/boot-info/20200406_120805$ tail -l *.log

[debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
[debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
[debug] sda27 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
[debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
[debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi

La partition /dev/sda28 est en ext4 et ne contient que des données,   J'ai l'impression que l'analyse du disque est finie et quil faudrait passer à l'étape suivante  qui est probablement l'affichage d'une grille demandant  si on veut générer un rapport....

Je confirme que même en version 18.04, l'écran de balayage  permettant de "patienter"  ne s'affiche pas (Cela ne me dérange absolument pas!!! bien au contraire).

Dernière modification par geole (Le 06/04/2020, à 12:33)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1893 Le 06/04/2020, à 13:41


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

geole a écrit :

Au besoin, je peux recevoir des consignes pour modifier  directement ce fichier /usr/bin/glade2script-python3

Bien-sur. Il suffit de l'éditer avec les droits administrateur. Par exemple via:

sudo gedit /usr/bin/glade2script-python3

à consulter/améliorer: Guide du Débutant, Logiciels, Ecole, Travail, Maison

Hors ligne

#1894 Le 06/04/2020, à 13:49


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Il n'y a pas de problèmes pour toucher à ce fichier mais, je ne sais pas  où peut se trouver le problème.
J'ai déjà dupliqué le fichier en précaution. 

a@a:/usr/bin$ ls -ls gla*
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178077 mars  15 14:14 glade2script
176 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 178389 avril  6 11:21 glade2script-python3
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178389 avril  6 11:02 glade2script-python3.REF

Je ne sais pas du tout ce qu'il faut supprimer/modifier/ajouter   J'attends des consignes.
===> Le  fichier fait 4836 lignes d'un code que je ne connais pas.
Peut-être que le problème n'est pas dans ce script!

Dernière modification par geole (Le 06/04/2020, à 14:21)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1895 Le 07/04/2020, à 13:12


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

YannUbuntu a écrit :

à venir dans 4ppa80:
1) une option pour faciliter le debuggage de la version Python3 , voir … 2s-python3

Je ne comprends pas ce que  tu attends exactement.

3 ) if you run the program via the 'sudo boot-info -d --python3' command, then the GUI will use /usr/bin/glade2script-python3 , which is the Python3 version that I started to create, but it's still buggy. Please help improving it !

Je l'ai comparé par rapport au vieux script

a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script-python3 glade2script|wc -w

Mais, il me semble que 95% des différences  sont liées à une écriture de présentation. Je ne pense pas que cela en soit la cause (ajout d'un espace ou de parenthèse)
par exemple

<             l_webkit.append( arg.replace(' ','').split(',') )
>             l_webkit.append( arg.replace(' ', '').split(',') )
<             print USAGE
>             print(USAGE)

La différence que j'ai notée est à ce niveau

<             import urllib
>             import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error

et je ne vois pas trop en quoi cela impacte la codification de cette séquence

          while not self.Terminated:
                sortie = sb.stdout.readline().rstrip()
                DEBUG('=> [[ PY ]] => %s' % sortie)
                if sortie == '':
                    self.n_break += 1
                    if self.n_break == 10:
                        os.kill(PID, 9)
                self.n_break = 0
                    cmd = sortie.split('@')[0]
                    getattr(self, cmd)(sortie)
                except AttributeError as e: pass

D'après le message d'erreur

 => [[ PY ]] => b"SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')"
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script-python3", line 4474, in run
    cmd = sortie.split('@')[0]
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Il reste à trouver  comment passer du mode string en mode objet la commande.
Je commence juste à lire ce document et internet ne semble pas bavard

Il est donc bien bloqué sur l'affichage d'une image => b"SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')" qui semblerait être bien préfixée

Dernière modification par geole (Le 07/04/2020, à 13:23)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1896 Le 07/04/2020, à 17:49


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair


geole a écrit :

Je ne comprends pas ce que  tu attends exactement.

Mon but c'est de convertir glade2script (le moteur graphique de Boot-Repair et Boot-Info) de Python2 à Python3.
Parce-que Python2 est obsolete, et va probablement disparaitre des dépots Debian/Ubuntu.

Données de départ:
/usr/bin/glade2script : la version du moteur graphique en Python2, qui est fonctionnel, et est actuellement utilisé par défaut lorsqu'on utilise Boot-Repair / Boot-Info.
/usr/bin/glade2script-python3 : moteur graphique utilisé par Boot-Repair si vous lancez la commande 'sudo boot-repair -d --python3'. Actuellement /usr/bin/glade2script-python3 contient ma tentative infructueuse de passer glade2script en Python3, mais vous pouvez l'éditer pour le corriger (voire meme repartir de zero si besoin) et lancer  'sudo boot-repair -d --python3' pour voir si vos améliorations fonctionnent.
Le but est que l'interface graphique de Boot-Repair s'affiche correctement lorsqu'on utilise ce moteur graphique écrit en Python3.

Ressources:  (convertit automatiquement certains bout de code Python2 en Python3, mais pas tout apparemment) … ifferences (voir liens en bas de page)
AJOUT: https://python.sdv.univ-paris-diderot.f … mentaires/

geole a écrit :
a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script-python3 glade2script|wc -w

Oui ça te montre les lignes que j'ai commencé à convertir en Python3.
Si ca peut aider: il existe Meld pour faire des diff et des fusions de facon graphique.

Dernière modification par YannUbuntu (Le 14/04/2020, à 18:06)

à consulter/améliorer: Guide du Débutant, Logiciels, Ecole, Travail, Maison

Hors ligne

#1897 Le 07/04/2020, à 19:49


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Bonne nouveauté
1) Ma version 19.10

a@a:/usr/bin$ cat /etc/lsb*

2) installation du logiciel 2to3
3) mise à jour du logiciel
4) copie de  glade2script dans glade2geole
5) exécution des commandes

sudo 2to3 -v -w *geole
cp glade2geole glade2script-python3

6) Contrôle des changements: Il y en a énormément moins

a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script-python3  glade2script|wc -w
a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script-python3  glade2script
< from configparser import ConfigParser
> from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
<                     urllib.request.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
>                     urllib.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
<                 getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.parse.unquote(data))
>                 getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.unquote(data))
<                 self.send_data(  urllib.parse.unquote(data) )
>                 self.send_data(  urllib.unquote(data) )
<             data = urllib.parse.unquote(data)
>             data = urllib.unquote(data)
<         except ValueError as e: 
>         except ValueError, e: 
<         except ValueError as e: 
>         except ValueError, e: 
<         except ValueError as e: 
>         except ValueError, e: 
<             print(list_str)
>             print list_str
<             print(liste)
>             print liste
<             for name, box in dic_sourceview.items():
>             for name, box in dic_sourceview.iteritems():
<         print('expose')
>         print 'expose'
<         print('gtkrc',gtkrc)
>         print 'gtkrc',gtkrc
<         except ValueError as e: 
>         except ValueError, e: 
<         print(modele, col, item)
>         print modele, col, item
<         print(modele, str(col), item)
>         print  modele, str(col), item
<                  return '%s@%s' % (path, list_str)
>                  return u'%s@%s' % (path, list_str)
<                 return '%s@%s' % (path, list_str.decode('utf8'))
>                 return u'%s@%s' % (path, list_str.decode('utf8'))
<                 print(nom, value, type(value))
>                 print nom, value, type(value)
<         self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.parse.quote(html) ) )
>         self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.quote(html) ) )
<                 except AttributeError as e: pass
>                 except AttributeError,e: pass
<         except ValueError as NameError:
>         except ValueError, NameError:
<                 print('VERSION="glade2script 3.2.0, Copyright (C) 2010-2011, November 2011"')
<                 print('EXIT="yes"')
>                 print 'VERSION="glade2script 3.2.0, Copyright (C) 2010-2011, November 2011"'
>                 print 'EXIT="yes"'
<                     print('''%s="%s"''' % (item, retour))
>                     print '''%s="%s"''' % (item, retour)
<             print('%s="%s"' % (widget , result))
>             print '%s="%s"' % (widget , result)
<         if debug: print(arg)
>         if debug: print arg
<         print('error', USAGE)
>         print 'error', USAGE
<             print(USAGE)
>             print USAGE
<             import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
>             import urllib

et lancement

 sudo boot-info -d --python3

A priori cela semble pas mal comme résultat

Il reste à vérifier que c'est bien  sous python3 que cela a été  exécuté..

