#1 Le 08/12/2022, à 16:33
- Phil17
Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Ça fait deux fois que j'expérimente ce petit problème, Lors de la réduction et l'assemblage d'un film enregistré en deux fichiers *.TS et son de E-AC-3 vers AC3 pour avoir un fichier vidéo en *.MKV, Avidemux s'arrête à 51% et reste fiché, plus possible d'agir dans le programme, soit pour arrêter soit le réduire en zone de notification. J'ai remarqué aussi que le fichier faisait - pour les deux fois- environ 2,8Go.
La première fois, j'ai cru à un souci lors de l'enregistrement, donc je n'ai pas cherché à comprendre, mais là, problème identique alors qu'Avidemux a fonctionné parfaitement sur d'autres vidéos et assemblage de fichiers .TS provenant du même décodeur enregistreur TNT.
Que fournir pour essayer de trouver le problème ?
Impossible d'agir, de sortir d'Avidemux , je ne peux que modifier la taille (partiellement) de la fenêtre Avidemux ou la bouger sur le bureau, et au bout d'un certain temps j'ai un avertissement me disant que le programme ne répond pas. Je ne peux que fermer le programme. Dans la barre des tâches, lorsque l'icône d'Avidemux devient immobile, je sais que c'est HS.
Edit : En cliquant sur OK dans la fenêtre d'avertissement, ça semble se fermer, mais l'icône d'Avidemux reste immobile dans la barre des tâches, je ne peux fermer le programme, ni même arrêter l'ordinateur, je ne peux l'arrêter qu'en laissant appuyé longtemps le bouton M/A. Dans ce cas, l'ordinateur s'arrête au bout d'une 30-aine de secondes.
Pour les deux fois, lorsque je recommence, j'efface les fichiers *.ts.idx2 créés.
Merci pour votre aide. Phil
Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 13/04/2023, à 15:49)
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
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#2 Le 08/12/2022, à 20:59
- iznobe
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour , j ' entrevois 2 possibilités flagrantes qui n' ont rien a voir avec avidemux :
1°) les 2 fichiers ne sont pas bien " collés " pour n' en former qu un seul et ca fait planter lors de l' encodeage .
2°) la partition sur laquelle tu ecris ton fichier d' encodage ne gere pas une taille de fichier suffisante qui permet d ' ecrire la totalité du fichier de sortie et bien sur ca fait planté .
3°) Me parait moins plausible , mais apres tout ca reste aussi possible , le fait de " coller " et encoder en une seule passe , ne plait pas du tout avidemux , il suffit de faire cela en 2 taches differentes .
retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .
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#3 Le 09/12/2022, à 10:07
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour Iznobe, merci de m'aider ou de tenter de m'aider.
1- Lors de l'ajout des deux parties de film (puisque ce sont des films provenant d’un décodeur TNT), je fais comme j'ai toujours fait, via la commande "Ajout" ou Ctrl+A. Rien n'a changé.
2- Pour la partition, j'utilise une clé externe USB 3.0 de 250Go qui ne me cause pas de souci, et lors des deux plantages, elle était soit vide, soit quasi vide.
3- Jusqu'à présent, j'ai toujours fait ainsi, assembler les fichiers par Ctrl+A, sélectionner les pistes audio et leur encodage, idem pour l'image, et format de sortie en MKV. Pas eu de souci, sauf venant de ma part car je ne connais pas très bien toutes les subtilités et réglages de Avidemux.
Il semblerait que le problème ne provienne que si j'assemble deux *.TS, car lors du passage à la moulinette d'une seul fichier TS, pas de souci (pour le moment).
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
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#4 Le 11/12/2022, à 18:53
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Juste pour dire que j'ai tenté l'enregistrement avec le décodeur TNT une deuxième fois du même film (Le patient anglais), pensant que le fichier était corrompu à l'enregistrement.
Même problème, Avidemux plante en cours de route et se fiche, je suis obligé de passer par la commande "kill".
J'ai tenté avec Handbrake, mais je ne le connais pas, j'ai abandonné, trop usine à gaz pour moi.
J'ai téléchargé Shotcut et tenté l'expérience, Shotcut se ferme subitement.
Question d'importance : N'aurais-je pas un souci dans mon ordinateur? Je suis apparemment à jour et sous la V20.04 de Xubuntu.
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
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#5 Le 12/12/2022, à 08:19
- iznobe
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour , que dis
lsblk -fe7
df -Th
et sur quelle partition travailles tu pour enregistrer le fichier ?
retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .
En ligne
#6 Le 12/12/2022, à 09:28
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour, précision, quand je dis "enregistrer" au dessus, c'est réenregistrer à neuf le même film en deux fichiers .TS qui me causait souci, donc nouveaux fichiers.
Voici les commandes demandées :
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ lsblk -fe7
│ vfat FAEB-0C85 447,7M 12% /boot/efi
│ ext4 dde422c1-87e7-4701-b087-60efe1694ebe 16,2G 37% /
ext4 a3cf4b74-f118-4a64-a047-7a3f604ee372 347,7G 16% /home
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ df -Th
Sys. de fichiers Type Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev devtmpfs 7,6G 0 7,6G 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 1,6G 2,1M 1,6G 1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4 28G 11G 17G 39% /
tmpfs tmpfs 7,7G 0 7,7G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs tmpfs 7,7G 0 7,7G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs tmpfs 2,0G 16K 2,0G 1% /tmp
/dev/nvme0n1p3 ext4 440G 70G 348G 17% /home
/dev/nvme0n1p1 vfat 511M 64M 448M 13% /boot/efi
tmpfs tmpfs 1,6G 20K 1,6G 1% /run/user/1000
Je ne pense pas y voir de problèmes.
Pour la partition, je suis sur une clé SanDisk USB3.0 de 250Go formatée en ExFat.
Voici les mêmes commandes console avec la clé branchée :
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ lsblk -fe7
sde ntfs Sandisk-250GO
00ECF57EECF56E72 213,6G 10% /media/phi
│ vfat FAEB-0C85 447,7M 12% /boot/efi
│ ext4 dde422c1-87e7-4701-b087-60efe1694ebe 16,2G 37% /
ext4 a3cf4b74-f118-4a64-a047-7a3f604ee372 347,7G 16% /home
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ df -Th
Sys. de fichiers Type Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev devtmpfs 7,6G 0 7,6G 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 1,6G 2,1M 1,6G 1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4 28G 11G 17G 39% /
tmpfs tmpfs 7,7G 0 7,7G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs tmpfs 7,7G 0 7,7G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs tmpfs 2,0G 16K 2,0G 1% /tmp
/dev/nvme0n1p3 ext4 440G 70G 348G 17% /home
/dev/nvme0n1p1 vfat 511M 64M 448M 13% /boot/efi
tmpfs tmpfs 1,6G 24K 1,6G 1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sde fuseblk 239G 25G 214G 11% /media/phil/Sandisk-250GO
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#7 Le 29/03/2023, à 09:58
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Je reviens vers vous, hélas ...
J'ai abandonné l'idée de couper et réduire la taille du film que j'avais enregistré, il est parti à la poubelle, sans solution.
Je recommence à avoir le même souci, Avidemux bloque à la 26eme minute, tout ce qui a trait à Avidemux ne répond pas et je suis obligé de redémarrer sauvagement (en restant appuyé sur le bouton M/A sinon, impossible d'éteindre l'ordinateur. Je peux tout de même ouvrir le gestionnaire de fichier, Firefox et autre logiciel.
J'aimerais trouver une solution plutôt que de virer un film éventuellement intéressant et - de toute façon - d'avoir un problème récurrent sans en connaître la cause ni pouvoir extraire les messages d'erreur.
Là, je tentais de coller ensemble (en enlevant les plages inutiles avant et après le film, en enlevant les pistes sons non désirées) d'un film enregirté sur Arte sur un décodeut TNT, au format TS. Avidemux enregistre les paramètres de travail (fichiers *.ts.idx2) de chaque morceau à assembler mais fige à 26%.
Quelques minutes auparavant, j'ai fait exactement les mêmes manipulations - avec succès - pour un autre enregistrement. Serait-ce un fichier particulier qui bloque, dans ce cas, j'aimerais pouvoir faire une analyse pour savoir de quoi il en retourne.
Merci d'avance, Philippe
Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 29/03/2023, à 10:01)
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
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#8 Le 29/03/2023, à 10:36
- iznobe
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour , quelle est la taille des parties que tu tentes de coller ?
pendant l' operation de collage , a 20 % de fait , peux tu passer et donner le retour de :
df -TH
retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .
En ligne
#9 Le 29/03/2023, à 11:29
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour et merci pour ton aide, Iznobe,
En moyenne, entre 4 et 4,5 Go, actuellement, je viens de vérifier la taille de chaque dossier qui bloque, j'en ai deux pour le moment sur 7 ... et certains dossier dépassent les 5 Go mais sont passés sans problème.
Pour ta commande, je vais relancer l'un des dossier qui bloque ... et qui vient de bloquer à 13% ...
Voilà le résultat de ta demande :
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ df -TH
Sys. de fichiers Type Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev devtmpfs 8,2G 0 8,2G 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 1,7G 2,2M 1,7G 1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4 22G 9,0G 12G 44% /
tmpfs tmpfs 8,2G 0 8,2G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 5,3M 4,1k 5,3M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs tmpfs 8,2G 0 8,2G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0 squashfs 132k 132k 0 100% /snap/bare/5
/dev/loop1 squashfs 67M 67M 0 100% /snap/core20/1852
/dev/loop2 squashfs 364M 364M 0 100% /snap/gnome-3-38-2004/119
/dev/loop3 squashfs 49M 49M 0 100% /snap/snap-store/638
/dev/loop4 squashfs 53M 53M 0 100% /snap/snapd/18596
/dev/loop5 squashfs 97M 97M 0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
/dev/nvme0n1p1 vfat 536M 68M 469M 13% /boot/efi
/dev/nvme0n1p3 ext4 481G 38G 419G 9% /home
tmpfs tmpfs 1,7G 25k 1,7G 1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdb fuseblk 257G 16G 241G 7% /media/phil/Sandisk-250GO
/dev/sda1 fuseblk 2,1T 2,0T 42G 98% /media/phil/Crucial-2To
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#10 Le 29/03/2023, à 11:47
- berserk
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Un logiciel qui se fige je pense à des problèmes matériel.
Fais tourner Memtest quelques heures pour voir si tes barrettes RAM sont OK
Vérifie aussi l'état de ton disque, paragraphe 2.16.1 ici : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gnome-disk-utility
Hors ligne
#11 Le 29/03/2023, à 14:10
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Ma fois, pourquoi pas ? Ce qui est curieux, c'est que je n'ai que ce logiciel qui fige, Avidemux.
D'où mon doute concernant et le disque, et la mémoire RAM.
Edit : Je ne vois pas comment utiliser gnome-disks puisque les partitions sont montées et occupées. J'ai lu le Wiki, mais pas vu comment faire.
Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 29/03/2023, à 15:20)
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#12 Le 29/03/2023, à 16:07
- iznobe
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Entre temps , tu as reinstallé ? ( ou fait une Mise a niveau ?) .
le " df -TH " du #6 n ' a plus rien a voir avec le dernier .
