#26 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:26
- Coeur Noir
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
S'il s'agit d'une installation « par défaut » d'×buntu, et pour peu qu'elle tourne depuis quelques mois / années, on peut déjà se dire qu'il ya de l'espace à récupérer :
⋅ du côté de /var/log/ ( journal, entre autres ),
⋅ potentiellement, il y a aussi les 5% d'espace réservé à root qui sont récupérables…
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#27 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:27
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Lorsque tu auras rebooté
Tu supprimeras l utilisation de cette double collecte
Voir paragraphe 4.6
Puis on travaillera avec la vraie collecte des messages de fonctionnement. Tu donneras ce retour
journalctl --no-pager -b -n 200
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
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#28 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:28
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Merci geole,
Je viens de supprimer les fichiers en question.
Il a fallut que passe par un sudo ...
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ rm -v /mnt/var/log/syslog*
rm : supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog' qui est protégé en écriture et est du type « fichier » ? y
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.1': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.2.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.3.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.4.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.5.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.6.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/syslog.7.gz': Permission non accordée
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm -v /mnt/var/log/syslog*
'/mnt/var/log/syslog' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.1' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.2.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.3.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.4.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.5.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.6.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/syslog.7.gz' supprimé
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ rm -v /mnt/var/log/kern*
rm : supprimer '/mnt/var/log/kern.log' qui est protégé en écriture et est du type « fichier » ? y
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/kern.log': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/kern.log.1': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/kern.log.2.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/kern.log.3.gz': Permission non accordée
rm: impossible de supprimer '/mnt/var/log/kern.log.4.gz': Permission non accordée
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm -v /mnt/var/log/kern*
'/mnt/var/log/kern.log' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/kern.log.1' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/kern.log.2.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/kern.log.3.gz' supprimé
'/mnt/var/log/kern.log.4.gz' supprimé
Après rafraichissement de GParted, la partition est revenue avec 23.69 Go utilisés sur 40 Go.
Est-ce que cela veut dire que je peux revenir en mode normal?
J'ai peur de redémarrer et d'avoir quelquechose qui va me produire des logs jusqu'à saturation.
Je dis ça car à chaque redémarrage, hier soir, je perdais de l'espace ... 1Go de libre, puis 600 Mo, puis 400 Mo etc..
Est-ce que je dois faire quelque chose pour nettoyer avant ?
De plus, j'avais indiqué que je ne pouvais pas monter en version (je suis en 20.04) à cause d'un message d'erreur.
Est-ce que je pourrais le faire dorénavant ? ou bien dois-je faire autre chose auparavant ?
Merci de vos conseils.
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
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#29 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:31
- Qid
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
J'ai peur de redémarrer et d'avoir quelquechose qui va me produire des logs jusqu'à saturation.
Je dis ça car à chaque redémarrage, hier soir, je perdais de l'espace
C'est bien pour ça que les log restent important et ne devraient pas être supprimé à la légère !
"GNU/Linux c'est que du bon mais M$ Windows ce n'est pas si mal"
Référent technique Ubuntu d'un Groupe d'Utilisateur du Libre
plus d'info sur mon profil
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#30 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:33
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Lorsque tu auras rebooté
Tu supprimeras l utilisation de cette double collecte
Voir paragraphe 4.6Puis on travaillera avec la vraie collecte des messages de fonctionnement. Tu donneras ce retour
journalctl --no-pager -b -n 200
Donc aussitôt que tu auras rebooté.
sudo cp -v /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf.REF
sudo sed -i 's/*.*;auth,authpriv.none/########### *.*;auth,authpriv.none/' /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
sudo sed -i 's/kern./########### kern./' /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
systemctl restart systemd-journald
sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
sudo rm -v /var/log/kern*
sudo rm -v /var/log/syslog*
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
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#31 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:38
- Coeur Noir
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
ou bien dois-je faire autre chose auparavant ?
