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#1 Le 09/05/2010, à 19:03


Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Bonjour à tous.

Tous d'abord, pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas PTAMM, je vous invitent à voir ce lien:

J'ai donc télécharger le code source, et installer tous les paquets nécéssaire. Par contre je ne sais pas comment le compiler (c'est la première fois que je compile d'ailleurs )

Pouvez-vous me donner un petit coup de pouce?

Merci d'avance.

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Hors ligne

#2 Le 09/05/2010, à 20:32


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Dans les fichiers téléchargés il n'y aurait pas un README, ou un fichier configure voire un Makefile ?

Hors ligne

#3 Le 09/05/2010, à 21:17


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Il y a bien un README qui m'a signaler de lire le pdf.

J'ai installer tous les paquets en question, mais je bloque au niveau de l'installation

Voila ou je bloque dans le pdf ( les paquets et librairie ci-dessous ont été installé):

4 Installation
4.1   Installation of the dependencies
The four dependent libraries are all compiled and installed using the familiar ./configure;
make; make install system, however the following points are worth noting. On Linux,
the following libraries (and their devel versions) are required:
    • blas,
    • lapack,
    • libgfortran,
    • ncurses,
    • libreadline,
    • libdc1394 (and maybe libraw1394) for firewire capture,
    • libpng.
    • Optionally libtiff and libjpeg.
The order of installation should be
   1. TooN
   2. libCVD
   3. GVars3
   4. lib3ds
TooN installation is trivial, since it’s only a set of headers. Just do
$> ./configure; make; make install
For libCVD, I recommend the following configure options:
$> ./configure --without-ffmpeg
If the compiler hangs on one of the FAST detectors these can be disabled with ./configure
disablefast7 for example.
Documentation can be generated (if doxygen is installed) by running
$> make docs
For GVars3, I recommend the following configure options:
$> ./configure --disable-widgets
Installing lib3ds should also be straight forward with a
$> ./configure; make; make install
4.2    Compiling the Software
The source code is in the PTAMM directory. The first step is to copy the appropriate platform
build files to the PTAMM source directory. E.g. for Linux, copy all the files from
PTAMM/Build/Linux to PTAMM. The Makefile can then be edited to reference any custom
include or linker paths which might be necessary (depending on where the dependencies were
    The second step, for Linux, is to set up the correct video source. Two files are provided,
VideoSource Linux and VideoSource Linux, which work with the Unibrain
Fire-i and the Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000 respectively. The DV version is compiled by de-
fault; edit the Makefile to switch to the V4L version instead, if needed. Other cameras may
require manual editing of the video input files, e.g. to change the videobuffer’s colourspace.
Other video source classes are available with libCVD.
    Finally, if a custom video source not supported by libCVD is required, the code for it will
have to be put into some VideoSource file (the interface for this file is very simple.)
    If you do not want to use the lib3ds based AR game, then the Makefile can be simply
modified to remove the associated files, and lib3ds will then not be required.
The software can then be compiled with the command
$> make
This builds two target executables: PTAMM and CameraCalibrator.

Hors ligne

#4 Le 09/05/2010, à 21:24


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Les trucs dont ils parlent là (TooN, libCVD, GVars3 et lib3ds) ça vient avec les sources du logiciel où il faut les télecharger à part ?

Hors ligne

#5 Le 09/05/2010, à 21:35


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

C'est complètement à part. Obligé de passer par Synaptic ou par le terminal pour les télécharger.

Hors ligne

#6 Le 09/05/2010, à 22:02


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Donc tu les as aussi installé ceux-là (je pensais que tu n'avais installé que blas, lapack, libgfortran, ncurses, libreadline, libdc1394, libraw1394, libpng, libtiff et libjpeg) ?

