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#26 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:31


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

le disque dur SSD NVME parait etre en bon etat , juste ce compteur qui parait anormalement haut :

Unsafe Shutdowns:                   661

Mais si tu rebootes a la " sauvage " chaque fois que avidemux plante , peut que ceci explique cela .


As tu installé les codecs non libre sur ton systeme ?

Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 30/03/2023, à 10:32)

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

En ligne

#27 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:40


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Je viens de tenter encore une fois de traiter ce fichier, il vient de bloquer à 14%, un peu comme au précédent traitement et blocage.
Là, j'ai auparavant débloqué la limite des lignes d'historique qui était à 1000.
Il y a donc l'intégralité du traitement de ce fichier.
Bonne lecture et analyse.

J'y pense, éventuellement, je peux te transférer ce fichier vidéo sur Mega pour que tu le traites sur ton Avidemux et voir s'il plante de ton côté. A toi de me dire.

Edit :  J'avais oublié de donner le retour du Terminal ...

phil@phil-XPS-15-7590:~$ avidemux3_qt5
Directory /home/phil/.avidemux6/ exists.Good.
Using /home/phil/.avidemux6/ as base directory for prefs, jobs, etc.
  Avidemux v2.8.1
 Code      : Mean, JSC, Grant Pedersen,eumagga0x2a
 GFX       : Nestor Di,
 Design    : Jakub Misak
 FreeBSD   : Anish Mistry,
 Audio     : Mihail Zenkov
 Mac OS X  : Kuisathaverat, Harry van der Wolf
 Win32     : Grant Pedersen

Compiler: GCC 9.4.0
Build Target: Linux (x86-64)
User Interface: Qt (5.12.8)

Large file available: 1 offset
Time: Thu Mar 30 11:41:31 2023

0: avidemux3_qt5

Initialising prefs
 [load] 09:41:31-784  Loading prefs from /home/phil/.avidemux6/config3
 [load] 09:41:31-785  Preferences found and loaded
[CpuCaps] Checking CPU capabilities
		MMX detected
		MMXEXT detected
		SSE detected
		SSE2 detected
		SSE3 detected
		SSSE3 detected
		SSE4 detected
		SSE42 detected
		AVX detected
		AVX2 detected
 [init] 09:41:31-785  [CpuCaps] End of CPU capabilities check (cpuCaps: 0x00003de6, cpuMask: 0xffffffff)
 [setMask] 09:41:31-785  [CpuCaps] Setting mask to 0xffffffff
 [setMask] 09:41:31-785  [CpuCaps] Forcing lav cpu flags 0x0000c3db
 [UI_Init] 09:41:31-785  Starting Qt5 GUI...
 [loadTranslator] 09:41:32-005  Using system language
 [loadTranslator] 09:41:32-005  Initializing language fr_FR
 [loadTranslator] 09:41:32-005  Translation folder is </usr/share/avidemux6/qt5/i18n/>
 [loadTranslation] 09:41:32-005  [Locale] Loading language file /usr/share/avidemux6/qt5/i18n/qtbase_fr_FR  [loadTranslation] 09:41:32-005  succeeded
 [loadTranslation] 09:41:32-005  [Locale] Loading language file /usr/share/avidemux6/qt5/i18n/avidemux_fr_FR  [loadTranslation] 09:41:32-005  succeeded
 [loadTranslator] 09:41:32-005  Updating translations...
 [loadTranslator] 09:41:32-005  [Locale] Test: &Edit -> &Editer