a@a:~$ sudo boot-info -d --python3
glade2script 3.2.0, Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Fevrier 2012
[[ GTK LIB ]] ==> GtkBuilder
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _about
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logoos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logobi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appname
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_appdescription
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_gpl
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_copyright
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websitebi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _linkbutton_websiteos
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_translate
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image5
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_thanks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> button_closeabout
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backupwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pleasechoosebackuprep
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _backup_filechooserwidget
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelbackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_savebackup
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _dialog3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _terminal
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _purgewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label8
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox9
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_purgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox10
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_installgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label11
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_grubpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox60
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox61
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgegrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstallgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_kernelpurgebuttons
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_cancelpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_abortinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextpurgekernel
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_nextinstalllinux
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _mainwindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootrepairsubtitle
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootrepairmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_brmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_recommendedrepair
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_justbootinfo
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_osmenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_osuninstallermenu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _expander1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _logo_bimenu1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_biadv
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _notebook1
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _image_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image3
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_backup_table
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_format_partition
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_format_partition
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_reinstall_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_create_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winefi_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_bkp
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_unhide
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _spinbutton_unhide_boot_menu
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_seconds
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_repairfilesystems
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_wubi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_main_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_separateboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_separateboot
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_efi
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_efi
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox4
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_sepusr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_sepusr
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_place_or_force
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_alldisks
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_place_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_place_grub
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _radiobutton_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_force_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_is_removable_disk
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_location
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_signed
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_purge_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_lastgrub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_legacy
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_blankextraspace
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_uncomment_gfxmode
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_ata
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_add_kernel_option
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_add_kernel_option
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_kernelpurge
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox32
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> image2
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_open_etc_default_grub
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_grub_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_restore_mbrof
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_restore_mbrof
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_partition_booted_bymbr
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_mbr_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_bootflag
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _combobox_bootflag
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Start make
[[ COMBO ]] ==> Label
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_winboot
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _vbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _hbox_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_pastebin
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_upload
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_stats
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _checkbutton_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_internet
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _tab_other_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label_advanced_options
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_about
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainapply
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _button_mainquit
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> pulsatewindow
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _label0
[[ WIDGETS ]] ====>>>> _progressbar1
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.set_title('''Boot-Info''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== log of boot-info 20200407_1912 ===================
=> [[ PY ]] => boot-info version : 4ppa80
=> [[ PY ]] => boot-sav version : 4ppa80
=> [[ PY ]] => boot-sav-extra version : 4ppa80
=> [[ PY ]] => glade2script version : 3.2.4~ppa6
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop5: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop6: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop7: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop8: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop9: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop10: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop11: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop12: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop13: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"
=> [[ PY ]] => MODPROBE
=> [[ PY ]] => VGSCAN
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 9 (/proc/12152/mountinfo) leaked on vgscan invocation. Parent PID 12160: /bin/bash
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 15 (socket:[513174]) leaked on vgscan invocation. Parent PID 12160: /bin/bash
=> [[ PY ]] =>   Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] =>   Found volume group "Geole-vg" using metadata type lvm2
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => VGCHANGE
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 9 (/proc/12152/mountinfo) leaked on vgchange invocation. Parent PID 12160: /bin/bash
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 15 (socket:[513174]) leaked on vgchange invocation. Parent PID 12160: /bin/bash
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] =>   1 logical volume(s) in volume group "Geole-vg" now active
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 9 (/proc/12152/mountinfo) leaked on lvscan invocation. Parent PID 12160: /bin/bash
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 15 (socket:[513174]) leaked on lvscan invocation. Parent PID 12160: /bin/bash
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => LVSCAN:
=> [[ PY ]] =>   ACTIVE            '/dev/Geole-vg/Data' [4.00 GiB] inherit
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => Y a-t-il un RAID sur cet ordinateur ? yes
=> [[ PY ]] => Unusual RAID (no raid in blkid).
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 		/dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop5: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop6: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop7: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop8: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop9: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop10: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop11: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop12: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop13: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Activation de RAID. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => mdadm packages needed
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => User refused to install mdadm
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => RAID détecté. Vous voudrez peut-être réessayer après avoir installé les paquets [dmraid/mdadm].
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] , MDADM
=> [[ PY ]] => Warning: no DMRAID nor MD_ARRAY.
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes (os-prober). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Delete the content of TMP_FOLDER_TO_BE_CLEARED and put os-prober in memory
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 9 (/proc/12152/mountinfo) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 14242: /bin/sh
=> [[ PY ]] => File descriptor 15 (socket:[513174]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 14242: /bin/sh
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes (mount). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => boot-info is executed in installed-session (Ubuntu 19.10, eoan, Ubuntu, x86_64)
=> [[ PY ]] => CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
=> [[ PY ]] => Address sizes:                   36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
=> [[ PY ]] => root=UUID=4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00 ro fsck.mode=force  initrd=boot\initrd.img-5.3.0-45-generic
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda12 is LVM2_member
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Set sda as corresponding disk of mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda12 is LVM2_member
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Set sda as corresponding disk of mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda9 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda2 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda3 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda4 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda5 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda6 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda7 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda8 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda10 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda11 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda13 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda14 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda15 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda16 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda17 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda18 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda19 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda20 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda21 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda22 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda23 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda24 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda25 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda26 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda27 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of sda28 is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BIOSBOOT of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is notbiosboot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  337420     179696  66% /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda3             485512  335828     113420  75% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda4           51951612 29426116   22525496  57% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda5           44963904 24635532   18021296  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda6           13979088 5834724    7411180  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda7             999288  154868     775608  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda8           41467492 31673880    9793612  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda10           2093048 1909180     183868  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda11          10190136 3188984    6460480  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda13          30832636 14444880   14798520  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda14          41943036 38541584    3401452  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda15           5232640 4624136     608504  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40031004   11628412  78% /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda17            538956     432     499032   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346620    3120080  84% /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda21            999320  314992     615516  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332205760  158847292  68% /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda23          19019004 6441652   11588168  36% /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda24            991512  227912     696016  25% /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda25          35862144 33357116     653636  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda26           4186104 2742608    1443496  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda27            999320  637740     292768  69% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data     4063168 1400324    2436748  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Remove_mislocated_stage1
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda9 is 4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda2 is A3C1-2EA7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda3 is 52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda4 is 6CB8862A7B84D3A0
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda5 is 299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda6 is 03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda7 is 3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda8 is 4AD43343D4333115
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda10 is BA02-088B
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda11 is d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda13 is cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda14 is 4014B1E11150574B
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda15 is E5D1-92E3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda16 is A606949C06946ED5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda17 is a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda18 is f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda19 is 16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda20 is fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda21 is ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda22 is 007A992054C5D589
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda23 is 18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda24 is d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda25 is 17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda26 is CD1E-DEFB
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda27 is 2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of sda28 is dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_UUID of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is 117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] BYTES_BEFORE_PART[1] (sda) = 2048 sectors * 512 bytes = 1048576 bytes.
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== os-prober:
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda9:L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10 CurrentSession:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (12.04):Ubuntu:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu1:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi:Windows Boot Manager:Windows:efi
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20:Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu2:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23:Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) (20.04):Ubuntu3:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5:Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (16.04):Ubuntu4:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04):Ubuntu5:linux
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== blkid:
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda9: LABEL="Ubuntu1910" UUID="4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu1910" PARTUUID="820893f2-dbdb-45cb-ad1e-da4cb1f5e2ca"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop5: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop6: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop7: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2: LABEL_FATBOOT="NEWFAT32" LABEL="NEWFAT32" UUID="A3C1-2EA7" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="NEWFAT32" PARTUUID="59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda3: LABEL="USBsdb3" UUID="52d641e9-b9ae-454c-92bd-13e30fefb98b" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="DUPFAT32" PARTUUID="38e0429c-7d61-459a-85d8-70715749ee58"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda4: LABEL="Windows10SIMPLE" UUID="6CB8862A7B84D3A0" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="premier windows" PARTUUID="c94dc2e2-06d3-420c-87d0-1d90b5eb3efa"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5: LABEL="U16041a" UUID="299d7644-ae32-43ff-b3db-16987328b52f" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="U16041" PARTUUID="1fe66c0d-dc55-48cc-9339-75f8746c903f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6: LABEL="u16041b" UUID="03df0874-d28d-490b-9680-678d39309fe1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="26a02fcf-7fa9-4f46-871a-b85363b37f6e"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda7: UUID="3e767c74-4bbd-4279-896a-182a079d8db0" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot18.04.1Secur" PARTUUID="f9914802-080a-4b76-b979-a43445c5505f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda8: LABEL="Windows10-Store" UUID="4AD43343D4333115" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Windows-STORE" PARTUUID="8d54c5ad-3af3-4cf7-9647-84e684332192"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda10: LABEL_FATBOOT="INS18041" LABEL="INS18041" UUID="BA02-088B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11: LABEL="Ubuntu1204" UUID="d8060f62-d8f3-48ad-ba4b-c55e9cb218f4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6c135dfd-d208-461e-8551-ad5d284e4800"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda12: UUID="T3jVJu-0kF8-NpWK-Rlnq-6PgJ-BBPx-FI1BrU" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="a6286012-9901-4ea2-a4d5-4b1995b2da53"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13: LABEL="U18041" UUID="cb50473a-5d9c-441a-9502-690c1c8684d6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="98713c6e-cb3d-48d9-8918-b97aaafbb665"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda14: LABEL="sdb2" UUID="4014B1E11150574B" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="1b51372e-986d-4b58-bf7f-f8aeeec4bd69"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda15: LABEL_FATBOOT="ISOWINDOWS" LABEL="ISOWINDOWS" UUID="E5D1-92E3" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda16: LABEL="Windows10COMPLET" UUID="A606949C06946ED5" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="57c4dbb4-69a2-4f06-97b3-b984f89759e3"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda17: LABEL="bidon" UUID="a8cb3923-c9bc-4d09-ae95-be07f8314bf1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b13eaeda-f6eb-400e-8e68-abf43e9d6f04"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda18: UUID="f3b2bb4d-f5f1-4963-984b-684cb7feb5b0" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda27_crypt" PARTUUID="4890dbb2-cf70-4307-9422-73d7ffbc2886"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda19: UUID="16f1cc0a-2cc5-4ed6-893d-f233cf283821" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="sda28_crypt" PARTUUID="2c98f23a-d74f-4ddb-8332-b1be866d0c8c"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20: LABEL="U18041aMINIMA" UUID="fef39976-0beb-4511-9b7c-db63874ffd8f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c725df49-50b0-4d4d-9fb8-25defbcd2d2f"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda21: UUID="ebcd6907-0c82-48c5-8ff6-605d7e540110" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004extbis" PARTUUID="8071cf66-e3ac-45c2-85d3-45f0efafe8fc"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda22: LABEL="Commun1" UUID="007A992054C5D589" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="372a1dcc-51d7-4765-abb2-9df7d2bf8a90"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23: UUID="18b28382-0ec9-4bea-a0b3-24729bd90810" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Ubuntu2004interne" PARTUUID="de6cd7e8-cd31-4aac-a5c6-fc80e83bbc3d"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda24: LABEL="Boot2004interne" UUID="d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot2004Interne" PARTUUID="02c4d691-b4e4-4acb-b963-5439a9cf69b4"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda25: LABEL="INT-a" UUID="17b59e61-c1b9-41a7-95b3-eea86ae3333e" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d1d111e6-8ab4-4938-a8a2-449e513b603a"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda26: LABEL_FATBOOT="INSTALL2004" LABEL="INSTALL2004" UUID="CD1E-DEFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Installation2004" PARTUUID="f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda27: LABEL="Boot2004enUSB" UUID="2edfce93-6760-4713-a460-a0dc727cbd66" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Boot20.04-externe" PARTUUID="33bd7746-2faf-4a9f-ba31-12430fe6bfae"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28: LABEL="Sport" UUID="dcf3a7d4-7c63-41a1-9c86-9c4e2cbbf2fc" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d509887a-df53-45c4-9d4f-0ee318f96838"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: UUID="117580eb-9394-4eaf-82f0-7688c62c4e67" TYPE="ext4"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop8: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop9: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop10: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop11: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop12: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop13: TYPE="squashfs"
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="5cf86511-2223-47fe-a0a4-dcdbdd8f41c0"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda9 contains L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10 (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda11 contains Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda13 contains Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda2 contains Windows Boot (windows)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda20 contains Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda23 contains Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda5 contains Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda6 contains Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (linux)
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 1 disks with OS, 8 OS : 7 Linux, 0 MacOS, 1 Windows, 0 unknown type OS.
