#1 Le 16/08/2022, à 09:59
- L'Africain
Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
J'ai un très gros texte html que je vais convertir en texte. Mais les notes ne sont pas précisement au bon endroit, mais à la fin de chaque chapitre. Je voudrais les déplacer là où elle sont réellement pour que lors de la conversion le fichier txt les retrouve au bon endroit.
Voici un exemple de mon texte:
<h5 class="p_heading_1">The Creation</h5>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">1</span>In the beginning, God created the universe.<a id="calibre_link-33344"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33299">1</a></span> <span class="calibre9">2</span>When the earth<a id="calibre_link-33345"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33300">2</a></span> was as yet unformed and desolate, with the surface of the ocean depths shrouded<a id="calibre_link-33346"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33301">3</a></span> in darkness, and while the Spirit of God was hovering<a id="calibre_link-33347"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33302">4</a></span> over the surface of the waters, <span class="calibre9">3</span>God said, “Let there be light!” So there was light.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">4</span>God saw that the light was beautiful.<a id="calibre_link-33348"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33303">5</a></span> He<a id="calibre_link-33349"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33304">6</a></span> separated the light from the darkness, <span class="calibre9">5</span>calling the light “day,” and the darkness<a id="calibre_link-33350"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33305">7</a></span> “night.” The twilight and the dawn were day one.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">6</span>Then God said, “Let there be a canopy<a id="calibre_link-33351"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33306">8</a></span> between bodies of water,<a id="calibre_link-33352"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33307">9</a></span> separating bodies of water<a id="calibre_link-33353"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33308">10</a></span> from bodies of water!”<a id="calibre_link-33354"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33309">11</a></span> <span class="calibre9">7</span>So God made a canopy<a id="calibre_link-33355"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33310">12</a></span> that separated the water beneath the canopy<a id="calibre_link-33356"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33311">13</a></span> from the water above it.<a id="calibre_link-33357"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33312">14</a></span> And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33358"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33313">15</a></span> <span class="calibre9">8</span>God called the canopy<a id="calibre_link-33359"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33314">16</a></span> “sky.”<a id="calibre_link-33360"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33315">17</a></span> The twilight and the dawn were a second day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">9</span>Then God said, “Let the water beneath the sky come together into one area, and let dry ground appear!” And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33361"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33316">18</a></span> <span class="calibre9">10</span>God called the dry ground “land,”<a id="calibre_link-33362"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33317">19</a></span> and he called the water that had come together “oceans.” And God saw how good it was.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">11</span>Then God said, “Let vegetation sprout all over the earth, including<a id="calibre_link-33363"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33318">20</a></span> seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each kind containing its own seed!” And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33364"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33319">21</a></span> <span class="calibre9">12</span>Vegetation sprouted all over the earth, including seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each kind containing its own seed. And God saw that it was good. <span class="calibre9">13</span>The twilight and the dawn were a third day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">14</span>Then God said, “Let there be lights across<a id="calibre_link-33365"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33320">22</a></span> the sky to distinguish day from night, to act as signs for seasons,<a id="calibre_link-33366"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33321">23</a></span> days, and years, <span class="calibre9">15</span>to serve as lights in<a id="calibre_link-33367"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33322">24</a></span> the sky, and to shine on the earth!” And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33368"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33323">25</a></span> <span class="calibre9">16</span>God fashioned two great lights—the larger light to shine during<a id="calibre_link-33369"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33324">26</a></span> the day and the smaller light to shine during<a id="calibre_link-33370"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33325">27</a></span> the night—as well as stars. <span class="calibre9">17</span>God placed them in space<a id="calibre_link-33371"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33326">28</a></span> to shine on the earth, <span class="calibre9">18</span>to differentiate between<a id="calibre_link-33372"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33327">29</a></span> day and night, and to distinguish<a id="calibre_link-33373"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33328">30</a></span> light from darkness. And God saw how good it was. <span class="calibre9">19</span>The twilight and the dawn were a fourth day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">20</span>Then God said, “Let the oceans swarm<a id="calibre_link-33374"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33329">31</a></span> with living creatures, and let flying creatures soar above the earth throughout<a id="calibre_link-33375"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33330">32</a></span> the sky!” <span class="calibre9">21</span>So God created every kind of magnificent marine creature, every kind of living marine crawler<a id="calibre_link-33376"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33331">33</a></span> with which the waters swarmed, and every kind of flying creature.<a id="calibre_link-33377"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33332">34</a></span> And God saw how good it was. <span class="calibre9">22</span>God blessed them by saying, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the oceans. Let the birds multiply throughout the earth!” <span class="calibre9">23</span>The twilight and the dawn were a fifth day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">24</span>Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth each kind of living creature, each kind of livestock and crawling thing, and each kind of earth’s animals!”