Oui comme suggéré par Qid et Geole, il faut identifier l'origine du problème avant de vouloir mettre à niveau ( vers une nouvelle version d'OS. )
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#32 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:39
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
KBNew a écrit :J'ai peur de redémarrer et d'avoir quelque chose qui va me produire des logs jusqu'à saturation.
Je dis ça car à chaque redémarrage, hier soir, je perdais de l'espaceC'est bien pour ça que les log restent important et ne devraient pas être supprimé à la légère !
C'est pour cela qu'ils sont en double exemplaire dont un de référence JOURNAL à ne pas détruire si on veut trouver la cause et dont la taille est limitée 4 GO et lire 4 Go de logs est pénible.
et une ancienne gestion merdique qui provoque régulièrement ce type d'incident conservée uniquement pour être exportable ailleurs pour analyse du problème avec des outils probablement archaïques.
Dernière modification par geole (Le 22/10/2023, à 13:51)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
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#33 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:46
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Voici le résultat de la première commande. Apparemment, il y un petit peu de "mess up":
kb@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ journalctl --no-pager -b -n 200
-- Logs begin at Wed 2023-09-20 08:19:28 CET, end at Sun 2023-10-22 13:43:29 CET. --
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libgphoto2-6.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libsane.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libsane1.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-pcmcia.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-alsa.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-input.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage-dm.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage-tape.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-v4l.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-sensor.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-serial.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-tpm-udev.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-xdiagnose.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/61-autosuspend-manual.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/61-gnome-settings-daemon-rfkill.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/61-kde-bluetooth-rfkill.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/61-persistent-storage-android.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/64-xorg-xkb.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/65-libwacom.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/66-snapd-autoimport.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/66-xorg-synaptics-quirks.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/69-cd-sensors.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/69-lvm-metad.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/69-wacom.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-joystick.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-mouse.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-power-switch.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-printers.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-snap.chromium.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-snap.core.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-snap.cups.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-snap.gnome-system-monitor.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-snap.skype.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-snap.snap-store.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-spice-vdagentd.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-touchpad.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-u2f.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/71-power-switch-proliant.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/71-seat.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/71-u-d-c-gpu-detection.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/73-seat-late.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/73-special-net-names.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/75-net-description.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/75-probe_mtd.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-broadmobi-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-cinterion-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-dell-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-dlink-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-ericsson-mbm.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-fibocom-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-foxconn-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-gosuncn-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-haier-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-huawei-net-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-longcheer-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-mtk-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-nokia-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-qcom-soc.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-qdl-device-blacklist.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-quectel-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-sierra.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-simtech-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-telit-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-tplink-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-ublox-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-x22x-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-zte-port-types.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/78-graphics-card.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/78-sound-card.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-debian-compat.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-drivers.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-ifupdown.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-iio-sensor-proxy.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-libinput-device-groups.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-mm-candidate.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/80-udisks2.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/81-net-dhcp.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/84-nm-drivers.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/85-hdparm.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/85-hplj10xx.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/85-nm-unmanaged.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/85-regulatory.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-alsa-restore.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-bolt.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-console-setup.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-fwupd-devices.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-libgpod.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-libinput-fuzz-override.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-nm-thunderbolt.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-pulseaudio.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-cd-devices.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-dm-notify.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-upower-csr.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-upower-hid.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-upower-hidpp.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-upower-wup.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/96-e2scrub.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/97-hid2hci.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd-udevd[494]: Configuration file /lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN whoopsie-upload-all[3811]: /var/crash/_usr_libexec_tracker-miner-fs.1000.crash already marked for upload, skipping
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN whoopsie-upload-all[3811]: /var/crash/_usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash already marked for upload, skipping
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN whoopsie-upload-all[3811]: All reports processed
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[1]: apport-autoreport.service: Succeeded.
oct. 22 13:40:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[1]: Finished Process error reports when automatic reporting is enabled.
oct. 22 13:40:52 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: gnome-terminal-server.service: Succeeded.
