Pages : 1
#1 Le 12/06/2005, à 15:19
- Mimosa
Wine et catia V5
J'utilise une partition M$ Windows pour catia V5 (il n'y a pas de version sous linux).
Pensez vous que je pourrais le démarrer a partir de ubuntu via wine ou autre chose?
Si oui comment si prendre?
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#2 Le 12/06/2005, à 15:48
- Mimosa
Re : Wine et catia V5
Si j'utilise wine, j'obtiens:
remy@jilipoya:~$ wine CATenv
Invoking /usr/lib/wine/wine.bin CATenv ...
When you are running with a native NT directory specify
'Profile=<profiledirectory>' or disable loading of Windows
registry (LoadWindowsRegistryFiles=N)
wine: cannot find 'CATenv'
Wine failed with return code 1
/usr/bin/wine: line 609: 7307 Complété $XMESSAGE -timeout 30 -buttons " Dismiss ":0," Never display this message again ":3 -title "Wine Launch Window" "Invoking $WINEBIN/$WINE_BIN_NAME $@ ...
This dialog box is a temporary status dialog to let you know
that Wine is attempting to launch your application.
Since Wine is still very much in a development stage,
many applications will fail silently.
This dialog box is your indication
that we're *trying* to run your application.
This dialog box will automatically disappear after 30 seconds,
or after your application finishes.
You can permanently disable this dialog by selecting
the option below.
" 2>/dev/null
Comment faire?
Merci beaucoup
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Pages : 1