#1 Le 19/06/2007, à 19:16
- jappy
Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
J'ai un probleme avec Edgy Eft concernant la resolution graphique que j'obtiens. Lorsque j'ouvre une session, il arrive que les caracteres et les images qui apparaissent a l'ecran soient environ deux fois plus gros qu'a d'autres sessions de travail. J'obtiens ainsi une moins bonne resolution. Ce probleme apparait a partir de la boite de login.
Apres l'installation de Edgy Eft, la resolution normale apparaissait la plupart du temps. Mais maintenant, je dirais que c'est une fois sur deux.
Pourtant lors des sessions de travail, je ne touche jamais aux fichiers systemes.
A quoi peut-etre du ce probleme?
#2 Le 19/06/2007, à 21:02
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Fait un copier/coller de ton fichier xorg.conf (le fichier de configuration du serveur graphique X) en utilisant cette commande dans un terminal
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Tu trouves le terminal dans le menu Applications -> Accessoires.
Colles le résultat entre balises code, dans les boutons au dessus des smileys.
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#3 Le 20/06/2007, à 18:19
- Jappy
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Salut inbox,
Je vais essayer ça.
#4 Le 20/06/2007, à 18:28
- Jappy
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Je viens de me rendre compte que je n'avais pas compris correctement ce que tu voulais dire. Je ne suis pas chez moi actuellement. Aussitôt arrivé, je vais afficher le fichier demandé.
#5 Le 21/06/2007, à 15:57
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Voici inbox le fichier que tu demandais.
Info : supplementaires :
carte graphique = MSI NX6600LE
moniteur = ViewSonic 19'' UltraBrite A91f+
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder3) Mon Oct 16 22:13:07 PDT 2006
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen" 0 0
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
Section "Files"
# path to defoma fonts
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
Section "Module"
Load "i2c"
Load "bitmap"
Load "ddc"
Load "extmod"
Load "freetype"
Load "glx"
Load "int10"
Load "type1"
Load "vbe"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Driver "kbd"
Option "CoreKeyboard"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Section "InputDevice"
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Identifier "stylus"
Driver "wacom"
Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to
Option "Type" "stylus"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section "InputDevice"
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Identifier "eraser"
Driver "wacom"
Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to
Option "Type" "eraser"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section "InputDevice"
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Identifier "cursor"
Driver "wacom"
Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to
Option "Type" "cursor"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "A91f+"
Option "DPMS"
Section "Device"
Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600?]"
Driver "nvidia"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600?]"
Monitor "A91f+"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 1
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 4
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 8
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 15
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
Hors ligne
#6 Le 21/06/2007, à 17:09
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Je colle le lien vers la page concernant les spécifications de ton écran pour l'avoir sous la main.;)
Comme il ne me semble pas y avoir de problème dans xorg.conf, colles le contenu de
sudo gedit /etc/var/Xorg.0.log
entre balises code (obtenu en cliquant sur le bouton Code au dessus des smileys).
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#7 Le 21/06/2007, à 21:19
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Salut inbox,
Je n'ai pas trouve le fichier /etc/var/Xorg.0.log. J'ai regarde dans le repertoire /etc et il n'y a pas de repertoire /var.
Je veux te faire remarquer que j'ai note la presence d'un fichier backup de xorg.conf, soit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup. Peut-etre que cela a une importance. Il y a de legeres differences dans le milieu du fichier par rapport au fichier xorg.conf et un ajout de codes a la fin. Voici le contenu de cet ajout :
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
J'ai copie le fichier selon la facon que tu preconises. Je ne sais pas si c'est ca que tu voulais. Je croyais que ca ferait comme l'attachement d'un fichier que l'on joint dans un courriel afin d'eviter un message trop long.
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
# path to defoma fonts
FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
Section "Module"
Load "i2c"
Load "bitmap"
Load "ddc"
Load "dri"
Load "extmod"
Load "freetype"
Load "glx"
Load "int10"
Load "type1"
Load "vbe"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Driver "kbd"
Option "CoreKeyboard"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Option "Type" "stylus"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "eraser"
Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Option "Type" "eraser"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "cursor"
Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Option "Type" "cursor"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section "Device"
Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600?]"
