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#1 Le 13/03/2021, à 18:57


Glimpse (Résolu)

J'ai installé glimpse en konsole mais il n'apparaît pas quand Je le demande. Parce que si Je le demande sur le menu, on voit " Éxécuter glimpse" . Je clique mais rien n'arrive.
Je suis sous Ubuntu 18.04

Dernière modification par nereu (Le 19/03/2021, à 09:52)

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#2 Le 13/03/2021, à 19:38


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

Tu l'as installé à quel format : deb, snap, flatpak, appimage... ?

Est-ce que tu as essayé de relancer la session au cas où ?

À tout hasard, qu'est-ce que ça donne si tu tapes glimpse dans un terminal ? Selon la façon dont il a été installé, il ne trouvera peut-être pas la commande, c'est surtout pour voir s'il y a des erreurs dans le cas où il la trouve ?

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#3 Le 14/03/2021, à 16:59


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

Bonjour et merci
Est-ce une application seulement en ligne de texte?

Je l'a installé avec snap

carlos@nexus:~$ glimpse

This is glimpse version 4.18.7, 2015.

usage:   [-#abceghijklnprstwxyBCDEGIMNPQSVWZ] [-d DEL] [-f FILE] [-F PAT] [-H DIR] [-J HOST] [-K PORT] [-L X[:Y:Z]] [-R X] [-T DIR] [-Y D] pattern [files]
List of options (see for more details):

-#: find matches with at most # errors
-a: print attribute names (useful only for Harvest SOIF format)
-b: print the byte offset of the record from the beginning of the file
-B: best match mode: find the closest matches to the pattern
-c: output the number of matched records
-C: send queries to glimpseserver
-d DEL: define record delimiter DEL
-D x: adjust the cost of deletions to x
-e: for patterns starting with -
-E: print matching lines as they appear in the index (useful in -EQNg)
-f FILE: restrict the search to files whose names appear in FILE
-F PAT: restrict the search to files matching PAT
-g: print the file number (in the index)
-G: output the (whole) files that contain a match
-h: do not output file names before matched record
-H DIR: the glimpse index is located in directory DIR
-i: case-insensitive search, e.g., 'a' = 'A'
-I x: adjust the cost of insertions to x
-j: output file modification dates (if -t was used for the indexing)
-J HOST: send queries to glimpseserver at HOST
-k: use the pattern as is (no meta characters)
-K PORT: send queries to glimpseserver at TCP port number PORT
-l: output only the names of files that contain a match
-L X[:Y:Z]: limit the output to X records [Y files, Z matches per file]
-n: output record prefixed by record number
-N: search only the index (macarlos@nexus:~$ glimpse

This is glimpse version 4.18.7, 2015.

usage:   [-#abceghijklnprstwxyBCDEGIMNPQSVWZ] [-d DEL] [-f FILE] [-F PAT] [-H DIR] [-J HOST] [-K PORT] [-L X[:Y:Z]] [-R X] [-T DIR] [-Y D] pattern [files]
List of options (see for more details):

-#: find matches with at most # errors
-a: print attribute names (useful only for Harvest SOIF format)
-b: print the byte offset of the record from the beginning of the file
-B: best match mode: find the closest matches to the pattern
-c: output the number of matched records
-C: send queries to glimpseserver
-d DEL: define record delimiter DEL
-D x: adjust the cost of deletions to x
-e: for patterns starting with -
-E: print matching lines as they appear in the index (useful in -EQNg)
-f FILE: restrict the search to files whose names appear in FILE
-F PAT: restrict the search to files matching PAT
-g: print the file number (in the index)
-G: output the (whole) files that contain a match
-h: do not output file names before matched record
-H DIR: the glimpse index is located in directory DIR
-i: case-insensitive search, e.g., 'a' = 'A'
-I x: adjust the cost of insertions to x
-j: output file modification dates (if -t was used for the indexing)
-J HOST: send queries to glimpseserver at HOST
-k: use the pattern as is (no meta characters)
-K PORT: send queries to glimpseserver at TCP port number PORT
-l: output only the names of files that contain a match
-L X[:Y:Z]: limit the output to X records [Y files, Z matches per file]
-n: output record prefixed by record number
-N: search only the index (may not be precise for some queries) 
-o: delimiter is output at the beginning of the matched record
-O: file names are printed only once per file
-p FILE:off:len:endian: restrict the search to the files whose names
        are specified as a bit-field OR sparse-set in FILE
-P: print the pattern that matched before the matched record
-q: print the offsets of the beginning and end of each matched record
-Q: (with -N) print offsets of matches from (only the large) index
-r: (used only for agrep) - recursive search
-R X: set the maximum size of a record to X
-s: display nothing except error messages
-S x: adjust the cost of substitutions to x
-t: use in combination with -d DEL so that the delimiter DEL appears
        at the end of each output record instead of the beginning
-T DIR: temporary files are put in directory DIR (instead of /tmp)
-u: do not output matched records (useful in -qbug)
-U: interpret .glimpse_filenames when -U / -X option is used in glimpseindex
-v: (works ONLY for agrep) - output all records that do not contain a match
-V,--version: print the current version of glimpse
-w: pattern has to match as a word, e.g., 'win' will not match 'wind'
-W: the scope of Booleans is the whole file (except for structured queries)
-x: the pattern must match the whole line
-X: if an indexed file that matches 'pattern' doesn't exist, print its name
-y: no prompt
-Y D: output only matches in files that were updated in the last D days
-z: customizable filtering using the .glimpse_filters file
-Z: no op
--help: this message

