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#1 Le 04/10/2008, à 17:25
- Yassin
insalation des pilotes Atheros ar8121 ...juste une petite question
je suis en train d'installer les pilotes de me carte ethernet mais je bloque sur les dernieres étapes (5 / 6 / 7)
je ne sais pas quels sont les parametres du "insmod" et lorsque je fais i"nsmod arl1e" il me repond :
"insmod : can't read 'arl1e': No such file of directory
Quelqu'un peut il m'aider svp?
Merci davance
Voilà les étapes à suivre pour l'instalation:
1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example,
use /home/username/arl1e or /usr/local/src/arl1e.
2. Untar/unzip archive:
tar zxf arl1e-x.x.x.x.tar.gz
3. Change to the driver src directory:
cd arl1e-x.x.x.x/src/
4. Compile the driver module:
make install
The binary will be installed as:
/lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/arl1e.[k]o
The install locations listed above are the default locations. They might
not be correct for certain Linux distributions. For more information,
see the ldistrib.txt file included in the driver tar.
5. Install the module:
insmod arl1e <parameter>=<value>
6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where
x is the interface number:
ifconfig ethx <IP_address>
7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address>
is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface
that is being tested:
ping <IP_address>
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