#1776 Le 07/01/2013, à 20:23
- Didier-T
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ daniel38100,
Je dois avouer que je n'en sais rien, en plus débutant dans python sans exemple de ligne de code je suis un peut perdu
Hors ligne
#1777 Le 08/01/2013, à 12:08
- daniel38100
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ daniel38100,
Je dois avouer que je n'en sais rien, en plus débutant dans python sans exemple de ligne de code je suis un peut perdu
en gros ca donne ca sans sans boucle des que je rentre je fait passer ce que j'ai commencer a faire
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*-
import http.client , os , time
connexion = http.client.HTTPConnection("www.france-montagnes.com")
connexion.request("GET", "/station/tignes/bulletins" )
retour = connexion.getresponse()
data = retour.read()
bulletin=open("bulettin-neige", "w")
je penche sur une météo des neiges
Dernière modification par daniel38100 (Le 08/01/2013, à 12:16)
Hors ligne
#1778 Le 09/01/2013, à 12:45
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@Tous Bonne Année 2013 !
Je vois que vous avez bien récupéré
Je viens de regarder votre discution sur le projet conky meteo france.
L'idée d'utiliser ce site est pour un soucis de stabilité du script ?
Dans votre futur projet sera t-il possible comme accuweather d'avoir les données de villes étrangères ?
(pour chez moi la ville recensée dans meteo france la plus proche est Zürich).
On dirait un gros chantier...Que la force soit avec vous....Prosit !
Hors ligne
#1779 Le 09/01/2013, à 14:47
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Je sais c'est un peu vieux; mais je voulais partager ce script à quelqu'un, mais malheureusement il ne fonctionne plus...
@ ragamatrix,
Voici le script corrigé, il s'agissait bien du pattern
la ligne corrigé donne ceci
s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,"class=\"Icon\" /> (%a*(%s%a*))%s*</td>")
pour info a l'origine cette commande cherchait un mot compris entre class="Icon" /> et plusieurs espaces </td>
le soucis est que l'info qu'il trouvait était Broken Clouds, donc un mot, un espace, un mot.
la modification que j'ai fais dit de chercher un mot seul ou un mot, un espace, un mot.
Voila pour la minute éducative.weathercircle.lua
--even more weather by mrpeachy 12/31/11 require 'cairo' require 'imlib2' function string:split(delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) ) return result end function conky_weather() if conky_window == nil then return end local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height) cr = cairo_create(cs) local updates=tonumber(conky_parse('${updates}')) if updates>5 then local home = os.getenv("HOME") --######################################################################################################### --SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP secs=1800--set update interval web="http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Forecast.aspx?unit=C&location=SZXX0014"--insert unit=C& after? for C --get web address by going to the intellicast site and entering your location in the box --for version 3 you must get click on "Extended Forecast" to get the necessary address --set location of weather images weathericons="~/v9000/additional_files/weathericons/" weathericons=string.gsub(weathericons, "~", home) --set defaults default_font="mono"--font must be in quotes default_font_size=10 default_color=0xffffff--white default_alpha=1--fully opaque default_image_width=50 default_image_height=50 --SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP--SETUP --######################################################################################################### --############start of timed section####################################################################### --######################################################################################################### local updates=tonumber(conky_parse('${updates}')) local timer=(updates %secs)+1 --####################################### if timer==secs or updates==6 then--###### --####################################### local f=io.popen("curl --max-time 60 '"..web.."' | grep -A565 '10 Day Forecast' | sed 's/%//g'")-- > /home/climatix/v9000/weather.txt") allweather=f:read("*a") f:close() if allweather==nil then local f=io.popen("curl --max-time 60 '"..web.."' | grep -A565 '10 Day Forecast' | sed 's/%//g'")-- > /home/climatix/v9000/weather.txt") allweather=f:read("*a") f:close() end if allweather==nil then local f=io.popen("curl --max-time 60 '"..web.."' | grep -A565 '10 Day Forecast' | sed 's/%//g'")-- > /home/climatix/v9000/weather.txt") allweather=f:read("*a") f:close() end allweather=string.gsub(allweather,"[\n\r]","") local f=io.popen("curl --max-time 60 '"..web.."' | grep -A120 '>Current Conditions ' | sed 's/%//g'")-- > /home/climatix/v9000/weather.txt") nowweather=f:read("*a") f:close() if nowweather==nil then local f=io.popen("curl --max-time 60 '"..web.."' | grep -A120 '>Current Conditions ' | sed 's/%//g'")-- > /home/climatix/v9000/weather.txt") nowweather=f:read("*a") f:close() end if nowweather==nil then local f=io.popen("curl --max-time 60 '"..web.."' | grep -A120 '>Current Conditions ' | sed 's/%//g'")-- > /home/climatix/v9000/weather.txt") nowweather=f:read("*a") f:close() end nowweather=string.gsub(nowweather,"[\n\r]","") if allweather==nil then allweather="" nowweather="" print "error curl operation failed" end --intellicast to conky weather icon conversion wimage={ wx_65="32", wx_66="30", wx_67="26", wx_68="32", wx_69="28", wx_70="20", wx_71="32", wx_72="21", wx_73="36", wx_74="14", wx_75="28", wx_76="18", wx_77="14", wx_78="23", wx_79="05", wx_80="15", wx_81="15", wx_82="11", wx_83="16", wx_84="00", wx_85="32", wx_86="25", wx_87="09", wx_88="05", wx_89="18", wx_90="18", wx_91="39", wx_92="39", wx_93="39", wx_94="39", wx_95="37", wx_96="37", wx_97="31", wx_98="29", wx_99="27", wx_100="47", wx_101="47", wx_102="33", wx_103="26", wx_104="20", wx_105="45", wx_106="45", wx_107="11", wx_108="46", wx_109="46", wx_110="06", wx_111="18", wx_112="06", wx_113="46", wx_114="46", wx_115="31", wx_116="47", }--end w image table --convert intellicast icons to weather font wfont={ wx_65="a", wx_66="c", wx_67="f", wx_68="a", wx_69="d", wx_70="0", wx_71="a", wx_72="9", wx_73="5", wx_74="p", wx_75="d", wx_76="w", wx_77="p", wx_78="6", wx_79="x", wx_80="8", wx_81="8", wx_82="h", wx_83="q", wx_84="m", wx_85="a", wx_86="-", wx_87="h", wx_88="x", wx_89="w", wx_90="w", wx_91="g", wx_92="g", wx_93="g", wx_94="g", wx_95="k", wx_96="k", wx_97="A", wx_98="C", wx_99="D", wx_100="K", wx_101="K", wx_102="B", wx_103="f", wx_104="0", wx_105="G", wx_106="G", wx_107="h", wx_108="O", wx_109="O", wx_110="x", wx_111="w", wx_112="x", wx_113="O", wx_114="O", wx_115="A", wx_116="K", }--end w font table --conversion day and month tables dayshort={Monday="Mon",Tuesday="Tue",Wednesday="Wed",Thursday="Thu",Friday="Fri",Saturday="Sat",Sunday="Sun",x=""} monthshort={January="Jan",February="Feb",March="Mar",April="Apr",May="May",June="Jun",July="Jul",August="Aug",September="Sep",October="Oct",November="Nov",December="Dec",x=""} moonfontt={New="=",Full="@",FirstQuarter="G",LastQuarter="T",WaningGibbous="R",WaningCrescent="V",WaxingCrescent="E",WaxingGibbous="I"} windfontt={S="9",SSW=":",SW=";",WSW="<",W="=",WNW=">",NW="?",NNW="@",N="1",NNE="2",NE="3",ENE="4",E="5",ESE="6",SE="7",SSE="8"} --setup tables for forecast weather forecast_day={} forecast_day_caps={} forecast_day_lc={} forecast_day_short={} forecast_day_short_caps={} forecast_day_short_lc={} forecast_month={} forecast_month_caps={} forecast_month_lc={} forecast_month_short={} forecast_month_short_caps={} forecast_month_short_lc={} forecast_date={} weather_icon={} weather_font={} high_temp={} low_temp={} conditions={} conditions_caps={} conditions_lc={} sun_rise={} sun_rise_lc={} moon_rise={} moon_rise_lc={} sun_set={} sun_set_lc={} moon_set={} moon_set_lc={} humidity={} precipitation={} snow={} cloud_cover={} moon_phase={} moon_phase_caps={} moon_phase_lc={} moon_font={} wind_mph={} wind_km={} wind_kts={} wind_direction={} wind_font={} wind_deg={} wind_nesw={} uv_index_num={} uv_index_txt={} uv_index_txt_caps={} uv_index_txt_lc={} ----------------- --extract information into tables local start=0 local f=1 while f~=nil do --match forecast day name and date s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"<td colspan=\"2\"><strong>([%a,%s%d]*)</strong></td>",start) if t~=nil then --split name from month and date a,b,day=string.find(t,"(%a*),%s") a,b,month=string.find(t,",%s(%a*)%s") a,b,date=string.find(t,"(%d*)$") --ser day names, regular, caps, lowercase and short table.insert(forecast_day,day) table.insert(forecast_day_caps,string.upper(day)) table.insert(forecast_day_lc,string.lower(day)) table.insert(forecast_day_short,dayshort[day]) table.insert(forecast_day_short_caps,string.upper(dayshort[day])) table.insert(forecast_day_short_lc,string.lower(dayshort[day])) --set month types table.insert(forecast_month,month) table.insert(forecast_month_caps,string.upper(month)) table.insert(forecast_month_lc,string.lower(month)) table.insert(forecast_month_short,monthshort[month]) table.insert(forecast_month_short_caps,string.upper(monthshort[month])) table.insert(forecast_month_short_lc,string.lower(monthshort[month])) --set date table.insert(forecast_date,date) end --intellicast weather icon match s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"40_white/(wx_..).png\"",start) --convert to conkyweather icon if t~=nil then table.insert(weather_icon,weathericons..wimage[t]..".png") --convert to weather font table.insert(weather_font,wfont[t]) end --match conditions s,f,t=string.find(allweather," /><br />([%a%s/]*)</td>",start) if t~=nil then table.insert(conditions,t) table.insert(conditions_caps,string.upper(t)) table.insert(conditions_lc,string.lower(t)) end --match high temp s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"\"Hi\">(%d*)°",start) table.insert(high_temp,t) --match low temp s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"\"Lo\">(%d*)°",start) table.insert(low_temp,t) --match sunrise and set-- alt="Sunrise" style="vertical-align:bottom;" /><strong>Rise:</strong> 7:19 AM</td> <td><strong>Set:</strong> 4:54 PM</td> --match sun rise times s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Rise:</strong> (%d*:%d*%s%u%u)</td>",start) if t~=nil then table.insert(sun_rise,t) table.insert(sun_rise_lc,string.lower(t)) end --match sun set times s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Set:</strong> (%d*:%d*%s%u%u)</td>",f) if t~=nil then table.insert(sun_set,t) table.insert(sun_set_lc,string.lower(t)) end --moon rise s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Rise:</strong> (%d*:%d*%s%u%u)</td>",f) if t~=nil then table.insert(moon_rise,t) table.insert(moon_rise_lc,string.lower(t)) end --moon set s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Set:</strong> (%d*:%d*%s%u%u)</td>",f) if t~=nil then table.insert(moon_set,t) table.insert(moon_set_lc,string.lower(t)) end --match uv index s,f,tuv=string.find(allweather,"UV Index:</strong> (%d%s*%(%a*%)) <br />",start) if tuv~=nil then a,b,t=string.find(tuv,"(%d*)%s*%(%a*%)") table.insert(uv_index_num,t) a,b,t=string.find(tuv,"%d*%s*%((%a*)%)") table.insert(uv_index_txt,t) table.insert(uv_index_txt_caps,string.upper(t)) table.insert(uv_index_txt_lc,string.lower(t)) end --match humidity s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Humidity:</strong> (%d*)<br />",start) table.insert(humidity,t) --match ppt s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Precipitation:</strong> (%d*)<br />",start) table.insert(precipitation,t) --match snow % s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Snow Probability:</strong> (%d*)<br />",start) table.insert(snow,t) --match cloud coveage s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Cloud Coverage:</strong> (%d*)<br />",start) table.insert(cloud_cover,t) --match moon phase s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Moon Phase:</strong> ([%a%s]*) <br />",start) --set moon phase text if t~= nil then table.insert(moon_phase,t) table.insert(moon_phase_caps,string.upper(t)) table.insert(moon_phase_lc,string.lower(t)) --set moon phase font