oct. 22 13:40:56 kb-Asus-R752LN gparted.desktop[3821]: GParted 1.0.0
oct. 22 13:40:56 kb-Asus-R752LN gparted.desktop[3821]: configuration --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize
oct. 22 13:40:56 kb-Asus-R752LN gparted.desktop[3821]: libparted 3.3
oct. 22 13:40:59 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop' unit='xdg-desktop-portal.service' requested by ':1.131' (uid=1000 pid=3462 comm="/usr/lib/firefox/firefox -new-window " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 13:40:59 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/xdg-desktop-portal.service is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:40:59 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Starting Portal service...
oct. 22 13:41:00 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gtk' unit='xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service' requested by ':1.138' (uid=1000 pid=3884 comm="/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 13:41:00 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:41:00 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Starting Portal service (GTK+/GNOME implementation)...
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/crontab)
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*anacron) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/anacron)
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*php) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/php)
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*e2scrub_all) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/e2scrub_all)
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*popularity-contest) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/popularity-contest)
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gtk'
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started Portal service (GTK+/GNOME implementation).
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.FileManager1' requested by ':1.138' (uid=1000 pid=3884 comm="/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1'
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop'
oct. 22 13:41:01 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started Portal service.
oct. 22 13:41:03 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-shell[3462]: ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
oct. 22 13:41:03 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-shell[3462]: ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
oct. 22 13:41:11 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.Metadata' unit='gvfs-metadata.service' requested by ':1.43' (uid=1000 pid=3050 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 13:41:11 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/gvfs-metadata.service is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:41:11 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Starting Virtual filesystem metadata service...
oct. 22 13:41:11 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.Metadata'
oct. 22 13:41:11 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started Virtual filesystem metadata service.
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN zeitgeist-datah[3467]: zeitgeist-datahub.vala:210: Error during inserting events: GDBus.Error:org.gnome.zeitgeist.EngineError.InvalidArgument: Incomplete event: interpretation, manifestation and actor are required
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started Application launched by gnome-shell.
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Activating via systemd: service name='org.gnome.Terminal' unit='gnome-terminal-server.service' requested by ':1.147' (uid=1000 pid=3984 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-terminal.real --window " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/gnome-terminal-server.service is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Starting GNOME Terminal Server...
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Terminal'
oct. 22 13:41:14 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started GNOME Terminal Server.
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started GNOME Printer notifications.
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Reached target GNOME Printer notifications.
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Reached target GNOME Session.
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Reached target GNOME X11 Session (session: ubuntu).
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Reached target Current graphical user session.
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Condition check resulted in GNOME Initial Setup being skipped.
oct. 22 13:41:15 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Condition check resulted in GNOME Welcome Tour being skipped.
oct. 22 13:41:16 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/vte-spawn-.scope.d/defaults.conf is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:41:16 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started VTE child process 4046 launched by gnome-terminal-server process 3992.
oct. 22 13:41:17 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: gnome-launched-org.gnome.Terminal.desktop-3979.scope: Succeeded.
oct. 22 13:41:18 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:18 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Successfully made thread 4104 of process 3462 owned by '1000' RT at priority 10.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:21 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:34 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:34 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:39 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[1]: systemd-timedated.service: Succeeded.
oct. 22 13:41:59 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:41:59 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:42:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/crontab)
oct. 22 13:42:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*anacron) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/anacron)
oct. 22 13:42:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*php) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/php)
oct. 22 13:42:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*e2scrub_all) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/e2scrub_all)
oct. 22 13:42:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*popularity-contest) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/popularity-contest)
oct. 22 13:42:08 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:42:08 kb-Asus-R752LN rtkit-daemon[2105]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
oct. 22 13:42:26 kb-Asus-R752LN anacron[1255]: Job `cron.daily' started
oct. 22 13:42:26 kb-Asus-R752LN anacron[5036]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.daily' to 2023-10-22
oct. 22 13:42:29 kb-Asus-R752LN cracklib[5113]: no dictionary update necessary.