Initializing Dithering tables
[COREUI] Compiled with 01.00.00
[COREUI] Linked with   01.00.00
[CoreUI] Compiled with patch version 0, using 0
[UI Toolkit] Running version 02:00
[Script] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/scriptEngines
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering group addons
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: help
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: get_folder_content
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: get_file_size
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: basename
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: dirname
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: splitext
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: Avidemux
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: Editor
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: Gui
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: DFToggle
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: DFInteger
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: DFMenu
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: DFTimeStamp
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering class: DialogFactory
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering group test
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: testAssert
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: testCrash
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: testSub
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Registering static class os
[Script] Tinypy INFO - 	Registering: environ
[Script] Tinypy INFO - Python initialised
[Script] loaded /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/scriptEngines/
[Script] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/scriptEngines/qt5
[Script] Cannot open plugin directory
Directory /home/phil/.avidemux6/custom/ exists.Good.
 [initGUI] 09:41:32-140  OpenGL enabled at build time, checking whether we should run it... no.
The screen seems to be 1920 x 1044 px
 [destroy] 09:41:32-324  Destroying preview
 [renderDisplayResize] 09:41:32-324  Render to 0x0 zoom=1,0000, old one =0 x 0, zoom=1,0000, renderer=(nil)
 [UI_resize] 09:41:32-325  Resizing the main window to 206x199 px
[RDR] Resizing to 0 x 0
 [initGUI] 09:41:32-417  OpenGL not activated, not initialized
Probing for VDPAU...
Failed to open VDPAU backend Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
VDPAU not available
Probing for LIBVA...
 [libvaProbe] 09:41:32-457  Probing for libVA support...
 [init] 09:41:32-457  [LIBVA] Initializing LibVA library ...
libva info: VA-API version 1.7.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_7
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
 [init] 09:41:32-463  VA 1.7, Vendor = Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 20.1.1 ()
 [setupConfig] 09:41:32-463  Max config =  31 
 [setupConfig] 09:41:32-463  Found 11 config 
 [setupConfig] 09:41:32-463  H264 high profile found
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  --Probing Mpeg 2 Main ...
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  RT Format =0x20003
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV420 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV422 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	RGB32 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  Config created Mpeg 2 Main 
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  --Probing H264 Hight ...
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  RT Format =0x20003
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV420 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV422 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	RGB32 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  Config created H264 Hight 
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  --Probing VC1 ...
 [displayXError] 09:41:32-463  LibVA Error : <vaGetConfigAttributes(ADM_coreLibVA::display, profile, VAEntrypointVLD, &attrib, 1):the requested VAProfile is not supported:12>
12 =<the requested VAProfile is not supported>
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  Cannot get attribute  for VAEntrypointVLD VC1 
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  --Probing HEVC Main ...
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  RT Format =0x20003
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV420 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV422 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	RGB32 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  Config created HEVC Main 
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  --Probing H265 10Bits ...
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  RT Format =0x101
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV420 supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  	YUV420_10BPP supported
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  Config created H265 10Bits 
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  --Probing VP9 ...
 [displayXError] 09:41:32-463  LibVA Error : <vaGetConfigAttributes(ADM_coreLibVA::display, profile, VAEntrypointVLD, &attrib, 1):the requested VAProfile is not supported:12>
12 =<the requested VAProfile is not supported>
 [checkProfile] 09:41:32-463  Cannot get attribute  for VAEntrypointVLD VP9 
 [setupEncodingConfig] 09:41:32-464  Found 2 entry points
 [setupEncodingConfig] 09:41:32-464     0 is a 1
 [setupEncodingConfig] 09:41:32-464     1 is a 8
 [setupEncodingConfig] 09:41:32-464  Cannot find encoder entry point
 [init] 09:41:32-464  VA: Encoding not supported
 [allocateImage] 09:41:32-464  No transfer supported
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-464  --Trying direct operations --
 [tryDirect] 09:41:32-473  Direct operation works
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-473  -- Trying indirect (YV12) --
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-473  -- Trying indirect (NV12) --
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-473  Direct           : 1
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-473  Indirect NV12    : 0
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-473  Indirect YV12    : 0
 [checkSupportedFunctionsAndImageFormat] 09:41:32-474  LibVA: All ok
 [ADM_initLibVAEncoder] 09:41:32-474  initializing VA encoder
 [ADM_initLibVAEncoder] 09:41:32-474  No support for encoding (H264 High or Main)
 [libvaProbe] 09:41:32-474  LIBVA HW encoder is *NOT* working
LIBVA available
 [ADM_ad_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-474  Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDecoder
 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-475  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: LibMad decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-476  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: LibAC3 decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-477  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: A-law decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-478  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: libDca decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean/Gruntster

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-479  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: IMA ADPCM decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-480  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: Lavcodec decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean/Gruntster

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-480  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: Ulaw decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-482  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: libOpus decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-482  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: Ulaw decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [tryLoadingAudioPlugin] 09:41:32-484  [ADM_ad_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.1, name, desc: libVorbis decoder plugin for avidemux (c) Mean