mp=string.gsub(t," ","") table.insert(moon_font,moonfontt[mp]) end --match wind speeds s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Wind Speed:</strong> (%d*)Mph",start) table.insert(wind_mph,t) s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Mph%s*%((%d*)Km,",start) table.insert(wind_km,t) s,f,t=string.find(allweather,"Km,%s*(%d*)Kts%)",start) table.insert(wind_kts,t) --match wind direction s,f,twd=string.find(allweather,"Wind Direction:</strong> ([%d&;%s%(%a%)]*) </div>",start) if twd~=nil then a,b,t=string.find(twd,"(%d*)°") table.insert(wind_deg,t) --match wind font and nesw a,b,t=string.find(twd,"%((%a*)%)") table.insert(wind_font,windfontt[t]) table.insert(wind_nesw,t) end if f==nil then break end start=f end--while --######################################################################################################################################### --end--of timed section --format now weather --extract current data now={} monthlong={Jan="January",Feb="February",Mar="March",Apr="April",May="May",Jun="June",Jul="July",Aug="August",Sep="September",Oct="October",Nov="November",Dec="December"} s,f,tnow=string.find(nowweather,"<div style=\"float:right;color:#666;\"> As of ([%d%p%a%s]*) %(Local Time%)") s,f,t=string.find(tnow,"(%d*%p%d*%s%a*) on") now["time"]=t now["time_lc"]=string.lower(t) s,f,t=string.find(tnow,"on (%a*)%s%d*") now["day"]=t now["day_caps"]=string.upper(t) now["day_lc"]=string.lower(t) ds=dayshort[t] now["day_short"]=ds now["day_short_caps"]=string.upper(ds) now["day_short_lc"]=string.lower(ds) s,f,t=string.find(tnow,"%s(%d%d)%s") now["date"]=t s,f,t=string.find(tnow,"%d%d%s(%a*)%s%d") now["month_short"]=t now["month_short_caps"]=string.upper(t) now["month_short_lc"]=string.lower(t) ml=monthlong[t] now["month"]=ml now["month_caps"]=string.upper(ml) now["month_lc"]=string.lower(ml) s,f,t=string.find(tnow,"%a%a%a%s(%d%d%d%d)") now["year"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,"40_white/(wx_%d%d(%d)).png") now["weather_icon"]=weathericons..wimage[t]..".png" now["weather_font"]=wfont[t] s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,"class=\"Icon\" /> (%a*(%s%a*))%s*</td>") now["conditions"]=t now["conditions_caps"]=string.upper(t) now["conditions_lc"]=string.lower(t) s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,"Temperature\">([%p%d]*)°") now["temp"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Feels Like: ([%p%d]*)°</a>") now["feels_like"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Wind Chill: </a></td>%s*<td>([%p%d]*)°</td>") now["wind_chill"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Ceiling: </a></td>%s*<td>([%a%d]*)</td>") if t~="Unl" then s,f,t=string.find(t,"(%d*)") t=t.." mi" end now["ceiling"]=t now["ceiling_caps"]=string.upper(t) now["ceiling_lc"]=string.lower(t) s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Heat Index: </a></td>%s*<td>([%p%d]*)°</td>") now["heat_index"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Visibility: </a></td>%s*<td>([%a%d]*)</td>") if t~="Unl" then s,f,t=string.find(t,"(%d*)") t=t.." mi" end now["visibility"]=t now["visibility_caps"]=string.upper(t) s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Dew Point: </a></td>%s*<td>([%p%d]*)°</td>") now["dew_point"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Wind: </a></td>%s*<td>(%d*)mph</td>") now["wind_mph"]=t.." mph" s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Humidity: </a></td>%s*<td>(%d*)</td>") now["humidity"]=t s,f,twd=string.find(nowweather,">Direction: </a></td>%s*<td style=[%p%a]*>([%d&;%s%(%a%)]*)</td>%s*</tr>") a,b,t=string.find(twd,"(%d*)°") now["wind_deg"]=t a,b,t=string.find(twd,"%((%a*)%)") now["wind_nesw"]=t now["wind_font"]=windfontt[t] s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Pressure: </a></td>%s*<td>([%d%p]*)\"</td>") now["pressure"]=t s,f,t=string.find(nowweather,">Gusts: </a></td>%s*<td>([%d%a]*)</td>") if t~="NA" then s,f,t=string.find(t,"(%d*)") t=t.." mph" end now["wind_gusts"]=t now["wind_gusts_caps"]=string.upper(t) --###############end of data processing######################## --########################### end--of timed section######## --########################### --write lines here to show in conky --these tables hold the top left coordinates for each repeat as set lower, do not edit top_left_x_coordinate={} top_left_y_coordinate={} --write settings, c=color,a=alpha,f=font,fs=font size,x=x position, y=y position, txt=text or data to show --eg out({c=0xffff00,a=1,f="Sans",fs=14,x=100,y=100,txt="hello world"}) --image settings, x=top left x position, y=top left y position, w=width of image(0=full size), h=height(0=full size),file=file location --eg image({x=0,y=35,w=60,h=60,file=now[weather_icon]}) --######################################################## --######### write or paste setups below ################## --######################################################## midx=160 midy=160 radouter=150 radinner=50 radforecast=90 radhilo=125 radfctxt=130 radcond=110 radsmall=25 fcangle1=0 fcangle2=45 fcangle3=90 fcangle4=135 fcangle5=180 wcr,wcg,wcb,wca=1,1,1,0.3 --------------------------------------------- cairo_set_line_width (cr,1) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) --draw outer circle cairo_arc (cr,midx,midy,radouter,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) --draw inner circle cairo_arc (cr,midx,midy,radinner,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) --draw forecast line and text astr=270 aend=350 cairo_arc (cr,midx,midy,radfctxt,(math.pi/180)*(astr-90),(math.pi/180)*(aend-90)) cairo_stroke (cr) cwt={text="FORECAST ",font="mono",fsize=16,radius=radfctxt+3,xpos=midx,ypos=midy,position=1,start=astr,finish=aend,justify=1,letterdeg=5,};cw(cwt) --set start and end angle for conditions box astr=205 aend=335 cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) cairo_arc (cr,midx,midy,radcond,(math.pi/180)*(astr-90),(math.pi/180)*(aend-90)) cairo_stroke (cr) cwt={text="CURRENT CONDITIONS ",font="mono",fsize=14,radius=radcond+3,xpos=midx,ypos=midy,position=1,start=astr,finish=aend,justify=1,letterdeg=5,};cw(cwt) --print current temps trad=radcond-16 cwt={text="TMP: "..now["temp"].."F / FL: "..now["feels_like"].."F ",font="mono",fsize=14,radius=trad,xpos=midx,ypos=midy,position=2,start=astr+5,finish=aend-5,justify=1,letterdeg=5.5,};cw(cwt) --print current conditions wrap to length --wrap settings line_text=now["conditions_caps"] max_string_len=16 indent="" clines=to_lines(line_text,max_string_len,indent) --set radius for conditions lines (shouldnt need more than 2) crad1=trad-16 crad2=crad1-16 cwt={text=clines[1],font="mono",fsize=14,radius=crad1,xpos=midx,ypos=midy,position=2,start=astr+5,finish=aend-10,justify=1,letterdeg=7,};cw(cwt) cwt={text=clines[2],font="mono",fsize=14,radius=crad2,xpos=midx,ypos=midy,position=1,start=astr+5,finish=aend-10,justify=1,letterdeg=8,};cw(cwt) --connect lines to form curent box cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) arc=(math.pi/180)*astr xs1=0+radcond*(math.sin(arc)) ys1=0-radcond*(math.cos(arc)) arc=(math.pi/180)*astr xe1=0+radinner*(math.sin(arc)) ye1=0-radinner*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_move_to (cr,midx+xs1,midy+ys1) cairo_line_to (cr,midx+xe1,midy+ye1) cairo_stroke (cr) arc=(math.pi/180)*aend xs2=0+radcond*(math.sin(arc)) ys2=0-radcond*(math.cos(arc)) arc=(math.pi/180)*aend xe2=0+radinner*(math.sin(arc)) ye2=0-radinner*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_move_to (cr,midx+xs2,midy+ys2) cairo_line_to (cr,midx+xe2,midy+ye2) cairo_stroke (cr) --individual fc circles and forecast data cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle1 xfc1=0+radforecast*(math.sin(arc)) yfc1=0-radforecast*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_arc (cr,midx+xfc1,midy+yfc1,radsmall,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) radst=14 arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle1 xfc1hl=0+(radsmall+radst)*(math.sin(arc)) yfc1hl=0-(radsmall+radst)*(math.cos(arc)) out({x=midx+xfc1hl+xfc1,y=midy+yfc1hl+yfc1,txt=forecast_day_short_caps[1]}) out({x=midx+xfc1hl+xfc1,y=midy+yfc1hl+yfc1+12,txt=high_temp[1].."F|"..low_temp[1].."F"}) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle2 xfc2=0+radforecast*(math.sin(arc)) yfc2=0-radforecast*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_arc (cr,midx+xfc2,midy+yfc2,radsmall,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle2 xfc2hl=0+(radsmall+radst)*(math.sin(arc)) yfc2hl=0-(radsmall+radst)*(math.cos(arc)) out({x=midx+xfc2hl+xfc2,y=midy+yfc2hl+yfc2,txt=forecast_day_short_caps[2]}) out({x=midx+xfc2hl+xfc2,y=midy+yfc2hl+yfc2+12,txt=high_temp[2].."F|"..low_temp[2].."F"}) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle3 xfc3=0+radforecast*(math.sin(arc)) yfc3=0-radforecast*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_arc (cr,midx+xfc3,midy+yfc3,radsmall,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle3 xfc3hl=0+(radsmall+radst)*(math.sin(arc)) yfc3hl=0-(radsmall+radst)*(math.cos(arc)) out({x=midx+xfc3hl+xfc3,y=midy+yfc3hl+yfc3,txt=forecast_day_short_caps[3]}) out({x=midx+xfc3hl+xfc3,y=midy+yfc3hl+yfc3+12,txt=high_temp[3].."F|"..low_temp[3].."F"}) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle4 xfc4=0+radforecast*(math.sin(arc)) yfc4=0-radforecast*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_arc (cr,midx+xfc4,midy+yfc4,radsmall,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle4 xfc4hl=0+(radsmall+radst)*(math.sin(arc)) yfc4hl=0-(radsmall+radst)*(math.cos(arc)) out({x=midx+xfc4hl+xfc4,y=midy+yfc4hl+yfc4,txt=forecast_day_short_caps[4]}) out({x=midx+xfc4hl+xfc4,y=midy+yfc4hl+yfc4+12,txt=high_temp[4].."F|"..low_temp[4].."F"}) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle5 xfc5=0+radforecast*(math.sin(arc)) yfc5=0-radforecast*(math.cos(arc)) cairo_arc (cr,midx+xfc5,midy+yfc5,radsmall,(math.pi/180)*0,(math.pi/180)*360) cairo_stroke (cr) arc=(math.pi/180)*fcangle5 xfc5hl=0+(radsmall+radst)*(math.sin(arc)) yfc5hl=0-(radsmall+radst)*(math.cos(arc)) out({x=midx+xfc5hl+xfc5,y=midy+yfc5hl+yfc5,txt=forecast_day_short_caps[5]}) out({x=midx+xfc5hl+xfc5,y=midy+yfc5hl+yfc5+12,txt=high_temp[5].."F|"..low_temp[5].."F"}) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,wcr,wcg,wcb,wca) --show weather icons imsizel=80 image({x=midx-imsizel,y=midy-imsizel,w=imsizel,h=imsizel,file=now["weather_icon"]}) imsizes=50 image({x=midx+xfc1-imsizes,y=midy+yfc1-imsizes,w=imsizes,h=imsizes,file=weather_icon[1]}) image({x=midx+xfc2-imsizes,y=midy+yfc2-imsizes,w=imsizes,h=imsizes,file=weather_icon[2]}) image({x=midx+xfc3-imsizes,y=midy+yfc3-imsizes,w=imsizes,h=imsizes,file=weather_icon[3]}) image({x=midx+xfc4-imsizes,y=midy+yfc4-imsizes,w=imsizes,h=imsizes,file=weather_icon[4]}) image({x=midx+xfc5-imsizes,y=midy+yfc5-imsizes,w=imsizes,h=imsizes,file=weather_icon[5]}) --######################################################### --########## end of current conditions #################### --######### forecast weather and repeat ################### --######################################################### --enter number of forecast days to show number_of_days=8 --enter coordinates of top left corner for each day top_left_x_coordinate[1],top_left_y_coordinate[1]=270,15 top_left_x_coordinate[2],top_left_y_coordinate[2]=540,15 top_left_x_coordinate[3],top_left_y_coordinate[3]=0,190 top_left_x_coordinate[4],top_left_y_coordinate[4]=270,190 top_left_x_coordinate[5],top_left_y_coordinate[5]=540,190 top_left_x_coordinate[6],top_left_y_coordinate[6]=0,370 top_left_x_coordinate[7],top_left_y_coordinate[7]=270,370 top_left_x_coordinate[8],top_left_y_coordinate[8]=540,370 ------------------------ for i=1,number_of_days do--start of day repeat, do not edit tlx=top_left_x_coordinate[i]--sets top left position for each repeat tly=top_left_y_coordinate[i]--sets top left position for each repeat --write day format below, write x and y relative to top left coordinates as in the example --write i to call day as this will be replaced with the day number for each repeat end--of day repeat, do not edit --############################################################## --############## end of weather display setup ################## --############################################################## end-- if