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#176 Le 02/04/2018, à 18:32


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

moko138 a écrit :

Oui, j'avais vu, mais comment installes-tu boot-info sur une Debian ?
Et puis ça me paraît comme utiliser un marteau-pilon pour casser une noisette !

J'espère réussir à faire un minima de ménage

u16041@u16041:/usr/share/boot-sav$ sudo ./ A

Boot Info Script 8f991e4 + Boot-Repair extra info      [Boot-Info 25oct2017]

Identifying MBRs...
Computing Partition Table of /dev/sda...
Searching sda1 for information... 
Searching sda2 for information... 
Searching sda3 for information... 
Searching sda4 for information... 
Searching sda5 for information... 
Searching sda6 for information... 
Searching sda7 for information... 
Searching sda8 for information... 
Searching sda9 for information... 
Searching sda10 for information... 
Searching sda11 for information... 
Searching sda12 for information... 
Searching sda13 for information... 
Searching sda14 for information... 
Searching sda15 for information... 
Searching sda16 for information... 
Searching sda17 for information... 
Searching sda18 for information... 
Searching sda19 for information... 
Searching sda20 for information... 
Searching sda21 for information... 
Searching sda22 for information... 
Searching sda23 for information... 
Searching sda24 for information... 
Searching sda25 for information... 
Searching sda26 for information... 
Searching sda27 for information... 
Searching sda28 for information... 
Searching sda29 for information... 
Searching sda30 for information... 

Finished. The results are in the file "A"
located in "/usr/share/boot-sav/".

u16041@u16041:/usr/share/boot-sav$ head -20 A
 Boot Info Script 8f991e4 + Boot-Repair extra info      [Boot-Info 25oct2017]

============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================

 => Grub2 (v2.00) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 
    233323352 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this 
    location and looks for (,gpt8)/boot/grub. It also embeds following 
    fshelp ext2 part_gpt biosdisk

sda1: __________________________________________________________________________

    File system:       
    Boot sector type:  -
    Boot sector info: 

Ajout très tardif.

VERSION='8f991e4 + Boot-Repair extra info';
RELEASE_DATE='Boot-Info 25oct2017';
#                                                                              #
# Copyright (c) 2009-2010      Ulrich Meierfrankenfeld                         #
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012      Gert Hulselmans                                 #
# Copyright (c) 2013-2017      Andrei Borzenkov                                #
# Copyright (c) 2017              Yann MRN                                          #
#                                                                              #
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to     #
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the   #
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or  #
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is   #
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                     #
#                                                                              #
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in   #
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                          #
#                                                                              #
# IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                             #
#                                                                              #
# bootinfoscript with minor improvements for inclusion into boot-sav package   #
# Hosted at: [url][/url]     #
# Forked from: [url][/url]                         #
# Thanks to:   meierfra, caljohnsmith, jsjgruber, Arvidjaar                    #

## Check if the script is run with bash as shell interpreter.

if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ] ; then
   echo 'Boot Info Script needs to be run with bash as shell interpreter.' >&2;
   exit 1;

## Display help text ##
#   ./bootinfoscript -h
#   ./bootinfoscript -help
#   ./bootinfoscript --help
help () {
   cat <<- HELP
    Usage Boot Info Script:
      Run the script as sudoer:
        sudo ${0} <outputfile>
      or if your operating system does not use sudo:
        su -
        ${0} <outputfile>
      When running the script, without specifying an output file, all the output
      is written to the file "RESULTS.txt" in the same folder as the script.
      But when run from /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, or another system folder, the file
      "RESULTS.txt" is written to the home directory of the user.
      When the file "RESULTS.txt" already exists, the results will be written to
      "RESULTS1.txt". If "RESULTS1.txt" exists, the results will be written to
      "RESULTS2.txt", ...
      To get version number, release date, last git commit and git retrieval date
      of this script, use (no root rights needed):
        ${0} -v
        ${0} -V
        ${0} --version
      To get this help text, use (no root rights needed):
        ${0} -h
        ${0} -help
        ${0} --help
      To automatically gzip a copy of the output file, use (root rights needed):
        ${0} -g <outputfile>
        ${0} --gzip <outputfile>
      To write the output to stdout instead of a file, use (root rights needed):
        ${0} --stdout
      The last development version of Boot Info Script can be downloaded, with:
        (no root rights needed)
        ${0} --update <filename>
      If no filename is specified, the file will be saved in the home dir as

   exit 0;

## Download the last development version of BIS from git: ##
#   ./bootinfoscript --update <filename>
#   If no filename is specified, the file will be saved in the home dir as
#   "bootinfoscript_YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss".

update () {
  local git_ref_url=''
  local git_commit_url=''
  local git_contents_url=''

  # Check if date is available.
  if [ $(type date > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -ne 0 ] ; then
     echo '"date" could not be found.' >&2;
     exit 1;

  # Get current UTC time in YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm:ss format.
  UTC_TIME=$(date --utc "+%Y-%m-%d %T");

  if [ ! -z "$1" ] ; then
     GIT_BIS_FILENAME="${HOME}/bootinfoscript_${UTC_TIME/ /_}"

  # Check if wget or curl is available
  if [ $(type wget > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
     printf '\nDownloading last development version of Boot Info Script from git:\n\n';
     LAST_GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(wget -O - "${git_ref_url}" | sed -ne 's/^.*"sha": "\(.*\)".*$/\1/p');
     LAST_GIT_COMMIT=$(wget -O - "${git_commit_url}/$LAST_GIT_COMMIT_ID");

     wget -O "${GIT_BIS_FILENAME}" "${git_contents_url}";
  elif [ $(type curl > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
     printf 'Downloading last development version of Boot Info Script from git:\n\n';
     LAST_GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(curl "${git_ref_url}" | sed -ne 's/^.*"sha": "\(.*\)".*$/\1/p');
     LAST_GIT_COMMIT=$(curl "${git_commit_url}/$LAST_GIT_COMMIT_ID");

     curl -o "${GIT_BIS_FILENAME}" "${git_contents_url}";
     printf '"wget" or "curl" could not be found.\nInstall at least one of them and try again.\n' >&2;
     exit 1;

  # First date is Author, second date is Commit
#  LAST_GIT_COMMIT_DATE=$(echo "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT}" | sed -ne 's/^[[:space:]]*"date": "\(.*\)"[[:space:]]*$/\1/p' | tail -1);
#  LAST_GIT_COMMIT_SHORTLOG=$(echo "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT}" | sed -n -e '/^[[:space:]]*"message":/ { s/^[[:space:]]*"message": "\(.*\)",[[:space:]]*$/\1/ ; s/\\n.*$// ; p }');

  # Set the retrieval date in just downloaded script.

  printf '\nThe development version of Boot Info Script is saved as:\n"%s"\n\n' "${GIT_BIS_FILENAME}";
  exit 0;

## Display version, release, last git commit and git retrieval date of the script when asked: ##
#   ./bootinfoscript -v
#   ./bootinfoscript -V
#   ./bootinfoscript --version 

version () {
  printf '\nBoot Info Script version: %s\nRelease date:             %s' "${VERSION}" "${RELEASE_DATE}";

  if [ ! -z "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT_SHORTLOG}" ] ; then
     printf '\nLast git commit:          %s\nCommit date:              %s' \

  printf '\n\n';

  exit 0;

## Gzip a copy of the output file? ##
gzip_output=0;     # off=0

## Write the output to the standard output instead of to a file? ##
stdout_output=0; # off=0

## Get arguments passed to the script. ##

process_args () {
  if [ ${#@} -ge 1 ] ; then
     # Process arguments.
     case "$1" in
    -g      ) gzip_output=1; if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then LogFile_cmd="$2"; fi;;
    --gzip      ) gzip_output=1; if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then LogFile_cmd="$2"; fi;;
    -h      ) help;;
    -help      ) help;;
    --help      ) help;;
    --stdout  ) stdout_output=1;;
    --update  ) update "$2";;
    -v      ) version;;
    -V      ) version;;
    --version ) version;;
    -*      ) help;;
    *      ) LogFile_cmd="$1";;

## Get arguments passed to the script. ##

process_args ${@};

## Display version number, release and git retrieval date. ##

printf '\nBoot Info Script %s      [%s]' "${VERSION}" "${RELEASE_DATE}";

if [ ! -z "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT_SHORTLOG}" ] ; then
   printf '\n  Last git commit:         %s\n  Commit date:             %s' \

printf '\n\n';

## Check whether Boot Info Script is run with root rights or not. ##

if [ $(type whoami > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -ne 0 ] ; then
   echo 'Please install "whoami" and run Boot Info Script again.' >&2;
   exit 1;
elif [ $(whoami) != 'root' ] ; then
   cat <<- EOF >&2
    Please use "sudo" or become "root" to run this script.
      Run the script as sudoer:
        sudo ${0} <outputfile>
      or if your operating system does not use sudo:
        su -
        ${0} <outputfile>

    For more info, see the help:

        ${0} --help
   exit 1;

## Check if all necessary programs are available. ##

# Programs that are in /bin or /usr/bin.

# Programs that are in /usr/sbin or /sbin.


for Program in ${Programs} ${Programs_SBIN}; do
  if [ $(type ${Program} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -ne 0 ] ; then
     echo "\"${Program}\" could not be found." >&2;

## Can we decompress a LZMA stream? ##
#   The Grub2 (v1.99-2.00) core_dir string is contained in a LZMA stream.
#   See if we have xz or lzma installed to decompress the stream.

if [ $(type xz > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
   UNLZMA='xz --format=lzma --decompress';
elif [ $(type lzma > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
   UNLZMA='lzma -cd';

## Do we have gawk or (a recent) mawk? ##
#   If we don't have gawk, look for "mawk v1.3.4" or newer.

if [ $(type gawk > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
   # Set awk binary to gawk.
elif [ $(type mawk > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
   MAWK_version="$(mawk -W version 2>&1)";

   if [ "${MAWK_version}" = 'mawk 1.3.3' ]; then
      printf '"mawk v1.3.3" has known bugs.\nInstall "mawk v1.3.4" or newer from [url][/url] or use "gawk" instead.\n' >&2;
      # Set awk binary to mawk (version 1.3.4 or higher).
   printf 'Install "gawk" or "mawk v1.3.4" (or newer) from [url=\n]\n'[/url] >&2;

if [ ${Check_Prog} -eq 0 ] ; then
   printf '\nPlease install the missing program(s) and run Boot Info Script again.\n' >&2;
   exit 1;

## List of folders which might contain files used for chainloading. ##


## List of files whose names will be displayed, if found. ##

    /bootmgr    /BOOTMGR
    /boot/bcd    /BOOT/bcd    /Boot/bcd    /boot/BCD    /BOOT/BCD    /Boot/BCD
    /Windows/System32/winload.exe    /WINDOWS/system32/winload.exe    /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/winload.exe    /windows/system32/winload.exe
    /Windows/System32/Winload.exe    /WINDOWS/system32/Winload.exe    /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/Winload.exe    /windows/system32/Winload.exe
    /grldr        /GRLDR        /grldr.mbr    /GRLDR.MBR
    /ntldr        /NTLDR
    /NTDETECT.COM    /
    /NTBOOTDD.SYS    /ntbootdd.sys
    /wubildr    /ubuntu/winboot/wubildr
    /wubildr.mbr    /ubuntu/winboot/wubildr.mbr
    /core.img    /grub/core.img    /boot/grub/core.img
    /grub/i386-pc/core.img        /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img
    /grub2/core.img            /boot/grub2/core.img
    /grub2/i386-pc/core.img        /boot/grub2/i386-pc/core.img
    /burg/core.img    /boot/burg/core.img
    /ldlinux.sys    /syslinux/ldlinux.sys    /boot/syslinux/ldlinux.sys
    /extlinux.sys    /extlinux/extlinux.sys    /boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys
    /boot/map    /map
    /DEFAULT.MNU    /default.mnu
    /IO.SYS        /io.sys
    /MSDOS.SYS    /msdos.sys 
    /KERNEL.SYS    /kernel.sys
    /DELLBIO.BIN    /dellbio.bin        /DELLRMK.BIN    /dellrmk.bin
    /COMMAND.COM    /

    /core.img    /grub/core.img        /boot/grub/core.img
    /grub/i386-pc/core.img            /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img
    /grub2/core.img                /boot/grub2/core.img
    /grub2/i386-pc/core.img            /boot/grub2/i386-pc/core.img
    /burg/core.img    /boot/burg/core.img
    /ldlinux.sys    /syslinux/ldlinux.sys    /boot/syslinux/ldlinux.sys
    /extlinux.sys    /extlinux/extlinux.sys    /boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys
    /boot/map    /map

## List of files whose contents will be displayed. ##

    /menu.lst    /grub/menu.lst    /boot/grub/menu.lst    /NST/menu.lst    
    /grub.cfg    /grub/grub.cfg    /boot/grub/grub.cfg    /grub2/grub.cfg    /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
    /burg.cfg    /burg/burg.cfg    /boot/burg/burg.cfg
    /grub.conf    /grub/grub.conf    /boot/grub/grub.conf    /grub2/grub.conf    /boot/grub2/grub.conf
    /ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst    /ubuntu/disks/install/boot/grub/menu.lst    /ubuntu/winboot/menu.lst
    /boot.ini    /BOOT.INI    /Boot.ini
    /etc/lilo.conf    /lilo.conf
    /syslinux.cfg    /syslinux/syslinux.cfg    /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
    /extlinux.conf    /extlinux/extlinux.conf    /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
    /grldr        /grub.exe

    /menu.lst    /grub/menu.lst    /boot/grub/menu.lst    /NST/menu.lst
    /grub.cfg    /grub/grub.cfg    /boot/grub/grub.cfg    /grub2/grub.cfg    /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
    /burg.cfg    /burg/burg.cfg    /boot/burg/burg.cfg
    /grub.conf    /grub/grub.conf    /boot/grub/grub.conf    /grub2/grub.conf    /boot/grub2/grub.conf
    /ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst    /ubuntu/disks/install/boot/grub/menu.lst    /ubuntu/winboot/menu.lst    /EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg
    /etc/lilo.conf    /lilo.conf
    /syslinux.cfg    /syslinux/syslinux.cfg    /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
    /extlinux.conf    /extlinux/extlinux.conf    /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
    /grldr        /grub.exe

## List of files whose end point (in GiB / GB) will be displayed. ##

    menu.lst    grub/menu.lst    boot/grub/menu.lst    NST/menu.lst
    grub.conf    grub/grub.conf    boot/grub/grub.conf    grub2/grub.conf    boot/grub2/grub.conf
    grub.cfg    grub/grub.cfg    boot/grub/grub.cfg    grub2/grub.cfg    boot/grub2/grub.cfg
    burg.cfg    burg/burg.cfg    boot/burg/burg.cfg
    core.img    grub/core.img    boot/grub/core.img
    grub/i386-pc/core.img        boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img
    grub2/core.img            boot/grub2/core.img
    grub2/i386-pc/core.img        boot/grub2/i386-pc/core.img
    burg/core.img    boot/burg/core.img
    stage2        grub/stage2    boot/grub/stage2
    boot/vmlinuz*    vmlinuz*    ubuntu/disks/boot/vmlinuz*
    boot/initrd*    initrd*        ubuntu/disks/boot/initrd*
    initramfs*    boot/initramfs*

    syslinux.cfg    syslinux/syslinux.cfg    boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
    extlinux.conf    extlinux/extlinux.conf    boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
    ldlinux.sys    syslinux/ldlinux.sys    boot/syslinux/ldlinux.sys
    extlinux.sys    extlinux/extlinux.sys    boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys
    *.c32        syslinux/*.c32            boot/syslinux/*.c32
    extlinux/*.c32    boot/extlinux/*.c32

## Set output filename ##

if [ ${stdout_output} -eq 1 ] ; then
  # The LogFile name is not used when --stdout is specified.
elif ( [ ! -z "${LogFile_cmd}" ]) ; then
  # The RESULTS filename is specified on the commandline.
  LogFile=$(basename "${LogFile_cmd}");

  # Directory where the RESULTS file will be stored.
  Dir=$(dirname "${LogFile_cmd}");
  # Check if directory exists.
  if [ ! -d "${Dir}" ] ; then
     echo "The directory \"${Dir}\" does not exist.";
     echo 'Create the directory or specify another path for the output file.';
     exit 1;

  Dir=$(cd "${Dir}"; pwd);
  # Directory containing this script.
  Dir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd);

  # Set ${Dir} to the home folder of the current user if the script is
  # in one of the system folders.
  # This allows placement of the script in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, ...
  # while still having a normal location to write the output file to.

  for systemdir in /bin /boot /cdrom /dev /etc /lib /lost+found /opt /proc /sbin /selinux /srv /sys /usr /var; do
    if [ $(expr "${Dir}" : ${systemdir}) -ne 0 ] ; then

  # To avoid overwriting existing files, look for a non-existing file:
  # RESULT.txt, RESULTS1.txt, RESULTS2.txt, ... 


  while ( [ -e "${LogFile}${j}.txt" ] ) ; do
    if [ x"${j}" = x'' ]; then

  LogFile="${LogFile_cmd}";  ## The RESULTS file. ##

## Redirect stdout to RESULT File ##
#   exec 6>&1   
#   exec > "${LogFile}"

## Create temporary directory ##

Folder=$(mktemp -t -d BootInfo-XXXXXXXX);

## Create temporary filenames. ##

cd ${Folder}
Log=${Folder}/Log                # File to record the summary.
Log1=${Folder}/Log1                # Most of the information which is not part of
                        # the summary is recorded in this file.
Error_Log=${Folder}/Error_Log            # File to catch all unusal Standar Errors.
Trash=${Folder}/Trash                # File to catch all usual Standard Errors these
                        # messagges will not be included in the RESULTS.
Mount_Error=${Folder}/Mount_Error        # File to catch Mounting Errors.
Unknown_MBR=${Folder}/Unknown_MBR        # File to record all unknown MBR and Boot sectors.
Tmp_Log=${Folder}/Tmp_Log            # File to temporarily hold some information.
core_img_file=${Folder}/core_img        # File to temporarily store an embedded core.img of grub2.
core_img_file_unlzma=${Folder}/core_img_unlzma    # File to temporarily store the uncompressed part of core.img of grub2.
core_img_file_type_2=${Folder}/core_img_type_2    # File to temporarily store the core.img module of type 2
PartitionTable=${Folder}/PT            # File to store the Partition Table.
FakeHardDrives=${Folder}/FakeHD            # File to list devices which seem to have  no corresponding drive.
BLKID=${Folder}/BLKID                # File to store the output of blkid.
GRUB200_Module=${Folder}/GRUB200_Module        # File to store current grub2 module

## Redirect all standard error to the file Error_Log. ##

exec 2> ${Error_Log};

## List of all hard drives ##
#   Support more than 26 drives.

All_Hard_Drives=$(ls /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/hd[a-z][a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z][a-z] /dev/xvd[a-z] /dev/vd[a-z] /dev/vd[a-z][a-z] 2>> ${Trash});

## Add found RAID disks to list of hard drives. ##

if [ $(type dmraid >> ${Trash} 2>> ${Trash} ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
  InActiveDMRaid=$(dmraid -si -c);

  if [ x"${InActiveDMRaid}" = x"no raid disks" ] || [ x"${InActiveDMRaid}" = x"no block devices found" ] ; then 

  if [ x"${InActiveDMRaid}" != x'' ] ; then
     dmraid -ay ${InActiveDMRaid} >> ${Trash};

  All_DMRaid=$(dmraid -sa -c);
  if [ x"${All_DMRaid}" != x"no raid disks" ] && [ x"${All_DMRaid}" != x"no block devices found" ] ; then
     All_DMRaid=$(echo "{All_DMRaid}" | ${AWK} '{ print "/dev/mapper/"$0 }');
     All_Hard_Drives="${All_Hard_Drives} ${All_DMRaid}";

## Arrays to hold information about Partitions: ##
#   name, starting sector, ending sector, size in sector, partition type,
#   filesystem type, UUID, kind(Logical, Primary, Extended), harddrive,
#   boot flag,  parent (for logical partitions), label,
#   system(the partition id according the partition table),
#   the device associated with the partition.

declare -a NamesArray StartArray EndArray SizeArray TypeArray  FileArray UUIDArray KindArray DriveArray BootArray ParentArray LabelArray SystemArray DeviceArray;

## Arrays to hold information about the harddrives. ##

declare -a HDName FirstPartion LastPartition HDSize HDMBR HDHead HDTrack HDCylinder HDPT HDStart HDEnd HDUUID;

## Array for hard drives formatted as filesystem. ##

declare -a FilesystemDrives;

PI=-1;  ## Counter for the identification number of a partition.   (each partition gets unique number)   ##
HI=0;   ## Counter for the identification number of a hard drive.  (each hard drive gets unique number)  ##
PTFormat='%-10s %4s%14s%14s%14s %3s %s\n';    ## standard format (hexdump) to use for partition table. ##

## Get total number of blocks on a device. ##
#   Sometimes "fdisk -s" seems to malfunction or isn't supported (busybox fdisk),
#   so use "sfdisk -s" if available.
#   If sfdisk isn't available, calculate the number of blocks from the number of
#   sectors (divide by 2).

fdisks () {
  if [ $(type sfdisk >> ${Trash} 2>> ${Trash} ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then
     sfdisk -s "$1" 2>> ${Trash};
     # Calculate the number of blocks from the number of sectors (divide by 2).
     fdisk -lu "$1" 2>> ${Trash} | ${AWK} '$0 ~ /, .*, .*, .*/ { print $(NF - 1) / 2 }';

##  A function which checks whether a file is on a mounted partition. ##

# List of mount points for devices: also allow mount points with spaces.

MountPoints=$(mount \
          | ${AWK} -F "\t" '{ if ( ($1 ~ "^/dev") && ($3 != "/") ) { sub(" on ", "\t", $0); sub(" type ", "\t", $0); print $2 } }' \
          | sort -u);

FileNotMounted () {    
  local File=$1 curmp=$2;

  IFS_OLD="${IFS}";  # Save original IFS.
  IFS=$'\012';       # Set IFS temporarily to newline only, so mount points with spaces can be processed too.

  for mp in ${MountPoints}; do 
    if [ $(expr match "${File}" "${mp}/" ) -ne 0 ] && [ "${mp}" != "${curmp}" ] ; then
       IFS="${IFS_OLD}";  # Restore original IFS.
       return 1;

  IFS="${IFS_OLD}";       # Restore original IFS.
  return 0;

## Function which converts the two digit hexcode to the partition type. ##
#   The following list is taken from sfdisk -T and 
#   [url][/url]
#   is work in progress.

