#26 Le 04/08/2021, à 12:27
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Pouvez-vous me donner un lien pour m'informer à propos de ce sujet, SVP ?
En quelques mots... ici, compliqué.
Dès que j'aurais le temps je lirais 'toute' l'info !
Merci @cqfd93
Hors ligne
#27 Le 04/08/2021, à 12:29
- geole
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Je ne vais pas savoir te faire générer les initrd.img manquants...
changement de cap
quitte le chroot
et lance boot-repair et choisis de purger les kernels et réinstaller le denier kernel. Tu auras quelques copier/coller de commandes à faire à deux moments.
(dernière option de la grille du paragraphe 3.3 de https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/boot-repair )
sudo apt install -y boot-repair ; boot-repair
Dernière modification par geole (Le 04/08/2021, à 12:29)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#28 Le 04/08/2021, à 12:35
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
J'ai la version inidrl.img qui manque, car j'ai fait une capture écran !!
Le jour d'après la "malheureuse action", j'avais l'info sur le fichier manquant.
Ceci n'est pas suffisant ?
Hors ligne
#29 Le 04/08/2021, à 12:44
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Je posse plus des questions que je ne devras pas... j'appréhende énormement.
Ceci semblait une procèdure plus facile, mais non...
Je suis votre conseil :
Hors ligne
#30 Le 04/08/2021, à 12:59
- cqfd93
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Modération - Tous les retours de commandes doivent être mis entre balises code (explications ici). Messages précédents à modifier.
− cqfd93 −
Hors ligne
#31 Le 04/08/2021, à 13:00
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Boot successfully repaired.
Please write on a paper the following URL:
Hors ligne
#32 Le 04/08/2021, à 14:22
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Rebonjour @geole,
Succès !!!
On n'a pas eu besoin de faire d'autres commandes. Je pense qu'il fallait aller aux options... et moi j'ai fait "tout réparer" !
Heureusement ça marche !
Je suis dans mon espace de travail Ubuntu et j'ai créer une app react.js test pour tester le comportement au moment de lancer le serveur... ok !! )
Il n'y a plus des erreur : "EONT: inidrl.img ..." (je ne me souviens plus de la suite). Ceci restera un mystère... au moins que le problème vienne des apps crées il y a un an avec la dernière version (ubuntu 18 ??) en plus de alertes de sécurité github (???), aucune idée.
Je te remercie pour ta patience et ton temps.
PS: @cqfd93 : Me demande n'a pas était très précise... En fait, je veux savoir comment lire un rapport (pastebin). Si un jour j'ai encore un souci (j'espère que non, je ne fait pas des choses insensées que si besoin), j'ai pourrai trouver la partition en cause, dans ce cas "sdb5" et non pas "sdc1". Je pense qu'un lien "lire le structure d'un pastebin" (quelque chose de ce genre) avec plein de références me suffira. Merci !!
Hors ligne
#33 Le 04/08/2021, à 14:53
- xubu1957
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Collage du Boot-repair, pour les spécialistes :
boot-repair-4ppa130 [20210804_1150]
============================= Boot Repair Summary ==============================
Warning: failed to translate partition name
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write, trying read-only
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write, trying read-only
Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write, trying read-only
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write, trying read-only
/usr/share/boot-sav/bs-cmd_terminal.sh: line 177: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
Recommended repair: ____________________________________________________________
The default repair of the Boot-Repair utility will purge (in order to sign-grub) and reinstall the grub-efi-amd64-signed of
using the following options: kernel-purge sdb1/boot/efi,
Additional repair will be performed: unhide-bootmenu-10s win-legacy-basic-fix use-standard-efi-file
/boot/efi added in sdb5/fstab
Quantity of real Windows: 1
Mount sdb1 on /mnt/boot/efi
chroot /mnt apt-get -y update
================== dpkg -l | grep linux- before kernel purge ===================
ii binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu 2.34-6ubuntu1.1 amd64 GNU binary utilities, for x86-64-linux-gnu target
ii linux-base 4.5ubuntu3.6 all Linux image base package
ii linux-firmware 1.187.15 all Firmware for Linux kernel drivers
ii linux-generic amd64 Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers
ii linux-generic-hwe-18.04 amd64 Complete generic Linux kernel and headers (dummy transitional package)
ii linux-headers-5.4.0-77 5.4.0-77.86 all Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.4.0
ii linux-headers-5.4.0-77-generic 5.4.0-77.86 amd64 Linux kernel headers for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-headers-5.4.0-80 5.4.0-80.90 all Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.4.0
ii linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux kernel headers for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-headers-generic amd64 Generic Linux kernel headers
ii linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04 amd64 Generic Linux kernel headers (dummy transitional package)
rc linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic 5.3.0-28.30~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-40-generic 5.3.0-40.32~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-42-generic 5.3.0-42.34~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-45-generic 5.3.0-45.37~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-46-generic 5.3.0-46.38~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-51-generic 5.3.0-51.44~18.04.2 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-53-generic 5.3.0-53.47~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-59-generic 5.3.0-59.53~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-61-generic 5.3.0-61.55~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.3.0-62-generic 5.3.0-62.56~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-42-generic 5.4.0-42.46~18.04.1 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-45-generic 5.4.0-45.49~18.04.2 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-47-generic 5.4.0-47.51 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-48-generic 5.4.0-48.52 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-51-generic 5.4.0-51.56 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-52-generic 5.4.0-52.57 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-53-generic 5.4.0-53.59 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-54-generic 5.4.0-54.60 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-56-generic 5.4.0-56.62 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-58-generic 5.4.0-58.64 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-59-generic 5.4.0-59.65 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-62-generic 5.4.0-62.70 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-65-generic 5.4.0-65.73 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-66-generic 5.4.0-66.74 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-67-generic 5.4.0-67.75 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-70-generic 5.4.0-70.78 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-71-generic 5.4.0-71.79 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-72-generic 5.4.0-72.80 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-73-generic 5.4.0-73.82 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
rc linux-image-5.4.0-74-generic 5.4.0-74.83 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
ii linux-image-5.4.0-77-generic 5.4.0-77.86 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
ii linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
ii linux-image-generic amd64 Generic Linux kernel image
ii linux-libc-dev:amd64 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux Kernel Headers for development
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-28-generic 5.3.0-28.30~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-40-generic 5.3.0-40.32~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-42-generic 5.3.0-42.34~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-45-generic 5.3.0-45.37~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-46-generic 5.3.0-46.38~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-51-generic 5.3.0-51.44~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-53-generic 5.3.0-53.47~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-59-generic 5.3.0-59.53~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-61-generic 5.3.0-61.55~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-62-generic 5.3.0-62.56~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-42-generic 5.4.0-42.46~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-45-generic 5.4.0-45.49~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-47-generic 5.4.0-47.51 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-48-generic 5.4.0-48.52 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-51-generic 5.4.0-51.56 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-52-generic 5.4.0-52.57 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-53-generic 5.4.0-53.59 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-54-generic 5.4.0-54.60 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-56-generic 5.4.0-56.62 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-58-generic 5.4.0-58.64 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-59-generic 5.4.0-59.65 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-62-generic 5.4.0-62.70 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-65-generic 5.4.0-65.73 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-66-generic 5.4.0-66.74 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-67-generic 5.4.0-67.75 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-70-generic 5.4.0-70.78 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-71-generic 5.4.0-71.79 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-72-generic 5.4.0-72.80 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-73-generic 5.4.0-73.82 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-74-generic 5.4.0-74.83 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-5.4.0-77-generic 5.4.0-77.86 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-28-generic 5.3.0-28.30~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-40-generic 5.3.0-40.32~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-42-generic 5.3.0-42.34~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-45-generic 5.3.0-45.37~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-46-generic 5.3.0-46.38~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-51-generic 5.3.0-51.44~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-53-generic 5.3.0-53.47~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-59-generic 5.3.0-59.53~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-61-generic 5.3.0-61.55~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-62-generic 5.3.0-62.56~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-42-generic 5.4.0-42.46~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-45-generic 5.4.0-45.49~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-47-generic 5.4.0-47.51 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-48-generic 5.4.0-48.52 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-51-generic 5.4.0-51.56 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-52-generic 5.4.0-52.57 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-53-generic 5.4.0-53.59 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-54-generic 5.4.0-54.60 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic 5.4.0-56.62 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-58-generic 5.4.0-58.64 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-59-generic 5.4.0-59.65 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-62-generic 5.4.0-62.70 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-65-generic 5.4.0-65.73 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-66-generic 5.4.0-66.74 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-67-generic 5.4.0-67.75 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-70-generic 5.4.0-70.78 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-71-generic 5.4.0-71.79 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-72-generic 5.4.0-72.80 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-73-generic 5.4.0-73.82 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-74-generic 5.4.0-74.83 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-77-generic 5.4.0-77.86 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-signed-generic-hwe-18.04 amd64 Complete Signed Generic Linux kernel and headers (dummy transitional package)
ii linux-sound-base 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu5 all base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
ii syslinux-common 3:6.04~git20190206.bf6db5b4+dfsg1-2 all collection of bootloaders (common)
ii syslinux-legacy 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu9 amd64 Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies
============================= Purge kernel of sdb5 =============================
linux-generic available
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
command-not-found-data cpp-7 diffstat example-content gcc-7-base gcc-8-base
gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gnome-software-common ifupdown libappstream-glib8
libapt-pkg-perl libavutil55 libb-hooks-op-check-perl
libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.1 libbrlapi0.6
libcamel-1.2-61 libcapture-tiny-perl libcdio17 libclass-xsaccessor-perl
libcommon-sense-perl libdevel-size-perl libdvdread4
libdynaloader-functions-perl libenchant1c2a libexempi3 libexiv2-14
libexporter-tiny-perl libffi6 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgail-3-0
libgmime-3.0-0 libgnome-desktop-3-17 libgspell-1-1 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
libgtksourceview-3.0-common libhunspell-1.6-0 libicu60 libindicator3-7
libio-pty-perl libip4tc0 libiptc0 libjson-xs-perl liblist-compare-perl
liblist-moreutils-perl libllvm10 libllvm9 liblouis14 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
libminiupnpc10 libncursesw5 liboauth0 libpackage-stash-xs-perl libplacebo4
libplymouth4 libpostproc54 libreadline7 libref-util-perl
libsereal-encoder-perl libssl1.0.0 libstrictures-perl
libsub-exporter-progressive-perl libswresample2 libtest-fatal-perl libtinfo5
libtype-tiny-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libupnp6 libvariable-magic-perl
libvpx5 libxapian30 light-themes patchutils pppoeconf python-dbus
python-psutil python3-asn1crypto python3-zope.interface
ubuntu-system-service xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-input-wacom-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-ati-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-vesa-hwe-18.04
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 44 not upgraded.
DEBCHECK debOK, linux-generic
ls /mnt/boot/: config-5.4.0-77-generic config-5.4.0-80-generic efi grub memtest86+.bin memtest86+.elf memtest86+_multiboot.bin System.map-5.4.0-77-generic System.map-5.4.0-80-generic vmlinuz vmlinuz-5.4.0-77-generic vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic vmlinuz.old
chroot /mnt apt-get purge --allow-remove-essential -y linux-headers-*
Package 'linux-headers-686-pae' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-amd64' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-686' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-arm64' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-armmp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-loongson-3' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-marvell' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-octeon' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-powerpc64le' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-s390x' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-42-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-46-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-51-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-61-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.3.0-62-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-56-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1009-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1009-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1009-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1009-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1010-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-26' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-26-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-26-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1007-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1011-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1013-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1014-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1016-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1017-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1019-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1021-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1022-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1023-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1025-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1026-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1029-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1032-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1033-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1034-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1038-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1007-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1008-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1009-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1009-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1012-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1013-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1014-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-1014-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-22-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-22-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-25-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.11.0-25-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.13.0-1009-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1008-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1009-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1010-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1011-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1011-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1011-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1011-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1011-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1012-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1012-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1013-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1014-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1015-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1015-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1015-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1015-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1015-