Driver "nv"
BusID "PCI:4:0:0"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "A91f+"
Option "DPMS"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600?]"
Monitor "A91f+"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 1
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 4
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 8
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 15
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
Hors ligne
#8 Le 21/06/2007, à 21:25
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Désolé il s'agit de
sudo gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log
Après avoir copié cette log, et en attendant de trouver mieux, tu peux enlever toutes les chaines
de xorg.conf.
Ceci fait, relance le serveur graphique, alias serveur X, avec CTRL+ ALT + backspace.
Dernière modification par inbox (Le 21/06/2007, à 21:36)
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#9 Le 21/06/2007, à 21:38
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Voici le fichier demande.
Malheureusement, je dois aller travailler . J'aurais aime rester pour resoudre enfin ce probleme. Je vais regarder ta reponse en revenant.
Merci encore,
sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
X Window System Version 7.1.1
Release Date: 12 May 2006
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1
Build Operating System: Linux i686
Current Operating System: Linux Planck 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686
Build Date: 07 July 2006
Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu Jun 21 15:16:30 2007
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(==) ServerLayout "Default Layout"
(**) |-->Screen "Default Screen" (0)
(**) | |-->Monitor "A91f+"
(**) | |-->Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600?]"
(**) |-->Input Device "Generic Keyboard"
(**) |-->Input Device "Configured Mouse"
(**) |-->Input Device "stylus"
(**) |-->Input Device "cursor"
(**) |-->Input Device "eraser"
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType".
Entry deleted from font path.
(Run 'mkfontdir' on "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType").
(**) FontPath set to:
(==) RgbPath set to "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
(==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
(II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
(II) Module ABI versions:
X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.3
X.Org Video Driver: 1.0
X.Org XInput driver : 0.6
X.Org Server Extension : 0.3
X.Org Font Renderer : 0.5
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libbitmap.so
(II) Module bitmap: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libpcidata.so
(II) Module pcidata: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0
(++) using VT number 7
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 8086,2580 card 8086,2580 rev 04 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 8086,2581 card 0000,0000 rev 04 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:1b:0: chip 8086,2668 card 1043,813d rev 03 class 04,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1c:0: chip 8086,2660 card 0000,0000 rev 03 class 06,04,00 hdr 81
(II) PCI: 00:1c:1: chip 8086,2662 card 0000,0000 rev 03 class 06,04,00 hdr 81
(II) PCI: 00:1d:0: chip 8086,2658 card 1043,80a6 rev 03 class 0c,03,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:1d:1: chip 8086,2659 card 1043,80a6 rev 03 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1d:2: chip 8086,265a card 1043,80a6 rev 03 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1d:3: chip 8086,265b card 1043,80a6 rev 03 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1e:0: chip 8086,244e card 0000,0000 rev d3 class 06,04,01 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:1f:0: chip 8086,2640 card 0000,0000 rev 03 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:1f:1: chip 8086,266f card 1043,80a6 rev 03 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1f:2: chip 8086,2652 card 1043,2601 rev 03 class 01,01,8f hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1f:3: chip 8086,266a card 1043,80a6 rev 03 class 0c,05,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:03:0: chip 104c,8023 card 1043,808b rev 00 class 0c,00,10 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:04:0: chip 1283,8212 card 1043,813a rev 13 class 01,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 02:00:0: chip 11ab,4362 card 1043,8142 rev 15 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 04:00:0: chip 10de,0142 card 1462,9818 rev a2 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) Intel Bridge workaround enabled
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (0,0,4), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[b]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 4: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,4,4), BCTRL: 0x000a (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 4 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000efff (0x1000) IX[b]
(II) Bus 4 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xd2f00000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x5100000) MX[b]
(II) Bus 4 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 3: bridge is at (0:28:0), (0,3,3), BCTRL: 0x0006 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 3 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
[1] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dcff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 2: bridge is at (0:28:1), (0,2,2), BCTRL: 0x0006 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 2 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x0000c000 - 0x0000c0ff (0x100) IX[b]
[1] -1 0 0x0000c400 - 0x0000c4ff (0x100) IX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x0000cc00 - 0x0000ccff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) Bus 2 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xd2e00000 - 0xd2efffff (0x100000) MX[b]
(II) Subtractive PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:30:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x0006 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 1 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x0000a000 - 0x0000a0ff (0x100) IX[b]
[1] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a4ff (0x100) IX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x0000ac00 - 0x0000acff (0x100) IX[b]
[4] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b0ff (0x100) IX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b4ff (0x100) IX[b]
