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#1 Le 09/07/2007, à 16:34


BlackBox FluBox; BBLean et autres...

Salut a tous!!

Je me présente a vous car j'ai quelques petits soucis pour l'utilisation de ma blackbox sous linux...

Tout d'abors je tien a signaler que je suis un utilisateur de ce shell depuis quelques années maintenant (j'etait sous windaube a l'époque) et que je le trouve tout simplement génial c'ets pourquoi je souhaite le retrouver (tout ou partie) sous nunux.

Le problème... ben c'est que je sent un peu perdu face a cette version. l'instalation s'est bien déroulé je le lance sans soucis mais j'ai un gros problème pour éditer les fichiers de configurations... je ne sais pas ou ils se trouvent!! et ce, mm avec le tuto sur le sujet:

Je ne trouve décidément pas les fichier config.

j'ai une autre question: est t'il possible de faire migrer mes fichier de configuration de windows a linux pour ce shell? est ce possible? Si cela est possible, ca serai cool: pas de retapage de quelques heures pour monter un bureau bien bô comme que je le souhaite ^^

pour ceux qui le souhaite voici mes fichier de config windows de ma blackbox (en fait il s'agit de BBLean, une version un peu différente mais le principale doit etre supporté). Dite moi si il est possible de faire le portage sur Linux avec ses fichier:

le Blackbox.rc

# ------------------------------------------
# bblean 1.16 - blackbox.rc - basic settings

# Lines starting with # or ! are ignored
# All items are configurable from the menu

# - the toolbar -
session.screen0.toolbar.enabled:        false
session.screen0.toolbar.placement:      BottomCenter
session.screen0.toolbar.widthPercent:   66
session.screen0.toolbar.onTop:          true
session.screen0.toolbar.autoHide:       false
session.screen0.toolbar.pluginToggle:   true
session.screen0.toolbar.alpha.enabled:  false
session.screen0.toolbar.alpha.value:    224

# - the menu -                280                148                  200                60          3             true               160                     false                false              true            default           true

# - the slit -
session.screen0.slit.placement:         TopRight
session.screen0.slit.direction:         Horizontal
session.screen0.slit.autoHide:          false
session.screen0.slit.ontop:             true
session.screen0.slit.toggle:            false

# - other options -
session.screen0.workspaces:             4
session.screen0.workspacenames:         alpha,beta,gamma,delta
session.screen0.focusModel:             ClickToFocus
session.screen0.fullMaximization:       false
session.screen0.strftimeformat:         %H:%M %a %d %b

session.autoraisedelay:                 250
session.opaqueMove:                     true
session.imageDither:                    true

# - menu & style -
session.menufile:                       menu.rc
session.styleFile:                      styles\0505 all blue\Modded

le Menu.rc

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# bblean 1.16 - MENU FILE
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Available menu commands are listed in the documentation.

[begin] (bbLean)

    [path] (Quick) {APPDATA\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch}

    [exec] (Explorer) {explorer.exe}

    [submenu] (System)
        [path] (My Computer) {DRIVES}
        [path] (Personal) {PERSONAL}
        [path] (Bitbucket) {BITBUCKET}
        [path] (Controls) {CONTROLS}
        [path] (Blackbox) {BLACKBOX}
        # Uncomment this line to check out all available system folders
        # [include] {shellfolders.rc}
       [run]  (Run)

    [submenu] (BlackBox)
        [config] (Configuration)
        [submenu] (About)
            [aboutstyle] (Style)
            [aboutplugins] (Plugins)
            [about] (bbLean)
        [submenu] (Edit)
            [editstyle] (Current Style)
            [editmenu] (menu.rc)
            [editblackbox] (blackbox.rc)
            [editextensions] (extensions.rc)
            [editplugins] (plugins.rc)
            [edit] (BBKeys.rc) {plugins\BBKeys\BBKeys.rc}
            [edit] (bbLeanSkin.rc) {plugins\bbLeanSkin\bbLeanSkin.rc}
            [edit] (bbLeanBar.rc) {plugins\bbLeanBar\bbLeanBar.rc}
        [submenu] (bbLeanSkin)
            [exec] (Toggle Log)         {@BBLeanSkin.ToggleLog}
            [exec] (Toggle Skin)        {@BBLeanSkin.ToggleSkin}
            [edit] (Edit Exclusions)    {plugins\bbleanskin\exclusions.rc}
            [edit] (Edit Settings)      {plugins\bbleanskin\bbleanskin.rc}
            [edit] (Readme)             {plugins\bbleanskin\readme.txt}
            [exec] (About)              {@BBLeanSkin.About}
        [submenu] (Install)
            [exec] (Install) {blackbox.exe -install}
            [exec] (Uninstall) {blackbox.exe -uninstall}
        [exec] (Documentation) {docs\bblean.htm}
        [reconfig] (Reconfigure)
        [restart] (Restart)
        [exit]  (Quit)

    [submenu] (Goodbye)
        [suspend] (Standby)
        [logoff] (Logoff)
        [reboot] (Reboot)
        [shutdown] (Shutdown)