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1016-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1016-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1017-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1018-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1018-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1018-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1018-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1018-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1019-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1019-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1019-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1020-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1020-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1020-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1021-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1021-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1021-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1021-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1021-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1022-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1022-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1022-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1022-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1023-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1023-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1024-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1024-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1024-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1024-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1025-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1025-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1025-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1025-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1026-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1026-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1028-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1028-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1028-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1029-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1029-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1029-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1030-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1031-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1031-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1032-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1032-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1032-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1032-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1033-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1033-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1033-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1034-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1034-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1034-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1034-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1034-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1035-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1035-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1035-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1035-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1036-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1036-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1036-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1036-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1037-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1037-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1037-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1037-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1037-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1038-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1038-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1038-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1038-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1039-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1039-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1039-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1039-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1039-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1040-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1040-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1040-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1041-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1041-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1041-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1041-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1041-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1041-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1042-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1042-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1042-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1043-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1043-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1043-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1043-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1043-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1044-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1044-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1044-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1044-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1045-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1045-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1046-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1046-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1046-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1046-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1047-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1047-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1048-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1048-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1048-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1049-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1049-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1049-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1049-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1049-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1051-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1051-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1052-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1054-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-1055-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-28' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-28-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-29' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-29-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-29-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-31' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-31-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-31-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-33' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-33-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-33-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-37' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-37-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-37-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-39' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-39-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-39-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-40' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-40-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-42' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-42-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-42-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-45' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-45-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-47' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-47-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-47-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-48' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-48-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-48-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-51' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-51-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-51-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-52' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-52-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-52-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-53' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-53-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-54' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-54-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-54-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-58' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-58-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-58-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-59' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-59-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-60' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-60-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-60-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-62' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-62-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-62-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-64' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-64-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-64-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-65' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-65-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-65-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-66' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-66-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-66-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-67' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-67-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-67-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-70' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-70-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-70-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-71' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-71-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-71-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-72' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-72-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-72-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-73' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-73-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-73-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-74' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-74-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-74-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-77-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.4.0-80-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1008-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1010-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1011-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1013-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1017-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1018-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1020-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1021-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1023-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1026-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1027-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1028-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1031-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1032-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1033-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1034-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1035-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1036-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1039-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1042-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1047-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1048-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1050-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1052-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1053-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1054-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1055-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.6.0-1056-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1031-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1032-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1033-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1033-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1034-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1035-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1035-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1036-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1037-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1038-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1038-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1039-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-1041-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-23-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-23-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-25-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-25-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-28-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-29-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-29-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-33-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-33-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-34-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-34-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-36-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-36-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-38-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-38-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-40-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-41-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-41-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-43-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-43-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-44-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-44-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-45-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-48-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-48-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-49-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-49-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-50-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-50-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-53-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-55-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-55-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-59-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-63-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.8.0-63-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-aws-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-aws-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-azure-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-azure-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gcp-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gcp-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-generic-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-generic-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gke-5.4' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-gkeop-5.4' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-lowlatency-hwe-18.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-lowlatency-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-lowlatency-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-lowlatency-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oem-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oem-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oem-20.04b' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oem-20.04c' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oem-osp1' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oracle-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-oracle-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-virtual' is not instaSET@_progressbar1.pulse()
lled, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-virtual-hwe-18.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-virtual-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-virtual-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-headers-5.10.0-1008-oem' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
command-not-found-data cpp-7 diffstat example-content gcc-7-base gcc-8-base
gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gnome-software-common ifupdown libappstream-glib8
libapt-pkg-perl libavutil55 libb-hooks-op-check-perl
libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.1 libbrlapi0.6
libcamel-1.2-61 libcapture-tiny-perl libcdio17 libclass-xsaccessor-perl
libcommon-sense-perl libdevel-size-perl libdvdread4
libdynaloader-functions-perl libenchant1c2a libexempi3 libexiv2-14
libexporter-tiny-perl libffi6 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgail-3-0
libgmime-3.0-0 libgnome-desktop-3-17 libgspell-1-1 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
libgtksourceview-3.0-common libhunspell-1.6-0 libicu60 libindicator3-7
libio-pty-perl libip4tc0 libiptc0 libjson-xs-perl liblist-compare-perl
liblist-moreutils-perl libllvm10 libllvm9 liblouis14 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
libminiupnpc10 libncursesw5 liboauth0 libpackage-stash-xs-perl libplacebo4
libplymouth4 libpostproc54 libreadline7 libref-util-perl
libsereal-encoder-perl libssl1.0.0 libstrictures-perl
libsub-exporter-progressive-perl libswresample2 libtest-fatal-perl libtinfo5
libtype-tiny-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libupnp6 libvariable-magic-perl
libvpx5 libxapian30 light-themes patchutils pppoeconf python-dbus
python-psutil python3-asn1crypto python3-zope.interface
ubuntu-system-service xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-input-wacom-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-ati-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-vesa-hwe-18.04
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
linux-generic* linux-generic-hwe-18.04* linux-headers-5.4.0-77*
linux-headers-5.4.0-77-generic* linux-headers-5.4.0-80*
linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic* linux-headers-generic*
linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04* linux-signed-generic-hwe-18.04*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 9 to remove and 44 not upgraded.