Si c'est le cas, alors il te suffit d'aller dans le dossier PTAMM, d'ouvir un terminal situé dans ce dossier et de taper


Hors ligne

#7 Le 09/05/2010, à 22:16


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Manifestement j'ai oublié un truc. Voila le résultat:

piratecorp@piratecorp-laptop:~/Bureau/PTAMM$ make
g++ -o main.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3 -fno-strict-aliasing -DENABLE_MODELS_GAME error: gvars3/instances.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:13,
VideoSource.h:15:23: error: cvd/image.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:16:22: error: cvd/byte.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:17:21: error: cvd/rgb.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:14,
GLWindow2.h:11:26: error: cvd/glwindow.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
GLWindow2.h:12:23: error: TooN/TooN.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:13,
VideoSource.h:27: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:27: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘<’ token
VideoSource.h:28: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:28: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ImageRef’ with no type
VideoSource.h:28: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘Size’
VideoSource.h:32: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:32: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ImageRef’ with no type
VideoSource.h:32: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mirSize’
In file included from System.h:14,
GLWindow2.h:20: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
GLWindow2.h:20: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘GLWindow’
GLWindow2.h:20: error: invalid type in declaration before ‘,’ token
GLWindow2.h:20: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘public’
In file included from
System.h:52: error: field ‘mGLWindow’ has incomplete type
System.h:53: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
System.h:53: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Image’ with no type
System.h:53: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:54: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
System.h:54: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Image’ with no type
System.h:54: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:56: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘vector’ with no type
System.h:56: error: invalid use of ‘::’
System.h:56: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:67: error: ‘GVars3’ has not been declared
System.h:67: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘gvar3’ with no type
System.h:67: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:68: error: ‘GVars3’ has not been declared
System.h:68: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘gvar3’ with no type
System.h:68: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:71: error: ‘GVars3’ has not been declared
System.h:71: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘gvar3’ with no type
System.h:71: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:72: error: ‘GVars3’ has not been declared
System.h:72: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘gvar3’ with no type
System.h:72: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token error: ‘GVars3’ is not a namespace-name error: expected namespace-name before ‘;’ token In function ‘int main()’: error: ‘GUI’ was not declared in this scope error: expected type-specifier before ‘CVD’ error: expected ‘)’ before ‘::’ token error: expected ‘{’ before ‘::’ token error: ‘::Exceptions’ has not been declared error: expected ‘;’ before ‘e’
make: *** [main.o] Erreur 1

Dernière modification par Piratecorp (Le 09/05/2010, à 23:45)

Hors ligne

#8 Le 09/05/2010, à 22:24


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Apparement il te manque :
- GVars3 error: gvars3/instances.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

- libCVD

VideoSource.h:15:23: error: cvd/image.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:16:22: error: cvd/byte.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:17:21: error: cvd/rgb.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
GLWindow2.h:11:26: error: cvd/glwindow.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

- TooN

GLWindow2.h:12:23: error: TooN/TooN.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Toutes les erreurs découlent de là.

(Utilises la balise code quand tu postes des messages d'erreurs).

Dernière modification par grim7reaper (Le 09/05/2010, à 22:28)

Hors ligne

#9 Le 09/05/2010, à 22:49


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Effectivement, il me manquait pas mal de chose.

J'ai installer tout ça mais le message d'erreur est exactement le même.

(Désolé pour les messages d'erreur, j'y penserais la prochaine fois)

Hors ligne

#10 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:00


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

C'est quoi le nom exact des paquets que tu as installés ?

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#11 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:09


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Voila la liste :

coriander (allegedly installs libdc1394 and libraw1394)
zlib1g-dev (for libpng)

Hors ligne

#12 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:16


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Ok, mais il manque toujours TooN, libCVD, lib3ds et GVars3 (je crains malheureusement qu'il ne soient pas dans les dépôts et qu'il faille télécharger les sources et les compiler comme indiquer dans le pdf).

Dernière modification par grim7reaper (Le 09/05/2010, à 23:25)

Hors ligne

#13 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:32


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

A tout hazard, quand je telecharge les paquets, sur certains fichier ça me mets "is no longer in the repository". C'est normal ou pas?