HexToSystem () {
  local type=$1 system;

  case ${type} in
    0)  system='Empty';;
    1)  system='FAT12';;
    2)  system='XENIX root';;
    3)  system='XENIX /usr';;
    4)  system='FAT16 <32M';;
    5)  system='Extended';;
    6)  system='FAT16';;
    7)  system='NTFS / exFAT / HPFS';;
    8)  system='AIX bootable';;
    9)  system='AIX data';;
    a)  system='OS/2 Boot Manager';;
    b)  system='W95 FAT32';;
    c)  system='W95 FAT32 (LBA)';;
    e)  system='W95 FAT16 (LBA)';;
    f)  system='W95 Extended (LBA)';;
    10) system='OPUS';;
    11) system='Hidden FAT12';;
    12) system='Compaq diagnostics';;
    14) system='Hidden FAT16 < 32M';;
    16) system='Hidden FAT16';;
    17) system='Hidden NTFS / HPFS';;
    18) system='AST SmartSleep';;
    1b) system='Hidden W95 FAT32';;
    1c) system='Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)';;
    1e) system='Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)';;
    24) system='NEC DOS';;
    27) system='Hidden NTFS (Recovery Environment)';;
    2a) system='AtheOS File System';;
    2b) system='SyllableSecure';;
    32) system='NOS';;
    35) system='JFS on OS/2';;
    38) system='THEOS';;
    39) system='Plan 9';;
    3a) system='THEOS';;
    3b) system='THEOS Extended';;
    3c) system='PartitionMagic recovery';;
    3d) system='Hidden NetWare';;
    40) system='Venix 80286';;
    41) system='PPC PReP Boot';;
    42) system='SFS';;
    44) system='GoBack';;
    45) system='Boot-US boot manager';;
    4d) system='QNX4.x';;
    4e) system='QNX4.x 2nd part';;
    4f) system='QNX4.x 3rd part';;
    50) system='OnTrack DM';;
    51) system='OnTrack DM6 Aux1';;
    52) system='CP/M';;
    53) system='OnTrack DM6 Aux3';;
    54) system='OnTrack DM6 DDO';;
    55) system='EZ-Drive';;
    56) system='Golden Bow';;
    57) system='DrivePro';;
    5c) system='Priam Edisk';;
    61) system='SpeedStor';;
    63) system='GNU HURD or SysV';;
    64) system='Novell Netware 286';;
    65) system='Novell Netware 386';;
    70) system='DiskSecure Multi-Boot';;
    74) system='Scramdisk';;
    75) system='IBM PC/IX';;
    78) system='XOSL filesystem';;
    80) system='Old Minix';;
    81) system='Minix / old Linux';;
    82) system='Linux swap / Solaris';;
    83) system='Linux';;
    84) system='OS/2 hidden C: drive';;
    85) system='Linux extended';;
    86) system='NTFS volume set';;
    87) system='NTFS volume set';;
    88) system='Linux plaintext';;
    8a) system='Linux Kernel (AiR-BOOT)';;
    8d) system='Free FDISK hidden Primary FAT12';;
    8e) system='Linux LVM';;
    90) system='Free FDISK hidden Primary FAT16 <32M';;
    91) system='Free FDISK hidden Extended';;
    92) system='Free FDISK hidden Primary FAT16';;
    93) system='Amoeba/Accidently Hidden Linux';;
    94) system='Amoeba bad block table';;
    97) system='Free FDISK hidden Primary FAT32';;
    98) system='Free FDISK hidden Primary FAT32 (LBA)';;
    9a) system='Free FDISK hidden Primary FAT16 (LBA)';;
    9b) system='Free FDISK hidden Extended (LBA)';;
    9f) system='BSD/OS';;
    a0) system='IBM Thinkpad hibernation';;
    a1) system='Laptop hibernation';;
    a5) system='FreeBSD';;
    a6) system='OpenBSD';;
    a7) system='NeXTSTEP';;
    a8) system='Darwin UFS';;
    a9) system='NetBSD';;
    ab) system='Darwin boot';;
    af) system='HFS / HFS+';;
    b0) system='BootStar';;
    b1 | b3) system='SpeedStor / QNX Neutrino Power-Safe';;
    b2) system='QNX Neutrino Power-Safe';;
    b4 | b6) system='SpeedStor';; 
    b7) system='BSDI fs';;
    b8) system='BSDI swap';;
    bb) system='Boot Wizard hidden';;
    bc) system='Acronis BackUp';;
    be) system='Solaris boot';;
    bf) system='Solaris';;
    c0) system='CTOS';;
    c1) system='DRDOS / secured (FAT-12)';;
    c2) system='Hidden Linux (PowerBoot)';;
    c3) system='Hidden Linux Swap (PowerBoot)';;
    c4) system='DRDOS secured FAT16 < 32M';;
    c5) system='DRDOS secured Extended';;
    c6) system='DRDOS secured FAT16';;
    c7) system='Syrinx';;
    cb) system='DR-DOS secured FAT32 (CHS)';;
    cc) system='DR-DOS secured FAT32 (LBA)';;
    cd) system='CTOS Memdump?';;
    ce) system='DR-DOS FAT16X (LBA)';;
    cf) system='DR-DOS secured EXT DOS (LBA)';;
    d0) system='REAL/32 secure big partition';;
    da) system='Non-FS data / Powercopy Backup';;
    db) system='CP/M / CTOS / ...';;
    dd) system='Dell Media Direct';;
    de) system='Dell Utility';;
    df) system='BootIt';;
    e1) system='DOS access';;
    e3) system='DOS R/O';;
    e4) system='SpeedStor';;
    e8) system='LUKS';;
    eb) system='BeOS BFS';;
    ec) system='SkyOS';;
    ee) system='GPT';;
    ef) system='EFI (FAT-12/16/32)';;
    f0) system='Linux/PA-RISC boot';;
    f1) system='SpeedStor';;
    f2) system='DOS secondary';;
    f4) system='SpeedStor';;
    fb) system='VMware VMFS';;
    fc) system='VMware VMswap';;
    fd) system='Linux raid autodetect';;
    fe) system='LANstep';;
    ff) system='Xenix Bad Block Table';;
     *) system='Unknown';;

  echo "${system}";

## Function to convert GPT's Partition Type. ##
#   List from [url][/url]
#   ABCDEFGH-IJKL-MNOP-QRST-UVWXYZabcdef is stored as
#   GHEFCDAB-KLIJ-OPMN-QRST-UVWXYZabcdef (without the dashes)
#   For easy generation of the following list:
#    - Save list in a file "Partition_type_GUIDs.txt" in the folowing format: 
#     Partition Type (OS) <TAB> GUID
#     Partition Type (OS) <TAB> GUID
#     Partition Type (OS) <TAB> GUID
#    - Then run the following:
#     gawk -F '\t' '{ GUID=tolower($2); printf "    %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s)  system=\"%s\";;\n", substr(GUID,7,1), substr(GUID,8,1), substr(GUID,5,1), substr(GUID,6,1), substr(GUID,3,1), substr(GUID,4,1), substr(GUID,1,1), substr(GUID,2,1), substr(GUID,12,1), substr(GUID,13,1), substr(GUID,10,1), substr(GUID,11,1), substr(GUID,17,1), substr(GUID,18,1), substr(GUID,15,1), substr(GUID,16,1), substr(GUID,20,4), substr(GUID,25,12), $1 } END { print "                   *)  system='-';" }' Partition_type_GUIDs.txt
#    - Some GUIDs are not unique for one OS. To find them, you can run:
#     gawk -F "\t" '{print $2}' GUID_Partition_Table_list.txt | sort | uniq -d | grep -f - GUID_Partition_Table_list.txt
#        Basic data partition (Windows)    EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
#        Data partition (Linux)        EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
#        ZFS (Mac OS X)            6A898CC3-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631
#        /usr partition (Solaris)    6A898CC3-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631

UUIDToSystem () {
  local type=$1 system;

  case ${type} in
    00000000000000000000000000000000)  system='Unused entry';;
    41ee4d02e733d3119d690008c781f39f)  system='MBR partition scheme';;
    28732ac11ff8d211ba4b00a0c93ec93b)  system='EFI System partition';;
    4861682149646f6e744e656564454649)  system='BIOS Boot partition';;
    dee2bfd3af3ddf11ba40e3a556d89593)  system="Intel Fast Flash (iFFS) partition (for Intel Rapid Start technology)";;

    ## GUIDs that are not unique for one OS ##
    a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7)  system='Data partition (Windows/Linux)';;
    c38c896ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='ZFS (Mac OS X) or /usr partition (Solaris)';;
    ## Windows GUIDs ##
    16e3c9e35c0bb84d817df92df00215ae)  system='Microsoft Reserved Partition (Windows)';;
    # Same GUID as old GUID for "Basic data partition (Linux)"
  # a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7)  system='Basic data partition (Windows)';;
    aac808588f7ee04285d2e1e90434cfb3)  system='Logical Disk Manager (LDM) metadata partition (Windows)';;
    a0609baf3114624fbc683311714a69ad)  system='Logical Disk Manager (LDM) data partition (Windows)';;
    a4bb94ded106404da16abfd50179d6ac)  system='Windows Recovery Environment (Windows)';;
    90fcaf377def964e91c32d7ae055b174)  system='IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) partition (Windows)';;

    ## HP-UX GUIDs ##
    1e4c8975eb3ad311b7c17b03a0000000)  system='Data partition (HP-UX)';;
    28e7a1e2e332d611a6827b03a0000000)  system='Service Partition (HP-UX)';;

    ## Linux GUIDs ##
    # Same GUID as "Basic data partition (Windows)" GUID
  # a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7)  system='Data partition (Linux)';;
    # New GUID to avoid that Linux partitions show up as unformatted partitions in Windows.
    af3dc60f838472478e793d69d8477de4)  system='Data partition (Linux)';;  
    0f889da1fc053b4da006743f0f84911e)  system='RAID partition (Linux)';;
    6dfd5706aba4c44384e50933c84b4f4f)  system='Swap partition (Linux)';;
    79d3d6e607f5c244a23c238f2a3df928)  system='Logical Volume Manager (LVM) partition (Linux)';;
    3933a68d0700c060c436083ac8230908)  system='Reserved (Linux)';;

    ## FreeBSD GUIDs ##
    9d6bbd83417fdc11be0b001560b84f0f)  system='Boot partition (FreeBSD)';;
    b47c6e51cf6ed6118ff800022d09712b)  system='Data partition (FreeBSD)';;
    b57c6e51cf6ed6118ff800022d09712b)  system='Swap partition (FreeBSD)';;
    b67c6e51cf6ed6118ff800022d09712b)  system='Unix File System (UFS) partition (FreeBSD)';;
    b87c6e51cf6ed6118ff800022d09712b)  system='Vinum volume manager partition (FreeBSD)';;
    ba7c6e51cf6ed6118ff800022d09712b)  system='ZFS partition (FreeBSD)';;

    ## Mac OS X GUIDs ##
    005346480000aa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Hierarchical File System Plus (HFS+) partition (Mac OS X)';;
    005346550000aa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Apple UFS (Mac OS X)';;
  # c38c896ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='ZFS (Mac OS X)';;
    444941520000aa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Apple RAID partition (Mac OS X)';;
    444941524f5faa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Apple RAID partition offline (Mac OS X)';;
    746f6f420000aa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Apple Boot partition (Mac OS X)';;
    6562614c006caa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Apple Label (Mac OS X)';;
    6f6365526576aa11aa1100306543ecac)  system='Apple TV Recovery partition (Mac OS X)';;
    726f74536761aa11aa1100306543ecac)  system="Apple Core Storage (i.e. Lion FileVault) partition (Mac OS X)";;

    ## Solaris GUIDs ##
    45cb826ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Boot partition (Solaris)';;
    4dcf856ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Root partition (Solaris)';;
    6fc4876ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Swap partition (Solaris)';;
    2b648b6ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Backup partition (Solaris)';;
  # c38c896ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='/usr partition (Solaris)';;
    e9f28e6ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='/var partition (Solaris)';;
    39ba906ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='/home partition (Solaris)';;
    a583926ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Alternate sector (Solaris)';;
    3b5a946ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Reserved partition (Solaris)';;
    d130966ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Reserved partition (Solaris)';;
    6707986ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Reserved partition (Solaris)';;
    7f23966ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Reserved partition (Solaris)';;
    c72a8d6ad21db21199a6080020736631)  system='Reserved partition (Solaris)';;

    ## NetBSD GUIDs ##
    328df4490eb1dc11b99b0019d1879648)  system='Swap partition (NetBSD)';;
    5a8df4490eb1dc11b99b0019d1879648)  system='FFS partition (NetBSD)';;
    828df4490eb1dc11b99b0019d1879648)  system='LFS partition (NetBSD)';;
    aa8df4490eb1dc11b99b0019d1879648)  system='RAID partition (NetBSD)';;
    c419b52d0fb1dc11b99b0019d1879648)  system='Concatenated partition (NetBSD)';;
    ec19b52d0fb1dc11b99b0019d1879648)  system='Encrypted partition (NetBSD)';;

    ## ChromeOS GUIDs ##
    5d2a3afe324fa741b725accc3285a309)  system="ChromeOS kernel";;
    02e2b83c7e3bdd478a3c7ff2a13cfcec)  system="ChromeOS rootfs";;
    3d750a2e489eb0438337b15192cb1b5e)  system="ChromeOS future use";;

    ## Haiku GUIDs ##
    31534642a33bf110802a4861696b7521)  system="Haiku BFS (Haiku)";;

    ## MidnightBSD GUIDs ##
    5ee4d5857c23e111b4b3e89a8f7fc3a7)  system="Boot partition (MidnightBSD) ";;
    5ae4d5857c23e111b4b3e89a8f7fc3a7)  system="Data partition (MidnightBSD)";;
    5be4d5857c23e111b4b3e89a8f7fc3a7)  system="Swap partition (MidnightBSD)";;
    8bef94037e23e111b4b3e89a8f7fc3a7)  system="Unix File System (UFS) partition (MidnightBSD)";;
    5ce4d5857c23e111b4b3e89a8f7fc3a7)  system="Vinum volume manager partition (MidnightBSD)";;
    5de4d5857c23e111b4b3e89a8f7fc3a7)  system="ZFS partition (MidnightBSD)";;

                   *)  system='-';
                       echo 'Unknown GPT Partiton Type' >> ${Unknown_MBR};
                       echo  ${type} >> ${Unknown_MBR};;   

  echo "${system}";

## Function which inserts a comma every third digit of a number. ##

InsertComma () {
  echo $1 | sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta';

## Function to read 4 bytes starting at $1 of device $2 and convert result to decimal. ##

Read4Bytes () {
  local start=$1 device=$2;

  echo $(hexdump -v -s ${start} -n 4 -e '4 "%u"' ${device});

## Function to read 8 bytes starting at $1 of device $2 and convert result to decimal. ##

Read8Bytes () {
  local start=$1 device=$2;
  local first4 second4;

  # Get ${first4} and ${second4} bytes at once.
  eval $(hexdump -v -s ${start} -n 8 -e '1/4 "first4=%u; " 1/4 "second4=%u"' ${device});

  echo $(( ${second4} * 4294967296 + ${first4} ));

## Functions to pretty print blkid output. ##

BlkidFormat='%-16s %-38s %-10s %s\n';

BlkidTag () {
  echo $(blkid -s $2 -o value $1 2>> ${Trash});

PrintBlkid () {
  local part=$1 suffix=$2;

  if [ x"$(blkid ${part} 2> ${Tmp_Log})" != x'' ] ; then
     printf "${BlkidFormat}" "${part}" "$(BlkidTag ${part} UUID)" "$(BlkidTag ${part} TYPE)" "$(BlkidTag ${part} LABEL)" >> ${BLKID}${suffix};
     # blkid -p is not available on all systems.
     # This contructs makes sure the "usage" message is not displayed, but catches the "ambivalent" error.
     blkid -p "${part}" 2>&1 | grep "^${part}" >> ${BLKID}${suffix};

## Read and display the partition table and check the partition table for errors. ##
#   This function can be applied iteratively so extended partiton tables can also be processed.
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1: HI         = HI of hard drive
#   - arg 2: StartEx    = start sector of the extended Partition
#   - arg 3: N          = number of partitions in table (4 for regular PT, 2 for logical
#   - arg 4: PT_file    = file for storing the partition table
#   - arg 5: format     = display format to use for displaying the partition table
#   - arg 6: EPI        = PI of the primary extended partition containing the extended partition.
#                         ( equals ""  for hard drive)
#   - arg 7: LinuxIndex = Last linux index assigned (the number in sdXY).

ReadPT () {
  local HI=$1 StartEx=$2 N=$3 PT_file=$4 format=$5 EPI=$6 Base_Sector;
  local LinuxIndex=$7 boot size start end type drive system;
  local i=0 boot_hex label limit MBRSig;


  dd if=${drive} skip=${StartEx} of=${Tmp_Log} count=1 2>> ${Trash};

  MBRSig=$(hexdump -v -s 510 -n 2 -e '"%04x"' ${Tmp_Log});

  [[ "${MBRSig}" != 'aa55' ]] && echo 'Invalid MBR Signature found.' >> ${PT_file};

  if [[ ${StartEx} -lt ${limit} ]] ; then
     # set Base_Sector to 0 for hard drive, and to the start sector of the
     # primary extended partition otherwise.
     [[ x"${EPI}" = x'' ]] && Base_Sector=0 || Base_Sector=${StartArray[${EPI}]};

     for (( i=0; i < N; i++ )) ; do
       dd if=${drive} skip=${StartEx} of=${Tmp_Log} count=1 2>> ${Trash};

       boot_hex=$(hexdump -v -s $((446+16*${i})) -n 1 -e '"%02x"' ${Tmp_Log});

       case ${boot_hex} in
        00) boot=' ';;
        80) boot='* ';;
         *) boot='?';;

       # Get amd set: partition type, partition start, and partition size.
       eval $(hexdump -v -s $((450+16*${i})) -n 12 -e '1/1 "type=%x; " 3/1 "tmp=%x; " 1/4 "start=%u; " 1/4 "size=%u"' ${Tmp_Log});

       if [[ ${size} -ne 0 ]] ; then
      if ( ( [ "${type}" = '5' ] || [ "${type}" = 'f' ] ) && [ ${Base_Sector} -ne 0 ] ) ; then
         # start sector of an extended partition is relative to the
         # start sector of an primary extended partition.

         if [[ ${i} -eq 0 ]] ; then
            echo 'Extended partition linking to another extended partition.' >> ${PT_file};

         ReadPT ${HI} ${start} 2 ${PT_file} "${format}" ${EPI} ${LinuxIndex};

         if [[ "${type}" = '5' || "${type}" = 'f' ]] ; then
            # Start sector of a logical partition is relative to the
            # start sector of directly assocated extented partition.
            [[ ${Base_Sector} -eq 0 ]] && KindArray[${PI}]='P' || KindArray[${PI}]='L';


         [[ "${HDPT[${HI}]}" = 'BootIt' ]] && label="${NamesArray[${EPI}]}_" || label=${drive};

         system=$(HexToSystem ${type});

         printf "${format}" "${label}${LinuxIndex}" "${boot}" $(InsertComma ${start}) "$(InsertComma ${end})" "$(InsertComma ${size})" "${type}" "${system}" >> ${PT_file};


             ( [[ x"${EPI}" = x'' ]] || [[ x"${DeviceArray[${EPI}]}" != x'' ]] ) && DeviceArray[${PI}]=${drive}${LinuxIndex};

         if [[ "${type}" = '5' || "${type}" = 'f' ]] ; then
            ReadPT ${HI} ${start} 2 ${PT_file} "${format}" ${PI} 4;
       elif ( [ ${Base_Sector} -ne 0 ]  && [ ${i} -eq 0 ] ) ; then
      echo 'Empty Partition.' >> ${PT_file};
    echo 'EBR refers to a location outside the hard drive.' >> ${PT_file};

## Read the GPT partition table (GUID, EFI) ##
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1: HI       = HI of hard drive
#   - arg 2: GPT_file = file for storing the GPT partition table

ReadEFI () {
  local HI=$1 GPT_file=$2 drive size N=0 i=0 format label PRStart start end type size system;
  local attrs attrstr attrs_other j;

  format='%-10s %5s %14s%14s%14s %s\n';

  printf "${format}" 'Partition' 'Attrs' 'Start Sector' 'End Sector' '# of Sectors' 'System' >> ${GPT_file};

  HDStart[${HI}]=$( Read8Bytes 552 ${drive});
  HDEnd[${HI}]=$(   Read8Bytes 560 ${drive});
  HDUUID[${HI}]=$(  hexdump -v -s 568 -n 16 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${drive});
  PRStart=$(        Read8Bytes 584 ${drive});
  N=$(              Read4Bytes 592 ${drive});
  PRStart=$((       ${PRStart}*512));
  PRSize=$(         Read4Bytes 596 ${drive});

  for (( i = 0; i < N; i++ )) ; do
    type=$(hexdump -v -s $((${PRStart}+${PRSize}*${i})) -n 16 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${drive});

    if [ "${type}" != '00000000000000000000000000000000' ] ; then

       start=$(Read8Bytes $((${PRStart}+32+${PRSize}*${i})) ${drive});
       end=$(  Read8Bytes $((${PRStart}+40+${PRSize}*${i})) ${drive});

       system=$(UUIDToSystem ${type});

       # Partition attributes are 8 bytes long and bash arithmetic is signed.
       # High bits are used by Windows which automatically overflows computed
       # 64 bit number. As we are interested in low bits only, just check it
       # and output the rest verbatim if present.
       attrs=$(hexdump -v -s $((${PRStart}+48+${PRSize}*${i})) -n 1 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${drive});
       attrs_other=$(hexdump -v -s $((${PRStart}+49+${PRSize}*${i})) -n 7 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${drive});

       if (( 0x${attrs} & 1 )) ; then
          attrstr=' ';

       if (( 0x${attrs} & 2 )) ; then
          attrstr=" ${attrstr}";

       if (( 0x${attrs} & 4 )) ; then
          attrstr=" ${attrstr}";

       if (( 0x${attrs} & 8 )) || [ ${attrs_other} != '00000000000000' ] ; then
          echo                                     >> ${Unknown_MBR};
          echo  "${label}: unknown GPT attributes" >> ${Unknown_MBR};
          for (( j = 12; j >= 0; j -= 2 )) ; do
         printf '%s' ${attrs_other:j:2}        >> ${Unknown_MBR}
      echo ${attrs}                            >> ${Unknown_MBR}

       printf "${format}" "${label}" "${attrstr}" "$(InsertComma ${start})" "$(InsertComma ${end})" "$(InsertComma ${size})" "${system}"  >> ${GPT_file};

  echo >> ${GPT_file};
  echo 'Attributes: R=Required, N=No Block IO, B=Legacy BIOS Bootable, +=More bits set' >> ${GPT_file};

## Read the Master Partition Table of BootIt NG. ##
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1: HI       = HI of hard drive
#   - arg 2: MPT_file = file for storing the MPT

ReadEMBR () {
  local HI=$1 MPT_file=$2 drive size N=0 i=0 BINGIndex label start end type format;
  local BINGUnknown system StoredPI FirstPI=${FirstPartition[$1]} LastPI=${PI} New;

  format='%-18s %4s%14s%14s%14s %3s %-15s %3s %2s\n';

  printf "${format}" 'Partition' 'Boot' 'Start Sector' 'End Sector' '# of Sectors' 'Id' 'System' 'Ind' '?' >> ${MPT_file};

