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#1 Le 08/12/2005, à 10:20


Probleme de Boot lilo


Lorsque je redemarre mon pc, lilo ne me laisse pas le choix du boot et je boot directement sous linux.

Apres recherche j'ai exactement le meme probleme que : … 13178.html

Voici mon fichier de conf lilo.conf

# /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
# ---------------       `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
#                       and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

# +---------------------------------------------------------------+
# |                        !! Reminder !!                         |
# |                                                               |
# | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this     |
# | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt' (if you have created it), or   |
# | install a new kernel.  The computer will most likely fail to  |
# | boot if a kernel-image post-install script or you don't       |
# | remember to run `lilo'.                                       |
# |                                                               |
# +---------------------------------------------------------------+

# Specifies the boot device.  This is where Lilo installs its boot
# block.  It can be either a partition, or the raw device, in which
# case it installs in the MBR, and will overwrite the current MBR.

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. (`/')

# This option may be needed for some software RAID installs.
# raid-extra-boot=mbr-only

# Enable map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the
# map smaller.  Using `compact' is especially recommended when
# booting from a floppy disk.  It is disabled here by default
# because it doesn't always work.
# compact

# Installs the specified file as the new boot sector
# You have the choice between: text, bmp, and menu
# Look in lilo.conf(5) manpage for details

# Specifies the location of the map file

# You can set a password here, and uncomment the `restricted' lines
# in the image definitions below to make it so that a password must
# be typed to boot anything but a default configuration.  If a
# command line is given, other than one specified by an `append'
# statement in `lilo.conf', the password will be required, but a
# standard default boot will not require one.
# This will, for instance, prevent anyone with access to the
# console from booting with something like `Linux init=/bin/sh',
# and thus becoming `root' without proper authorization.
# Note that if you really need this type of security, you will
# likely also want to use `install-mbr' to reconfigure the MBR
# program, as well as set up your BIOS to disallow booting from
# removable disk or CD-ROM, then put a password on getting into the
# BIOS configuration as well.  Please RTFM `install-mbr(8)'.
# password=tatercounter2000

# Specifies the number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds) LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.

# You can put a customized boot message up if you like.  If you use
# `prompt', and this computer may need to reboot unattended, you
# must specify a `timeout', or it will sit there forever waiting
# for a keypress.  `single-key' goes with the `alias' lines in the
# `image' configurations below.  eg: You can press `1' to boot
# `Linux', `2' to boot `LinuxOLD', if you uncomment the `alias'.
# message=/boot/bootmess.txt
#	prompt
#	delay=100
#	timeout=100

# Specifies the VGA text mode at boot time. (normal, extended, ask, <mode>)
# vga=ask
# vga=9

# Kernel command line options that apply to all installed images go
# here.  See: The `boot-prompt-HOWTO' and `kernel-parameters.txt' in
# the Linux kernel `Documentation' directory.
# append=""
# If you used a serial console to install Ubuntu, this option should be
# enabled by default.
# serial=

# Boot up Linux by default.
timeout = 50

#	restricted
#	alias=1


#	restricted
#	alias=2


# If you have another OS on this machine to boot, you can uncomment the
# following lines, changing the device name on the `other' line to
# where your other OS' partition is.
# other=/dev/hda4
#	label=HURD
#	restricted

sudo Fdisk -l :

Périphérique Amorce    Début         Fin      Blocs    Id  Système
/dev/sda1   ?       20682      154408  1074152739    0  Vide
La partition 1 ne se termine pas sur une frontière de cylindre.
/dev/sda2   ?      176411       26482   943175203   be  Amorce Solaris
La partition 2 ne se termine pas sur une frontière de cylindre.
/dev/sda3   ?      190072       41857   956950144    0  Vide
La partition 3 ne se termine pas sur une frontière de cylindre.
/dev/sda4   ?           1           1           0   4f  QNX4.x 3rd part
La partition 4 ne se termine pas sur une frontière de cylindre.

Les entrées de la table de partitions ne sont pas dans l'ordre du disque

sudo lilo :

Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
    Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/dm'
device-mapper ioctl cmd 12 failed: No such device or address
Fatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed

sudo liloconfig :

LILO, the LInux LOader, sets up your system to boot Linux directly
from your hard disk, without the need for a boot floppy.

You already have a LILO configuration in the file /etc/lilo.conf

If you want to use the new LILO boot menu, please take a look to
/usr/share/doc/lilo/examples/conf.sample and choose one of the
bitmaps located on /boot

Checking your /etc/lilo.conf for incompatible options...

Install a boot block using your current LILO configuration? [Yes] yes

WARNING: Even if lilo runs successfully, see /usr/share/doc/lilo/INCOMPAT.gz
         for changes in the usage of the /etc/lilo.conf file.
         If needed: edit /etc/lilo.conf and rerun '/sbin/lilo -v'

Running lilo...
LILO version 22.6.1, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Development beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2004 John Coffman
Released 17-Nov-2004, and compiled at 13:18:35 on Jul 20 2005

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Reading boot sector from /dev/sda
Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
    Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/dm'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-1' -> '/dev/.static/dev/mapper/Ubuntu-swap_1'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-2' -> '/dev/evms/.nodes/sda5'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-3' -> '/dev/evms/.nodes/sda4'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-4' -> '/dev/evms/lvm2/Ubuntu/root'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-5' -> '/dev/evms/lvm2/Ubuntu/swap_1'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-6' -> '/dev/evms/sda1'
    Name change: '/dev/dm-7' -> '/dev/evms/sda2'
device-mapper ioctl cmd 12 failed: No such device or address
Fatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed

ERROR: correct /etc/lilo.conf manually and rerun /sbin/lilo

J'espere que quelqu'un va pouvoir m'aider parceque je n'ai vraiment pas envi de reinstaller smile

Merci encore smile

#2 Le 08/12/2005, à 10:23


Re : Probleme de Boot lilo

La partition 1 ne se termine pas sur une frontière de cylindre.

Tu as fait quoi avec tes partitions ?

Non à la vente liée. Non au monopole Windows.
Tous ensemble, refusons les logiciels préinstallés et tournons nous vers le libre.

Hors ligne

#3 Le 08/12/2005, à 10:32


Re : Probleme de Boot lilo

Bah je sais pas,

jcroit j'ai du faire un "chroot /" qui lui a pas plus ... hmm

#4 Le 08/12/2005, à 12:52


Re : Probleme de Boot lilo

UP !

#5 Le 08/12/2005, à 13:30


Re : Probleme de Boot lilo

T'as regardé dans le wiki pour réinstaller LiLo ?
Sinon met Grub, c'est pas pour rien qu'il s'installe par défaut avec Ubuntu ;-)

Non à la vente liée. Non au monopole Windows.
Tous ensemble, refusons les logiciels préinstallés et tournons nous vers le libre.

Hors ligne