E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device)
(Reading database ... 214884 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing linux-signed-generic-hwe-18.04 ( ...
Removing linux-generic-hwe-18.04 ( ...
Removing linux-generic ( ...
Removing linux-headers-5.4.0-77-generic (5.4.0-77.86) ...
Removing linux-headers-5.4.0-77 (5.4.0-77.86) ...
Removing linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04 ( ...
Removing linux-headers-generic ( ...
Removing linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Removing linux-headers-5.4.0-80 (5.4.0-80.90) ...
chroot /mnt apt-get purge --allow-remove-essential -y linux-image-*
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1009-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1009-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-amd64' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-2.6-rt' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1009-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1014-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1011-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1011-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1015-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1015-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1017-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1018-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1020-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1021-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1022-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1024-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1025-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1028-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1029-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1032-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1034-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1035-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1037-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1038-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1039-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1041-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1043-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1045-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1047-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1048-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1049-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1051-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1054-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1035-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1038-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1041-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-42-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-46-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-51-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-61-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-62-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-56-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1009-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1009-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1009-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1009-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1010-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-26-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-26-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1007-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1009-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1009-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1010-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-26-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-26-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1007-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1011-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1013-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1014-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1016-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1017-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1019-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1021-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1022-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1023-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1025-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1026-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1029-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1032-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1033-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1034-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1038-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1007-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1008-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1009-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1009-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1012-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1013-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1014-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-1014-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-22-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-22-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-25-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.11.0-25-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.13.0-1009-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1008-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1009-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1010-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1011-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1011-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1011-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1011-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1011-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1012-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1012-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1013-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1014-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1015-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1015-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1015-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1015-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1015-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1016-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1016-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1017-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1018-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1018-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1018-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1018-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1018-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1019-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1019-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1019-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1020-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1020-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1020-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1021-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1021-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1021-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1021-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1021-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1022-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1022-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1022-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1022-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1023-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1023-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1024-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1024-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1024-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1024-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1025-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1025-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1025-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1025-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1026-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1026-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1028-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1028-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1028-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1029-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1029-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1029-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1030-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1031-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1031-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1032-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1032-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1032-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1032-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1033-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1033-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1033-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1034-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1034-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1034-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1034-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1034-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1035-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1035-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1035-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1035-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1036-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1036-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1036-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1036-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1037-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1037-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1037-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1037-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1037-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1038-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1038-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1038-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1038-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1039-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1039-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1039-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1039-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1039-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1040-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1040-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1040-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1041-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1041-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1041-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1041-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1041-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1041-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1042-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1042-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1042-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1043-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1043-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1043-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1043-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1043-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1044-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1044-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1044-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1044-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1045-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1045-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1046-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1046-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1046-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1046-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1047-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1047-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1048-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1048-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1048-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1049-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1049-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1049-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1049-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1049-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1051-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1051-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1052-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1054-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-1055-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-28-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-29-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-29-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-31-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-31-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-33-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-33-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-37-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-37-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-39-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-39-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-40-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-42-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-45-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-47-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-48-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-51-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-52-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-53-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-54-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-58-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-59-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-60-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-60-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-62-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-64-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-64-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-65-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-66-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-67-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-70-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-71-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-72-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-73-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-74-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-77-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.4.0-80-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1008-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1010-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1011-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1013-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1017-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1018-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1020-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1021-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1023-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1026-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1027-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1028-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1031-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1032-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1033-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1034-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1035-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1036-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1039-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1042-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1047-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1048-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1050-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1052-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1053-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1054-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1055-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.6.0-1056-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1031-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1032-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1033-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1033-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1034-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1035-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1035-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1036-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1037-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1038-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1038-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1039-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-1041-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-23-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-23-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-25-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-25-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-28-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-29-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-29-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-33-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-33-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-34-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-34-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-36-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-36-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-38-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-38-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-40-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-41-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-41-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-43-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-43-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-44-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-44-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-45-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-48-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-48-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-49-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-49-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-50-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-50-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-53-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-55-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-55-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-59-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-63-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.8.0-63-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-aws' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-aws-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-aws-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-azure-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-azure-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-extra-virtual' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-extra-virtual-hwe-18.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-extra-virtual-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-extra-virtual-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-extra-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gcp-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gcp-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gke-5.4' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-gkeop-5.4' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-18.