Si tu lances avidemux via le terminal , ca dis quoi ?
si le logiciel se lance normalement avec la commande , lance alors le fichier qui bloque , puis une fois bloqué , recupere la sortie complete du terminal que tu nous donnera ici .
Ca pourrait indiquer des choses .
Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 29/03/2023, à 16:08)
retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .
En ligne
#13 Le 29/03/2023, à 16:35
- berserk
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Edit : Je ne vois pas comment utiliser gnome-disks puisque les partitions sont montées et occupées. J'ai lu le Wiki, mais pas vu comment faire.
il ne faut pas cliquer sur les partitions mais sur les disques (tout à gauche dans Gnome-Disks) :
Cliquer sur le disque dur
Cliquer sur le menu des disques (en haut à droite de la fenêtre de Gnome-disks).
Cliquer sur « Données SMART et auto-tests »
Hors ligne
#14 Le 29/03/2023, à 16:58
- geole
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Avidemux est utilisable en APPIMAGE
Quelle est ta version ?
Si pas 2.8.1 => https://www.fosshub.com/Avidemux.html
Si c'est cette version, prends une autre version => https://www.clubic.com/telecharger-fich … demux.html
Pour les anomalies de fonctionnement, donne ce retour
journalctl --no-pager -b -p err
Dernière modification par geole (Le 29/03/2023, à 17:00)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#15 Le 29/03/2023, à 17:58
- Bertrand49
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Pas besoin de réencoder un fichier .TS, j'en ai fait l'expérience en ouvrant ce type de fichier avec mkvtoolnix et sauver forcément au format .mkv
Cela fonctionne normalement.
Hors ligne
#16 Le 29/03/2023, à 18:52
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Phil17 a écrit :Edit : Je ne vois pas comment utiliser gnome-disks puisque les partitions sont montées et occupées. J'ai lu le Wiki, mais pas vu comment faire.
il ne faut pas cliquer sur les partitions mais sur les disques (tout à gauche dans Gnome-Disks) :
Cliquer sur le disque dur
Cliquer sur le menu des disques (en haut à droite de la fenêtre de Gnome-disks).
Cliquer sur « Données SMART et auto-tests »
OK, merci, c'est ce que j'ai tenté dans mes multiples essais.
Option grisée. Copie d'écran
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#17 Le 29/03/2023, à 19:01
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Avidemux est utilisable en APPIMAGE
Quelle est ta version ?
Si pas 2.8.1 => https://www.fosshub.com/Avidemux.html
Si c'est cette version, prends une autre version => https://www.clubic.com/telecharger-fich … demux.htmlPour les anomalies de fonctionnement, donne ce retour
journalctl --no-pager -b -p err
Je n'utilise pas les versions Appimage ou snap, mais la version deb. Ma version est la 2.8.1 - Release et j'utilise le ppa ubuntuhandbook1/avidemux
Voici le journal demandé :
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ journalctl --no-pager -b -p err
-- Logs begin at Thu 2023-03-23 15:40:00 CET, end at Wed 2023-03-29 20:00:14 CEST. --
mars 29 19:47:53 phil-XPS-15-7590 systemd-udevd[372]: /etc/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules:26: GOTO="libsane_rules_end" has no matching label, ignoring
mars 29 19:47:53 phil-XPS-15-7590 systemd-udevd[372]: /etc/udev/rules.d/S99-2000S1.rules:26: GOTO="libsane_rules_end" has no matching label, ignoring
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#18 Le 29/03/2023, à 19:04
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Entre temps , tu as reinstallé ? ( ou fait une Mise a niveau ?) .
le " df -TH " du #6 n ' a plus rien a voir avec le dernier .Si tu lances avidemux via le terminal , ca dis quoi ?
si le logiciel se lance normalement avec la commande , lance alors le fichier qui bloque , puis une fois bloqué , recupere la sortie complete du terminal que tu nous donnera ici .
Ca pourrait indiquer des choses .
Entre temps, j'ai réinstallé la V20.04 car j'ai malencontreusement fait la mise à niveau vers la 22.04, donc je suis revenu en arrière il y a peu (un mois ?), avec les snaps obligatoires...
Je n'ai pas essayé via le Terminal, je vais le faire.
La commande envoyée, il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour planter Avidemux à 14% du fichier. J'ai remarqué qu'à chaque fois que je faisais une action, les lignes de code dans le Terminal s'ajoutaient, bilan, je ne peux récupérer depuis le début de l'encodage réel.
Copie d'écran du plantage :
C'est long, désolé pour vous, merci par avance !
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (8 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (9 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (10 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (11 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (12 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (13 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (14 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (15 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (16 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (17 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (18 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (19 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (20 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (21 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (22 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (23 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (24 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (25 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (26 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (27 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (28 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (29 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (30 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (31 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (32 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (33 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (34 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (35 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (36 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (37 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (38 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (39 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (40 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (41 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (42 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (43 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (44 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (45 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (46 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (47 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (48 try)
[refill] 18:06:59-989 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (49 try)
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = -47732386845, lastDts = xx:xx:xx,xxx newDts = 13:15:32,386
[ADM_edAudioTrackFromVideo] 18:06:59-989 Creating edAudio from video track 3 at 665aed50
[ADM_EditorSegment::addReferenceVideo] Video FCC: H264 (34363248)
[ADM_getDecoder] 18:06:59-989 Searching decoder in plugins
[tryCreatingVideoDecoder] 18:06:59-989 No decoder found in plugin
[ADM_getDecoder] 18:06:59-989 Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)...
[ADM_coreCodecGetDecoder] 18:06:59-989 Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)...
[lavc] Build: 3835492
[lavc] Enabling MT decoder with 12 threads
[decoderFFH264] 18:06:59-989 [lavc] Initializing H264 decoder with 0 extradata
[decoderFFH264] 18:06:59-990 [lavc] Decoder init: AV_CODEC_ID_H264 video decoder initialized! (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
[EditorCache] 18:06:59-990 Video cache instance created at 0x7f20d000a4c0
[createBuffers] 18:06:59-990 Added 16 video cache buffers, 16 total.
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-990 Original frame increment 00:00:00,020 = 20000 us
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-990 Ref video is field-encoded.
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 min increment 00:00:00,020 = 20000 us for frame 65
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 max increment 00:00:00,720 = 720000 us for frame 26789
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 About 20000 microseconds per frame, 160867 frames
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 The first frame DTS = 181 ms
[addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 The first frame has a PTS > 0, adjusting to 581 ms
[updateStartTime] 18:06:59-994 Setting DTS start in ref to 00:00:00,181
[updateStartTime] 18:06:59-994 New total duration = 01:47:33,640
[ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-994 Verifying DTS....
[ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-994 Checking from 1 to 160867
[ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-996 Pass 2..
[ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-997 DTS verified
[Editor] B- frame possible with that codec
[addFile] 18:06:59-997 [Editor] This is H264, check if we can fill missing PTS
[ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:06:59-998 We have 254 missing PTS
[ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:06:59-998 Some PTS are missing, try to guess them...
[ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-002 H264 AVC scheme: 0/80433 failures.
[ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-002 Filling 2nd field PTS
[ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-005 Fixed 254 PTS
[ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-007 End of game, we have 0 missing PTS
[addFile] 18:07:00-007 H264 sometimes has invalid timestamps which confuse avidemux, checking
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-007 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-007 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-007 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-009 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-029 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-094 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[goToTimeVideo] 18:07:00-127 Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-127 Checking file for broken PTS...
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-127 Checking 100 frames out of 160867.
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-595 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-595 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-595 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-678 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-684 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-692 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[goToTimeVideo] 18:07:00-752 Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 -------- Stats :----------
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbBFrames:55
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbPFrames:13
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbIFrames:3
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbNoImage:29
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbPtsgoingBack:0
[checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 -------- /Stats ----------
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-761 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-761 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-761 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-772 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-778 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-785 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[goToTimeVideo] 18:07:00-845 Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us
[destroy] 18:07:00-845 Destroying preview
[renderDisplayResize] 18:07:00-845 Render to 1920x1080 zoom=0,6370, old one =0 x 0, zoom=1,0000, renderer=(nil)
[init] 18:07:00-845 [Vdpau]Init
[init] 18:07:00-845 [Vdpau] Not operationnal
[spawnRenderer] 18:07:00-845 VDPAU init failed
[simpleRender] 18:07:00-845 creating simple render.