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  337420     179696  66% /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda3             485512  335828     113420  75% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda4           51951612 29426116   22525496  57% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda5           44963904 24635532   18021296  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda6           13979088 5834724    7411180  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda7             999288  154868     775608  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda8           41467492 31673880    9793612  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda10           2093048 1909180     183868  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda11          10190136 3188984    6460480  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda13          30832636 14444880   14798520  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda14          41943036 38541584    3401452  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda15           5232640 4624136     608504  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40031004   11628412  78% /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda17            538956     432     499032   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346620    3120080  84% /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda21            999320  314992     615516  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332205760  158847292  68% /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda23          19019004 6441652   11588168  36% /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda24            991512  227912     696016  25% /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda25          35862144 33357116     653636  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda26           4186104 2742608    1443496  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda27            999320  637740     292768  69% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data     4063168 1400324    2436748  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda9 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda2 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda3 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => Windows not detected by os-prober on sda4.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda4 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda5 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda6 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda7 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => Windows not detected by os-prober on sda8.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda8 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda10 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda11 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda13 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda14 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda15 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Windows not detected by os-prober on sda16.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda16 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda17 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda18 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda19 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda20 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda21 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda22 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda23 : is-os
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda24 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda25 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda26 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda27 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of sda28 : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]PART_WITH_OS of mapper/Geole--vg-Data : no-os
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda contains minimum one OS
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 1+0 enregistrements lus
=> [[ PY ]] => 1+0 enregistrements écrits
=> [[ PY ]] => 1048576 octets (1,0 MB, 1,0 MiB) copiés, 0,0290193 s, 36,1 MB/s
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259/sda/partition_table.dmp created
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] Total of 8 OS detected on sda disk.
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => No sda9/etc/default/grub
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== /etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  23 23:12 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 mars  21 18:21 grub.d.bak
=> [[ PY ]] => total 128
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10627 mars  12 17:40 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  12 17:40 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17123 mars  12 17:40 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 37613 mars  12 17:40 10_linux_zfs
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 mars  12 17:40 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3317 mars  23 23:12 25_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  12 17:40 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  12 17:40 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 mars  12 17:40 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  12 17:40 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  12 17:40 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda9: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda9 ends at 219136654848GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda9 ends at 219136654848GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda2 ends at 548404736GB. not-far
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fbx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fwupx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/mmx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/MokManager.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/REFbkpbootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/refind_x64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/shimx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/fbx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of bkp file detected: /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda3 ends at 1078984192GB. not-far
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fbx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/fwupx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/mmx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/MokManager.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/REFbkpbootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/refind_x64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/shimx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Boot/fbx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda4 ends at 54277438976GB. not-far
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda4 ends at 54277438976GB. not-far
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => No sda5/etc/default/grub
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda5/etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.  20 19:11 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.  21  2016 grub.d.bak
=> [[ PY ]] => total 84
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  9791 févr.  8  2018 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 janv. 24  2018 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12512 févr.  8  2018 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11082 févr.  8  2018 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4307 mars   2  2018 25_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11692 févr.  8  2018 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 févr.  8  2018 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 févr.  8  2018 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   216 févr.  8  2018 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 févr.  8  2018 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda5: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda5 ends at 101191777792GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda5 ends at 101191777792GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda5/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
=> [[ PY ]] => # mdadm.conf
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
=> [[ PY ]] => # containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
=> [[ PY ]] => # wildcards if desired.
=> [[ PY ]] => #DEVICE partitions containers
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # auto-create devices with Debian standard permissions
=> [[ PY ]] => CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
=> [[ PY ]] => HOMEHOST <system>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts
=> [[ PY ]] => MAILADDR root
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # definitions of existing MD arrays
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # This file was auto-generated on Sat, 22 Oct 2016 14:30:51 +0200
=> [[ PY ]] => # by mkconf $Id$
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda6/etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  3 22:17 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => total 80
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 juil. 16  2018 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 juil. 17  2018 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 juil. 17  2018 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1992 janv. 28  2016 20_memtest86+
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 juil. 17  2018 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 juil. 17  2018 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 juil. 17  2018 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 juil. 17  2018 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 juil. 17  2018 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda6/etc/default/grub :
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
=> [[ PY ]] => # /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
=> [[ PY ]] => # For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
=> [[ PY ]] => #   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DEFAULT=0
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT=10
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
=> [[ PY ]] => # This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
=> [[ PY ]] => # the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_BADRAM="0x01234567,0xfefefefe,0x89abcdef,0xefefefef"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_TERMINAL=console
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # The resolution used on graphical terminal
=> [[ PY ]] => # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
=> [[ PY ]] => # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda6: UUID=A3C1-2EA7   (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda6 ends at 115871841792GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda6 ends at 115871841792GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda7 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda7recordfail=1/grub/grubenv :
=> [[ PY ]] => recordfail=1
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda7 ends at 133723848192GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda7 ends at 133723848192GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda8 ends at 176186562048GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda8 ends at 176186562048GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== No kernel in /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/boot:
=> [[ PY ]] => grub
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda10 ends at 221284138496GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda10 ends at 221284138496GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10/EFI/BOOT/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda11/etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root             4096 avril  5 12:52 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root             4096 mars  21 17:39 grub.d.bak
=> [[ PY ]] => total 60
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7806 déc.  15  2015 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5522 déc.  15  2015 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7877 déc.  15  2015 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6449 déc.  15  2015 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3891 avril  5 12:52 25_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6675 déc.  15  2015 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1388 déc.  15  2015 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  214 déc.  15  2015 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   95 déc.  15  2015 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  483 déc.  15  2015 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda11/etc/default/grub :
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
=> [[ PY ]] => # /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
=> [[ PY ]] => # For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
=> [[ PY ]] => #   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DEFAULT=0
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT=10
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
=> [[ PY ]] => # This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
=> [[ PY ]] => # the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_BADRAM="0x01234567,0xfefefefe,0x89abcdef,0xefefefef"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_TERMINAL=console
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # The resolution used on graphical terminal
=> [[ PY ]] => # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
=> [[ PY ]] => # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda11: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda11 ends at 232021556736GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda11 ends at 232021556736GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda11/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
=> [[ PY ]] => # mdadm.conf
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
=> [[ PY ]] => # containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
=> [[ PY ]] => # wildcards if desired.
=> [[ PY ]] => #DEVICE partitions containers
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # auto-create devices with Debian standard permissions
=> [[ PY ]] => CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
=> [[ PY ]] => HOMEHOST <system>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts
=> [[ PY ]] => MAILADDR root
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # definitions of existing MD arrays
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # This file was auto-generated on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 17:28:29 +0100
=> [[ PY ]] => # by mkconf $Id$
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda13/etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 avril  3 18:14 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 févr.  8  2019 grub.d.bak
=> [[ PY ]] => total 76
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 mars  18  2019 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  18  2019 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 mars  18  2019 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 mars  18  2019 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 mars  18  2019 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 mars  18  2019 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   214 mars  18  2019 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  18  2019 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  18  2019 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda13/etc/default/grub :
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
=> [[ PY ]] => # /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
=> [[ PY ]] => # For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
=> [[ PY ]] => #   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DEFAULT=0
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT=10
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
=> [[ PY ]] => # This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
=> [[ PY ]] => # the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_BADRAM="0x01234567,0xfefefefe,0x89abcdef,0xefefefef"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_TERMINAL=console
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # The resolution used on graphical terminal
=> [[ PY ]] => # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
=> [[ PY ]] => # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda13: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda13 ends at 280109252096GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda13 ends at 280109252096GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda13/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
=> [[ PY ]] => # mdadm.conf
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => # !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
=> [[ PY ]] => # containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
=> [[ PY ]] => # wildcards if desired.
=> [[ PY ]] => #DEVICE partitions containers
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
=> [[ PY ]] => HOMEHOST <system>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts
=> [[ PY ]] => MAILADDR root
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # definitions of existing MD arrays
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # This configuration was auto-generated on Tue, 07 Aug 2018 14:09:29 +0200 by mkconf
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda14 ends at 323058925056GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda14 ends at 323058925056GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda15 ends at 328427634176GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda15 ends at 328427634176GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/cdboot.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/cdboot_noprompt.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Microsoft/boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of bkp file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15/EFI/boot/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda16 ends at 381326879744GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda16 ends at 381326879744GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda17 ends at 381905010176GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda17 ends at 381905010176GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda18 ends at 393139453440GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda18 ends at 393139453440GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda19 ends at 403379846656GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda19 ends at 403379846656GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== /U18041aMINIMA/etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 déc.   7 14:47 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => total 84
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10046 févr.  8  2019 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 juil. 16  2018 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12693 juil. 17  2018 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11298 juil. 17  2018 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1992 janv. 28  2016 20_memtest86+
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12059 juil. 17  2018 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1418 juil. 17  2018 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   847 sept.  4  2019 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   851 août  10  2019 40_custom.old
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 août  10  2019 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 juil. 17  2018 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== /U18041aMINIMA/etc/grub.d/40_custom :
=> [[ PY ]] => menuentry 'Windows Boot Manager (sur /dev/sda2)' --class windows --class os  'osprober-efi-A3C1-2EA7' {
=> [[ PY ]] => 	insmod part_gpt
=> [[ PY ]] => 	insmod fat
=> [[ PY ]] => 	set root='hd0,gpt2'
=> [[ PY ]] => 	if [ x = xy ]; then
=> [[ PY ]] => 	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt2 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt2 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt2  A3C1-2EA7
=> [[ PY ]] => 	else
=> [[ PY ]] => 	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root A3C1-2EA7
=> [[ PY ]] => 	fi
=> [[ PY ]] => 	chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => }
=> [[ PY ]] => menuentry 'Ce bon vieux windows' --class windows --class os  'Manuel'{
=> [[ PY ]] => insmod part_gpt
=> [[ PY ]] => insmod fat
=> [[ PY ]] => set root='hd0,gpt2'
=> [[ PY ]] => search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root XXXX-XXXX
=> [[ PY ]] =>        chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bkbootmgfw.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => }
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== /U18041aMINIMA/etc/default/grub :
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
=> [[ PY ]] => # /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
=> [[ PY ]] => # For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
=> [[ PY ]] => #   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DEFAULT=0
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT=10
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="debug ignore_loglevel quiet splash fsck.mode=force vt.handoff=7"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
=> [[ PY ]] => # This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
=> [[ PY ]] => # the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_BADRAM="0x01234567,0xfefefefe,0x89abcdef,0xefefefef"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_TERMINAL=console
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # The resolution used on graphical terminal
=> [[ PY ]] => # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
=> [[ PY ]] => # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda20: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda20 ends at 423780941312GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda20 ends at 423780941312GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda20/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
=> [[ PY ]] => # mdadm.conf
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => # !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
=> [[ PY ]] => # containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
=> [[ PY ]] => # wildcards if desired.
=> [[ PY ]] => #DEVICE partitions containers
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
=> [[ PY ]] => HOMEHOST <system>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts
=> [[ PY ]] => MAILADDR root
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # definitions of existing MD arrays
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # This configuration was auto-generated on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 11:22:33 +0200 by mkconf
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda21 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda21 ends at 424854683136GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda21 ends at 424854683136GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda22 ends at 927693012480GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda22 ends at 927693012480GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda23/etc/grub.d/ :
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 13:19 grub.d
=> [[ PY ]] => drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 avril  5 13:16 grub.d.bak
=> [[ PY ]] => total 132
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10627 mars  11 17:46 00_header
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6258 mars  11 17:46 05_debian_theme
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17123 mars  11 17:46 10_linux
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 38596 mars  11 17:46 10_linux_zfs
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 mars  11 17:46 20_linux_xen
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  5921 avril  5 13:19 25_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12059 mars  11 17:46 30_os-prober
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1424 mars  11 17:46 30_uefi-firmware
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   214 mars  11 17:46 40_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   216 mars  11 17:46 41_custom
=> [[ PY ]] => -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   483 mars  11 17:46 README
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda23/etc/default/grub :
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
=> [[ PY ]] => # /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
=> [[ PY ]] => # For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
=> [[ PY ]] => #   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DEFAULT=0
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_TIMEOUT=0
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
=> [[ PY ]] => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
=> [[ PY ]] => # This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
=> [[ PY ]] => # the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_BADRAM="0x01234567,0xfefefefe,0x89abcdef,0xefefefef"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_TERMINAL=console
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # The resolution used on graphical terminal
=> [[ PY ]] => # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
=> [[ PY ]] => # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
=> [[ PY ]] => #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot/efi detected in the fstab of sda23: UUID=A3C1-2EA7	 (sda2)
=> [[ PY ]] => /boot detected in the fstab of sda23: UUID=d0250459-7580-40e3-9920-9bd54cc8f84d	 (sda24)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda23 ends at 947615956480GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda23 ends at 947615956480GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== sda23/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf :
=> [[ PY ]] => # mdadm.conf
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # !NB! Run update-initramfs -u after updating this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => # !NB! This will ensure that initramfs has an uptodate copy.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => # Please refer to mdadm.conf(5) for information about this file.
=> [[ PY ]] => #
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # by default (built-in), scan all partitions (/proc/partitions) and all
=> [[ PY ]] => # containers for MD superblocks. alternatively, specify devices to scan, using
=> [[ PY ]] => # wildcards if desired.
=> [[ PY ]] => #DEVICE partitions containers
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # automatically tag new arrays as belonging to the local system
=> [[ PY ]] => HOMEHOST <system>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # instruct the monitoring daemon where to send mail alerts
=> [[ PY ]] => MAILADDR root
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # definitions of existing MD arrays
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => # This configuration was auto-generated on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 15:01:04 +0200 by mkconf
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda24 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda24 ends at 948664532480GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda24 ends at 948664532480GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Microsoft file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24/efi/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda25 ends at 986245496320GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda25 ends at 986245496320GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== No kernel in /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/boot:
=> [[ PY ]] => grub
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda26 ends at 990540463616GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26/EFI/Boot/mmx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda27 contains a kernel, so it is probably a /boot partition.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda27 ends at 991614205440GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda28 ends at 1000204140032GB. farbios