 [ADM_ad_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-484  Scanning done, found 10 audio decoders
 [ADM_av_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-484  [ADM_av_plugin] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDevices
 [ADM_AudioDevices] 09:41:32-487  Name :AlsaDmix ApiVersion :2
 [tryLoadingFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-487  [Filters] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDevices/ as  Alsa Audio Device (dmix) (c) Mean 2008
 [ADM_AudioDevices] 09:41:32-488  Name :AlsaDefault ApiVersion :2
 [tryLoadingFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-488  [Filters] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDevices/ as  Alsa Audio Device (default) (c) Mean 2009
 [ADM_AudioDevices] 09:41:32-489  Name :AlsaHw0 ApiVersion :2
 [tryLoadingFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-489  [Filters] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDevices/ as  Alsa Audio Device (hw:0) (c) Mean 2008
 [ADM_AudioDevices] 09:41:32-490  Name :Oss ApiVersion :2
 [tryLoadingFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-490  [Filters] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDevices/ as  Oss audio device (c) mean
 [ADM_AudioDevices] 09:41:32-497  Name :PulseAudio ApiVersion :2
 [tryLoadingFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-497  [Filters] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioDevices/ as  PulseAudio audio device (c) mean
 [ADM_av_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-497  [ADM_av_plugin] Scanning done
[ADM_ae_plugin] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders
[AudioEncoder] Loaded Aften version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x2000
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  Aften AC3 encoder plugin Mean/Gruntster 2008
[AudioEncoder] Loaded Faac version 01.00.00 wavTag :0xff
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  Faac AAC encoder plugin Mean 2008
[AudioEncoder] Loaded FDK_AAC version 01.00.00 wavTag :0xff
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  FDK AAC encoder plugin Mean 2016
[AudioEncoder] Loaded Lame version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x55
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  Lame MP3 encoder plugin Mean 2009
[AudioEncoder] Loaded LavAAC version 01.00.00 wavTag :0xff
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  AAC LavCodec encoder plugin Mean 2008/2016
[AudioEncoder] Loaded LavAC3 version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x2000
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  AC3 LavCodec encoder plugin Mean 2008/2009
[AudioEncoder] Loaded LavMP2 version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x50
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  MP2 LavCodec encoder plugin Mean 2008/2009
[AudioEncoder] Loaded Opus version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x26ae
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  Opus encoder plugin Mean 2017
[AudioEncoder] Loaded PCM version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x1
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  PCM encoder plugin Mean 2008
[AudioEncoder] Loaded Vorbis version 01.00.00 wavTag :0x676f
[AudioEncoder] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/audioEncoders/ as  Vorbis encoder plugin Mean 2008
[ADM_ae_plugin] Scanning done
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-509  Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers
[Demuxer]Name :asf ApiVersion :3 Description :asf/wmv demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2009
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  asf/wmv demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2009
[Demuxer]Name :avs ApiVersion :3 Description :avsProxy demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2010
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  avsProxy demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2010
[Demuxer]Name :flv ApiVersion :3 Description :flash demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2007
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  flash demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2007
[Demuxer]Name :mkv ApiVersion :3 Description :Matroska demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  Matroska demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxer]Name :mp4 ApiVersion :3 Description :Mp4/Mov/3GP demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  Mp4/Mov/3GP demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxer]Name :MXF ApiVersion :3 Description :MXF demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2010
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  MXF demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2010
[Demuxer]Name :openDml ApiVersion :3 Description :AVI/OpenDML demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2007
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  AVI/OpenDML demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2007
[Demuxer]Name :picture ApiVersion :3 Description :Picture demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  Picture demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxer]Name :ps ApiVersion :3 Description :mpeg ps demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  mpeg ps demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2008
[Demuxer]Name :ts ApiVersion :3 Description :mpeg ts demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2009
[Demuxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/demuxers/ as  mpeg ts demuxer plugin (c) Mean 2007/2009
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-521  Demuxer plugin : ts, priority :90
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-521  Demuxer plugin : avs, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-521  Demuxer plugin : flv, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-521  Demuxer plugin : mkv, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-521  Demuxer plugin : mp4, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-521  Demuxer plugin : MXF, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-522  Demuxer plugin : openDml, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-522  Demuxer plugin : picture, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-522  Demuxer plugin : asf, priority :50
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-522  Demuxer plugin : ps, priority :10
 [ADM_dm_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-522  Scanning done, 10 demuxers found
 [ADM_mx_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-522  Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers
[Muxer]Name :AVI ApiVersion :9 Description :AVI muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  AVI muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxer]Name :dummy ApiVersion :9 Description :dummy2 muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  dummy2 muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxer]Name :ffPS ApiVersion :9 Description :ffMpeg PS muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  ffMpeg PS muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxer]Name :ffTS ApiVersion :9 Description :ffMpeg TS muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  ffMpeg TS muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxer]Name :FLV ApiVersion :9 Description :FLV muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  FLV muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxer]Name :MKV ApiVersion :9 Description :Matroska muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  Matroska muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxer]Name :MOV ApiVersion :9 Description :MOV muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  MOV muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxer]Name :MP4 ApiVersion :9 Description :MP4 muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  MP4 muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxer]Name :MP4V2 ApiVersion :9 Description :MP4V2 muxer plugin (c) Mean 2011