<a id="calibre_link-33378"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33333">35</a></span> And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33379"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33334">36</a></span> <span class="calibre9">25</span>God made each kind of the earth’s animals, along with every kind of livestock and crawling thing.<a id="calibre_link-33380"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33335">37</a></span> And God saw how good it was.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">26</span>Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us.<a id="calibre_link-33381"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33336">38</a></span> Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly,<a id="calibre_link-33382"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33337">39</a></span> the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!”</p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_1__and__left_alignment__and__left_indent__and__right_indent"><span class="calibre9">27</span>So God created mankind in his own image;</p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_2__and__left_alignment">in his own image God created them;<a id="calibre_link-33383"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33338">40</a></span></p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_3_last_line__and__left_alignment">he created them male and female.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">28</span>God blessed the humans by saying to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it! Be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, and every living thing that crawls on the earth!”</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">29</span>God also told them,<a id="calibre_link-33384"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33339">41</a></span> “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows throughout<a id="calibre_link-33385"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33340">42</a></span> the earth, along with every tree that grows seed-bearing fruit. They will produce your food. <span class="calibre9">30</span>I have given all green plants as food for every wild animal<a id="calibre_link-33386"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33341">43</a></span> of the earth, every bird that flies, and to every living thing<a id="calibre_link-33387"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33342">44</a></span> that crawls on the earth.” And that is what happened.<a id="calibre_link-33388"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33343">45</a></span></p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">31</span>Now God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good! The twilight and the dawn were a sixth day.</p>
<section type="footnotes">
<hr class="calibre19" />
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33299" href="#calibre_link-33344">1</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:1 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">the heavens and the earth</span><span class="calibre11">; i.e. space and matter</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33300" href="#calibre_link-33345">2</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:2 Or </span><span class="calibre20">1When God began to create the universe, 2the earth</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33301" href="#calibre_link-33346">3</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:2 The Heb. lacks </span><span class="calibre20">shrouded</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33302" href="#calibre_link-33347">4</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:2 Or </span><span class="calibre20">brooding</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33303" href="#calibre_link-33348">5</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:4 Or </span><span class="calibre20">good</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33304" href="#calibre_link-33349">6</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:5 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">God</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33305" href="#calibre_link-33350">7</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:5 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">darkness he called</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33306" href="#calibre_link-33351">8</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Or </span><span class="calibre20">an expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33307" href="#calibre_link-33352">9</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">between waters</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33308" href="#calibre_link-33353">10</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">separating waters</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33309" href="#calibre_link-33354">11</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">from</span><span class="calibre11"> </span><span class="calibre20">waters</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33310" href="#calibre_link-33355">12</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Or </span><span class="calibre20">made an expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33311" href="#calibre_link-33356">13</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Or </span><span class="calibre20">expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33312" href="#calibre_link-33357">14</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">above the canopy</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33313" href="#calibre_link-33358">15</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33314" href="#calibre_link-33359">16</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:8 Or </span><span class="calibre20">expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33315" href="#calibre_link-33360">17</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:8 Or </span><span class="calibre20">Heaven</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33316" href="#calibre_link-33361">18</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:9 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33317" href="#calibre_link-33362">19</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:10 Or </span><span class="calibre20">Earth</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33318" href="#calibre_link-33363">20</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:11 The Heb. lacks </span><span class="calibre20">including</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33319" href="#calibre_link-33364">21</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:11 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33320" href="#calibre_link-33365">22</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:14 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">lights in the expanse of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33321" href="#calibre_link-33366">23</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:14 </span><span class="calibre21">I.e. sacred seasons set by the lunar calendar later utilized for Israel’s festivals and gatherings</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33322" href="#calibre_link-33367">24</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:15 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">lights in the expanse of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33323" href="#calibre_link-33368">25</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:15 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33324" href="#calibre_link-33369">26</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:16 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">to govern</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33325" href="#calibre_link-33370">27</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:16 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">to govern</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33326" href="#calibre_link-33371">28</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:17 Lit.