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#1 Le 01/06/2009, à 19:44


[Resolu] Avec virtualbox : Acceleration 3D ... 3D rendering ...

J'ai vu que désormais OpenGL est maintenant utilisable mais j'ai systématiquement un "Error initializing direct 3D Renderer" quand je lance un logiciel de jeu et je pense que c'est lié à un problème d'accélération graphique.

Je n'arrive pas à trouver l'info si l'accélération 3D est possible avec un virtualbox dernière version (2.2.4 r47978. Le GuestAdditions correspondant est installé également)

Le host est un AMD64bits 2 coeurs et 3Go de mémoire sous ubuntu Hardy Heron (noyau 2.6.24-24) en 64 bits. Le guest est un windows XP/XP3
La carte graphique est une GeForce 7300LE
J'ai réservé 1 Go pour la mémoire vive de la VM et 32Mo pour la mémoire vidéo

# uname -a
Linux phlsys 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 15:11:35 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

# glxinfo | grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes

# glxinfo | grep renderer
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 7300 LE/PCI/SSE2

Ce logiciel fonctionne correctement sous ubuntu dans sa version Linux et fonctionne également très bien sous XP dans sa version windows, mais cela m'oblige à conserver le dual boot.

Merci d'avance pour toute info sur ce domaine que je connais très mal.

Dernière modification par phlinux (Le 02/06/2009, à 10:54)

Ubuntu - Precise Pangolin 64bits
ATI Radeon HD5670

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#2 Le 02/06/2009, à 10:53


Re : [Resolu] Avec virtualbox : Acceleration 3D ... 3D rendering ...

Ok .... J'ai trouvé la réponse ... elle est bien dans la doc de VirtualBox !! … #id2508078

Hardware 3D acceleration (OpenGL)

The VirtualBox Guest Additions contain experimental hardware OpenGL 3D support for Windows, Linux and Solaris guests.

With this new feature, if an application inside your virtual machine uses 3D features through the OpenGL programming interfaces, instead of emulating them in software (which would be slow), VirtualBox will attempt to use your host's 3D hardware. This works for all supported host platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris), provided that your host operating system can make use of your accelerated 3D hardware in the first place.

The 3D acceleration currently has the following preconditions:
   1. It is only available for certain Windows, Linux and Solaris guests. In particular:
          * For Windows guests, support is restricted to 32-bit versions of XP and Vista. Only OpenGL acceleration is presently available in the guests listed above; Direct3D is not yet supported and will be added in a future release.
          * Linux guests must have kernel 2.6.27 and higher as well as server version 1.5 and higher. Ubuntu 8.10 and Fedora 10 have been tested and confirmed as working.
          * Solaris guests must have server version 1.5 and higher.
   2. The Guest Additions must be installed.
   3. Because the feature is experimental at this time, it is disabled by default and must be manually enabled in the VM settings (see the section called “General settings”).

Technically, VirtualBox implements this by installing an additional hardware 3D driver inside your guest when the Guest Additions are installed. This driver acts as an OpenGL hardware driver and reports to the guest operating system that the (virtual) hardware is capable of 3D hardware acceleration. When an application in the guest then requests hardware acceleration through the OpenGL programming interfaces, these are sent to the host through a special communication tunnel implemented by VirtualBox, and then the host performs the requested 3D operation via the host's OpenGL programming interfaces.

Tout est dit !!!  mais il faut chercher correctement smile

Ubuntu - Precise Pangolin 64bits
ATI Radeon HD5670

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