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  MP4V2 muxer plugin (c) Mean 2011
[Muxer]Name :RAW ApiVersion :9 Description :RAW muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  RAW muxer plugin (c) Mean 2008
[Muxer]Name :WEBM ApiVersion :9 Description :WebM muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[Muxers] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/muxers/ as  WebM muxer plugin (c) Mean 2009
[ADM_mx_plugin] Scanning done
 [ADM_mx_loadPlugins] 09:41:32-537  Scanning done, 11 muxers found
[ADM_vd6_plugin] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoDecoders
[videoDecoder6]Name :aom ApiVersion :1 Description :Decoder using libaom (c) mean 2010 / eumagga0x2a 2019
[VideoDecoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoDecoders/ as  Decoder using libaom (c) mean 2010 / eumagga0x2a 2019
[ADM_vd6_plugin] Scanning done
[ADM_ve6_plugin] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffDv ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple ffmpeg based DV Encoder (c) 2013 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Simple ffmpeg based DV Encoder (c) 2013 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffFlv1 ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple ffmpeg based Flv1 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Simple ffmpeg based Flv1 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffMpeg2 ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple ffmpeg based Mpeg2 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Simple ffmpeg based Mpeg2 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffMpeg4 ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple ffmpeg based mpeg4 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Simple ffmpeg based mpeg4 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffNvEncH264 ApiVersion :7 Description :Nvidia hw encoder
Unable to load []: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 [nvCheckDll] 09:41:32-542  	 checking> 0
 [nvEncProbe] 09:41:32-542  Cannot load cuda dll
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffNvEncHEVC ApiVersion :7 Description :Nvidia hw encoder
Unable to load []: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 [nvCheckDll] 09:41:32-543  	 checking> 0
 [nvEncProbe] 09:41:32-543  Cannot load cuda dll
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffVAEncH264 ApiVersion :7 Description :Intel hw encoder
 [vaEncProbe] 09:41:32-544  No H264 encoding support
[videoEncoder6]Name :ffVAEncHEVC ApiVersion :7 Description :Intel hw encoder
 [vaEncHevcProbe] 09:41:32-545  No HEVC encoding support
[videoEncoder6]Name :FFV1 ApiVersion :7 Description :FFV1 (c) 2021 szlldm
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  FFV1 (c) 2021 szlldm
[videoEncoder6]Name :HUFFYUV ApiVersion :7 Description :FF Huffyuv (c) 2009 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  FF Huffyuv (c) 2009 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :Mjpeg ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple jpeg Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Simple jpeg Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :LibVaEncoder (HW) ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple Libva Encoder (c) 2018 Mean
 [ADM_libvaEncoder_probe] 09:41:32-548  No H264 encoding support
[videoEncoder6]Name :null ApiVersion :7 Description :Null Encoder (c) 2010 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Null Encoder (c) 2010 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :utvideo ApiVersion :7 Description :Ut Video (c) 2020 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Ut Video (c) 2020 Mean
[videoEncoder6]Name :vp9 ApiVersion :7 Description :libvpx based VP9 Encoder
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  libvpx based VP9 Encoder
[videoEncoder6]Name :x264 ApiVersion :7 Description :x264 based mpeg4 AVC Encoder (c) 2010 Mean/Gruntster
[videoEncoder6]Name :x265 ApiVersion :7 Description :x265 based HEVC Encoder (c) 2014 Mean/Gruntster
[videoEncoder6]Name :xvid4 ApiVersion :7 Description :Xvid4 based mpeg4 Encoder (c) 2010 Mean/Gruntster
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Xvid4 based mpeg4 Encoder (c) 2010 Mean/Gruntster
[videoEncoder6]Name :YV12Encoder ApiVersion :7 Description :Simple YV12 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/ as  Simple YV12 Encoder (c) 2009 Mean
[ADM_ve6_plugin] Scanning done
[ADM_ve6_plugin] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/qt5
[videoEncoder6]Name :x264 ApiVersion :7 Description :x264 based mpeg4 AVC Encoder (c) 2010 Mean/Gruntster
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/qt5/ as  x264 based mpeg4 AVC Encoder (c) 2010 Mean/Gruntster
[videoEncoder6]Name :x265 ApiVersion :7 Description :x265 based HEVC Encoder (c) 2014 Mean/Gruntster
[VideoEncoder6] Registered filter /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/qt5/ as  x265 based HEVC Encoder (c) 2014 Mean/Gruntster
[ADM_ve6_plugin] Scanning done
[ADM_vf_plugin] Scanning directory /usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoFilters
 [parseOneFolder] 09:41:32-564  Feature Mask = 0x40
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name dgbob/dgbob
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fluxsmooth/FluxSmooth
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name aarotate/Arbitrary Rotate
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name addBorder/Ajout de bord
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name admIvtc/ADM ivtc.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name AsciiView/ASCII
Terminate class is calling in start
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 0.0.12, name avsfilter/avsfilter
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name black/Noir
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name blend/Mélanger les images
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name changeFps/Changer la fréquence d'image (i/s)
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name colorYuv/Avisynth color filter.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name decimateFrame/Decimate
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name MplayerDenoise3D/Mplayer Denoise 3D
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name MplayerDenoise3DHQ/Mplayer Denoise 3D HQ
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name dummy/Dummy
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fadeTo/Fondu
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fadeToBlack/Fondu au noir
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name Gaussian/Gaussian convolution.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name hzstackfield/Horizontal Stack Fields