  N=$(hexdump -v -s 534 -n 1 -e '"%u"' ${drive});

  for (( i = 0;  i < N; i++ )) ; do
    BINGUnknown=$(hexdump -v -s $((541+28*${i})) -n 1 -e '"%x"' ${drive});
    start=$(      hexdump -v -s $((542+28*${i})) -n 4 -e '4 "%u"' ${drive});
    end=$(        hexdump -v -s $((546+28*${i})) -n 4 -e '4 "%u"' ${drive});
    BINGIndex=$(  hexdump -v -s $((550+28*${i})) -n 1 -e '"%u"' ${drive});
    type=$(       hexdump -v -s $((551+28*${i})) -n 1 -e '"%x"' ${drive});
    size=$((      ${end}-${start}+1));
    label=$(      hexdump -v -s $((552+28*${i})) -n 15 -e '"%_u"' ${drive}| sed -e 's/nul[^$]*//');
    system=$(     HexToSystem ${type});

    printf "${format}" "${label}" "-" "$(InsertComma ${start})" "$(InsertComma ${end})" "$(InsertComma ${size})" "${type}" "${system}" "${BINGIndex}" "${BINGUnknown}" >> ${MPT_file};


    for (( j = FirstPI; j <= LastPI; j++ )); do
      if (( ${StartArray[${j}]} == ${start} )) ; then 
    if [ ${New} -eq 1 ] ; then

    if ( [ ${type} = 'f' ] || [ ${type} = '5' ] ) ; then
       ReadPT ${HI} ${start} 2 ${MPT_file} "${format}" ${PI} 4;  



## Check partition table for errors. ##
#  This function checks whether:
#    - there are any overlapping partitions
#    - the logical partitions are inside the extended partition
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1: PI_first  = PI of first partition to consider
#   - arg 2: PI_last   = PI of last partition to consider
#   - arg 3: CHK_file  = file for the error messages
#   - arg 4: HI        = HI of containing hard drive

CheckPT () {
  local PI_first=$1 PI_last=$2 CHK_file=$3 HI=$4;
  local Si Ei Sj Ej Ki Kj i j k cyl track head cyl_bound sec_bound;

  cyl_bound=$((cyl * track * head));

  for (( i = PI_first; i <= PI_last; i++ )); do

    if [[ "${Ei}" -gt "${sec_bound}" ]] ; then
       echo "${Ni} ends after the last sector of ${HDName[${HI}]}" >> ${CHK_file};
    elif [[ "${Ei}" -gt "${cyl_bound}" ]] ; then
       echo "${Ni} ends after the last cylinder of ${HDName[${HI}]}" >> ${Trash};

    if [[ ${Ki} = "L" ]] ; then
       [[ ${Si} -le ${Sk} || ${Ei} -gt ${Ek} ]] &&  echo "the logical partition ${Ni} is not contained in the extended partition ${Nk}" >> ${CHK_file};

    for (( j = i+1; j <= PI_last; j++ )); do

      ( !( ( [ "${Ki}" = 'L' ] && [ "${Kj}" = 'E' ] )  || ( [ "${Ki}" = 'E' ] && [ "${Kj}" = 'L' ] ) )  \
    && ( ( [ "${Si}" -lt "${Sj}" ] && [ "${Sj}" -lt "${Ei}" ] )  || ( [ "${Sj}" -lt "${Si}" ] && [ "${Si}" -lt "${Ej}" ] ) ) )  \
    && echo "${Ni} overlaps with ${Nj}" >> ${CHK_file};


## Syslinux ##
#   Determine the exact Syslinux version ("SYSLINUX - version - date"), display
#   the offset to the second stage, check the internal checksum (if not correct,
#   the ldlinux.sys file, probably moved), display the directory to which
#   Syslinux is installed.

syslinux_info () {
  local partition=$1;

  # Magic number used by Syslinux:
  local LDLINUX_MAGIC='fe02b23e';

  local sect1ptr0_offset sect1ptr0 sect1ptr1 tmp;
  local magic_offset syslinux_version syslinux_dir;

  # Patch area variables:
  local pa_version pa_size pa_hexdump_format pa_magic pa_instance pa_data_sectors;
  local pa_adv_sectors pa_dwords pa_checksum pa_maxtransfer pa_epaoffset;
  local pa_ldl_sectors pa_dir_inode;

  # Extended patch area variables:
  local epa_size epa_hexdump_format epa_advptroffset epa_diroffset epa_dirlen;
  local epa_subvoloffset epa_subvollen epa_secptroffset epa_secptrcnt;
  local epa_sect1ptr0 epa_sect1ptr1 epa_raidpatch epa_syslinuxbanner;

  # ADV magic numbers:
  local ADV_MAGIC_HEAD='a52f2d5a';        # Head signature
  local ADV_MAGIC_TAIL='64bf28dd';        # Tail signature
  local ADV_MAGIC_CHECKSUM=$((0xa3041767));    # Magic used for calculation ADV checksum

  # ADV variables:
  local ADVoffset ADV_calculated_checksum ADV_read_checksum ADVentry_offset;
  local tag='999' tag_len label;

  local csum;

  # Clear previous Syslinux message string.

  # Read first 512 bytes of partition and convert to hex (ldlinux.bss)
  LDLINUX_BSS=$(hexdump -v -n512 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${partition});

  # Look for LDLINUX_MAGIC: bytes 504-507
  if [ "${LDLINUX_BSS:1008:8}" = "${LDLINUX_MAGIC}" ] ; then
     # Syslinux 4.04-pre5 and higher.
     pa_version=4;     # Syslinux 4.xx patch area

     # The offset of Sect1Load in LDLINUX_BSS can be found by doing a
     # bitwise XOR of bytes 508-509 (little endian) with 0x1b << 9.
     # sect1ptr0_offset starts 2 bytes furter than Sect1Load.
     sect1ptr0_offset=$(( ( 0x${LDLINUX_BSS:1018:2}${LDLINUX_BSS:1016:2} ^ ( 0x1b << 9 ) ) + 2 ));

     # Get "boot sector offset" (in sectors) of sector 1 ptr LSW: sect1ptr0
     # Get "boot sector offset" (in sectors) of sector 1 ptr MSW: sect1ptr1
     eval $(hexdump -v -s ${sect1ptr0_offset} -n 10 -e '1/4 "sect1ptr0=%u; " 1/2 "tmp=%u; " 1/4 "sect1ptr1=%u;"' ${partition});

     # Check if bytes 508-509 = "7f00".
     if [ "${LDLINUX_BSS:1016:4}" = '7f00' ] ; then
    # Syslinux 3.xx
    pa_version=3;     # Syslinux 3.xx patch area

    # Get "boot sector offset" (in sectors) of sector 1 ptr LSW: sect1ptr0
    eval $(hexdump -v -s 504 -n 4 -e '1/4 "sect1ptr0=%u;"' ${partition});
    # Syslinux 4.00 - Syslinux 4.04-pre4.
    pa_version=4;     # Syslinux 4.xx patch area

    # Search for offset to sect1ptr0 (only found in Syslinux 4.xx)
    #   66 b8 xx xx xx xx 66 ba xx xx xx xx bb 00
    #         [sect1ptr0]       [sect1ptr1]
    # Start searching for this hex string after the DOS superblock: byte 0x5a = 90
    eval $(echo ${LDLINUX_BSS:180:844} \
        | ${AWK} '{ mask_offset=match($0,"66b8........66ba........bb00"); \
        if (mask_offset == "0") { print "sect1ptr0_offset=0;" } \
        else { print "sect1ptr0_offset=" (mask_offset -1 ) / 2 + 2 + 90 } }');

    if [ ${sect1ptr0_offset} -ne 0 ] ; then
       # Syslinux 4.00 - Syslinux 4.04-pre4.

       # Get "boot sector offset" (in sectors) of sector 1 ptr LSW: sect1ptr0
       # Get "boot sector offset" (in sectors) of sector 1 ptr MSW: sect1ptr1
       eval $(hexdump -v -s ${sect1ptr0_offset} -n 10 -e '1/4 "sect1ptr0=%u; " 1/2 "tmp=%u; " 1/4 "sect1ptr1=%u;"' ${partition});
       Syslinux_Msg='No evidence that this is realy a Syslinux boot sector.';

  Syslinux_Msg="Syslinux looks at sector ${sect1ptr0} of ${partition} for its second stage.";

  # Start reading 0.5MiB (more than enough) from second sector of the Syslinux
  # bootloader (= first sector of ldlinux.sys).
  dd if=${partition} of=${Tmp_Log} skip=${sect1ptr0} count=1000 bs=512 2>> ${Trash};

  # Get second sector of the Syslinux bootloader (= first sector of ldlinux.sys)
  # and convert to hex.
  LDLINUX_SECTOR2=$(hexdump -v -n 512 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${Tmp_Log});

  # Look for LDLINUX_MAGIC (8 bytes aligned) in sector 2 of the Syslinux bootloader.
  for (( magic_offset = $((0x10)); magic_offset < $((0x50)); magic_offset = magic_offset + 8 )); do
    if [ "${LDLINUX_SECTOR2:$(( ${magic_offset} * 2 )):8}" = ${LDLINUX_MAGIC} ] ; then

       if [ ${pa_version} -eq 4 ] ; then
      # Syslinux 4.xx patch area.

      # Patch area size: 4+4+2+2+4+4+2+2 = 4*4 + 4*2 = 24 bytes

      # Get pa_magic, pa_instance, pa_data_sectors, pa_adv_sectors, pa_dwords, pa_checksum, pa_maxtransfer and pa_epaoffset.
      pa_hexdump_format='1/4 "pa_magic=0x%04x; " 1/4 "pa_instance=0x%04x; " 1/2 "pa_data_sectors=%u; " 1/2 "pa_adv_sectors=%u; " 1/4 "pa_dwords=0x%u; " 1/4 "pa_checksum=0x%04x; " 1/2 "pa_maxtransfer=%u; " 1/2 "pa_epaoffset=%u;"';

      eval $(hexdump -v -s ${magic_offset} -n ${pa_size} -e "${pa_hexdump_format}" ${Tmp_Log});

      # Syslinux 3.xx patch area.

      # Patch area size: 4+4+2+2+4+4 = 4*4 + 2*2 = 20 bytes

      # Get pa_magic, pa_instance, pa_dwords, pa_ldl_sectors and pa_checksum.
      #  - pa_dwords:    Total dwords starting at ldlinux_sys not including ADVs.
      #  - pa_ldl_sectors:    Number of sectors - (bootsec + sector2) but including any ADVs.
      pa_hexdump_format='1/4 "pa_magic=0x%04x; " 1/4 "pa_instance=0x%04x; " 1/2 "pa_dwords=%u; " 1/2 "pa_ldl_sectors=%u; " 1/4 "pa_checksum=0x%04x; " 1/4 "pa_dir_inode=%u;"';

      eval $(hexdump -v -s ${magic_offset} -n ${pa_size} -e "${pa_hexdump_format}" ${Tmp_Log});

      # Calulate pa_data_sectors: number of sectors (not including ldlinux.bss = first sector of Syslinux).
      #  - divide by 128 (128 dwords / 512 byte sector)
      pa_data_sectors=$(( ${pa_dwords} / 128 ));

      # If total dwords is not exactly a multiple of 128, round up the number of sectors (add 1).
      if [ $(( ${pa_dwords}%128 )) -ne 0 ] ; then
         pa_data_sectors=$(( ${pa_data_sectors} + 1 ));

      # Some Syslinux 4.00-pre?? releases are different:
      #  - have Syslinux 3.xx signature: bytes 508-509 = "7f00".
      #  - have the "boot sector offset" (in sectors) of sector 1 ptr LSW (bytes 504-507)
      #    for sect1ptr0, like Syslinux 3.xx.
      #  - have like Syslinux 4.xx, the same location for pa_data_sectors.
      # If pa_dwords is less than 1024, it contains the value of pa_data_sectors:
      #  - if less and pa_words would really be pa_words:        ldlinux.sys would be smaller than 4 kiB
      #  - if more and pa_words would really be pa_data_sectors:    ldlinux.sys would be more than 500 kiB

      if [ ${pa_dwords} -lt 1024 ] ; then


       # Get the "SYSLINUX - version - date" string.
       syslinux_version=$(hexdump -v -e '"%_p"' -s 2 -n $(( ${magic_offset} - 2 )) ${Tmp_Log});
       syslinux_version="${syslinux_version% \.*}";

       # Overwrite the "boot sector type" variable, which was set before calling this function,
       # with a more exact Syslinux version number.

       # Check integrity of Syslinux:
       #  - Checksum starting at ldlinux.sys, stopping before the ADV part.
       #  - checksum start = LDLINUX_MAGIC - [sum of dwords].
       #  - add each dword to the checksum value.
       #  - the value of the checksum after adding all dwords of ldlinux.sys should be 0.

       csum=$(hexdump -v -n $(( ${pa_data_sectors} * 512)) -e '/4 "%u\n"' ${Tmp_Log} \
        | ${AWK} 'BEGIN { csum=4294967296-1051853566 } { csum=(csum + $1)%4294967296 } END {print csum}' );

       if [ ${csum} -ne 0 ] ; then
      Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} The integrity check of Syslinux failed.";

       if [ ${pa_version} -eq 4 ] ; then
      # Extended patch area size: 11*2 = 22 bytes

      # Get epa_advptroffset, epa_diroffset, epa_dirlen, epa_subvoloffset, epa_subvollen,
      # epa_secptroffset, epa_secptrcnt, epa_sect1ptr0, epa_sect1ptr1 and epa_raidpatch.
      epa_hexdump_format='1/2 "epa_advptroffset=%u; " 1/2 "epa_diroffset=%u; " 1/2 "epa_dirlen=%u; " 1/2 "epa_subvoloffset=%u; " 1/2 "epa_subvollen=%u; " 1/2 "epa_secptroffset=%u; " 1/2 "epa_secptrcnt=%u; " 1/2 "epa_sect1ptr0=%u; " 1/2 "epa_sect1ptr1=%u; " 1/2 "epa_raidpatch=%u; " 1/2 "epa_syslinuxbanner=%u;"';

      eval $(hexdump -v -s ${pa_epaoffset} -n ${epa_size} -e "${epa_hexdump_format}" ${Tmp_Log});

      # Get the Syslinux install directory.
      syslinux_dir=$(hexdump -v -e '"%_p"' -s ${epa_diroffset} -n ${epa_dirlen} ${Tmp_Log});

      Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} ${syslinux_version:0:8} is installed in the ${syslinux_dir} directory.";

      # In Syslinux 4.04 and higher, the whole Syslinux banner is not in the first sector of ldlinux.sys.
      # Only the "SYSLINUX - version" string is still located in the first sector.
      # epa_syslinuxbanner points to the whole "SYSLINUX - version - date" string.

      if [ ${epa_syslinuxbanner} -lt $(( ${pa_data_sectors} * 512 )) ] ; then
         # Get the "SYSLINUX - version - date" string.
         tmp=$(hexdump -v -e '"%_p"' -s $(( ${epa_syslinuxbanner} + 2 )) -n 100 ${Tmp_Log});

         # Check if we have Syslinux 4.04 or higher, which suppport the epa_syslinuxbanner field
         # by comparing the first 8 bytes ("SYSLINUX") of the Syslinux banner from sector 1 with
         # the 8 bytes to which epa_syslinuxbanner points.

         if [ x"${tmp:0:8}" = x"${syslinux_version:0:8}" ] ; then
            syslinux_version="${tmp%%\.No DEFAULT*}";

            # Overwrite the "boot sector type" variable, which was set before calling this function,
            # with a more exact Syslinux version number.

      # ADV stuff starts here.

      if [ ${pa_adv_sectors} -ne 2 ] ; then
         Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} There are ${pa_adv_sectors} ADV sectors instead of 2.";

      # Get the ADV offset.
      ADVoffset=$(( pa_data_sectors * 512 ));

      # Get the ADV.
      ADV_2SECTORS=$(hexdump -v -s ${ADVoffset} -n 1024 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${Tmp_Log});

      # Check if the 2 ADV sectors are exactly the same.
      if [ "${ADV_2SECTORS:0:1024}" != "${ADV_2SECTORS:1024:1024}" ] ; then
         Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} The 2 ADV sectors are not the same (corrupt).";

      # Check if the ADV area contains the ADV head and tail magic.
      if ( [ "${ADV_2SECTORS:0:8}" = "${ADV_MAGIC_HEAD}" ] && [ "${ADV_2SECTORS:1016:8}" = "${ADV_MAGIC_TAIL}" ] ) ; then

         # Caculate the ADV checksum.
         ADV_calculated_checksum=$(hexdump -v -s $(( ${ADVoffset} + 8 )) -n $((512 - 3*4)) -e '/4 "%u\n"' ${Tmp_Log} \
                     | ${AWK} 'BEGIN { csum='${ADV_MAGIC_CHECKSUM}' } { csum=(csum - $1 + 4294967296)%4294967296 } END { print csum }');

         ADV_read_checksum=$(hexdump -s $(( ${ADVoffset} + 4 )) -n 4 -e '/4 "%u\n"' ${Tmp_Log});

         if [ ${ADV_calculated_checksum} -eq ${ADV_read_checksum} ] ; then 

        # Get the info stored in the ADV area:
        # maximum 2 entries can be stored in the ADV, which have the following layout:
        #   - byte 1             : tag    ==> 0 = no entry, 1 = boot-once entry, 2 = menu-save entry
        #   - byte 2             : tag_len    ==> length of label string
        #   - byte 3 - (3 + tag_len) : label    ==> label name that will be used

        # First entry starts a offset 8.

        until eval $(hexdump -s $(( ${ADVoffset} + ${ADVentry_offset} )) -n $((512 - 3*4)) \
                 -e '1/1 "tag=%u; " 1/1 "tag_len=%u; label='\''" 498 "%_p"' ${Tmp_Log};
               printf "'");
              [ ${tag} -eq 0 ] ; do

          if [ ${tag_len} -gt 0 ] ; then

          case ${tag} in
            1) Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} ${syslinux_version:0:8}'s ADV is set to boot label \"${label}\" next boot only.";;
            2) Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} ${syslinux_version:0:8}'s ADV is set to boot label \"${label}\" by default.";;

          # Adjust the ADVentry_offset, so it points to the next entry.
          ADVentry_offset=$(( ${ADVentry_offset} + ${tag_len} + 2 ));

        Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} The integrity check of the ADV area failed.";
         Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} The ADV head and tail magic bytes were not found.";


  # LDLINUX_MAGIC not found.
  Syslinux_Msg="${Syslinux_Msg} It is very unlikely that Syslinux is (still) installed. The second stage could not be found.";


## Grub Legacy ##
#   Determine the embeded location of stage 2 in a stage 1 file,
#   look for the stage 2 and, if found, determine the
#   the location and the path of the embedded menu.lst.

stage2_loc () {
  local stage1="$1" HI;

  offset=$(hexdump -v -s 68 -n 4 -e '4 "%u"' "${stage1}");
  dr=$(hexdump -v -s 64 -n 1 -e '1/1 "%u"' "${stage1}");

  for HI in ${!HDName[@]}; do

    if [ ${offset} -lt  ${HDSize[HI]} ] ; then
       tmp=$(dd if=${hdd} skip=${offset} count=1 2>> ${Trash} | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '"%x"');

       if [[ "${tmp}" = '3be5652' || "${tmp}" = 'bf5e5652' ]] ; then
      # stage2 files were found.
      dd if=${hdd} skip=$((offset+1)) count=1 of=${Tmp_Log} 2>> ${Trash};
      pa=$(hexdump -v -s 10 -n 1 -e '"%d"' ${Tmp_Log});
      Grub_String=$(hexdump -v -s 18 -n 94 -e '"%_u"' ${Tmp_Log});
      Grub_Version=$(echo ${Grub_String} | sed -e 's/nul[^$]*//');
      menu=$(echo ${Grub_String} | sed -e 's/[^\/]*//' -e 's/nul[^$]*//');
      menu=${menu%% *};

  Stage2_Msg="looks at sector ${offset}";       

  if [ "${dr}" -eq 128 ] ; then
     Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg} of the same hard drive";
     Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg} on boot drive #${dr}";

  Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg} for the stage2 file";
  if [ "${pa}" = "T" ] ; then
     # no stage 2 file found.
     Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg}, but no stage2 files can be found at this location.";
     Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg}.  A stage2 file is at this location on ${stage2_hdd}.  Stage2 looks on";
     if [ "${pa}" -eq 256 ] ; then
    Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg} the same partition";
    Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg} partition #${pa}";

     Stage2_Msg="${Stage2_Msg} for ${menu}.";

## Grub2 ##
#   Collect fragments of core.img using information encoded in the first
#   block (diskboot.img).

grub2_read_blocklist () {
  local hdd="$1";
  local core_img_file="$2";

  local sector_nr_low sector_nr_high sector_nr fragment_size;
  local fragment_offset=1 block_list=500;

  # Assemble fragments from "hdd" passed to grub2_info.
  # Each block list entry is 12 bytes long and consists of
  #   8 bytes = fragment start absolute disk offset in sectors of 512 bytes
  #   2 bytes = fragment size in sectors of 512 bytes
  #   2 bytes = memory segment to load fragment into
  # Entries start at the end of the first sector of core.img and
  # go down. End marker is all zeroes.
  # Blocklists were changed to 64 bit in 2006, so all versions BIS detects
  # should have it.
  # Older versions of hexdump do not support 8 byte integers, so read
  # high and low words separately.
  while [ ${block_list} -gt 12 ] ; do
     sector_nr_low=$(hexdump -v -n 4 -s ${block_list} -e '1/4 "%u"' ${core_img_file});
     sector_nr_high=$(hexdump -v -n 4 -s $((block_list+4)) -e '1/4 "%u"' ${core_img_file});
     let "sector_nr = (sector_nr_high << 32) + sector_nr_low";
     if [ ${sector_nr} -eq 0 ] ; then

     fragment_size=$(hexdump -v -n 2 -s $((block_list+8)) -e '1/2 "%u"' ${core_img_file});

     dd if="${hdd}" of=${core_img_file} skip=${sector_nr} seek=${fragment_offset} count=${fragment_size} 2>> ${Trash} || return;
     let "fragment_offset += fragment_size";
     let "block_list -= 12";

## Grub2 ##
#   Determine the embeded module name. This function implements manual
#   parsing of ELF information to avoid dependency on binutils or similar.

grub2_modname ()
  local modfile=$1;
  local file_size=$2;
  local e_ehsize sht_offset sht_entsize sht_num sht_shdrndx sht_strtab;
  local sht_strtabsize s_nameidx s_type s_name m_offset m_size;
  local i=0;

  # ELF header is at least 52 bytes in size
  if [ "${file_size}" -lt 52 ] ; then

  # ELF Magic + CLASS32 + LSB + VERSION
  if [ "$(hexdump -n 7 -e '4/1 "%02x" 3/1 "%x"' "${modfile}")" != '7f454c46111' ] ; then

  if [ "$(hexdump -s 16 -n 8 -e '2/2 "%x" 1/4 "%x"' "${modfile}")" != '131' ] ; then

  # ELF header size
  e_ehsize=$(hexdump -s 40 -n 2 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}")
  if [ "${e_ehsize}" -lt 52 -o "${e_ehsize}" -gt "${file_size}" ] ; then

  # Offset of section headers table
  sht_offset=$(hexdump -s 32 -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}")
  if [ "${sht_offset}" -lt "${e_ehsize}" -o "${sht_offset}" -ge "${file_size}" ] ; then

  # Size of section header
  sht_entsize=$(hexdump -s 46 -n 2 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}")

  # Number of section headers
  sht_num=$(hexdump -s 48 -n 2 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}")
  if [ "${sht_entsize}" -eq 0 -o "${sht_num}" -eq 0 -o $((sht_offset + sht_entsize*sht_num)) -gt "${file_size}" ] ; then

  # Index of section names string table
  sht_shdrndx=$(hexdump -s 50 -n 2 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}")
  if [ "${sht_shdrndx}" -ge "${sht_num}" ] ; then

  # Offset of section names string table
  sht_strtab=$(hexdump -s $((sht_offset + $((sht_shdrndx*sht_entsize)) + 16))  -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}");
  if [ "${sht_strtab}" -lt "${e_ehsize}" -o "${sht_strtab}" -ge "${file_size}" ] ; then

  # Size of section names string table
  sht_strtabsize=$(hexdump -s $((sht_offset + $((sht_shdrndx*sht_entsize)) + 20))  -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}");
  if [ "${sht_strtabsize}" -eq 0 -o "${sht_strtabsize}" -gt "$((file_size-sht_strtab))" ] ; then

  while [ "${i}" -lt $((sht_entsize*sht_num)) ] ; do
    s_nameidx=$(hexdump -s $((sht_offset + i))  -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}");
    if [ "${s_nameidx}" -lt "${sht_strtabsize}" ] ; then
      s_type=$(hexdump -s $((sht_offset + i + 4))  -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}");
      # PROGBITS
      if [ "${s_type}" -eq 1 ] ; then
    s_name=$(hexdump -s $((sht_strtab + s_nameidx))  -n "${sht_strtabsize}" -e "1/${sht_strtabsize} \"%s\"" "${modfile}");
    if [ "${s_name}" = '.modname' ] ; then
      m_offset=$(hexdump -s $((sht_offset + i + 16))  -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}");
      m_size=$(hexdump -s $((sht_offset + i + 20))  -n 4 -e '"%u"' "${modfile}");
      if [ $((m_offset + m_size)) -lt "${file_size}" ] ; then
        hexdump -s "${m_offset}"  -n "${m_size}" -e "/${m_size} \"%s\"" "${modfile}";
    : $((i+=sht_entsize))

  # Display "???" as indication that parsing failed
  printf '%s' '???'

## Grub2 ##
#   Determine the (embeded) location of core.img for a Grub2 boot.img file,
#   determine the path of the grub2 directory and look for an embedded config file.

grub2_info () {
  local stage1="$1" hdd="$2";

  # When $grub2_version is "1.99-2.00", we want to override this value
  # with a more exact value later (needs to be a global variable).