[6] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[7] -1 0 0x0000bc00 - 0x0000bcff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xd2d00000 - 0xd2dfffff (0x100000) MX[b]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0x50000000 - 0x500fffff (0x100000) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:31:0), (0,-1,-1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(--) PCI:*(4:0:0) nVidia Corporation GeForce 6600 LE rev 162, Mem @ 0xd4000000/26, 0xd8000000/27, 0xd3000000/24, BIOS @ 0xd2fe0000/17
(II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
[1] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[b]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) Active PCI resource ranges:
[0] -1 0 0xd2efc000 - 0xd2efffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[1] -1 0 0xd2dd8000 - 0xd2ddbfff (0x4000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0xd2ddf800 - 0xd2ddffff (0x800) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0xd2cffc00 - 0xd2cfffff (0x400) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xd2cf4000 - 0xd2cf7fff (0x4000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xd2fe0000 - 0xd2ffffff (0x20000) MX[b](B)
[6] -1 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
[7] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b](B)
[8] -1 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b](B)
[9] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[10] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a40f (0x10) IX[b]
[11] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a803 (0x4) IX[b]
[12] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[b]
[13] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b403 (0x4) IX[b]
[14] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b807 (0x8) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x00008400 - 0x0000840f (0x10) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x00008800 - 0x00008803 (0x4) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x00009000 - 0x00009007 (0x8) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x00009400 - 0x00009403 (0x4) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x00009800 - 0x00009807 (0x8) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x0000ffa0 - 0x0000ffaf (0x10) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x00008000 - 0x0000801f (0x20) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x00007800 - 0x0000781f (0x20) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x00007400 - 0x0000741f (0x20) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x00007000 - 0x0000701f (0x20) IX[b]
(II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
[0] -1 0 0xd2efc000 - 0xd2efffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[1] -1 0 0xd2dd8000 - 0xd2ddbfff (0x4000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0xd2ddf800 - 0xd2ddffff (0x800) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0xd2cffc00 - 0xd2cfffff (0x400) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xd2cf4000 - 0xd2cf7fff (0x4000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xd2fe0000 - 0xd2ffffff (0x20000) MX[b](B)
[6] -1 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
[7] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b](B)
[8] -1 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b](B)
[9] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[10] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a40f (0x10) IX[b]
[11] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a803 (0x4) IX[b]
[12] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[b]
[13] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b403 (0x4) IX[b]
[14] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b807 (0x8) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x00008400 - 0x0000840f (0x10) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x00008800 - 0x00008803 (0x4) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x00009000 - 0x00009007 (0x8) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x00009400 - 0x00009403 (0x4) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x00009800 - 0x00009807 (0x8) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x0000ffa0 - 0x0000ffaf (0x10) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x00008000 - 0x0000801f (0x20) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x00007800 - 0x0000781f (0x20) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x00007400 - 0x0000741f (0x20) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x00007000 - 0x0000701f (0x20) IX[b]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) All system resource ranges:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xd2efc000 - 0xd2efffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xd2dd8000 - 0xd2ddbfff (0x4000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xd2ddf800 - 0xd2ddffff (0x800) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xd2cffc00 - 0xd2cfffff (0x400) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xd2cf4000 - 0xd2cf7fff (0x4000) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xd2fe0000 - 0xd2ffffff (0x20000) MX[b](B)
[10] -1 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
[11] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b](B)
[12] -1 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b](B)
[13] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[14] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a40f (0x10) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a803 (0x4) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b403 (0x4) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b807 (0x8) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x00008400 - 0x0000840f (0x10) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x00008800 - 0x00008803 (0x4) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x00009000 - 0x00009007 (0x8) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x00009400 - 0x00009403 (0x4) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x00009800 - 0x00009807 (0x8) IX[b]
[27] -1 0 0x0000ffa0 - 0x0000ffaf (0x10) IX[b]
[28] -1 0 0x00008000 - 0x0000801f (0x20) IX[b]
[29] -1 0 0x00007800 - 0x0000781f (0x20) IX[b]
[30] -1 0 0x00007400 - 0x0000741f (0x20) IX[b]
[31] -1 0 0x00007000 - 0x0000701f (0x20) IX[b]
(II) LoadModule: "i2c"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libi2c.so
(II) Module i2c: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.2.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0