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oem-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oem-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oem-20.04b' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oem-20.04c' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oem-osp1' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oracle-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-oracle-lts-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1011-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1013-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1014-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1016-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1017-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1019-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1021-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1022-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1023-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1025-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1026-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1029-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1032-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1033-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1034-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1038-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1007-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1008-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1009-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1012-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1013-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-1014-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-22-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-22-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-25-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-25-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.13.0-1009-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1008-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1009-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1010-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1011-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1011-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1011-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1012-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1012-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1013-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1014-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1015-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1015-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1015-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1016-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1016-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1018-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1018-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1018-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1018-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1019-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1019-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1019-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1020-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1020-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1021-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1021-gkeop' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1021-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1021-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1022-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1022-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1022-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1023-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1023-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1024-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1024-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1024-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1025-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1025-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1025-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1026-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1026-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1028-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1028-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1029-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1029-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1030-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1031-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1031-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1032-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1032-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1032-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1033-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1033-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1033-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1034-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1034-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1034-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1034-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1035-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1035-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1035-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1036-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1036-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1036-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1036-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1037-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1037-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1037-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1037-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1038-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1038-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1038-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1039-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1039-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1039-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1039-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1040-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1040-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1040-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1041-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1041-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1041-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1041-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1041-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1042-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1042-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1042-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1043-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1043-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1043-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1043-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1044-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1044-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1044-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1044-kvm' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1045-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1046-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1046-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1046-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1046-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1047-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1048-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1048-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1049-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1049-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1049-gke' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1049-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1051-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1052-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-1055-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-28-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-29-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-29-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-31-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-31-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-33-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-33-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-37-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-37-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-39-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-39-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-40-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-42-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-42-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-45-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-47-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-47-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-48-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-48-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-51-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-51-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-52-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-52-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-53-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-54-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-54-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-58-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-58-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-59-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-60-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-60-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-62-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-62-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-64-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-64-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-65-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-65-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-66-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-66-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-67-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-67-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-70-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-70-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-71-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-71-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-72-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-72-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-73-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-73-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-74-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-74-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-77-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-77-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-80-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-80-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1008-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1010-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1011-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1013-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1017-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1018-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1020-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1021-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1023-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1026-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1027-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1028-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1031-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1032-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1033-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1034-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1035-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1036-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1039-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1042-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1047-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1048-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1050-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1052-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1053-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1054-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1055-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.6.0-1056-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1031-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1032-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1033-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1033-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1034-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1035-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1036-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1037-oracle' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1038-gcp' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-1039-azure' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-23-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-23-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-25-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-25-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-28-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-28-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-29-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-29-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-33-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-33-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-34-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-34-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-36-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-36-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-38-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-38-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-40-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-40-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-41-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-41-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-43-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-43-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-44-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-44-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-45-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-48-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-48-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
ckage 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-49-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-49-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-50-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-50-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-53-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-53-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-55-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-55-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-59-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-59-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-63-generic' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-63-lowlatency' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-virtual' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-virtual-hwe-18.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-virtual-hwe-18.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-5.10.0-1008-oem' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'linux-image-unsigned-5.10.0-1008-oem' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
amd64-microcode command-not-found-data cpp-7 diffstat example-content
gcc-7-base gcc-8-base gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gnome-software-common ifupdown
intel-microcode iucode-tool libappstream-glib8 libapt-pkg-perl libavutil55
libb-hooks-op-check-perl libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.1
libbrlapi0.6 libcamel-1.2-61 libcapture-tiny-perl libcdio17
libclass-xsaccessor-perl libcommon-sense-perl libdevel-size-perl libdvdread4
libdynaloader-functions-perl libenchant1c2a libexempi3 libexiv2-14
libexporter-tiny-perl libffi6 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgail-3-0
libgmime-3.0-0 libgnome-desktop-3-17 libgspell-1-1 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
libgtksourceview-3.0-common libhunspell-1.6-0 libicu60 libindicator3-7
libio-pty-perl libip4tc0 libiptc0 libjson-xs-perl liblist-compare-perl
liblist-moreutils-perl libllvm10 libllvm9 liblouis14 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
libminiupnpc10 libncursesw5 liboauth0 libpackage-stash-xs-perl libplacebo4
libplymouth4 libpostproc54 libreadline7 libref-util-perl
libsereal-encoder-perl libssl1.0.0 libstrictures-perl
libsub-exporter-progressive-perl libswresample2 libtest-fatal-perl libtinfo5
libtype-tiny-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libupnp6 libvariable-magic-perl
libvpx5 libxapian30 light-themes patchutils pppoeconf python-dbus
python-psutil python3-asn1crypto python3-zope.interface thermald
ubuntu-system-service xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-input-wacom-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-ati-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-vesa-hwe-18.04
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic* linux-image-5.3.0-40-generic*
linux-image-5.3.0-42-generic* linux-image-5.3.0-45-generic*
linux-image-5.3.0-46-generic* linux-image-5.3.0-51-generic*
linux-image-5.3.0-53-generic* linux-image-5.3.0-59-generic*
linux-image-5.3.0-61-generic* linux-image-5.3.0-62-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-42-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-45-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-47-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-48-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-51-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-52-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-53-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-54-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-56-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-58-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-59-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-62-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-65-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-66-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-67-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-70-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-71-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-72-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-73-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-74-generic*
linux-image-5.4.0-77-generic* linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic*
linux-image-generic* linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-77-generic*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 35 to remove and 44 not upgraded.
E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device)
(Reading database ... 155270 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-77-generic (5.4.0-77.86) ...
Removing linux-image-5.4.0-77-generic (5.4.0-77.86) ...
I: /boot/vmlinuz.old is now a symlink to vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic
update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-77-generic
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic
Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sdb1@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings
Removing linux-image-generic ( ...
Removing linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Removing linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sdb1@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings
(Reading database ... 144519 files and directories currently installed.)
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-71-generic (5.4.0-71.79) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-62-generic (5.3.0-62.56~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-77-generic (5.4.0-77.86) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
rmdir: failed to remove '/lib/modules/5.4.0-77-generic': Directory not empty
Purging configuration files for linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-53-generic (5.3.0-53.47~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-66-generic (5.4.0-66.74) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-53-generic (5.4.0-53.59) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-45-generic (5.3.0-45.37~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
rmdir: failed to remove '/lib/modules/5.4.0-80-generic': Directory not empty
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-46-generic (5.3.0-46.38~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-58-generic (5.4.0-58.64) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-56-generic (5.4.0-56.62) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-67-generic (5.4.0-67.75) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-65-generic (5.4.0-65.73) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-73-generic (5.4.0-73.82) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-42-generic (5.3.0-42.34~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-52-generic (5.4.0-52.57) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-72-generic (5.4.0-72.80) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-51-generic (5.4.0-51.56) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-70-generic (5.4.0-70.78) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-74-generic (5.4.0-74.83) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-47-generic (5.4.0-47.51) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-48-generic (5.4.0-48.52) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-59-generic (5.3.0-59.53~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-61-generic (5.3.0-61.55~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-45-generic (5.4.0-45.49~18.04.2) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-42-generic (5.4.0-42.46~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic (5.3.0-28.30~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-62-generic (5.4.0-62.70) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-40-generic (5.3.0-40.32~18.04.1) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-59-generic (5.4.0-59.65) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.4.0-54-generic (5.4.0-54.60) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-image-5.3.0-51-generic (5.3.0-51.44~18.04.2) ...
W: Last kernel image has been removed, so removing the default symlinks
Purging configuration files for linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-77-generic (5.4.0-77.86) ...
chroot /mnt apt-get install -y linux-generic
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
command-not-found-data cpp-7 diffstat example-content gcc-7-base gcc-8-base
gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gnome-software-common ifupdown libappstream-glib8
libapt-pkg-perl libavutil55 libb-hooks-op-check-perl
libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.1 libbrlapi0.6
libcamel-1.2-61 libcapture-tiny-perl libcdio17 libclass-xsaccessor-perl
libcommon-sense-perl libdevel-size-perl libdvdread4
libdynaloader-functions-perl libenchant1c2a libexempi3 libexiv2-14
libexporter-tiny-perl libffi6 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgail-3-0
libgmime-3.0-0 libgnome-desktop-3-17 libgspell-1-1 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
libgtksourceview-3.0-common libhunspell-1.6-0 libicu60 libindicator3-7
libio-pty-perl libip4tc0 libiptc0 libjson-xs-perl liblist-compare-perl
liblist-moreutils-perl libllvm10 libllvm9 liblouis14 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
libminiupnpc10 libncursesw5 liboauth0 libpackage-stash-xs-perl libplacebo4
libplymouth4 libpostproc54 libreadline7 libref-util-perl
libsereal-encoder-perl libssl1.0.0 libstrictures-perl
libsub-exporter-progressive-perl libswresample2 libtest-fatal-perl libtinfo5
libtype-tiny-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libupnp6 libvariable-magic-perl
libvpx5 libxapian30 light-themes patchutils pppoeconf python-dbus
python-psutil python3-asn1crypto python3-zope.interface
ubuntu-system-service xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-input-wacom-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-ati-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-vesa-hwe-18.04
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
linux-headers-5.4.0-80 linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic linux-headers-generic
linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic linux-image-generic
Suggested packages:
fdutils linux-doc | linux-source-5.4.0 linux-tools
The following NEW packages will be installed:
linux-generic linux-headers-5.4.0-80 linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic
linux-headers-generic linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic linux-image-generic
0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 44 not upgraded.