  # Have we got plain file or need to collect full core.img from blocklists?
  local core_source="$4";

  local sector_offset drive_offset directory_offset sector_nr drive_nr drive_nr_hex;
  local partition core_dir embedded_config HI magic core_img_found=0 embedded_config_found=0;
  local total_module_size kernel_image_size compressed_size offset_lzma lzma_uncompressed_size;
  local grub_module_info_offset grub_module_magic grub_modules_offset grub_modules_size;
  local grub_module_type grub_module_size grub_module_header_offset grub_modules_end_offset;
  local lzma_compressed_size reed_solomon_redundancy reed_solomon_length boot_dev boot_drive;
  local core_img_flavour='detect' modname all_modules need_core_prologue=0;
  local grub_module_header_next;

  > ${core_img_file_type_2}

  case "${grub2_version}" in
    1.96) sector_offset='68';  drive_offset='76'; directory_offset='553';;
    1.97-1.98) sector_offset='92';  drive_offset='100'; directory_offset='540';;
    1.99|1.99-2.00|2.00) sector_offset='92';  drive_offset='100';;

  # Offset to core.img (in sectors).
  sector_nr=$(hexdump -v -s ${sector_offset} -n 4 -e '4 "%u"' "${stage1}" 2>> ${Trash});

  # BIOS drive number on which grub2 looks for its second stage (=core.img):
  #   - "0xff" means that grub2 will use the BIOS drive number passed via the DL register.
  #   - if this value isn't "0xff", that value will used instead.
  # Since version 1.97 GRUB2 is using only 0xff. We cannot reliably determine BIOS numbers
  # anyway, so just skip core.img detection in this case.
  drive_nr_hex=$(hexdump -v -s ${drive_offset} -n 1 -e '"0x%02x"' "${stage1}" 2>> ${Trash});
  drive_nr=$(( ${drive_nr_hex} - 127 ));

  if [ "${drive_nr_hex}" != '0xff' ] ; then
    Grub2_Msg="is configured to load core.img from BIOS drive ${drive_nr} (${drive_nr_hex}) instead of using the boot drive passed by the BIOS";

  Grub2_Msg="looks at sector ${sector_nr} of the same hard drive for core.img";

  for HI in ${!HDName[@]} ; do
    # If the drive name passed to grub2_info matches the drive name of the current
    # value of HDName, see if the sector offset to core.img is smaller than the
    # total number of sectors of that drive.

    if [ ${hdd} = ${HDName[${HI}]} ] ; then
       if [ ${sector_nr} -lt ${HDSize[HI]} ] ; then

      if [ "${core_source}" = 'file' ] ; then
         # Use "file" passed to grub2_info directly.
         dd if="${stage1}" of=${core_img_file} skip=${sector_nr} count=1024 2>> ${Trash};
         # Use "hdd" passed to grub2_info.
         # First make sure to collect core.img fragments. Read the first block of
         # core.img and assemble it further from blocklists
         dd if="${hdd}" of=${core_img_file} skip=${sector_nr} count=1 2>> ${Trash};
         grub2_read_blocklist "${hdd}" ${core_img_file};

      magic=$(hexdump -v -n 4 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${core_img_file});

      # 5256be1b - upstream diskboot.S
      # 5256be6f - unknown
      # 52e82801 - Ubuntu diskboot.S with conditional message
      # 52bff481 - RHEL7 diskboot.S with patched out message
      # 5256be63 - trustedgrub2 1.4
      # 5256be56 - diskboot.S with mjg TPM patches (e.g. in openSUSE Tumbleweed)

      case "${magic}" in

      if [ ${core_img_found} -eq 1 ] ; then

         if ( [ "${grub2_version}" = '1.99' ] || [ "${grub2_version}" = '1.99-2.00' ] || [ "${grub2_version}" = '2.00' ] ) ; then
        # Find the last 8 bytes of lzma_decode to find the offset of the lzma_stream:
        #   - v1.99: "d1 e9 df fe ff ff 00 00"
        #   - v2.00: "d1 e9 df fe ff ff 66 90" (pad bytes NOP)
        #            "d1 e9 df fe ff ff 8d"    (pad bytes LEA ...)
        #   final directive in startup_raw.S is .p2align 4 which
        #   (at least using current GCC/GAS) adds lea instructions
        #   (8d...). Exact format and length apparently depend on pad
        #   size and may be on toolkit version. So just accept anything
        #   starting with lea.
        # FIXME what if it ends on exact 16 byte boundary?

        eval $(hexdump -v -n 10000 -e '1/1 "%02x"' ${core_img_file} | \
             ${AWK} '{ found_at=match($0, "d1e9dffeffff" ); if (found_at == "0") { print "offset_lzma=0" } \
                else { print "offset_lzma=" ((found_at - 1 ) / 2 ) + 8 "; lzma_decode_last8bytes=" substr($0,found_at,16) ";" } }');

        if [ "${grub2_version}" = '1.99-2.00' ] ; then
           if ( [ "${lzma_decode_last8bytes}" = "d1e9dffeffff6690" ] || [ "${lzma_decode_last8bytes:0:14}" = "d1e9dffeffff8d" ] || [ "${lzma_decode_last8bytes}" = "d1e9dffeffff8d76" ] ) ; then  #bug 1318381
        # Grub2 (v1.96 and v1.97-1.98).
        partition=$(hexdump -v -s 532 -n 1 -e '"%d"' ${core_img_file});
        core_dir=$(hexdump -v -s ${directory_offset} -n 64 -e '"%_u"' ${core_img_file} | sed 's/nul[^$]*//');

         if [ "${grub2_version}" = '1.99' ] ; then

        # For Grub2 (v1.99), the core_dir is just at the beginning of the compressed part of core.img.
        # Get grub_total_module_size    : byte 0x208-0x20b of embedded core.img ==> byte 520
        # Get grub_kernel_image_size    : byte 0x20c-0x20f of embedded core.img ==> byte 524
        # Get grub_compressed_size    : byte 0x210-0x213 of embedded core.img ==> byte 528
        # Get grub_install_dos_part    : byte 0x214-0x218 of embedded core.img ==> byte 532 --> only 1 byte needed (partition)

        eval $(hexdump -v -s 520 -n 13 -e '1/4 "total_module_size=%u; " 1/4 "kernel_image_size=%u; " 1/4 "compressed_size=%u; " 1 "partition=%d;"' ${core_img_file});

        # Do we have xz or lzma installed?
        if [ "${UNLZMA}" != 'none' ] ; then
           if [ ${offset_lzma} -ne 0 ] ; then

              # Correct the offset to the lzma stream, when 8 subsequent bytes of zeros are at the start of this offset.
              if [ $(hexdump -v -s ${offset_lzma} -n 8 -e '1/1 "%02x"'  ${core_img_file}) = '0000000000000000' ] ; then
             offset_lzma=$(( ${offset_lzma} + 8 ));

              # Calculate the uncompressed size to which the compressed lzma stream needs to be expanded. 
              lzma_uncompressed_size=$(( ${total_module_size} + ${kernel_image_size} - ${offset_lzma} + 512 ));

              # Make lzma header (13 bytes): ${lzma_uncompressed_size} must be displayed in little endian format.
              printf '\x5d\x00\x00\x01\x00'$( printf '%08x' $((${lzma_uncompressed_size} - ${offset_lzma} + 512 )) \
             | ${AWK} '{printf "\\x%s\\x%s\\x%s\\x%s", substr($0,7,2), substr($0,5,2), substr($0,3,2), substr($0,1,2)}' )'\x00\x00\x00\x00' > ${Tmp_Log};

              # Get lzma_stream, add it after the lzma header and decompress it.
              dd if=${core_img_file} bs=${offset_lzma} skip=1 count=$((${lzma_uncompressed_size} / ${offset_lzma} + 1)) 2>> ${Trash} \
             | cat ${Tmp_Log} - | ${UNLZMA} 2>> ${Trash} > ${core_img_file_unlzma};

              # Get core dir.
              core_dir=$( hexdump -v -n 64 -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} );
              # Remove "\0"s at the end.

              # Offset of the grub_module_info structure in the uncompressed part.
              grub_module_info_offset=$(( ${kernel_image_size} - ${offset_lzma} + 512 ));

              eval $(hexdump -v -n 12 -s ${grub_module_info_offset} -e '"grub_module_magic=" 4/1 "%_c" 1/4 "; grub_modules_offset=%u; " 1/4 "grub_modules_size=%u;"' ${core_img_file_unlzma});

              # Check for the existence of the grub_module_magic.
              if [ x"${grub_module_magic}" = x'mimg' ] ; then
             # Embedded grub modules found.
             grub_modules_end_offset=$(( ${grub_module_info_offset} + ${grub_modules_size} ));
             grub_module_header_offset=$(( ${grub_module_info_offset} + ${grub_modules_offset} ));

             # Traverse through the list of modules and check if it is a config module.
             while [ ${grub_module_header_offset} -lt ${grub_modules_end_offset} ] ; do

               eval $(hexdump -v -n 8 -s ${grub_module_header_offset} -e '1/4 "grub_module_type=%u; " 1/4 "grub_module_size=%u;"' ${core_img_file_unlzma});

               if [ ${grub_module_type} -eq 2 ] ; then
                  # This module is an embedded config file.

                  embedded_config=$( hexdump -v -n $(( ${grub_module_size} - 8 )) -s $(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + 8 )) -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} );
                  # Remove "\0" at the end.
                  embedded_config=$( printf "${embedded_config%\\0}" );


               grub_module_header_offset=$(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + ${grub_module_size} ));

           # When xz or lzma isn't available, we can't get the core_dir, but we still can show some info.

           echo 'To be able to see for which directory Grub2 (v1.99) looks for, install "xz" or "lzma".' >&2;
         elif [ "${grub2_version}" = '2.00' ] ; then

        # For Grub2 (v2.00), the core_dir is stored in the compressed part of core.img in the same
        # way as the modules and embedded config file.
        # Get grub_compressed_size       : byte 0x208-0x20b of embedded core.img ==> byte 520
        # Get grub_uncompressed_size       : byte 0x20c-0x20f of embedded core.img ==> byte 524
        # Get grub_reed_solomon_redundancy : byte 0x210-0x213 of embedded core.img ==> byte 528
        # Get grub_no_reed_solomon_length  : byte 0x214-0x217 of embedded core.img ==> byte 532
        # Get grub_boot_dev           : byte 0x218-0x21a of embedded core.img ==> byte 536 ( should also contain the grub_boot_drive field )
        # Get grub_boot_drive           : byte 0x21b of embedded core.img ==> byte 539

        eval $(hexdump -v -s 520 -n 20 -e '1/4 "lzma_compressed_size=%u; " 1/4 "lzma_uncompressed_size=%u; " 1/4 "reed_solomon_redundancy=%u; " 1/4 "reed_solomon_length=%u; boot_dev=" 3/1 "%x" 1 "; boot_drive=%d;"' ${core_img_file});

        # Do we have xz or lzma installed?
        if [ "${UNLZMA}" != 'none' ] ; then
           if [ ${offset_lzma} -ne 0 ] ; then

              # Grub2 pads the start of the lzma stream to a 16 bytes boundary.
              # Correct the offset to the lzma stream if necessary
              # Current GCC adds lea instructions as pad bytes
              offset_lzma=$(( ${offset_lzma} - 2 )); #bug 1318381
              padsize=$(( (((${offset_lzma} + 15) >> 4) << 4) - ${offset_lzma} )); 
              if ( [ ${padsize} -gt 0 ] ) ; then 
             offset_lzma=$(( ${offset_lzma} + ${padsize} )); 

              # Make lzma header (13 bytes): ${lzma_uncompressed_size} must be displayed in little endian format.
              printf '\x5d\x00\x00\x01\x00'$( printf '%08x' ${lzma_uncompressed_size} \
             | ${AWK} '{printf "\\x%s\\x%s\\x%s\\x%s", substr($0,7,2), substr($0,5,2), substr($0,3,2), substr($0,1,2)}' )'\x00\x00\x00\x00' > ${Tmp_Log};

              # Get lzma_stream, add it after the lzma header and decompress it.
              dd if=${core_img_file} bs=${offset_lzma} skip=1 count=${lzma_compressed_size} 2>> ${Trash} \
             | cat ${Tmp_Log} - | ${UNLZMA} 2>> ${Trash} > ${core_img_file_unlzma};

              # Get offset to the grub_module_info structure in the uncompressed part.
              eval $(hexdump -v -s 19 -n 4 -e '1/4 "grub_module_info_offset=%u;"' ${core_img_file_unlzma});

              eval $(hexdump -v -n 12 -s ${grub_module_info_offset} -e '"grub_module_magic=" 4/1 "%_c" 1/4 "; grub_modules_offset=%u; " 1/4 "grub_modules_size=%u;"' ${core_img_file_unlzma});

              # Check for the existence of the grub_module_magic.
              if [ x"${grub_module_magic}" = x'mimg' ] ; then
             # Embedded grub modules found.
             grub_modules_end_offset=$(( ${grub_module_info_offset} + ${grub_modules_size} ));
             grub_module_header_offset=$(( ${grub_module_info_offset} + ${grub_modules_offset} ));

             # Traverse through the list of modules and check if it is a config module.
             # Upstream GRUB2 supports following module types:
             #   0 - ELF modules; may be included multiple times
             #   1 - memory disk image; should be included just once
             #   2 - embedded initial configuration code; should be included just once
             #   3 - initial value of ${prefix} variable. Device part may be omitted,
             #       in which case device is guessed at startup
             #   4 - public GPG keyring used for file signature checking;
             #       may be included multiple times
             # All parts are optional (although in practice
             # at least drivers for disk and filesystem must be
             # present).
             # Since RPM version 2.00-10 fedora includes patch that
             # inserts additional module type after the first one,
             # thus shifting all numbers starting with 1. So
             # embedded config and prefix become 3 and 4 on fedora.
             while [ ${grub_module_header_offset} -lt ${grub_modules_end_offset} ] ; do

               if [ $(( ${grub_modules_end_offset} - ${grub_module_header_offset} )) -lt 8 ] ; then
                  echo 'Remaining space in GRUB2 module list too short for a module' >&2;
                  all_modules="${all_modules} <short>";

               eval $( hexdump -v -n 8 -s ${grub_module_header_offset} -e '1/4 "grub_module_type=%u; " 1/4 "grub_module_size=%u;"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} );
               # Next module is always aligned on 4 bytes boundary on i386,
               # but sometimes grub stores shorter size. Make sure to adjust it.
               grub_module_header_next=$(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + 8 + (((${grub_module_size} - 8 + 3) >> 2) << 2) ));

               if [ ${grub_module_header_next} -gt ${grub_modules_end_offset} ] ; then
                  printf 'GRUB2 module size too large; skipping remaining modules. Size left: %d\n' $(( {grub_modules_end_offset} - ${grub_module_header_offset} )) >&2;
                  all_modules="${all_modules} <skipped>";

               if [ ${grub_module_type} -eq 0 ] ; then
                  # Regular ELF module
                  dd count=$(( grub_module_size - 8 )) skip=$(( grub_module_header_offset + 8 )) if=${core_img_file_unlzma} of=${GRUB200_Module} bs=1 2>> ${Trash};
                  modname=$(grub2_modname ${GRUB200_Module} $(( grub_module_size - 8 )));
                  if [ -n "${modname}" ] ; then
                    all_modules="${all_modules} ${modname}";
               elif [ ${grub_module_type} -eq 1 ] ; then
                  # "stale" ELF module on fedora or memory disk everywhere else
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'detect' ] ; then
                 if [ "$(hexdump -v -n 4 -s $((grub_module_header_offset+8)) -e '"%c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma})" = $'\x7f''ELF' ] ; then
                    # fedora "stale" ELF module
                    # TODO display Fedora stale modules

               elif [ ${grub_module_type} -eq 2 ] ; then
                  # memory disk on fedora or embedded config everywhere else
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'detect' ] ; then
                     # Normally core.img will have prefix which is easier to detect,
                     # so leave detection as last resort.
                     dd if=${core_img_file_unlzma} of=${core_img_file_type_2} bs=1 skip=$((grub_module_header_offset+8)) count=$((grub_module_size-8)) 2>> ${Trash};
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'upstream' ] ; then
                 # This module is an embedded config file.

                 # Remove padding starting with the first "\0" at the end.
                 embedded_config=$( hexdump -v -n $(( ${grub_module_size} - 8 )) -s $(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + 8 )) -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} | sed -e 's/\(\\0\).*$//');

               elif [ ${grub_module_type} -eq 3 ] ; then
                  # embedded config on fedora or prefix everywhere else
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'detect' ] ; then
                 # if it looks like file name, assume prefix
                 if [[ "$(hexdump -v -n 1 -s $(( grub_module_header_offset + 8 )) -e '"%c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma})" == [/\(] ]] ; then
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'upstream' ] ; then
                 # This module contains the prefix.

                 # Get core dir.
                 # Remove padding "\0"'s at the end.
                 core_dir=$( hexdump -v -n $(( ${grub_module_size} - 8 )) -s $(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + 8 )) -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} | sed -e 's/\(\\0\)\+$//');
                  elif [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'fedora' ] ; then
                 # This module is an embedded config file.

                 # Remove padding starting with the first "\0" at the end.
                 embedded_config=$( hexdump -v -n $(( ${grub_module_size} - 8 )) -s $(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + 8 )) -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} | sed -e 's/\(\\0\).*$//');

               elif [ ${grub_module_type} -eq 4 ] ; then
                  # prefix on fedora or GPG keyring everywhere else
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'detect' ] ; then
                 # if it looks like file name, assume prefix
                     # GPG ring normall has \x99 as first byte
                 if [[ "$(hexdump -v -n 1 -s $(( grub_module_header_offset + 8 )) -e '"%c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma})" == [/\(] ]] ; then
                  if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'fedora' ] ; then
                 # This module contains the prefix.

                 # Get core dir.
                 # Remove padding "\0"'s at the end.
                 core_dir=$( hexdump -v -n $(( ${grub_module_size} - 8 )) -s $(( ${grub_module_header_offset} + 8 )) -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_unlzma} | sed -e 's/\(\\0\)\+$//');
                  elif [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'upstream' ] ; then
                 # TODO list GPG keyring


           # When xz or lzma isn't available, we can't get the core_dir, but we still can show some info.

           echo 'To be able to see for which directory Grub2 (v2.00) looks for, install "xz" or "lzma".' >&2;

  if [ "${grub2_version}" = '2.00' ] ; then
     if [ -s ${core_img_file_type_2} ] ; then
    if [ "${core_img_flavour}" = 'detect' ] ; then
       # Neither type 1, 3 or 4 modules were present. So we have either
       # embedded config or memory disk. 
       if type file > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
          if [[ "$(LC_ALL=C file ${core_img_file_type_2})" == *"ASCII text"* ]] ; then
         # upstream embedded config
    if [ ${core_img_flavour} = 'upstream' ] ; then

       # Remove padding starting with the first "\0" at the end.
       embedded_config=$( hexdump -v -e '"%_c"' ${core_img_file_type_2} | sed -e 's/\(\\0\).*$//' );

  if [ ${core_img_found} -eq 0 ] ; then
     # core.img not found.
     Grub2_Msg="${Grub2_Msg}, but core.img can not be found at this location";
     # core.img found.