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#14 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:36


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Quand tu les télécharges où ?

Hors ligne

#15 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:44


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Je les telecharge à partir des liens dans le pdf

$> export CVS_RSH=ssh
$> cvs -z3 co -D "Mon
    May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" TooN
$> cvs -z3 co -D "Mon
    May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" libcvd
$> cvs -z3 co -D "Mon
    May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" gvars3

Dernière modification par Piratecorp (Le 09/05/2010, à 23:44)

Hors ligne

#16 Le 09/05/2010, à 23:49


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Le pdf n'est peut-être plus très à jour hmm.
À la limite tu peux essayer les liens que j'ai mis dans le post #12 (sur les sites ils indiquent comment récupérer la dernière version avec svn).

cvs -z3 co gvars3
cvs -z3 co libcvd
cvs -z3 co TooN

Dernière modification par grim7reaper (Le 09/05/2010, à 23:54)

Hors ligne

#17 Le 10/05/2010, à 00:11


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

ça ne marche toujours pas. Je n'y comprend plus rien...

Hors ligne

#18 Le 10/05/2010, à 01:03


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Pour l'installation de TooN, libCVD, GVars3 et lib3ds, ça se fait à la racine de PTAMM?

Hors ligne

#19 Le 10/05/2010, à 01:28


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Je suis repartis de zéro, et voila ce que ça donne:

piratecorp@piratecorp-laptop:~/Téléchargements/PTAM$ make
g++ -o main.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3 error: gvars3/instances.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:13,
VideoSource.h:15:23: error: cvd/image.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:16:22: error: cvd/byte.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:17:21: error: cvd/rgb.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:14,
GLWindow2.h:11:26: error: cvd/glwindow.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
GLWindow2.h:12:23: error: TooN/TooN.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:13,
VideoSource.h:25: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:25: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘<’ token
VideoSource.h:26: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:26: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ImageRef’ with no type
VideoSource.h:26: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘Size’
VideoSource.h:30: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:30: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ImageRef’ with no type
VideoSource.h:30: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mirSize’
In file included from System.h:14,
GLWindow2.h:17: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
GLWindow2.h:17: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘GLWindow’
GLWindow2.h:17: error: invalid type in declaration before ‘,’ token
GLWindow2.h:17: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘public’
In file included from
System.h:35: error: field ‘mGLWindow’ has incomplete type
System.h:36: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
System.h:36: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Image’ with no type
System.h:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:37: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
System.h:37: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Image’ with no type
System.h:37: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token error: ‘GVars3’ is not a namespace-name error: expected namespace-name before ‘;’ token In function ‘int main()’: error: ‘GUI’ was not declared in this scope error: expected type-specifier before ‘CVD’ error: expected ‘)’ before ‘::’ token error: expected ‘{’ before ‘::’ token error: ‘::Exceptions’ has not been declared error: expected ‘;’ before ‘e’
make: *** [main.o] Erreur 1

ça s'améliore, mais c'est pas encore ça...

Hors ligne

#20 Le 10/05/2010, à 05:33


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Est-ce que tu as bien compilé les  3 librairies téléchargés précédemment (TooN, libCVD, GVars3) comme indiqué dans le pdf (./configure; make; make install & cie) ?

Dernière modification par grim7reaper (Le 13/05/2010, à 21:05)

Hors ligne

#21 Le 10/05/2010, à 07:54


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Quand je veux les compiler, j'ai des message d'erreur dans le terminal.