oct. 22 13:42:52 kb-Asus-R752LN pkexec[5631]: pam_unix(polkit-1:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1000)
oct. 22 13:42:52 kb-Asus-R752LN pkexec[5631]: kb: Executing command [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/home/kb] [COMMAND=/usr/lib/update-notifier/package-system-locked]
oct. 22 13:42:58 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Tracker1' unit='tracker-store.service' requested by ':1.0' (uid=1000 pid=2762 comm="/usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 13:42:58 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/tracker-store.service is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 13:42:58 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Starting Tracker metadata database store and lookup manager...
oct. 22 13:42:58 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2765]: [session uid=1000 pid=2765] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'
oct. 22 13:42:58 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: Started Tracker metadata database store and lookup manager.
oct. 22 13:43:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/crontab)
oct. 22 13:43:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*anacron) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/anacron)
oct. 22 13:43:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*php) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/php)
oct. 22 13:43:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*e2scrub_all) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/e2scrub_all)
oct. 22 13:43:01 kb-Asus-R752LN cron[1260]: (*system*popularity-contest) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/popularity-contest)
oct. 22 13:43:29 kb-Asus-R752LN tracker-store[5645]: OK
oct. 22 13:43:29 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2754]: tracker-store.service: Succeeded.
Dois-je lancer la suite ou attendre votre retour ?
Pour l'instant mon dev/sda6 est à 26.17 Go utilisé...
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#34 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:48
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
J'ai peur de ne pas pouvoir faire la suite des opérations car le système ne me laisse pas passer en sudo :
kb@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ sudo bash
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin "sudoers_policy"
sudo: seul le propriétaire doit pouvoir écrire dans /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers.so
sudo: erreur fatale, impossible de charger les greffons
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#35 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:52
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
J'ai bien l'impression de quelque chose augmente mes logs avec le temps ... maintenant sda6 a augmenté à 27.60 Go utilisé et ça monte à chaque fois que je fais une actualisation ...
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#36 Le 22/10/2023, à 13:52
- Qid
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Donc il y a bien d'autres problèmes sur ce système...
En tous cas pour ce qui est des log geole j'ai bien compris ton idée
"GNU/Linux c'est que du bon mais M$ Windows ce n'est pas si mal"
Référent technique Ubuntu d'un Groupe d'Utilisateur du Libre
plus d'info sur mon profil
Hors ligne
#37 Le 22/10/2023, à 14:00
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Il faut que tu rebootes pour activer le changement.
Le fait que tu ne puisses plus faire sudo est surprenant. Je te propose une recette.
1) Rebooter
2) Choisir le mode recovery https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/recovery_mode
3) Choisir d'être root
4) Créer un utilisateur de secours avec droits sudo
adduser sos
adduser sos sudo
5) Quitter root, je crois que c'est exit ou quit
6) Choisir resume
7) Choisir l'utilisateur sos
8) Dire s'il peut faire la commande sudo
9) S'il ne peux pas faire sudo, c'est le fichier de gestion de sudo qui est vérolé.
Soit, tu y as touché, dans ce cas, on peut certainement le réparer.
Soit, tu n'y a pas pas touché, Il aurait alors été vérolé par quelque chose... Est-le seul???????
En prévision de la suite. Un exemple du contenu standard
sudo grep "^[^#]" /etc/sudoers
Defaults env_reset
Defaults mail_badpass
Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"
Defaults use_pty
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
@includedir /etc/sudoers.d
sudo grep "^[^#]" /etc/sudoers.d/README
Dernière modification par geole (Le 22/10/2023, à 14:38)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#38 Le 22/10/2023, à 14:03
- Qid
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
4) Créer un utilisateur de secours avec droits sudo
add user sos add user sos sudo
Pas con comme idée par contre dans la méthode tu as oublié que le mode de dépannage ne donnait pas les droits d'écriture par défaut ce qui dit comme ça paraît absurde mais n'empêche que c'est le cas pour autant que je me souvienne...
