#1 Le 18/11/2006, à 19:32
- JPhi
apt-move: recup des depots ubuntu
Alors voila;
n'ayant pas de connection adsl chez moi j'ai découvert apt-move qui devrais me permettre de récuperer l'ensemble des paquets dispo sur les depots de mon source.list.
Le probleme c'est qu'après avoir lancer la commande
sudo apt-move -t mirror
et après avoir attends environ 30s sans message d'erreur, je reprends la main mais aucun paquet n'a été rapatrier sur mon pc!!!
Voici ce que me renvoi apt-move en fin de commande:
Moving files...
Skipping files:
Moving Files:
find: .apt-move/archive: Aucun fichier ou r?pertoire de ce type
Moving files...
Skipping files:
Moving Files:
File deletes disabled, skipping.
Creating Packages files...
Creating Release files...
All done, exiting.
et voici mon fichier /etc/apt-move.conf:
# Configuration file for the apt-move script.
# You should modify the following configuration to suit your system.
# See the apt-move(8) manpage for information about these settings.
# The defaults for this file are simply the settings I currently use.# Configuration for apt-move script --------------------------------------
# The sites in ``/etc/apt/sources.list'' that you wish to mirror.
APTSITES="/all/"# The absolute path to your debian directory (top of your local mirror).
# This MUST appear as the first entry of your sources.list if you use
# sync or mirror.
LOCALDIR=/media/STOCKAGE/depots/dapper# The default distribution (see the apt-move(8) manpage for details)
DIST=stable# The package types you want to mirror.
# Possible values are: binary, source, and both (use only one).
PKGTYPE=binary# The full (absolute) path to your local cache of package files. The default
# will work for the apt-get packages, unless you've reconfigured apt.
FILECACHE=/var/cache/apt/archives# The full (absolute) path to your local cache of Packages files. The
# default will work for the apt-get Packages, unless you've reconfigured apt.
LISTSTATE=/var/lib/apt/lists# Do you want apt-move to delete obsolete files from your mirror? (yes/no)
DELETE=no# Maximum percentage of files to delete during a normal run.
MAXDELETE=20# Set this to yes if you wish to keep the originals for move/movefile.
COPYONLY=no# Set this to 'none gzip' to get uncompressed Packages/Sources files.
PKGCOMP=gzip# Set this to yes to make apt-move generate Contents files.
CONTENTS=no# Set this to key name to be used for signing Release files.
SIGNINGKEY=# End Configuration ------------------------------------------------------
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