(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(II) Reloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libbitmap.so
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libddc.so
(II) Module ddc: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so
(II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) Loading extension SHAPE
(II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Loading extension SYNC
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XC-MISC
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
(II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Loading extension X-Resource
(II) LoadModule: "freetype"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libfreetype.so
(II) Module freetype: vendor="X.Org Foundation & the After X-TT Project"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 2.1.0
Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5
(II) Loading font FreeType
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libglx.so
(II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.8776
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libint10.so
(II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0
(II) LoadModule: "type1"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libtype1.so
(II) Module type1: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.2
Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5
(II) Loading font Type1
(II) LoadModule: "vbe"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libvbe.so
(II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0
(II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
(II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.8776
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
(II) LoadModule: "kbd"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/kbd_drv.so
(II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/mouse_drv.so
(II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.1
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6
(II) LoadModule: "wacom"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/wacom_drv.so
(II) Module wacom: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6
(II) Wacom driver level: 47-0.7.2 $
(II) NVIDIA X Driver 1.0-8776 Mon Oct 16 21:58:46 PDT 2006
(II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 04:00:0
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset NVIDIA GPU found
(II) Loading sub module "fb"
(II) LoadModule: "fb"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so
(II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.3
(II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
(II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libramdac.so
(II) Module ramdac: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.0
(II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xd2efc000 - 0xd2efffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xd2dd8000 - 0xd2ddbfff (0x4000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xd2ddf800 - 0xd2ddffff (0x800) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xd2cffc00 - 0xd2cfffff (0x400) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xd2cf4000 - 0xd2cf7fff (0x4000) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xd2fe0000 - 0xd2ffffff (0x20000) MX[b](B)
[10] -1 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
[11] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b](B)
[12] -1 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b](B)
[13] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[14] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a40f (0x10) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a803 (0x4) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b403 (0x4) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b807 (0x8) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x00008400 - 0x0000840f (0x10) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x00008800 - 0x00008803 (0x4) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x00009000 - 0x00009007 (0x8) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x00009400 - 0x00009403 (0x4) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x00009800 - 0x00009807 (0x8) IX[b]
[27] -1 0 0x0000ffa0 - 0x0000ffaf (0x10) IX[b]
[28] -1 0 0x00008000 - 0x0000801f (0x20) IX[b]
[29] -1 0 0x00007800 - 0x0000781f (0x20) IX[b]
[30] -1 0 0x00007400 - 0x0000741f (0x20) IX[b]
[31] -1 0 0x00007000 - 0x0000701f (0x20) IX[b]
(II) resource ranges after probing:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xd2efc000 - 0xd2efffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xd2dd8000 - 0xd2ddbfff (0x4000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xd2ddf800 - 0xd2ddffff (0x800) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xd2cffc00 - 0xd2cfffff (0x400) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xd2cf4000 - 0xd2cf7fff (0x4000) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xd2fe0000 - 0xd2ffffff (0x20000) MX[b](B)
[10] -1 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
[11] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b](B)
[12] -1 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b](B)
[13] 0 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[b]
[14] 0 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[b]
[15] 0 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[b]
[16] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a40f (0x10) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a803 (0x4) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b403 (0x4) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b807 (0x8) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x00008400 - 0x0000840f (0x10) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x00008800 - 0x00008803 (0x4) IX[b]
[27] -1 0 0x00009000 - 0x00009007 (0x8) IX[b]
[28] -1 0 0x00009400 - 0x00009403 (0x4) IX[b]
[29] -1 0 0x00009800 - 0x00009807 (0x8) IX[b]
[30] -1 0 0x0000ffa0 - 0x0000ffaf (0x10) IX[b]
[31] -1 0 0x00008000 - 0x0000801f (0x20) IX[b]
[32] -1 0 0x00007800 - 0x0000781f (0x20) IX[b]
[33] -1 0 0x00007400 - 0x0000741f (0x20) IX[b]
[34] -1 0 0x00007000 - 0x0000701f (0x20) IX[b]
[35] 0 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[b]
[36] 0 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[b]
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(**) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
(==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(**) NVIDIA(0): Enabling RENDER acceleration
(II) NVIDIA(0): Support for GLX with the Damage and Composite X extensions is
(II) NVIDIA(0): enabled.