[init] 18:07:00-845 init, simple render. w=1920, h=1080,zoom=0,6370
[spawnRenderer] 18:07:00-850 simpleRenderer init ok
[UI_resize] 18:07:00-880 Resizing the main window to 1429x887 px
[RDR] Resizing to 1223 x 688
[renderCompleteRedrawRequest] 18:07:00-933 RedrawRequest
[A_ResetMarkers] 18:07:00-940 Video Total duration : 01:47:33,640 ms
[setMarkerBPts] 18:07:00-940 Selection's end point set to 01:47:33,640 (6453640000 us)
[rewind] 18:07:00-942 Rewinding
[switchToSegment] 18:07:00-942 Trying to switch to seg 0 with startTime in reference pic= 581 ms
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-942 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
[seektoTime] 18:07:00-942 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-942 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-944 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-949 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-956 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[switchToSegment] 18:07:01-013 Switched ok to segment 0 (dontdecode=0)
[start] 18:07:01-013 admPreview,starting
[updateLoaded] 18:07:01-088 conf updated
[AudioEncoder] Selected copy for index 0, tag 0x0
[HandleAction] 18:07:12-624 ************ AUDIO_SELECT_TRACK **************
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-641 For track 0, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-642 For track 1, index=-1
[ADM_getIndexForIso639] 18:07:12-642 Language qad not found in list
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-642 For track 2, index=-1
[ADM_getIndexForIso639] 18:07:12-642 Language qaa not found in list
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-643 For track 3, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-643 For track 4, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-644 For track 5, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-645 For track 6, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-645 For track 7, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-646 For track 8, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-646 For track 9, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-647 For track 10, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-648 For track 11, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-648 For track 12, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-649 For track 13, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-649 For track 14, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-650 For track 15, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-651 For track 16, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-651 For track 17, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-652 For track 18, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-652 For track 19, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-653 For track 20, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-654 For track 21, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-654 For track 22, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-655 For track 23, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-655 For track 24, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-656 For track 25, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-656 For track 26, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-657 For track 27, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-658 For track 28, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-658 For track 29, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-659 For track 30, index=-1
[buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-659 For track 31, index=-1
[run] 18:07:12-660 Running QT4 audioTrack GUI
[qtRegisterDialog] 18:07:12-660 reparenting widget DialogAudioTracks
[updateActive] 18:07:21-633 Checking input 0 for track 0
[updateActive] 18:07:21-633 Setting language fra to pool 0
[updateActive] 18:07:21-633 Processing input 0 for track 0
[dump] 18:07:21-633 Active Track 0, pool index=0
[dump] 18:07:21-633 from video
[run] 18:07:21-633 /Running QT4 audioTrack GUI
qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 3300, resource id: 8558191, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0
[HandleAction] 18:07:37-934 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Scale :505
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Scale Time:325913 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Scale Time:00:05:25,913 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:37-934 Best candidate for time 00:05:26,494 in reference is frame 8316
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Seeking to Time:00:05:25,840 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:37-934 Decoding up to intra frame 8305, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:37-936 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:37-941 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:37-951 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:39-591 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Scale :495
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Scale Time:319460 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Scale Time:00:05:19,460 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:39-592 Best candidate for time 00:05:20,041 in reference is frame 8155
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Seeking to Time:00:05:19,400 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:39-592 Decoding up to intra frame 8144, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:39-593 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-598 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-606 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:39-776 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:07:39-791 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Scale :450
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Scale Time:290418 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Scale Time:00:04:50,418 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:39-791 Best candidate for time 00:04:50,999 in reference is frame 7424
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Seeking to Time:00:04:49,920 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:39-791 Decoding up to intra frame 7407, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:39-793 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-798 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-806 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:39-963 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:07:39-969 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Scale :394
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Scale Time:254278 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Scale Time:00:04:14,278 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:39-969 Best candidate for time 00:04:14,859 in reference is frame 6520
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Seeking to Time:00:04:13,440 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:39-969 Decoding up to intra frame 6495, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:39-971 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-976 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-983 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:40-655 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-655 Scale :385
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-655 Scale Time:248470 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-655 Scale Time:00:04:08,470 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:40-656 Best candidate for time 00:04:09,051 in reference is frame 6379
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-656 Seeking to Time:00:04:07,680 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:40-656 Decoding up to intra frame 6351, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:40-657 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-663 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-672 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:40-807 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:07:40-815 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Scale :358
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Scale Time:231045 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Scale Time:00:03:51,045 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:40-815 Best candidate for time 00:03:51,626 in reference is frame 5944
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Seeking to Time:00:03:50,280 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:40-815 Decoding up to intra frame 5916, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:40-817 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-822 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-830 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:41-001 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-001 Scale :349
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-001 Scale Time:225237 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-001 Scale Time:00:03:45,237 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:41-001 Best candidate for time 00:03:45,818 in reference is frame 5799
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-002 Seeking to Time:00:03:44,520 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:41-002 Decoding up to intra frame 5772, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:41-003 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:41-013 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:41-218 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Scale :339
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Scale Time:218783 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Scale Time:00:03:38,783 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:41-218 Best candidate for time 00:03:39,364 in reference is frame 5618
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Seeking to Time:00:03:38,480 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:41-218 Decoding up to intra frame 5603, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:41-219 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:41-225 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:41-233 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:42-386 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Scale :330
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Scale Time:212975 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Scale Time:00:03:32,975 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:42-386 Best candidate for time 00:03:33,556 in reference is frame 5472
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Seeking to Time:00:03:32,720 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:42-386 Decoding up to intra frame 5459, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:42-388 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:42-393 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:42-400 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:42-525 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:07:42-579 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Scale :312
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:42-579 Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Seeking to Time:00:03:20,520 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:42-579 Decoding up to intra frame 5140, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:42-581 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[HandleAction] 18:07:47-254 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Scale :303
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Scale Time:195550 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Scale Time:00:03:15,550 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:47-254 Best candidate for time 00:03:16,131 in reference is frame 5018
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Seeking to Time:00:03:14,760 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:47-254 Decoding up to intra frame 4995, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:47-256 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:47-261 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:48-398 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Scale :312
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:48-398 Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Seeking to Time:00:03:20,520 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:48-398 Decoding up to intra frame 5140, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:48-399 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[HandleAction] 18:07:48-880 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Scale :312
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:48-880 Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Seeking to Time:00:03:20,520 ms
[HandleAction] 18:07:52-524 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:52-524 Current PTS :200520 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:52-524 Found nextkeyframe 202461 0:3:22 at frame 5169
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:52-524 next kf PTS :201880 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:52-524 Decoding up to intra frame 5169, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:52-526 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:52-531 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:52-539 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:54-272 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-272 Current PTS :201880 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:54-272 Found nextkeyframe 203421 0:3:23 at frame 5193
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-272 next kf PTS :202840 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:54-272 Decoding up to intra frame 5193, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:54-273 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-279 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-286 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:54-676 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-676 Current PTS :202840 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:54-676 Found nextkeyframe 204381 0:3:24 at frame 5217
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-676 next kf PTS :203800 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:54-676 Decoding up to intra frame 5217, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:54-678 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-683 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-691 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:54-940 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-940 Current PTS :203800 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:54-940 Found nextkeyframe 205341 0:3:25 at frame 5241
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-940 next kf PTS :204760 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:54-940 Decoding up to intra frame 5241, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:54-942 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-947 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-955 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:55-570 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-570 Current PTS :204760 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:55-570 Found nextkeyframe 206381 0:3:26 at frame 5272
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-570 next kf PTS :205800 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:55-571 Decoding up to intra frame 5272, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:55-573 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-578 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-581 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:55-727 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-727 Current PTS :205800 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:55-727 Found nextkeyframe 207661 0:3:27 at frame 5299
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-727 next kf PTS :207080 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:55-727 Decoding up to intra frame 5299, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:55-729 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-734 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-742 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:55-891 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-892 Current PTS :207080 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:55-892 Found nextkeyframe 208661 0:3:28 at frame 5329
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-892 next kf PTS :208080 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:55-892 Decoding up to intra frame 5329, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:55-893 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-898 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-902 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-009 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-009 Current PTS :208080 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-009 Found nextkeyframe 209941 0:3:29 at frame 5356
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-009 next kf PTS :209360 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-009 Decoding up to intra frame 5356, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-010 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-015 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-024 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-116 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-116 Current PTS :209360 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-116 Found nextkeyframe 210661 0:3:30 at frame 5380
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-116 next kf PTS :210080 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-117 Decoding up to intra frame 5380, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-118 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-123 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-125 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-125 [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-313 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-313 Current PTS :210080 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-313 Found nextkeyframe 211061 0:3:31 at frame 5390
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-313 next kf PTS :210480 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-313 Decoding up to intra frame 5390, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-314 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-440 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-440 Current PTS :210480 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-440 Found nextkeyframe 212341 0:3:32 at frame 5433
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-440 next kf PTS :211760 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-440 Decoding up to intra frame 5433, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-442 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-447 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-457 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-580 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-580 Current PTS :211760 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-580 Found nextkeyframe 213301 0:3:33 at frame 5459
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-580 next kf PTS :212720 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-580 Decoding up to intra frame 5459, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-581 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-587 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-594 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-727 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-727 Current PTS :212720 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-727 Found nextkeyframe 214261 0:3:34 at frame 5483
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-727 next kf PTS :213680 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-727 Decoding up to intra frame 5483, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-729 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-734 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-742 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:56-860 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-860 Current PTS :213680 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-860 Found nextkeyframe 215221 0:3:35 at frame 5507
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-860 next kf PTS :214640 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-860 Decoding up to intra frame 5507, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-862 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-868 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-876 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:58-594 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:58-594 Current PTS :214640 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:58-594 Found nextkeyframe 216181 0:3:36 at frame 5531
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:58-594 next kf PTS :215600 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:58-595 Decoding up to intra frame 5531, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:58-596 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:58-601 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:58-608 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:59-536 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-536 Current PTS :215600 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:59-536 Found nextkeyframe 217141 0:3:37 at frame 5555
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-536 next kf PTS :216560 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:59-537 Decoding up to intra frame 5555, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:59-538 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-543 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-552 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:07:59-972 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-972 Current PTS :216560 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:59-972 Found nextkeyframe 218101 0:3:38 at frame 5579
[nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-972 next kf PTS :217520 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:59-972 Decoding up to intra frame 5579, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:59-974 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-979 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-987 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:00-326 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-326 Current PTS :217520 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:00-326 Found nextkeyframe 219061 0:3:39 at frame 5603