E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device)
Selecting previously unselected package linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic.
(Reading database ... 144519 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../0-linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic_5.4.0-80.90_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic.
Preparing to unpack .../1-linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic_5.4.0-80.90_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-image-generic.
Preparing to unpack .../2-linux-image-generic_5. ...
Unpacking linux-image-generic ( ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-headers-5.4.0-80.
Preparing to unpack .../3-linux-headers-5.4.0-80_5.4.0-80.90_all.deb ...
Unpacking linux-headers-5.4.0-80 (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic.
Preparing to unpack .../4-linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic_5.4.0-80.90_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-headers-generic.
Preparing to unpack .../5-linux-headers-generic_5. ...
Unpacking linux-headers-generic ( ...
Selecting previously unselected package linux-generic.
Preparing to unpack .../6-linux-generic_5. ...
Unpacking linux-generic ( ...
Setting up linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
I: /boot/vmlinuz.old is now a symlink to vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic
I: /boot/initrd.img.old is now a symlink to initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic
I: /boot/vmlinuz is now a symlink to vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic
I: /boot/initrd.img is now a symlink to initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic
Setting up linux-headers-5.4.0-80 (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Setting up linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Setting up linux-image-generic ( ...
Setting up linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
Setting up linux-headers-generic ( ...
Setting up linux-generic ( ...
Processing triggers for linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic (5.4.0-80.90) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic
Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sdb1@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings
chroot /mnt apt-get install -y linux-base
linux-base is already the newest version (4.5ubuntu3.6).
linux-base set to manually installed.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
command-not-found-data cpp-7 diffstat example-content gcc-7-base gcc-8-base
gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gnome-software-common ifupdown libappstream-glib8
libapt-pkg-perl libavutil55 libb-hooks-op-check-perl
libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.1 libbrlapi0.6
libcamel-1.2-61 libcapture-tiny-perl libcdio17 libclass-xsaccessor-perl
libcommon-sense-perl libdevel-size-perl libdvdread4
libdynaloader-functions-perl libenchant1c2a libexempi3 libexiv2-14
libexporter-tiny-perl libffi6 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgail-3-0
libgmime-3.0-0 libgnome-desktop-3-17 libgspell-1-1 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
libgtksourceview-3.0-common libhunspell-1.6-0 libicu60 libindicator3-7
libio-pty-perl libip4tc0 libiptc0 libjson-xs-perl liblist-compare-perl
liblist-moreutils-perl libllvm10 libllvm9 liblouis14 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
libminiupnpc10 libncursesw5 liboauth0 libpackage-stash-xs-perl libplacebo4
libplymouth4 libpostproc54 libreadline7 libref-util-perl
libsereal-encoder-perl libssl1.0.0 libstrictures-perl
libsub-exporter-progressive-perl libswresample2 libtest-fatal-perl libtinfo5
libtype-tiny-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libupnp6 libvariable-magic-perl
libvpx5 libxapian30 light-themes linux-modules-5.4.0-77-generic patchutils
pppoeconf python-dbus python-psutil python3-asn1crypto
python3-zope.interface ubuntu-system-service xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-input-wacom-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-ati-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-fbdev-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-vesa-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-vmware-hwe-18.04
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 44 not upgraded.
=================== dpkg -l | grep linux- after kernel reinstall
ii binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu 2.34-6ubuntu1.1 amd64 GNU binary utilities, for x86-64-linux-gnu target
ii linux-base 4.5ubuntu3.6 all Linux image base package
ii linux-firmware 1.187.15 all Firmware for Linux kernel drivers
ii linux-generic amd64 Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers
ii linux-headers-5.4.0-80 5.4.0-80.90 all Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.4.0
ii linux-headers-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux kernel headers for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-headers-generic amd64 Generic Linux kernel headers
ii linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Signed kernel image generic
ii linux-image-generic amd64 Generic Linux kernel image
ii linux-libc-dev:amd64 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux Kernel Headers for development
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-28-generic 5.3.0-28.30~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-40-generic 5.3.0-40.32~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-42-generic 5.3.0-42.34~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-45-generic 5.3.0-45.37~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-46-generic 5.3.0-46.38~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-51-generic 5.3.0-51.44~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-53-generic 5.3.0-53.47~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-59-generic 5.3.0-59.53~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-61-generic 5.3.0-61.55~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.3.0-62-generic 5.3.0-62.56~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-42-generic 5.4.0-42.46~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-45-generic 5.4.0-45.49~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-47-generic 5.4.0-47.51 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-48-generic 5.4.0-48.52 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-51-generic 5.4.0-51.56 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-52-generic 5.4.0-52.57 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-53-generic 5.4.0-53.59 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-54-generic 5.4.0-54.60 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-56-generic 5.4.0-56.62 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-58-generic 5.4.0-58.64 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-59-generic 5.4.0-59.65 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-62-generic 5.4.0-62.70 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-65-generic 5.4.0-65.73 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-66-generic 5.4.0-66.74 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-67-generic 5.4.0-67.75 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-70-generic 5.4.0-70.78 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-71-generic 5.4.0-71.79 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-72-generic 5.4.0-72.80 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-73-generic 5.4.0-73.82 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-5.4.0-74-generic 5.4.0-74.83 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-5.4.0-77-generic 5.4.0-77.86 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-28-generic 5.3.0-28.30~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-40-generic 5.3.0-40.32~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-42-generic 5.3.0-42.34~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-45-generic 5.3.0-45.37~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-46-generic 5.3.0-46.38~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-51-generic 5.3.0-51.44~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-53-generic 5.3.0-53.47~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-59-generic 5.3.0-59.53~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-61-generic 5.3.0-61.55~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-62-generic 5.3.0-62.56~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.3.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-42-generic 5.4.0-42.46~18.04.1 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-45-generic 5.4.0-45.49~18.04.2 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-47-generic 5.4.0-47.51 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-48-generic 5.4.0-48.52 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-51-generic 5.4.0-51.56 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-52-generic 5.4.0-52.57 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-53-generic 5.4.0-53.59 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-54-generic 5.4.0-54.60 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic 5.4.0-56.62 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-58-generic 5.4.0-58.64 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-59-generic 5.4.0-59.65 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-62-generic 5.4.0-62.70 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-65-generic 5.4.0-65.73 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-66-generic 5.4.0-66.74 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-67-generic 5.4.0-67.75 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-70-generic 5.4.0-70.78 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-71-generic 5.4.0-71.79 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-72-generic 5.4.0-72.80 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-73-generic 5.4.0-73.82 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-74-generic 5.4.0-74.83 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-80-generic 5.4.0-80.90 amd64 Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-sound-base 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu5 all base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
ii syslinux-common 3:6.04~git20190206.bf6db5b4+dfsg1-2 all collection of bootloaders (common)
ii syslinux-legacy 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu9 amd64 Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies
Purge the GRUB of sdb5
grub-efi-amd64-signed available
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
command-not-found-data cpp-7 diffstat example-content gcc-7-base gcc-8-base
gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gnome-software-common ifupdown libappstream-glib8
libapt-pkg-perl libavutil55 libb-hooks-op-check-perl
libboost-date-time1.65.1 libboost-iostreams1.65.1 libbrlapi0.6
libcamel-1.2-61 libcapture-tiny-perl libcdio17 libclass-xsaccessor-perl
libcommon-sense-perl libdevel-size-perl libdvdread4
libdynaloader-functions-perl libenchant1c2a libexempi3 libexiv2-14
libexporter-tiny-perl libffi6 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgail-3-0
libgmime-3.0-0 libgnome-desktop-3-17 libgspell-1-1 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
libgtksourceview-3.0-common libhunspell-1.6-0 libicu60 libindicator3-7
libio-pty-perl libip4tc0 libiptc0 libjson-xs-perl liblist-compare-perl
liblist-moreutils-perl libllvm10 libllvm9 liblouis14 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
libminiupnpc10 libncursesw5 liboauth0 libpackage-stash-xs-perl libplacebo4
libplymouth4 libpostproc54 libreadline7 libref-util-perl
libsereal-encoder-perl libssl1.0.0 libstrictures-perl
libsub-exporter-progressive-perl libswresample2 libtest-fatal-perl libtinfo5
libtype-tiny-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libupnp6 libvariable-magic-perl
libvpx5 libxapian30 light-themes linux-modules-5.4.0-77-generic patchutils
pppoeconf python-dbus python-psutil python3-asn1crypto
python3-zope.interface ubuntu-system-service xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-input-wacom-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-ati-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-fbdev-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.04
xserver-xorg-video-vesa-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-video-vmware-hwe-18.04
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 44 not upgraded.