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name ivtcRemover/Remove IVTC dupe.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name kerndelDeint/Kernel Deint.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name largeMedian/Large Median (5x5).
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name lavdeint/Désentrelacement par Libavdec
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name lumaonly/GreyScale
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name Mean/Mean convolution.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name Median/Median convolution.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name mergefields/Merge Fields
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name invplane/Négatif
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name printInfo/PrintInfo
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name rplane/Remove  Plane
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name resampleFps/Re-échantillonner la fréquence d'images
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name rotate/Rotation
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name SeparateFields/Champs séparés
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name Sharpen/Sharpen convolution.
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.1, name ssa/SSA/ASS/SRT
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name stackField/Stack Fields
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name stillimage/Still Image
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name swapUV/Swap UV
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name telecide/Decomb telecide
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name unstackField/Unstack Fields
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name vaapiResize/VA-API Resize
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name vaapiDeint/VA-API Deinterlacer
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-595  [ADM_vf_plugin] vdpau: Resize needs features that are not active
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-596  [ADM_vf_plugin] vdpauDeint needs features that are not active
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name yadif/Yadif
[ADM_vf_plugin] Scanning done, found 43 video filters so far
 [parseOneFolder] 09:41:32-597  Feature Mask = 0x40
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name hue/Mplayer Hue
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name analyzer/Analyzer
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artCartoon/Cartoon
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artCharcoal/Charcoal / Chalkboard
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artChromaHold/Chroma Hold
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artChromaKey/Chroma Key
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artColorEffect/Color Effect
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artDynThreshold/Seuil dynamique
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artGrid/Grid
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artMirror/Miroir
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artPixelize/Pixeliser
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artPosterize/Postériser
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artVHS/VHS
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name artVignette/Vignette
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name asharp/Asharp
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name blackenBorder/Noircir les bords
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name blur/Estomper
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name chromashift/Decalage chroma
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name colorBalance/Color balance
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name colorTemp/Color temperature
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name contrast/Contrast
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name crop/Recadrer
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name cubicLUT/3D LUT
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name deband/Deband
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name delogoHQ/DelogoHQ
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name eq2/MPlayer eq2
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fadeFromImage/Fade from first image
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fadeIn/Fade in
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fadeOut/Fade out
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name fadeThrough/Fade through
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.1, name fitToSize/Adapter à la taille
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name flip/Flip
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-644  [ADM_vf_plugin] OpenGl ReadBack benchmark needs features that are not active
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-646  [ADM_vf_plugin] OpenGl Resize needs features that are not active
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name imageStab/Image stabilizer
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name addLogo/Ajouter un logo
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name lumaStab/Luma stabilizer
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name mpdelogo2/MPlayer delogo2
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name msharpen/Msharpen
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name quadTrans/Quadrilateral transformation
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-655  [ADM_vf_plugin] OpenGl Rotate needs features that are not active
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-656  [ADM_vf_plugin] OpenGl Fragment Shader Sample2 needs features that are not active
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-657  [ADM_vf_plugin] OpenGl wave  needs features that are not active
 [tryLoadingVideoFilterPlugin] 09:41:32-658  [ADM_vf_plugin] Shader Loader needs features that are not active
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.1, name swscale/swsResize
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name waveletDenoise/Wavelet denoiser
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name waveletSharp/Wavelet sharpener
[ADM_vf_plugin] Plugin loaded version 1.0.0, name zoom/Zoom
[ADM_vf_plugin] Scanning done, found 85 video filters so far
 [initLIBVADecoder] 09:41:32-666  Registering LIBVA hw decoder
Found 15 video encoder(s)
Found 11 audio encoder(s)
Found 11 format(s)
 [UI_RunApp] 09:41:32-666  Load default settings if any... 
 [setContainer] 09:41:32-667  setting container as index 3
 [UI_RunApp] 09:41:32-671  [autoUpdate]Current date 2400 , last check = 2400
 [postInit] 09:41:32-693  myQApplication exec
 [postInit] 09:41:32-693  Checking for crash...
ignored: custom
ignored: config3
ignored: QtSettings.ini
ignored: pluginSettings
0 : /home/phil/.avidemux6//
No crash file (/home/phil/.avidemux6/
[TS Demuxer] Probing...
 [checkMarker] 09:41:47-873  [Ts Demuxer] Sync ok :5577 Sync ko :0
 [detectTs] 09:41:47-873  [TS Demuxer] 188 bytes packet detected
 [avsProxy] Cannot open that
 [flvHeader] Cannot open that
 [mkvHeader] Cannot open that
 [MP4] Cannot open that...
 [mxfHeader] Cannot open that (1b400147)
 [openDML] Cannot open that
 [probe] 09:41:47-873   [picHeader] Cannot open that
 [probe] 09:41:47-873  [asfHeader] Cannot open that
 match :79 / 455 (probeSize:1048576)
 [PS Demuxer] Not a ps file
[tsDemux] Append=0