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /DPP/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => Presence of EFI/Boot file detected: /DPP/efi/Boot/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== /boot/refind_linux.conf :
=> [[ PY ]] => "Boot with standard options"   "root=UUID=4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00 ro fsck.mode=force "
=> [[ PY ]] => "Boot with recovery options"   "recovery nomodeset ro root=UUID=4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00"
=> [[ PY ]] => "Boot avec reparation de root" "root=UUID=4faab776-b879-44f8-84ba-401c917fbc00  ro quiet splash fsck.mode=force vt.handoff=7"
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => /usr/share/boot-sav/ ligne 195: avertissement : substitution de commande: octet nul ignoré en entrée
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== efibootmgr -v
=> [[ PY ]] => BootCurrent: 0007
=> [[ PY ]] => Timeout: 0 seconds
=> [[ PY ]] => BootOrder: 0007,0001,0000,0004,0008,0002,0009,0003,2003,2001,2002
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0001* ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0002* Ubuntu	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0003* Ubuntu	HD(15,GPT,7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd,0x259be800,0xa00000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0004* Windows Boot Manager	HD(15,GPT,7cedb153-149a-4381-8c9b-b50828d36cdd,0x259be800,0xa00000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0005* EFI Network 0 for IPv6 (08-9E-01-B7-1C-5D) 	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(089e01b71c5d,0)/IPv6([::]:<->[::]:,0,0)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0006* EFI Network 0 for IPv4 (08-9E-01-B7-1C-5D) 	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(089e01b71c5d,0)/IPv4(,0,0)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0007* refind	HD(2,GPT,59f84639-c0fa-47f6-a197-022d45750be8,0x8800,0xfd000)/File(\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi)
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0008* EFI HDD Device (TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100)	PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,0x2)/Sata(0,0,0)/HD(26,GPT,f8d3800f-7417-4a31-b8f8-c18c066c2e39,0x72d06800,0x800000)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot0009* Ubuntu	HD(10,GPT,e827b315-fbdd-4d2c-bd6e-1849c71c009b,0x1982c800,0x400000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi)RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot2001* EFI USB Device	RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot2002* EFI DVD/CDROM	RC
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot2003* EFI Network	RC
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== UEFI/Legacy mode:
=> [[ PY ]] => BIOS is EFI-compatible, and is setup in EFI-mode for this installed-session.
=> [[ PY ]] => SecureBoot disabled. (maybe sec-boot, Veuillez indiquer ce message à
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== PARTITIONS & DISKS:
=> [[ PY ]] => sda9	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub1,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,notbiosboot, .
=> [[ PY ]] => sda2	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	is-correct-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /boot/efi.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda3	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	recovery-or-hidden,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda3.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda4	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	haswinload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	bootmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda4.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda5	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub1,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda5.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda6	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-pc grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda6.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda7	: sda,	is-sepboot,	grubenv-ng	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda7.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda8	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	haswinload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda8.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda10	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-kernel,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda10.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda11	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda11.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda13	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda13.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda14	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda14.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda15	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	bootmgr,	is-winboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda15.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda16	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	haswinload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	bootmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /Windows10COMPLET.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda17	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda17.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda18	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda18.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda19	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda19.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda20	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-pc grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,	fstab-without-boot,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /U18041aMINIMA.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda21	: sda,	is-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda21.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda22	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /DATA.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda23	: sda,	not-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	grub2,	signed grub-efi ,	update-grub,	64,	with-boot,	is-os,	not--efi--part,fstab-has-goodBOOT,	fstab-has-goodEFI,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	apt-get,	grub-install,	with--usr,	fstab-without-usr,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda23.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda24	: sda,	is-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda24.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda25	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda25.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda26	: sda,	not-sepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-kernel,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda26.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda27	: sda,	is-sepboot,	grubenv-ok	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/sda27.
=> [[ PY ]] => sda28	: sda,	maybesepboot,	grubenv-ok	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	is-maybe-EFI,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	farbios,	notbiosboot, /DPP.
=> [[ PY ]] => mapper/Geole--vg-Data	: sda,	maybesepboot,	no-grubenv	nogrub,	no-docgrub,	no-update-grub,	32,	no-boot,	no-os,	not--efi--part,	part-has-no-fstab,	part-has-no-fstab,	no-nt,	no-winload,	no-recov-nor-hid,	no-bmgr,	notwinboot,	nopakmgr,	nogrubinstall,	no---usr,	part-has-no-fstab,	not-sep-usr,	standard,	not-far,	notbiosboot, /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data.
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => sda	: GPT,	no-BIOS_boot,	has-correctEFI, 	not-usb,not-mmc, has-os,	2048 sectors * 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== parted -lm:
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => BYT;
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda:1000GB:scsi:512:4096:gpt:ATA TOSHIBA MQ01ABD1:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 1:1049kB:17.8MB:16.8MB::Microsoft reserved partition:msftres;
=> [[ PY ]] => 2:17.8MB:548MB:531MB:fat32:NEWFAT32:boot, esp;
=> [[ PY ]] => 3:548MB:1079MB:531MB:ext4:DUPFAT32:boot, hidden, esp;
=> [[ PY ]] => 4:1079MB:54.3GB:53.2GB:ntfs:premier windows:msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 5:54.3GB:101GB:46.9GB:ext4:U16041:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 6:101GB:116GB:14.7GB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 7:133GB:134GB:1075MB:ext4:Boot18.04.1Secur:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 8:134GB:176GB:42.5GB:ntfs:Windows-STORE:msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 9:176GB:219GB:42.9GB:ext4:Ubuntu1910:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 10:219GB:221GB:2147MB:fat32::msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 11:221GB:232GB:10.7GB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 12:232GB:248GB:15.9GB:::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 13:248GB:280GB:32.2GB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 14:280GB:323GB:42.9GB:ntfs::msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 15:323GB:328GB:5369MB:fat32::msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 16:328GB:381GB:52.9GB:ntfs::msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 17:381GB:382GB:578MB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 18:382GB:393GB:11.2GB::sda27_crypt:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 19:393GB:403GB:10.2GB::sda28_crypt:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 20:403GB:424GB:20.4GB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 21:424GB:425GB:1074MB:ext4:Boot2004extbis:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 22:425GB:928GB:503GB:ntfs::msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 23:928GB:948GB:19.9GB:ext4:Ubuntu2004interne:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 24:948GB:949GB:1049MB:ext4:Boot2004Interne:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 25:949GB:986GB:37.6GB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 26:986GB:991GB:4295MB:fat32:Installation2004:msftdata;
=> [[ PY ]] => 27:991GB:992GB:1074MB:ext4:Boot20.04-externe:;
=> [[ PY ]] => 28:992GB:1000GB:8590MB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => BYT;
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data:4295MB:dm:512:4096:loop:Linux device-mapper (linear):;
=> [[ PY ]] => 1:0.00B:4295MB:4295MB:ext4::;
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== lsblk:
=> [[ PY ]] => loop0  loop squashfs     91,4M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop1  loop squashfs     14,8M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop2  loop squashfs      4,2M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop3  loop squashfs      956K
=> [[ PY ]] => loop4  loop squashfs     54,7M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop5  loop squashfs    156,7M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop6  loop squashfs     44,9M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop7  loop squashfs     48,3M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop8  loop squashfs     93,8M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop9  loop squashfs      4,3M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop10 loop squashfs     14,8M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop11 loop squashfs       55M
=> [[ PY ]] => loop12 loop squashfs      956K
=> [[ PY ]] => loop13 loop squashfs    160,2M
=> [[ PY ]] => sda    disk             931,5G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda1   part                16M
=> [[ PY ]] => sda2   part vfat          506M NEWFAT32
=> [[ PY ]] => sda3   part ext4          506M USBsdb3
=> [[ PY ]] => sda4   part ntfs         49,6G Windows10SIMPLE
=> [[ PY ]] => sda5   part ext4         43,7G U16041a
=> [[ PY ]] => sda6   part ext4         13,7G u16041b
=> [[ PY ]] => sda7   part ext4            1G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda8   part ntfs         39,6G Windows10-Store
=> [[ PY ]] => sda9   part ext4           40G Ubuntu1910
=> [[ PY ]] => sda10  part vfat            2G INS18041
=> [[ PY ]] => sda11  part ext4           10G Ubuntu1204
=> [[ PY ]] => sda12  part LVM2_member  14,8G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda13  part ext4           30G U18041
=> [[ PY ]] => sda14  part ntfs           40G sdb2
=> [[ PY ]] => sda15  part vfat            5G ISOWINDOWS
=> [[ PY ]] => sr0    rom               1024M
=> [[ PY ]] => dm-0   lvm  ext4            4G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda16  part ntfs         49,3G Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => sda17  part ext4          551M bidon
=> [[ PY ]] => sda18  part crypto_LUKS  10,5G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda19  part crypto_LUKS   9,6G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda20  part ext4           19G U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => sda21  part ext4            1G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda22  part ntfs        468,3G Commun1
=> [[ PY ]] => sda23  part ext4         18,6G
=> [[ PY ]] => sda24  part ext4         1000M Boot2004interne
=> [[ PY ]] => sda25  part ext4           35G INT-a
=> [[ PY ]] => sda26  part vfat            4G INSTALL2004
=> [[ PY ]] => sda27  part ext4            1G Boot2004enUSB
=> [[ PY ]] => sda28  part ext4            8G Sport
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => loop0     1  1  0         /snap/core/8689
=> [[ PY ]] => loop1     1  1  0         /snap/gnome-characters/399
=> [[ PY ]] => loop2     1  1  0         /snap/gnome-calculator/544
=> [[ PY ]] => loop3     1  1  0         /snap/gnome-logs/93
=> [[ PY ]] => loop4     1  1  0         /snap/core18/1668
=> [[ PY ]] => loop5     1  1  0         /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/110
=> [[ PY ]] => loop6     1  1  0         /snap/gtk-common-themes/1440
=> [[ PY ]] => loop7     1  1  0         /snap/gtk-common-themes/1474
=> [[ PY ]] => loop8     1  1  0         /snap/core/8935
=> [[ PY ]] => loop9     1  1  0         /snap/gnome-calculator/704
=> [[ PY ]] => loop10    1  1  0         /snap/gnome-characters/495
=> [[ PY ]] => loop11    1  1  0         /snap/core18/1705
=> [[ PY ]] => loop12    1  1  0         /snap/gnome-logs/81
=> [[ PY ]] => loop13    1  1  0         /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/116
=> [[ PY ]] => sda       1  0  0 running
=> [[ PY ]] => sda1      1  0  0
=> [[ PY ]] => sda2      1  0  0         /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => sda3      1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => sda4      1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => sda5      1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => sda6      1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => sda7      1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => sda8      1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => sda9      1  0  0         /
=> [[ PY ]] => sda10     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => sda11     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => sda12     1  0  0
=> [[ PY ]] => sda13     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => sda14     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => sda15     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => sr0       1  0  1 running
=> [[ PY ]] => dm-0      1  0  0 running /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => sda16     1  0  0         /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => sda17     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => sda18     1  0  0
=> [[ PY ]] => sda19     1  0  0
=> [[ PY ]] => sda20     1  0  0         /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => sda21     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => sda22     1  0  0         /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => sda23     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => sda24     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => sda25     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => sda26     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => sda27     1  0  0         /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => sda28     1  0  0         /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== mount:
=> [[ PY ]] => sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=2958540k,nr_inodes=739635,mode=755)
=> [[ PY ]] => devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=597604k,mode=755)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda9 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)
=> [[ PY ]] => securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup/unified type cgroup2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,name=systemd)
=> [[ PY ]] => pstore on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => bpf on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/pids type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,hugetlb)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/devices type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/rdma type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,rdma)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/memory type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory)
=> [[ PY ]] => cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer)
=> [[ PY ]] => systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=35,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct,pipe_ino=2464)
=> [[ PY ]] => debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => hugetlbfs on /dev/hugepages type hugetlbfs (rw,relatime,pagesize=2M)
=> [[ PY ]] => mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => configfs on /sys/kernel/config type configfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-characters_399.snap on /snap/gnome-characters/399 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_8689.snap on /snap/core/8689 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-calculator_544.snap on /snap/gnome-calculator/544 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-logs_93.snap on /snap/gnome-logs/93 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core18_1668.snap on /snap/core18/1668 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-3-28-1804_110.snap on /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/110 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=65536k)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gtk-common-themes_1440.snap on /snap/gtk-common-themes/1440 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-calculator_704.snap on /snap/gnome-calculator/704 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-characters_495.snap on /snap/gnome-characters/495 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_8935.snap on /snap/core/8935 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-logs_81.snap on /snap/gnome-logs/81 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-3-28-1804_116.snap on /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/116 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gtk-common-themes_1474.snap on /snap/gtk-common-themes/1474 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core18_1705.snap on /snap/core18/1705 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda16 on /Windows10COMPLET type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096,x-gvfs-show)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda22 on /DATA type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20 on /U18041aMINIMA type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,errors=remount-ro)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2 on /boot/efi type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /DPP type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Bureau type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Vidéos type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Public type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/TITI type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Public type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Musique type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Téléchargements type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Musique type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/.mozilla type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Documents type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/TITI type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Documents type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Musique type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/.thunderbird type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Modèles type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Modèles type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Bureau type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Modèles type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Téléchargements type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Public type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/.mozilla type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Bureau type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/Vidéos type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Documents type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/.thunderbird type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_troisieme_utilisateur/Téléchargements type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/TITI type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_premier_utilisateur/.mozilla type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/Vidéos type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 on /home/nom_de_deuxieme_utilisateur/.thunderbird type ext4 (rw,relatime,quota,usrquota,stripe=32706)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /run/user/124 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=597600k,mode=700,uid=124,gid=129)
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs on /run/user/1000 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=597600k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=1000)
=> [[ PY ]] => gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/fuse on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/fuse on /root/.cache/doc type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0)
=> [[ PY ]] => gvfsd-fuse on /root/.cache/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda3 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda3 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda4 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda4 type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda5 type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=32750)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda6 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda7 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda7 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda8 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda8 type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda10 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda10 type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda11 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda13 type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=32496)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda14 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda14 type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda15 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda15 type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda17 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda17 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda21 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda21 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda23 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda24 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda24 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda25 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda25 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda26 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda26 type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda27 on /mnt/boot-sav/sda27 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data on /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data type ext4 (rw,relatime)
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Détection des systèmes. Veuillez patienter quelques secondes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== ls:
=> [[ PY ]] => /sys/block/dm-0 (filtered):  alignment_offset bdi capability dev discard_alignment dm events events_async events_poll_msecs ext_range hidden holders inflight integrity power queue range removable ro size slaves stat subsystem trace uevent
=> [[ PY ]] => /sys/block/sda (filtered):  alignment_offset bdi capability dev device discard_alignment events events_async events_poll_msecs ext_range hidden holders inflight integrity mq power queue range removable ro sda1 sda10 sda11 sda12 sda13 sda14 sda15 sda16 sda17 sda18 sda19 sda2 sda20 sda21 sda22 sda23 sda24 sda25 sda26 sda27 sda28 sda3 sda4 sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 size slaves stat subsystem trace uevent
=> [[ PY ]] => /sys/block/sr0 (filtered):  alignment_offset bdi capability dev device discard_alignment events events_async events_poll_msecs ext_range hidden holders inflight integrity mq power queue range removable ro size slaves stat subsystem trace uevent
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev (filtered):  autofs block bsg btrfs-control bus cdrom cdrw char console core cpu cpu_dma_latency cuse disk dm-0 dri drm_dp_aux0 dvd dvdrw ecryptfs fb0 fd full fuse Geole-vg hidraw0 hidraw1 hpet hugepages hwrng i2c-0 i2c-1 i2c-2 i2c-3 i2c-4 i2c-5 i2c-6 i2c-7 initctl input kmsg kvm lightnvm log mapper mcelog media0 mei0 mem memory_bandwidth mqueue net network_latency network_throughput null nvidia0 nvidiactl nvidia-modeset nvidia-uvm nvidia-uvm-tools port ppp psaux ptmx pts random rfkill rtc rtc0 sda sda1 sda10 sda11 sda12 sda13 sda14 sda15 sda16 sda17 sda18 sda19 sda2 sda20 sda21 sda22 sda23 sda24 sda25 sda26 sda27 sda28 sda3 sda4 sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 sg0 sg1 shm snapshot snd sr0 stderr stdin stdout toshiba_acpi udmabuf uhid uinput urandom usb userio v4l vfio vga_arbiter vhci vhost-net vhost-vsock video0 video1 zero zfs
=> [[ PY ]] => ls /dev/mapper:  control Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda2
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 58 90 6d 6b 66 73 2e  66 61 74 00 02 08 20 00  |.X.mkfs.fat... .|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  02 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 88 00 00  |........?.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 d0 0f 00 f3 03 00 00  00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  01 00 06 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  80 01 29 a7 2e c1 a3 4e  45 57 46 41 54 33 32 20  |..)....NEWFAT32 |