updates>5 cairo_destroy(cr) cairo_surface_destroy(cs) cr=nil end-- end main function function out(tx) color=nil color=tx.c if color==nil then color=default_color end alpha=nil alpha=tx.a if alpha==nil then alpha=default_alpha end font=nil font=tx.f if font==nil then font=default_font end fsize=nil fsize=tx.fs if fsize==nil then fsize=default_font_size end xpos=nil xpos=tx.x if xpos==nil then xpos=0 end ypos=nil ypos=tx.y if ypos==nil then ypos=0 end text=nil text=tx.txt if text==nil then text="hello world" end local function col(c) return ( (c/0x10000) % 0x100)/255,( (c/0x100) % 0x100)/255,(c % 0x100)/255,alpha end--local function cairo_select_font_face (cr, font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (cr, fsize) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,col(color)) cairo_move_to (cr,xpos,ypos) cairo_show_text (cr,text) cairo_stroke (cr) end--function out function image(im) x=nil x=im.x if x==nil then x=0 end y=nil y=im.y if y==nil then y=0 end w=nil w=im.w if w==nil then w=default_image_width end h=nil h=im.h if h==nil then h=default_image_height end file=nil file=tostring(im.file) local show = imlib_load_image(file) if show == nil then return end imlib_context_set_image(show) if tonumber(w)==0 then width=imlib_image_get_width() else width=tonumber(w) end if tonumber(h)==0 then height=imlib_image_get_height() else height=tonumber(h) end local iacross=x+(width/2) local idown=y+(height/2) imlib_context_set_image(show) local scaled=imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0, imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height(), width, height) imlib_free_image() imlib_context_set_image(scaled) imlib_render_image_on_drawable(iacross, idown) imlib_free_image() show=nil end--function image function cw(t) --set variables and defualts if t.text==nil then text="" else text=t.text end if t.font==nil then font="mono" else font=t.font end if t.fsize==nil then fsize=12 else fsize=t.fsize end if t.radius==nil then radius=50 else radius=t.radius end if t.xpos==nil then xpos=100 else xpos=t.xpos end if t.ypos==nil then ypos=100 else ypos=t.ypos end if t.position==nil then position=1 else position=t.position end if t.start==nil then start=270 else start=t.start end if t.finish==nil then finish=90 else finish=t.finish end if t.justify==nil then justify=1 else justify=t.justify end if t.letterdeg==nil then letterdeg=5 else letterdeg=t.letterdeg end --end variables cairo_select_font_face (cr, font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (cr, fsize) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,1,1,1,1); if finish<start then finish=finish+360 end local inum=string.len(text) --------------------------- if position==1 then deg=(finish-start)/(inum-1) elseif position==2 then deg=letterdeg if justify==1 then start=start elseif justify==2 then start=start-((letterdeg*inum)/2) elseif justify==3 then start=start-(letterdeg*inum) end end ---------------------------- local degrads=(math.pi/180) local textcut=string.gsub(text, ".", "%1|") texttable=string.split(textcut, "|") for i=1,inum do interval=(degrads*(start+(deg*(i-1)))) txs=0+radius*(math.sin(interval)) tys=0-radius*(math.cos(interval)) cairo_move_to (cr, txs+xpos, tys+ypos); cairo_rotate (cr, interval) cairo_show_text (cr, (texttable[i])) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_rotate (cr, -interval) end end--circlewriting function cwd(t) --set variables and defualts if t.text==nil then text="" else text=t.text end if t.font==nil then font="mono" else font=t.font end if t.fsize==nil then fsize=12 else fsize=t.fsize end if t.radius==nil then radius=50 else radius=t.radius end if t.xpos==nil then xpos=100 else xpos=t.xpos end if t.ypos==nil then ypos=100 else ypos=t.ypos end if t.position==nil then position=1 else position=t.position end if t.start==nil then start=270 else start=t.start end if t.finish==nil then finish=90 else finish=t.finish end if t.justify==nil then justify=1 else justify=t.justify end if t.letterdeg==nil then letterdeg=5 else letterdeg=t.letterdeg end --end variables cairo_select_font_face (cr, font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (cr, fsize) cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,1,1,1,1); if start<finish then start=start+360 end local inum=string.len(text) --------------------------- if position==1 then deg=(start-finish)/(inum-1) elseif position==2 then deg=letterdeg if justify==1 then start=start elseif justify==2 then start=start+((letterdeg*inum)/2) elseif justify==3 then start=start+(letterdeg*inum) end end ---------------------------- local degrads=(math.pi/180) local textcut=string.gsub(text, ".", "%1<>") texttable=string.split(textcut, "<>") for i=1,inum do interval=(degrads*(start-(deg*(i-1)))) txs=0+radius*(math.sin(interval)) tys=0-radius*(math.cos(interval)) cairo_move_to (cr, txs+xpos, tys+ypos); cairo_rotate (cr, interval+(math.pi)) cairo_show_text (cr, (texttable[i])) cairo_stroke (cr) cairo_rotate (cr, -1*(interval+(math.pi))) end end--cwd function to_lines(line_text,max_string_len,indent) --------------------------------------------- --set defaults for function local default_max_length=50 local default indent="" --------------------------------------------- if indent==nil then indent=default_indent end if max_string_len==nil then max_string_len=default_max_length end local i=1 text_table={line_text} while text_table[i]~=nil do if max_string==nil then max_string=max_string_len end local v=text_table[i] if string.len(v)>max_string_len and string.find(v," ")~=nil and string.find(string.sub(v,1,max_string)," ")~=nil then long=string.len(v) splitcha=string.sub(v,max_string,max_string) if splitcha~=" " then while splitcha~=" " do if max_string>1 then max_string=max_string-1 splitcha=string.sub(v,max_string,max_string) else splitcha=" " end end end local insertit=tostring(indent..string.sub(v,max_string+1,long)) table.insert(text_table,i+1,insertit) text_table[i]=tostring(string.sub(v,1,max_string-1)) elseif string.len(v)>max_string_len and string.find(v," ")~=nil and string.find(string.sub(v,1,max_string)," ")==nil then long=string.len(v) splitcha=string.sub(v,max_string,max_string) while splitcha~=" " do if max_string<long then max_string=max_string+1 splitcha=string.sub(v,max_string,max_string) else splitcha=" " end end local insertit=tostring(indent..string.sub(v,max_string+1,long)) table.insert(text_table,i+1,insertit) text_table[i]=tostring(string.sub(v,1,max_string-1)) end i=i+1 max_string=max_string_len end return text_table end--function
### Begin Window Settings ################################################## # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus) own_window yes own_window_type override #override own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager own_window_argb_visual no #own_window_colour black own_window_class Forecast Conky own_window_title Forecast by MrP # Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker) # It is highly recommended to use own window with this one # so double buffer won't be so big. double_buffer yes ### ARGB can be used for real transparency ### NOTE that a composite manager is required for real transparency. ### This option will not work as desired (in most cases) in conjunction with ### 'own_window_type override' own_window_argb_visual no ### When ARGB visuals are enabled, this use this to modify the alpha value ### Valid range is 0-255, where 0 is 0% opacity, and 255 is 100% opacity. #own_window_argb_value 0 minimum_size 450 450 ## width, height maximum_width 450 450 ## width, usually a good idea to equal minimum width gap_x 10 ### left &right gap_y 10 ### up & down alignment tl #################################################### End Window Settings ### ### Font Settings ########################################################## # Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff) use_xft yes # xftfont Anonymous Pro:bold:size=9 # xftfont Unispace:size=8 # xftfont Onuava:size=8 #xftfont Inconsolata:bold:size=10 # xftfont Andale Mono:bold:size=9 xftfont DejVu Mono:size=9 # Alpha of Xft font. Must be a value at or between 1 and 0 ### xftalpha 0 # Force UTF8? requires XFT ### override_utf8_locale yes draw_shades no default_shade_color black draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes default_outline_color black uppercase no ###################################################### End Font Settings ### ### Color Settings ######################################################### default_shade_color grey default_outline_color black default_color DCDCDC #Gainsboro color0 DAA520 #Goldenrod FFFFF0 #Ivory color1 778899 #LightSlateGrey color2 FF8C00 #Darkorange color3 7FFF00 #Chartreuse color4 FFA07A #LightSalmon color5 FFDEAD #NavajoWhite color6 00BFFF #DeepSkyBlue color7 00FFFF #Cyan 48D1CC #MediumTurquoise color8 FFFF00 #Yellow color9 FF0000 #Red ##################################################### End Color Settings ### ### Borders Section ######################################################## draw_borders no # Stippled borders? stippled_borders 0 # border margins border_inner_margin 10 border_outer_margin 0 # border width border_width 0 # graph borders draw_graph_borders no ##################################################### End Borders Secton ### ### Miscellaneous Section ################################################## # Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started. background no # Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things # around, this only helps if you are using a mono font # Options: right, left or none use_spacer none # Default and Minimum size is 256 - needs more for single commands that # "call" a lot of text IE: bash scripts text_buffer_size 256 # Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory? no_buffers yes # change GiB to G and MiB to M short_units yes # Like it says, ot pads the decimals on % values # doesn't seem to work since v1.7.1 pad_percents 2 ############################################## End Miscellaneous Section ### ### LUA Settings ########################################################### lua_load ~/v9000/weathercircle.lua lua_draw_hook_pre weather #starts the lua weather data gathering function, call once at top of conkyrc # The all important - How often conky refreshes. # If you have a "Crey" try: 0.2 - smokin' - but watch the CPU useage go UP! update_interval 1 top_name_width 7 TEXT
Edit : j'ai voulu fair tourner le script et ai trouvé quelque dificulté, j'ai donc modiifié de manière a ce que sa puisse fonctionner avec nos abitude d'alias (~ et $HOME ne veulent rien dire pour lua)
Edit : de toute évidence il y a eut du changement sur le site intellicast, il y a donc des patterns qui ne fonctionnes plus a tous les coups, je viens d'en corriger un second (ligne 404du nouveau script), donc si il y a d'autre soucis n’hésite pas.
Cette fois j'ai cette erreur :
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_weather execution failed: /home/climatix/v9000/weathercircle.lua:600: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value)
#ligne 600 :
merci si tu as encore du temps pour ça.
Hors ligne
#1780 Le 09/01/2013, à 23:17
- maan
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Salut à tous, bonne et heureuse année 2013, et que la force soit avec vous
Bon j'ai mon meteo_lua qui fait des siennes depuis hier,
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_enligne execution failed: /home/maan/conky/script/meteo.lua:504: field 'day' missing in date table
Conky: Unable to load image '/tmp/lune.png'
J'ai donc ma lune qui ne s'affiche plus et je ne comprend pas ce qui cloche !!
Ubuntu_studio 14.04
Hors ligne
#1781 Le 10/01/2013, à 10:01
- jpdipsy
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Salut à tous, bonne et heureuse année 2013, et que la force soit avec vous
Bon j'ai mon meteo_lua qui fait des siennes depuis hier,
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_enligne execution failed: /home/maan/conky/script/meteo.lua:504: field 'day' missing in date table Conky: Unable to load image '/tmp/lune.png'
J'ai donc ma lune qui ne s'affiche plus
et je ne comprend pas ce qui cloche !!
J'ai regardé un "chouilla" et apparemment accuweather à apporté des changements radicaux donc rebelotte wait and see.