"GNU/Linux c'est que du bon mais M$ Windows ce n'est pas si mal"
Référent technique Ubuntu d'un Groupe d'Utilisateur du Libre
plus d'info sur mon profil
Hors ligne
#39 Le 22/10/2023, à 14:10
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Si c'est le cas, il suffira d'activer le réseau avant de faire ou de choisir la ligne demandant de la libération d'espace disque.
En tout cas, ce n'est pas la cas avec ubuntu.
Si l'incident persiste, on peut regarder ce que le log actuel donne
journalctl --no-pager -b -n 200
S'il ne persiste pas, on regardera dans le log moins 2
ATTENTION les commandes sont
adduser sos
adduser sos sudo
Dernière modification par geole (Le 22/10/2023, à 14:40)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#40 Le 22/10/2023, à 14:46
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Sinon, il faut booter en live usb
En session USB, monter la partition racine
sudo mount -v /dev/sda6 /mnt
et réparer le contenu du fichier https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/sudoers
sudo visudo -f /mnt/etc/sudoers
Dernière modification par geole (Le 22/10/2023, à 14:47)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#41 Le 22/10/2023, à 14:55
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
J'ai créé le user sos.
Je suppose que je dois me connecter avec ce nom et poursuivre les opérations, c'est bien ça ?
Dernière modification par KBNew (Le 23/10/2023, à 13:54)
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#42 Le 22/10/2023, à 14:59
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Je viens de connecter en sos.
J'ai un message me disant que j'ai plus que 0 octets disponibles.
Ça se rempli à la vitesse grand v.
Je pense que je dois vider comme me l'a dit geôle, ça me permettra de gagner du temps.
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#43 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:03
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
voici le contenu de journalctl:
sos@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ journalctl --no-pager -b -n 200
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
Pass -q to turn off this notice.
-- Logs begin at Fri 2023-09-22 17:30:16 CET, end at Sun 2023-10-22 15:02:12 CET. --
oct. 22 14:59:17 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:18 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:19 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:20 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:21 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:22 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:23 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:24 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:25 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:26 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:27 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:28 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:29 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:30 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:31 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:32 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:33 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:34 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:35 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:36 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:37 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:38 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:39 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:40 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:41 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:42 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:43 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:44 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:45 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:46 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:47 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:48 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:49 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:50 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:51 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:52 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:53 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:54 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:55 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:56 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:57 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:58 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 14:59:59 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:00 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:01 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:02 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:03 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:04 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:05 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:06 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:07 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:08 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:09 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:10 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:11 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:12 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:13 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:14 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:15 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:16 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:17 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:18 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:19 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:20 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:21 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:22 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:23 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:24 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:25 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:26 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:27 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:28 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:29 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:30 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:31 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:32 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:33 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:34 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:35 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:36 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:37 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:38 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:39 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:40 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:41 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:42 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:43 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:44 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:45 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:46 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:47 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:48 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:49 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:50 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:51 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:52 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:53 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:54 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:55 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:56 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:57 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:58 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:00:59 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:00 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:01 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:02 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:03 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:04 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:05 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:06 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:07 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:08 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:09 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:10 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:11 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:12 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:13 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:14 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:15 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:16 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:17 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:18 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:19 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:20 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:21 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:22 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:23 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:24 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:25 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:26 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:27 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:28 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:29 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:30 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:31 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:32 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:33 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:34 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:35 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:36 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:37 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:38 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:39 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:40 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:41 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:42 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:43 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:44 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:45 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:46 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:47 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:48 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:49 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:50 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Activating service name='org.gnome.ControlCenter.SearchProvider' requested by ':1.45' (uid=1001 pid=2907 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/gnome-terminal-server.service is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Activating service name='org.gnome.Contacts.SearchProvider' requested by ':1.45' (uid=1001 pid=2907 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Activating service name='org.gnome.Nautilus' requested by ':1.45' (uid=1001 pid=2907 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: Starting GNOME Terminal Server...