DEBCHECK debOK, grub-efi-amd64-signed
shim-signed available
Please type: sudo chroot "/mnt" dpkg --configure -ansudo chroot "/mnt" apt-get install -fynsudo chroot "/mnt" apt-get purge --allow-remove-essential -y grub*-common shim-signed
GRUB is still present. Please try again.
shim-signed available
linux-headers-generic available
linux-signed-generic NOT available (apt-cache policy problem)
Then type: sudo chroot "/mnt" apt-get install -y grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed linux-headers-generic
Unhide GRUB boot menu in sdb5/etc/default/grub
Reinstall the grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed linux-headers-generic of sdb5 =
grub-install --version
grub-install (GRUB) 2.04-1ubuntu26.12
efibootmgr -v from chroot before grub install
BootCurrent: 0002
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 2001,0001,3001,0000,2002,2004
Boot0000* ubuntu HD(1,GPT,ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd,0x800,0x82000)/File(EFIubuntushimx64.efi)
Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd,0x800,0x82000)/File(EFIMicrosoftBootbootmgfw.efi)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}....................
Boot0002* USB Hard Drive (UEFI) - USB DISK 2.0 (USB DISK 2.0) PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0,0)/HD(1,MBR,0x6d2c6c,0x800,0xe8efef)RC
Boot2001* EFI USB Device RC
Boot3001* Internal Hard Disk or Solid State Disk RC
uname -r
grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --target=x86_64-efi --uefi-secure-boot
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
df /dev/sdb1
mv /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bkpbootx64.efi
cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/
grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --target=x86_64-efi --uefi-secure-boot
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
efibootmgr -v from chroot after grub install
BootCurrent: 0002
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,2001,0001,3001,2002,2004
Boot0000* ubuntu HD(1,GPT,ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd,0x800,0x82000)/File(EFIubuntushimx64.efi)
Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd,0x800,0x82000)/File(EFIMicrosoftBootbootmgfw.efi)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}....................
Boot0002* USB Hard Drive (UEFI) - USB DISK 2.0 (USB DISK 2.0) PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0,0)/HD(1,MBR,0x6d2c6c,0x800,0xe8efef)RC
Boot2001* EFI USB Device RC
Boot3001* Internal Hard Disk or Solid State Disk RC
chroot /mnt update-grub
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic
Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sdb1@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings
umount: /mnt/dev/pts: target is busy.
umount: /mnt/dev: target is busy.
Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write, trying read-only
Unhide GRUB boot menu in sdb5/boot/grub/grub.cfg
Boot successfully repaired.
You can now reboot your computer.
Please do not forget to make your UEFI firmware boot on the Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS entry (sdb1/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi file) !
If your computer reboots directly into Windows, try to change the boot order in your UEFI firmware.
If your UEFI firmware does not allow to change the boot order, change the default boot entry of the Windows bootloader.
For example you can boot into Windows, then type the following command in an admin command prompt:
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi
============================ Boot Info After Repair ============================
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda.
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb.
=> Syslinux MBR (5.00 and higher) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc.
sda1: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: ntfs
Boot sector type: Windows 8/2012: NTFS
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System:
Boot files:
sda2: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: ntfs
Boot sector type: Windows 8/2012: NTFS
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System:
Boot files:
sda3: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: ext4
Boot sector type: -
Boot sector info:
Operating System:
Boot files:
sdb1: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: vfat
Boot sector type: Windows 8/2012: FAT32
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System:
Boot files:
sdb2: __________________________________________________________________________
File system:
Boot sector type: -
Boot sector info:
sdb3: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: ntfs
Boot sector type: Windows 8/2012: NTFS
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System: Windows 10
Boot files:
sdb4: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: ntfs
Boot sector type: Windows 8/2012: NTFS
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System:
Boot files:
sdb5: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: ext4
Boot sector type: -
Boot sector info:
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Boot files: /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/fstab /etc/default/grub
sdc1: __________________________________________________________________________
File system: vfat
Boot sector type: SYSLINUX 6.04
Boot sector info: Syslinux looks at sector 32776 of /dev/sdc1 for its
second stage. The integrity check of Syslinux failed.
No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System:
Boot files: /boot/grub/grub.cfg /syslinux.cfg
/efi/BOOT/grubx64.efi /efi/BOOT/mmx64.efi /ldlinux.sys
================================ 2 OS detected =================================
OS#1: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on sdb5
OS#2: Windows 10 on sdb3
============================ Architecture/Host Info ============================
CPU architecture: 64-bit
Live-session OS is Ubuntu 64-bit (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, focal, x86_64)
===================================== UEFI =====================================
BIOS is EFI-compatible, and is setup in EFI-mode for this live-session.
SecureBoot disabled.
efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0002
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 2001,0001,3001,0000,2002,2004
Boot0000* ubuntu HD(1,GPT,ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)
Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}....................