@Didier pour info detail-now n'existe plus dans la page html donc meteo.lua butte sur Date = os.time{year=annee, month=mois, day=jour, hour=0} (pour que tu n'ai pas à chercher)
PS : la météo du jour - pluvieux et froid sur le pays restez chez vous
Dernière modification par jpdipsy (Le 10/01/2013, à 10:10)
Hors ligne
#1782 Le 10/01/2013, à 16:54
- Didier-T
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Euh... comment dire... ####@@!!! de site a la noix.
bon bien vas falloir que je mis remette, pas sur de finir un jour le python moi... pff
Edit : bon... en fait, il ne semble pas que sa ne posera de gros soucis
Dernière modification par Didier-T (Le 10/01/2013, à 17:19)
Hors ligne
#1783 Le 11/01/2013, à 14:06
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Pour ceux qui veulent tester le v9000 qui devient de mieux en mieux traduit. J'ai modifier le template pour un horizontal:
The latest script is a lua only weather script. aka: v9000
the file:
mrppeachys LUA Tutorial
_G.weather_script = function()--#### DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ##############
--these tables hold the coordinates for each repeat do not edit #########
--SET DEFAULTS ##########################################################
--set defaults do not localise these defaults if you use a seperate display script
default_font="Arial Rounded MT"--font must be in quotes
default_color=0xffffff --white
default_alpha=1 --fully opaque
-- ## New Options ###
-- "normal" for normal/normal
-- "bold" for normal/bold
-- "italic" for italic/normal
-- "bolditalic" for italic/bold
--END OF DEFAULTS #######################################################
--[[ forecast
datay=450 --375
datayy=15 --datay+(datayy*1)
imgyy=60 -- imgy+(imgyy*1)
-- forecast
datayy=15 --datay+(datayy*1)
imgyy=60 -- imgy+(imgyy*1)
-- ======================================================================
-- SUN & MOON RISE ------------------------------------------------------
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=20,y=35,txt="Lever Soleil "})
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=90,y=35,txt=" Lever Lune"})
-- SUN & MOON SET -------------------------------------------------------
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=20,y=65,txt="Coucher Soleil "})
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=100,y=65,txt=" Coucher Lune"})
-- ======================================================================
-- MOON PHASE - CENTRE --------------------------------------------------
-- image({x=170,y=170,w=120,h=120,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- ======================================================================
-- CURRENT FOR TODAY - SEE TOP LEFT -------------------------------------
-- image({x=110,y=100,w=60,h=60,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=245,y=15,txt="T: "})
out({c=0xC0C0C0,a=1,x=245,y=80,txt="± "})
-- FORECAST TODAY - SEE TOP RIGHT ---------------------------------------
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=300,y=25,txt="Tendance journée:"})
-- image({x=285,y=100,w=60,h=60,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
out({c=0xFF8C00,fs=10,a=1,x=435,y=25,txt="↑ "})
out({c=0x6892C6,fs=10,a=1,x=465,y=25,txt="↓ "})
-- ======================================================================
-- WIND INFORMATION - SEE BOTTOM ----------------------------------------
-- image({x=185,y=290,w=90,h=90,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- out({c=0xffffff,a=1,x=333,y=295,txt="@"})
-- ======================================================================
-- Barometric Pressure
out({c=0xFF8C00,a=1,x=345,y=45,txt=now["pressure_mb"].." mb"})
-- Humidity -------------------------------------------------------------
-- Dew Point ------------------------------------------------------------
-- ======================================================================
-- Ceiling
-- Chance of Rain -------------------------------------------------------
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=300,y=75,txt="Prob Préc:"})
-- Cloud Cover
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=300,y=85,txt="Couv Nuages:"})
-- ======================================================================
-- UV -------------------------------------------------------------------
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,x=170,y=84,txt="UV :"})
-- ======================================================================
-- FORECAST FOR NEXT 3 HOURS --------------------------------------------
out({c=0xFAFAEC,a=1,f="Arial",fs=10,x=415,y=55,txt="prochaines heures"})
-- 1st hour
out({c=0xAFAFAF,x=445,y=80,txt=now["fc_hour1_temp"] .."°"})
-- 2nd hour
-- image({w=60,h=60,x=200,y=475,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
--out({c=0xAFAFAF,x=221,y=550,txt=now["fc_hour2_temp"] .."°"})
-- 3rd hour
-- image({w=60,h=60,x=380,y=475,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
out({c=0xAFAFAF,x=515,y=80,txt=now["fc_hour3_temp"] .."°"})
-- ======================================================================
-- FORECAST for the next 9 days
-- Forecast day 2 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*0.6,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- out({c=0xC0C0C0,a=1,x=datafx1*4.6,y=datay+(datayy*11.5),txt=moon_rise_24[2]})
-- Forecast day 3 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*4.15,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- Forecast day 4 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- ======================================================================
-- Forecast day 5 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- Forecast day 6 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- Forecast day 7 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- ======================================================================
-- Forecast day 8 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- Forecast day 9 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
-- Forecast day 10 -- x = l|r y = u|d
-- image({w=iw,h=ih,x=imgx*7.52,y=imgy,file="/media/5/Conky/images/red+.png"})
end--of weather_display function do not edit this line ##################
# -- Paramètres Conky Météo -- #
# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
alignment tl
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
# -- Conky settings -- #
background yes
update_interval 1
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
text_buffer_size 2048
imlib_cache_size 0
# -- Window specifications -- #
own_window yes
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
show_graph_range no
show_graph_scale no
short_units yes
own_window_class Conky
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
# -- Graphics settings -- #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
# -- Couleurs -- #
default_color 645D5D
#color1 3B6702
#color2 645D5D
color0 Cornsilk1#FFD700#GOLD#3b6702 # vert
color1 black
color2 white
color3 EFEFEF # argile
color4 LightGoldenrod3#vert_spring#645d5d # gris foncé
color5 7FDD4C # vert clair
color6 CC0000 # rouge
color7 884DA7 # mauve
color8 6892C6 # bleu ciel 2
color9 443AFF # bleu marine
# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 150
gap_y 55
# Minimum size of text area
minimum_size 1900 87 #Taille minimum (px) ; largeur / hauteur
maximum_width 1900 #Largeur maximum (px)
#out_to_console no
# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
#override_utf8_locale yes
# Stippled borders?
#stippled_borders 0
# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
#total_run_times 0
# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no
# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
#use_spacer no
# -- Text settings -- #
# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.8 #0.4
xftfont DejaVu:style=Bold:size=6 #Helvetica LT Std:size=10 #MaiandraGD:size=10##DejaVu:style=Bold:size=6
# -- Lua load -- #
lua_load ~/v9000/v9000.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre weather
lua_load ~/développement/revolutionary_clocks/template_meteo_barre.lua
lua_load ~/développement/revolutionary_clocks/draw_bg.lua
# Output#couleur bordeau EE0000
${goto 30}${font White Rabbit:style=bold:size=11}${color orange} Horgen
##### Heure #####
${voffset -17}${font Digitalk:size=75}${color DeepSkyBlue}${goto 1340}${time %H}:${goto 1480}${time %M}${font Digitalk:size=25}${color DodgerBlue3}${goto 1565} :${time %S}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 10 5 540 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 560 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 645 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 730 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 815 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 900 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 985 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 1070 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 1155 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 1240 5 75 87 0x000000 0.5}
#${lua conky_draw_bg 15 870 5 300 87 0x000000 0.5}
#${lua conky_draw_bg 15 1180 5 300 87 0x000000 0.5}
${lua conky_draw_bg 15 1325 5 320 87 0x000000 0.5}
${voffset -500}
Hors ligne
#1784 Le 11/01/2013, à 14:28
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Une petite question;
Si le graph températures et pression "bargnuplot.sh" ne réagit pas, est-ce du au récent problème du script Meteo-Lua (et changement de données sur le site) ?
J'ai aussi quelques doutes pour les données du "images_meteo.lua"...
Hors ligne
#1785 Le 11/01/2013, à 16:25
- Didier-T
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ ragamatrix,
Actuellement tous ce qui fonctionne avec meteo.lua est en rideau.
sa comprend les deux script dont tu parle.
Mais bon si j'arrive a dégager un peut de temps ce soir ou ce Week-end sa sera vite réglé.
Hors ligne
#1786 Le 11/01/2013, à 17:17
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ ragamatrix,
Actuellement tous ce qui fonctionne avec meteo.lua est en rideau.
sa comprend les deux script dont tu parle.Mais bon si j'arrive a dégager un peut de temps ce soir ou ce Week-end sa sera vite réglé.
Peut-être qu'il faut attendre encore au cas où le site accuweather fasse de plus gros changements...? Je n'espère pas IN SHALLAH
No stress take your time !
Hors ligne
#1787 Le 12/01/2013, à 08:24
- Didier-T
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ tous,
le script meto.lua est corrigé version 4.9c
Hors ligne
#1788 Le 12/01/2013, à 09:15
- jpdipsy
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ tous,
le script meto.lua est corrigé version 4.9c
Une journée qui commence bien quel bonheur ça roule !
Hors ligne
#1789 Le 14/01/2013, à 21:14
- maan
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ tous,
le script meto.lua est corrigé version 4.9c
Merci Didier
You are the king !!!!!
Ubuntu_studio 14.04
Hors ligne
#1790 Le 15/01/2013, à 07:50
- jlfh0816
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
@ Didier-T
Merci beaucoup pour la mise à jour 4.9c, elle fonctionne parfaitement !
Xubuntu - Voyager 18.04 et 22.04
Hors ligne
#1791 Le 15/01/2013, à 13:05
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Merci pour cette mise à jour; j'ai donc fais un conky meteo lua horizontal pour changer un peu...
Merci aussi pour l'aide concernant le script de "diaporama_ Nasa"que j'ai alléger en effet convert...
Hors ligne
#1792 Le 16/01/2013, à 14:02
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Salut daniel38100;
Je trouve très interressant le fait que tu ai integrer les prévisions à 8heures dans le images_meteo_lua.
Pourrais-tu nous faire partager ton creationmodules pour inspiration ?
Comment as tu fais pour afficher tous ces calendriers ?