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-326 next kf PTS :218480 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:00-327 Decoding up to intra frame 5603, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:00-328 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-334 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-342 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:00-692 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-692 Current PTS :218480 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:00-692 Found nextkeyframe 220021 0:3:40 at frame 5627
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-692 next kf PTS :219440 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:00-693 Decoding up to intra frame 5627, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:00-694 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-700 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-709 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-709 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:01-038 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-038 Current PTS :219440 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:01-038 Found nextkeyframe 220781 0:3:40 at frame 5669
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-038 next kf PTS :220200 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:01-038 Decoding up to intra frame 5669, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:01-040 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[HandleAction] 18:08:01-368 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-368 Current PTS :220200 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:01-368 Found nextkeyframe 222221 0:3:42 at frame 5700
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-368 next kf PTS :221640 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:01-369 Decoding up to intra frame 5700, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:01-370 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:01-376 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:01-385 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:02-972 ************ PreviousKFrame **************
[previousKeyFrame] 18:08:02-972 Current PTS :221640 ms
[previousKeyFrame] 18:08:02-972 next kf PTS :220200 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:02-972 Decoding up to intra frame 5669, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:02-974 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[HandleAction] 18:08:04-586 ************ NextKFrame **************
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:04-586 Current PTS :220200 ms
[searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:04-586 Found nextkeyframe 222221 0:3:42 at frame 5700
[nextKeyFrame] 18:08:04-586 next kf PTS :221640 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:04-587 Decoding up to intra frame 5700, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:04-588 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:04-593 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:04-601 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:05-690 ************ MarkA **************
[addToUndoQueue] 18:08:05-690 The undo queue has now 1 element(s)
[setMarkerAPts] 18:08:05-690 Selection's start point set to 00:03:41,640 (221640000 us)
[HandleAction] 18:08:07-438 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-438 Scale :8236
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-438 Scale Time:5315222 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-438 Scale Time:01:28:35,222 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:07-439 Best candidate for time 01:28:35,804 in reference is frame 132388
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-439 Seeking to Time:01:28:34,880 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:07-442 Decoding up to intra frame 132380, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:07-443 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:07-449 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:07-456 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:09-644 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Scale :8239
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Scale Time:5317158 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Scale Time:01:28:37,158 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:09-644 Best candidate for time 01:28:37,740 in reference is frame 132442
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Seeking to Time:01:28:36,560 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:09-647 Decoding up to intra frame 132428, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:09-648 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-654 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-656 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-656 [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one
[HandleAction] 18:08:09-792 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:09-797 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Scale :8468
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Scale Time:5464947 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Scale Time:01:31:04,947 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:09-797 Best candidate for time 01:31:05,528 in reference is frame 136115
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Seeking to Time:01:31:04,880 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:09-801 Decoding up to intra frame 136104, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:09-803 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-809 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-817 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-949 [lavc] concealing 1632 DC, 1632 AC, 1632 MV errors in P frame
[HandleAction] 18:08:09-989 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:09-995 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Scale :8862
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Scale Time:5719220 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Scale Time:01:35:19,220 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:09-995 Best candidate for time 01:35:19,801 in reference is frame 142444
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Seeking to Time:01:35:18,280 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:09-998 Decoding up to intra frame 142413, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:10-022 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-027 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-035 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-125 [lavc] Reference 2 >= 2
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-125 [lavc] error while decoding MB 31 32, bytestream 2258
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-125 [lavc] concealing 4338 DC, 4338 AC, 4338 MV errors in B frame
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-129 [lavc] concealing 5684 DC, 5684 AC, 5684 MV errors in P frame
[HandleAction] 18:08:10-196 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:10-207 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Scale :9330
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Scale Time:6021251 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Scale Time:01:40:21,251 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:10-207 Best candidate for time 01:40:21,832 in reference is frame 149970
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Seeking to Time:01:40:20,360 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:10-211 Decoding up to intra frame 149941, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:10-303 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-308 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-316 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-410 [lavc] Reference 2 >= 2
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-410 [lavc] error while decoding MB 75 20, bytestream 36449
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-411 [lavc] concealing 5734 DC, 5734 AC, 5734 MV errors in P frame
[HandleAction] 18:08:10-466 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:11-078 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Scale :9440
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Scale Time:6092241 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Scale Time:01:41:32,241 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:11-078 Best candidate for time 01:41:32,822 in reference is frame 151743
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Seeking to Time:01:41:31,440 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:11-082 Decoding up to intra frame 151718, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:11-085 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-090 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-097 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:11-259 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:11-303 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Scale :9606
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Scale Time:6199371 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Scale Time:01:43:19,371 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:11-303 Best candidate for time 01:43:19,952 in reference is frame 154414
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Seeking to Time:01:43:19,360 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:11-307 Decoding up to intra frame 154414, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:11-309 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-314 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-321 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:11-464 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:12-269 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Scale :9633
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Scale Time:6216796 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Scale Time:01:43:36,796 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:12-269 Best candidate for time 01:43:37,377 in reference is frame 154855
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Seeking to Time:01:43:35,960 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:12-274 Decoding up to intra frame 154834, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:12-275 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-281 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:12-432 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:12-455 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Scale :9716
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Scale Time:6270361 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Scale Time:01:44:30,361 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:12-455 Best candidate for time 01:44:30,942 in reference is frame 156192
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Seeking to Time:01:44:30,200 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:12-459 Decoding up to intra frame 156183, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:12-461 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-466 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-476 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-589 [lavc] cabac decode of qscale diff failed at 68 49
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-589 [lavc] error while decoding MB 68 48, bytestream 4588
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-590 [lavc] concealing 2381 DC, 2381 AC, 2381 MV errors in B frame
[HandleAction] 18:08:13-608 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Scale :9725
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Scale Time:6276169 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Scale Time:01:44:36,169 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:13-608 Best candidate for time 01:44:36,751 in reference is frame 156341
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Seeking to Time:01:44:35,960 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:13-612 Decoding up to intra frame 156327, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:13-614 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:13-620 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:13-628 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:13-660 [lavc] concealing 8092 DC, 8092 AC, 8092 MV errors in B frame
[HandleAction] 18:08:13-800 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction] 18:08:14-866 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Scale :9743
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Scale Time:6287786 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Scale Time:01:44:47,786 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:14-866 Best candidate for time 01:44:48,367 in reference is frame 156630
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Seeking to Time:01:44:47,480 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:14-870 Decoding up to intra frame 156615, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:14-871 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:14-876 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:14-884 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:14-945 [lavc] concealing 2862 DC, 2862 AC, 2862 MV errors in B frame
[HandleAction] 18:08:15-816 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Scale :9752
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Scale Time:6293594 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Scale Time:01:44:53,594 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:15-816 Best candidate for time 01:44:54,175 in reference is frame 156767
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Seeking to Time:01:44:53,240 ms
[DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:15-820 Decoding up to intra frame 156759, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
[ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:15-822 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:15-827 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:15-835 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
[HandleAction] 18:08:16-598 ************ Scale **************
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Scale :9752
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Scale Time:6293594 ms (total=6453640 ms)
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Scale Time:01:44:53,594 ms
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:16-598 Best candidate for time 01:44:54,175 in reference is frame 156767
[HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Seeking to Time:01:44:53,240 ms
[HandleAction] 18:08:18-220 ************ MarkB **************
[addToUndoQueue] 18:08:18-220 The undo queue has now 2 element(s)
[setMarkerBPts] 18:08:18-220 Selection's end point set to 01:44:53,240 (6293240000 us)
[HandleAction] 18:08:20-722 ************ SAVE_VIDEO **************
(avidemux3_qt5:4564): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 20:08:32.785: gtk_widget_set_visible: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
[admSaver] 18:08:51-496 [Save] Encoder index=0
[save] 18:08:51-496 Audio starting time 00:03:41,640
[save] 18:08:51-497 [A_Save] Saving..
[checkCutsAreOnIntra] 18:08:51-497 Checking cuts start on keyframe..
[checkCodec] 18:08:51-497 Codecs identified by isH264Compatible() as matching
[muxerMkv] 18:08:51-497 Creating Matroska muxer.
[dealWithH26x] 18:08:51-497 Input is probably AnnexB bitstream, convert it to mp4
[ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-497 Creating copy video stream, start time: 00:03:41,640
[ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-497 End time: 01:44:53,240
[getTimeBase] 18:08:51-497 Ref video 0 is field-encoded, copy mode: 1
[getTimeBase] 18:08:51-497 Timebase set to 1000 / 50000
[getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:51-497 Best candidate for time 00:03:42,221 in reference is frame 5700
[ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-497 PTS/DTS delta=400000 us
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-497 frame 5701 is early
[tsDemux] Wanted frame 5701, going back to frame 5700, last frame was 156780,
[extractSPSInfo_lavcodec] 18:08:51-498 Incoming SPS info
0000 : d.(...p.2.....:@ 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40
0010 : .! ..G.......$.. e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01
0020 : .AF.......<.;... 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a
0030 : 9..2 p.a2..c.`.f 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66
0040 : 8..X.L X..tA.,.. 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01
0050 : ..?x............ e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00
0060 : ..J 00 19 4a
[extractSPSInfo_lavcodec] 18:08:51-498 converted SPS info
0000 : .M@....dgd.(...p 01 4d 40 1f ff e1 00 64 67 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70
0010 : .2.....:@.! ..G. 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc
0020 : ......$...AF.... 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02
0030 : ...<.;...9..2 p. 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1
0040 : a2..c.`.f8..X.L 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20
0050 : X..tA.,....?x... 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08
0060 : ...........J 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 00 19 4a
[extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Parser created
[extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Codec created
[extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Context created, ticks_per_frame = 2
Used bytes 0/108 (+5)
Scale : 50, tick=1, fps=25000
Taking crop into account, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 8
[extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Width2 : 1920
[extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Height2: 1080
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 width:1920
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 height:1080
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 fps1000:25000
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 hasStructInfo:1
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 hasPocInfo:1
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 CpbDpbToSkip:0
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 log2MaxFrameNum:8
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 log2MaxPocLsb:9
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 frameMbsOnlyFlag:0
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 darNum:1
[extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 darDen:1
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5702 is early
[tsDemux] Wanted frame 5702, going back to frame 5700, last frame was 0,
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5703 is early
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5704 is early
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5705 is early
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5706 is early
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5707 is early
[getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 Not a bframe, stopping (8)
[getNonClosedGopDelay] 18:08:51-499 Found maximum non closed gop delay = 240000
[ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-499 Some B-frames are not droppable, but PTS delay is sufficient
[ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-500 Fixating start time by 400000
[ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-500 Starting DTS=221240, PTS=221640 ms
[ADM_videoStreamCopyFromAnnexB] 18:08:51-500 AnnexB to iso filter
[extractExtraDataH264Internal] 18:08:51-500 PPS removed zero filler 3 -> 3
[extractExtraDataH264Internal] 18:08:51-500 Copy from annexB: Found sps=99, pps=3.
[extractExtraDataH264Internal] 18:08:51-500 generated 115 bytes of extradata.
0000 : .d.(...dgd.(...p 01 64 00 28 ff e1 00 64 67 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70
0010 : .2.....:@.! ..G. 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc
0020 : ......$...AF.... 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02
0030 : ...<.;...9..2 p. 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1
0040 : a2..c.`.f8..X.L 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20
0050 : X..tA.,....?x... 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08
0060 : ...........J...h 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 00 19 4a 01 00 04 68
0070 : .<. ff 3c b0
[goToTime] 18:08:51-500 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-500 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
[setupAudio] 18:08:51-501 Setting up 1 audio track(s)
[setupAudio] 18:08:51-501 [audioTrack 0] Creating audio encoding stream, starttime 00:03:41,240(encoding with encoder=5)
[AccessFilter] Creating access filter, startime 00:03:41,240, globalHeader 1
[createEncodingFilter] 18:08:51-501 Creating audio encoding filter with start time 00:03:41,240
[AUDMAudioFilter_Bridge] 18:08:51-501 [Bridge] Starting with time 00:03:41,240 , shift 0 ms
[AUDMAudioFilter_Bridge] 18:08:51-501 [Bridge] Ending with time 00:03:41,240, sample 0
[rewind] 18:08:51-501 [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
[rewind] 18:08:51-501 [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
[rewind] 18:08:51-501 [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
[goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
[refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
[AUDMEncoder_Lavcodec_AC3] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec] Creating Lavcodec audio encoder (0x2000)
[initialize] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec] Selected fltp as sample format.
[initialize] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec]Incoming : fq : 48000, channel : 2 bitrate: 128
[initialize] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec]Lavcodec successfully initialized,wavTag : 0x2000
[FilterAccess] Created, starting at 0 ms
[ADM_audioAccess_thread] 18:08:51-502 Swallowing audio access into a thread
[FF] Muxer opened
[muxerFFmpeg::initVideo] Initial audio delay: 0 ms
[FF] Using 115 bytes for video extradata
[initVideo] 18:08:51-502 Video has extradata and muxer requires globalHeader, assuming it is done so.
[muxerFFmpeg::initVideo] Video initialized
[rescaleFps] 18:08:51-502 TimeBase for video 1000/50000
[FF] Bitrate 128
[initAudio] 18:08:51-502 Using default channel layout 0x3 for 2 channels
[initAudio] 18:08:51-502 Audio has no extradata but muxer requires globalHeader.
[initAudio] 18:08:51-502 Language for track 0 is fra
[FF] Audio initialized
[open] 18:08:51-505 Timebase codec = 1/1000
[open] 18:08:51-505 Timebase codec2 = 1000/50000
[FF] Saving
[saveLoop] 18:08:51-505 avg fps=50000
[initUI] 18:08:51-505 Muxer, creating UI, video duration is 01:41:12,000
[qtRegisterDialog] 18:08:51-507 reparenting widget encodingDialog
[muxerFFmpeg::saveLoop] Final audio delay: 0 ms
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5702 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,061 / 00:03:42,221
[startThread] 18:08:51-609 Starting thread...