</span><span class="calibre20"> the expanse of the sky</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33327" href="#calibre_link-33372">29</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:18 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">to govern</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33328" href="#calibre_link-33373">30</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:18 Or </span><span class="calibre20">separate</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33329" href="#calibre_link-33374">31</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:20 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">swarm with a swarm</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33330" href="#calibre_link-33375">32</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:20 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">earth in the expanse of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33331" href="#calibre_link-33376">33</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:21 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">living thing that crawls</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33332" href="#calibre_link-33377">34</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:21 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">winged bird</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33333" href="#calibre_link-33378">35</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:24 I.e., non-domesticated animals, as opposed to domesticated livestock; and so through 2:25</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33334" href="#calibre_link-33379">36</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:24 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33335" href="#calibre_link-33380">37</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:25 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">thing of the earth</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33336" href="#calibre_link-33381">38</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:26 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">image, according to our likeness</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33337" href="#calibre_link-33382">39</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:26 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">birds of the sky</span><span class="calibre11">; and so through 2:25</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33338" href="#calibre_link-33383">40</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:27 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">him</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33339" href="#calibre_link-33384">41</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:29 The Heb. lacks </span><span class="calibre20">them</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33340" href="#calibre_link-33385">42</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:29 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">plant that is on the surface of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33341" href="#calibre_link-33386">43</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:30 I.e., non-domesticated animals, as opposed to domesticated livestock</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33342" href="#calibre_link-33387">44</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:30 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">soul</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33343" href="#calibre_link-33388">45</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:30 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
Comme vous le voyez chaque note à un code numérique. je voudrais que ça donne ça, pour la note 1:
<span class="calibre9">1</span>In the beginning, God created the universe.<span class="calibre11">1:1 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">the heavens and the earth</span><span class="calibre11">; i.e. space and matter</span>
Merci d'avance, Cyrille
Ubuntu-Unity 24.04 Alienware X/Lubuntu-Mate
"Donne à celui qui te demande…" Mt 5,42
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#2 Le 16/08/2022, à 11:17
- Arbiel
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
L'exemple que tu donnes ne permet pas de savoir ce que tu cherches.
Il semblerait que tu veuilles remplacer des liens par leur contenu. Est-ce bien le cas ? Et s'agit-il de tout lien, ou de liens qui répondent à certains critères, et dans l'affirmative, quels critères ?
Dernière modification par Arbiel (Le 16/08/2022, à 11:18)
Arbiel Perlacremaz
LDLC Aurore NK3S-8-S4 Ubuntu 20.04, GNOME 3.36.8
24.04 en cours de tests
Abandon d'azerty au profit de bépo, de google au profit de Lilo et de la messagerie électronique violable au profit de Protonmail, une messagerie chiffrée de poste de travail à poste de travail.
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#3 Le 16/08/2022, à 15:31
- L'Africain
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Merci Arbiel pour ta réponse. Oui il s'agit de remplacer des liens vers des notes par leur contenu. Pour l'instant je crois qu'on peut attendre parce que la personne qui m'a envoyé le fichier m'a dit qu'elle avait un script pour ça. Si c'est le cas je viendrais le poster ici.
Dernière modification par L'Africain (Le 24/08/2022, à 15:59)
Ubuntu-Unity 24.04 Alienware X/Lubuntu-Mate
"Donne à celui qui te demande…" Mt 5,42
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#4 Le 17/08/2022, à 12:24
- L'Africain
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Bon finalement, rien de concret. Donc si quelqu'un à une proposition je suis preneur.
Ubuntu-Unity 24.04 Alienware X/Lubuntu-Mate
"Donne à celui qui te demande…" Mt 5,42
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#5 Le 23/08/2022, à 22:36
- Arbiel
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Si donc tu n'as rien de concret, peux-tu répondre aux questions que je t'ai posées ici ?
Dernière modification par Arbiel (Le 23/08/2022, à 22:37)
Arbiel Perlacremaz
LDLC Aurore NK3S-8-S4 Ubuntu 20.04, GNOME 3.36.8
24.04 en cours de tests
Abandon d'azerty au profit de bépo, de google au profit de Lilo et de la messagerie électronique violable au profit de Protonmail, une messagerie chiffrée de poste de travail à poste de travail.
