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#1 Le 05/11/2005, à 20:01


[Help]Comment Flasher Firmware 2200BG pour mon HP Nx

Bonjour à tous wink

Je cherche le moyen de flasher le firmware de ma carte mini pci wifi Intel 2200bg (30€) car le bios de mon notebook HP nx6110 ne me permet pas de booter (error 104) car le notebook n accepte que SA MARQUE de mini pci( cad HP à 115€ ) (blacklistée!!)

J ai trouvé la marche a suivre sur le forum de chez hp mais c est "par" Knoppix qu il est expliqué.
Le probleme c est que mon second notebook ( Toshiba L10 avec lequel je veux flasher le firmware) n en veut pas de Knoppix, j ai donc installé Ubuntu 5.10 et lorsque je commence la manipulation ... ça bloque quand je fais #sh unload      j ai un message d erreur

Voici le lien du forum hp ou le "thread" se trouve, je suis newbee sous Linux et je ne sais pas comment m en sortir

Merci à tous smile


I have a solution thanks to whiteheat and druid cz from x1000 forums that allows you to use any Intel Pro Wireless 2200BG card inside your HP laptop.

Before, I received the error 104: unsupported wireless card, now my NC8000 laptop will boot perfectly. Now you can buy your card for < £25.00 instead of HP's £60 + vat + p&p.

First off if you don't have linux installed you will need to go to and download KNOPPIX_V3.8.2-2005-05-05-EN.iso, then burn the cd

You need to have the card install during the boot sequence so, have your laptop open and bootup, when you see the boot:_ line insert the card then press enter. Knoppix will autodetect the card & the bios wont complain.

Once knoppix has booted:

Click on the penguin on the taskbar and select "Root Shell", then the following command (from now on any line that begins with a # is a command to be typed at the Root prompt:
You will get a list of ethernet adapters, eth0, eth1 etc. The wireless one should be quite obvious from the text displayed after it with all the wireless parameters!
#ethtool -e ethX
Obviously replace the 'X' with the index of your wireless card you found above.
You will get a hex dump of the 256 bytes of EEPROM data.
Note: There is nothing dangerous in the above steps at all.

If you want to writing to your EEPROM (You can seriously screw your card up so be careful ):

#mkdir /usr/tmp
#cd /usr/tmp

N.B. This file has already been patched to allow writing to the eeprom

#tar xvzf ipw2200.tar.gz
#cd ipw2200-1.0.3
#sh unload
#sh load

Now all that you need to do is write to the eeprom. If your card is from Europe:

#ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0x8 value 0xf6
#ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0x9 value 0x12
#ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0xa value 0x3c
#ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0xb value 0x10

If it is from the US:

ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0x8 value 0xf5
ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0x9 value 0x12
ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0xa value 0x3c
ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x2200 offset 0xb value 0x10

N.B. the -E must be uppercase for writing to work.

Now reboot your computer and you should no longer get the error 104...!

Dernière modification par kenatiko (Le 06/11/2005, à 09:15)

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#2 Le 09/11/2005, à 07:45


Re : [Help]Comment Flasher Firmware 2200BG pour mon HP Nx

Personne ?! sad

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#3 Le 09/11/2005, à 10:04


Re : [Help]Comment Flasher Firmware 2200BG pour mon HP Nx

Quel est le message d'erreur ?

#4 Le 09/11/2005, à 21:07


Re : [Help]Comment Flasher Firmware 2200BG pour mon HP Nx

En fait la procedure est bonne  jusqu a ce que j arrive à #sh unload , la ça ne va pas plus loin

Voici un post qui explique pourquoi mais je ne comprend pas comment faire sous Ubuntu , ni meme avec knoppix

I remember now that i did have a similar / same problem with sh unload. The solution to this problem is as follows:

use qtparted ( found in the main menu under system maybe?)to repartition your hdd (a 2/3 gig partition will suffice) then open up a command line and run: (# denotes a command)


then follow onscreen instructions
u may need 2 log in as root before running this command:

assign a password
#sudo su
then password

now run #knx2hd

This should get around the unload problem.
N.B. I used Knoppix 3.8.2

Si quelqu un comprend et pourrait m expliquer? Merci d avance

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