pour le script
-- Créé par Didier-T (forum.ubuntu-fr.org), pour jpdipsy -- Nécessite imagemagick http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/imagemagick require "io" require "os" local Version = "v2.3c" local conditionJour = {} local conditionNuit = {} local conditionMatin = {} local conditionAM = {} local conditionSoiree = {} local conditionNoct = {} local InfoJour = {} local conditioncourante = {} local huitHeures = {} local Thermometre = {} local ThermometresRond = {} local init_thermo = {} local init_thermo_res = {} local init_rose = {} local init_rose_raf = {} local lunaison = {} local Barometre = {} local Rep, cmd, jours, matin, apresmidi, soiree, nuit, delais, r, repsauv, l, Rep_Therm, Rep_Rose, Palier, t1, MAJHold, maj1, Nb_Thermo, Rep_Lune, Rep_Barometre, Rep_ThermRond, Nb_ThermRond, palier1, palier2, palier3, palier4, mise_en_page, fich_creationmodule local boucle, imagecfg,meteocfg boucle = tonumber("0") -- Création rose des vent par jpdipsy function Rose(i, dp, v, nom, taille, opacite) local angle, couleur, f ,couleurfont local vitesse = "'"..v.." km/h'" if v ~= nil then f = tonumber(v) else f = 0 end if f <= Palier then couleur = palier1 couleurfont = palier1coulfont elseif f <= Palier*2 then couleur = palier2 couleurfont = palier2coulfont elseif f <= Palier*3 then couleur = palier3 couleurfont = palier3coulfont elseif f >= (Palier*3)+1 then couleur = palier4 couleurfont = palier4coulfont end if i == "Calme" then angle = nil elseif i == "N" then angle = 0 elseif i == "NNE" then angle = 22.5 elseif i == "NE" then angle = 45 elseif i == "ENE" then angle = 67.5 elseif i == "E" then angle = 90 elseif i == "ESE" then angle = 112.5 elseif i == "SE" then angle = 135 elseif i == "SSE" then angle = 157.5 elseif i == "S" then angle = 180 elseif i == "SSO" then angle = 202.5 elseif i == "SO" then angle = 225 elseif i == "OSO" then angle = 247.5 elseif i == "O" then angle = 270 elseif i == "ONO" then angle = 292.5 elseif i == "NO" then angle = 315 elseif i == "NNO" then angle = 337.5 else angle = nil end if angle ~= nil then os.execute(' convert -background transparent '..Rep_Rose..'/'..couleur..' -rotate '..angle..' '..Rep..'/dir_rot.png && composite -compose Over -gravity Center '..Rep..'/dir_rot.png '..Rep_Rose..'/base.png '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png') --os.execute(' convert -background transparent '..Rep_Rose..'/Calme.png -rotate -'..angle..' '..Rep..'/dir_rot.png && composite -compose Over -gravity Center '..Rep..'/dir_rot.png '..Rep_Rose..'/'..couleur..' '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png') else os.execute(' composite -compose Over -gravity Center '..Rep_Rose..'/Calme.png '..Rep_Rose..'/base.png '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png') end os.execute(' convert '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png -font '..repfonts..'/AlteHaasGroteskBold.ttf -fill '..couleurfont..' -pointsize 40 -gravity center -annotate +0+0 '..vitesse..' '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png && mogrify -resize '..taille..'! '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png && composite -blend 0x'..opacite..' null: '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png -matte '..Rep..'/'..nom..'.png') os.execute('chmod -R o+rw- '..Rep) end -- Récupération des infos à afficher function Recup(info) local num = info:match("%d+") if num ~= nil then info = string.gsub(info, num, "") num = tonumber(num) end info = string.gsub(info, " ", "") if info == "TempRes" then T1 = conditioncourante.Tempr elseif info == "TempAct" then T1 = conditioncourante.Temp elseif info == "Rose" then T1 = conditioncourante.PointRosee elseif info == "Pression" then T1 = conditioncourante.Pression elseif info == "Jour_Temp" then T1 = conditionJour[num].Temp elseif info == "Jour_TempRes" then T1 = conditionJour[num].TempRes elseif info == "Nuit_Temp" then T1 = conditionNuit[num].Temp elseif info == "Nuit_TempRes" then T1 = conditionNuit[num].TempRes elseif info == "Histo_Max" then T1 = InfoJour[num].Histo_Max elseif info == "Histo_Min" then T1 = InfoJour[num].Histo_Min elseif info == "Matin_TempMax" then T1 = conditionMatin[num].TempMax elseif info == "Matin_TempMin" then T1 = conditionMatin[num].TempMin elseif info == "Matin_TempMaxRes" then T1 = conditionMatin[num].TempMaxR elseif info == "Matin_TempMinRes" then T1 = conditionMatin[num].TempMinR elseif info == "Matin_Rose" then T1 = conditionMatin[num].PointRosee elseif info == "AM_TempMax" then T1 = conditionAM[num].TempMax elseif info == "AM_TempMin" then T1 = conditionAM[num].TempMin elseif info == "AM_TempMaxRes" then T1 = conditionAM[num].TempMaxR elseif info == "AM_TempMinRes" then T1 = conditionAM[num].TempMinR elseif info == "AM_Rose" then T1 = conditionAM[num].PointRosee elseif info == "Soiree_TempMax" then T1 = conditionSoiree[num].TempMax elseif info == "Soiree_TempMin" then T1 = conditionSoiree[num].TempMin elseif info == "Soiree_TempMaxRes" then T1 = conditionSoiree[num].TempMaxR elseif info == "Soiree_TempMinRes" then T1 = conditionSoiree[num].TempMinR elseif info == "Soiree_Rose" then T1 = conditionSoiree[num].PointRosee elseif info == "Noct_TempMax" then T1 = conditionNoct[num].TempMax elseif info == "Noct_TempMin" then T1 = conditionNoct[num].TempMin elseif info == "Noct_TempMaxRes" then T1 = conditionNoct[num].TempMaxR elseif info == "Noct_TempMinRes" then T1 = conditionNoct[num].TempMinR elseif info == "Noct_Rose" then T1 = conditionNoct[num].PointRosee elseif info == "huitHeure_TempMax" then T1 = huitHeures[num].TempMax elseif info == "huitHeure_TempMin" then T1 = huitHeures[num].TempMin elseif info == "huitHeure_TempMaxRes" then T1 = huitHeures[num].TempMaxR elseif info == "huitHeure_TempMinRes" then T1 = huitHeures[num].TempMinR elseif info == "huitHeure_Rose" then T1 = huitHeures[num].PointRosee end T1 = tonumber(T1) if T1 <= -30 then T1 = -30 elseif T1 >= 50 then T1 = 50 end return T1 end -- Création thermomètre par jpdipsy function CreaThermometre(TherNb) local NbPlot local Tbase = Thermometre[TherNb].base local Alcool = Thermometre[TherNb].mercure Alcool = string.gsub(Alcool, " ", "") local InfoAlcool = Recup(Thermometre[TherNb].mercure_info) local Plot = {} local InfoPlot = {} if Thermometre[TherNb].plot ~= "" then local PlotCherche = Thermometre[TherNb].plot PlotCherche = string.gsub(PlotCherche, " ", "") local InfoPlotCherche = Thermometre[TherNb].plot_info local pos1 = 0 NbPlot = 0 while pos1 ~= nil do local pos2 = string.find(PlotCherche, ",", pos1+1) NbPlot = NbPlot+1 if pos2 ~= nil then Plot[NbPlot] = string.sub(PlotCherche, pos1+1, pos2-1) else Plot[NbPlot] = string.sub(PlotCherche, pos1+1) end pos1 = pos2 end pos1 = 0 NbPlot = 0 while pos1 ~= nil do local pos2 = string.find(InfoPlotCherche, ",", pos1+1) NbPlot = NbPlot+1 if pos2 ~= nil then InfoPlot[NbPlot] = Recup(string.sub(InfoPlotCherche, pos1+1, pos2-1)) else InfoPlot[NbPlot] = Recup(string.sub(InfoPlotCherche, pos1+1)) end pos1 = pos2 end end if InfoAlcool > -30 then local T1 = (InfoAlcool*5)+150 os.execute( "convert "..Rep_Therm.."/"..Alcool.." -resize 20x"..T1.."! "..Rep.."/colonne.png && composite -compose Over -geometry -0+108 -gravity South "..Rep.."/colonne.png "..Rep_Therm.."/"..Tbase.." "..Rep.."/Thermo"..TherNb..".png" ) else os.execute( "cp "..Rep_Therm.."/"..Tbase.." "..Rep.."/Thermo"..TherNb..".png" ) end if NbPlot ~= nil then for i = 1, NbPlot do T2 = InfoPlot[i] local pos_T2 = (T2*5) +258 os.execute("composite -compose Over -geometry -0+"..pos_T2.." -gravity South "..Rep_Therm.."/"..Plot[i].." "..Rep.."/Thermo"..TherNb..".png "..Rep.."/Thermo"..TherNb..".png") end end os.execute('mogrify -resize '..Thermometre[TherNb].taille..'! '..Rep..'/Thermo'..TherNb..'.png && composite -blend 0x'..Thermometre[TherNb].opacite..' null: '..Rep..'/Thermo'..TherNb..'.png -matte '..Rep..'/Thermo'..TherNb..'.png') os.execute('chmod -R o+rw- '..Rep) end function CreaThermometreRond(TherNb) local val os.execute(' cp '..Rep_ThermRond..'/base.png '..Rep..'/Thermorond'..TherNb..'.png') if ThermometresRond[TherNb].bleu ~= nil then val = Recup(ThermometresRond[TherNb].bleu) val = string.gsub(val, " ", "") cree("ind-bleu", val, TherNb) end if ThermometresRond[TherNb].rouge ~= nil then val = Recup(ThermometresRond[TherNb].rouge) val = string.gsub(val, " ", "") cree("ind-rouge", val, TherNb) end if ThermometresRond[TherNb].vert ~= nil then val = Recup(ThermometresRond[TherNb].vert) val = string.gsub(val, " ", "") cree("ind-vert", val, TherNb) end if ThermometresRond[TherNb].jaune ~= nil then val = Recup(ThermometresRond[TherNb].jaune) val = string.gsub(val, " ", "") cree("ind-jaune", val, TherNb) end if ThermometresRond[TherNb].blanc ~= nil then val = Recup(ThermometresRond[TherNb].blanc) val = string.gsub(val, " ", "") cree("ind-blanc", val, TherNb) end if ThermometresRond[TherNb].aiguille ~= nil then val = Recup(ThermometresRond[TherNb].aiguille) val = string.gsub(val, " ", "") cree("aiguille", val, TherNb) end os.execute('mogrify -resize '..ThermometresRond[TherNb].taille..'! '..Rep..'/Thermorond'..TherNb..'.png && composite -blend 0x'..ThermometresRond[TherNb].opacite..' null: '..Rep..'/Thermorond'..TherNb..'.png -matte '..Rep..'/Thermorond'..TherNb..'.png') os.execute('chmod -R o+rw- '..Rep) end function cree(aiguille, angle, TherNb) angle = (angle*4)-40 os.execute(' convert -background transparent '..Rep_ThermRond..'/'..aiguille..'.png -rotate '..angle..' '..Rep..'/direction_rot.png && composite -compose Over -gravity Center '..Rep..'/direction_rot.png '..Rep..'/Thermorond'..TherNb..'.png '..Rep..'/Thermorond'..TherNb..'.png') end function lune() local j, h, m = Age:match("(%d+) Jours (%d+)h (%d+)m") if j == nil then j, h, m = Age:match("(%d+) Jour (%d+)h (%d+)m") if j == nil then h, m = Age:match("(%d+)h (%d+)m") j = 0 end end local angle = ((360/42524)*((((j*24)+h)*60)+m))+180 os.execute(' convert -background transparent '..Rep_Lune..'/indicateur.png -rotate '..angle..' '..Rep..'/indicateur_rot.png && composite -compose Over -gravity Center '..Rep..'/indicateur_rot.png '..Rep_Lune..'/lune-base.png '..Rep..'/lune.png && mogrify -resize '..lunaison.taille..'! '..Rep..'/lune.png && composite -blend 0x'..lunaison.opacite..' null: '..Rep..'/lune.png -matte '..Rep..'/lune.png') os.execute('chmod -R o+rw- '..Rep) end function Baro() local angle = ((conditioncourante.Pression-980)*4.5)-135 ---- Aiguille os.execute('convert -background transparent '..Rep_Barometre..'/aiguille.png -rotate '..angle..' '..Rep..'/aiguille_rot.png && composite -compose Over -gravity Center '..Rep..'/aiguille_rot.png '..Rep_Barometre..'/base.png '..Rep..'/Barometre.png && mogrify -resize '..Barometre.taille..'! '..Rep..'/Barometre.png && composite -blend 0x'..Barometre.opacite..' null: '..Rep..'/Barometre.png -matte '..Rep..'/Barometre.png') os.execute('chmod -R o+rw- '..Rep) end -- initialisation création rose des sables function fonc_init_rose() for j = 1,jours do init_rose[j] = {CondCour=nil, Jour=nil, Nuit=nil, Matin=nil, AM=nil, Soiree=nil, Noct=nil, huitHeures=nil} init_rose_raf[j]= {CondCour=nil, Jour=nil, Nuit=nil, Matin=nil, AM=nil, Soiree=nil, Noct=nil, huitHeures=nil} end end -----Affichage Barometre function conky_Images_Barometre(p, s, f, o) if Barometre.taille == nil then Barometre.opacite = o Barometre.taille = s Baro() end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/Barometre.png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/Barometre.png " end end -----Affichage lune function conky_Images_Lunaison(p, s, f, o) if lunaison.taille == nil then lunaison.opacite = o lunaison.taille = s lune() end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/lune.png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/lune.png " end end -----Affichage Thermometre function conky_Images_Thermo(p, s, f, n, o) n = tonumber(n) if Thermometre[n].opacite == nil then Thermometre[n].opacite = o Thermometre[n].taille = s end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/Thermo"..n..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/Thermo"..n..".png" end end function conky_Images_ThermoRond(p, s, f, n, o, a, b, c, d) --p=position s=taille f=frequence de rafraichissement n=num therm o=opacité a=info 1 b=info 2 c=info 3 d=info 4 n = tonumber(n) if ThermometresRond[n] == nil then ThermometresRond[n] = {} Nb_ThermRond = n local pos if a ~= nil then a = string.gsub(a, "-", " ") if string.find(a, 'a=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(a, '=') ThermometresRond[n].aiguille = string.sub(a, pos+1) elseif string.find(a, 'b=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(a, '=') ThermometresRond[n].bleu = string.sub(a, pos+1) elseif string.find(a, 'r=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(a, '=') ThermometresRond[n].rouge = string.sub(a, pos+1) elseif string.find(a, 'v=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(a, '=') ThermometresRond[n].vert = string.sub(a, pos+1) elseif string.find(a, 'j=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(a, '=') ThermometresRond[n].jaune = string.sub(a, pos+1) elseif string.find(a, 'w=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(a, '=') ThermometresRond[n].blanc = string.sub(a, pos+1) end end if b ~= nil then b = string.gsub(b, "-", " ") if string.find(b, 'a=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(b, '=') ThermometresRond[n].aiguille = string.sub(b, pos+1) elseif string.find(b, 'b=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(b, '=') ThermometresRond[n].bleu = string.sub(b, pos+1) elseif string.find(b, 'r=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(b, '=') ThermometresRond[n].rouge = string.sub(b, pos+1) elseif string.find(b, 'v=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(b, '=') ThermometresRond[n].vert = string.sub(b, pos+1) elseif string.find(b, 'j=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(b, '=') ThermometresRond[n].jaune = string.sub(b, pos+1) elseif string.find(b, 'w=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(b, '=') ThermometresRond[n].blanc = string.sub(b, pos+1) end end if c ~= nil then c = string.gsub(c, "-", " ") if string.find(c, 'a=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(c, '=') ThermometresRond[n].aiguille = string.sub(c, pos+1) elseif string.find(c, 'b=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(c, '=') ThermometresRond[n].bleu = string.sub(c, pos+1) elseif string.find(c, 'r=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(c, '=') ThermometresRond[n].rouge = string.sub(c, pos+1) elseif string.find(c, 'v=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(c, '=') ThermometresRond[n].vert = string.sub(c, pos+1) elseif string.find(c, 'j=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(c, '=') ThermometresRond[n].jaune = string.sub(c, pos+1) elseif string.find(c, 'w=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(c, '=') ThermometresRond[n].blanc = string.sub(c, pos+1) end end if d ~= nil then d = string.gsub(d, "-", " ") if string.find(d, 'a=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(d, '=') ThermometresRond[n].aiguille = string.sub(d, pos+1) elseif string.find(d, 'b=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(d, '=') ThermometresRond[n].bleu = string.sub(d, pos+1) elseif string.find(d, 'r=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(d, '=') ThermometresRond[n].rouge = string.sub(d, pos+1) elseif string.find(d, 'v=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(d, '=') ThermometresRond[n].vert = string.sub(d, pos+1) elseif string.find(a, 'j=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(d, '=') ThermometresRond[n].jaune = string.sub(d, pos+1) elseif string.find(d, 'w=') ~= nil then pos = string.find(d, '=') ThermometresRond[n].blanc = string.sub(d, pos+1) end end ThermometresRond[n].taille = s ThermometresRond[n].opacite = o CreaThermometreRond(n) end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/Thermorond"..n..