Voici pour TooN:

piratecorp@piratecorp-laptop:~/Téléchargements/PTAM/TooN$ configure; make; make install
configure: command not found
There is nothing to be compiled in TooN.
It is now ready to be installed.
mkdir -p //usr/local/include/TooN
mkdir: ne peut créer le répertoire `//usr/local/include/TooN': Permission non accordée
make: *** [install] Erreur 1

Hors ligne

#22 Le 10/05/2010, à 10:54


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Vérifie qu'il existe bien un fichier configure dans le dossier où tu es.
S'il existe, essaye de taper


Sinon, peut-être que le fichier Makefile existe déjà.
Pour le problème de permission, il faut écrire

sudo make install

Hors ligne

#23 Le 13/05/2010, à 14:32


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

niveau permission, impeccable. Par contre, je vois pas comment regler le reste du problème.

piratecorp@piratecorp-laptop:~/Téléchargements/PTAM$ make
g++ -o main.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
In file included from System.h:13,
VideoSource.h:15:23: error: cvd/image.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:16:22: error: cvd/byte.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:17:21: error: cvd/rgb.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:14,
GLWindow2.h:11:26: error: cvd/glwindow.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
In file included from System.h:13,
VideoSource.h:25: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:25: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘<’ token
VideoSource.h:26: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:26: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ImageRef’ with no type
VideoSource.h:26: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘Size’
VideoSource.h:30: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
VideoSource.h:30: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ImageRef’ with no type
VideoSource.h:30: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mirSize’
In file included from System.h:14,
GLWindow2.h:17: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
GLWindow2.h:17: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘GLWindow’
GLWindow2.h:17: error: invalid type in declaration before ‘,’ token
GLWindow2.h:17: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘public’
In file included from
System.h:35: error: field ‘mGLWindow’ has incomplete type
System.h:36: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
System.h:36: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Image’ with no type
System.h:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
System.h:37: error: ‘CVD’ has not been declared
System.h:37: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Image’ with no type
System.h:37: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token In function ‘int main()’: error: expected type-specifier before ‘CVD’ error: expected ‘)’ before ‘::’ token error: expected ‘{’ before ‘::’ token error: ‘::Exceptions’ has not been declared error: expected ‘;’ before ‘e’
make: *** [main.o] Erreur 1

En tout cas les erreurs diminue, ça fait plaisir smile

Je viens d'y pensé, voila le ./configure de libcvd. En toute logique certaine erreur viennent de la non?

piratecorp@piratecorp-laptop:~/Téléchargements/PTAM/libcvd$ ./configure
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking if compiler flag -Wall works... yes
checking if compiler flag -Wextra works... yes
checking if compiler flag -pipe works... yes
checking if compiler flag -ggdb works... yes
checking if compiler flag -fPIC works... yes
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for best optimize flags... 
checking if compiler flag -O3 works... yes
checking CPU type... p4
checking if compiler flag -march=native works... yes

Checking processor specific features

checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking for MMX support... yes
checking for MMXEXT support... yes
checking for SSE support... yes
checking for SSE2 support... yes
checking for SSE3 support... yes
checking size of void*... 4
checking for inline asm statement... yes
checking assembler supports .type pseudo-op... yes

Checking for operating system specific features
checking dc1394/dc1394.h usability... no
checking dc1394/dc1394.h presence... no
checking for dc1394/dc1394.h... no
checking for main in -ldc1394... no
checking libraw1394/raw1394.h usability... no
checking libraw1394/raw1394.h presence... no
checking for libraw1394/raw1394.h... no
checking libdc1394/dc1394_control.h usability... no
checking libdc1394/dc1394_control.h presence... no
checking for libdc1394/dc1394_control.h... no
checking for main in -lraw1394... no
checking for main in -ldc1394_control... no
checking for v4l2... yes
checking linux/videodev.h usability... yes
checking linux/videodev.h presence... yes
checking for linux/videodev.h... yes
checking kernel major number... 2
checking kernel minor number... 6
checking kernel release number... 32
checking for clock_getres in -lrt... yes