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#6 Le 24/08/2022, à 16:00
- L'Africain
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Bonjour Arbiel,
Merci, j'avais répondu au #3:
Oui il s'agit de remplacer des liens vers des notes par leur contenu.
Ubuntu-Unity 24.04 Alienware X/Lubuntu-Mate
"Donne à celui qui te demande…" Mt 5,42
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#7 Le 24/08/2022, à 17:51
- LeoMajor
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
énoncé de départ
cat ~/scripts/holy.html
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<h5 class="p_heading_1">The Creation</h5>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">1</span>In the beginning, God created the universe.<a id="calibre_link-33344"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33299">1</a></span> <span class="calibre9">2</span>When the earth<a id="calibre_link-33345"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33300">2</a></span> was as yet unformed and desolate, with the surface of the ocean depths shrouded<a id="calibre_link-33346"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33301">3</a></span> in darkness, and while the Spirit of God was hovering<a id="calibre_link-33347"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33302">4</a></span> over the surface of the waters, <span class="calibre9">3</span>God said, “Let there be light!” So there was light.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">4</span>God saw that the light was beautiful.<a id="calibre_link-33348"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33303">5</a></span> He<a id="calibre_link-33349"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33304">6</a></span> separated the light from the darkness, <span class="calibre9">5</span>calling the light “day,” and the darkness<a id="calibre_link-33350"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33305">7</a></span> “night.” The twilight and the dawn were day one.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">6</span>Then God said, “Let there be a canopy<a id="calibre_link-33351"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33306">8</a></span> between bodies of water,<a id="calibre_link-33352"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33307">9</a></span> separating bodies of water<a id="calibre_link-33353"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33308">10</a></span> from bodies of water!”<a id="calibre_link-33354"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33309">11</a></span> <span class="calibre9">7</span>So God made a canopy<a id="calibre_link-33355"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33310">12</a></span> that separated the water beneath the canopy<a id="calibre_link-33356"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33311">13</a></span> from the water above it.<a id="calibre_link-33357"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33312">14</a></span> And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33358"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33313">15</a></span> <span class="calibre9">8</span>God called the canopy<a id="calibre_link-33359"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33314">16</a></span> “sky.”<a id="calibre_link-33360"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33315">17</a></span> The twilight and the dawn were a second day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">9</span>Then God said, “Let the water beneath the sky come together into one area, and let dry ground appear!” And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33361"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33316">18</a></span> <span class="calibre9">10</span>God called the dry ground “land,”<a id="calibre_link-33362"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33317">19</a></span> and he called the water that had come together “oceans.” And God saw how good it was.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">11</span>Then God said, “Let vegetation sprout all over the earth, including<a id="calibre_link-33363"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33318">20</a></span> seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each kind containing its own seed!” And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33364"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33319">21</a></span> <span class="calibre9">12</span>Vegetation sprouted all over the earth, including seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each kind containing its own seed. And God saw that it was good. <span class="calibre9">13</span>The twilight and the dawn were a third day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">14</span>Then God said, “Let there be lights across<a id="calibre_link-33365"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33320">22</a></span> the sky to distinguish day from night, to act as signs for seasons,<a id="calibre_link-33366"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33321">23</a></span> days, and years, <span class="calibre9">15</span>to serve as lights in<a id="calibre_link-33367"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33322">24</a></span> the sky, and to shine on the earth!” And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33368"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33323">25</a></span> <span class="calibre9">16</span>God fashioned two great lights—the larger light to shine during<a id="calibre_link-33369"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33324">26</a></span> the day and the smaller light to shine during<a id="calibre_link-33370"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33325">27</a></span> the night—as well as stars. <span class="calibre9">17</span>God placed them in space<a id="calibre_link-33371"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33326">28</a></span> to shine on the earth, <span class="calibre9">18</span>to differentiate between<a id="calibre_link-33372"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33327">29</a></span> day and night, and to distinguish<a id="calibre_link-33373"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33328">30</a></span> light from darkness. And God saw how good it was. <span class="calibre9">19</span>The twilight and the dawn were a fourth day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">20</span>Then God said, “Let the oceans swarm<a id="calibre_link-33374"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33329">31</a></span> with living creatures, and let flying creatures soar above the earth throughout<a id="calibre_link-33375"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33330">32</a></span> the sky!” <span class="calibre9">21</span>So God created every kind of magnificent marine creature, every kind of living marine crawler<a id="calibre_link-33376"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33331">33</a></span> with which the waters swarmed, and every kind of flying creature.