(II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce 6600 LE at PCI:4:0:0
(--) NVIDIA(0): VideoRAM: 262144 kBytes
(--) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS:
(II) NVIDIA(0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
(--) NVIDIA(0): Interlaced video modes are supported on this GPU
(--) NVIDIA(0): Connected display device(s) on GeForce 6600 LE at PCI:4:0:0:
(--) NVIDIA(0): ViewSonic A91f+ (CRT-0)
(--) NVIDIA(0): ViewSonic A91f+ (CRT-0): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
(II) NVIDIA(0): Assigned Display Device: CRT-0
(II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:
(II) NVIDIA(0): "1792x1344"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "1600x1200"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "1280x1024"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "1280x960"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "1152x864"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "1024x768"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "832x624"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "800x600"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "720x400"
(II) NVIDIA(0): "640x480"
(II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1792 x 1344
(--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (90, 96); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config option
(--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
(II) do I need RAC? No, I don't.
(II) resource ranges after preInit:
[0] 0 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b]
[1] 0 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b]
[2] 0 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[4] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xd2efc000 - 0xd2efffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xd2dd8000 - 0xd2ddbfff (0x4000) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xd2ddf800 - 0xd2ddffff (0x800) MX[b]
[10] -1 0 0xd2cffc00 - 0xd2cfffff (0x400) MX[b]
[11] -1 0 0xd2cf4000 - 0xd2cf7fff (0x4000) MX[b]
[12] -1 0 0xd2fe0000 - 0xd2ffffff (0x20000) MX[b](B)
[13] -1 0 0xd3000000 - 0xd3ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
[14] -1 0 0xd8000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x8000000) MX[b](B)
[15] -1 0 0xd4000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x4000000) MX[b](B)
[16] 0 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[b](OprD)
[17] 0 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[b](OprD)
[18] 0 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[b](OprD)
[19] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x0000c800 - 0x0000c8ff (0x100) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x0000a400 - 0x0000a40f (0x10) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x0000a800 - 0x0000a803 (0x4) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x0000b000 - 0x0000b007 (0x8) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x0000b400 - 0x0000b403 (0x4) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x0000b800 - 0x0000b807 (0x8) IX[b]
[27] -1 0 0x00000400 - 0x0000041f (0x20) IX[b]
[28] -1 0 0x00008400 - 0x0000840f (0x10) IX[b]
[29] -1 0 0x00008800 - 0x00008803 (0x4) IX[b]
[30] -1 0 0x00009000 - 0x00009007 (0x8) IX[b]
[31] -1 0 0x00009400 - 0x00009403 (0x4) IX[b]
[32] -1 0 0x00009800 - 0x00009807 (0x8) IX[b]
[33] -1 0 0x0000ffa0 - 0x0000ffaf (0x10) IX[b]
[34] -1 0 0x00008000 - 0x0000801f (0x20) IX[b]
[35] -1 0 0x00007800 - 0x0000781f (0x20) IX[b]
[36] -1 0 0x00007400 - 0x0000741f (0x20) IX[b]
[37] -1 0 0x00007000 - 0x0000701f (0x20) IX[b]
[38] 0 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[b](OprU)
[39] 0 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[b](OprU)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1792x1344"
(II) Loading extension NV-GLX
(II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA 3D Acceleration Architecture Initialized
(II) NVIDIA(0): Using the NVIDIA 2D acceleration architecture
(==) NVIDIA(0): Backing store disabled
(==) NVIDIA(0): Silken mouse enabled
(**) Option "dpms"
(**) NVIDIA(0): DPMS enabled
(II) Loading extension NV-CONTROL
(==) RandR enabled
(II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
(II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
(II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
(II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR
(II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
(II) Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
(II) Initializing built-in extension XEVIE
(II) Initializing extension GLX