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  20 20 46 41 54 33 32 20  20 20 0e 1f be 77 7c ac  |  FAT32   ...w|.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  22 c0 74 0b 56 b4 0e bb  07 00 cd 10 5e eb f0 32  |".t.V.......^..2|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  e4 cd 16 cd 19 eb fe 54  68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6e  |.......This is n|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  6f 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 64 69  |ot a bootable di|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  73 6b 2e 20 20 50 6c 65  61 73 65 20 69 6e 73 65  |sk.  Please inse|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  72 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 66 6c  |rt a bootable fl|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  6f 70 70 79 20 61 6e 64  0d 0a 70 72 65 73 73 20  |oppy |
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  61 6e 79 20 6b 65 79 20  74 6f 20 74 72 79 20 61  |any key to try a|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  67 61 69 6e 20 2e 2e 2e  20 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |gain ... .......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => *
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 28 20 00  |........?....( .|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  f8 6f 31 06 00 00 00 00  |.........o1.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  6d d8 5f 00 00 00 00 00  |........m._.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  a0 d3 84 7b 2a 86 b8 6c  |...........{*..l|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb 68 c0 07  |.....3.....|.h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  1f 1e 68 66 00 cb 88 16  0e 00 66 81 3e 03 00 4e  |..hf......f.>..N|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  54 46 53 75 15 b4 41 bb  aa 55 cd 13 72 0c 81 fb  |TFSu..A..U..r...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  55 aa 75 06 f7 c1 01 00  75 03 e9 d2 00 1e 83 ec  |U.u.....u.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  18 68 1a 00 b4 48 8a 16  0e 00 8b f4 16 1f cd 13  |.h...H..........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  9f 83 c4 18 9e 58 1f 72  e1 3b 06 0b 00 75 db a3  |.....X.r.;...u..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  0f 00 c1 2e 0f 00 04 1e  5a 33 db b9 00 20 2b c8  |........Z3... +.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  66 ff 06 11 00 03 16 0f  00 8e c2 ff 06 16 00 e8  |f...............|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  40 00 2b c8 77 ef b8 00  bb cd 1a 66 23 c0 75 2d  |@.+.w......f#.u-|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  66 81 fb 54 43 50 41 75  24 81 f9 02 01 72 1e 16  |f..TCPAu$....r..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000f0  68 07 bb 16 68 70 0e 16  68 09 00 66 53 66 53 66  |h...hp..h..fSfSf|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000100  55 16 16 16 68 b8 01 66  61 0e 07 cd 1a e9 6a 01  |U...h..fa.....j.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000110  90 90 66 60 1e 06 66 a1  11 00 66 03 06 1c 00 1e  |..f`..f...f.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000120  66 68 00 00 00 00 66 50  06 53 68 01 00 68 10 00  |fh....fP.Sh..h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000130  b4 42 8a 16 0e 00 16 1f  8b f4 cd 13 66 59 5b 5a  |.B..........fY[Z|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000140  66 59 66 59 1f 0f 82 16  00 66 ff 06 11 00 03 16  |fYfY.....f......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000150  0f 00 8e c2 ff 0e 16 00  75 bc 07 1f 66 61 c3 a0  |........u...fa..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000160  f8 01 e8 08 00 a0 fb 01  e8 02 00 eb fe b4 01 8b  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000170  f0 ac 3c 00 74 09 b4 0e  bb 07 00 cd 10 eb f2 c3  |..<.t...........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000180  0d 0a 41 20 64 69 73 6b  20 72 65 61 64 20 65 72  |..A disk read er|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000190  72 6f 72 20 6f 63 63 75  72 72 65 64 00 0d 0a 42  |ror occurred...B|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001a0  4f 4f 54 4d 47 52 20 69  73 20 6d 69 73 73 69 6e  |OOTMGR is missin|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001b0  67 00 0d 0a 42 4f 4f 54  4d 47 52 20 69 73 20 63  |g...BOOTMGR is c|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001c0  6f 6d 70 72 65 73 73 65  64 00 0d 0a 50 72 65 73  |ompressed...Pres|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001d0  73 20 43 74 72 6c 2b 41  6c 74 2b 44 65 6c 20 74  |s Ctrl+Alt+Del t|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001e0  6f 20 72 65 73 74 61 72  74 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |o restart.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  80 9d b2 ca 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => efi files in sda5/efi: /Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi /Boot/grubx64.efi /Boot/bootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 48 91 0f  |........?....H..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  cb 7c f1 04 00 00 00 00  |.........|......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  15 31 33 d4 43 33 d4 4a  |.........13.C3.J|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb 68 c0 07  |.....3.....|.h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  1f 1e 68 66 00 cb 88 16  0e 00 66 81 3e 03 00 4e  |..hf......f.>..N|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  54 46 53 75 15 b4 41 bb  aa 55 cd 13 72 0c 81 fb  |TFSu..A..U..r...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  55 aa 75 06 f7 c1 01 00  75 03 e9 dd 00 1e 83 ec  |U.u.....u.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  18 68 1a 00 b4 48 8a 16  0e 00 8b f4 16 1f cd 13  |.h...H..........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  9f 83 c4 18 9e 58 1f 72  e1 3b 06 0b 00 75 db a3  |.....X.r.;...u..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  0f 00 c1 2e 0f 00 04 1e  5a 33 db b9 00 20 2b c8  |........Z3... +.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  66 ff 06 11 00 03 16 0f  00 8e c2 ff 06 16 00 e8  |f...............|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  4b 00 2b c8 77 ef b8 00  bb cd 1a 66 23 c0 75 2d  |K.+.w......f#.u-|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  66 81 fb 54 43 50 41 75  24 81 f9 02 01 72 1e 16  |f..TCPAu$....r..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000f0  68 07 bb 16 68 52 11 16  68 09 00 66 53 66 53 66  |h...hR..h..fSfSf|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000100  55 16 16 16 68 b8 01 66  61 0e 07 cd 1a 33 c0 bf  |U...h..fa....3..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000110  0a 13 b9 f6 0c fc f3 aa  e9 fe 01 90 90 66 60 1e  |.............f`.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000120  06 66 a1 11 00 66 03 06  1c 00 1e 66 68 00 00 00  |.f...f.....fh...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000130  00 66 50 06 53 68 01 00  68 10 00 b4 42 8a 16 0e  |.fP.Sh..h...B...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000140  00 16 1f 8b f4 cd 13 66  59 5b 5a 66 59 66 59 1f  |.......fY[ZfYfY.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000150  0f 82 16 00 66 ff 06 11  00 03 16 0f 00 8e c2 ff  |....f...........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000160  0e 16 00 75 bc 07 1f 66  61 c3 a1 f6 01 e8 09 00  |...u...fa.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000170  a1 fa 01 e8 03 00 f4 eb  fd 8b f0 ac 3c 00 74 09  |............<.t.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000180  b4 0e bb 07 00 cd 10 eb  f2 c3 0d 0a 45 72 72 65  |............Erre|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000190  75 72 20 6c 65 63 74 75  72 65 20 64 69 73 71 75  |ur lecture disqu|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001a0  65 00 0d 0a 42 4f 4f 54  4d 47 52 20 63 6f 6d 70  |e...BOOTMGR comp|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001b0  72 65 73 73 82 00 0d 0a  43 74 72 6c 2b 41 6c 74  |ress....Ctrl+Alt|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001c0  2b 53 75 70 70 72 20 70  6f 75 72 20 72 65 64 82  |+Suppr pour red.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001d0  6d 61 72 72 65 72 0d 0a  00 73 74 61 72 74 0d 0a  |marrer...start..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 8a 01  a2 01 b6 01 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => efi files in sda10/efi: /ubuntu/shimx64.efi /ubuntu/grubx64.efi /BOOT/grubx64.efi /BOOT/bootx64.efi /BOOT/bkpbootx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 58 90 6d 6b 66 73 2e  66 61 74 00 02 08 20 00  |.X.mkfs.fat... .|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  02 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 48 cb 50  |........?....H.P|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 40 00 f8 0f 00 00  00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  |..@.............|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  01 00 06 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  80 01 29 8b 08 02 ba 49  4e 53 31 38 30 34 31 20  |..)....INS18041 |
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  20 20 46 41 54 33 32 20  20 20 0e 1f be 77 7c ac  |  FAT32   ...w|.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  22 c0 74 0b 56 b4 0e bb  07 00 cd 10 5e eb f0 32  |".t.V.......^..2|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  e4 cd 16 cd 19 eb fe 54  68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6e  |.......This is n|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  6f 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 64 69  |ot a bootable di|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  73 6b 2e 20 20 50 6c 65  61 73 65 20 69 6e 73 65  |sk.  Please inse|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  72 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 66 6c  |rt a bootable fl|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  6f 70 70 79 20 61 6e 64  0d 0a 70 72 65 73 73 20  |oppy |
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  61 6e 79 20 6b 65 79 20  74 6f 20 74 72 79 20 61  |any key to try a|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  67 61 69 6e 20 2e 2e 2e  20 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |gain ... .......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => *
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 e8 9b 20  |........?...... |
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  ff ff ff 04 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ff ff 4f 00 00 00 00 00  |..........O.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  4b 57 50 11 e1 b1 14 40  |........KWP....@|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb 68 c0 07  |.....3.....|.h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  1f 1e 68 66 00 cb 88 16  0e 00 66 81 3e 03 00 4e  |..hf......f.>..N|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  54 46 53 75 15 b4 41 bb  aa 55 cd 13 72 0c 81 fb  |TFSu..A..U..r...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  55 aa 75 06 f7 c1 01 00  75 03 e9 d2 00 1e 83 ec  |U.u.....u.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  18 68 1a 00 b4 48 8a 16  0e 00 8b f4 16 1f cd 13  |.h...H..........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  9f 83 c4 18 9e 58 1f 72  e1 3b 06 0b 00 75 db a3  |.....X.r.;...u..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  0f 00 c1 2e 0f 00 04 1e  5a 33 db b9 00 20 2b c8  |........Z3... +.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  66 ff 06 11 00 03 16 0f  00 8e c2 ff 06 16 00 e8  |f...............|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  40 00 2b c8 77 ef b8 00  bb cd 1a 66 23 c0 75 2d  |@.+.w......f#.u-|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  66 81 fb 54 43 50 41 75  24 81 f9 02 01 72 1e 16  |f..TCPAu$....r..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000f0  68 07 bb 16 68 70 0e 16  68 09 00 66 53 66 53 66  |h...hp..h..fSfSf|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000100  55 16 16 16 68 b8 01 66  61 0e 07 cd 1a e9 6a 01  |U...h..fa.....j.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000110  90 90 66 60 1e 06 66 a1  11 00 66 03 06 1c 00 1e  |..f`..f...f.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000120  66 68 00 00 00 00 66 50  06 53 68 01 00 68 10 00  |fh....fP.Sh..h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000130  b4 42 8a 16 0e 00 16 1f  8b f4 cd 13 66 59 5b 5a  |.B..........fY[Z|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000140  66 59 66 59 1f 0f 82 16  00 66 ff 06 11 00 03 16  |fYfY.....f......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000150  0f 00 8e c2 ff 0e 16 00  75 bc 07 1f 66 61 c3 a0  |........u...fa..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000160  f8 01 e8 08 00 a0 fb 01  e8 02 00 eb fe b4 01 8b  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000170  f0 ac 3c 00 74 09 b4 0e  bb 07 00 cd 10 eb f2 c3  |..<.t...........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000180  0d 0a 41 20 64 69 73 6b  20 72 65 61 64 20 65 72  |..A disk read er|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000190  72 6f 72 20 6f 63 63 75  72 72 65 64 00 0d 0a 42  |ror occurred...B|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001a0  4f 4f 54 4d 47 52 20 69  73 20 6d 69 73 73 69 6e  |OOTMGR is missin|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001b0  67 00 0d 0a 42 4f 4f 54  4d 47 52 20 69 73 20 63  |g...BOOTMGR is c|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001c0  6f 6d 70 72 65 73 73 65  64 00 0d 0a 50 72 65 73  |ompressed...Pres|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001d0  73 20 43 74 72 6c 2b 41  6c 74 2b 44 65 6c 20 74  |s Ctrl+Alt+Del t|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001e0  6f 20 72 65 73 74 61 72  74 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |o restart.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  80 9d b2 ca 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 58 90 6d 6b 66 73 2e  66 61 74 00 02 08 20 00  |.X.mkfs.fat... .|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  02 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 48 23 3a  |........?....H#:|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 a0 00 ed 27 00 00  00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  |.....'..........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  01 00 06 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  80 01 29 e3 92 d1 e5 49  53 4f 57 49 4e 44 4f 57  |..)....ISOWINDOW|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  53 20 46 41 54 33 32 20  20 20 0e 1f be 77 7c ac  |S FAT32   ...w|.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  22 c0 74 0b 56 b4 0e bb  07 00 cd 10 5e eb f0 32  |".t.V.......^..2|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  e4 cd 16 cd 19 eb fe 54  68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6e  |.......This is n|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  6f 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 64 69  |ot a bootable di|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  73 6b 2e 20 20 50 6c 65  61 73 65 20 69 6e 73 65  |sk.  Please inse|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  72 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 66 6c  |rt a bootable fl|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  6f 70 70 79 20 61 6e 64  0d 0a 70 72 65 73 73 20  |oppy |
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  61 6e 79 20 6b 65 79 20  74 6f 20 74 72 79 20 61  |any key to try a|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  67 61 69 6e 20 2e 2e 2e  20 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |gain ... .......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => *
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda16
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 e8 3b 26  |........?.....;&|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  36 85 28 06 00 00 00 00  |........6.(.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  d5 6e 94 06 9c 94 06 a6  |.........n......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb 68 c0 07  |.....3.....|.h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  1f 1e 68 66 00 cb 88 16  0e 00 66 81 3e 03 00 4e  |..hf......f.>..N|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  54 46 53 75 15 b4 41 bb  aa 55 cd 13 72 0c 81 fb  |TFSu..A..U..r...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  55 aa 75 06 f7 c1 01 00  75 03 e9 dd 00 1e 83 ec  |U.u.....u.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  18 68 1a 00 b4 48 8a 16  0e 00 8b f4 16 1f cd 13  |.h...H..........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  9f 83 c4 18 9e 58 1f 72  e1 3b 06 0b 00 75 db a3  |.....X.r.;...u..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  0f 00 c1 2e 0f 00 04 1e  5a 33 db b9 00 20 2b c8  |........Z3... +.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  66 ff 06 11 00 03 16 0f  00 8e c2 ff 06 16 00 e8  |f...............|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  4b 00 2b c8 77 ef b8 00  bb cd 1a 66 23 c0 75 2d  |K.+.w......f#.u-|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  66 81 fb 54 43 50 41 75  24 81 f9 02 01 72 1e 16  |f..TCPAu$....r..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000f0  68 07 bb 16 68 52 11 16  68 09 00 66 53 66 53 66  |h...hR..h..fSfSf|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000100  55 16 16 16 68 b8 01 66  61 0e 07 cd 1a 33 c0 bf  |U...h..fa....3..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000110  0a 13 b9 f6 0c fc f3 aa  e9 fe 01 90 90 66 60 1e  |.............f`.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000120  06 66 a1 11 00 66 03 06  1c 00 1e 66 68 00 00 00  |.f...f.....fh...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000130  00 66 50 06 53 68 01 00  68 10 00 b4 42 8a 16 0e  |.fP.Sh..h...B...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000140  00 16 1f 8b f4 cd 13 66  59 5b 5a 66 59 66 59 1f  |.......fY[ZfYfY.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000150  0f 82 16 00 66 ff 06 11  00 03 16 0f 00 8e c2 ff  |....f...........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000160  0e 16 00 75 bc 07 1f 66  61 c3 a1 f6 01 e8 09 00  |...u...fa.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000170  a1 fa 01 e8 03 00 f4 eb  fd 8b f0 ac 3c 00 74 09  |............<.t.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000180  b4 0e bb 07 00 cd 10 eb  f2 c3 0d 0a 45 72 72 65  |............Erre|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000190  75 72 20 6c 65 63 74 75  72 65 20 64 69 73 71 75  |ur lecture disqu|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001a0  65 00 0d 0a 42 4f 4f 54  4d 47 52 20 63 6f 6d 70  |e...BOOTMGR comp|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001b0  72 65 73 73 82 00 0d 0a  43 74 72 6c 2b 41 6c 74  |ress....Ctrl+Alt|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001c0  2b 53 75 70 70 72 20 70  6f 75 72 20 72 65 64 82  |+Suppr pour red.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001d0  6d 61 72 72 65 72 0d 0a  00 73 74 61 72 74 0d 0a  |marrer...start..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 8a 01  a2 01 b6 01 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda22
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 a8 75 31  |........?.....u1|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  f8 bf 89 3a 00 00 00 00  |...........:....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ff ff c7 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  89 d5 c5 54 20 99 7a 00  |...........T .z.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb 68 c0 07  |.....3.....|.h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  1f 1e 68 66 00 cb 88 16  0e 00 66 81 3e 03 00 4e  |..hf......f.>..N|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  54 46 53 75 15 b4 41 bb  aa 55 cd 13 72 0c 81 fb  |TFSu..A..U..r...|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  55 aa 75 06 f7 c1 01 00  75 03 e9 d2 00 1e 83 ec  |U.u.....u.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  18 68 1a 00 b4 48 8a 16  0e 00 8b f4 16 1f cd 13  |.h...H..........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  9f 83 c4 18 9e 58 1f 72  e1 3b 06 0b 00 75 db a3  |.....X.r.;...u..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  0f 00 c1 2e 0f 00 04 1e  5a 33 db b9 00 20 2b c8  |........Z3... +.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  66 ff 06 11 00 03 16 0f  00 8e c2 ff 06 16 00 e8  |f...............|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  40 00 2b c8 77 ef b8 00  bb cd 1a 66 23 c0 75 2d  |@.+.w......f#.u-|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  66 81 fb 54 43 50 41 75  24 81 f9 02 01 72 1e 16  |f..TCPAu$....r..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000f0  68 07 bb 16 68 70 0e 16  68 09 00 66 53 66 53 66  |h...hp..h..fSfSf|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000100  55 16 16 16 68 b8 01 66  61 0e 07 cd 1a e9 6a 01  |U...h..fa.....j.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000110  90 90 66 60 1e 06 66 a1  11 00 66 03 06 1c 00 1e  |..f`..f...f.....|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000120  66 68 00 00 00 00 66 50  06 53 68 01 00 68 10 00  |fh....fP.Sh..h..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000130  b4 42 8a 16 0e 00 16 1f  8b f4 cd 13 66 59 5b 5a  |.B..........fY[Z|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000140  66 59 66 59 1f 0f 82 16  00 66 ff 06 11 00 03 16  |fYfY.....f......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000150  0f 00 8e c2 ff 0e 16 00  75 bc 07 1f 66 61 c3 a0  |........u...fa..|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000160  f8 01 e8 08 00 a0 fb 01  e8 02 00 eb fe b4 01 8b  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000170  f0 ac 3c 00 74 09 b4 0e  bb 07 00 cd 10 eb f2 c3  |..<.t...........|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000180  0d 0a 41 20 64 69 73 6b  20 72 65 61 64 20 65 72  |..A disk read er|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000190  72 6f 72 20 6f 63 63 75  72 72 65 64 00 0d 0a 42  |ror occurred...B|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001a0  4f 4f 54 4d 47 52 20 69  73 20 6d 69 73 73 69 6e  |OOTMGR is missin|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001b0  67 00 0d 0a 42 4f 4f 54  4d 47 52 20 69 73 20 63  |g...BOOTMGR is c|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001c0  6f 6d 70 72 65 73 73 65  64 00 0d 0a 50 72 65 73  |ompressed...Pres|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001d0  73 20 43 74 72 6c 2b 41  6c 74 2b 44 65 6c 20 74  |s Ctrl+Alt+Del t|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001e0  6f 20 72 65 73 74 61 72  74 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |o restart.......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  80 9d b2 ca 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => efi files in sda26/efi: /BOOT/mmx64.efi /BOOT/grubx64.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== hexdump -n512 -C /dev/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000000  eb 58 90 6d 6b 66 73 2e  66 61 74 00 02 08 20 00  |.X.mkfs.fat... .|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000010  02 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  3f 00 ff 00 00 68 d0 72  |........?....h.r|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000020  00 00 80 00 f8 1f 00 00  00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000030  01 00 06 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000040  80 01 29 fb de 1e cd 49  4e 53 54 41 4c 4c 32 30  |..)....INSTALL20|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000050  30 34 46 41 54 33 32 20  20 20 0e 1f be 77 7c ac  |04FAT32   ...w|.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000060  22 c0 74 0b 56 b4 0e bb  07 00 cd 10 5e eb f0 32  |".t.V.......^..2|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000070  e4 cd 16 cd 19 eb fe 54  68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6e  |.......This is n|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000080  6f 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 64 69  |ot a bootable di|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000090  73 6b 2e 20 20 50 6c 65  61 73 65 20 69 6e 73 65  |sk.  Please inse|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000a0  72 74 20 61 20 62 6f 6f  74 61 62 6c 65 20 66 6c  |rt a bootable fl|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000b0  6f 70 70 79 20 61 6e 64  0d 0a 70 72 65 73 73 20  |oppy |
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000c0  61 6e 79 20 6b 65 79 20  74 6f 20 74 72 79 20 61  |any key to try a|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000d0  67 61 69 6e 20 2e 2e 2e  20 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00  |gain ... .......|
=> [[ PY ]] => 000000e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
=> [[ PY ]] => *
=> [[ PY ]] => 000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
=> [[ PY ]] => 00000200
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]TARGET_PARTITION_IS_AVAILABLE[sda] is : yes
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_mbr.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_mbr_options.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_mbr_options.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== df -Th:
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Filesystem                 Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
=> [[ PY ]] => udev                       devtmpfs  2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /dev
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs     584M  2.1M  582M   1% /run
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda9                  ext4       40G   23G   15G  62% /
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs     2.9G  106M  2.8G   4% /dev/shm
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs     5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs     2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop1                 squashfs   15M   15M     0 100% /snap/gnome-characters/399
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop0                 squashfs   92M   92M     0 100% /snap/core/8689
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop2                 squashfs  4.3M  4.3M     0 100% /snap/gnome-calculator/544
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop3                 squashfs  1.0M  1.0M     0 100% /snap/gnome-logs/93
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop4                 squashfs   55M   55M     0 100% /snap/core18/1668
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop5                 squashfs  157M  157M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/110
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs      64M  2.5M   62M   4% /tmp
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop6                 squashfs   45M   45M     0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1440
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop9                 squashfs  4.4M  4.4M     0 100% /snap/gnome-calculator/704