Boot0002* USB Hard Drive (UEFI) - USB DISK 2.0 (USB DISK 2.0) PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0,0)/HD(1,MBR,0x6d2c6c,0x800,0xe8efef)RC
Boot2001* EFI USB Device RC
Boot3001* Internal Hard Disk or Solid State Disk RC
This session has been detected as 'live' because df -Th / contains overlay
4565981c22337c7d6d42513a4e25ec38 sda2/Boot/bootx64.efi
78415fb8fb9b909f8029858113f1335f sdb1/Boot/bootx64.efi
2895d47544fd587b26c7e29be1295c27 sdb1/Boot/fbx64.efi
dc3c47be2f78a78e5e57d097ae6c5c84 sdb1/Boot/mmx64.efi
fa1bf1a7f90a852abe0bdbd089b7f1b0 sdb1/ubuntu/grubx64.efi
dc3c47be2f78a78e5e57d097ae6c5c84 sdb1/ubuntu/mmx64.efi
78415fb8fb9b909f8029858113f1335f sdb1/ubuntu/shimx64.efi
0be1df45737df88d6a8c5e9ebd7a896d sdb1/HP/BIOSUpdate/BiosMgmt.efi
6488d391f74263c9da3c3d47dffa6212 sdb1/HP/BIOSUpdate/CryptRSA.efi
6488d391f74263c9da3c3d47dffa6212 sdb1/HP/SystemDiags/CryptRSA.efi
1b89ce6e6ed9c195d61df80630b0465f sdb1/HP/SystemDiags/SysDiags.efi
9aeccc28d2f36520a9a75c418cb30db6 sdb1/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
bfba095bab3eb0e778b6914caad7362b sdb1/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgr.efi
============================= Drive/Partition Info =============================
Disks info: ____________________________________________________________________
sda : is-GPT, no-BIOSboot, has-noESP, not-usb, not-mmc, no-os, 2048 sectors * 512 bytes
sdb : is-GPT, no-BIOSboot, has---ESP, not-usb, not-mmc, has-os, 2048 sectors * 512 bytes
Partitions info (1/3): _________________________________________________________
sda1 : no-os, 32, nopakmgr, no-docgrub, nogrub, nogrubinstall, no-grubenv, noupdategrub, farbios
sda2 : no-os, 32, nopakmgr, no-docgrub, nogrub, nogrubinstall, no-grubenv, noupdategrub, farbios
sda3 : no-os, 32, nopakmgr, no-docgrub, nogrub, nogrubinstall, no-grubenv, noupdategrub, farbios
sdb1 : no-os, 32, nopakmgr, no-docgrub, nogrub, nogrubinstall, no-grubenv, noupdategrub, not-far
sdb3 : is-os, 32, nopakmgr, no-docgrub, nogrub, nogrubinstall, no-grubenv, noupdategrub, not-far
sdb4 : no-os, 32, nopakmgr, no-docgrub, nogrub, nogrubinstall, no-grubenv, noupdategrub, farbios
sdb5 : is-os, 64, apt-get, signed grub-pc grub-efi , grub2, grub-install, grubenv-ng, update-grub, farbios
Partitions info (2/3): _________________________________________________________
sda1 : isnotESP, part-has-no-fstab, no-nt, no-winload, no-recov-nor-hid, no-bmgr, notwinboot
sda2 : isnotESP, part-has-no-fstab, no-nt, no-winload, recovery-or-hidden, bootmgr, is-winboot
sda3 : isnotESP, part-has-no-fstab, no-nt, no-winload, no-recov-nor-hid, no-bmgr, notwinboot
sdb1 : is---ESP, part-has-no-fstab, no-nt, no-winload, no-recov-nor-hid, no-bmgr, notwinboot
sdb3 : isnotESP, part-has-no-fstab, no-nt, haswinload, no-recov-nor-hid, no-bmgr, notwinboot
sdb4 : isnotESP, part-has-no-fstab, no-nt, no-winload, recovery-or-hidden, no-bmgr, notwinboot
sdb5 : isnotESP, fstab-has-goodEFI, no-nt, no-winload, no-recov-nor-hid, no-bmgr, notwinboot
Partitions info (3/3): _________________________________________________________
sda1 : not-sepboot, no-boot, part-has-no-fstab, not-sep-usr, no---usr, part-has-no-fstab, std-grub.d, sda
sda2 : not-sepboot, no-boot, part-has-no-fstab, not-sep-usr, no---usr, part-has-no-fstab, std-grub.d, sda
sda3 : maybesepboot, no-boot, part-has-no-fstab, not-sep-usr, no---usr, part-has-no-fstab, std-grub.d, sda
sdb1 : not-sepboot, no-boot, part-has-no-fstab, not-sep-usr, no---usr, part-has-no-fstab, std-grub.d, sdb
sdb3 : not-sepboot, no-boot, part-has-no-fstab, not-sep-usr, no---usr, part-has-no-fstab, std-grub.d, sdb
sdb4 : not-sepboot, no-boot, part-has-no-fstab, not-sep-usr, no---usr, part-has-no-fstab, std-grub.d, sdb
sdb5 : not-sepboot, no-kernel, fstab-without-boot, not-sep-usr, with--usr, fstab-without-usr, std-grub.d, sdb
fdisk -l (filtered): ___________________________________________________________
Disk sda: 931.53 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Disk identifier: 82621153-A78F-4910-815D-C58F076AE900
Start End Sectors Size Type
sda1 2048 1012385791 1012383744 482.8G Microsoft basic data
sda2 1924687872 1953523711 28835840 13.8G Microsoft basic data
sda3 1012385792 1924687871 912302080 435G Linux filesystem
Partition table entries are not in disk order.
Disk sdb: 119.25 GiB, 128035676160 bytes, 250069680 sectors
Disk identifier: 2EEA2CE0-16A5-4303-84F8-32CDF3BC1108
Start End Sectors Size Type
sdb1 2048 534527 532480 260M EFI System
sdb2 534528 567295 32768 16M Microsoft reserved
sdb3 567296 144107519 143540224 68.5G Microsoft basic data
sdb4 248049664 250056703 2007040 980M Windows recovery environment
sdb5 144107520 248049663 103942144 49.6G Linux filesystem
Partition table entries are not in disk order.
