#1 Le 22/11/2012, à 17:48
- gnomathibus
Pb d'uilisation de libsigc++ et pthread
Bonjour à tous, je débute en C++ et je suis confronté à un problème d'utilisation de la librairie libsigc++, mon but est d'avoir un callback à partir d'un thread ,quand j’exécute mon programme, l’intérieur du thread marche bien mais lorsque la fonction "cptr->signaldata.emit()" est appelée il ne se passe rien, si quelqu'un d'érudit peu m’éclairer çà serait avec joie car j'ai fais pas mal de recherches et j'ai pas trouvé beaucoup d'exemples pour mon cas avec libsigc++ et pthread, soyez indulgent avec moi svp je suis un noobs dans ce domaine
merci encore
ci dessous le code que j'utilise :
le fichier thread.h
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
class Thread : public sigc::trackable
Thread ();
virtual ~Thread ();
int Thread_enableChangeCallback(int);
int Thread_disableChangeCallback(int);
static void* monitorPinInterrupt(void *threadarg);
fichier thread.cpp
#include "thread.h"
// constants
#define GPIO_FN_MAXLEN 32
#define POLL_TIMEOUT 10000
#define RDBUF_LEN 5
// monitoring thread data structure
struct monitor_data{
int thread_id;
int pin;
int edgePin;
int lastKnownState;
int running;
struct monitor_data monitor_data_array[21];
pthread_t threads[21];
void* Interrupt::monitorPinInterrupt(void *threadarg)
// obtain the monitoring data structure from the thread argument
struct monitor_data *monitorData;
monitorData = (struct monitor_data *) threadarg;
// cache a local pin value variabl
int pin = monitorData->pin;
int edgePin = monitorData->edgePin;
printf("\nNATIVE (GpioInterrupt) MONITORING PIN %d @ EDGE %d\n", pin, edgePin);
// monitoring instance variables
char fn[GPIO_FN_MAXLEN];
int fd,ret;
struct pollfd pfd;
char rdbuf[RDBUF_LEN];
// allocate memory
memset(rdbuf, 0x00, RDBUF_LEN);
memset(fn, 0x00, GPIO_FN_MAXLEN);
// attempt to access the pin state from the linux sysfs
// (each GPIO pin value is stored in file: '/sys/class/gpio/gpio#/value' )
snprintf(fn, GPIO_FN_MAXLEN-1, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", edgePin);
fd=open(fn, O_RDONLY);
// return error; unable to get file descriptor
// (this is likely because the pin has not been exported)
// return 2;
// set polling config structure
pfd.events=POLLPRI; // High priority data may be read.
// attempt to read the pin state from the linux sysfs
ret=read(fd, rdbuf, RDBUF_LEN-1);
// return error; unable to read the data file
// (this is likely because the user has insufficient permissions)
// return 4;
printf("value is: %s\n", rdbuf);
// set the running state of the instance monitor data structure
monitorData->running = 1;
// initialize last known value and cache the value as the last known state
int compareLastKnown = strncmp(rdbuf, "1", 1); // only compare the first character; rdbuff may have more junk chars
monitorData->lastKnownState = compareLastKnown;
// continuous thread loop
// clear/reset the data buffer
memset(rdbuf, 0x00, RDBUF_LEN);
// seek to the fist position in the data file
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
// wait for data to be written to the GPIO value file
// (timeout every 10 seconds and restart)
ret=poll(&pfd, 1, POLL_TIMEOUT);
// if the return value is less than '0' then
// an error was thrown; bail out of the thread
// return 6;
// if the return value is equal to '0' then
// the polling simply timed out and we can restart
else if(ret==0)
// if the return value is greater than '0' then
// a change to the GPIO data file occurred
// read the data from the file into the data buffer
ret=read(fd, rdbuf, RDBUF_LEN-1);
// data read error
printf("interrupt, value is: %s\n", rdbuf);
// compare the data in the data buffer with the last known value state
// (we do this to prevent double event invocation for the same value)
int compareResult = strncmp(rdbuf, "1", 1); // only compare the first character; rdbuff may have more junk chars
Thread* cptr = (Thread*)threadarg;
// if we reached this code (unlikely),
// then close the data file and exit the thread
return 0;
int Thread::Thread_enableChangeCallback (int pin)
// get the index position for the requested pin number
int index = pin;
int edgePin = pin;
// ensure that the requested pin index is valid
if(index >= 0 && edgePin >= 0)
// only start this thread monitor if it has not already been started
if(monitor_data_array[index].running <= 0)
// configure the monitor instance data
monitor_data_array[index].thread_id = index;
monitor_data_array[index].pin = pin;
monitor_data_array[index].edgePin = edgePin;
// create monitoring instance thread
pthread_create(&threads[index], NULL,monitorPinInterrupt,static_cast<void*>(&monitor_data_array[index]));
return 1;
// return '0' when no action was taken;
// (monitor already running)
return 0;
// return '-1' on error; not a valid pin
return -1;
int Thread::Thread_disableChangeCallback (int pin)
// get the index position for the requested pin number
int index = pin;
// ensure that the requested pin index is valid
if(index >= 0)
// kill the monitoring thread
if(monitor_data_array[index].running > 0)
// return '1' when a thread was actively killed
return 1;
// return '0' when no action was taken
// (monitor is not currently active/running)
return 0;
// return '-1' on error; not a valid pin
return -1;
Le code ou j'utilise cette classe :
void IO5::Open() {
Thread thread;
void IO5::Oninterrupt(){
printf("Le signal !!!!\n");
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