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop10                squashfs   15M   15M     0 100% /snap/gnome-characters/495
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop8                 squashfs   94M   94M     0 100% /snap/core/8935
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop12                squashfs  1.0M  1.0M     0 100% /snap/gnome-logs/81
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop13                squashfs  161M  161M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/116
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop7                 squashfs   49M   49M     0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1474
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/loop11                squashfs   55M   55M     0 100% /snap/core18/1705
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda16                 fuseblk    50G   39G   12G  78% /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda22                 fuseblk   469G  317G  152G  68% /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20                 ext4       19G   15G  3.0G  84% /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2                  vfat      505M  330M  176M  66% /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28                 ext4      7.8G  316M  7.1G   5% /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs     584M   32K  584M   1% /run/user/124
=> [[ PY ]] => tmpfs                      tmpfs     584M   64K  584M   1% /run/user/1000
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda3                  ext4      475M  328M  111M  75% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda4                  fuseblk    50G   29G   22G  57% /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5                  ext4       43G   24G   18G  58% /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6                  ext4       14G  5.6G  7.1G  45% /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda7                  ext4      976M  152M  758M  17% /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda8                  fuseblk    40G   31G  9.4G  77% /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda10                 vfat      2.0G  1.9G  180M  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11                 ext4      9.8G  3.1G  6.2G  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13                 ext4       30G   14G   15G  50% /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda14                 fuseblk    40G   37G  3.3G  92% /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda15                 vfat      5.0G  4.5G  595M  89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda17                 ext4      527M  432K  488M   1% /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda21                 ext4      976M  308M  602M  34% /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23                 ext4       19G  6.2G   12G  36% /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda24                 ext4      969M  223M  680M  25% /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda25                 ext4       35G   32G  639M  99% /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda26                 vfat      4.0G  2.7G  1.4G  66% /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda27                 ext4      976M  623M  286M  69% /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data ext4      3.9G  1.4G  2.4G  37% /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== fdisk -l:
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop0: 91.38 MiB, 95805440 bytes, 187120 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop1: 14.76 MiB, 15462400 bytes, 30200 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop2: 4.2 MiB, 4403200 bytes, 8600 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop3: 956 KiB, 978944 bytes, 1912 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop4: 54.66 MiB, 57294848 bytes, 111904 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop5: 156.7 MiB, 164290560 bytes, 320880 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop6: 44.9 MiB, 47063040 bytes, 91920 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop7: 48.3 MiB, 50642944 bytes, 98912 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/sda: 931.53 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk model: TOSHIBA MQ01ABD1
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Disklabel type: gpt
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk identifier: 1072749E-6A53-E642-9E87-DFBC4088A4FC
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Device          Start        End   Sectors   Size Type
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda1        2048      34815     32768    16M Microsoft reserved
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda2       34816    1071103   1036288   506M EFI System
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda3     1071104    2107391   1036288   506M EFI System
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda4     2107392  106010623 103903232  49.6G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda5   106010624  197640191  91629568  43.7G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda6   197640192  226312191  28672000  13.7G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda7   259080192  261179391   2099200     1G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda8   261179392  344114379  82934988  39.6G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda9   344115200  428001279  83886080    40G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda10  428001280  432195583   4194304     2G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda11  432195584  453167103  20971520    10G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda12  453167104  484173823  31006720  14.8G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda13  484173824  547088383  62914560    30G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda14  547088384  630974463  83886080    40G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda15  630974464  641460223  10485760     5G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda16  641460224  744779062 103318839  49.3G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda17  744779776  745908223   1128448   551M Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda18  745908224  767850495  21942272  10.5G unknown
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda19  767850496  787851263  20000768   9.6G unknown
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda20  787851264  827697151  39845888    19G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda21  827697152  829794303   2097152     1G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda22  829794304 1811900415 982106112 468.3G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda23 1811900416 1850812415  38912000  18.6G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda24 1850812416 1852860415   2048000  1000M Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda25 1852860416 1926260735  73400320    35G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda26 1926260736 1934649343   8388608     4G Microsoft basic data
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda27 1934649344 1936746495   2097152     1G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => /dev/sda28 1936746496 1953523711  16777216     8G Linux filesystem
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/mapper/Geole--vg-Data: 4 GiB, 4294967296 bytes, 8388608 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop8: 93.8 MiB, 98336768 bytes, 192064 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop9: 4.26 MiB, 4464640 bytes, 8720 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop10: 14.77 MiB, 15466496 bytes, 30208 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop11: 54.97 MiB, 57614336 bytes, 112528 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop12: 956 KiB, 978944 bytes, 1912 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Disk /dev/loop13: 160.16 MiB, 167931904 bytes, 327992 sectors
=> [[ PY ]] => Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda11/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda13/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /boot/efi/boot-info/log/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /U18041aMINIMA/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda23/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda5/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_bootrepairsubtitle.set_markup('''<b>Diagnostiquer le démarrage de l'ordinateur (pour se faire aider par courriel ou forum)</b>''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_recommendedrepair.set_text('''Rapport en ligne (URL pastebin)''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_justbootinfo.set_text('''Rapport local (fichier texte)''')
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_notebook1.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_appname.set_markup('''<b><big>Boot-Info</big></b>''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_appdescription.set_text('''Diagnostiquer le démarrage de l'ordinateur''')
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_mainwindow.set_title('''Boot-Info''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_mainwindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_advanced_options.set_text('''Options avancées''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_main_options.set_text('''Options principales''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_grub_location.set_text('''Emplacement de GRUB''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_grub_options.set_text('''Options de GRUB''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_mbr_options.set_text('''Options de MBR''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_other_options.set_text('''Autres options''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_unhide_boot_menu.set_text('''Faire apparaitre le menu de démarrage :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_seconds.set_text('''secondes''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_reinstall_grub.set_text('''Réinstaller GRUB''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_restore_mbr.set_text('''Restaurer le MBR''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_restore_bkp.set_text('''Restaurer les sauvegardes EFI''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_create_bkp.set_text('''Utiliser le fichier EFI standard''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_winefi_bkp.set_text('''Sauvegarder et renommer les fichiers EFI Windows (résout l'erreur [hard-coded-EFI])''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_bootflag.set_text('''Placer le drapeau de démarrage sur :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_bootflag
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_restore_mbrof.set_text('''Restaurer le MBR de :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_ostoboot_bydefault.set_text('''OS par défaut au démarrage :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_signed.set_text('''SecureBoot''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_purge_grub.set_text('''Purger GRUB avant de le réinstaller''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_separateboot.set_text('''Partition /boot séparée :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_efi.set_text('''Partition /boot/efi séparée :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_sepusr.set_text('''Partition /usr séparée :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_place_alldisks.set_text('''Placer GRUB dans tous les disques (sauf disques USB sans OS)''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_place_grub.set_text('''Placer GRUB dans :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]combobox_ostoboot_bydefault_fillin
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[1] sda9 \(L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[2] sda5 \(Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[3] sda6 \(Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[4] sda11 \(Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[5] sda13 \(Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[6] sda20 \(Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LABEL_PART_FOR_REINSTAL[7] sda23 \(Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch)\)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda9 (L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda5 (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda6 (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda11 (Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda13 (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda20 (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@sda23 (Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch))
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault@@Windows (via sda9 menu)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_lastgrub.set_text('''Mettre à niveau GRUB vers sa version la plus récente''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_legacy.set_text('''GRUB Legacy''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_blankextraspace.set_text('''Effacer l'espace libre après MBR (résout l'erreur [FlexNet])''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_uncomment_gfxmode.set_text('''Décommenter GRUB_GFXMODE (résout l'erreur [no-signal / out-of-range])''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_ata.set_text('''Support disque ATA (résout l'erreur [out-of-disk])''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_add_kernel_option.set_text('''Ajouter une option au noyau :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@nomodeset
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@acpi=off
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@acpi_osi=
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@edd=on
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@i815modeset=1
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@i915modeset=0
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@i915.modeset=0 xforcevesa
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@noapic
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@nodmraid
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@nolapic
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@nomodeset radeon mode=0
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@nomodeset radeon mode=1
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@rootdelay=90
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@vga=771
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_add_kernel_option@@xforcevesa
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_add_kernel_option.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_add_kernel_option.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_kernelpurge.set_text('''Purger les kernels puis réinstaller le dernier kernel''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_open_etc_default_grub.set_text('''Modifier le fichier de configuration de GRUB''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_partition_booted_bymbr.set_text('''Partition démarrée par le MBR :''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_about.set_title('''About Boot-Info''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_about.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_translate.set_text('''Traduire''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_thanks.set_text('''Crédits''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_gpl.set_markup('''<small>GNU-GPL v3</small>''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_copyright.set_markup('''<small>(C) 2010-2020 Yann MRN</small>''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_backupwindow.set_title('''Boot-Info''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_pleasechoosebackuprep.set_text('''Veuillez choisir un dossier où placer la sauvegarde.\nIl est recommandé de choisir un disque USB.''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_backup_table.set_text('''Sauvegarder les tables de partitions, les secteurs d'amorçage et les logs''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_winboot.set_text('''Réparer les fichiers de démarrage de Windows''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_upload.set_text('''Envoyer le rapport en ligne sur un pastebin''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_upload1.set_text('''Envoyer le rapport en ligne sur un pastebin''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_stats.set_text('''Participer aux statistiques d'utilisation''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_internet.set_text('''Vérifier la connexion internet''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_internet1.set_text('''Vérifier la connexion internet''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_recommendedrepair.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_repairfilesystems.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_wubi.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_wubi.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_pastebin.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_upload.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]MAIN_MENU becomes : Recommended-Repair
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]set_checkbutton_reinstall_grub
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_grub_location.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_grub_options.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_mbr_options.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_mbr_options.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_mbr.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_create_bkp.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_winefi_bkp.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_mainapply.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]osbydefault_consequences sda9
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_sepusr.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_sepusr.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]combobox_separateboot_fillin
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_separateboot
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda28
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_separateboot.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_kernelpurge.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_kernelpurge.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]combobox_efi_fillin sda9 ,
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda2 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda5 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda6 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda7 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda10 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda21 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda24 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda26 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda28 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda3 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda15 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_efi
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda2
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda28
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_signed.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_place_or_force.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_legacy.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_create_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_efi.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_place_grub
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_place_grub@@sda
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_place_grub.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_radiobutton_place_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]set_radiobutton_place_grub
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_place_grub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_force_grub.set_text('''Forcer GRUB dans : sda9 (pour chainloader)''')
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_blankextraspace.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_blankextraspace.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_uncomment_gfxmode.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_ata.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_add_kernel_option.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_add_kernel_option.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_mainapply.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]MBR_ACTION is set : reinstall (NBOFDISKS is 1)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_reinstall_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_hbox_bootflag.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_bootflag.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_bootflag.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_winboot.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_winboot.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_recommendedrepair.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_add_kernel_option nomodeset
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_add_kernel_option nomodeset
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]CHOSEN_KERNEL_OPTION becomes : nomodeset
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu True
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_unhide_boot_menu True
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_spinbutton_unhide_boot_menu.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]UNHIDEBOOT_ACTION becomes : unhide-bootmenu-10s
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_restore_bkp True
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_restore_bkp True
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_purge_grub True
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_purge_grub True
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]GRUBPURGE_ACTION becomes: purge-grub
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda2
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_efi sda2
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RETOURCOMBO_efi (EFIPART_TO_USE) : sda2
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]EFIPART_TO_USE becomes : 2
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_signed True
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_signed True
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_create_bkp True
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_efi True
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_place_grub sda
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault sda9 (L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10)
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_reinstall_grub True
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _checkbutton_winboot True
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]GRUBPACKAGE becomes: grub-efi-amd64-signed
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_create_bkp True
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_efi True
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_signed.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_place_or_force.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_legacy.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_create_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]GRUBPACKAGE becomes: grub-efi-amd64-signed
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_place_grub sda
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RETOURCOMBO_place_grub (NOFORCE_DISK) : sda
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault sda9 (L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RETOURCOMBO_ostoboot_bydefault : sda9 (L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda9 \(L'OS actuellement utilisé - Ubuntu 19.10\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Warning: Duplicate _combobox_ostoboot_bydefault .
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda5 \(Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda6 \(Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda11 \(Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda13 \(Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda20 \(Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]sda23 \(Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch)\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Windows \(via sda9 menu\)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_reinstall_grub True
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]set_checkbutton_reinstall_grub
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_grub_location.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_grub_options.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_tab_mbr_options.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_mbr_options.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_mbr.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_create_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_mainapply.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]osbydefault_consequences sda9
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_sepusr.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_sepusr.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_sepusr.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]combobox_separateboot_fillin
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_separateboot
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@sda28
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_separateboot@@mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_separateboot.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_separateboot.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_kernelpurge.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_kernelpurge.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_separateboot sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]combobox_efi_fillin sda9 ,
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda2 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _button_recommendedrepair clicked
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda5 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda6 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda7 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda10 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda21 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda24 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda26 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda28 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda3 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] sda15 EFI part (detected by BIS and in fstab) in same disk
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_efi
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda2
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15 => [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda24