Le Shellfolders.rc

# shellfolders.rc - examples for accessing the various system folders

[submenu] (All Shellfolders)
  [path] (admintools)         {ADMINTOOLS}
  [path] (altstartup)         {ALTSTARTUP}
  [path] (appdata)            {APPDATA}
  [path] (bitbucket)          {BITBUCKET}
  [path] (common_admintools)  {COMMON_ADMINTOOLS}
  [path] (common_altstartup)  {COMMON_ALTSTARTUP}
  [path] (common_appdata)     {COMMON_APPDATA}
  [path] (common_desktopdirectory) {COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY}
  [path] (common_documents)   {COMMON_DOCUMENTS}
  [path] (common_favorites)   {COMMON_FAVORITES}
  [path] (common_programs)    {COMMON_PROGRAMS}
  [path] (common_startmenu)   {COMMON_STARTMENU}
  [path] (common_startup)     {COMMON_STARTUP}
  [path] (common_templates)   {COMMON_TEMPLATES}
  [path] (connections)        {CONNECTIONS}
  [path] (controls)           {CONTROLS}
  [path] (cookies)            {COOKIES}
  [path] (desktop)            {DESKTOP}
  [path] (desktopdirectory)   {DESKTOPDIRECTORY}
  [path] (drives)             {DRIVES}
  [path] (favorites)          {FAVORITES}
  [path] (fonts)              {FONTS}
  [path] (history)            {HISTORY}
  [path] (internet)           {INTERNET}
  [path] (internet_cache)     {INTERNET_CACHE}
  [path] (local_appdata)      {LOCAL_APPDATA}
  [path] (mypictures)         {MYPICTURES}
  [path] (nethood)            {NETHOOD}
  [path] (network)            {NETWORK}
  [path] (personal)           {PERSONAL}
  [path] (printers)           {PRINTERS}
  [path] (printhood)          {PRINTHOOD}
  [path] (profile)            {PROFILE}
  [path] (program_files)      {PROGRAM_FILES}
  [path] (program_files_common)   {PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON}
  [path] (program_files_commonx86)  {PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86}
  [path] (program_filesx86)     {PROGRAM_FILESX86}
  [path] (programs)           {PROGRAMS}
  [path] (recent)             {RECENT}
  [path] (sendto)             {SENDTO}
  [path] (startmenu)          {STARTMENU}
  [path] (startup)            {STARTUP}
  [path] (system)             {SYSTEM}
  [path] (systemx86)            {SYSTEMX86}
  [path] (templates)          {TEMPLATES}
  [path] (windows)            {WINDOWS}

L extention.rc

# -----------------------------------------------------
# bblean 1.16 - extensions.rc - miscellaneous settings

# Lines starting with # or ! are ignored
# Most Items are configurable from the menu

# Favorite Tool ---------------------------------------

# - The default editor for menu, styles and settings
blackbox.editor:                        notepad.exe

# Appearance ------------------------------------------

# - Bullet size: true=4px, false=6px
blackbox.appearance.bullet.unix:        true

# - arrow bullets:
blackbox.appearance.arrow.unix:         false

# - Menu drag cursor
blackbox.appearance.cursor.usedefault:  false

# Background Wallpaper options ------------------------

# - Execute any rootCommands at all?
blackbox.background.enabled:            true

# - Do not use the native window's wallpaper
blackbox.background.smartWallpaper:     true

# - Dropped background images are saved here:
blackbox.background.rootCommand:        style

# Workspace options -----------------------------------

# - Alternate workspace method (workspaces are hidden
# - rather than moved away)
blackbox.workspaces.altMethod:          false

# - Automatically switch workspace to active task
blackbox.workspaces.followActive:       true

# - Restore minimized windows to current workspace
blackbox.workspaces.restoreToCurrent:   true

# Desktop settings ------------------------------------

# - Desktop margins for special desktop setups.
# - -1 means automatic margins (with tool-/systembar)
blackbox.desktop.marginTop:             -1
blackbox.desktop.marginBottom:          -1
blackbox.desktop.marginLeft:            -1
blackbox.desktop.marginRight:           -1

# - 2nd, ... monitor
!blackbox.desktop.2.marginTop:  ...

# - Edge and Plugin Snap
blackbox.snap.threshold:                7
blackbox.snap.padding:                  2
blackbox.snap.toPlugins:                true

# Desktop Mouse Clicks --------------------------------

# - General: blackbox.desktop.[<mod>]<button>Click: <command>
# - <mod>    = Alt, Shift, Ctrl
# - <button> = Left, Mid, Right, X1, X2, X3

# - the defaults
!blackbox.desktop.RightClick:           @BBCore.ShowMenu root
!blackbox.desktop.MidClick:             @BBCore.ShowMenu workspaces

# - styles menu
blackbox.desktop.AltMidClick:           @BBCore.ShowMenu styles >> %1

# - configuration menu
blackbox.desktop.AltRightClick:         @BBCore.ShowMenu configuration

# - alternative menu
!blackbox.desktop.CtrlRightClick:       @BBCore.ShowMenu alt-menu.rc

# Miscellaneous options -------------------------------

# - command for double left click on a folder in the menu
!blackbox.options.openFolderCommand: explorer.exe /e,"%1"

# Global font override - for special purposes ---------

# - Enable this feature?          false           verdana     13     normal        verdana  13  bold        verdana  13  normal            verdana      13      bold

# Tweaks (system dependent) ---------------------------

# - Contextmenu left margin adjust (normal/sendTo)
!blackbox.contextmenu.itemAdjust: 21/28

# - Try this if maximized windows are following
# - on workspace changes (with XP).
# - *** This is not compatible with bbpager ***
!blackbox.workspaces.xpfix: true

Voici donc les deux questions que je me pose. De mon coté, je continue de chercher les fichier de conf sous linux!!