Simple loading: 
 file: /home/phil/Vidéos/Les Ripoux - Comédie  1984/000.ts, size: 4096029696
 found 1 files 
[TsDemuxerer] Reading Video
[TsIndex] codec :<H264>
[indexFile] Token ExtraData not found
[tsDemux] Video pid is 0x140 320
[tsDemux] Video is interlaced.
[psDemuxer] Reading Audio
[indexFile] Token Track0.extraData not found
 [readAudio] 09:41:47-878  No extradata (Track0.extraData)

Simple loading: 
 file: /home/phil/Vidéos/Les Ripoux - Comédie  1984/000.ts, size: 4096029696
 found 1 files 
[TsPacket] Detecting TS/TS2...
[tsPacket::open] Sync byte found at offset 0
[TsPacket] Score : 188:20, 192:0 out of 20
[TsPacket] Probably TS1 (188)...
[tsPacket::open] Sync established at offset 0
 [ADM_tsAccess] 09:41:47-878  Creating audio track, pid=14a, muxing =0
[indexFile] Token Track1.extraData not found
 [readAudio] 09:41:47-878  No extradata (Track1.extraData)

Simple loading: 
 file: /home/phil/Vidéos/Les Ripoux - Comédie  1984/000.ts, size: 4096029696
 found 1 files 
[TsPacket] Detecting TS/TS2...
[tsPacket::open] Sync byte found at offset 0
[TsPacket] Score : 188:20, 192:0 out of 20
[TsPacket] Probably TS1 (188)...
[tsPacket::open] Sync established at offset 0
 [ADM_tsAccess] 09:41:47-878  Creating audio track, pid=14b, muxing =0
[indexFile] Token Track2.extraData not found
 [readAudio] 09:41:47-879  No extradata (Track2.extraData)