     Grub2_Msg="${Grub2_Msg}. core.img is at this location";

     # In GRUB 2.00 core.img prefix is optional
     if [ -n "${core_dir}" ]; then
    Grub2_Msg="${Grub2_Msg} and looks for ${core_dir}";

    if [ -n "${partition}" ]; then
       partition=$(( ${partition} + 1 ));
       if [ ${partition} -eq 255 ] ; then
          Grub2_Msg="${Grub2_Msg} on this drive";
          Grub2_Msg="${Grub2_Msg} in partition ${partition}";

     if [ ${need_core_prologue} -eq 1 ] ; then
    Grub2_Msg=$(printf "${Grub2_Msg}. It also embeds following components:");

     if [ -n "${all_modules}" ] ; then

    all_modules="${all_modules# }";
    Grub2_Msg=$(printf "${Grub2_Msg}\n\nmodules\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n${all_modules}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");


     if [ ${embedded_config_found} -eq 1 ] ; then
    # Embedded config file found.

    Grub2_Msg=$(printf "${Grub2_Msg}\n\nconfig script\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n${embedded_config}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");


## Get embedded menu for grub4dos (grldr/grub.exe) and wee (installed in the MBR). ##
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1:  source     = file (grub4dos) / device (WEE)
#   - arg 2:  titlename  = first part of the title that needs to be displayed

get_embedded_menu () {
  local source=$1 titlename=$2;

  # Check if magic bytes that go before the embedded menu, are present.
  offset_menu=$(dd if="${source}" count=4 bs=128k 2>> ${Trash} | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x"' | grep -b -o 'b0021ace000000000000000000000000');

  if [ -n "${offset_menu}" ] ; then
     # Magic found.
     titlebar_gen "${titlename}" " embedded menu";
     echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> "${Log1}";

     # Calcutate the exact offset to the embedded menu.
     offset_menu=$(( ( ${offset_menu%:*} / 2 ) + 16 ));
     dd if="${source}" count=1 skip=1 bs=${offset_menu} 2>> ${Trash} | ${AWK} 'BEGIN { RS="\0" } { if (NR == 1) print $0 }' >> "${Log1}";

     echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> "${Log1}";

## Show the location (offset) of a file on a disk ##
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1:  filename1
#   - arg 2:  filename2
#   - arg 3:  filename3
#   - ......
#   Return values:
#   - 0:  None of the provided filenames was found.
#   - 1:  At least one of the provided filenames was found.

last_block_of_file () {
  local display='0';
  local BlockSize Fragments Filefrag_Format EndGiByte EndGByte;

  # Remove an existing ${Tmp_Log} log.
  rm -f ${Tmp_Log};

  # "$@" contains all function arguments (filenames).
  for file in "$@" ; do
    if [[ -f "${file}" ]] && [[ -s "${file}" ]] && FileNotMounted "${mountname}/${file}" "${mountname}" ; then

       # There are 4 versions of e2fsprogs filefrag output.
       # In all cases final line could be "1 extent" instead.
       # v1
       #  Blocksize of file %s is %d
       #  File size of %s is %lld (%d blocks)
       #  %s: %d extents found[, perfection would be %d extent%s]
       # v2
       #  Blocksize of file %s is %d
       #  File size of %s is %lld (%d blocks)
       #  First block: %ld
       #  Last block: %ld
       #  %s: %d extents found[, perfection would be %d extent%s]
       # v3
       #  File size of %s is %lld (%ld block%s, blocksize %d)
       #   ext logical physical expected length flags
       #     0     nnn      nnn             nnn xxx
       #     1     nnn      nnn      nnn    nnn xxx
       #   ...
       #  %s: %d extents found[, perfection would be %d extent%s]
       # v4
       #  File size of %s is %llu (%lu block%s of %d bytes)
       #   ext: logical_offset: physical_offset: length: expected: flags:
       #     0:    nnn..   nnn:     nnn..   nnn:    nnn:           xxx
       #     1:    nnn..   nnn:     nnn..   nnn:    nnn:      nnn: xxx
       #   ...
       #  %s: %d extents found[, perfection would be %d extent%s]
       # FIXME e2fsprogs filefrag output "Last block:", not "Last Block:".
       #       Was there yet another filefrag implementation?
       # XXX Original code metioned filefrag output that can show last
       #     block but not number of extents. Unless there was some other
       #     implementation of filefrag, it does not match e2fsprogs sources.
       # XXX Can we hit files with spaces (field count is wrong then)?

       eval $(filefrag -v "${file}" \
         | ${AWK} -F ' ' 'BEGIN { blocksize=0; expected=0; extents=0; ext_ind=0; last_ext_loc=0; ext_length=0; filefrag_format=""; last_block=0 } \
        { if ( $1 == "Blocksize" ) { blocksize=$6; filefrag_format="v1"; }; \
        if ( filefrag_format == "v1" ) { \
            if ( $1$2 ~ "LastBlock:" ) { last_block = $3 }; \
        } else if ( $(NF-1) == "blocksize" ) { \
          blocksize = substr($NF,0,length($NF) - 1); \
          filefrag_format = "v3"; \
        } else if ( $(NF) == "bytes)" ) { \
          blocksize = $(NF-1); \
          filefrag_format = "v4"; \
          FS=" *|: *|[.][.] *"; \
        } \
        if ( expected != 0 ) { \
           if ( filefrag_format == "v3" && ext_ind == $1 ) { \
             if ( last_ext_loc < $3 ) { \
            last_ext_loc = $3; \
            if ( substr($0, expected, 1) == " " ) { \
               ext_length = $4; } \
            else { \
               ext_length = $5; \
            } \
              } \
           } else if ( filefrag_format == "v4" && ext_ind == $2 ) { \
            if ( last_block < $6 ) { \
              last_block = $6; \
            } \
           } \
           ext_ind += 1; \
        } else { \
          if ( filefrag_format == "v3" && $4 == "expected" ) { \
             expected= index($0,"expected") + 7; \
          } else if ( filefrag_format == "v4" && $2 == "ext" ) { \
            expected = 1; \
          } \
        } \
        if ( $3 == "extents" ) { \
          extents = $2; \
        } else if ( $3 == "extent" ) { \
          extents = 1; \
        } \
        } \
               END { \
            if ( filefrag_format == "v3" ) { \
                last_block = last_ext_loc + ext_length; \
            } \
            printf "BlockSize=" blocksize "; Fragments=" extents "; Filefrag_Format=" filefrag_format "; "; \
            if ( last_block == 0 ) { \
                printf "EndGiByte=??; EndGByte=??;" \
            } else { \
                EndByte = last_block * blocksize + 512 * '${start}'; \
                printf "EndGiByte=%.9f; EndGByte=%.9f;", EndByte / 1024 ^ 3, EndByte / 1000 ^ 3; \
            } \

       if [ "${Filefrag_Format}" = '' ] ; then
      echo "Unknown filefrag output format" >&2;
      return 0;

       if [ "${BlockSize}" -ne 0 ] ; then
      if [ "${Fragments}" -eq 0 ] ; then
         printf "%14s = %-14s %s\n" "${EndGiByte}" "${EndGByte}" "${file}" >> ${Tmp_Log};
         printf "%14s = %-14s %-45s %2s\n" "${EndGiByte}" "${EndGByte}" "${file}" "${Fragments}" >> ${Tmp_Log};

       # Return 1, when we find at least one of the provided filenames,
       # so we know that we need to display the content of ${Tmp_Log} later.

  return ${display};

## Get_Partition_Info search a partition for information relevant for booting. ##
#   Function arguments:
#   - arg 1:  log        = local version of RESULT.txt
#   - arg 2:  log1       = local version of log1
#   - arg 3:  part       = device for the partition
#   - arg 4:  name       = descriptive name for the partition
#   - arg 5:  mountname  = path where  partition will be mounted.
#   - arg 6:  kind       = kind of the partition
#   - arg 7:  start      = starting sector of the partition
#   - arg 8:  end        = ending sector of the partition
#   - arg 9:  system     = system of the partition
#   - arg 10: PI         = PI of the partition, (equal to "", if not a regular partition) 

Get_Partition_Info() {
  local Log="$1" Log1="$2" part="$3" name="$4" mountname="$5"  kind="$6"  start="$7"  end="$8" system="$9" PI="${10}";
  local line size=$((end-start)) BST='' BSI='' BFI='' OS='' BootFiles='' Bytes80_to_83='' Bytes80_to_81='' offset='';
  local offset_menu='' part_no_mount=0 com32='' com32_version='';

  echo "Searching ${name} for information... ";
  PrintBlkid ${part};
  # Type of filesystem according to blkid.
  type=$(BlkidTag ${part} TYPE);

  [ "${system}" = 'BIOS Boot partition' ] && type='BIOS Boot partition';
  [ -n ${PI} ] && FileArray[${PI}]=${type};

  # Display partition subtitle of 80 characters width.
  line=${line:$(( ${#name} + 2 ))};

  printf '%s: %s\n\n' "${name}" "${line}" >> "${Log}";

  # Check for extended partion.
  if ( [ "${kind}" = 'E' ] && [ x"${type}" = x'' ] ) ; then
     type='Extended Partition';

     # Don't display the error message from blkid for extended partition.
     cat ${Tmp_Log} >> ${Trash};
     cat ${Tmp_Log} >&2;

  # Display the File System Type.
  echo "    File system:       ${type}" >> "${Log}";

  # Get bytes 0x80-0x83 of the Volume Boot Record (VBR).
  Bytes80_to_83=$(hexdump -v -n 4 -s $((0x80)) -e '4/1 "%02x"' ${part});

  # Get bytes 0x80-0x81 of the Volume Boot Record (VBR).

  case ${Bytes80_to_81} in
    0069) BST='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.72-3.73)';;
    010f) BST='HP Recovery';;
    019d) BST='BSD4.4: FAT32';;
    0211) BST='Dell Utility: FAT16';;
    0488) BST="Grub2's core.img";;
    0689) BST='Syslinux 3.00-3.52';
          syslinux_info ${part};
          BSI="${BSI} ${Syslinux_Msg}";;
    0734) BST='Dos_1.0';;
    0745) BST='Windows Vista: FAT32';;
    089e) BST='MSDOS5.0: FAT16';;
    08cd) BST='Windows 2000/XP: NTFS';;
    0b60) BST='Dell Utility: FAT16';; 
    0bd0) BST='MSWIN4.1: FAT32';;
    0e00) BST='Dell Utility: FAT16';;
    0fb6) BST='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 3.82-3.86)';;
    2a00) BST='ReactOS';;
    2d5e) BST='Dos 1.1';;
    31c0) BST='Syslinux 4.03 or higher';
          syslinux_info ${part} '4.03';
          BSI="${BSI} ${Syslinux_Msg}";;
    31d2) BST="Grub2's core.img";;
    3a5e) BST='Recovery: FAT32';;
    407c) BST='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.82-4.04)';;
    4216) BST='Grub4Dos: NTFS';;
    4445) BST='Dell Restore: FAT32';;
    55aa) case ${Bytes80_to_83} in
        55aa750a) BST='Grub4Dos: FAT32';;
        55aa7506) # Get bytes 0x110-0x111 of the Volume Boot Record (VBR).
              Bytes110_to_111=$(hexdump -v -n 2 -s $((0x110)) -e '2/1 "%02x"' ${part});
              case "${Bytes110_to_111}" in
                9090) BST='Windows Vista: NTFS';;
                2810) BST='Windows 7/2008: NTFS';;
                0a13) BST='Windows 8/2012: NTFS';;
    55cd) BST='FAT32';;
    5626) BST='Grub4Dos: EXT2/3/4';;
    638b) BST='Freedos: FAT32';;
    6616) BST='Windows 7/2008: FAT16';;
    696e) BST='FAT16';;
    6974) BST='BootIt: FAT16';;
    6f65) BST='BootIt: FAT16';;
    6f6e) BST='-';;        # 'MSWIN4.1: Fat 32'
    6f74) BST='FAT32';;
    7405) BST='Windows 7/2008: FAT32';;
    7815) case ${Bytes80_to_83} in
        7815b106) BST='Syslinux 3.53-3.86';
              syslinux_info ${part};
              BSI="${BSI} ${Syslinux_Msg}";;
        7815*   ) BST='FAT32';;
    7cc6) BST='MSWIN4.1: FAT32';;
      # 7cc6) BST='Win_98';;
    7e1e) BST='Grub4Dos: FAT12/16';;
    8a56) BST='Acronis SZ: FAT32';;
    83e1) BST='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 4.00-4.04)';;
    8ec0) BST='Windows XP: NTFS';;
    8ed0) BST='Dell Recovery: FAT32';;
    b106) BST='Syslinux 4.00-4.02';
          syslinux_info ${part};
          BSI="${BSI} ${Syslinux_Msg}";;
    b600) BST='Dell Utility: FAT16';;
    b6c6) BST='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 3.81)';;
    b6d1) BST='Windows XP: FAT32';;
    e2f7) BST='FAT32, Non Bootable';;
    e879) BST='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.74-3.80)';;
    e9d8) BST='Windows Vista/7: NTFS';;
    f6c1) BST='Windows 8/2012: FAT32';;
    f6f6) BST='- (cleared BS by FDISK)';;
    fa33) BST='Windows XP: NTFS';;
    fbc0) BST='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.81)';;

    ## If Grub or Grub 2 is in the boot sector, investigate the embedded information. ##
    48b4) BST='Grub2 (v1.96)';
          grub2_info ${part} ${drive} '1.96' 'partition';
          BSI="${BSI} Grub2 (v1.96) is installed in the boot sector of ${name} and ${Grub2_Msg}.";;
    7c3c) BST='Grub2 (v1.97-1.98)';
          grub2_info ${part} ${drive} '1.97-1.98' 'partition';
          BSI="${BSI} Grub2 (v1.97-1.98) is installed in the boot sector of ${name} and ${Grub2_Msg}.";;
    0020) BST='Grub2 (v1.99-2.00)';
          grub2_info ${part} ${drive} '1.99-2.00' 'partition';
          BSI="${BSI} Grub2 (v${grub2_version}) is installed in the boot sector of ${name} and ${Grub2_Msg}.";;
 aa75 | 5272) BST='Grub Legacy';
          stage2_loc ${part};
          BSI="${BSI} Grub Legacy (v${Grub_Version}) is installed in the boot sector of ${name} and ${Stage2_Msg}";;

    ## If Lilo is in the VBR, look for map file ##
    8053) BST='LILO';
          # 0x20-0x23 contains the offset of /boot/map.
          offset=$(hexdump -v -s 32 -n 4 -e '"%u"' ${part});

          BSI="${BSI} LILO is installed in boot sector of ${part} and looks at sector ${offset} of ${drive} for the \"map\" file,";

          # check whether offset is on the hard drive.
          if [ ${offset} -lt  ${size} ] ; then
         tmp=$(dd if=${drive} skip=${offset} count=1 2>> ${Trash} | hexdump -v -s 508 -n 4 -e '"%_p"');    
         if [ "${tmp}" = 'LILO' ] ; then
            BSI="${BSI} and the \"map\" file was found at this location.";
            BSI="${BSI} but the \"map\" file was not found at this location.";
         BSI="${BSI} but the \"map\" file was not found at this location.";

    0000) # If the first two bytes are zero, the boot sector does not contain any boot loader.


  if [ x"${BST}" = 'x' ] ; then
     printf "Unknown BootLoader on ${name}\n\n" >> ${Unknown_MBR};
     hexdump -n 512 -C ${part} >> ${Unknown_MBR};
     echo >> ${Unknown_MBR};

  # Display the boot sector type.
  echo "    Boot sector type:  ${BST}" >> "${Log}";

  ## Investigate the Boot Parameter Block (BPB) of a NTFS partition. ##

  if [ "${type}" = 'ntfs' ] ; then
     offset=$(hexdump -v -s 28 -n 4 -e '"%u"' ${part});
     BPB_Part_Size=$(hexdump -v -s 40 -n 4 -e '"%u"' ${part})
     Comp_Size=$(( (${BPB_Part_Size} - ${size}) / 256 ))
     SectorsPerCluster=$(hexdump -v -s 13 -n 1 -e '"%d"' ${part});
     MFT_Cluster=$(hexdump -v -s 48 -n 4 -e '"%d"' ${part});
     MFT_Sector=$(( ${MFT_Cluster} * ${SectorsPerCluster} ));

     #  Track=$(hexdump -v -s 24 -n 2 -e '"%u"' ${part})''    # Number of sectors per track.
     #  Heads=$(hexdump -v -s 26 -n 2 -e '"%u"' ${part})''    # Number of heads.
     #  if [ "${Heads}" -ne 255 ] || [ "${Track}" -ne 63 ] ; then
     #     BSI="${BSI} Geometry: ${Heads} Heads and ${Track} sectors per Track."
     #  fi

     if [[ "${MFT_Sector}" -lt "${size}" ]] ; then
    MFT_FILE=$(dd if=${part} skip=${MFT_Sector} count=1 2>> ${Trash} | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '"%_u"');         

     MFT_Mirr_Cluster=$(hexdump -v -s 56 -n 4 -e '"%d"' ${part});
     MFT_Mirr_Sector=$(( ${MFT_Mirr_Cluster} * ${SectorsPerCluster} ));
     if [[ "${MFT_Mirr_Sector}" -lt "${size}" ]] ; then
    MFT_Mirr_FILE=$(dd if=${part} skip=${MFT_Mirr_Sector} count=1 2>> ${Trash} | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '"%_u"');

     if ( [ "${offset}" -eq "${start}" ] && [ "${MFT_FILE}" = 'FILE' ] && [ "${MFT_Mirr_FILE}" = 'FILE' ] && [ "${Comp_Size}" -eq 0 ] ) ; then
    BSI="${BSI} No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.";
    if [[ "${offset}" -ne "${start}" ]] ; then
       BSI="${BSI} According to the info in the boot sector, ${name} starts at sector ${offset}.";

       if [[ "${offset}" -ne 63 && "${offset}" -ne 2048  && "${offset}" -ne 0 || "${kind}" != 'L' ]] ; then
          BSI="${BSI} But according to the info from fdisk, ${name} starts at sector ${start}.";

    if [[ "${MFT_FILE}" != "FILE" ]] ; then 
       BSI="${BSI} The info in boot sector on the starting sector of the MFT is wrong.";
       printf "MFT Sector of ${name}\n\n" >> ${Unknown_MBR};
       dd if=${part} skip=${MFT_Sector} count=1 2>> ${Trash} | hexdump -C >> ${Unknown_MBR};

    if [[ "${MFT_Mirr_FILE}" != 'FILE' ]] ; then
       BSI="${BSI} The info in the boot sector on the starting sector of the MFT Mirror is wrong.";

    if [[ "${Comp_Size}" -ne 0 ]] ; then  
       BSI="${BSI} According to the info in the boot sector, ${name} has ${BPB_Part_Size} sectors, but according to the info from fdisk, it has ${size} sectors.";

  ## Investigate the Boot Parameter Block (BPB) of (some) FAT partition. ##

  #  Identifies Fat Bootsectors which are used for booting.
  #    if [[ "${Bytes80_to_81}" = '7cc6' || "${Bytes80_to_81}" = '7815' || "${Bytes80_to_81}" = 'b6d1' || "${Bytes80_to_81}" = '7405' || "${Bytes80_to_81}" = '6974' || "${Bytes80_to_81}" = '0bd0' || "${Bytes80_to_81}" = '089e' ]] ;

  if [[ "${type}" = 'vfat' ]] ; then
     offset=$(hexdump -v -s 28 -n 4 -e '"%d\n"' ${part});    # Starting sector the partition according to BPB.
     BPB_Part_Size=$(hexdump -v -s 32 -n 4 -e '"%d"' ${part});    # Partition size in sectors according to BPB.
     Comp_Size=$(( (BPB_Part_Size - size)/256 ))        # This number will be unequal to zero, if the 2
                                # partions sizes differ by more than 255 sectors.  

     #Track=$(hexdump -v -s 24 -n 2 -e '"%u"' ${part})''    # Number of sectors per track.
     #Heads=$(hexdump -v -s 26 -n 2 -e '"%u"' ${part})''    # Number of heads
     #if [[ "${Heads}" -ne 255  || "${Track}" -ne 63 ]] ; then    # Checks for an usual geometry. 
     #   BSI=$(echo ${BSI}" "Geometry: ${Heads} Heads and ${Track} sectors per Track.)  ### Report unusal geometry

     # Check whether Partitons starting sector and the Partition Size of BPB and fdisk agree. 
     if [[ "${offset}" -eq "${start}" && "${Comp_Size}" -eq "0"  ]] ; then
    BSI="${BSI} No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.";    # If they agree.
     else    # If they don't agree.
    if [[ "${offset}" -ne "${start}" ]] ; then            # If partition starting sector disagrees. 
       # Display the starting sector according to the BPB.
       BSI="${BSI} According to the info in the boot sector, ${name} starts at sector ${offset}.";

       # Check whether partition is a logcial partition and if its starting sector value is a 63 or 2048.
       if [[ "${offset}" -ne "63" && "${offset}" -ne "2048" || "${kind}" != "L" ]] ; then
          # If not, display starting sector according to fdisk.
          BSI="${BSI} But according to the info from fdisk, ${name} starts at sector ${start}.";
          # This is quite common occurence, and only matters if one tries to boot Windows from a logical partition.
          BSI="${BSI} But according to the info from fdisk, ${name} starts at sector ${start}. \"63\" and \"2048\" are quite common values for the starting sector of a logical partition and they only need to be fixed when you want to boot Windows from a logical partition.";

    # If partition sizes from BPB and FDISK differ by more than 255 sector, display both sizes.       
    if [[ "${Comp_Size}" -ne "0" ]] ; then    
       BSI="${BSI} According to the info in the boot sector, ${name} has ${BPB_Part_Size} sectors.";

       if [[ "$BPB_Part_Size" -ne 0 ]] ; then 
          BSI="${BSI}. But according to the info from the partition table, it has ${size} sectors.";
       fi    # Don't display a warning message in the common case BPB_Part_Size=0. 
     fi        # End of BPB Error if-then-else.
  fi        # End of Investigation of the BPB of vfat partitions.

  ## Display boot sector info. ##

  printf '    Boot sector info: ' >> "${Log}";
  printf "${BSI}\n" | fold -s -w 55 | sed -e '/^-------------------------\.\?$/ d' -e '2~1s/.*/                       &/' >> "${Log}";

  ## Exclude partitions which contain no information, or which we (currently) don't know how to accces. ##

  case "${type}" in
    'BIOS Boot partition'    ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'crypto_LUKS'        ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'Extended Partition'    ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'linux_raid_member'    ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'LVM2_member'        ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'swap'            ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'unknown volume type'    ) part_no_mount=1;;
    'zfs_member'        ) part_no_mount=1;;

  if [ "${part_no_mount}" -eq 0 ] ; then

     # Look for a mount point of the current partition.
     # If multiple mount points are found, use the one with the shortest pathname.
     CheckMount=$(mount | ${AWK} -F "\t" '$0 ~ "^'${part}' " { sub(" on ", "\t", $0); sub(" type ", "\t", $0); print $2 }' | sort | ${AWK} '{ print $0; exit}');

     # Check whether partition is already mounted.
     if [ x"${CheckMount}" = x'' ] ; then
        # Directory where the partition will be mounted.
        mkdir -p "${mountname}";
    if [ "${CheckMount}" = "/" ] ; then
       # If yes, use the existing mount point.