[startThread] 18:08:51-619 Thread created and started
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5703 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:41,981 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5704 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:41,941 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] 18:08:51-639 Dropping frame 5704
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5705 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,021 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5706 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,141 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5707 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,101 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5708 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,181 / 00:03:42,221
1% done frames: 1202 elapsed: 00:00:01,001
2% done frames: 2393 elapsed: 00:00:02,002
2% done frames: 3554 elapsed: 00:00:03,003
3% done frames: 4627 elapsed: 00:00:04,020
4% done frames: 5722 elapsed: 00:00:05,021
5% done frames: 6936 elapsed: 00:00:06,024
5% done frames: 8083 elapsed: 00:00:07,034
6% done frames: 9209 elapsed: 00:00:08,035
7% done frames: 10187 elapsed: 00:00:09,051
7% done frames: 11198 elapsed: 00:00:10,052
9% done frames: 13027 elapsed: 00:00:11,053
10% done frames: 15223 elapsed: 00:00:12,059
11% done frames: 17007 elapsed: 00:00:13,071
12% done frames: 18004 elapsed: 00:00:14,072
13% done frames: 19034 elapsed: 00:00:15,093
13% done frames: 19821 elapsed: 00:00:16,094
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-178 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-179 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
[getNextPES] 18:09:08-179 PES startcode found at 0x276784b8 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:23,168 newDts = 00:17:23,360
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -194867, computed : 00:17:22,584 got 00:17:22,778
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -109555, computed : 00:17:22,669 got 00:17:22,778
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-586 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2352
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-586 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
[getNextPES] 18:09:08-586 PES startcode found at 0x28420bf0 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:41,408 newDts = 00:17:41,792
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -408179, computed : 00:17:40,802 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -322867, computed : 00:17:40,888 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -237555, computed : 00:17:40,973 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -152179, computed : 00:17:41,058 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -66867, computed : 00:17:41,144 got 00:17:41,210
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-588 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-588 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
[getNextPES] 18:09:08-588 PES startcode found at 0x284b522c after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,368 newDts = 00:17:42,560
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -191987, computed : 00:17:41,786 got 00:17:41,978
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -106611, computed : 00:17:41,872 got 00:17:41,978
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,752 newDts = 00:17:42,944
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -213299, computed : 00:17:42,149 got 00:17:42,362
14% done frames: 20867 elapsed: 00:00:17,113
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -127987, computed : 00:17:42,234 got 00:17:42,362
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -42611, computed : 00:17:42,320 got 00:17:42,362
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-732 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-732 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
[getNextPES] 18:09:08-732 PES startcode found at 0x285b75c4 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:43,712 newDts = 00:17:44,096
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -384051, computed : 00:17:43,130 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -298739, computed : 00:17:43,216 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -213363, computed : 00:17:43,301 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -128051, computed : 00:17:43,386 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -42739, computed : 00:17:43,472 got 00:17:43,514
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-734 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-734 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
[getNextPES] 18:09:08-734 PES startcode found at 0x2864069c after 2 retries
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-734 [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:44,480 newDts = 00:17:44,864
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -383987, computed : 00:17:43,898 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -298611, computed : 00:17:43,984 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -213299, computed : 00:17:44,069 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -127987, computed : 00:17:44,154 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -42611, computed : 00:17:44,240 got 00:17:44,282
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:45,056 newDts = 00:17:45,248
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -192051, computed : 00:17:44,474 got 00:17:44,666
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -106739, computed : 00:17:44,560 got 00:17:44,666
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-735 [lavc] invalid spectral extension range (11 >= 5)
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-735 [lavc] error decoding the audio block
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-736 [lavc] exponent -2 is out-of-range
[adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-736 [lavc] error decoding the audio block
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-736 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-736 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
[getNextPES] 18:09:08-736 PES startcode found at 0x286e8728 after 2 retries
[decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-736 [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +576000, lastDts = 00:17:45,632 newDts = 00:17:46,208
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -597363, computed : 00:17:45,029 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -512051, computed : 00:17:45,114 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -426739, computed : 00:17:45,200 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -341363, computed : 00:17:45,285 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -256051, computed : 00:17:45,370 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -170739, computed : 00:17:45,456 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -85363, computed : 00:17:45,541 got 00:17:45,626
Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 29/03/2023, à 19:14)
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#19 Le 29/03/2023, à 19:20
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
iznobe a écrit :Entre temps , tu as reinstallé ? ( ou fait une Mise a niveau ?) .
le " df -TH " du #6 n ' a plus rien a voir avec le dernier .Si tu lances avidemux via le terminal , ca dis quoi ?
si le logiciel se lance normalement avec la commande , lance alors le fichier qui bloque , puis une fois bloqué , recupere la sortie complete du terminal que tu nous donnera ici .
Ca pourrait indiquer des choses .Entre temps, j'ai réinstallé la V20.04 car j'ai malencontreusement fait la mise à niveau vers la 22.04, donc je suis revenu en arrière il y a peu (un mois ?), avec les snaps obligatoires...
Je n'ai pas essayé via le Terminal, je vais le faire.
Pour Avidemux, ma commande par le Terminal est :avidemux3_qt5
La commande envoyée, il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour planter Avidemux à 14% du fichier. J'ai remarqué qu'à chaque fois que je faisais une action, les lignes de code dans le Terminal s'ajoutaient, bilan, je ne peux récupérer depuis le début de l'encodage réel.
Copie d'écran du plantage :
C'est long, désolé pour vous, merci par avance ![refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (8 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (9 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (10 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (11 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (12 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (13 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (14 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (15 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (16 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (17 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (18 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (19 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (20 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (21 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (22 try) [refill] 18:06:59-987 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (23 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (24 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (25 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (26 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (27 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (28 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (29 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (30 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (31 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (32 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (33 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (34 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (35 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (36 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (37 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (38 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (39 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (40 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (41 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (42 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (43 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (44 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (45 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (46 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (47 try) [refill] 18:06:59-988 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (48 try) [refill] 18:06:59-989 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (49 try) [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = -47732386845, lastDts = xx:xx:xx,xxx newDts = 13:15:32,386 [ADM_edAudioTrackFromVideo] 18:06:59-989 Creating edAudio from video track 3 at 665aed50 [ADM_EditorSegment::addReferenceVideo] Video FCC: H264 (34363248) [ADM_getDecoder] 18:06:59-989 Searching decoder in plugins [tryCreatingVideoDecoder] 18:06:59-989 No decoder found in plugin [ADM_getDecoder] 18:06:59-989 Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)... [ADM_coreCodecGetDecoder] 18:06:59-989 Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)... [lavc] Build: 3835492 [lavc] Enabling MT decoder with 12 threads [decoderFFH264] 18:06:59-989 [lavc] Initializing H264 decoder with 0 extradata [decoderFFH264] 18:06:59-990 [lavc] Decoder init: AV_CODEC_ID_H264 video decoder initialized! (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10) [EditorCache] 18:06:59-990 Video cache instance created at 0x7f20d000a4c0 [createBuffers] 18:06:59-990 Added 16 video cache buffers, 16 total. [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-990 Original frame increment 00:00:00,020 = 20000 us [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-990 Ref video is field-encoded. [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 min increment 00:00:00,020 = 20000 us for frame 65 [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 max increment 00:00:00,720 = 720000 us for frame 26789 [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 About 20000 microseconds per frame, 160867 frames [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 The first frame DTS = 181 ms [addReferenceVideo] 18:06:59-994 The first frame has a PTS > 0, adjusting to 581 ms [updateStartTime] 18:06:59-994 Setting DTS start in ref to 00:00:00,181 [updateStartTime] 18:06:59-994 New total duration = 01:47:33,640 [ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-994 Verifying DTS.... [ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-994 Checking from 1 to 160867 [ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-996 Pass 2.. [ADM_verifyDts] 18:06:59-997 DTS verified [Editor] B- frame possible with that codec [addFile] 18:06:59-997 [Editor] This is H264, check if we can fill missing PTS [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:06:59-998 We have 254 missing PTS [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:06:59-998 Some PTS are missing, try to guess them... [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-002 H264 AVC scheme: 0/80433 failures. [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-002 Filling 2nd field PTS [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-005 Fixed 254 PTS [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 18:07:00-007 End of game, we have 0 missing PTS [addFile] 18:07:00-007 H264 sometimes has invalid timestamps which confuse avidemux, checking [seektoTime] 18:07:00-007 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581 [seektoTime] 18:07:00-007 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-007 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-009 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-029 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-094 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [goToTimeVideo] 18:07:00-127 Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-127 Checking file for broken PTS... [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-127 Checking 100 frames out of 160867. [seektoTime] 18:07:00-595 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581 [seektoTime] 18:07:00-595 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-595 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-678 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-684 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-692 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [goToTimeVideo] 18:07:00-752 Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 -------- Stats :---------- [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbBFrames:55 [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbPFrames:13 [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbIFrames:3 [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbNoImage:29 [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 nbPtsgoingBack:0 [checkForValidPts] 18:07:00-761 -------- /Stats ---------- [seektoTime] 18:07:00-761 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581 [seektoTime] 18:07:00-761 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-761 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-772 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-778 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-785 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [goToTimeVideo] 18:07:00-845 Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us [destroy] 18:07:00-845 Destroying preview [renderDisplayResize] 18:07:00-845 Render to 1920x1080 zoom=0,6370, old one =0 x 0, zoom=1,0000, renderer=(nil) [init] 18:07:00-845 [Vdpau]Init [init] 18:07:00-845 [Vdpau] Not operationnal [spawnRenderer] 18:07:00-845 VDPAU init failed [simpleRender] 18:07:00-845 creating simple render. [init] 18:07:00-845 init, simple render. w=1920, h=1080,zoom=0,6370 [spawnRenderer] 18:07:00-850 simpleRenderer init ok [UI_resize] 18:07:00-880 Resizing the main window to 1429x887 px [RDR] Resizing to 1223 x 688 [renderCompleteRedrawRequest] 18:07:00-933 RedrawRequest [A_ResetMarkers] 18:07:00-940 Video Total duration : 01:47:33,640 ms [setMarkerBPts] 18:07:00-940 Selection's end point set to 01:47:33,640 (6453640000 us) [rewind] 18:07:00-942 Rewinding [switchToSegment] 18:07:00-942 Trying to switch to seg 0 with startTime in reference pic= 581 ms [seektoTime] 18:07:00-942 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581 [seektoTime] 18:07:00-942 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:00-942 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:00-944 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-949 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:00-956 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [switchToSegment] 18:07:01-013 Switched ok to segment 0 (dontdecode=0) [start] 18:07:01-013 admPreview,starting [updateLoaded] 18:07:01-088 conf updated [AudioEncoder] Selected copy for index 0, tag 0x0 [HandleAction] 18:07:12-624 ************ AUDIO_SELECT_TRACK ************** [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-641 For track 0, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-642 For track 1, index=-1 [ADM_getIndexForIso639] 18:07:12-642 Language qad not found in list [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-642 For track 2, index=-1 [ADM_getIndexForIso639] 18:07:12-642 Language qaa not found in list [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-643 For track 3, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-643 For track 4, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-644 For track 5, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-645 For track 6, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-645 For track 7, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-646 For track 8, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-646 For track 9, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-647 For track 10, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-648 For track 11, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-648 For track 12, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-649 For track 13, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-649 For track 14, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-650 For track 15, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-651 For track 16, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-651 For track 17, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-652 For track 18, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-652 For track 19, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-653 For track 20, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-654 For track 21, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-654 For track 22, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-655 For track 23, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-655 For track 24, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-656 For track 25, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-656 For track 26, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-657 For track 27, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-658 For track 28, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-658 For track 29, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-659 For track 30, index=-1 [buildTrackMenu] 18:07:12-659 For track 31, index=-1 [run] 18:07:12-660 Running QT4 audioTrack GUI [qtRegisterDialog] 18:07:12-660 reparenting widget DialogAudioTracks [updateActive] 18:07:21-633 Checking input 0 for track 0 [updateActive] 18:07:21-633 Setting language fra to pool 0 [updateActive] 18:07:21-633 Processing input 0 for track 0 [dump] 18:07:21-633 Active Track 0, pool index=0 [dump] 18:07:21-633 from video [run] 18:07:21-633 /Running QT4 audioTrack GUI qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 3300, resource id: 8558191, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0 [HandleAction] 18:07:37-934 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Scale :505 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Scale Time:325913 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Scale Time:00:05:25,913 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:37-934 Best candidate for time 00:05:26,494 in reference is frame 8316 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:37-934 Seeking to Time:00:05:25,840 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:37-934 Decoding up to intra frame 8305, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:37-936 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:37-941 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:37-951 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:39-591 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Scale :495 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Scale Time:319460 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Scale Time:00:05:19,460 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:39-592 Best candidate for time 00:05:20,041 in reference is frame 8155 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-592 Seeking to Time:00:05:19,400 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:39-592 Decoding up to intra frame 8144, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:39-593 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-598 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-606 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:39-776 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:07:39-791 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Scale :450 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Scale Time:290418 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Scale Time:00:04:50,418 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:39-791 Best candidate for time 00:04:50,999 in reference is frame 7424 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-791 Seeking to Time:00:04:49,920 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:39-791 Decoding up to intra frame 7407, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:39-793 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-798 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-806 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:39-963 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:07:39-969 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Scale :394 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Scale Time:254278 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Scale Time:00:04:14,278 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:39-969 Best candidate for time 00:04:14,859 in reference is frame 6520 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:39-969 Seeking to Time:00:04:13,440 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:39-969 Decoding up to intra frame 6495, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:39-971 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-976 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:39-983 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:40-655 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-655 Scale :385 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-655 Scale Time:248470 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-655 Scale Time:00:04:08,470 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:40-656 Best candidate for time 00:04:09,051 in reference is frame 6379 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-656 Seeking to Time:00:04:07,680 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:40-656 Decoding up to intra frame 6351, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:40-657 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-663 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-672 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:40-807 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:07:40-815 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Scale :358 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Scale Time:231045 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Scale Time:00:03:51,045 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:40-815 Best candidate for time 00:03:51,626 in reference is frame 5944 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:40-815 Seeking to Time:00:03:50,280 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:40-815 Decoding up to intra frame 5916, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:40-817 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-822 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:40-830 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:41-001 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-001 Scale :349 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-001 Scale Time:225237 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-001 Scale Time:00:03:45,237 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:41-001 Best candidate for time 00:03:45,818 in reference is frame 5799 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-002 Seeking to Time:00:03:44,520 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:41-002 Decoding up to intra frame 5772, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:41-003 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:41-013 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:41-218 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Scale :339 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Scale Time:218783 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Scale Time:00:03:38,783 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:41-218 Best candidate for time 00:03:39,364 in reference is frame 5618 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:41-218 Seeking to Time:00:03:38,480 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:41-218 Decoding up to intra frame 5603, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:41-219 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:41-225 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:41-233 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:42-386 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Scale :330 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Scale Time:212975 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Scale Time:00:03:32,975 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:42-386 Best candidate for time 00:03:33,556 in reference is frame 5472 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-386 Seeking to Time:00:03:32,720 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:42-386 Decoding up to intra frame 5459, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:42-388 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:42-393 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:42-400 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:42-525 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:07:42-579 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Scale :312 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:42-579 Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:42-579 Seeking to Time:00:03:20,520 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:42-579 Decoding up to intra frame 5140, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:42-581 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [HandleAction] 18:07:47-254 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Scale :303 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Scale Time:195550 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Scale Time:00:03:15,550 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:47-254 Best candidate for time 00:03:16,131 in reference is frame 5018 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:47-254 Seeking to Time:00:03:14,760 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:47-254 Decoding up to intra frame 4995, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:47-256 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:47-261 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:48-398 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Scale :312 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:48-398 Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-398 Seeking to Time:00:03:20,520 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:48-398 Decoding up to intra frame 5140, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:48-399 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [HandleAction] 18:07:48-880 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Scale :312 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:07:48-880 Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:07:48-880 Seeking to Time:00:03:20,520 ms [HandleAction] 18:07:52-524 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:52-524 Current PTS :200520 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:52-524 Found nextkeyframe 202461 0:3:22 at frame 5169 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:52-524 next kf PTS :201880 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:52-524 Decoding up to intra frame 5169, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:52-526 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:52-531 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:52-539 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:54-272 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-272 Current PTS :201880 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:54-272 Found nextkeyframe 203421 0:3:23 at frame 5193 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-272 next kf PTS :202840 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:54-272 Decoding up to intra frame 5193, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:54-273 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-279 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-286 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:54-676 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-676 Current PTS :202840 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:54-676 Found nextkeyframe 204381 0:3:24 at frame 5217 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-676 next kf PTS :203800 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:54-676 Decoding up to intra frame 5217, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:54-678 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-683 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-691 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:54-940 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-940 Current PTS :203800 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:54-940 Found nextkeyframe 205341 0:3:25 at frame 5241 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:54-940 next kf PTS :204760 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:54-940 Decoding up to intra frame 5241, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:54-942 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-947 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:54-955 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:55-570 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-570 Current PTS :204760 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:55-570 Found nextkeyframe 206381 0:3:26 at frame 5272 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-570 next kf PTS :205800 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:55-571 Decoding up to intra frame 5272, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:55-573 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-578 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-581 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:55-727 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-727 Current PTS :205800 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:55-727 Found nextkeyframe 207661 0:3:27 at frame 5299 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-727 next kf PTS :207080 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:55-727 Decoding up to intra frame 5299, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:55-729 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-734 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-742 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:55-891 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-892 Current PTS :207080 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:55-892 Found nextkeyframe 208661 0:3:28 at frame 5329 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:55-892 next kf PTS :208080 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:55-892 Decoding up to intra frame 5329, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:55-893 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-898 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:55-902 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:56-009 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-009 Current PTS :208080 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-009 Found nextkeyframe 209941 0:3:29 at frame 5356 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-009 next kf PTS :209360 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-009 Decoding up to intra frame 5356, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-010 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-015 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-024 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:56-116 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-116 Current PTS :209360 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-116 Found nextkeyframe 210661 0:3:30 at frame 5380 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-116 next kf PTS :210080 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-117 Decoding up to intra frame 5380, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-118 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-123 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-125 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-125 [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one [HandleAction] 18:07:56-313 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-313 Current PTS :210080 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-313 Found nextkeyframe 211061 0:3:31 at frame 5390 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-313 next kf PTS :210480 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-313 Decoding up to intra frame 5390, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-314 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [HandleAction] 18:07:56-440 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-440 Current PTS :210480 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-440 Found nextkeyframe 212341 0:3:32 at frame 5433 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-440 next kf PTS :211760 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-440 Decoding up to intra frame 5433, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-442 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-447 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-457 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:56-580 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-580 Current PTS :211760 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-580 Found nextkeyframe 213301 0:3:33 at frame 5459 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-580 next kf PTS :212720 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-580 Decoding up to intra frame 5459, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-581 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-587 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-594 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:56-727 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-727 Current PTS :212720 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-727 Found nextkeyframe 214261 0:3:34 at frame 5483 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-727 next kf PTS :213680 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-727 Decoding up to intra frame 5483, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-729 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-734 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-742 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:56-860 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-860 Current PTS :213680 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:56-860 Found nextkeyframe 215221 0:3:35 at frame 5507 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:56-860 next kf PTS :214640 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:56-860 Decoding up to intra frame 5507, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:56-862 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-868 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:56-876 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:58-594 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:58-594 Current PTS :214640 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:58-594 Found nextkeyframe 216181 0:3:36 at frame 5531 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:58-594 next kf PTS :215600 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:58-595 Decoding up to intra frame 5531, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:58-596 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:58-601 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:58-608 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:59-536 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-536 Current PTS :215600 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:59-536 Found nextkeyframe 217141 0:3:37 at frame 5555 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-536 next kf PTS :216560 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:59-537 Decoding up to intra frame 5555, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:59-538 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-543 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-552 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:07:59-972 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-972 Current PTS :216560 