Simple loading: 
 file: /home/phil/Vidéos/Les Ripoux - Comédie  1984/000.ts, size: 4096029696
 found 1 files 
[TsPacket] Detecting TS/TS2...
[tsPacket::open] Sync byte found at offset 0
[TsPacket] Score : 188:20, 192:0 out of 20
[TsPacket] Probably TS1 (188)...
[tsPacket::open] Sync established at offset 0
 [ADM_tsAccess] 09:41:47-879  Creating audio track, pid=14c, muxing =0
[indexFile] Token Track3.extraData not found
 [readAudio] 09:41:47-879  No extradata (Track3.extraData)

Simple loading: 
 file: /home/phil/Vidéos/Les Ripoux - Comédie  1984/000.ts, size: 4096029696
 found 1 files 
[TsPacket] Detecting TS/TS2...
[tsPacket::open] Sync byte found at offset 0
[TsPacket] Score : 188:20, 192:0 out of 20
[TsPacket] Probably TS1 (188)...
[tsPacket::open] Sync established at offset 0
 [ADM_tsAccess] 09:41:47-880  Creating audio track, pid=14d, muxing =0
[TsDemuxerer] Reading index
[TsDemuxer] Found 0 I, 138923 B, 15205 P
[TsH264] Found 6739 IDR
[TsH264] Remapping IDR to I and I TO P
[processVideoIndex] Doubling fps for field-encoded video, new time base: 1000 / 50000
[tsDemux] Found 160867 video frames

Simple loading: 
 file: /home/phil/Vidéos/Les Ripoux - Comédie  1984/000.ts, size: 4096029696
 found 1 files 
[TsPacket] Detecting TS/TS2...
[tsPacket::open] Sync byte found at offset 0
[TsPacket] Score : 188:20, 192:0 out of 20
[TsPacket] Probably TS1 (188)...
[tsPacket::open] Sync established at offset 0
[tsDemuxer] open() returned 1
 [ADM_PP] 09:41:48-139  Initializing postproc
 [cleanup] 09:41:48-139  Deleting post proc
 [update] 09:41:48-139  updating post proc
 [update] 09:41:48-139  Disabled
 [addFile] 09:41:48-139  Clearing video filters
 [ADM_vf_clearFilters] 09:41:48-139  clear filters
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 100
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-139  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-139   [ADM_AD_LAV] Using decoder for type 0x2002
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-139   [ADM_AD_LAV] #of channels 2
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-140  [ADM_AD_LAV] Using 0 bytes of extra header data, 2 channels

 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-140  Decoder created using float planar...
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-140  [ADM_ad_lav] init successful (blockalign 1), channels=2
 [getNextPES] 09:41:48-140  PES startcode found at 0x7290 after 10 retries
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (3 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (4 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (5 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (6 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (7 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (8 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (9 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (10 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (11 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (12 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (13 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (14 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (15 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (16 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-141  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (17 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (18 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (19 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (20 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (21 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (22 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (23 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (24 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-142  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (25 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (26 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (27 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (28 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (29 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (30 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (31 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (32 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (33 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (34 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (35 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (36 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-143  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (37 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (38 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (39 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (40 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (41 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (42 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (43 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (44 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (45 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (46 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (47 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (48 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-144  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (49 try)
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = -47730722845, lastDts = xx:xx:xx,xxx newDts = 13:15:30,722
 [ADM_edAudioTrackFromVideo] 09:41:48-145  Creating edAudio from video track 0 at 2879dd10
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 100
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-145   [ADM_AD_LAV] Using decoder for type 0x2002
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-145   [ADM_AD_LAV] #of channels 2
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-145  [ADM_AD_LAV] Using 0 bytes of extra header data, 2 channels