error opening security policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy
(**) Option "CoreKeyboard"
(**) Generic Keyboard: Core Keyboard
(**) Option "Protocol" "standard"
(**) Generic Keyboard: Protocol: standard
(**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbRules: "xorg"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbModel: "pc105"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbLayout: "us"
(**) Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbOptions: "lv3:ralt_switch"
(**) Option "CustomKeycodes" "off"
(**) Generic Keyboard: CustomKeycodes disabled
(**) Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
(**) Configured Mouse: Device: "/dev/input/mice"
(**) Configured Mouse: Protocol: "ExplorerPS/2"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Configured Mouse: Core Pointer
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
(**) Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
(**) Configured Mouse: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
(**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
(**) Configured Mouse: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(**) Configured Mouse: Buttons: 9
(**) Option "SendCoreEvents"
(**) stylus: always reports core events
(**) stylus device is /dev/wacom
(**) stylus is in absolute mode
(**) stylus: forcing TabletPC ISD V4 protocol
(**) WACOM: suppress value is 2
(**) Option "BaudRate" "9600"
(**) stylus: serial speed 9600
(**) Option "SendCoreEvents"
(**) cursor: always reports core events
(**) cursor device is /dev/wacom
(**) cursor is in relative mode
(**) cursor: forcing TabletPC ISD V4 protocol
(**) WACOM: suppress value is 2
(**) Option "BaudRate" "9600"
(**) cursor: serial speed 9600
(**) Option "SendCoreEvents"
(**) eraser: always reports core events
(**) eraser device is /dev/wacom
(**) eraser is in absolute mode
(**) eraser: forcing TabletPC ISD V4 protocol
(**) WACOM: suppress value is 2
(**) Option "BaudRate" "9600"
(**) eraser: serial speed 9600
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "eraser" (type: Wacom Eraser)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "cursor" (type: Wacom Cursor)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "stylus" (type: Wacom Stylus)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Configured Mouse" (type: MOUSE)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Generic Keyboard" (type: KEYBOARD)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "NVIDIA Event Handler" (type: Other)
xkb_keycodes { include "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types { include "complete" };
xkb_compatibility { include "complete" };
xkb_symbols { include "pc(pc105)+us+level3(ralt_switch)" };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc105)" };
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/wacom"
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom
No such file or directory.
Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom
No such file or directory.
Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/wacom"
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom
No such file or directory.
Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom
No such file or directory.
Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/wacom"
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom
No such file or directory.
Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom
No such file or directory.
Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory
(II) Configured Mouse: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/OTF, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/CID/, removing from list!
SetClientVersion: 0 9
SetGrabKeysState - disabled
SetGrabKeysState - enabled
SetClientVersion: 0 9
SetGrabKeysState - disabled
SetGrabKeysState - enabled
Hors ligne
#10 Le 22/06/2007, à 07:17
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Salut Inbox,
J'ai change la chaine que tu m'avais proposee et sauve le fichier xorg.conf mais ca n'a pas fonctionne.
Je me souviens qu'en utilisant le live-cd de Knoppix une partie du cheatcode que j'entrais au demarrage etait screen=1280x1024 et ca marchait tres bien. Peut-etre que dans ce cas je devrais egalement enlever toutes les chaines "1600 x 1200"?
Mais je ne sais pas si on se dirige dans le bon sens. C'est pas les resolutions de bas niveau que je devrais plutot eliminer. Par exemple, 1152 x 864, 832 x 624, etc... ?
Il y a necessairement dans ce fichier un module ou un parametre d'entree qui a un caractere "aleatoire" car un processeur ca ne decide de rien, du moins pas encore ...