<a id="calibre_link-33377"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33332">34</a></span> And God saw how good it was. <span class="calibre9">22</span>God blessed them by saying, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the oceans. Let the birds multiply throughout the earth!” <span class="calibre9">23</span>The twilight and the dawn were a fifth day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">24</span>Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth each kind of living creature, each kind of livestock and crawling thing, and each kind of earth’s animals!”<a id="calibre_link-33378"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33333">35</a></span> And that is what happened:<a id="calibre_link-33379"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33334">36</a></span> <span class="calibre9">25</span>God made each kind of the earth’s animals, along with every kind of livestock and crawling thing.<a id="calibre_link-33380"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33335">37</a></span> And God saw how good it was.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">26</span>Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us.<a id="calibre_link-33381"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33336">38</a></span> Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly,<a id="calibre_link-33382"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33337">39</a></span> the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!”</p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_1__and__left_alignment__and__left_indent__and__right_indent"><span class="calibre9">27</span>So God created mankind in his own image;</p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_2__and__left_alignment">in his own image God created them;<a id="calibre_link-33383"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33338">40</a></span></p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_3_last_line__and__left_alignment">he created them male and female.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">28</span>God blessed the humans by saying to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it! Be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, and every living thing that crawls on the earth!”</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">29</span>God also told them,<a id="calibre_link-33384"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33339">41</a></span> “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows throughout<a id="calibre_link-33385"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33340">42</a></span> the earth, along with every tree that grows seed-bearing fruit. They will produce your food. <span class="calibre9">30</span>I have given all green plants as food for every wild animal<a id="calibre_link-33386"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33341">43</a></span> of the earth, every bird that flies, and to every living thing<a id="calibre_link-33387"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33342">44</a></span> that crawls on the earth.” And that is what happened.<a id="calibre_link-33388"></a><span class="calibre11"><a href="#calibre_link-33343">45</a></span></p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">31</span>Now God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good! The twilight and the dawn were a sixth day.</p>
<section type="footnotes">
<hr class="calibre19" />
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33299" href="#calibre_link-33344">1</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:1 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">the heavens and the earth</span><span class="calibre11">; i.e. space and matter</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33300" href="#calibre_link-33345">2</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:2 Or </span><span class="calibre20">1When God began to create the universe, 2the earth</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33301" href="#calibre_link-33346">3</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:2 The Heb. lacks </span><span class="calibre20">shrouded</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33302" href="#calibre_link-33347">4</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:2 Or </span><span class="calibre20">brooding</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33303" href="#calibre_link-33348">5</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:4 Or </span><span class="calibre20">good</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33304" href="#calibre_link-33349">6</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:5 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">God</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33305" href="#calibre_link-33350">7</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:5 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">darkness he called</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33306" href="#calibre_link-33351">8</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Or </span><span class="calibre20">an expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33307" href="#calibre_link-33352">9</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">between waters</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33308" href="#calibre_link-33353">10</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">separating waters</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33309" href="#calibre_link-33354">11</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:6 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">from</span><span class="calibre11"> </span><span class="calibre20">waters</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33310" href="#calibre_link-33355">12</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Or </span><span class="calibre20">made an expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33311" href="#calibre_link-33356">13</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Or </span><span class="calibre20">expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33312" href="#calibre_link-33357">14</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">above the canopy</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33313" href="#calibre_link-33358">15</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:7 