Checking for optional libraries
checking for X... libraries , headers 
checking for glDrawPixels in -lGL... yes
checking GL/glu.h usability... yes
checking GL/glu.h presence... yes
checking for GL/glu.h... yes
checking for gluGetString in -lGLU... yes
checking for tr1::shared_ptr... yes
checking for TooN... yes
checking for dgesvd_ in -lacml... no
checking if Accelerate framework is needed for LAPACK... 
checking for dgesvd_... no
checking for dgesvd_ in -llapack... yes
checking for working pthreads... yes
checking for pthread_yield... yes
checking for pthread_yield_np... no
checking png.h usability... yes
checking png.h presence... yes
checking for png.h... yes
checking for png_init_io in -lpng... yes
checking for png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 in -lpng... yes
checking jpeglib.h usability... no
checking jpeglib.h presence... no
checking for jpeglib.h... no
checking for jpeg_destroy_decompress in -ljpeg... no
checking tiffio.h usability... no
checking tiffio.h presence... no
checking for tiffio.h... no
checking for TIFFReadRGBAImage in -ltiff... no
checking if perhaps libtiff requires zlib... 
checking for tiffio.h... (cached) no
checking for deflate in -lz... yes
checking for TIFFReadRGBAImage in -ltiff... no
configure: WARNING: FFMPEG currently requires the use of --enable-gpl
checking for doxygen... no

Checking for platform compatibility
checking glob.h usability... yes
checking glob.h presence... yes
checking for glob.h... yes
checking for glob... yes
checking for GLOB_BRACE and GLOB_TILDE in glob.h... yes
checking whether feenableexcept is declared... yes
checking for posix_memalign... yes

Checking for extra build options

inline_asm assembler v4l2buffer v4l1buffer posix_rt videodisplay tr1_shared_ptr toon lapack pthread png glob memalign v4lbuffer

Missing options for linux-gnu:
dc1394v1 dc1394v2 ffmpeg jpeg tiff

Dodgy things:

SIMD support:
mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3

Missing SIMD support for i686-pc-linux-gnu:

-g -Wall -Wextra -pipe -ggdb -fPIC -mmmx -msse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -pthread
-lpng -lpng -llapack -lGLU -lGL -lrt -L -lX11 -lXext -pthread
Generating config... configuration unchanged
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile

Dernière modification par Piratecorp (Le 13/05/2010, à 14:36)

Hors ligne

#24 Le 13/05/2010, à 17:23


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

Après le


de la libcvd il faudrai que tu fasses un


dans le dossier ~/Téléchargements/PTAM/libcvd et s'il n'y a pas d'erreur tu concluras sur un

sudo make install

qui achevera l'installation de la libcvd.
Ça permettra de faire disparaître les erreurs du types

VideoSource.h:15:23: error: cvd/image.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:16:22: error: cvd/byte.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VideoSource.h:17:21: error: cvd/rgb.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Hors ligne

#25 Le 13/05/2010, à 18:51


Re : Problème de compilation de PTAMM

J'ai fait tout ça, et maintenant j'obtient ça:

piratecorp@piratecorp-laptop:~/Bureau/PTAMM$ make
g++ -o main.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o GLWindow2.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o GLWindowMenu.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o VideoSource_Linux_DV.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o System.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o ATANCamera.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o KeyFrame.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o MapPoint.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o Map.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o SmallBlurryImage.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o ShiTomasi.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o HomographyInit.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o MapMaker.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3 In member function ‘TooN::SE3<double> MapMaker::CalcPlaneAligner()’: warning: ‘v3BestMean.TooN::Vector<3, double, TooN::Internal::VBase>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VBase::VLayout<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::GenericVBase<3, double, 1, TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double> >::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StaticSizedAllocator<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StackOrHeap<3, double, false>::my_data[2u]’ may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ‘v3BestMean.TooN::Vector<3, double, TooN::Internal::VBase>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VBase::VLayout<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::GenericVBase<3, double, 1, TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double> >::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StaticSizedAllocator<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StackOrHeap<3, double, false>::my_data[1u]’ may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ‘v3BestMean.TooN::Vector<3, double, TooN::Internal::VBase>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VBase::VLayout<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::GenericVBase<3, double, 1, TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double> >::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StaticSizedAllocator<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StackOrHeap<3, double, false>::my_data[0u]’ may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ‘v3BestNormal.TooN::Vector<3, double, TooN::Internal::VBase>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VBase::VLayout<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::GenericVBase<3, double, 1, TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double> >::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StaticSizedAllocator<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StackOrHeap<3, double, false>::my_data[2u]’ may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ‘v3BestNormal.TooN::Vector<3, double, TooN::Internal::VBase>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VBase::VLayout<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::GenericVBase<3, double, 1, TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double> >::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StaticSizedAllocator<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StackOrHeap<3, double, false>::my_data[1u]’ may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ‘v3BestNormal.TooN::Vector<3, double, TooN::Internal::VBase>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VBase::VLayout<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::GenericVBase<3, double, 1, TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double> >::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::VectorAlloc<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StaticSizedAllocator<3, double>::<anonymous>.TooN::Internal::StackOrHeap<3, double, false>::my_data[0u]’ may be used uninitialized in this function
g++ -o Bundle.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o PatchFinder.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o Relocaliser.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o MiniPatch.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o MapViewer.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o ARDriver.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o EyeGame.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
g++ -o Tracker.o -c -I MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH -D_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -O3 -march=nocona -msse3
KeyFrame.h: In member function ‘void Tracker::TrackMap()’:
KeyFrame.h:44: warning: ‘m.Measurement::Source’ may be used uninitialized in this function note: ‘m.Measurement::Source’ was declared here
g++ -o PTAM main.o GLWindow2.o GLWindowMenu.o VideoSource_Linux_DV.o System.o ATANCamera.o KeyFrame.o MapPoint.o Map.o SmallBlurryImage.o ShiTomasi.o HomographyInit.o MapMaker.o Bundle.o PatchFinder.o Relocaliser.o MiniPatch.o MapViewer.o ARDriver.o EyeGame.o Tracker.o -L MY_CUSTOM_LINK_PATH -lGVars3 -lcvd
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `VideoSource::VideoSource()': undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::RawDVBuffer3(CVD::DV3::DV3ColourSpace, int, unsigned long long, int, bool, bool, CVD::ImageRef, float, CVD::ImageRef, int)'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `VideoSource::VideoSource()': undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::RawDVBuffer3(CVD::DV3::DV3ColourSpace, int, unsigned long long, int, bool, bool, CVD::ImageRef, float, CVD::ImageRef, int)'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::frame_pending()':[CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::frame_pending()]+0x22): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::frame_pending()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::put_frame(CVD::VideoFrame<CVD::yuv411>*)':[CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::put_frame(CVD::VideoFrame<CVD::yuv411>*)]+0x11): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::put_frame(CVD::VideoFrame<unsigned char>*)'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::get_frame()':[CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::get_frame()]+0xc): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::get_frame()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::~DVBuffer3()':[CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::~DVBuffer3()]+0x3c): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::~RawDVBuffer3()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o: In function `CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::~DVBuffer3()':[CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>::~DVBuffer3()]+0x3c): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::~RawDVBuffer3()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x24): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x2c): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::~RawDVBuffer3()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x30): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::~RawDVBuffer3()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x38): undefined reference to `CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::frame_pending()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x68): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x70): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::~RawDVBuffer3()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x74): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::~RawDVBuffer3()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTCN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE8_NS_3DV312RawDVBuffer3E[vtable for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x7c): undefined reference to `virtual thunk to CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3::frame_pending()'
VideoSource_Linux_DV.o:(.rodata._ZTIN3CVD9DVBuffer3INS_6yuv411EEE[typeinfo for CVD::DVBuffer3<CVD::yuv411>]+0x18): undefined reference to `typeinfo for CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [PTAM] Erreur 1

Normalement à ce stade, je devrais avoir 2 executables, mais rien...

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