For questions about glimpse, please contact: `'
y not be precise for some queries) 
-o: delimiter is output at the beginning of the matched record
-O: file names are printed only once per file
-p FILE:off:len:endian: restrict the search to the files whose names
        are specified as a bit-field OR sparse-set in FILE
-P: print the pattern that matched before the matched record
-q: print the offsets of the beginning and end of each matched record
-Q: (with -N) print offsets of matches from (only the large) index
-r: (used only for agrep) - recursive search
-R X: set the maximum size of a record to X
-s: display nothing except error messages
-S x: adjust the cost of substitutions to x
-t: use in combination with -d DEL so that the delimiter DEL appears
        at the end of each output record instead of the beginning
-T DIR: temporary files are put in directory DIR (instead of /tmp)
-u: do not output matched records (useful in -qbug)
-U: interpret .glimpse_filenames when -U / -X option is used in glimpseindex
-v: (works ONLY for agrep) - output all records that do not contain a match
-V,--version: print the current version of glimpse
-w: pattern has to match as a word, e.g., 'win' will not match 'wind'
-W: the scope of Booleans is the whole file (except for structured queries)
-x: the pattern must match the whole line
-X: if an indexed file that matches 'pattern' doesn't exist, print its name
-y: no prompt
-Y D: output only matches in files that were updated in the last D days
-z: customizable filtering using the .glimpse_filters file
-Z: no op
--help: this message

For questions about glimpse, please contact: `'

Hors ligne

#4 Le 14/03/2021, à 17:07


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

Il y a un Glimpse qui est un fork de GIMP et qui est a priori le soft que tu veux utiliser et il y a apparemment une deuxième appli en ligne de commande − qui sert à je ne sais quoi − et qui est celle qui se lance quand tu tapes la commande glimpse.

On est d'accord que le Glimpse que tu veux utiliser est le fork de GIMP ?

Donne le retour de :

dpkg -l | grep glimpse
snap list

Hors ligne

#5 Le 15/03/2021, à 10:09


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

Bonjour et merci

Voici ce qui donnent les commandes

carlos@nexus:~$ dpkg -l | grep glimpse
ii  glimpse                                         4.18.7-3build1                                      amd64        search quickly through entire file systems
carlos@nexus:~$ snap list
Nom                     Version                     Révision  Suivi          Éditeur     Notes
core18                  20210128                    1988      latest/stable  canonical✓  base
gnome-3-28-1804         3.28.0-19-g98f9e67.98f9e67  145       latest/stable  canonical✓  -
gtk-common-themes       0.1-50-gf7627e4             1514      latest/stable  canonical✓  -
snapd                   2.49                        11107     latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd
wine-platform-5-stable  5.0.3                       16        latest/stable  mmtrt       -
wine-platform-runtime   v1.0                        216       latest/stable  mmtrt       -

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#6 Le 15/03/2021, à 10:34


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

En révisant mon post, Je m'en excuse et Je corrige:
Voici ce que donnent tes commandes.

Hors ligne

#7 Le 15/03/2021, à 10:37


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

Tu n'as pas répondu : le Glimpse que tu veux installer, c'est bien le fork de GIMP (l'éditeur d'images, celui-là) ?

Actuellement, tu as l'autre Glimpse, un soft en ligne de commande qui sert apparemment à faire des recherches de fichiers.

Si c'est bien l'éditeur d'images que tu veux, supprime l'autre :

sudo apt-get remove --purge glimpse

puis installe le bon. Tu as trois formats disponibles selon ce que tu préfères :
- snap
- flatpak
- appimage
Si tu veux un format deb, il n'est pas dans les dépôts Ubuntu, il faudrait fouiller pour voir s'il existe un PPA qui le maintient mais c'est pas sûr.

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#8 Le 19/03/2021, à 09:52


Re : Glimpse (Résolu)

Bonjour et merci
J'ai utilisé flatpak et J'ai déjà glimpse installé.
Merci et bonne journée

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