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:07:59-972 Found nextkeyframe 218101 0:3:38 at frame 5579 [nextKeyFrame] 18:07:59-972 next kf PTS :217520 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:07:59-972 Decoding up to intra frame 5579, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:07:59-974 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-979 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:07:59-987 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:00-326 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-326 Current PTS :217520 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:00-326 Found nextkeyframe 219061 0:3:39 at frame 5603 [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-326 next kf PTS :218480 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:00-327 Decoding up to intra frame 5603, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:00-328 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-334 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-342 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:00-692 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-692 Current PTS :218480 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:00-692 Found nextkeyframe 220021 0:3:40 at frame 5627 [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:00-692 next kf PTS :219440 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:00-693 Decoding up to intra frame 5627, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:00-694 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-700 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-709 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:00-709 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:01-038 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-038 Current PTS :219440 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:01-038 Found nextkeyframe 220781 0:3:40 at frame 5669 [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-038 next kf PTS :220200 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:01-038 Decoding up to intra frame 5669, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:01-040 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [HandleAction] 18:08:01-368 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-368 Current PTS :220200 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:01-368 Found nextkeyframe 222221 0:3:42 at frame 5700 [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:01-368 next kf PTS :221640 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:01-369 Decoding up to intra frame 5700, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:01-370 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:01-376 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:01-385 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:02-972 ************ PreviousKFrame ************** [previousKeyFrame] 18:08:02-972 Current PTS :221640 ms [previousKeyFrame] 18:08:02-972 next kf PTS :220200 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:02-972 Decoding up to intra frame 5669, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:02-974 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [HandleAction] 18:08:04-586 ************ NextKFrame ************** [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:04-586 Current PTS :220200 ms [searchNextKeyFrameInRef] 18:08:04-586 Found nextkeyframe 222221 0:3:42 at frame 5700 [nextKeyFrame] 18:08:04-586 next kf PTS :221640 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:04-587 Decoding up to intra frame 5700, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:04-588 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:04-593 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:04-601 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:05-690 ************ MarkA ************** [addToUndoQueue] 18:08:05-690 The undo queue has now 1 element(s) [setMarkerAPts] 18:08:05-690 Selection's start point set to 00:03:41,640 (221640000 us) [HandleAction] 18:08:07-438 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-438 Scale :8236 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-438 Scale Time:5315222 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-438 Scale Time:01:28:35,222 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:07-439 Best candidate for time 01:28:35,804 in reference is frame 132388 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:07-439 Seeking to Time:01:28:34,880 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:07-442 Decoding up to intra frame 132380, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:07-443 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:07-449 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:07-456 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:09-644 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Scale :8239 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Scale Time:5317158 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Scale Time:01:28:37,158 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:09-644 Best candidate for time 01:28:37,740 in reference is frame 132442 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-644 Seeking to Time:01:28:36,560 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:09-647 Decoding up to intra frame 132428, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:09-648 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-654 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-656 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-656 [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one [HandleAction] 18:08:09-792 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:09-797 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Scale :8468 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Scale Time:5464947 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Scale Time:01:31:04,947 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:09-797 Best candidate for time 01:31:05,528 in reference is frame 136115 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-797 Seeking to Time:01:31:04,880 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:09-801 Decoding up to intra frame 136104, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:09-803 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-809 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-817 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:09-949 [lavc] concealing 1632 DC, 1632 AC, 1632 MV errors in P frame [HandleAction] 18:08:09-989 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:09-995 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Scale :8862 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Scale Time:5719220 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Scale Time:01:35:19,220 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:09-995 Best candidate for time 01:35:19,801 in reference is frame 142444 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:09-995 Seeking to Time:01:35:18,280 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:09-998 Decoding up to intra frame 142413, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:10-022 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-027 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-035 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-125 [lavc] Reference 2 >= 2 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-125 [lavc] error while decoding MB 31 32, bytestream 2258 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-125 [lavc] concealing 4338 DC, 4338 AC, 4338 MV errors in B frame [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-129 [lavc] concealing 5684 DC, 5684 AC, 5684 MV errors in P frame [HandleAction] 18:08:10-196 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:10-207 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Scale :9330 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Scale Time:6021251 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Scale Time:01:40:21,251 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:10-207 Best candidate for time 01:40:21,832 in reference is frame 149970 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:10-207 Seeking to Time:01:40:20,360 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:10-211 Decoding up to intra frame 149941, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:10-303 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-308 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-316 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-410 [lavc] Reference 2 >= 2 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-410 [lavc] error while decoding MB 75 20, bytestream 36449 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:10-411 [lavc] concealing 5734 DC, 5734 AC, 5734 MV errors in P frame [HandleAction] 18:08:10-466 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:11-078 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Scale :9440 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Scale Time:6092241 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Scale Time:01:41:32,241 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:11-078 Best candidate for time 01:41:32,822 in reference is frame 151743 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-078 Seeking to Time:01:41:31,440 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:11-082 Decoding up to intra frame 151718, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:11-085 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-090 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-097 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:11-259 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:11-303 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Scale :9606 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Scale Time:6199371 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Scale Time:01:43:19,371 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:11-303 Best candidate for time 01:43:19,952 in reference is frame 154414 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:11-303 Seeking to Time:01:43:19,360 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:11-307 Decoding up to intra frame 154414, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:11-309 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-314 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:11-321 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:11-464 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:12-269 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Scale :9633 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Scale Time:6216796 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Scale Time:01:43:36,796 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:12-269 Best candidate for time 01:43:37,377 in reference is frame 154855 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-269 Seeking to Time:01:43:35,960 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:12-274 Decoding up to intra frame 154834, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:12-275 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-281 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:12-432 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:12-455 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Scale :9716 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Scale Time:6270361 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Scale Time:01:44:30,361 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:12-455 Best candidate for time 01:44:30,942 in reference is frame 156192 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:12-455 Seeking to Time:01:44:30,200 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:12-459 Decoding up to intra frame 156183, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:12-461 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-466 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-476 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-589 [lavc] cabac decode of qscale diff failed at 68 49 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-589 [lavc] error while decoding MB 68 48, bytestream 4588 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:12-590 [lavc] concealing 2381 DC, 2381 AC, 2381 MV errors in B frame [HandleAction] 18:08:13-608 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Scale :9725 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Scale Time:6276169 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Scale Time:01:44:36,169 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:13-608 Best candidate for time 01:44:36,751 in reference is frame 156341 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:13-608 Seeking to Time:01:44:35,960 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:13-612 Decoding up to intra frame 156327, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:13-614 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:13-620 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:13-628 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:13-660 [lavc] concealing 8092 DC, 8092 AC, 8092 MV errors in B frame [HandleAction] 18:08:13-800 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction] 18:08:14-866 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Scale :9743 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Scale Time:6287786 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Scale Time:01:44:47,786 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:14-866 Best candidate for time 01:44:48,367 in reference is frame 156630 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:14-866 Seeking to Time:01:44:47,480 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:14-870 Decoding up to intra frame 156615, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:14-871 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:14-876 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:14-884 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:14-945 [lavc] concealing 2862 DC, 2862 AC, 2862 MV errors in B frame [HandleAction] 18:08:15-816 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Scale :9752 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Scale Time:6293594 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Scale Time:01:44:53,594 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:15-816 Best candidate for time 01:44:54,175 in reference is frame 156767 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:15-816 Seeking to Time:01:44:53,240 ms [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 18:08:15-820 Decoding up to intra frame 156759, ref: 0 [edCache] Flush [ADM_FFgetFormat] 18:08:15-822 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup. [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:15-827 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:08:15-835 [lavc] mmco: unref short failure [HandleAction] 18:08:16-598 ************ Scale ************** [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Scale :9752 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Scale Time:6293594 ms (total=6453640 ms) [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Scale Time:01:44:53,594 ms [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:16-598 Best candidate for time 01:44:54,175 in reference is frame 156767 [HandleAction_Navigate] 18:08:16-598 Seeking to Time:01:44:53,240 ms [HandleAction] 18:08:18-220 ************ MarkB ************** [addToUndoQueue] 18:08:18-220 The undo queue has now 2 element(s) [setMarkerBPts] 18:08:18-220 Selection's end point set to 01:44:53,240 (6293240000 us) [HandleAction] 18:08:20-722 ************ SAVE_VIDEO ************** (avidemux3_qt5:4564): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 20:08:32.785: gtk_widget_set_visible: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed [admSaver] 18:08:51-496 [Save] Encoder index=0 [save] 18:08:51-496 Audio starting time 00:03:41,640 [save] 18:08:51-497 [A_Save] Saving.. [checkCutsAreOnIntra] 18:08:51-497 Checking cuts start on keyframe.. [checkCodec] 18:08:51-497 Codecs identified by isH264Compatible() as matching [muxerMkv] 18:08:51-497 Creating Matroska muxer. [dealWithH26x] 18:08:51-497 Input is probably AnnexB bitstream, convert it to mp4 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-497 Creating copy video stream, start time: 00:03:41,640 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-497 End time: 01:44:53,240 [getTimeBase] 18:08:51-497 Ref video 0 is field-encoded, copy mode: 1 [getTimeBase] 18:08:51-497 Timebase set to 1000 / 50000 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 18:08:51-497 Best candidate for time 00:03:42,221 in reference is frame 5700 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-497 PTS/DTS delta=400000 us [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-497 frame 5701 is early [tsDemux] Wanted frame 5701, going back to frame 5700, last frame was 156780, [extractSPSInfo_lavcodec] 18:08:51-498 Incoming SPS info 0000 : d.(...p.2.....:@ 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 0010 : .! ..G.......$.. e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 0020 : .AF.......<.;... 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 0030 : 9..2 p.a2..c.`.f 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 0040 : 8..X.L X..tA.,.. 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 0050 : ..?x............ e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 0060 : ..J 00 19 4a [extractSPSInfo_lavcodec] 18:08:51-498 converted SPS info 0000 : .M@....dgd.(...p 01 4d 40 1f ff e1 00 64 67 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70 0010 : .2.....:@.! ..G. 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc 0020 : ......$...AF.... 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02 0030 : ...<.;...9..2 p. 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1 0040 : a2..c.`.f8..X.L 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20 0050 : X..tA.,....?x... 