     # Try to mount the partition.
     if [ x"${CheckMount}" != x'' ] || mount -r  -t "${type}" ${part} "${mountname}" 2>> ${Mount_Error} \
    || ( [ "${type}" = ntfs ] &&  ntfs-3g -o ro  ${part} "${mountname}" 2>> ${Mount_Error} ) ; then

    #  If partition is mounted, try to identify the Operating System (OS) by looking for files specific to the OS.

    grep -q "W.i.n.d.o.w.s. .V.i.s.t.a"  "${mountname}"/{windows,Windows,WINDOWS}/{System32,system32}/{Winload,winload}.exe 2>> ${Trash} && OS='Windows Vista';

    grep -q "W.i.n.d.o.w.s. .7" "${mountname}"/{windows,Windows,WINDOWS}/{System32,system32}/{Winload,winload}.exe 2>> ${Trash} && OS='Windows 7';

    grep -q "w.i.n.8._." "${mountname}"/{windows,Windows,WINDOWS}/{System32,system32}/{Winload,winload}.exe 2>> ${Trash} && OS='Windows 8';

    for WinOS in 'MS-DOS' 'MS-DOS 6.22' 'MS-DOS 6.21' 'MS-DOS 6.0' 'MS-DOS 5.0' 'MS-DOS 4.01' 'MS-DOS 3.3' 'Windows 98' 'Windows 95'; do
      grep -q "${WinOS}" "${mountname}"/{IO.SYS,io.sys} 2>> ${Trash} && OS="${WinOS}";

    [ -s "${mountname}/Windows/System32/config/SecEvent.Evt" ] || [ -s "${mountname}/WINDOWS/system32/config/SecEvent.Evt" ] || [ -s "${mountname}/WINDOWS/system32/config/secevent.evt" ] || [ -s "${mountname}/windows/system32/config/secevent.evt" ] && OS='Windows XP';

    [ -s "${mountname}/ReactOS/system32/config/SecEvent.Evt" ] && OS='ReactOS';

    [ -s "${mountname}/etc/issue" ] && OS=$(sed -e 's/\\. //g' -e 's/\\.//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' "${mountname}"/etc/issue);

    [ -s "${mountname}/etc/slackware-version" ] && OS=$(sed -e 's/\\. //g' -e 's/\\.//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' "${mountname}"/etc/slackware-version);

    [ -s "${mountname}/etc/redhat-release" ] && OS=$(cat "${mountname}"/etc/redhat-release | tr -d '\n');

    [ -s "${mountname}/etc/os-release" ] && grep -q '^PRETTY_NAME=' "${mountname}/etc/os-release" && OS=$(eval "$(grep '^PRETTY_NAME=' "${mountname}"/etc/os-release)"; printf '%s' "${PRETTY_NAME}" | tr -d '\n');

    ## Search for the files in ${Bootfiles} ##
    #   If found, display their content.


    if [ "${type}" = 'vfat' ] ; then

    for file in ${Boot_Files} ; do
      if [ -f "${mountname}${file}" ] && [ -s "${mountname}${file}" ] && FileNotMounted "${mountname}${file}" "${mountname}" ; then
         BootFiles="${BootFiles}  ${file}";

         # Check whether the file is a symlink.
         if ! [ -h "${mountname}${file}" ] ; then
        # if not a symlink, display content.

        if ( [ ${file} = '/grldr' ] || [ ${file} = '/grub.exe' ] ) ; then
           # Display the embedded menu of grub4dos.
           get_embedded_menu "${mountname}${file}" "${name}${file}";
           titlebar_gen "${name}" ${file};            # Generates a titlebar above each file listed.
           echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> "${Log1}";
           cat "${mountname}${file}"  >> "${Log1}";
           echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> "${Log1}";

    ## Search for Wubi partitions. ##

    if [ -f "${mountname}/ubuntu/disks/root.disk" ] ; then          
       Wubi=$(losetup -a | ${AWK} '$3 ~ "(/host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk)" { print $1; exit }' | sed 's/.$//' );

       # check whether Wubi already has a loop device.
       if [[ x"${Wubi}" = x'' ]] ; then
          Wubi=$(losetup -f --show  "${mountname}/ubuntu/disks/root.disk" );

       if [ x"${Wubi}" != x'' ] ; then
          Get_Partition_Info "${Log}"x "${Log1}"x "${Wubi}" "${name}/Wubi" "Wubi/${mountname}" 'Wubi' 0 0 'Wubi' '';

          # Remove Wubu loop device, if created by BIS.
          [[ ${WubiDev} -eq 0 ]] && losetup -d "${Wubi}";
          echo "Found Wubi on ${name}. But could not create a loop device." >&2;
    ## Search for the filenames in ${Boot_Prog}. ##
    #   If found displays their names.

    if [ "${type}" = 'vfat' ] ; then
       # Check FAT filesystems for EFI boot files.
       for file in "${mountname}"/{,*/}*/*.efi* "${mountname}"/*/*/{,*/}*/*.efi*; do
         # Remove "${mountname}" part of the filename.

         if [[ ! "$file" =~ 'efi.mui' ]] && [ -f "${mountname}${file}" ] && [ -s "${mountname}${file}" ] && FileNotMounted "${mountname}${file}" "${mountname}" ; then 
        BootFiles="${BootFiles}  ${file}";          

       # Other boot program files.

    for file in ${Boot_Prog} ; do
      if [ -f "${mountname}${file}" ] && [ -s "${mountname}${file}" ] && FileNotMounted "${mountname}${file}" "${mountname}" ; then 
         BootFiles="${BootFiles}  ${file}";          

    ## Search for files containing boot codes. ##

    # Loop through all directories which might contain boot_code files.
    for file in ${Boot_Codes_Dir} ; do

      # If such directory exist ...
      if [ -d "${mountname}${file}" ] && FileNotMounted "${mountname}${file}" "${mountname}" ; then
         # Look at the content of that directory.
         for loader in $( ls  "${mountname}${file}" ) ; do
           # If it is a file ...
           if [ -f "${mountname}${file}${loader}" ] && [ -s "${mountname}${file}${loader}" ] ; then

          # Bootpart code has "BootPart" written at 0x101     
          sig=$(hexdump -v -s 257 -n 8  -e '8/1 "%_p"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");

          if [ "${sig}" = 'BootPart' ] ; then
             offset=$(hexdump -v -s 241 -n 4 -e '"%d"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");
             dr=$(hexdump -v -s 111 -n 1 -e '"%d"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");
             dr=$((dr - 127));
             BFI="${BFI} BootPart in the file ${file}${loader} is trying to chainload sector #${offset} on boot drive #${dr}";

          # Grub Legacy, Grub2 (v1.96) and Grub2 (v1.99) have "GRUB" written at 0x17f.
          sig=$(hexdump -v -s 383 -n 4 -e '4/1 "%_p"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");

          if [ "${sig}" = 'GRUB' ] ; then
             sig2=$(hexdump -v -n 2 -e '/1 "%02x"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");

             # Distinguish Grub Legacy and Grub2 (v1.96) by the first two bytes.
             case "${sig2}" in
               eb48) stage2_loc "${mountname}${file}${loader}";
                 BFI="${BFI} Grub Legacy (v${Grub_Version}) in the file ${file}${loader} ${Stage2_Msg}";;
               eb4c) grub2_info "${mountname}${file}${loader}" ${drive} 1.96 'file';
                 BFI="${BFI} Grub2 (v1.96) in the file ${file}${loader} ${Grub2_Msg}.";;
               eb63) grub2_info "${mountname}${file}${loader}" ${drive} 1.99 'file';
                 BFI="${BFI} Grub2 (v1.99) in the file ${file}${loader} ${Grub2_Msg}.";;

          # Grub2 (v1.97-1.98) has "GRUB" written at 0x188.
          sig=$(hexdump -v -s 392 -n 4  -e '4/1 "%_p"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");

          if [ "${sig}" = 'GRUB' ]; then
             grub2_info "${mountname}${file}${loader}" ${drive} 1.97-1.98 'file';
             BFI="${BFI} Grub2 (v1.97-1.98) in the file ${file}${loader} ${Grub2_Msg}."; 

          # Grub2 (v2.00) has "GRUB" written at 0x180.
          sig=$(hexdump -v -s 384 -n 4  -e '4/1 "%_p"' "${mountname}${file}${loader}");

          if [ "${sig}" = 'GRUB' ]; then
             grub2_info "${mountname}${file}${loader}" ${drive} 2.00 'file';
             BFI="${BFI} Grub2 (v2.00) in the file ${file}${loader} ${Grub2_Msg}."; 
         done    # End of loop through the files in a particular Boot_Code_Directory.
    done        # End of the loop through the Boot_Code_Directories.

    ## Show the location (offset on disk) of all files in: ##
    #   - the GrubError18_Files list
    #   - the SyslinuxError_Files list

    cd "${mountname}/";

    if [ $( last_block_of_file ${GrubError18_Files} ; echo $? ) -ne 0 ] \
    && [ -e ${Tmp_Log} ] ; then #bug 1318381
       titlebar_gen "${name}" ': Location of files loaded by Grub';
       printf "%11sGiB - GB%13sFile%33sFragment(s)\n\n" ' ' ' ' ' ' >> "${Log1}";
       cat ${Tmp_Log} >> "${Log1}";

    if [ $( last_block_of_file ${SyslinuxError_Files} ; echo $? ) -ne 0 ] \
    && [ -e ${Tmp_Log} ] ; then #bug 1318381
       titlebar_gen "${name}" ': Location of files loaded by Syslinux';
       printf "%11sGiB - GB%13sFile%33sFragment(s)\n\n" ' ' ' ' ' ' >> "${Log1}";
       cat ${Tmp_Log} >> "${Log1}";

    rm -f ${Tmp_Log};

    # Display the version of the COM32(R) modules of Syslinux.

    for com32 in *.c32 syslinux/*.c32 extlinux/*.c32 boot/syslinux/*.c32 boot/extlinux/*.c32 ; do

      if [ -f "${com32}" ] ; then
         # First 5 bytes of the COM32(R) module are a magic number (used by Syslinux too).
         com32_version=$(hexdump -n 5 -e '/1 "%02x"' "${com32}");

         case ${com32_version} in
        b8fe4ccd21)  printf ' %-35s:  COM32R module (v4.xx)\n' "${com32}" >> ${Tmp_Log};;
        b8ff4ccd21)  printf ' %-35s:  COM32R module (v3.xx)\n' "${com32}" >> ${Tmp_Log};;
             *)  printf ' %-35s:  not a COM32/COM32R module\n' "${com32}" >> ${Tmp_Log};;

    if [ -f ${Tmp_Log} ] ; then
       titlebar_gen "${name}" ': Version of COM32(R) files used by Syslinux';
       cat ${Tmp_Log} >> "${Log1}";

    cd "${Folder}";

    echo > ${Tmp_Log};

    if [[ x"${BFI}" != x'' ]] ; then
       printf "    Boot file info:     " >> "${Log}";
       printf "${BFI}\n" | fold -s -w 55 | sed -e '/^-------------------------$/ d' -e '2~1s/.*/                       &/' >> "${Log}";

    printf "    Operating System:  " >> "${Log}";
    echo "${OS}" | fold -s -w 55 | sed -e '2~1s/.*/                       &/' >> "${Log}";
    printf "    Boot files:        " >> "${Log}";
    echo ${BootFiles} | fold -s -w 55 | sed -e '2~1s/.*/                       &/' >> "${Log}";

    # If partition was mounted by the script.
    if [ x"${CheckMount}" = x'' ] ; then
       umount "${mountname}" || umount -l "${mountname}";          

     # If partition failed to mount.
    printf "    Mounting failed:   " >> "${Log}";  
    cat ${Mount_Error} >> "${Log}"; 
     fi        # End of Mounting "if then else".
  fi          # End of Partition Type "if then else".

  echo >> "${Log}";

  if [[ -e "${Log}"x ]] ; then
     cat "${Log}"x >> "${Log}";
     rm "${Log}"x;

  if [[ -e "${Log1}"x ]] ; then
     cat "${Log1}"x >> "${Log1}";
     rm "${Log1}"x;
}    # End Get_Partition_Info function

## "titlebar_gen" generates the ${name}${file} title bar to always be 80 characters in length. ##

titlebar_gen () {
  local name_file name_file_length equal_signs_line_length equal_signs_line;


  # Build "===" string.
  printf -v equal_signs_line "%${equal_signs_line_length}s";
  printf -v equal_signs_line "%s" "${equal_signs_line// /=}";

  if [ "$((${name_file_length}%2))" -eq 1 ]; then
     # If ${name_file_length} is odd, add an extra "=" at the end.
     printf "\n%s %s %s=\n\n" "${equal_signs_line}" "${name_file}" "${equal_signs_line}" >> "${Log1}";
     printf "\n%s %s %s\n\n" "${equal_signs_line}" "${name_file}" "${equal_signs_line}" >> "${Log1}";

## Start ##

# Center title.
BIS_title=$(printf 'Boot Info Script %s      [%s]' "${VERSION}" "${RELEASE_DATE}");
printf -v BIS_title_space "%$(( ( 80 - ${#BIS_title} ) / 2 - 1 ))s";
printf "${BIS_title_space}${BIS_title}\n" > "${Log}";

if [ ! -z "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT_SHORTLOG}" ] ; then
   printf '\nLast git commit:       %s\nCommit date:           %s\n' \
          "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT_SHORTLOG}" "${LAST_GIT_COMMIT_DATE}" >> "${Log}";

printf '\n\n============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================\n\n' >> "${Log}";

# Search for hard drives which don't exist, have a corrupted partition table
# or don't have a parition table (whole drive is a filesystem).
# Information on all hard drives which a valid partition table are stored in 
# the hard drives arrays: HD?????

# id for Filesystem Drives.

# Clear blkid cache
blkid -g;

for drive in ${All_Hard_Drives} ; do
  size=$(fdisks ${drive});

  PrintBlkid ${drive};

  if [ 0 -lt ${size} 2>> ${Trash} ] ; then
     if [ x"$(blkid  ${drive})" = x'' ] || [ x"$(blkid  | grep ${drive}:)" = x'' ] ; then
    # Drive is not a filesytem.



    # Get and set HDHead[${HI}], HDTrack[${HI}] and HDCylinder[${HI}] all at once.
    eval $(fdisk -lu ${drive} 2>> ${Trash} | ${AWK} -F ' ' '$2 ~ "head" { print "HDHead['${HI}']=" $1 "; HDTrack['${HI}']=" $3 "; HDCylinder['${HI}']=" $5 }' );

    # Look at the first 4 bytes of the second sector to identify the partition table type.
    case $(hexdump -v -s 512 -n 4 -e '"%_u"' ${drive}) in
      'EMBR') HDPT[${HI}]='BootIt';;
      'EFI ') HDPT[${HI}]='EFI';;
           *) HDPT[${HI}]='MSDos';;

        # Drive is a filesystem.

        if [ $( expr match "$(BlkidTag "${drive}" TYPE)" '.*raid') -eq 0 ] || [ x"$(BlkidTag "${drive}" UUID)" != x'' ] ; then
     printf "$(basename ${drive}) " >> ${FakeHardDrives};

## Identify the MBR of each hard drive. ##
echo 'Identifying MBRs...';

for HI in ${!HDName[@]} ; do 
  Message="is installed in the MBR of ${drive}";

  # Read the whole MBR in hexadecimal format.
  MBR_512=$(hexdump -v -n 512 -e '/1 "%02x"' ${drive});

  ## Look at the first 2,3,4 or 8 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR. ##
  #   If it is not enough, look at more bytes.


  ## Bytes 0x80-0x81 of the MBR. ##
  #   Use it to differentiate between different versions of the same bootloader.


  case ${MBR_sig2} in

    eb48) ## Grub Legacy is in the MBR. ##
      BL="Grub Legacy";

      # 0x44 contains the offset to the next stage.
      offset=$(hexdump -v -s 68 -n 4 -e '"%u"' ${drive});

      if [ "${offset}" -ne 1 ] ; then
         # Grub Legacy is installed without stage1.5 files.
         stage2_loc ${drive};
         Message="${Message} and ${Stage2_Msg}";
         # Grub is installed with stage1.5 files.
         Grub_String=$(hexdump -v -s 1042 -n 94 -e '"%_u"' ${drive});

         BL="Grub Legacy (v${Grub_Version})";


         eval $(echo ${tmp} | ${AWK} '{ print "stage=" $1 "; menu=" $2 }');

         [[ x"$menu" = x'' ]] || stage="${stage} and ${menu}";

         part_info=$((1045 + ${#Grub_Version}));
         eval $(hexdump -v -s ${part_info} -n 2 -e '1/1 "pa=%u; " 1/1 "dr=%u"' ${drive});
         dr=$(( ${dr} - 127 ));
         pa=$(( ${pa} + 1 ));

         if [ "${dr}" -eq 128 ] ; then
        Message="${Message} and looks on the same drive in partition #${pa} for ${stage}";
        Message="${Message} and looks on boot drive #${dr} in partition #${pa} for ${stage}";

    eb4c) ## Grub2 (v1.96) is in the MBR. ##
      BL='Grub2 (v1.96)';

      grub2_info ${drive} ${drive} '1.96' 'disk';

      Message="${Message} and ${Grub2_Msg}";;

    eb63) ## Grub2 is in the MBR. ##
      case ${MBR_bytes80to81} in
        7c3c) grub2_version='1.97-1.98'; BL='Grub2 (v1.97-1.98)';;
        0020) grub2_version='1.99-2.00'; BL='Grub2 (v1.99-2.00)';;

      grub2_info ${drive} ${drive} ${grub2_version} 'disk';

      # Set a more exact version number (1.99 or 2.00), if '1.99-2.00' was
      # passed to the grub2_info function.
      BL="Grub2 (v${grub2_version})";

      Message="${Message} and ${Grub2_Msg}";;

    0ebe) BL='ThinkPad';;
    31c0) # Look at the first 8 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR.
      case ${MBR_sig8} in
        31c08ed0bc007c8e) BL='NetBSD/SUSE generic MBR';;
        31c08ed0bc007cfb) BL='Acer PQService MBR';;
    33c0) # Look at the first 3 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR.
      case ${MBR_sig3} in
        33c08e) BL='Windows';
            case ${MBR_sig8} in
              33c08ed0bc007cfb) BL='Windows 2000/XP/2003';;
                    # Look at byte 0xF0-F1: different offset for "TCPA" string.
                    case "${MBR_512:480:4}" in
                      fb54) BL='Windows Vista';;
                      4350) BL='Windows 7/8/2012';;
        33c090) BL='DiskCryptor';;
        33c0fa) # Look at bytes 0x5B-5D: different offsets for jump target
          case ${MBR_512:182:6} in
        0fb6c6) BL='Syslinux GPTMBR (5.10 and higher)';;
        bb007c) BL='Syslinux GPTMBR (4.04-5.01)';;
        e82101) BL='Syslinux MBR (4.04-4.07)';;
        e83501) BL='Syslinux MBR (5.00 and higher)';;
    33ed) # Look at bytes 0x80-0x81 to be more specific about the Syslinux variant/version.
      case ${MBR_bytes80to81} in
        407c) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 4.04)';;
        83e1) BL='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 4.04)';;
        cd13) BL='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 4.05 and higher)';;
        f7e1) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 4.05 and higher)';;
    33ff) BL='HP/Gateway';;
    b800) BL='Plop';;
      case ${MBR_sig3} in
        ea0500) BL='OpenBSD generic MBR';;
        ea0501) BL='XOSL';;
    ea1e) BL='Truecrypt Boot Loader';;
    eb04) BL='Solaris';;
    eb31) BL='Paragon';;
    eb5e) # Look at the first 3 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR.
      case ${MBR_sig3} in
        eb5e00) BL='fbinst';;
        eb5e80) BL='Grub4Dos';;
        eb5e90) BL='WEE';
            # Get the embedded menu of WEE.
            get_embedded_menu "${drive}" "WEE's (${drive})";;
    fa31) # Look at the first 3 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR.
      case ${MBR_sig3} in
        fa31c0) # Look at bytes 0x80-0x81 to be more specific about the Syslinux variant/version.
            case ${MBR_bytes80to81} in
              0069) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.72-3.73)';;
              7c66) BL='Syslinux MBR (3.61-4.03)';;
              7cb8) BL='Syslinux MBR (3.36-3.51)';;
              b442) BL='Syslinux MBR (3.00-3.35)';;
              bb00) BL='Syslinux MBR (3.52-3.60)';;
              e2f8) # Syslinux pre-4.04; look at bytes 0x82-0x84
                    case "${MBR_512:260:6}" in
                  31f65f) BL='Syslinux GPTMBR (4.00-4.03)';;
                  5e5974) BL='Syslinux GPTMBR (3.72-3.73)';;
                  5e5958) # look at bytes 0xe-0xf
                          case "${MBR_512:28:4}" in
                        528e) BL='Syslinux GPTMBR (3.70-3.71)';;
                        8ec0) BL='Syslinux GPTMBR (3.74-4.03)';;
              e879) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.74-3.80)';;
        fa31c9) BL='Master Boot LoaDeR';;   
        fa31ed) # Look at bytes 0x80-0x81 to be more specific about the Syslinux variant/version.
            case ${MBR_bytes80to81} in
              0069) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.72-3.73)';;
              0fb6) BL='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 3.82-3.86)';;
              407c) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.82-4.03)';;
              83e1) BL='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 4.00-4.03)';;
              b6c6) BL='ISOhybrid with partition support (Syslinux 3.81)';;
              fbc0) BL='ISOhybrid (Syslinux 3.81)';;
    fa33) BL='MS-DOS 3.30 through Windows 95 (A)';;
    fab8) # Look at the first 4 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR.
      case ${MBR_sig4} in
        fab80000) BL='FreeDOS (eXtended FDisk)';;
        fab80010) BL="libparted MBR boot code";;
    faeb) BL='Lilo';; 
    fafc) BL='ReactOS';;
    fc31) # Look at the first 8 bytes of the hard drive to identify the boot code installed in the MBR.
      case ${MBR_sig8} in
        fc31c08ed031e48e) BL='install-mbr/Testdisk';;
        fc31c08ec08ed88e) BL='boot0 (FreeBSD)';;
    fc33) BL='GAG';;
    fceb) BL='BootIt NG';;
    0000) BL='No boot loader';;

  if [ x"${BL}" = 'x' ] ; then
     BL='No known boot loader';
     printf "Unknown MBR on ${drive}\n\n" >> ${Unknown_MBR};
     hexdump -v -n 512 -C ${drive} >> ${Unknown_MBR};
     echo >> ${Unknown_MBR};

  ## Output message at beginning of summary that gives MBR info for each drive: ##

  printf ' => ' >> "${Log}";
  printf "${BL} ${Message}.\n" | fold -s -w 75 | sed -e '/^-----\.\?$/ d' -e '2~1s/.*/    &/' >> "${Log}";


echo >> "${Log}";

## Store and Display all the partitions tables. ##

for HI in ${!HDName[@]} ; do

  echo "Computing Partition Table of ${drive}...";

  FP=$((PI+1));    # used if non-MS_DOS partition table is not in use.
  echo "Drive: $(basename ${drive} ) _____________________________________________________________________" >> ${PartitionTable};
  fdisk -lu ${drive} 2>> ${Trash} | sed '/omitting/ d' | sed '6,$ d' >> ${PartitionTable};

  printf "\n${PTFormat}\n" 'Partition' 'Boot' 'Start Sector' 'End Sector' '# of Sectors' 'Id' 'System' >> ${PartitionTable};

  ReadPT ${HI} 0 4 ${PartitionTable} "${PTFormat}" '' 0;
  echo >> ${PartitionTable};
  CheckPT ${FirstPartition[${HI}]} ${LastPartition[${HI}]} ${PartitionTable} ${HI};
  echo >> ${PartitionTable};
  case ${PTType} in
    BootIt) printf 'BootIt NG Partition Table detected' >> ${PartitionTable};
        [[ "${HDMBR[${HI}]}" = 'BootIt NG' ]] || printf ', but does not seem to be used' >> ${PartitionTable};
        printf '.\n\n' >> ${PartitionTable};

        ReadEMBR  ${HI} ${PartitionTable};
        echo >> ${PartitionTable};

        if [ "${HDMBR[${HI}]}" = 'BootIt NG' ] ; then
           CheckPT ${FirstPartition[${HI}]} ${LastPartition[${HI}]} ${PartitionTable} ${HI}; 
       EFI) FirstPartition[${HI}]=$((PI+1));
        EFIee=$(hexdump -v -s 450 -n 1 -e '"%x"' ${drive});
        printf 'GUID Partition Table detected' >> ${PartitionTable};
        [[ "${EFIee}" = 'ee' ]] || printf ', but does not seem to be used' >> ${PartitionTable};
        printf '.\n\n' >> ${PartitionTable};

        ReadEFI ${HI} ${PartitionTable};
        echo >> ${PartitionTable};

        if [ "${EFIee}" = 'ee' ] ; then
           CheckPT ${FirstPartition[${HI}]} ${LastPartition[${HI}]} ${PartitionTable} ${HI};

## Loop through all Hard Drives. ##

for HI in ${!HDName[@]} ; do

  ## And then loop through the partitions on that drive. ##
  for (( PI = FirstPartition[${HI}]; PI <= LastPartition[${HI}]; PI++ )); do
    part_type=${TypeArray[${PI}]};    # Type of the partition according to fdisk

    if [[ x"${DeviceArray[${PI}]}" = x'' ]] ; then
       mountname=$(basename ${drive})"_"${PI};
       part=$(losetup -f --show  -o $((start*512)) ${drive});
       # --sizelimit $((size*512))    --sizelimit seems to be a recently added option for losetup. Failed on Hardy.
       name=$(basename ${part});      # Name of the partition (/dev/sda8 -> sda8).