=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda28
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_efi@@sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_efi sda2
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_signed.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_efi.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_vbox_place_or_force.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_legacy.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_restore_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_create_bkp.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_efi.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@CLEAR@@_combobox_place_grub
=> [[ PY ]] => COMBO@@END@@_combobox_place_grub@@sda
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_place_grub.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_radiobutton_place_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]set_radiobutton_place_grub
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_place_grub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label_force_grub.set_text('''Forcer GRUB dans : sda9 (pour chainloader)''')
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: _combobox_place_grub sda
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_open_etc_default_grub.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_purge_grub.set_active(True)
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_lastgrub.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]LASTGRUB_ACTION becomes:
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_blankextraspace.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_blankextraspace.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_uncomment_gfxmode.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_ata.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_add_kernel_option.set_sensitive(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_checkbutton_add_kernel_option.set_active(False)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_button_mainapply.set_sensitive(True)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_combobox_ostoboot_bydefault.set_active(0)
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]MBR_ACTION is set : reinstall (NBOFDISKS is 1)
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _checkbutton_winboot True
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]WINBOOT_ACTION becomes: fix-windows-boot
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _combobox_separateboot sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]RET_sepboot (BOOTPART_TO_USE) : sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => DEBUG=> in bash NOT GET _button_recommendedrepair clicked
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_mainwindow.hide()
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] debug_echo_important_variables
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]internet: connected
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]MAIN_MENU becomes : Boot-Info
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== Suggested repair
=> [[ PY ]] => The default repair of the Boot-Repair utility would purge (in order to sign-grub) and reinstall the grub-efi-amd64-signed of sda9, using the following options:        sda2/boot/efi,
=> [[ PY ]] => Additional repair would be performed: unhide-bootmenu-10s   fix-windows-boot use-standard-efi-file  restore-efi-backups
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== Advice in case of suggested repair
=> [[ PY ]] => Vous souhaiterez peut-être réessayer après avoir déchiffré vos partitions. (
=> [[ PY ]] => Voulez-vous continuer ?
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== Final advice in case of suggested repair
=> [[ PY ]] => N'oubliez pas de régler votre BIOS pour qu'il amorce sur le fichier sda2/efi/.../grub*.efi !
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Si votre ordinateur redémarre directement sur Windows, essayez de changer l'ordre de démarrage dans votre BIOS.
=> [[ PY ]] => Si votre BIOS ne permet pas de changer l'ordre de démarrage, changez l'entrée de démarrage par défaut de l'amorceur Windows.
=> [[ PY ]] => Par exemple, vous pouvez démarrer Windows, puis saisir la commande suivante dans une invite de commande en mode administrateur :
=> [[ PY ]] => bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \\EFI\\...\\grub*.efi
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Un Wubi endommagé a été détecté. Veuillez le réparer de cette façon :
=> [[ PY ]] =>
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => =================== User settings
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug] debug_echo_important_variables
=> [[ PY ]] => The settings chosen by the user will not act on the boot.
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo. Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Unmount all blkid partitions except df ones
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => umount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: non monté.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => umount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: non monté.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (bis). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Boot Info Script 71f6c5c + Boot-Repair extra info      [Boot-Info 16mar2020]
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Identifying MBRs...
=> [[ PY ]] => Computing Partition Table of /dev/sda...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda1 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda2 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda3 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda4 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda5 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda6 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda7 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda8 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda9 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda10 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda11 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda12 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda13 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda14 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda15 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda16 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda17 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda18 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda19 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda20 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda21 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda22 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda23 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda24 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda25 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda26 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda27 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => Searching sda28 for information...
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => Finished. The results are in the file "RESULTS.txt"
=> [[ PY ]] => located in "/tmp/boot-info-l6Ps5/".
=> [[ PY ]] => 
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (bs-check). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => cat: erreur d'écriture: Relais brisé (pipe)
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (net-check). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]internet: connected
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (url). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount all blkid partitions except the ones already mounted and BIOS_Boot
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda2             517116  337664     179452  66% /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda16          51659416 40031004   11628412  78% /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda18 /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda18 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda19 /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => mount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: type de système de fichiers « crypto_LUKS » inconnu.
=> [[ PY ]] => mount -r /dev/sda19 : Error code 32
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda20          19479228 15346864    3119836  84% /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda22         491053052 332205760  158847292  68% /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Mount path of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]DF/dev/sda28           8125880  323244    7366828   5% /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (net-check). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]internet: connected
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (net-ok). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (5). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (4). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (3). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (2). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo (1). Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_label0.set_text('''Créer un rapport BootInfo. Veuillez patienter quelques secondes...''')
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda11/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda13/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /boot/efi/boot-info/log/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /U18041aMINIMA/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda23/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda5/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Logs saved into /mnt/boot-sav/sda6/var/log/boot-info/20200407_191259
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]Unmount all blkid partitions except df ones
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda9 is:
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda2 is: /boot/efi
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda3 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda4 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda4
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda5 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda5
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda6 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda6
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda7 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda7
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda8 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda8
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda10 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda10
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda11 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda11
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda13 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda13
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda14 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda14
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda15 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda15
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda16 is: /Windows10COMPLET
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda17 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda17
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda18 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18
=> [[ PY ]] => umount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda18: non monté.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda19 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19
=> [[ PY ]] => umount: /mnt/boot-sav/sda19: non monté.
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda20 is: /U18041aMINIMA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda21 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda21
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda22 is: /DATA
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda23 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda23
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda24 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda24
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda25 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda25
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda26 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda26
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda27 is: /mnt/boot-sav/sda27
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of sda28 is: /DPP
=> [[ PY ]] => [debug]BLKID Mount point of mapper/Geole--vg-Data is: /mnt/boot-sav/mapper/Geole--vg-Data
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@_progressbar1.pulse()
=> [[ PY ]] => SET@pulsatewindow.hide()