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33314" href="#calibre_link-33359">16</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:8 Or </span><span class="calibre20">expanse</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33315" href="#calibre_link-33360">17</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:8 Or </span><span class="calibre20">Heaven</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33316" href="#calibre_link-33361">18</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:9 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33317" href="#calibre_link-33362">19</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:10 Or </span><span class="calibre20">Earth</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33318" href="#calibre_link-33363">20</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:11 The Heb. lacks </span><span class="calibre20">including</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33319" href="#calibre_link-33364">21</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:11 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33320" href="#calibre_link-33365">22</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:14 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">lights in the expanse of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33321" href="#calibre_link-33366">23</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:14 </span><span class="calibre21">I.e. sacred seasons set by the lunar calendar later utilized for Israel’s festivals and gatherings</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33322" href="#calibre_link-33367">24</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:15 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">lights in the expanse of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33323" href="#calibre_link-33368">25</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:15 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33324" href="#calibre_link-33369">26</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:16 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">to govern</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33325" href="#calibre_link-33370">27</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:16 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">to govern</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33326" href="#calibre_link-33371">28</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:17 Lit.</span><span class="calibre20"> the expanse of the sky</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33327" href="#calibre_link-33372">29</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:18 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">to govern</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33328" href="#calibre_link-33373">30</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:18 Or </span><span class="calibre20">separate</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33329" href="#calibre_link-33374">31</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:20 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">swarm with a swarm</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33330" href="#calibre_link-33375">32</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:20 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">earth in the expanse of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33331" href="#calibre_link-33376">33</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:21 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">living thing that crawls</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33332" href="#calibre_link-33377">34</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:21 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">winged bird</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33333" href="#calibre_link-33378">35</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:24 I.e., non-domesticated animals, as opposed to domesticated livestock; and so through 2:25</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33334" href="#calibre_link-33379">36</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:24 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33335" href="#calibre_link-33380">37</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:25 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">thing of the earth</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33336" href="#calibre_link-33381">38</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:26 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">image, according to our likeness</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33337" href="#calibre_link-33382">39</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:26 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">birds of the sky</span><span class="calibre11">; and so through 2:25</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33338" href="#calibre_link-33383">40</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:27 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">him</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33339" href="#calibre_link-33384">41</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:29 The Heb. lacks </span><span class="calibre20">them</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33340" href="#calibre_link-33385">42</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:29 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">plant that is on the surface of</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33341" href="#calibre_link-33386">43</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:30 I.e., non-domesticated animals, as opposed to domesticated livestock</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33342" href="#calibre_link-33387">44</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:30 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">soul</span></p>
<p class="p_footnote"><span class="calibre11"><a id="calibre_link-33343" href="#calibre_link-33388">45</a></span> <span class="calibre11">1:30 Lit. </span><span class="calibre20">And so it was</span></p>
en vba.net version nunux (gambas3)
cat ./holy-replace.gbs
#!/usr/bin/env gbs3
Use "gb.args"
Use "gb.xml"
Use "gb.xml.html"
Public Sub Main()
Args.Begin("Usage: [gbs3] script.gbs -i import.html -o export.html")
Dim Gio As String[] = [Args.Get("i", "in", "load file"), Args.Get("o", "out", "save file")]
Dim Gver As Boolean = Args.Has("v", "version", "la version de l'application")