    Get_Partition_Info "${Log}" "${Log1}" "${part}" "${name}" "${mountname}" "${kind}" "${start}" "${end}" "${system}" "${PI}";
    [[ "${DeviceArray[${PI}]}" = '' ]] && losetup -d ${part};

## Deactivate dmraid's activated by the script. ##

if [ x"$InActiveDMRaid" != x'' ] ; then
  dmraid -an ${InActiveDMRaid};

## Search LVM partitions for information. ##
#   Only works if the "LVM2"-package is installed.

if [ $(type lvs >> ${Trash} 2>> ${Trash} ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then

  lvs --nameprefixes --noheadings --options lv_name,vg_name,lv_size,lv_attr --units s | \
  while read line ; do 
    eval "${line}";
    if [ -z "${LVM2_VG_NAME}" ] || [ -z "${LVM2_LV_NAME}" ] || [ -z "${LVM2_LV_SIZE}" ] || [ -z "${LVM2_LV_ATTR}" ] ; then
    lvchange -ay ${LVM};
    Get_Partition_Info "${Log}" "${Log1}" "$LVM" "${name}" "${mountname}" "${kind}" "${start}" "${end}" "${system}" "${PI}";
    # deactivate all LVM's, which were not active.
    [[ "${LVM_Status}" != 'a' ]] && lvchange -an "${LVM}";


## Search MDRaid Partitons for Information ##
#   Only works if "mdadm" is installed.

if [ $(type mdadm >> ${Trash} 2>> ${Trash} ; echo $?) -eq 0 ] ; then

  # All arrays which are already assembled.
  MD_Active_Array=$(mdadm --detail --scan | ${AWK} '{ print $2 }');

  # Assemble all arrays.
  mdadm --assemble --scan;
  # All arrays.
  MD_Array=$(mdadm --detail --scan | ${AWK} '{ print $2 }');

  for MD in ${MD_Array}; do
    MD_Size=$(fdisks ${MD});     # size in blocks
    MD_Size=$((2*${MD_Size}));   # size in sectors

    # Check whether MD is active.
    for MDA in ${MD_Active_Array}; do
      if [[ "${MDA}" = "${MD}" ]] ; then
    Get_Partition_Info "${Log}" "${Log1}" "${MD}" "${name}" "${mountname}" "${kind}" "${start}" "${end}" "${system}" "${PI}";

    # deactivate all MD_Raid's, which were not active.
    [[ "${MD_Active}" -eq 0 ]] && mdadm --stop "${MD}";


## Search filesystem hard drives for information. ##

for FD in ${FilesystemDrives[@]} ; do
  FD_Size=$(fdisks ${FD});     # size in blocks
  FD_Size=$((2*${FD_Size}));   # size in sectors
  Get_Partition_Info "${Log}" "${Log1}" "${FD}" "${name}" "${mountname}" "${kind}" "${start}" "${end}" "${system}" "${PI}";



## Drive/partition info. ##

printf '============================ Drive/Partition Info: =============================\n\n' >> "${Log}";
[ -e ${PartitionTable} ] && cat ${PartitionTable} >> "${Log}" || echo 'no valid partition table found' >> "${Log}";

printf '"blkid" output: ________________________________________________________________\n\n' >> "${Log}";

printf "${BlkidFormat}" Device UUID TYPE LABEL >> "${Log}";

echo >> "${Log}";

for dev in $(blkid -o device | sort); do
  PrintBlkid ${dev} '_summary';

cat "${BLKID}_summary" >> "${Log}";
echo >> "${Log}";

if [ $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id 2>> ${Trash} | wc -l) -gt 1 ] ; then
   printf '========================= "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id" output: ======================\n\n' >> "${Log}";
   ls -l /dev/disk/by-id >> "${Log}";
   echo >> "${Log}";

if [ $(ls -R /dev/mapper 2>> ${Trash} | wc -l) -gt 2 ] ; then
   printf '========================= "ls -R /dev/mapper/" output: =========================\n\n' >> "${Log}";
   ls -R /dev/mapper >> "${Log}";
   echo >> "${Log}";

## Mount points. ##

printf '================================ Mount points: =================================\n\n' >> "${Log}";

MountFormat='%-16s %-24s %-10s %s\n';

printf "${MountFormat}\n" 'Device' 'Mount_Point' 'Type' 'Options' >> "${Log}";

# No idea for which mount version this is even needed.
#  original:
#    mount | grep ' / '| grep -v '^/'| sed  's/ on /'$Fis'/' |sed 's/ type /'$Fis'/'|sed  's/ (/'$Fis'(/'| gawk -F $Fis '{printf "'"$MountFormat"'", $1, $2, $3, $4 }'>>"$Log";
#  new:
#    mount | sort | gawk -F "\t" '$0 ~ " / " { if ($1 !~ "^/") { sub(" on ", "\t", $0); sub(" type ", "\t", $0); optionsstart=index($3, " ("); printf "'"${MountFormat}"'", $1, $2, substr($3, 1, optionsstart - 1), substr($3, optionsstart + 1) } } END { printf "\n" }' >> "${Log}";

mount | sort | ${AWK} -F "\t" '$0 ~ "^/dev" \
  { sub(" on ", "\t", $0); sub(" type ", "\t", $0); optionsstart=index($3, " ("); \
    printf "'"${MountFormat}"'", $1, $2, substr($3, 1, optionsstart - 1), substr($3, optionsstart + 1) } END { printf "\n" }' >> "${Log}";

## Write the content of Log1 to the log file. ##

[ -e "${Log1}" ] && cat "${Log1}" >> "${Log}"; 
echo >> "${Log}";

## Add unknown MBRs/Boot Sectors to the log file, if any. ##

if [ -e ${Unknown_MBR} ] ; then
   printf '======================== Unknown MBRs/Boot Sectors/etc: ========================\n\n' >> "${Log}";
   cat ${Unknown_MBR} >> "${Log}";
   echo >> "${Log}";

## Add fake hard drives to the log file, if any. ##

if [ -e ${FakeHardDrives} ] ; then 
   printf "========= Devices which don't seem to have a corresponding hard drive: =========\n\n" >> "${Log}";
   cat ${FakeHardDrives} >> "${Log}";
   printf "\n\n" >> "${Log}";


## Write the Error Log to the log file. ##

if [ -s ${Error_Log} ] ; then
   printf '=============================== StdErr Messages: ===============================\n\n' >> "${Log}";
   cat ${Error_Log} >> "${Log}";

## Write a final newline. ##

echo >> "${Log}";

if [ ${stdout_output} -eq 1 ] ; then
   ## If --stdout is specified, show the output.
   cat "${Log}";
   ## Copy the log file to RESULTS file and make the user the owner of RESULTS file. ##

   cp "${Log}" "${LogFile}";

   if [ "${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID}" != ':' ] ; then
      chown "${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID}" "${LogFile}";

   ## gzip the RESULTS file, for easy uploading. ##
   #   gzip a copy of the RESULTS file only when -g or --gzip is passed on the command line. 
   #   ./bootinfoscript -g <outputfile> 
   #   ./bootinfoscript --gzip <outputfile> 

   if [ ${gzip_output} -eq 1 ] ; then
      cat "${LogFile}" | gzip -9 > "${LogFile}.gz";

      if [ "${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID}" != ':' ] ; then
     chown "${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID}" "${LogFile}.gz";

   ## Reset the Standard Output to the Terminal. ##
   #   exec 1>&-;
   #   exec 1>&6;
   #   exec 6>&-;

   printf '\nFinished. The results are in the file "%s"\nlocated in "%s".\n\n' "$(basename "${LogFile}")" "${Dir}/";

exit 0;

Dernière modification par ?? (Le 11/05/2018, à 17:56)

Utiliser REFIND au lieu du GRUB . Aidez à vous faire dépanner en suivant le guide et en utilisant les outils de diagnostic J'ai perdu ma gomme. Désolé pour les fautes d'orthographes non corrigées.

Hors ligne

#177 Le 02/04/2018, à 19:02


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Normalement on ne peut installer boot-info dans debian, il me semble ? mais en lançant B.R.D. le boot-info est possible a a voir...

Dernière modification par jibel (Le 02/04/2018, à 19:03)

Plus grande est la face, plus grand est le dos!
Toutes les fautes de frappe, d'orthographe, de grammaire et de syntaxe ci-dessus, sont la propriété intellectuelle de l'auteur. Elles doivent être reproduites et même corrigées sans l'accord préalable du susdit et toc !

Mint 21.1,Voyager20.04 et 22.04,Ubuntu 22.04,Emmabuntus 1.Buster, Debian 12.buster, Hybryde 14.04, Pas d'OS intermédiaire ! PC Medion AKOYA  DD 1T + 2 .

Hors ligne

#178 Le 02/04/2018, à 19:16


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

?? a écrit :
moko138 a écrit :

mais comment installes-tu boot-info sur une Debian ?

Et donc ?

Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel :  À la découverte de dcraw

Hors ligne

#179 Le 03/04/2018, à 20:20


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

J'ai écrit un script appelé RestoreGrub qui est à lancer une fois seulement dans chaque OS ubuntu ne contenant pas le grub maître.
Ce script préserve le grub maître des mises à jour des autres OS ubuntu.
Ce script créé un service "shutdown". Ce service lance le script /etc/rc.local.shutdown, à chaque shutdown.
Ce script restaure le grub maître si le fichier  /var/run/reboot-required est présent.
Je testerai ça demain, en réinstallant le sda7.
Opérations : Ré-installe de sda7, Lancement de RerstoreGrub, Mises à jour de sda7, Reboot.
Si tout se passe bien, le grub épuré est conservé et devrait le rester tout au long des futures mises à jours des autres OS ubuntu.

# Ce script doit être lancé une seule fois sur toutes les partitions ubuntu qui ne contiennent pas le grub maître
# Ce script doit être lancé avec comme paramètre le n° du sda sur lequel réside le grub maître afin de le préserver des mises à jours des autres OS
# Une fois exécuté, le service shutdown est lancé. Ce service lance le script /etc/rc/local.shutdown à chaque shutdown
# Ce script vérifie la présence du fichier /var/run/reboot-required, et s'il ce fichier est présent, le grub maître est restitué

# Désactivation du service s'il existe déjà
systemctl disable shutdown
systemctl stop shutdown

# Ecriture du service shutdown
echo '[Unit]' > $s
echo 'Description=/etc/rc.local.shutdown Compatibility' >> $s
echo '' >> $s
echo '[Service]' >> $s
echo 'ExecStart=/bin/true' >> $s
echo 'ExecStop=/etc/RC-LOCAL-SHUTDOWN' >> $s
echo 'RemainAfterExit=yes' >> $s
echo '[Install]' >> $s
echo '' >> $s

# Ecriture du script à executer lors d'un shutdown
echo '#!/bin/bash' > $s
echo 'if [ -f "/var/run/reboot-required" ]' >> $s
echo 'then' >> $s
echo '   mkdir /mnt/chroot' >> $s
echo '   mount /dev/sda$1 /mnt/chroot' >> $s
echo '   grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/chroot/ --recheck /dev/sda' >> $s
echo 'fi' >> $s

chmod u+x /etc/rc.local.shutdown # rend le fichier exécutable
systemctl start shutdown # Démarre ...
systemctl enable shutdown # ... et active le service

Note 1:
Pour préserver le grub de sdaX, il faut passer "X" en paramètre (dans mon cas X=6), c'est à dire lancer GrubRestore X (GrubRestore 6 dans mon cas)
Note 2:
Cette solution n'est pas totalement robuste. En effet, si une coupure de courant survient avant le shutdown, le grub n'est pas restauré, mais surtout, le fichier  /var/run/reboot-required aura disparu au prochain boot. Et la restauration du grub ne se fera qu'au prochain reboot-required. Donc la solution propre et robuste consisterait comme vue précédemment, à scruter le booter loader pour vérifier quelle partition est pointée par Grub, et à lancer la restauration du grub maître s'il a été délogé par un autre OS. Mais je lancerai un fil dédié à ce problème que je suis bien incapable de résoudre : Comment savoir quelle partition est pointé par Grub ?

Dernière modification par Crestey (Le 03/04/2018, à 20:25)

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#180 Le 03/04/2018, à 20:37


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Crestey a écrit :

J'ai écrit un script appelé grubrestore.

Donc la solution propre et robuste consisterait à scruter le booter loader pour vérifier quelle partition est pointée par Grub comme vue précédemment. Mais je lancerai un fil dédié à ce problème que je suis bien incapable de résoudre.

Je pensais le proposer ce soir... mais j'ai raté un paramétrage de mise en route....
C'est un extrait de bootinfo. Je l'ai testé sur un disque GPT. Je pense avoir le temps de le faire demain sur un disque dos.
Pour diminuer un peu sa taille, j'ai éliminé les cas où l'extension du boot était dans une partition fat ou ntfs.

Ajout tardif

Dernière modification par ?? (Le 11/05/2018, à 17:49)

Utiliser REFIND au lieu du GRUB . Aidez à vous faire dépanner en suivant le guide et en utilisant les outils de diagnostic J'ai perdu ma gomme. Désolé pour les fautes d'orthographes non corrigées.

Hors ligne

#181 Le 03/04/2018, à 20:49


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.


Note 1:
Pour préserver le grub de sdaX, il faut passer "X" en paramètre (dans mon cas X=6), c'est à dire lancer GrubRestore X (GrubRestore 6 dans mon cas)

Sur une machine multi disques multi boot (j'en ai une), qui a une fâcheuse tendance a changer l'ordre des noms de disques aux différents reboot, et çà ne s'arrange pas lorsque je branche mes hdd USB remplis d'Os à utiliser...

J'ai déjà abordé le problème.
Une config d'installations d'Os en
/dev/sda6 Grub maître.
/dev/sdb6 un Os installé.
/dev/sdc6  un Os installé.
/dev/sdd6 un Os installé.
+ les hdd USB. avec certainement des Os en partition n°6 sur ces disques.

Qu'est-ce qui se passe lorsque le disque /dev/sda devient le disque /sdb ou /sdc ou /sdd  ou un des mes hdd usb?

Grub-Pc (pas Grub-Legacy) repère/utilise les partitions avec leurs UUID. Il ne se trompe pas lui.
Que /sda6 devienne /sdb6 ou /sdc6 ou /sdd6, il n'en a cure . L'UUID de la partition d'installation système de l'Os maître, reste le même .

Dans ce cas le script est inutilisable.

@+.   Babdu89  .

Dernière modification par Babdu89 (Le 03/04/2018, à 20:55)

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#182 Le 03/04/2018, à 21:00


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

@ Babdu89
Oui cépafo, ça ne marche pas dans ce cas là. Moi j'ai mon sda, et c'est tout. Donc pour moi ça marche.
Si grub-install peut travailler avec les UUID plutôt qu'avec les /dev/sdaX, alors c'est bon, sinon, je ne sais pas.

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#183 Le 03/04/2018, à 21:05


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

@ ??
Comme tu le suggérais, j'ai lancé ce fil séparé pour cette question.
C'est mieux effectivement car ça peut servir à d'autres qui trouveront plus facilement l'info avec le nouveau titre.

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#184 Le 03/04/2018, à 21:28


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

En fait non finalement y pas de problème non plus dans ton cas. Il suffit de remplacer les trois commandes par :

sudo mkdir /mnt/chroot
sudo mount UUID=<UUID de la partition contenant le GRUB maître> /mnt/chroot
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/chroot/ --recheck /dev/sda

Et hop !

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#185 Le 03/04/2018, à 21:30


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Ah non mince ! ça marche pour la commande mount mais pas pour la commande grub-install qui contient sda

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#186 Le 03/04/2018, à 22:35


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Pour ta config où les sda, sdb, et autres sdx permuttent sans arrêt en fonction de l'âge de ma grand-mère, je crois qu'on doit pouvoir y faire quelque chose. Si je comprends, tu as l'UUID du sdx qui contient le grub maître. Mais il faut connaître x pour pouvoir faire grub-install /dev/sdx.
Si tu connais l'UUID, avec la commande blkid -U <UUID>, on peut avoir x :

crestey@PC12:~$ sudo blkid -U 632c0982-e178-4edb-a8a0-cdb16b6b56d9

il suffit de virer le 3 et c'est bon.
Je modifierai le script pour que ça s'adapte à ta configuration. Fait-moi un retour STP pour être sûr d'avoir bien compris ta problématique.

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#187 Le 04/04/2018, à 03:59


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Crestey a écrit :

En fait non finalement y pas de problème non plus dans ton cas. Il suffit de remplacer les trois commandes par :

sudo mkdir /mnt/chroot
sudo mount UUID=<UUID de la partition contenant le GRUB maître> /mnt/chroot
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/chroot/ --recheck /dev/sda


0) D'abord, je pense que tu devrais renoncer, dans ce fil comme dans le nouveau, à "chroot" comme nom de répertoire : il prête trop à confusion, comme tu l'as constaté en répondant à ?? en ./viewtopic.php?pid=21896699#p21896699

Crestey a écrit :

Ce n'est pas la commande chroot qui est exécutée, mais la commande grub-install avec l'option --root-directory. (la commande chroot n'est pas du tout utilisée)
Le hasard a fait que j'ai créé et utilisé le répertoire /mnt/chroot parce que c'est celui là qui était utilisé dans l'exemple que j'ai copié.

Je te propose les reformulations suivantes
  - qui ne prêtent pas à confusion,
  - qui n'ont pas besoin de lire le contenu de core.img,
  - et qui sont stables, même si le "a" de sda a changé.

1) Donc ta première ligne
sudo mkdir /mnt/chroot
devient, plus claire comme ceci :

sudo mkdir /mnt/A

2) L'UUID de sda6 étant connu et immuable, une solution passe par
ls /dev/disk/by-uuid

Donc ta 2ème ligne
sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/chroot

sudo mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$(ls /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep -i <l'UUID-voulu>)  /mnt/A

3) Enfin pour ta troisième ligne
où c'est sda qui doit recevoir une désignation immuable,
ls /dev/disk/by-id  serait fort utile. Ainsi
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/chroot/ --recheck /dev/sda

sudo grub-install /dev/disk/by-id/$(ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep -vE "DVD|part|Reader|usb" | grep ata)  --root-directory=/mnt/A/  --recheck

Ou plutôt (voir message suivant)

sudo grub-install /dev/disk/by-id/$(ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep -vE "DVD|part|Reader|usb" | grep ata)  --boot-directory=/mnt/A/boot  --recheck

Ce qui équivaut, en plus stable, à :
sudo grub-install /dev/sda  --boot-directory=/dev/sda6/boot  --recheck

À adapter :
Je ne sais pas ce que ça donne avec un disque NVME, peut-être :

$(ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep -vE "DVD|part|Reader" | grep -i nvme)

Et si au contraire on désire cibler une clef usb ou un disque usb (*) :

$(ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep -vE "DVD|part|Reader" | grep usb)

Ou si on cible une carte-mémoire (*) :

$(ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep -vE "DVD|part" | grep Flash)

(*) Attention à n'en avoir qu'un ou qu'une de branché(e) !

Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel :  À la découverte de dcraw

Hors ligne

#188 Le 04/04/2018, à 03:59


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.


Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel :  À la découverte de dcraw

Hors ligne

#189 Le 04/04/2018, à 06:47


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Bonjour moko138,

moko138 a écrit :

je pense que tu devrais renoncer, dans ce fil comme dans le nouveau, à "chroot" comme nom de répertoire : il prête trop à confusion

Oui, tu as raison. je vais changer ça dans les 2 fils.