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08 0060 : ...........J 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 00 19 4a [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Parser created [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Codec created [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Context created, ticks_per_frame = 2 Used bytes 0/108 (+5) Scale : 50, tick=1, fps=25000 Taking crop into account, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 8 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Width2 : 1920 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 18:08:51-499 Height2: 1080 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 width:1920 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 height:1080 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 fps1000:25000 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 hasStructInfo:1 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 hasPocInfo:1 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 CpbDpbToSkip:0 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 log2MaxFrameNum:8 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 log2MaxPocLsb:9 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 frameMbsOnlyFlag:0 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 darNum:1 [extractSPSInfo] 18:08:51-499 darDen:1 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5702 is early [tsDemux] Wanted frame 5702, going back to frame 5700, last frame was 0, [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5703 is early [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5704 is early [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5705 is early [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5706 is early [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 frame 5707 is early [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 18:08:51-499 Not a bframe, stopping (8) [getNonClosedGopDelay] 18:08:51-499 Found maximum non closed gop delay = 240000 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-499 Some B-frames are not droppable, but PTS delay is sufficient [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-500 Fixating start time by 400000 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 18:08:51-500 Starting DTS=221240, PTS=221640 ms [ADM_videoStreamCopyFromAnnexB] 18:08:51-500 AnnexB to iso filter [extractExtraDataH264Internal] 18:08:51-500 PPS removed zero filler 3 -> 3 [extractExtraDataH264Internal] 18:08:51-500 Copy from annexB: Found sps=99, pps=3. [extractExtraDataH264Internal] 18:08:51-500 generated 115 bytes of extradata. 0000 : .d.(...dgd.(...p 01 64 00 28 ff e1 00 64 67 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70 0010 : .2.....:@.! ..G. 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc 0020 : ......$...AF.... 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02 0030 : ...<.;...9..2 p. 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1 0040 : a2..c.`.f8..X.L 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20 0050 : X..tA.,....?x... 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08 0060 : ...........J...h 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 00 19 4a 01 00 04 68 0070 : .<. ff 3c b0 [goToTime] 18:08:51-500 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-500 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240 [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try) [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try) [setupAudio] 18:08:51-501 Setting up 1 audio track(s) [setupAudio] 18:08:51-501 [audioTrack 0] Creating audio encoding stream, starttime 00:03:41,240(encoding with encoder=5) [AccessFilter] Creating access filter, startime 00:03:41,240, globalHeader 1 [createEncodingFilter] 18:08:51-501 Creating audio encoding filter with start time 00:03:41,240 [AUDMAudioFilter_Bridge] 18:08:51-501 [Bridge] Starting with time 00:03:41,240 , shift 0 ms [AUDMAudioFilter_Bridge] 18:08:51-501 [Bridge] Ending with time 00:03:41,240, sample 0 [rewind] 18:08:51-501 [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240 [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try) [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try) [rewind] 18:08:51-501 [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240 [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try) [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try) [rewind] 18:08:51-501 [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240 [goToTime] 18:08:51-501 [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240 [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try) [refill] 18:08:51-501 Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try) [AUDMEncoder_Lavcodec_AC3] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec] Creating Lavcodec audio encoder (0x2000) [initialize] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec] Selected fltp as sample format. [initialize] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec]Incoming : fq : 48000, channel : 2 bitrate: 128 [initialize] 18:08:51-502 [Lavcodec]Lavcodec successfully initialized,wavTag : 0x2000 [FilterAccess] Created, starting at 0 ms [ADM_audioAccess_thread] 18:08:51-502 Swallowing audio access into a thread [FF] Muxer opened [muxerFFmpeg::initVideo] Initial audio delay: 0 ms [FF] Using 115 bytes for video extradata [initVideo] 18:08:51-502 Video has extradata and muxer requires globalHeader, assuming it is done so. [muxerFFmpeg::initVideo] Video initialized [rescaleFps] 18:08:51-502 TimeBase for video 1000/50000 [FF] Bitrate 128 [initAudio] 18:08:51-502 Using default channel layout 0x3 for 2 channels [initAudio] 18:08:51-502 Audio has no extradata but muxer requires globalHeader. [initAudio] 18:08:51-502 Language for track 0 is fra [FF] Audio initialized [open] 18:08:51-505 Timebase codec = 1/1000 [open] 18:08:51-505 Timebase codec2 = 1000/50000 [FF] Saving [saveLoop] 18:08:51-505 avg fps=50000 [initUI] 18:08:51-505 Muxer, creating UI, video duration is 01:41:12,000 [qtRegisterDialog] 18:08:51-507 reparenting widget encodingDialog [muxerFFmpeg::saveLoop] Final audio delay: 0 ms [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5702 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,061 / 00:03:42,221 [startThread] 18:08:51-609 Starting thread... [startThread] 18:08:51-619 Thread created and started [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5703 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:41,981 / 00:03:42,221 [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5704 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:41,941 / 00:03:42,221 [getCompressedPicture] 18:08:51-639 Dropping frame 5704 [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5705 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,021 / 00:03:42,221 [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5706 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,141 / 00:03:42,221 [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5707 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,101 / 00:03:42,221 [getCompressedPicture] Frame 5708 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,181 / 00:03:42,221 1% done frames: 1202 elapsed: 00:00:01,001 2% done frames: 2393 elapsed: 00:00:02,002 2% done frames: 3554 elapsed: 00:00:03,003 3% done frames: 4627 elapsed: 00:00:04,020 4% done frames: 5722 elapsed: 00:00:05,021 5% done frames: 6936 elapsed: 00:00:06,024 5% done frames: 8083 elapsed: 00:00:07,034 6% done frames: 9209 elapsed: 00:00:08,035 7% done frames: 10187 elapsed: 00:00:09,051 7% done frames: 11198 elapsed: 00:00:10,052 9% done frames: 13027 elapsed: 00:00:11,053 10% done frames: 15223 elapsed: 00:00:12,059 11% done frames: 17007 elapsed: 00:00:13,071 12% done frames: 18004 elapsed: 00:00:14,072 13% done frames: 19034 elapsed: 00:00:15,093 13% done frames: 19821 elapsed: 00:00:16,094 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-178 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-179 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* [getNextPES] 18:09:08-179 PES startcode found at 0x276784b8 after 2 retries [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:23,168 newDts = 00:17:23,360 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -194867, computed : 00:17:22,584 got 00:17:22,778 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -109555, computed : 00:17:22,669 got 00:17:22,778 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-586 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2352 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-586 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* [getNextPES] 18:09:08-586 PES startcode found at 0x28420bf0 after 2 retries [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:41,408 newDts = 00:17:41,792 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -408179, computed : 00:17:40,802 got 00:17:41,210 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -322867, computed : 00:17:40,888 got 00:17:41,210 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -237555, computed : 00:17:40,973 got 00:17:41,210 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -152179, computed : 00:17:41,058 got 00:17:41,210 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -66867, computed : 00:17:41,144 got 00:17:41,210 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-588 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-588 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* [getNextPES] 18:09:08-588 PES startcode found at 0x284b522c after 2 retries [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,368 newDts = 00:17:42,560 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -191987, computed : 00:17:41,786 got 00:17:41,978 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -106611, computed : 00:17:41,872 got 00:17:41,978 [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,752 newDts = 00:17:42,944 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -213299, computed : 00:17:42,149 got 00:17:42,362 14% done frames: 20867 elapsed: 00:00:17,113 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -127987, computed : 00:17:42,234 got 00:17:42,362 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -42611, computed : 00:17:42,320 got 00:17:42,362 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-732 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-732 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* [getNextPES] 18:09:08-732 PES startcode found at 0x285b75c4 after 2 retries [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:43,712 newDts = 00:17:44,096 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -384051, computed : 00:17:43,130 got 00:17:43,514 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -298739, computed : 00:17:43,216 got 00:17:43,514 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -213363, computed : 00:17:43,301 got 00:17:43,514 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -128051, computed : 00:17:43,386 got 00:17:43,514 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -42739, computed : 00:17:43,472 got 00:17:43,514 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-734 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-734 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* [getNextPES] 18:09:08-734 PES startcode found at 0x2864069c after 2 retries [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-734 [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182 [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:44,480 newDts = 00:17:44,864 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -383987, computed : 00:17:43,898 got 00:17:44,282 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -298611, computed : 00:17:43,984 got 00:17:44,282 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -213299, computed : 00:17:44,069 got 00:17:44,282 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -127987, computed : 00:17:44,154 got 00:17:44,282 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -42611, computed : 00:17:44,240 got 00:17:44,282 [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:45,056 newDts = 00:17:45,248 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -192051, computed : 00:17:44,474 got 00:17:44,666 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -106739, computed : 00:17:44,560 got 00:17:44,666 [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-735 [lavc] invalid spectral extension range (11 >= 5) [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-735 [lavc] error decoding the audio block [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-736 [lavc] exponent -2 is out-of-range [adm_lavLogCallback] 18:09:08-736 [lavc] error decoding the audio block [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-736 [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716 [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-736 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* [getNextPES] 18:09:08-736 PES startcode found at 0x286e8728 after 2 retries [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-736 [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182 [ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +576000, lastDts = 00:17:45,632 newDts = 00:17:46,208 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -597363, computed : 00:17:45,029 got 00:17:45,626 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -512051, computed : 00:17:45,114 got 00:17:45,626 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -426739, computed : 00:17:45,200 got 00:17:45,626 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -341363, computed : 00:17:45,285 got 00:17:45,626 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -256051, computed : 00:17:45,370 got 00:17:45,626 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -170739, computed : 00:17:45,456 got 00:17:45,626 [Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55e165434ad0 : drift -85363, computed : 00:17:45,541 got 00:17:45,626
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#20 Le 29/03/2023, à 20:05
- berserk
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
berserk a écrit :Phil17 a écrit :Edit : Je ne vois pas comment utiliser gnome-disks puisque les partitions sont montées et occupées. J'ai lu le Wiki, mais pas vu comment faire.
il ne faut pas cliquer sur les partitions mais sur les disques (tout à gauche dans Gnome-Disks) :
Cliquer sur le disque dur
Cliquer sur le menu des disques (en haut à droite de la fenêtre de Gnome-disks).
Cliquer sur « Données SMART et auto-tests »OK, merci, c'est ce que j'ai tenté dans mes multiples essais.
Option grisée. Copie d'écran
ah mince
peut être que c'est grisé car SMART n'est pas activé dans ton BIOS
Hors ligne
#21 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:00
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Memtest terminé sans erreur, ce qui ne m'étonne pas.
Pour les soucis sur le disque, ça m'étonnerait aussi d'en avoir car dans ce cas j'aurais des soucis ailleurs que dans Avidemux et des programmes planteraient de façon aléatoire.
Donc cette piste n'est pas probante.
Reste la piste que propose iznobe, je vais attendre qu'il regarde un peu mon retour de commande.
Ce qui m'étonne, c'est que certains fichiers, de façon aléatoire, sont corrompus sans avertissement et plantent Avidemux.
Je veux bien tester la clé USB qui me sert d'interface, mais là aussi, j'ai un doute.
Si erreur de transmission, parasite dans l'émission, vu que j'enregistre de la TNT, ça n'a rien à voir, dans ce cas, je vois les parasites et perte d'image ou de son dans l'enregistrement.
Je retourne à mes analyses.
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#22 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:12
- iznobe
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Bonjour , pour eliminer un potentiel probleme de clé ou d ' USB , tente de faire exactement la meme chose , mais en copiant sur ton disque dur le resultat de ton assemblage de avidemux .
En examinant le retour , hors mis le fait que certains codecs sont peut etre manquants et que le fichier parait corrompu , on ne voit pas grand chose de special .
j ' ai quand meme noté 2 erreurs , mais comme il continu a travailler , je suppose que ca ne doit pas le gener plus que cela .
ce qui est le plus interresant de voir dans le retour , c ' est la fin du terminal , quand avidemux a planté .
j ' ai cru comprendre que tu voulais verifier l ' etat de ton disque dur , pour ce faire : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/smartmontools
sudo apt install nvme-cli
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends smartmontools
pour installer l ' outil adequate , puis pour visualiser l' etat du disque , donne le retour de :
sudo smartctl -s on -a /dev/nvme0n1
Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 30/03/2023, à 10:18)
retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .
En ligne
#23 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:21
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
@Iznobe, ce que j'ai lu et retenu dans le retour, c'est cette ligne, que l'on peut lire plusieurs fois, du moins qui parle de "PES", de ce genre : [decodePesHeader] 18:09:08-732 [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long******* J'ai cherché sur le Net sans succès.
Tu peux m'expliquer ta phrase, je ne la comprends pas : " en copiant sur ton disque dur le resultat de ton assemblage de avidemux ."
Toujours est-il que pour gagner un peu de temps, je copie systématiquement les fichiers enregistrés sur la clé USB sur le disque dur, ensuite, je travaille avec Avidemux uniquement à partir du disque dur.
En attendant, je m'occupe du disque dur. Pour moi, disque et mémoires sont OK, mais ce sera deux points vérifiés.
Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 30/03/2023, à 10:23)
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#24 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:25
- Phil17
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ sudo smartctl -s on -a /dev/nvme0n1
smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [x86_64-linux-5.15.0-69-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
Model Number: PC601 NVMe SK hynix 512GB
Serial Number: AJ99N4337118Y9A3Q
Firmware Version: 80002111
PCI Vendor/Subsystem ID: 0x1c5c
IEEE OUI Identifier: 0xace42e
Controller ID: 1
Number of Namespaces: 1
Namespace 1 Size/Capacity: 512110190592 [512 GB]
Namespace 1 Formatted LBA Size: 512
Namespace 1 IEEE EUI-64: ace42e 009a1197f3
Local Time is: Thu Mar 30 11:25:04 2023 CEST
Firmware Updates (0x16): 3 Slots, no Reset required
Optional Admin Commands (0x0017): Security Format Frmw_DL Self_Test
Optional NVM Commands (0x005f): Comp Wr_Unc DS_Mngmt Wr_Zero Sav/Sel_Feat Timestmp
Maximum Data Transfer Size: 64 Pages
Warning Comp. Temp. Threshold: 86 Celsius
Critical Comp. Temp. Threshold: 87 Celsius
Supported Power States
St Op Max Active Idle RL RT WL WT Ent_Lat Ex_Lat
0 + 6.3000W - - 0 0 0 0 5 5
1 + 2.4000W - - 1 1 1 1 30 30
2 + 1.9000W - - 2 2 2 2 100 100
3 - 0.0500W - - 3 3 3 3 1000 1000
4 - 0.0040W - - 3 3 3 3 1000 9000
Supported LBA Sizes (NSID 0x1)
Id Fmt Data Metadt Rel_Perf
0 + 512 0 0
1 - 4096 0 0
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning: 0x00
Temperature: 33 Celsius
Available Spare: 100%
Available Spare Threshold: 50%
Percentage Used: 1%
Data Units Read: 30617825 [15,6 TB]
Data Units Written: 31372111 [16,0 TB]
Host Read Commands: 266246483
Host Write Commands: 371633865
Controller Busy Time: 1395
Power Cycles: 4143
Power On Hours: 7706
Unsafe Shutdowns: 661
Media and Data Integrity Errors: 0
Error Information Log Entries: 0
Warning Comp. Temperature Time: 0
Critical Comp. Temperature Time: 0
Temperature Sensor 1: 33 Celsius
Temperature Sensor 2: 31 Celsius
Error Information (NVMe Log 0x01, max 256 entries)
No Errors Logged
XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.
Hors ligne
#25 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:27
- iznobe
Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]
Actuellement , tu configures avidemux pour que le fichier de sortie soit enregistré sur ta cle USB sandisk de 250 Go .
Je proposais donc ( afin d ' eliminer un potentiel soucis de cl" ou de transfert USB ) de faire la meme action que celle que tu donnes le retour mais en disant a avidemux d ' enregistrer le fichier non pas dans la clé USB , mais sur ton disque dur .
Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 30/03/2023, à 10:27)
retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .
En ligne