If Gver = True Then
Print "version 1.."
Dim d As New HtmlDocument
If Access(Gio[0], gb.read) And Gio[1] Then
End If
Dim notes As New String[], e as XmlElement, tmp As String, c As Integer = -1
For Each n As XmlElement In d.Root.GetChildrenByClassName("p_footnote")
tmp = Scan(n.value, "* *")[1]
notes.Add(" " & tmp) 'cosmetic
For Each n As XmlElement In d.Root.GetChildrenByFilter("a[href]")
Inc c
If n.attributes.count > 0 Then
For Each item As Variant In n.attributes
'Print item.name, ":", item.value
If item.name = "href" Then n.RemoveAttribute("href")
If c < notes.count Then
n.value = notes[c]
Print c, n.Name, ":", n.value
'<a id="calibre_link-33363"></a>
For Each o As XmlElement In d.Root.GetChildrenByFilter("a[id*=calibre_link]")
'<hr class="calibre19"
'section type="footnotes"
If Gio[1] Then
File.Save(Gio[1], d.Content)
print d.content
:~$ ./holy-replace.gbs -i ~/scripts/holy.html -o /tmp/out.html
:~$ cat /tmp/out.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr" dir="ltr">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<div id="foo">
<h5 class="p_heading_1">The Creation</h5>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">1</span>In the beginning, God created the universe.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:1 Lit. the heavens and the earth; i.e. space and matter</a></span> <span class="calibre9">2</span>When the earth<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:2 Or 1When God began to create the universe, 2the earth</a></span> was as yet unformed and desolate, with the surface of the ocean depths shrouded<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:2 The Heb. lacks shrouded</a></span> in darkness, and while the Spirit of God was hovering<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:2 Or brooding</a></span> over the surface of the waters, <span class="calibre9">3</span>God said, “Let there be light!” So there was light.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">4</span>God saw that the light was beautiful.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:4 Or good</a></span> He<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:5 Lit. God</a></span> separated the light from the darkness, <span class="calibre9">5</span>calling the light “day,” and the darkness<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:5 Lit. darkness he called</a></span> “night.” The twilight and the dawn were day one.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">6</span>Then God said, “Let there be a canopy<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:6 Or an expanse</a></span> between bodies of water,<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:6 Lit. between waters</a></span> separating bodies of water<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:6 Lit. separating waters</a></span> from bodies of water!”<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:6 Lit. from waters</a></span> <span class="calibre9">7</span>So God made a canopy<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:7 Or made an expanse</a></span> that separated the water beneath the canopy<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:7 Or expanse</a></span> from the water above it.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:7 Lit. above the canopy</a></span> And that is what happened:<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:7 Lit. And so it was</a></span> <span class="calibre9">8</span>God called the canopy<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:8 Or expanse</a></span> “sky.”<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:8 Or Heaven</a></span> The twilight and the dawn were a second day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">9</span>Then God said, “Let the water beneath the sky come together into one area, and let dry ground appear!” And that is what happened:<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:9 Lit. And so it was</a></span> <span class="calibre9">10</span>God called the dry ground “land,”<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:10 Or Earth</a></span> and he called the water that had come together “oceans.” And God saw how good it was.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">11</span>Then God said, “Let vegetation sprout all over the earth, including<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:11 The Heb. lacks including</a></span> seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each kind containing its own seed!” And that is what happened:<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:11 Lit. And so it was</a></span> <span class="calibre9">12</span>Vegetation sprouted all over the earth, including seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each kind containing its own seed. And God saw that it was good. <span class="calibre9">13</span>The twilight and the dawn were a third day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">14</span>Then God said, “Let there be lights across<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:14 Lit. lights in the expanse of</a></span> the sky to distinguish day from night, to act as signs for seasons,<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:14 I.e. sacred seasons set by the lunar calendar later utilizsrael’s festivals and gatherings</a></span> days, and years, <span class="calibre9">15</span>to serve as lights in<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:15 Lit. lights in the expanse of</a></span> the sky, and to shine on the earth!” And that is what happened:<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:15 Lit. And so it was</a></span> <span class="calibre9">16</span>God fashioned two great lights—the larger light to shine during<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:16 Lit. to govern</a></span> the day and the smaller light to shine during<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:16 Lit. to govern</a></span> the night—as well as stars. <span class="calibre9">17</span>God placed them in space<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:17 Lit. the expanse of the sky</a></span> to shine on the earth, <span class="calibre9">18</span>to differentiate between<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:18 Lit. to govern</a></span> day and night, and to distinguish<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:18 Or separate</a></span> light from darkness. And God saw how good it was. <span class="calibre9">19</span>The twilight and the dawn were a fourth day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">20</span>Then God said, “Let the oceans swarm<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:20 Lit. swarm with a swarm</a></span> with living creatures, and let flying creatures soar above the earth throughout<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:20 Lit. earth in the expanse of</a></span> the sky!” <span class="calibre9">21</span>So God created every kind of magnificent marine creature, every kind of living marine crawler<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:21 Lit. living thing that crawls</a></span> with which the waters swarmed, and every kind of flying creature.