Pour la 2ème ligne, ma syntaxe est très courte. J'écris ci-dessous ma ligne puis la tienne juste dessous :

sudo mount UUID=<UUID-voulu> /mnt/A
sudo mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$(ls /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep -i <UUID-voulu>)  /mnt/A

Y a sans doute un truc qui m'échappe, mais je ne comprends pas l'intérêt de ta syntaxe qui est plus longue. S'il y en a un peux-tu me dire lequel.
D'ailleurs en fait, ma ligne est encore plus courte que ça car suite à l'objection de Babdu89 l'UUID passe en paramètre au lieu de /dev/sda.
Et la ligne devient :

sudo mount UUID=$1 /mnt/A

Pour la 3ème ligne, j'avais vu comme tu le suggères, qu'on pouvait peut-être combiner la commande grub-install et /dev/disk/by-id, mais sur ce fil, le gars explique que ça ne peut pas marcher. Et je n'ai pas été plus loin. Il précise les messages d'erreur qui s'ensuivent. As-tu testé de ton coté ?

Du coup si effectivement ça ne marche pas, je propose :

sdxx=`blkid -U <UUID contenant le grub maître>`    # affecte la chaine "/dev/sda6" par exemple à sdxx
sdx=`echo ${sdxx::8}`    # affecte les 8 premiers caractères (ici "/dev/sda") à sdx
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/A/ --recheck $sdx

Tout ça devrait répondre à l'objection de Babdu89. On va attendre qu'il se réveille, qu'il prenne son café, et nous dise si ça pourrait contrevenir à son objection. On doit pouvoir tout faire en une seule commande, mais ce sera moins lisible.

crestey en #179 a écrit :

Note 1:
Pour préserver le grub de sdaX, il faut passer "X" en paramètre (dans mon cas X=6), c'est à dire lancer GrubRestore X (GrubRestore 6 dans mon cas)

Du coup, ça devient :
Note 1:
Pour préserver le grub maître, il faut passer son UUID de la partition pointée par grub en paramètre, c'est à dire lancer GrubRestore <UUID contenant le grub maître>

sinon pour  #188, je n'ai pas de remarque big_smile

Dernière modification par Crestey (Le 04/04/2018, à 07:28)

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#190 Le 04/04/2018, à 10:14


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Je viens de tester le script RestoreGrub avec comme paramètre l'UUID de la partition qui contient le grub maître (sda6 dans mon cas). A priori ça fonctionne.
Voici le fichier RestoreGrub :

# Ce script doit être lancé une seule fois sur toutes les partitions ubuntu qui ne contiennent pas le grub maître
# Ce script doit être lancé avec comme paramètre l'UUID de la partition sur lequel réside le grub maître afin de le préserver des mises à jours des autres OS
# Une fois exécuté, le service shutdown est lancé. Ce service lance le script /etc/rc/local.shutdown à chaque shutdown
# Ce script vérifie la présence du fichier /var/run/reboot-required, et s'il ce fichier est présent, le grub maître est restitué

# Désactivation du service s'il existe déjà
systemctl disable shutdown
systemctl stop shutdown

# Ecriture du service shutdown
echo '[Unit]' > $s
echo 'Description=/etc/rc.local.shutdown Compatibility' >> $s
echo '' >> $s
echo '[Service]' >> $s
echo 'ExecStart=/bin/true' >> $s
echo 'ExecStop=/etc/rc.local.shutdown' >> $s
echo 'RemainAfterExit=yes' >> $s
echo '[Install]' >> $s
echo '' >> $s

# Ecriture du script à executer lors d'un shutdown
echo '#!/bin/bash' > $s
echo 'if [ -f "/var/run/reboot-required" ]' >> $s
echo 'then' >> $s
echo '   mkdir /mnt/A' >> $s
echo '   mount UUID='$1' /mnt/A' >> $s
echo '   sdxx=`blkid -U '$1'`    # affecte la chaine "/dev/sda6" par exemple à sdxx' >> $s
echo '   sdx=`echo ${sdxx::8}` # affecte les 8 premiers caractères (ici "/dev/sda") à sdx' >> $s
echo '   sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/A/ --recheck $sdx' >> $s
echo 'fi' >> $s

chmod u+x /etc/rc.local.shutdown # rend le fichier exécutable
systemctl start shutdown # Démarre ...
systemctl enable shutdown # ... et active le service

Pour tester, j'ai exécuté les commandes suivantes depuis sda7 (c'est sda6 qui contient le grub maître) :

crestey64@PC3:~$ sudo ./RestoreGrub 21b4fe2e-9914-44c6-bc7f-d6009e303c97
[sudo] Mot de passe de crestey64 : 
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/shutdown.service.
crestey64@PC3:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda
Installation pour la plate-forme i386-pc.
Installation terminée, sans erreur.
crestey64@PC3:~$ reboot

Donc :
1) D'abord le lance RestoreGrub avec comme paramètre l'UUID de sda6 (qui contient le grub maître)
2) Ensuite je lance sudo grub-install /dev/sda qui ré-installe le grub moche
3) Ensuite je créé un fichier /var/run/reboot-required , ce qui simule une maj nécessitant une reboot
4) Ensuite je reboot, Et là je constate que le grub épuré de sda6 est bien restauré

@Babdu89: Ça devrait marcher chez toi aussi (si tu es en legacy). Mais pour s'en assurer il faudrait le tester.

Dernière modification par Crestey (Le 04/04/2018, à 10:17)

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#191 Le 04/04/2018, à 11:12


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Oui pardon c'est fait aussi dans l'autre fil.

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#192 Le 04/04/2018, à 13:08


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.


Crestey à écrit;

Tout ça devrait répondre à l'objection de Babdu89. On va attendre qu'il se réveille, qu'il prenne son café, et nous dise si ça pourrait contrevenir à son objection. On doit pouvoir tout faire en une seule commande, mais ce sera moins lisible.

Moi, je suis bien réveillé. Hélas c'est la machine qui a un Bios capricieux (change /sda en /sdb &&&) qui ne se réveille plus, depuis quelques jours... Je sais ce qu'il me reste à faire pour la redémarrer, mais il faut trouver le temps de le faire...

Au démarrage je n'ai rien à l'écran, et un bip long continue, qui sort du hp bipeur interne de la machine.
Plus de démarrage possible sur cette machine...

Pour le moment; Solution de rechange sur une autre machine en passant par une clé USB de tests, pour voir si çà restaure le Grub maître...

État des lieux sur la machine de rechange dans le post suivant, que l'on regarde ensemble ce que l'on peut faire.

@+.   Babdu89 .

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#193 Le 04/04/2018, à 13:46


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Alors machine en UEFI/Bios_Legacy.
Machine démarrant en Bios_Legacy.
Config;  HDD interne + clé USB de test avec 2 Os

Un blkid de cette config retourne;

bernard@bernard-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo blkid
[sudo] password for bernard: 
/dev/sda1: LABEL="windows-7-del" UUID="FA2AC6152AC5CF37" TYPE="ntfs" 
/dev/sda2: LABEL="fusion-14._dell" UUID="041cfc74-96e1-4c0f-ad6f-61ae768a1a3c" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sdb1: UUID="92C8-E043" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sdb3: LABEL="xubuntu-efi" UUID="72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sdb4: LABEL="lubuntu-14.04" UUID="26e86484-52db-4b3b-ae12-584dd21d8154" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sdb5: LABEL="test-multi" UUID="0669-366B" TYPE="vfat" 

Sur le disque interne, un Ubuntu 14.04 (32 Bits) (/dev/sda2) en dual boot  avec un Windows7. (/dev/sda1)

Une clé USB de tests; partitionnement en GPT.
Un Xubuntu 16.04 en 64 bits (/dev/sdb3), qui démarre en mode UEFI et Bios_Legacy. Je testerai en Bios_Legacy. Dans cet Os j'ai testé ton script pour personnalisation.

Extrai de son grub.cfg;

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/07_custom ###
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.

menuentry 'XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
	gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
	insmod gzio
	insmod part_gpt
	insmod ext2
	set root='hd1,gpt3'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt3 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt3 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt3  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
	linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-117-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
	initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-117-generic
menuentry 'LUBUNTU 14.04 CLE EMTEC GNU/Linux' --class lubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-26e86484-52db-4b3b-ae12-584dd21d8154' {
	gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
	insmod gzio
	insmod part_gpt
	insmod ext2
	set root='hd1,gpt4'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt4 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt4 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt4  26e86484-52db-4b3b-ae12-584dd21d8154
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 26e86484-52db-4b3b-ae12-584dd21d8154
	linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-32-generic root=UUID=26e86484-52db-4b3b-ae12-584dd21d8154 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
	initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-32-generic
menuentry 'HYBRYDE FUSION 14.04_Dell-Latitude-E4310 GNU/Linux' --class hybryde --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-041cfc74-96e1-4c0f-ad6f-61ae768a1a3c' {
	gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
	insmod gzio
	insmod part_msdos
	insmod ext2
	set root='hd0,msdos2'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos2 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos2 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos2  041cfc74-96e1-4c0f-ad6f-61ae768a1a3c
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 041cfc74-96e1-4c0f-ad6f-61ae768a1a3c
	linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-142-generic root=UUID=041cfc74-96e1-4c0f-ad6f-61ae768a1a3c ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
	initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-142-generic
menuentry 'Windows 7 (loader) (sur /dev/sda1)' --class windows --class os $menuentry_id_option 'osprober-chain-FA2AC6152AC5CF37' {
	insmod part_msdos
	insmod ntfs
	set root='hd0,msdos1'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos1 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos1 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos1  FA2AC6152AC5CF37
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root FA2AC6152AC5CF37
	parttool ${root} hidden-
	chainloader +1

## ligne vide
menuentry "   " { true}
## ligne de sous-titre
menuentry "-------------------     Menu Grub Classique     -------------------" {true}### END /etc/grub.d/07_custom ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
function gfxmode {
	set gfxpayload="${1}"
	if [ "${1}" = "keep" ]; then
		set vt_handoff=vt.handoff=7
		set vt_handoff=
if [ "${recordfail}" != 1 ]; then
  if [ -e ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt ]; then
    if hwmatch ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt 3; then
      if [ ${match} = 0 ]; then
        set linux_gfx_mode=keep
        set linux_gfx_mode=text
      set linux_gfx_mode=text
    set linux_gfx_mode=keep
  set linux_gfx_mode=text
export linux_gfx_mode
menuentry 'XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
	gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
	insmod gzio
	insmod part_gpt
	insmod ext2
	set root='hd1,gpt3'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt3 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt3 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt3  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
	linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-117-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
	initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-117-generic
submenu 'Options avancées pour XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux' $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-advanced-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
	menuentry 'XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux, avec Linux 3.13.0-117-generic' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-3.13.0-117-generic-advanced-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
		gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
		insmod gzio
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd1,gpt3'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt3 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt3 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt3  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		echo	'Chargement de Linux 3.13.0-117-generic…'
		linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-117-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
		echo	'Chargement du disque mémoire initial…'
		initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-117-generic
	menuentry 'XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.13.0-117-generic (recovery mode)' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-3.13.0-117-generic-recovery-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
		insmod gzio
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd1,gpt3'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt3 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt3 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt3  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		echo	'Chargement de Linux 3.13.0-117-generic…'
		linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-117-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5 ro recovery nomodeset 
		echo	'Chargement du disque mémoire initial…'
		initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-117-generic
	menuentry 'XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux, avec Linux 3.13.0-32-generic' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-3.13.0-32-generic-advanced-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
		gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
		insmod gzio
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd1,gpt3'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt3 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt3 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt3  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		echo	'Chargement de Linux 3.13.0-32-generic…'
		linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-32-generic root=UUID=72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff
		echo	'Chargement du disque mémoire initial…'
		initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-32-generic
	menuentry 'XUBUNTU 14.04 EFI GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.13.0-32-generic (recovery mode)' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-3.13.0-32-generic-recovery-72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5' {
		insmod gzio
		insmod part_gpt
		insmod ext2
		set root='hd1,gpt3'
		if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,gpt3 --hint-efi=hd1,gpt3 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,gpt3  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5
		echo	'Chargement de Linux 3.13.0-32-generic…'
		linux	/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-32-generic root=UUID=72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5 ro recovery nomodeset 
		echo	'Chargement du disque mémoire initial…'
		initrd	/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-32-generic

Plus un Ubuntu 14.04 en 32 bits en /dev/sdb4, qui démarre en Bio_Legacy.
La machine démarrant depuis la clé de tests en Bios_Legacy, actuellement c'est le Grub de Lubuntu en /dev/sdb4 qui s'affiche.

Je propose de tester ceci.
Pour ne pas toucher au démarrage du HDD interne /sda.
Démarrer la machine depuis le Ubuntu 14.04 en /dev/sda2  HDD interne. (appel; UUID 041cfc74-96e1-4c0f-ad6f-61ae768a1a3c)

Tester script et les commandes depuis ce système pour restaurer le Grub de l'Os de la clé Xubuntu 16.04 en /dev/sdb3 avec l'UUID  72a66c99-76c9-420b-b133-77d8811a67f5

Normalement en redémarrant la machine en Bios_Legacy sur la clé de tests, c'est le Grub de la Xubuntu en /sdb3  qui devrait s'afficher, à la place actuellement du grub de la Lubuntu 14.04 en /dev/sdb4.

Comment adapter le script et commandes pour tester?

@+.   Babdu89  .

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#194 Le 04/04/2018, à 14:52


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Bien compliqué tout ça!

Les seules choses que tu aies à faire est pour chaque Ubuntu/Debian installé en esclave:

sudo dpk-reconfigure grub-pc

et choisir d'installer Grub dans le vbr de la partition hébergeante ou de ne pas l'installer, cette étape pouvant également être utilisée lors de l'installation initiale.

En ce qui concerne le Ubuntu maître, tu as parfaitement compris comment paramétrer le menu en créant un nouveau fichier de configuration dans /etc/grub.d mais tu as oublié de désactiver 10_linux via un:

sudo chmod a-x /etc/grub.d/10_linux

Cela supprime la génération de toutes les lignes de menu inutiles liées aux trop nombreux noyaux de Ubuntu.

Un petit grub-install /dev/sda + un update-grub et c'est tout.

Ton menu sera immuable, enfin aux autres SEs près puisque OS_PROBER est toujours activé, je crois bien.

Archlinux/Mate + Ubuntu 22.04 + Archlinux/Gnome sur poste de travail

Hors ligne

#195 Le 04/04/2018, à 15:35


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Bonjour Maxire.

On peut très bien réinstaller Grub (avec menu épuré) dans l'os maître, en démarrant le système qui a pris la place de L'os maître. Depuis son menu Grub, lancer une session de l'Os maître (puisque os-prober est activé) et réinstaller Grub dedans pour qu'il redevienne l'Os maître avec son Grub menu épuré.

On peut faire la même chose en live en chrootant ou avec un outil comme Boot-Repair.

On peut aussi laisser la dernière installation en l'état, et changer le système par défaut au démarrage, en modifiant la config de Grub. L'os maître démarre en priorité, mais il n'y a pas affichage de son menu Grub épuré. Le but de ce sujet étant l'utilisation du menu grub épuré.

On peut aussi pour les installations autres que l'Os maître avec son menu Grub épuré, installer la première partie de Grub dans le secteur de boot des partitions d'installation. On démarre l'Os maître pour faire une maj de Grub, pour la prise en compte de la dernière installation. On chaîne d'un Grub à l'autre. Comme çà l'os maître ne perd pas sa place. Il y a encore affichage du menu grub épuré.

Mais Crestey cherche à automatiser la réinstallation de Grub dans l'os maître pour avoir son menu Grub épuré afficher au démarrage de la machine, si un autre Os à pris sa place d'Os maître.

Mon doute au sujet de l'os maître.
Des maj système à faire dans l'Os maître avec son menu Grub épuré, avec un changement de version majeur de Grub. Dans ce cas Grub est purgé et réinstallé avec les fichiers de configuration par défaut.
Adieu le menu Grub épuré. Non?.

@+.   Babdu89  .

J'ai découvert Ubuntu avec la 07.10.... Et alors?!...  Depuis je regarde de temps en temps si Windows marche toujours....

Hors ligne

#196 Le 04/04/2018, à 16:22


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Le menu épuré est ici en <<tu as parfaitement compris comment paramétrer le menu en créant un nouveau fichier de configuration dans /etc/grub.d>>, en l'occurrence 07_custom de mémoire.

Allez je vous laisse, amusez-vos bien!

Archlinux/Mate + Ubuntu 22.04 + Archlinux/Gnome sur poste de travail

Hors ligne

#197 Le 04/04/2018, à 18:22


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

@maxire : Bonjour maxire,
On utilise souvent les termes "OS maître" ou "OS esclave".
Mais, à priori, il y a une petite lacune dans les systèmes multiboot car en fait quand on ajoute un OS qu'on voudrait qu'il reste esclave toute sa vie, lui ne le sait pas (qu'on voudrait qu'il reste esclave). Dès lors, ça nous est arrivé tous plein de fois, lors d'une mise à jour (du noyau, de grub, ou de la robe de ma grand-mère), que l'OS esclave se prenne subitement pour le maître, et ré-installe grub pointant vers sa partition, sans nous demander notre avis.
Pour palier proprement à ça, il faudrait (c'est utopique mais techniquement sans doute réalisable) que tous les concepteurs d'OS se mettent d'accord sur une variable d'OS de valeur 0 ou 1 qui dise si l'OS est maître ou esclave. Cette variable à 0 dirait à l'OS esclave de ne plus jamais toucher au boot loader et à grub, et cette variable à 1 laisserait libre l'OS maître de modifier, et mettre à jour grub.
A défaut d'avoir cette variable, on bidouille pour faire au mieux, afin éviter le plus possible de qu'un OS esclave se prenne subitement pour le maître.
Ce fil essaie modestement d'automatiser l'immuabilité de l'OS maître.

Babdu89 a écrit :

Mon doute au sujet de l'os maître et modifie Grub.
Des maj système à faire dans l'Os maître avec son menu Grub épuré, avec un changement de version majeur de Grub. Dans ce cas Grub est purgé et réinstallé avec les fichiers de configuration par défaut.
Adieu le menu Grub épuré. Non?.

Avec la commande chattr -R +i 07_custom, on rend le fichier 07_custom indestructible comme expliqué en #58. Du coup, si grub est purgé, 07_custom n'est pas effacé, et alors un boot repair avec purge conserve le menu épuré et ajoute le menu grub moche sous le menu épuré, (voir 2ème image de #58).
Pour éviter ça on peut aussi virer tous les fichiers de /etc/grub.d sauf 00_ , 05_ , et 07_  sur une shutdown avec boot-required. Mais y a peut-être plus simple.

Je reviens vers toi pour les tests

Dernière modification par Crestey (Le 04/04/2018, à 18:27)

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne

#198 Le 04/04/2018, à 18:57


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

Travail impossible compte tenu de la multiplicité des OS, de plus le multi-démarrage autre que WIndows/Linux n'est pas un usage courant ni même souhaité autrement que par les testeurs invétérés.

Les OS esclaves Debian/Ubuntu le restent dès que tu leur appliques la commande dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc  qui va bien.
Les mises à jour du programme Grub restent dans le VBR qui leur est affecté.

En cas de suppression des paquets Grub, /boot/grub reste intègre, en cas de mise à jour en principe les fichiers custom de /etc/grub.d ne sont pas touchés ainsi que /etc/default/grub, du moins pas sans avertissement de Apt.

Crestey a écrit :

Du coup, si grub est purgé, 07_custom n'est pas effacé, et alors un boot repair avec purge conserve le menu épuré et ajoute le menu grub moche sous le menu épuré, (voir 2ème image de #58).

Un paquet logiciel grub cela ne se purge pas tout seul, une intervention humaine est nécessaire.
La disparition apparente de ton menu personnalisé n'est due qu'à l'écrasement du mbr par un grub-install foireux lors d'une mise à jour de Grub d'un OS esclave et en aucun cas d'une purge du paquet logiciel Grub de ton OS maître.

Pas besoin de se compliquer la vie avec un chattr, si besoin d'une restauration faire une sauvegarde c'est utile.

Archlinux/Mate + Ubuntu 22.04 + Archlinux/Gnome sur poste de travail

Hors ligne

#199 Le 04/04/2018, à 19:46


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

$100="J'ai un disque mort et un autre à moitié en maintenance, d'où mon peu de disponibilité aujourd'hui."

Crestey a écrit :

Pour la 2ème ligne, ma syntaxe est très courte. J'écris ci-dessous ma ligne puis la tienne juste dessous :

sudo mount UUID=<UUID-voulu> /mnt/A
sudo mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/$(ls /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep -i <UUID-voulu>)  /mnt/A

Y a sans doute un truc qui m'échappe, mais je ne comprends pas l'intérêt de ta syntaxe qui est plus longue. S'il y en a un peux-tu me dire lequel.

Aucun intérêt ! Je croyais que ta ligne

sudo mount UUID=<UUID-voulu> /mnt/A

n'était qu'une esquisse non fonctionnelle, donc je ne l'avais même pas essayée.
Mais ta commande est évidemment plus élégante !

D'ailleurs en fait, ma ligne est encore plus courte que ça car suite à l'objection de Babdu89 l'UUID passe en paramètre au lieu de /dev/sda.
Et la ligne devient :

sudo mount UUID=$1 /mnt/A

Là, par contre, il manque un bout, puisque :

sudo mount 3(...)9=$1 /mnt/A
[sudo] password for moko: 
mount: special device 3(...)9= does not exist

Pour la 3ème ligne,
(...) As-tu testé de ton coté ?

Cf. $100

Du coup si effectivement ça ne marche pas, je propose :

sdxx=`blkid -U <UUID contenant le grub maître>`    # affecte la chaine "/dev/sda6" par exemple à sdxx
sdx=`echo ${sdxx::8}`    # affecte les 8 premiers caractères (ici "/dev/sda") à sdx
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/A/ --recheck $sdx

1) Attention à blkid sans sudo ! cf. bertrand0 in ./viewtopic.php?pid=21537215#p21537215

2) Cf. #188... quand je l'aurai rédigé ; cf. $100.

(...) sinon pour  #188, je n'ai pas de remarque big_smile

Moi si, hélas : $100 !  sad

P.S. : Mais... j'ai plein de messages en retard, par reTaranis !

Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel :  À la découverte de dcraw

Hors ligne

#200 Le 04/04/2018, à 21:49


Re : [Résolu] Comment afficher un Grub personnalisé, explicite et immuable.

maxire a écrit :

Les OS esclaves Debian/Ubuntu le restent dès que tu leur appliques la commande dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc  qui va bien.
Les mises à jour du programme Grub restent dans le VBR qui leur est affecté.

OK pas de soucis, on est preneur. Si on peut éviter avec une simple commande, plutôt que tout mon merdier,  que les OS esclaves ne viennent de temps en temps virer le grub de l'OS maître lors des mises à jour, alors pas de soucis. Reprenons tout à zéro.
Mais pourrais-tu en dire plus parce que la commande  dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, je viens de la lancer, et je n'ai pas compris ce qu'il faut en faire pour arriver à ce qu'on souhaite. (Et aussi VBR, je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire, sorry !)

Dernière modification par Crestey (Le 04/04/2018, à 21:51)

Merci à tous.
Sous Ubuntu/XFCE depuis 2013. Ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.

Hors ligne