Pages : 1
#1 Le 27/10/2013, à 01:50
- gogor71
plasma-desktop consomme 2,7GB
bonjour, j'ai un probleme avec plasma-desktop.
ainsi que le rapport :
Process 2078 - plasma-desktop
The process plasma-desktop (with pid 2078) is using approximately 2.7 GB of memory.
It is using 2.7 GB privately, and a further 24.1 MB that is, or could be, shared with other programs.
Dividing up the shared memory between all the processes sharing that memory we get a reduced shared memory usage of 9.8 MB. Adding that to the private usage, we get the above mentioned total memory footprint of 2.7 GB.
346.6 MB is swapped out to disk, probably due to a low amount of available memory left.
Library Usage
The memory usage of a process is found by adding up the memory usage of each of its libraries, plus the process's own heap, stack and any other mappings, plus the stack of its 5 threads.
2830448 KB [heap]
1136 KB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
584 KB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
480 KB /usr/lib/
468 KB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
16636 KB /SYSV00000000 (deleted)
2248 KB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
1088 KB /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
480 KB /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
444 KB /usr/lib/
Private 2836712 KB (= 248956 KB clean + 2587756 KB dirty)
Shared 24680 KB (= 8044 KB clean + 16636 KB dirty)
Rss 2861392 KB (= Private + Shared)
Pss 2846785 KB (= Private + Shared/Number of Processes)
Swap 354876 KB
Full Details
Information about the complete virtual space for the process is available, with sortable columns. An empty filename means that it is an anonymous mapping.
Both the MMU page size and the kernel page size are 4 KB.
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Merci de votre aide.
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#2 Le 27/10/2013, à 04:47
- jvcharles
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#3 Le 05/11/2013, à 20:54
- louis94
Re : plasma-desktop consomme 2,7GB
Tout d'abord, assure-toi que ton système est à jour.
Essaye sinon de désactiver un à un les plasmoïdes et autres extensions (en particulier ce que tu as installé toi-même) pour tenter d'en prendre un sur le fait.
Si tu les utilises, arrête des activités. Essaye de désactiver Cairo-Dock.
La consommation CPU du bureau semble aussi trop élevée...
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#4 Le 12/11/2013, à 09:30
- sibe39
Re : plasma-desktop consomme 2,7GB
Moi aussi mon KDE ne consomme pas beaucoup (a peine 2/3 % comme jvcharles).
Bon faut dire que j'ai 16 Go de ram et un core i7 ça aide
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Pages : 1