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/Thermorond"..n..".png" end end -----Affichage rose des sables --Condition courante function conky_Images_Rose(p, s, f, o) j = 1 if init_rose[j].CondCour == nil then Rose(conditioncourante.VentDir, conditioncourante.VentPlein, conditioncourante.VentForce, "Rose", s, o) init_rose[j].CondCour = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/Rose.png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/Rose.png" end end --Prévision sur la journée function conky_Images_Jour_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].Jour == nil then Rose(conditionJour[j].VentDir, conditionJour[j].VentP, conditionJour[j].VentForce, "RoseJour"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].Jour = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseJour"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseJour"..j..".png" end end function conky_Images_Jour_RoseR(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose_raf[j].Jour == nil then Rose(conditionJour[j].VentDir, conditionJour[j].VentP, conditionJour[j].VentRafales, "RoseJourR"..j, s, o) init_rose_raf[j].Jour = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseJourR"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseJourR"..j..".png" end end --Prévision sur la nuit function conky_Images_Nuit_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].Nuit == nil then Rose(conditionNuit[j].VentDir, conditionNuit[j].VentP, conditionNuit[j].VentForce, "RoseNuit"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].Nuit = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseNuit"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseNuit"..j..".png" end end function conky_Images_Nuit_RoseR(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose_raf[j].Nuit == nil then Rose(conditionNuit[j].VentDir, conditionNuit[j].VentP, conditionNuit[j].VentRafales, "RoseNuitR"..j, s, o) init_rose_raf[j].Nuit = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseNuitR"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseNuitR"..j..".png" end end --Condition Matinée function conky_Images_Matin_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].Matin == nil then Rose(conditionMatin[j].VentDir, conditionMatin[j].VentP, conditionMatin[j].VentForce, "RoseMatin"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].Matin = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseMatin"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseMatin"..j..".png" end end --Condition Après midi function conky_Images_AM_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].AM == nil then Rose(conditionAM[j].VentDir, conditionAM[j].VentP, conditionAM[j].VentForce, "RoseAM"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].AM = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseAM"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseAM"..j..".png" end end --Condition soirée function conky_Images_Soiree_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].Soiree == nil then Rose(conditionSoiree[j].VentDir, conditionSoiree[j].VentP, conditionSoiree[j].VentForce, "RoseSoiree"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].Soiree = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseSoiree"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseSoiree"..j..".png" end end --Condition Nuit function conky_Images_Noct_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].Noct == nil then Rose(conditionNoct[j].VentDir, conditionNoct[j].VentP, conditionNoct[j].VentForce, "RoseNoct"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].Noct = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RoseNoct"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RoseNoct"..j..".png" end end --huitHeures function conky_Images_huitHeures_Rose(p, s, f, j, o) j = tonumber(j) if init_rose[j].huitHeures == nil then Rose(huitHeures[j].VentDir, huitHeures[j].VentP, huitHeures[j].VentForce, "RosehuitHeures"..j, s, o) init_rose[j].huitHeures = 1 end if Mode ~= "fondecran" then return "${image "..Rep.."/RosehuitHeures"..j..".png -p "..p.." -s "..s.." -f "..f.."}" else return Rep.."/RosehuitHeures"..j..".png" end end --Récupération de données function conky_Images_MAJ(cfg) local s = '${lua Meteo_etat_MAJ}' local MAJ = conky_parse( s ) if maj1 == nil then init(cfg) maj1 = "ok" MAJHold = MAJ+1 end if MAJ ~= MAJHold then MAJHold = MAJ --Récupération dernière condition courante local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/CondCour", "r") ) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local t = {"Icone", "Tempr", "Temp", "Cond", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "VentDir", "VentPlein", "VentForce", "VentIcone", "Humidite", "PointRosee", "Pression", "Visibilite", "Date", "Ville", "CouvNuage", "Uv", "latitude", "longitude"} for i = 1,22 do conditioncourante[t[i]] = donee[i] end time = donee[23] io.close(file) --Récupération prévision for j = 1,jours do local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/prevision"..j, "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local info = {} local t = {"CondMeteo", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "Temp", "TempRes", "ProbPrec", "VentDir", "VentP", "VentForce", "VentRafales", "Uv", "ProbOrage", "NivPrec", "QPluie", "QNeige", "Icone", "VentIcone", "RafalesIcone", "EVerglas"} conditionJour[j] = {} for i = 1, 21 do info[t[i]] = donee[i] end conditionJour[j] = info local info1 = {} t = {"CondMeteo", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "Temp", "TempRes", "ProbPrec", "VentDir", "VentP", "VentForce", "VentRafales", "ProbOrage", "NivPrec", "QPluie", "QNeige", "Icone", "VentIcone", "RafalesIcone", "EVerglas"} conditionNuit[j] = {} for i = 22, 41 do info1[t[i-21]] = donee[i] end conditionNuit[j] = info1 local info2 = {} t= {"Jour", "LeverSoleilH", "LeverSoleilM", "CoucherSoleilH", "CoucherSoleilM", "Histo_Max", "Histo_Min"} InfoJour[j] = {} for i = 42, 48 do info2[t[i-41]] = donee[i] end InfoJour[j] = info2 io.close(file) if matin == "oui" then local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/matin"..j, "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local t = {"CondMeteo", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "TempMax", "TempMin", "TempMaxR", "TempMinR", "ProbPrec", "VentDir", "VentP", "VentForce", "QPluie", "QNeige", "Humidite", "CouvNuage", "PointRosee", "Visibilite", "Icone", "VentIcone"} conditionMatin[j] = {} local info3 = {} for i = 1, 21 do info3[t[i]] = donee[i] end conditionMatin[j] = info3 io.close(file) end if apresmidi == "oui" then local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/ApresMidi"..j, "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local t = {"CondMeteo", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "TempMax", "TempMin", "TempMaxR", "TempMinR", "ProbPrec", "VentDir", "VentP", "VentForce", "QPluie", "QNeige", "Humidite", "CouvNuage", "PointRosee", "Visibilite", "Icone", "VentIcone"} conditionAM[j] = {} local info3 = {} for i = 1, 21 do info3[t[i]] = donee[i] end conditionAM[j] = info3 io.close(file) end if soiree == "oui" then local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/Soiree"..j, "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local t = {"CondMeteo", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "TempMax", "TempMin", "TempMaxR", "TempMinR", "ProbPrec", "VentDir", "VentP", "VentForce", "QPluie", "QNeige", "Humidite", "CouvNuage", "PointRosee", "Visibilite", "Icone", "VentIcone"} conditionSoiree[j] = {} local info3 = {} for i = 1, 21 do info3[t[i]] = donee[i] end conditionSoiree[j] = info3 io.close(file) end if nuit == "oui" then local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/Nuit"..j, "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local t = {"CondMeteo", "CondMeteo1", "CondMeteo2", "CondMeteo1se", "CondMeteo2se", "TempMax", "TempMin", "TempMaxR", "TempMinR", "ProbPrec", "VentDir", "VentP", "VentForce", "QPluie", "QNeige", "Humidite", "CouvNuage", "PointRosee", "Visibilite", "Icone", "VentIcone"} conditionNoct[j] = {} local info3 = {} for i = 1, 21 do info3[t[i]] = donee[i] end conditionNoct[j] = info3 io.close(file) end end if huit == "oui" then for j = 1,8 do local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/huitHeures"..j, "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end local t = {"Heure", "Icone", "TempMax", "TempMaxR", "VentDir", "VentForce", "Humidite", "CouvNuage", "PointRosee", "UV", "Pluie", "Neige", "Verglas", "VentP", "VentIcone"} huitHeures[j] = {} local info3 = {} for i = 1, 15 do info3[t[i]] = donee[i] end huitHeures[j] = info3 io.close(file) end end --Récupération lunaison local file = assert(io.open(repsauv.."/lunaison", "r")) local line = file:read() local i = 0 local donee = {} for line in file:lines() do i = i+1 donee[i] = line end ephemerides = donee[1] ephemerides1 = donee[2] ephemerides2 = donee[3] Visibilite = donee[4] Phases = donee[5] Phases1 = donee[6] Phases2 = donee[7] Noeud_lunaire = donee[8] Apogee = donee[9] Perigee = donee[10] Distance = donee[11] Age = donee[12] Lever_LuneHeure = donee[13] Lever_LuneMinute = donee[14] Coucher_LuneHeure = donee[15] Coucher_LuneMinute = donee[16] Eclipse_partielle = donee[17] Eclipse_total = donee[18] io.close(file) if Barometre.taille ~= nil then Baro() end if lunaison.taille ~= nil then lune() end fonc_init_rose() local i = 0 while i ~= Nb_Thermo do i = i+1 CreaThermometre(i) end i = 0 while i ~= Nb_ThermRond do i = i+1 CreaThermometreRond(i) end if Mode == "fondecran" then FondEcran_init() end if Mode == "fondinactif" then FondInactif_init() end collectgarbage() end return "" end --initialisation paramètres function init(cfg) local home = os.getenv("HOME") cfg = string.gsub(cfg, "~", home) cfg = string.gsub(cfg, "$HOME", home) imagecfg = cfg Nb_Thermo = 0 Nb_ThermRond = 0 local Thermo = false local ThermRond = false local file = assert(io.open(cfg, "rb") ) local line = file:read() for line in file:lines() do local pos1 = string.find(line, '#') if pos1 ~= nil then line = string.sub(line, 1, pos1-1) end pos1 = string.find(line, '=') if string.find(line, 'Therm=') ~= nil then Rep_Therm = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'repfonts=') ~= nil then repfonts = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'ThermRond=') ~= nil then Rep_ThermRond = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Rose=') ~= nil then Rep_Rose = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier1=') ~= nil then palier1 = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier2=') ~= nil then palier2 = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier3=') ~= nil then palier3 = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier4=') ~= nil then palier4 = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier1coulfont=') ~= nil then palier1coulfont = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier2coulfont=') ~= nil then palier2coulfont = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier3coulfont=') ~= nil then palier3coulfont = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'palier4coulfont=') ~= nil then palier4coulfont = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Lune=') ~= nil then Rep_Lune = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Barometre=') ~= nil then Rep_Barometre = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'repmeteo=') ~= nil then repmeteo = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'IconesRep=') ~= nil then IconesRep = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Mode=') ~= nil then Mode = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'MiseEnPage=') ~= nil then mise_en_page = string.sub(line, pos1+1) mise_en_page = string.gsub(mise_en_page, "~", home) mise_en_page = string.gsub(mise_en_page, "$HOME", home) pos = string.find(mise_en_page, "creationmodules") fich_creationmodule = string.sub(mise_en_page, pos)..".sh" end --debut thermomètre mercure if string.find(line, 'Thermometres=') ~= nil then Thermo = true Nb_Thermo = Nb_Thermo+1 Thermometre[tonumber(Nb_Thermo)] = {} end if Thermo ~= false then if string.find(line, 'base=') ~= nil then Thermometre[Nb_Thermo].base = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'mercure=') ~= nil then Thermometre[Nb_Thermo].mercure = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'mercure_info=') ~= nil then local pos2 = string.find(line, '}') if pos2 ~= nil then Thermometre[Nb_Thermo].mercure_info = string.sub(line, pos1+1, pos2-1) else Thermometre[Nb_Thermo].mercure_info = string.sub(line, pos1+1) end elseif string.find(line, 'plot=') ~= nil then Thermometre[Nb_Thermo].plot = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'plot_info=') ~= nil then local pos2 = string.find(line, '}') Thermometre[Nb_Thermo].plot_info = string.sub(line, pos1+1, pos2-1) end pos1 = string.find(line, '}') if pos1 ~= nil then line = string.sub(line, pos1) if string.find(line, ',') == nil then Thermo = false else Nb_Thermo = Nb_Thermo+1 Thermometre[Nb_Thermo] = {} end end end --fin thermomètre end io.close(file) local fichier_init = conky_parse( "${lua Meteo_fichier_init}" ) meteocfg=fichier_init local file = assert(io.open(fichier_init, "rb") ) local line = file:read() for line in file:lines() do local pos1 = string.find(line, '#') if pos1 ~= nil then line = string.sub(line, 1, pos1-1) end pos1 = string.find(line, '=') if string.find(line, 'repsauv=') ~= nil then repsauv = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'TempShell=') ~= nil then r = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'web=') ~= nil then cmd1 = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'periode=') ~= nil then jours = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'matinée=') ~= nil then matin = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'am=') ~= nil then apresmidi = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'soiree=') ~= nil then soiree = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'nuit=') ~= nil then nuit = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Prev8heures=') ~= nil then huit = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Therm=') ~= nil then Rep_Therm = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Rose=') ~= nil then Rep_Rose = string.sub(line, pos1+1) elseif string.find(line, 'Palier=') ~= nil then Palier = tonumber(string.sub(line, pos1+1)) elseif string.find(line, 'update=') ~= nil then delais = string.sub(line, pos1+1) end end io.close(file) r = string.gsub(r, "~", home) r = string.gsub(r, "$HOME", home) repsauv = string.gsub(repsauv, "~", home) repsauv = string.gsub(repsauv, "$HOME", home) --Création répertoire de travail l = cmd1:match("/(%d+)") if string.find(cmd1, 'forecast') ~= nil then pos1 = string.find(cmd1, '/weather') cmd = string.sub(cmd1, 0, pos1-1) else pos1 = string.find(cmd1, '/current') cmd = string.sub(cmd1, 0, pos1-1) end local bar, bar1 local l1 = string.gsub(cmd, '/'..l, "" ) local b = 1 while bar1 == nil do b = b+1 bar1 = string.find(l1, '/', -b) end l1 = string.sub(l1, bar1+1) Rep = r.."