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:21 Lit. winged bird</a></span> And God saw how good it was. <span class="calibre9">22</span>God blessed them by saying, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the oceans. Let the birds multiply throughout the earth!” <span class="calibre9">23</span>The twilight and the dawn were a fifth day.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">24</span>Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth each kind of living creature, each kind of livestock and crawling thing, and each kind of earth’s animals!”<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:24 I.e., non-domesticated animals, as opposed to domesticated livestock; and so through 2:25</a></span> And that is what happened:<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:24 Lit. And so it was</a></span> <span class="calibre9">25</span>God made each kind of the earth’s animals, along with every kind of livestock and crawling thing.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:25 Lit. thing of the earth</a></span> And God saw how good it was.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">26</span>Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:26 Lit. image, according to our likeness</a></span> Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly,<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:26 Lit. birds of the sky; and so through 2:25</a></span> the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!”</p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_1__and__left_alignment__and__left_indent__and__right_indent"><span class="calibre9">27</span>So God created mankind in his own image;</p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_2__and__left_alignment">in his own image God created them;<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:27 Lit. him</a></span></p>
<p class="p_psalm_line_3_last_line__and__left_alignment">he created them male and female.</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">28</span>God blessed the humans by saying to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it! Be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, and every living thing that crawls on the earth!”</p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">29</span>God also told them,<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:29 The Heb. lacks them</a></span> “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows throughout<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:29 Lit. plant that is on the surface of</a></span> the earth, along with every tree that grows seed-bearing fruit. They will produce your food. <span class="calibre9">30</span>I have given all green plants as food for every wild animal<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:30 I.e., non-domesticated animals, as opposed to domesticated livestock</a></span> of the earth, every bird that flies, and to every living thing<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:30 Lit. soul</a></span> that crawls on the earth.” And that is what happened.<span class="calibre11"><a> 1:30 Lit. And so it was</a></span></p>
<p class="p_text_body"><span class="calibre9">31</span>Now God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good! The twilight and the dawn were a sixth day.</p>
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#8 Le 24/08/2022, à 20:16
- Arbiel
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Apparemment, la proposition de LeoMajor répond à ta demande.
Arbiel Perlacremaz
LDLC Aurore NK3S-8-S4 Ubuntu 20.04, GNOME 3.36.8
24.04 en cours de tests
Abandon d'azerty au profit de bépo, de google au profit de Lilo et de la messagerie électronique violable au profit de Protonmail, une messagerie chiffrée de poste de travail à poste de travail.
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#9 Le 29/08/2022, à 12:57
- L'Africain
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Bonjour et merci à vous,
Désolé, j'étais pas à la maison. J'ai essayé le script, j'ai cette erreur:
./holy-replace.gbs -i index2.html -o out.html
Usage: [gbs3] script.gbs -i import.html -o export.html
Options :
-i --in load file
-o --out save file
-v --version la version de l'application
-V --version Afficher la version
-h --help Afficher cette aide
Le script est bien au même endroit que le fichier index.
Ubuntu-Unity 24.04 Alienware X/Lubuntu-Mate
"Donne à celui qui te demande…" Mt 5,42
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#10 Le 09/09/2022, à 18:26
- Arbiel
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Si tu souhaites obtenir de l'aide, sois plus explicite, et facilite-nous le travail.
Comment trouve-t-on l'appel des notes ?
Comment trouve-t-on les notes en question ?
Ne donne pas tout le texte, quelques paragraphes (<p></p>) suffisent largement pour tester un script qui fasse ce que tu souhaites. Donne des exemples en indiquant le paragraphe d'origine, le paragraphe de la ou des notes concernées, et le texte que tu souhaites obtenir.
Dans tes exemples, scinde ces paragraphes en plusieurs lignes pour que chacune apparaisse totalement à l'écran.
Il n'est pas utile, pour ce qui me concerne, que tu indiques la signification des balises html, mais peut-être peux-tu préciser le sens des classes, l'utilité des balises <a> sans la présente de l'argument href, comme par exemple
<a id="calibre_link-33344"></a>
Arbiel Perlacremaz
LDLC Aurore NK3S-8-S4 Ubuntu 20.04, GNOME 3.36.8
24.04 en cours de tests
Abandon d'azerty au profit de bépo, de google au profit de Lilo et de la messagerie électronique violable au profit de Protonmail, une messagerie chiffrée de poste de travail à poste de travail.
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#11 Le 09/09/2022, à 19:10
- L'Africain
Re : Intégrer des notes html au bon endroit dansle texte
Merci beaucoup Arbiel,
Comme il fallait que j'avance j'ai pu faire ça manuellement sans perdre trop de temps. Mais c'est vrai que ce genre de besoin revient fréquement quand je transforme du html en txt.
Ubuntu-Unity 24.04 Alienware X/Lubuntu-Mate
"Donne à celui qui te demande…" Mt 5,42
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