Disk sdc: 7.29 GiB, 7817125376 bytes, 15267823 sectors
Disk identifier: 0x006d2c6c
Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
sdc1 * 2048 15267822 15265775 7.3G c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
parted -lm (filtered): _________________________________________________________
sda:1000GB:scsi:512:4096:gpt:ATA WDC WD10JPVX-60J:;
1:1049kB:518GB:518GB:ntfs:Basic data partition:msftdata;
2:985GB:1000GB:14.8GB:ntfs::hidden, msftdata;
sdb:128GB:scsi:512:4096:gpt:ATA SanDisk SD8SN8U-:;
1:1049kB:274MB:273MB:fat32:EFI system partition:boot, esp;
2:274MB:290MB:16.8MB::Microsoft reserved partition:msftres;
3:290MB:73.8GB:73.5GB:ntfs:Basic data partition:msftdata;
4:127GB:128GB:1028MB:ntfs:Basic data partition:hidden, diag;
sdc:7817MB:scsi:512:512:msdos: USB DISK 2.0:;
1:1049kB:7817MB:7816MB:fat32::boot, lba;
blkid (filtered): ______________________________________________________________
├─sda1 ntfs A65AC92D5AC8FAD7 69254b74-d0b5-49f3-9455-5a7819830ff4 DATA Basic data partition
├─sda2 ntfs 040CCAD10CCABCC4 0119202e-d965-47da-83fb-eb27cf93c131 RECOVERY Basic data partition
└─sda3 ext4 9349129f-92e4-41d4-820c-6c5dc451de53 d4f149d4-afb3-4146-a002-487de4527158 ubuntu data
├─sdb1 vfat 6691-4CE3 ca673adc-9762-423c-8709-34e7f274e9bd EFI system partition
├─sdb2 803aa338-b7b8-4e67-897e-9dd9f6ed78b5 Microsoft reserved partition
├─sdb3 ntfs 2C44223C44220962 7c14027b-b8b8-4e05-a5fa-5b7528e6205e Windows Basic data partition
├─sdb4 ntfs 04F078DFF078D87E 10c8f525-d80e-425f-a617-cf8da87ce956 Windows RE tools Basic data partition
└─sdb5 ext4 a2970336-0f47-4bae-8720-e752e99d2a97 d5c3b2d5-8b61-47d8-9c80-f43956281762
└─sdc1 vfat BAE0-83BE 006d2c6c-01 UBUNTU 20_0
df (filtered): _________________________________________________________________
Avail Use% Mounted on
sda1 411G 15% /mnt/boot-sav/sda1
sda2 1.5G 89% /mnt/boot-sav/sda2
sda3 389.3G 4% /mnt/boot-sav/sda3
sdb1 196.6M 23% /mnt/boot-sav/sdb1
sdb3 5.8G 91% /mnt/boot-sav/sdb3
sdb4 419.5M 57% /mnt/boot-sav/sdb4
sdb5 32.7G 28% /mnt
sdc1 4.6G 37% /cdrom
Mount options: __________________________________________________________________
sda1 ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096
sda2 ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096
sda3 rw,relatime
sdb1 rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro
sdb3 ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096
sdb4 ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096
sdb5 rw,relatime
sdc1 ro,noatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro
====================== sdb5/boot/grub/grub.cfg (filtered) ======================
Ubuntu a2970336-0f47-4bae-8720-e752e99d2a97
Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-80-generic a2970336-0f47-4bae-8720-e752e99d2a97
Windows Boot Manager (on sdb1) osprober-efi-6691-4CE3
### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
UEFI Firmware Settings uefi-firmware
### END /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware ###
========================== sdb5/etc/fstab (filtered) ===========================
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
# / was on /dev/sdb5 during installation
UUID=a2970336-0f47-4bae-8720-e752e99d2a97 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /boot/efi was on /dev/sdb1 during installation
# /home was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=9349129f-92e4-41d4-820c-6c5dc451de53 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
UUID=6691-4CE3 /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 1
======================= sdb5/etc/default/grub (filtered) =======================
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
==================== sdb5: Location of files loaded by Grub ====================
GiB - GB File Fragment(s)
68.715824127 = 73.783054336 boot/grub/grub.cfg 1
79.289279938 = 85.136216064 boot/vmlinuz 2
79.289279938 = 85.136216064 boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-80-generic 2
79.289279938 = 85.136216064 boot/vmlinuz.old 2
80.911128998 = 86.877663232 boot/initrd.img 3
80.911128998 = 86.877663232 boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-80-generic 3
80.911128998 = 86.877663232 boot/initrd.img.old 3
===================== sdb5: ls -l /etc/grub.d/ (filtered) ======================
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17622 May 20 05:50 10_linux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 42359 May 20 05:50 10_linux_zfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12894 May 20 05:50 20_linux_xen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12059 May 20 05:50 30_os-prober
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1424 May 20 05:50 30_uefi-firmware
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 214 May 20 05:50 40_custom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 216 May 20 05:50 41_custom
====================== sdc1/boot/grub/grub.cfg (filtered) ======================
Ubuntu (safe graphics)
OEM install (for manufacturers)
Boot from next volume
UEFI Firmware Settings
========================= sdc1/syslinux.cfg (filtered) =========================
DEFAULT loadconfig
LABEL loadconfig
CONFIG /isolinux/isolinux.cfg
APPEND /isolinux/
==================== sdc1: Location of files loaded by Grub ====================
GiB - GB File Fragment(s)
?? = ?? boot/grub/grub.cfg 1
================== sdc1: Location of files loaded by Syslinux ==================
GiB - GB File Fragment(s)
?? = ?? syslinux.cfg 1
?? = ?? ldlinux.sys 1
=============================== StdErr Messages ================================
_ _ _
Voir règles du forum > balises BB code
Balise CODE :
C'est la balise à utiliser pour donner de longs messages d'erreurs, des contenus de fichiers de configuration, des commandes à taper, etc … Elle permet des messages plus "compacts", et est moins ambiguë que d'autres polices sur certains caractères.
Dernière modification par xubu1957 (Le 27/03/2024, à 15:59)
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne
#34 Le 04/08/2021, à 15:19
- geole
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Pour avoir une petite idée du boot-info, tu peux lire le paragraphe 3 de https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/boot … ier_genere
Je pense qu'il n'y a rien d'autre de disponible
Au vu du boot-repair, je te propose quelques épurations de données inutiles.
suppression des logiciels devenus inutiles.
sudo apt autoremove --purge
suppression uniquement les fichiers de configuration devenus sans objets et marqués "rc".
dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs -r sudo dpkg -P
Dernière modification par geole (Le 04/08/2021, à 15:54)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#35 Le 04/08/2021, à 15:34
- geole
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Il faut voir si tu peux démarrer en live sur une clé usb de ta distribution. A partir de là, tu chrootes sur ton installation et tu régénères les fichiers effacés.1/https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/live_usb
sudo update-initramfs
Je n'ai jamais fait sur Ubuntu. Mais cela éviterait de refaire une installation.
La bonne méthode pour le point 3
Comme on est déjà en root
update-initramfs -c -k all
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.11.0-22-generic
I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sdc14
I: (UUID=8538ede8-e07f-4259-8bde-bdfec6845e7d)
I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.11.0-25-generic
I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sdc14
I: (UUID=8538ede8-e07f-4259-8bde-bdfec6845e7d)
I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.
Il faut mettre l'option -c pour fabriquer le fichier absent.
Avec l'option -u on ne met à jour que les fichiers présents.
Pour cibler un noyau dont le fichier de boot est absent
update-initramfs -c -k 5.11.0-25-generic
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.11.0-25-generic
I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sdc14
I: (UUID=8538ede8-e07f-4259-8bde-bdfec6845e7d)
I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.
Dernière modification par geole (Le 04/08/2021, à 16:07)
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
Hors ligne
#36 Le 04/08/2021, à 15:56
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Quand tu dis "Peut-être que purger le grub et le réinstaller aurait suffit"... aucune idée.
Celle-ci est la première fois que je fait de modifications au démarrage par défaut, et un démarrage depuis une USB.
Maintenant je sais comment faire, sincèrement je préfère faire des apps que faire les logiciels.
Veux-tu qu'on "purge" ??
Si ces données ne posent pas de "problème un jour"... je préfère ne pas le faire.
Les OS de mon PC sont toujours mis à jour, j'espère ne plus retrouver un autre problème.
Hors ligne
#37 Le 04/08/2021, à 15:59
- xubu1957
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
Pour info :
L'article de tiramiseb > mise-a-jour-du-noyau-et-aucun-espace-disponible-sur-le-peripherique.
Le tutoriel de nany > Sens interdit, paquets cassés > 0, espace insuffisant… Que faire?
La Doc > kernel#suppression_des_anciens_noyaux.
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne
#38 Le 04/08/2021, à 16:38
- moni
Re : [Résolu]Rédemarrer Ubuntu (fichier inidrl.img effacé)
(https://www.maccagnoni.eu/post/2013-10- … ipherique/)
"L’approche d’Ubuntu et de Canonical à ce niveau est discutable, on pourrait en débattre pendant des heures, mais les faits sont là : toutes ces mises à jour saturent parfois les systèmes et posent des problèmes à des néophytes qui n’ont rien demandé."
... trop fort !! ))... c'est moi !
Certainement tu as raison, mais d'abord il faut que je lisse ces articles pour avoir une idée de ce qu'on parle.
Pour ce souci qu'@eole m'a aidé à résoudre j'ai pris 4 jours ... je vais faire plus d'attention, j'espère apprendre à résoudre sans problème.
Hors ligne