/"..l1.."/"..l MAJHold = "10" return "" end ------------------------------------------------------------- Fond ecran -------------------------------------------------- function FondEcran_init() if not existe(repsauv.."/fond-meteo.png") then boucle = boucle+1 end if boucle ~= 0 then print("","Mode = "..Mode) -- sauvegarde fond ecran os.execute(repmeteo..'/scripts/fond-gestion.sh sauvegarde') -- creation des modules externes creation_module(mise_en_page) -- Maj du fond d'écran os.execute(repmeteo..'/scripts/fond-gestion.sh integration ') end boucle = boucle+1 end function FondInactif_init() print("","Mode = "..Mode) -- creation des modules externes creation_module(mise_en_page) end function conky_extinction() -- remise en place fond ecran-ori os.execute(repmeteo..'/scripts/fond-gestion.sh restauration') end function mise_en_forme(x) local pos = string.find(x, "{{") local Nb = 0 local info, pos1 while pos ~= nil do Nb = Nb+1 if Nb == 1 then code = string.sub(x, 0, pos-1) else code = code..string.sub(x, pos1+2, pos-1) end pos1 = string.find(x, "}}", pos+2) info = string.sub(x, pos+2, pos1-1) code = code..Recup_info(info) pos = string.find(x, "{{", pos1+2) end if pos1 ~= nil then code = code..string.sub(x, pos1+2) else code = x end return code end function creation_module(creationmodules) ------------copie et recuperation du fichier local file = io.open(creationmodules) local line = file:read() local file1 = io.open(Rep.."/"..fich_creationmodule, "w+" ) ------------- mise en place fichier + entête file1:write ("#!/bin/bash \n\n##########################################\ncheminref="..repmeteo.."\nsource "..imagecfg.." 2>/dev/null\nsource "..meteocfg.." 2>/dev/null\n") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ for line in file:lines() do --------------------------------------------------------- file1:write (mise_en_forme(line), "\n") --------------------------------------------------------- end ------ fermeture et ecriture io.close(file1) io.close(file) ------ execution du fichier bash os.execute('chmod +x '..Rep..'/'..fich_creationmodule..' && '..Rep..'/'..fich_creationmodule) end function Recup_info(x) local info, pos1, pos pos = string.find(x, " ") if pos ~= nil then info = string.sub(x, 0, pos-1) pos1 = string.find(x, " ", pos+1) else info = x end if pos ~= nil then if pos1 ~= nil then arg1 = string.sub(x, pos+1, pos1-1) pos = string.find(x, " ", pos1+1) else arg1 = string.sub(x, pos+1) end if pos1 ~= nil then if pos ~= nil then arg2 = string.sub(x, pos1+1, pos-1) pos1 = string.find(x, " ", pos+1) else arg2 = string.sub(x, pos1+1) end if pos ~= nil then if pos1 ~= nil then arg3 = string.sub(x, pos+1, pos1-1) pos = string.find(x, " ", pos1+1) else arg3 = string.sub(x, pos+1) end if pos1 ~= nil then if pos ~= nil then arg4 = string.sub(x, pos1+1, pos-1) pos1 = string.find(x, " ", pos+1) else arg4 = string.sub(x, pos1+1) end if pos ~= nil then if pos1 ~= nil then arg5 = string.sub(x, pos+1, pos1-1) pos = string.find(x, " ", pos1+1) else arg5 = string.sub(x, pos+1) end if pos1 ~= nil then if pos ~= nil then arg6 = string.sub(x, pos1+1, pos-1) pos1 = string.find(x, " ", pos+1) else arg6 = string.sub(x, pos1+1) end if pos ~= nil then if pos1 ~= nil then arg7 = string.sub(x, pos+1, pos1-1) pos = string.find(x, " ", pos1+1) else arg7 = string.sub(x, pos+1) end if pos1 ~= nil then if pos ~= nil then arg8 = string.sub(x, pos1+1, pos-1) pos1 = string.find(x, " ", pos+1) else arg8 = string.sub(x, pos1+1) end if pos ~= nil then if pos1 ~= nil then arg9 = string.sub(x, pos+1, pos1-1) pos = string.find(x, " ", pos1+1) else arg9 = string.sub(x, pos+1) end if pos1 ~= nil then if pos ~= nil then arg10 = string.sub(x, pos1+1, pos-1) pos1 = string.find(x, " ", pos+1) else arg10 = string.sub(x, pos1+1) end if pos ~= nil then if pos1 ~= nil then arg11 = string.sub(x, pos+1, pos1-1) pos = string.find(x, " ", pos1+1) else arg11 = string.sub(x, pos+1) end end end end end end end end end end end end if info == "Meteo_TempRes" then return conditioncourante.Tempr elseif info == "Meteo_TempAct" then return conditioncourante.Temp elseif info == "Meteo_CondMeteo" then return conditioncourante.Cond elseif info == "Meteo_CondMeteo1" then return conditioncourante.CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_CondMeteo2" then return conditioncourante.CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_CondMeteo1se" then return conditioncourante.CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_CondMeteo2se" then return conditioncourante.CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_VentDir" then return conditioncourante.VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_VentDirP" then return conditioncourante.VentPlein elseif info == "Meteo_VentForce" then return conditioncourante.VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_Humidite" then return conditioncourante.Humidite elseif info == "Meteo_Rose" then return conditioncourante.PointRosee elseif info == "Meteo_Pression" then return conditioncourante.Pression elseif info == "Meteo_Visibilite" then return conditioncourante.Visibilite elseif info == "Meteo_CouvNuage" then return conditioncourante.CouvNuage elseif info == "Meteo_Uv" then return conditioncourante.Uv elseif info == "Meteo_IconeM" then if os.date("%H%M", os.time()) <= InfoJour[1].CoucherSoleilH..InfoJour[1].CoucherSoleilM and os.date("%H%M", os.time()) >= InfoJour[1].LeverSoleilH..InfoJour[1].LeverSoleilM then return arg1.."/jour/"..conditioncourante.Icone..".png" else return arg1.."/nuit/"..conditioncourante.Icone..".png" end elseif info == "Meteo_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditioncourante.VentIcone elseif info == "Meteo_Ville" then return conditioncourante.Ville elseif info == "Meteo_latitude" then return conditioncourante.latitude elseif info == "Meteo_longitude" then return conditioncourante.longitude elseif info == "Image_version" then return Version --prévision journée elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_CondMeteo" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_CondMeteo1" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_CondMeteo2" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_CondMeteo1se" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_CondMeteo2se" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_Temp" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].Temp elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_TempRes" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].TempRes elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_ProbPrec" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_VentDir" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_VentDirP" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_VentForce" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_VentRafales" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].VentRafales elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_Uv" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].Uv elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_ProbOrage" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].ProbOrage elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_NivPrec" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].NivPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_QPluie" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_QNeige" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_EVerglas" then return conditionJour[tonumber(arg1)].EVerglas elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_IconeM" then return arg1.."/jour/"..conditionJour[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditionJour[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone elseif info == "Meteo_Jour_IconeR" then return arg1.."/"..conditionJour[tonumber(arg5)].RafalesIcone --prévision Nuit elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_CondMeteo" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_CondMeteo1" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_CondMeteo2" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_CondMeteo1se" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_CondMeteo2se" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_Temp" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].Temp elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_TempRes" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].TempRes elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_ProbPrec" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_VentDir" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_VentDirP" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_VentForce" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_VentRafales" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].VentRafales elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_Uv" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].Uv elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_ProbOrage" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].ProbOrage elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_NivPrec" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].NivPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_QPluie" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_QNeige" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_EVerglas" then return conditionNuit[tonumber(arg1)].EVerglas elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_IconeM" then return arg1.."/nuit/"..conditionNuit[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditionNuit[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone elseif info == "Meteo_Nuit_IconeR" then return arg1.."/"..conditionNuit[tonumber(arg5)].RafalesIcone ----Prévision quart de journée --Matin elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_CondMeteo " then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_CondMeteo1" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_CondMeteo2" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_CondMeteo1se" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_CondMeteo2se" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_TempMax" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].TempMax elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_TempMin" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].TempMin elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_TempMaxRes" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].TempMaxR elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_TempMinRes" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].TempMinR elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_ProbPrec" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_VentDir" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_VentP" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_VentForce" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_QPluie" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_QNeige" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_Humidite" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].Humidite elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_CouvNuage" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].CouvNuage elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_Rose" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].PointRosee elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_Visibilite" then return conditionMatin[tonumber(arg1)].Visibilite elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_IconeM" then return arg1.."/jour/"..conditionMatin[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" elseif info == "Meteo_Matin_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditionMatin[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone --Après midi elseif info == "Meteo_AM_CondMeteo " then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_AM_CondMeteo1" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_AM_CondMeteo2" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_AM_CondMeteo1se" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_AM_CondMeteo2se" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_AM_TempMax" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].TempMax elseif info == "Meteo_AM_TempMin" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].TempMin elseif info == "Meteo_AM_TempMaxRes" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].TempMaxR elseif info == "Meteo_AM_TempMinRes" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].TempMinR elseif info == "Meteo_AM_ProbPrec" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_AM_VentDir" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_AM_VentP" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_AM_VentForce" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_AM_QPluie" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_AM_QNeige" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_AM_Humidite" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].Humidite elseif info == "Meteo_AM_CouvNuage" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].CouvNuage elseif info == "Meteo_AM_Rose" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].PointRosee elseif info == "Meteo_AM_Visibilite" then return conditionAM[tonumber(arg1)].Visibilite elseif info == "Meteo_AM_IconeM" then return arg1.."/jour/"..conditionAM[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" elseif info == "Meteo_AM_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditionAM[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone --Soirée elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_CondMeteo " then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_CondMeteo1" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_CondMeteo2" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_CondMeteo1se" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_CondMeteo2se" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_TempMax" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].TempMax elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_TempMin" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].TempMin elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_TempMaxRes" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].TempMaxR elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_TempMinRes" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].TempMinR elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_ProbPrec" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_VentDir" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_VentP" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_VentForce" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_QPluie" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_QNeige" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_Humidite" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].Humidite elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_CouvNuage" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].CouvNuage elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_Rose" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].PointRosee elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_Visibilite" then return conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg1)].Visibilite elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_IconeM" then return arg1.."