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Activating service name='org.gnome.Calculator.SearchProvider' requested by ':1.45' (uid=1001 pid=2907 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Activating service name='org.gnome.Characters.BackgroundService' requested by ':1.45' (uid=1001 pid=2907 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Activating via systemd: service name='org.gnome.Terminal' unit='gnome-terminal-server.service' requested by ':1.45' (uid=1001 pid=2907 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.ControlCenter.SearchProvider'
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Contacts.SearchProvider'
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Characters.BackgroundService'
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Terminal'
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: Started GNOME Terminal Server.
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Nautilus'
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN dbus-daemon[2676]: [session uid=1001 pid=2676] Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Calculator.SearchProvider'
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-calculato[5274]: search-provider.vala:140: Failed to spawn Calculator: Le processus fils a été tué par le signal 9
oct. 22 15:01:51 kb-Asus-R752LN org.gnome.Chara[5277]: JS LOG: Failed to search by keywords: L’opération a été annulée
oct. 22 15:01:52 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:52 kb-Asus-R752LN nautilus[5272]: Source ID 178 was not found when attempting to remove it
oct. 22 15:01:52 kb-Asus-R752LN nautilus[5272]: Source ID 203 was not found when attempting to remove it
oct. 22 15:01:53 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:54 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:54 kb-Asus-R752LN zeitgeist-datah[3321]: zeitgeist-datahub.vala:210: Error during inserting events: GDBus.Error:org.gnome.zeitgeist.EngineError.InvalidArgument: Incomplete event: interpretation, manifestation and actor are required
oct. 22 15:01:54 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: Started Application launched by gnome-shell.
oct. 22 15:01:54 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/user/vte-spawn-.scope.d/defaults.conf is marked world-writable. Please remove world writability permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
oct. 22 15:01:54 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: Started VTE child process 5362 launched by gnome-terminal-server process 5276.
oct. 22 15:01:54 kb-Asus-R752LN systemd[2655]: gnome-launched-org.gnome.Terminal.desktop-5352.scope: Succeeded.
oct. 22 15:01:55 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:56 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:57 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:58 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:01:59 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:00 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:01 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:02 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:03 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:04 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:05 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:06 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:07 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:08 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:09 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:10 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:11 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
oct. 22 15:02:12 kb-Asus-R752LN gnome-initial-s[4681]: Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#44 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:06
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
sous sos fais
systemctl restart systemd-journald
sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
sudo rm -v /var/log/kern*
sudo rm -v /var/log/syslog*
df -h
En revanche, je ne sais pas traiter cela
Failed to get featured snaps: Unable to connect snapd socket: Connexion refusée
je vais googleliser
sudo journalctl --no-pager -b -n 200
Dernière modification par geole (Le 22/10/2023, à 15:10)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#45 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:11
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
problème avec la deuxième commande:
sos@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
[sudo] Mot de passe de sos :
error: Ignoring /etc/logrotate.conf because it is writable by group or others.