=> [[ PY ]] => End of unmount_all_and_success (SHOULD NOT SEE THIS ON LOGS ON DISKS)
=> [[ PY ]] => EXIT@@
=> [[ PY ]] => :: FIFO write :: QuitNow

Nota;    Une comparaison   entre la REFérence et ce qui été généré sur les librairies

a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script-python3-REF glade2script-python3 | grep lib
diff: glade2script-python3-REF: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script-python3.REF glade2script-python3| grep lib
<             ["sh=", "glade=", "retour=", "locale=", "websubmenu=", "libglade",
>             ["sh=", "glade=", "retour=","locale=","websubmenu=","libglade",

Nota;    Une comparaison   entre la la vieille version  et ce qui été généré sur les librairies

a@a:/usr/bin$ diff glade2script glade2script-python3 | grep lib
<                     urllib.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
>                     urllib.request.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
<                 getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.unquote(data))
>                 getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.parse.unquote(data))
<                 self.send_data(  urllib.unquote(data) )
>                 self.send_data(  urllib.parse.unquote(data) )
<             data = urllib.unquote(data)
>             data = urllib.parse.unquote(data)
<         self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.quote(html) ) )
>         self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.parse.quote(html) ) )
<             import urllib
>             import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error

Demain: essais en 20.04 LIVE-USB et BETA

Dernière modification par geole (Le 07/04/2020, à 19:52)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne

#1898 Le 08/04/2020, à 00:14


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Pour s'executer sous Python3, la 1ere ligne de ton fichier doit etre


Si tu as laissé


, il va s'executer sous Python2 smile

à consulter/améliorer: Guide du Débutant, Logiciels, Ecole, Travail, Maison

Hors ligne

#1899 Le 08/04/2020, à 02:25


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

boot-repair 4ppa80 : si Boot-Repair est utilisé pour une réparation (et pas seulement pour creer un rapport), le boot-info-script s'affichera à la fin du log, donc après le log de la réparation. (sachant qu'il est effectivement exécuté après la réparation, cela ne change pas)

glade2script 3.2.4ppa7: affiche la version de Python utilisée si mode debug ( -d ). Par exemple si vous lancez 'boot-repair -d' ou 'boot-info -d --python3' )

Dernière modification par YannUbuntu (Le 08/04/2020, à 02:30)

à consulter/améliorer: Guide du Débutant, Logiciels, Ecole, Travail, Maison

Hors ligne

#1900 Le 08/04/2020, à 11:00


Re : [Réparateur de démarrage] Développement du logiciel Boot-Repair

Merci pour le contrôle de la version de python.
Voici la suite des vérifications de bon fonctionnement
A) En "live-usb" version 20.04 BETA
1) Téléchargement

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y boot-info 

===> on constate Setting up boot-info (4ppa81) ...
2) Contrôle de la version python utilisée par l'outil.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ whereis boot-info
boot-info: /usr/bin/boot-info /usr/share/man/man8/boot-info.8.gz
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ head /usr/bin/boot-info
#! /bin/bash
# Copyright 2014-2017 Yann MRN
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of

3) Faisons du ménage

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ whereis python
python: /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/lib/python2.7 /usr/lib/python3.8 /etc/python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8 /usr/include/python3.8
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm -R /usr/lib/python2.7
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ whereis python
python: /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/lib/python3.8 /etc/python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8 /usr/include/python3.8

4) Vérifions ce qui a été livré

ubuntu@ubuntu:/usr/bin$ ls -als /usr/bin/glad*
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178104 Mar 15 13:14 /usr/bin/glade2script-python3

5) Exécution de boot-info


===> Please write on a paper the following URL:
   Tout semble correct (aucune présence des fichiers refind)

B) En "installed" version 20.04 BETA
1) Téléchargement

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y boot-info 

J'ai commis l'erreur de faire  la commande apt upgrade. Le résultat a été "Oh! Mince, quelque chose s'est mal passé".
Je n'ai pas pu  réouvrir la session (pourtant le mot de passe devait être bon). Je n'ai pas pu arrêter l'ordinateur sauf par appui sur le bouton "power". Je suis reparti en mode recovery/reseau/root puis

dpg --configure -a

le premier package de la liste qui a commencé à se reconfigurer fut "gladescript". Mais il est possible que le plantage ait été provoqué par le paquet précédant.

2) Contrôle de la version python utilisée par l'outil.a@a:~$ whereis boot-info
boot-info: /usr/bin/boot-info /usr/share/man/man8/boot-info.8.gz

whereis boot-info
boot-info: /usr/bin/boot-info /usr/share/man/man8/boot-info.8.gz

head -3 /usr/bin/boot-info
#! /bin/bash
# Copyright 2014-2017 Yann MRN

3) Faisons du ménage. ( ( j'ai refais le remonnage inverse.)
a@a:~$ whereis python
python: /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/lib/python2.7 /usr/lib/python3.8 /etc/python2.7 /etc/python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python2.7 /usr/local/lib/python3.8 /usr/include/python3.8 /usr/share/python
a@a:~$ sudo mv /usr/bin/python2.7  /usr/bin/piton
a@a:~$ sudo mv /usr/lib/python2.7  /usr/lib/piton
a@a:~$ sudo mv /etc/python2.7  /etc/piton
a@a:~$ sudo mv /usr/local/lib/python2.7 /usr/local/lib/piton
a@a:~$ whereis python
python: /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/lib/python3.8 /etc/python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8 /usr/include/python3.8 /usr/share/python


4) Vérifions ce qui a été livré

a@a:~$ ls -als /usr/bin/glad*
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 177783 mars  15 14:14 /usr/bin/glade2script
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178104 mars  15 14:14 /usr/bin/glade2script-python3
sudo rm  /usr/bin/glade2*

==> cela devrait permettre de relivrer le nouveau logiciel glade.
Mais la séquence d'installation boucle!

a@a:~$ sudo apt purge boot-info
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVÉS :
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 1 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Après cette opération, 44,0 ko d'espace disque seront libérés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] 
(Lecture de la base de données... 148519 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Suppression de boot-info (4ppa81) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour mime-support (3.64ubuntu1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour gnome-menus (3.36.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour man-db (2.9.1-1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour desktop-file-utils (0.24-1ubuntu2) ...
(Lecture de la base de données... 148505 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Purge des fichiers de configuration de boot-info (4ppa81) ...

sudo apt upgrade
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Calcul de la mise à jour... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.

sudo apt install boot-info
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
0 mis à jour, 1 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 7012 o dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 44,0 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Réception de :1 focal/main amd64 boot-info all 4ppa81 [7012 B]
7012 o réceptionnés en 3s (2797 o/s)    
Sélection du paquet boot-info précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 148504 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../boot-info_4ppa81_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de boot-info (4ppa81) ...
Paramétrage de boot-info (4ppa81) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour mime-support (3.64ubuntu1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour gnome-menus (3.36.0-1ubuntu1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour man-db (2.9.1-1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour desktop-file-utils (0.24-1ubuntu2) ...

cd /usr/bin
a@a:/usr/bin$ ls -als glad*
ls: impossible d'accéder à 'glad*': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

sudo boot-info
Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal-security InRelease                                                                              
Atteint :2 focal InRelease                                                               
Atteint :3 focal InRelease
Atteint :4 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
a@a:/usr/bin$ Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal InRelease                                                                                                        
Atteint :2 focal-security InRelease                                   
Atteint :3 focal InRelease
Atteint :4 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal InRelease                                                                                                         
Atteint :2 focal InRelease                                                                                      
Atteint :3 focal-security InRelease 
Atteint :4 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal InRelease                                                                                                         
Atteint :2 focal InRelease                                                                                      
Atteint :3 focal-security InRelease 
Atteint :4 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal InRelease                                                                                                         
Atteint :2 focal InRelease                                                                                      
Atteint :3 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :4 focal-security InRelease 
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal InRelease                                                                                                         
Atteint :2 focal InRelease                                                                                      
Atteint :3 focal-security InRelease 
Atteint :4 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Le composant de distribution « universe » est déjà activé pour toutes les sources.
Atteint :1 focal InRelease                                                                                                         
Atteint :2 focal InRelease                                                                                      
Atteint :3 focal-security InRelease 
Atteint :4 focal-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 focal-backports InRelease
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
glade2script est déjà la version la plus récente (3.2.4~ppa7).
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.

5) La version ubuntu

cat /etc/lsb*
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch)"

6)  La correction faite

sudo apt install --reinstall glade2script
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 1 réinstallés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0 o/36,1 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 0 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
(Lecture de la base de données... 148519 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../glade2script_3.2.4~ppa7_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de glade2script (3.2.4~ppa7) sur (3.2.4~ppa7) ...
Paramétrage de glade2script (3.2.4~ppa7) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour man-db (2.9.1-1) ...

cd /usr/bin
root@a:/usr/bin# ls -als gla*
176 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 177783 mars  15 14:14 glade2script

7) Verification des librairies

root@a:/usr/bin# cat glade2script | grep urllib
                    urllib.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
                getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.unquote(data))
                self.send_data(  urllib.unquote(data) )
            data = urllib.unquote(data)
        self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.quote(html) ) )
            import urllib

Cela ne me semble pas la bonne version
8) installation du convertisseur et conversion et vérification

sudo apt install 2to3
sudo 2to3 -v -w /usr/bin/glade2script
cat /usr/bin/glade2script | grep urllib
                    urllib.request.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
                getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.parse.unquote(data))
                self.send_data(  urllib.parse.unquote(data) )
            data = urllib.parse.unquote(data)
        self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.parse.quote(html) ) )
            import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error

Cela semble mieux

9) Verification du fonctionnement

apt install --reinstall glade2script-python3
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances       
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 1 réinstallés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0 o/35,2 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 0 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
(Lecture de la base de données... 148525 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../glade2script-python3_3.2.4~ppa7_all.deb ...
Dépaquetage de glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa7) sur (3.2.4~ppa7) ...
Paramétrage de glade2script-python3 (3.2.4~ppa7) ...

Toujours le même problème

sudo boot-info -d --python3
=> [[ PY ]] => b"SET@pulsatewindow.set_icon_from_file('''x-boot-info.png''')"
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script-python3", line 4470, in run
    cmd = sortie.split('@')[0]
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

10) Une tentative osée de correction

root@a:/usr/bin# cp glade2script glade2script-python3

root@a:/usr/bin# cat glade2script-python3| grep urllib
                    urllib.request.urlretrieve(path, os.path.join(dossier, base) )
                getattr(, name) ('linkfilter', urllib.parse.unquote(data))
                self.send_data(  urllib.parse.unquote(data) )
            data = urllib.parse.unquote(data)
        self.send( '''%s save@%s''' % ( name, urllib.parse.quote(html) ) )
            import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
root@a:/usr/bin# sudo boot-info -d --python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script-python3", line 43, in <module>
    from configparser import ConfigParser
ImportError: No module named configparser

a@a:~$ sudo boot-info: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/glade2script", line 43, in <module>
    from configparser import ConfigParser
ImportError: No module named configparser

Je crains d'être dans une impasse.

Dernière modification par geole (Le 08/04/2020, à 14:03)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

Hors ligne