/nuit/"..conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" elseif info == "Meteo_Soiree_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditionSoiree[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone --nuit elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_CondMeteo " then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_CondMeteo1" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_CondMeteo2" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_CondMeteo1se" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_CondMeteo2se" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_TempMax" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].TempMax elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_TempMin" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].TempMin elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_TempMaxRes" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].TempMaxR elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_TempMinRes" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].TempMinR elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_ProbPrec" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_VentDir" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_VentP" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_VentForce" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_QPluie" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_QNeige" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_Humidite" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].Humidite elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_CouvNuage" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].CouvNuage elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_Rose" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].PointRosee elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_Visibilite" then return conditionNoct[tonumber(arg1)].Visibilite elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_IconeM" then return arg1.."/nuit/"..conditionNoct[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" elseif info == "Meteo_Noct_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..conditionNoct[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone --huitHeures elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_CondMeteo " then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_CondMeteo1" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1 elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_CondMeteo2" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2 elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_CondMeteo1se" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo1se elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_CondMeteo2se" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].CondMeteo2se elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_TempMax" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].TempMax elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_TempMin" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].TempMin elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_TempMaxRes" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].TempMaxR elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_TempMinRes" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].TempMinR elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_ProbPrec" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].ProbPrec elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_VentDir" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].VentDir elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_VentP" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].VentP elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_VentForce" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].VentForce elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_QPluie" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].QPluie elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_QNeige" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].QNeige elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_Humidite" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].Humidite elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_CouvNuage" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].CouvNuage elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_Rose" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].PointRosee elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_Visibilite" then return huitHeures[tonumber(arg1)].Visibilite elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_IconeV" then return arg1.."/"..huitHeures[tonumber(arg5)].VentIcone elseif info == "Meteo_huitHeures_IconeM" then if huitHeures[tonumber(arg5)].Heure <= InfoJour[1].CoucherSoleilH and huitHeures[tonumber(arg5)].Heure >= InfoJour[1].LeverSoleilH then return arg1.."/jour/"..huitHeures[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" else return arg1.."/nuit/"..huitHeures[tonumber(arg5)].Icone..".png" end --lunaison elseif info == "Lune_ephemerides" then return ephemerides elseif info == "Lune_ephemerides1" then return ephemerides1 elseif info == "Lune_ephemerides2" then return ephemerides2 elseif info == "Lune_Visibilite" then return Visibilite elseif info == "Lune_Phases" then return Phases elseif info == "Lune_Phases1" then return Phases1 elseif info == "Lune_Phases2" then return Phases2 elseif info == "Lune_Noeudlunaire" then return Noeud_lunaire elseif info == "Lune_Apogee" then return Apogee elseif info == "Lune_Perigee" then return Perigee elseif info == "Lune_Distance" then return Distance elseif info == "Lune_Age" then return Age elseif info == "Lune_HLeverLune" then return Lever_LuneHeure elseif info == "Lune_MLeverLune" then return Lever_LuneMinute elseif info == "Lune_HCoucherLune" then return Coucher_LuneHeure elseif info == "Lune_MCoucherLune" then return Coucher_LuneMinute elseif info == "Lune_EclipsePartielle" then return Eclipse_partielle elseif info == "Lune_EclipseTotal" then return Eclipse_total elseif info == "Images_Barometre" then return conky_Images_Barometre(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) elseif info == "Images_Lunaison" then return conky_Images_Lunaison(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) elseif info == "Images_Thermo" then return conky_Images_Thermo(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_ThermoRond" then return conky_Images_ThermoRond(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11) elseif info == "Images_Rose" then return conky_Images_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) elseif info == "Images_Jour_Rose" then return conky_Images_Jour_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_Jour_RoseR" then return conky_Images_Jour_RoseR(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_Nuit_Rose" then return conky_Images_Nuit_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_Nuit_RoseR" then return conky_Images_Nuit_RoseR(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_Matin_Rose" then return conky_Images_Matin_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_AM_Rose" then return conky_Images_AM_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_Soiree_Rose" then return conky_Images_Soiree_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) elseif info == "Images_Noct_Rose" then return conky_Images_Noct_Rose(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) else return conky_parse( "${lua "..x.."}" ) end end
ca c'est fait je vais pouvoir m'attaquer a l'esthétique
Hors ligne
#1793 Le 16/01/2013, à 14:20
- daniel38100
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Salut daniel38100;
Je trouve très interressant le fait que tu ai integrer les prévisions à 8heures dans le images_meteo_lua.
Pourrais-tu nous faire partager ton creationmodules pour inspiration ?
Comment as tu fais pour afficher tous ces calendriers ?
mon cretionmodules est ici avec les calendar sinon j'en ai un avec juste celuis du bas et j'y ai mis une carte de vigilance
ca donne ca mais j'ai pas encore fini
voila le cretionmodules et la carte vigilance
Dernière modification par daniel38100 (Le 16/01/2013, à 14:35)
Hors ligne
#1794 Le 16/01/2013, à 14:45
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
ragamatrix a écrit :Salut daniel38100;
Je trouve très interressant le fait que tu ai integrer les prévisions à 8heures dans le images_meteo_lua.
Pourrais-tu nous faire partager ton creationmodules pour inspiration ?
Comment as tu fais pour afficher tous ces calendriers ?mon cretionmodules est ici avec les calendar sinon j'en ai un avec juste celuis du bas et j'y ai mis une carte de vigilance
ca donne ca mais j'ai pas encore fini
http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1358343104.pngvoila le cretionmodules et la carte vigilance
Merci !!
j'ai de quoi m'occuper pour ce soir...
Hors ligne
#1795 Le 16/01/2013, à 15:21
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Joli Travail !
J'aurais moi aussi plus de temps ce soir
Bravo !
Hors ligne
#1796 Le 16/01/2013, à 17:07
- daniel38100
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
Joli Travail !
J'aurais moi aussi plus de temps ce soir
Bravo !
merci ragamatrix fait nous par de ce que tu as fait pour inspiration aussi
Hors ligne
#1797 Le 16/01/2013, à 17:56
- daniel38100
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
c'est quoi le V9000 en faite ?
j'ai jamais étudier la question (vaut mieux un qui sait que dix qui cherche. )
Dernière modification par daniel38100 (Le 16/01/2013, à 17:59)
Hors ligne
#1798 Le 16/01/2013, à 18:18
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
c'est quoi le V9000 en faite ?
j'ai jamais étudier la question (vaut mieux un qui sait que dix qui cherche. )
Le v9000 est un script lua écrit par "Mr Peachy" qui lui aussi affiche la météo mais d'une autre manière et organisé différemment.
Les données météo son récupérées avec curl (je crois) avec les données du site intellicast.
Ce script est en Anglais donc certaines choses sont à traduire...
Tu peux jeter un coup d'oeil sur ce forum pour avoir un aperçu:
Je ne parviens pas à faire tourner ton creationmodules ? Il y a beaucoup de codes peut-être que je m'y suis mal pris...:rolleyes:
mon erreur:
Conky: desktop window (ae) is root window
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2000001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
version = v4.9c
web = [url]http://www.accuweather.com/fr/ch/horgen/316407/current-weather/316407[/url]
Pévision Nb jours = 8
Pévision Matin = oui
Pévision Après Midi = oui
Pévision Soirée = oui
Pévision Nuit = oui
Prévision sur 8 heures = oui
Délais = 900
Chemin de travail = /tmp
Palier = 10
Chemin de sauvegarde = /home/climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/sauvegardes/horgen
Condition courante Ok
Prévision 1 Ok
Prévision 2 Ok
Prévision 3 Ok
Prévision 4 Ok
Prévision 5 Ok
Prévision 6 Ok
Prévision 7 Ok
Prévision 8 Ok
Matin 1 Ok
Matin 2 Ok
Matin 3 Ok
Matin 4 Ok
Matin 5 Ok
Matin 6 Ok
Matin 7 Ok
Matin 8 Ok
Apres Midi 1 Ok
Apres Midi 2 Ok
Apres Midi 3 Ok
Apres Midi 4 Ok
Apres Midi 5 Ok
Apres Midi 6 Ok
Apres Midi 7 Ok
Apres Midi 8 Ok
Soiree 1 Ok
Soiree 2 Ok
Soiree 3 Ok
Soiree 4 Ok
Soiree 5 Ok
Soiree 6 Ok
Soiree 7 Ok
Soiree 8 Ok
Nuit 1 Ok
Nuit 2 Ok
Nuit 3 Ok
Nuit 4 Ok
Nuit 5 Ok
Nuit 6 Ok
Nuit 7 Ok
Nuit 8 Ok
Huit prochaines heures Ok
lunaison Ok
25 seconde(s)
Mode = fondecran
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: ...ix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/images_meteo.lua:1325: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
/home/climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/fond-gestion.sh: /tmp/horgen/316407/creationmodules-fondecran.sh : /bin/bash : mauvais interpréteur: Fichier texte occupé
Dernière modification par ragamatrix (Le 16/01/2013, à 18:19)
Hors ligne
#1799 Le 16/01/2013, à 18:33
- daniel38100
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
daniel38100 a écrit :c'est quoi le V9000 en faite ?
j'ai jamais étudier la question (vaut mieux un qui sait que dix qui cherche. )
Le v9000 est un script lua écrit par "Mr Peachy" qui lui aussi affiche la météo mais d'une autre manière et organisé différemment.
Les données météo son récupérées avec curl (je crois) avec les données du site intellicast.
Ce script est en Anglais donc certaines choses sont à traduire...
Tu peux jeter un coup d'oeil sur ce forum pour avoir un aperçu:
conky_weather_v9000Je ne parviens pas à faire tourner ton creationmodules ? Il y a beaucoup de codes peut-être que je m'y suis mal pris...:rolleyes:
mon erreur:Conky: desktop window (ae) is root window Conky: window type - override Conky: drawing to created window (0x2000001) Conky: drawing to double buffer version = v4.9c web = [url]http://www.accuweather.com/fr/ch/horgen/316407/current-weather/316407[/url] Pévision Nb jours = 8 Pévision Matin = oui Pévision Après Midi = oui Pévision Soirée = oui Pévision Nuit = oui Prévision sur 8 heures = oui Délais = 900 Chemin de travail = /tmp Palier = 10 Chemin de sauvegarde = /home/climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/sauvegardes/horgen Condition courante Ok Prévision 1 Ok Prévision 2 Ok Prévision 3 Ok Prévision 4 Ok Prévision 5 Ok Prévision 6 Ok Prévision 7 Ok Prévision 8 Ok Matin 1 Ok Matin 2 Ok Matin 3 Ok Matin 4 Ok Matin 5 Ok Matin 6 Ok Matin 7 Ok Matin 8 Ok Apres Midi 1 Ok Apres Midi 2 Ok Apres Midi 3 Ok Apres Midi 4 Ok Apres Midi 5 Ok Apres Midi 6 Ok Apres Midi 7 Ok Apres Midi 8 Ok Soiree 1 Ok Soiree 2 Ok Soiree 3 Ok Soiree 4 Ok Soiree 5 Ok Soiree 6 Ok Soiree 7 Ok Soiree 8 Ok Nuit 1 Ok Nuit 2 Ok Nuit 3 Ok Nuit 4 Ok Nuit 5 Ok Nuit 6 Ok Nuit 7 Ok Nuit 8 Ok Huit prochaines heures Ok lunaison Ok 25 seconde(s) Mode = fondecran Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: .../climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/meteo.lua:1610: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_Meteo_Jour execution failed: ...ix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/images_meteo.lua:1325: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) /home/climatix/.conky/conky40/Meteo-Lua/scripts/fond-gestion.sh: /tmp/horgen/316407/creationmodules-fondecran.sh : /bin/bash : mauvais interpréteur: Fichier texte occupé
il faut que tu modifie ton meteo.cfg
tu doit avoir
#Prévision sur n jour (de 1 à 15)
faut que tu change en
#Prévision sur n jour (de 1 à 15)
edit: wai c ca je vien de tester
Dernière modification par daniel38100 (Le 16/01/2013, à 18:34)
Hors ligne
#1800 Le 16/01/2013, à 18:52
- ragamatrix
Re : [Conky] Alternative à weather.com (2)
je crois que j'ai un problème avec /tmp/horgen/316407/cartouches ou /tmp/horgen/316407.
Toutes les données apparaissent bien dans /cartouches, mais rien ne s'affiche à l'écran, je dois surement modifier un autre chemin pour que ça marche ?
Hors ligne