error: error creating temp state file /var/lib/logrotate/status.tmp: Aucun espace disponible sur le périphérique
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#46 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:11
- Qid
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
@ geole : et si on stoppait complètement snapd pour éviter qu'il essayer de démarrer en boucle en vain... Genre :
service snapd stop
"GNU/Linux c'est que du bon mais M$ Windows ce n'est pas si mal"
Référent technique Ubuntu d'un Groupe d'Utilisateur du Libre
plus d'info sur mon profil
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#47 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:14
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
le saturation persiste, même après les commandes suivantes:
sos@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ sudo rm -v /var/log/kern*
'/var/log/kern.log' supprimé
sos@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ sudo rm -v /var/log/syslog*
'/var/log/syslog' supprimé
sos@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ df -h
Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev 3,8G 0 3,8G 0% /dev
tmpfs 783M 40M 744M 6% /run
/dev/sda6 40G 40G 0 100% /
tmpfs 3,9G 0 3,9G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 3,9G 0 3,9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop2 128K 128K 0 100% /snap/bare/5
/dev/loop1 190M 190M 0 100% /snap/audacity/1032
/dev/loop0 250M 250M 0 100% /snap/audacity/1051
/dev/loop4 156M 156M 0 100% /snap/chromium/2670
/dev/loop3 156M 156M 0 100% /snap/chromium/2666
/dev/loop6 106M 106M 0 100% /snap/core/16091
/dev/loop5 106M 106M 0 100% /snap/core/16202
/dev/loop7 56M 56M 0 100% /snap/core18/2790
/dev/loop8 56M 56M 0 100% /snap/core18/2785
/dev/loop9 64M 64M 0 100% /snap/core20/1974
/dev/loop11 74M 74M 0 100% /snap/core22/858
/dev/loop10 64M 64M 0 100% /snap/core20/2015
/dev/loop15 331M 331M 0 100% /snap/eclipse/73
/dev/loop12 74M 74M 0 100% /snap/core22/864
/dev/loop13 67M 67M 0 100% /snap/cups/974
/dev/loop16 141M 141M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-26-1604/104
/dev/loop14 67M 67M 0 100% /snap/cups/980
/dev/loop17 141M 141M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-26-1604/111
/dev/loop18 165M 165M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/194
/dev/loop19 165M 165M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/198
/dev/loop20 219M 219M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/90
/dev/loop21 219M 219M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/93
/dev/loop22 350M 350M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-38-2004/140
/dev/loop24 350M 350M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-38-2004/143
/dev/loop26 1,7M 1,7M 0 100% /snap/gnome-system-monitor/186
/dev/loop23 497M 497M 0 100% /snap/gnome-42-2204/141
/dev/loop27 1,5M 1,5M 0 100% /snap/gnome-system-monitor/184
/dev/loop28 256K 256K 0 100% /snap/gtk2-common-themes/13
/dev/loop25 497M 497M 0 100% /snap/gnome-42-2204/132
/dev/loop29 256K 256K 0 100% /snap/gtk2-common-themes/9
/dev/loop30 82M 82M 0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1534
/dev/loop31 92M 92M 0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
/dev/loop32 102M 102M 0 100% /snap/p7zip-desktop/220
/dev/loop33 176M 176M 0 100% /snap/skype/306
/dev/loop36 46M 46M 0 100% /snap/snap-store/638
/dev/loop34 176M 176M 0 100% /snap/skype/305
/dev/loop37 13M 13M 0 100% /snap/snap-store/959
/dev/loop35 141M 141M 0 100% /snap/projectlibre/5
/dev/sda1 96M 32M 65M 33% /boot/efi
/dev/sda8 698G 278G 385G 42% /home
tmpfs 783M 72K 783M 1% /run/user/1001
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#48 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:20
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
Je viens de voir avec le disque analyser que /var/log/cups fait 20.7 Go.
Lorsque je me mettais en recovery mode et que je voulais fermer, j'avais toute une série de message qui défilait, et arrivé sur une ligne, il commençait un décompte d'une minute 30 avec le message suivant :
"A stop Job is running for CUPS Scheduler (30s / 1m30s).
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne
#49 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:27
- geole
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
sudo head -200 /var/log/cups
sudo tail -200 /var/log/cups
sudo journalctl -b -p err | tail -200
sudo rm -v /var/log/cups
sudo rm -v /var/log/kern*
sudo rm -v /var/log/syslog*
et reboote normalement
Il faudra certainement patienter
pour quid, je ne sais pas. On verra avec les autres traces
Dernière modification par geole (Le 22/10/2023, à 15:31)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#50 Le 22/10/2023, à 15:30
- KBNew
Re : [Résolu] Le volume "Racine du système de fichiers" n'a plus que 1,0 GB
je bute sur la première commande :
sos@kb-Asus-R752LN:~$ sudo tail -200 /var/log/cups
[sudo] Mot de passe de sos :
tail: erreur de lecture dans '/var/log/cups': est un dossier
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bits), Gnome.
Hors ligne