Dernière modification par lancelot3 (Le 22/06/2007, à 07:35)
Hors ligne
#11 Le 22/06/2007, à 07:57
- ebrain
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Coucou !
Essayes de changer toutes les lignes de modes comme ceci :
Modes "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
@+ ^^
Le Blender Clan, site communautaire francophone Blender :: www.blenderclan.org ::
Hors ligne
#12 Le 22/06/2007, à 17:29
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Salut lancelot3,
Je n'y vais pas pensé avant, mais il semble que tu utilises la version 6.06 Dapper Drake ou 6.10 Edgy Eft, car dans la log on peut lire
module version = 1.0.8776
C'est la version du pilote nvidia de ces deux versions d'Ubuntu.
Cela vaut donc dire que le pilote est installé. Par contre il n'est pas activé étant donné qu'il y a
Driver "nv"
au lieu de
Driver "nvidia"
dans ton xorg.conf.
Quelle version utilises tu donc ?
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#13 Le 22/06/2007, à 18:52
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Salut ebrain et inbox,
Oui, ebrain j'ai pensé à éliminer l'autre chaine. Mais, tu es plus généreux que moi car moi je ne garderais que la chaine 1280 x 1024! C'est sans doute cela que je vais faire.
Inbox, j'utilise la version 6.10 Edgy Eft.
Salut et merci,
Hors ligne
#14 Le 22/06/2007, à 19:46
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Et bien, il te reste à migrer vers la version 7.04 et installer le pilote
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#15 Le 23/06/2007, à 18:48
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Bonjour inbox,
Pour le moment, je veux rester avec Edgy Eft car je n'ai malheureusement pas le temps actuellement de migrer vers la nouvelle version. Je veux apprivoiser un peu Linux avant de me lancer dans une nouvelle reinstallation. A la limite, je peux rester avec ce probleme.
Mon ecran est actuellement avec la bonne resolution. Je voudrais savoir quelle est la resolution de mon ecran presentement. Si je suis capable de savoir quelle est la resolution de mon ecran, sans doute 1280 x 1024, je vais eliminer toutes les autres resolutions dans le fichier xorg.conf (tout en les notant sur papier au cas ou je changerais d'ecran). Le serveur X n'aura d'autres choix que de choisir cette resolution.
Qu'est-ce que tu penses de cette solution?
Est-ce que tu connais une commande ou le fichier qui me donnerait quelle resolution j'ai presentement?
Merci inbox pour ton aide,
Hors ligne
#16 Le 24/06/2007, à 00:48
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Voici la doc du forum (alias documentation ) concernant les problèmes de résolution
Apprends à utiliser la doc , on y trouve généralement, et au minimum, de quoi régler ses problèmes. Tout au moins on y trouve des pistes.
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#17 Le 24/06/2007, à 22:07
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Merci inbox pour ton conseil.
Une petite question en terminant : qu'est ce qu'on entend par "depth"?
Est-ce que c'est relie a l'effet 3D?
Hors ligne
#18 Le 24/06/2007, à 23:37
- inbox
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Le paramètre depth correspond à la profondeur de couleur.
Pour ce qui est de la 3D, Beryl ne sait travailler qu'avec une profondeur de couleur de 24. 16 est trop faible et pour 32 je ne suis pas certain qu'il puisse le gérer.
Avant de faire une migration, je te conseille fortement de faire une sauvegarde de ton système. En cas de problème réseau ou lors de l'installation de cette nouvelle version, cela te permettra de tout restaurer en peu (30 minutes maxi) de temps.
Penche toi aussi sur la sauvegarde, il y a des tas de sujets concernant ceci.
Un problème résolu ? Indiquez le en modifiant le titre du sujet.
Hors ligne
#19 Le 24/06/2007, à 23:53
- lancelot3
Re : Edgy Eft - Differentes resolutions graphiques?
Concernant, la migration, j'ai mis mon /home a part dans une autre partition. Il est certain que je vais faire une sauvegarde de mes documents avant d'installer autre chose. De toutes facons, je sauve mes donnees sur des CDs regulierement.
Merci inbox,
Hors ligne