 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-146  Decoder created using float planar...
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-146  [ADM_ad_lav] init successful (blockalign 1), channels=2
 [getNextPES] 09:41:48-146  PES startcode found at 0xd670 after 14 retries
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (3 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (4 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (5 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (6 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (7 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (8 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (9 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (10 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (11 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (12 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-146  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (13 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (14 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (15 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (16 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (17 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (18 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (19 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (20 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-147  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (21 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (22 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (23 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (24 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (25 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (26 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (27 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (28 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (29 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-148  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (30 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (31 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (32 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (33 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (34 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (35 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (36 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (37 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (38 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-149  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (39 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (40 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (41 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (42 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (43 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (44 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (45 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (46 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (47 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (48 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-150  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (49 try)
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = -47732386845, lastDts = xx:xx:xx,xxx newDts = 13:15:32,386
 [ADM_edAudioTrackFromVideo] 09:41:48-151  Creating edAudio from video track 1 at 2880ea30
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 100
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-151  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-151   [ADM_AD_LAV] Using decoder for type 0x2002
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-151   [ADM_AD_LAV] #of channels 2
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-152  [ADM_AD_LAV] Using 0 bytes of extra header data, 2 channels

 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-152  Decoder created using float planar...
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-152  [ADM_ad_lav] init successful (blockalign 1), channels=2
 [getNextPES] 09:41:48-152  PES startcode found at 0x71d4 after 9 retries
 [refill] 09:41:48-152  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-152  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-152  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (3 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (4 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (5 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (6 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (7 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (8 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (9 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (10 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (11 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (12 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (13 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-153  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (14 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-154  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (15 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-154  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (16 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-154  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (17 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-154  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (18 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-154  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (19 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-154  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (20 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-155  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (21 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-155  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (22 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-155  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (23 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-155  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (24 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-155  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (25 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (26 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (27 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (28 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (29 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (30 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (31 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (32 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (33 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (34 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (35 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (36 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-156  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (37 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (38 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (39 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (40 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (41 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (42 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (43 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (44 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-157  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (45 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-158  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (46 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-158  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (47 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-158  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (48 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-158  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (49 try)
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = -47730722845, lastDts = xx:xx:xx,xxx newDts = 13:15:30,722
 [ADM_edAudioTrackFromVideo] 09:41:48-159  Creating edAudio from video track 2 at 2886de50
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 100
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_ad_searchCodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_ad_plugin]Format 0x2002 : probing score 0
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-159   [ADM_AD_LAV] Using decoder for type 0x2002
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-159   [ADM_AD_LAV] #of channels 2
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-159  [ADM_AD_LAV] Using 0 bytes of extra header data, 2 channels

 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-160  Decoder created using float planar...
 [ADM_AudiocoderLavcodec] 09:41:48-160  [ADM_ad_lav] init successful (blockalign 1), channels=2
 [getNextPES] 09:41:48-160  PES startcode found at 0xd5b4 after 14 retries
 [refill] 09:41:48-160  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-160  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-160  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (3 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-160  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (4 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-160  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (5 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (6 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (7 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (8 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (9 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (10 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (11 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (12 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-161  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (13 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-162  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (14 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-162  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (15 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-162  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (16 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-162  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (17 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-163  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (18 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-163  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (19 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-163  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (20 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-163  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (21 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (22 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (23 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (24 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (25 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (26 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (27 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (28 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (29 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-164  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (30 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (31 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (32 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (33 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (34 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (35 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (36 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (37 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (38 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (39 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (40 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (41 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-165  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (42 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (43 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (44 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (45 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (46 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (47 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (48 try)
 [refill] 09:41:48-166  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (49 try)
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = -47732386845, lastDts = xx:xx:xx,xxx newDts = 13:15:32,386
 [ADM_edAudioTrackFromVideo] 09:41:48-167  Creating edAudio from video track 3 at 288cd290
[ADM_EditorSegment::addReferenceVideo] Video FCC: H264 (34363248)
 [ADM_getDecoder] 09:41:48-167  Searching decoder in plugins
 [tryCreatingVideoDecoder] 09:41:48-167  No decoder found in plugin
 [ADM_getDecoder] 09:41:48-167  Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)...
 [ADM_coreCodecGetDecoder] 09:41:48-167  Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)...
[lavc] Build: 3835492
[lavc] Enabling MT decoder with 12 threads
 [decoderFFH264] 09:41:48-167  [lavc] Initializing H264 decoder with 0 extradata
 [decoderFFH264] 09:41:48-171  [lavc] Decoder init: AV_CODEC_ID_H264 video decoder initialized! (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
 [EditorCache] 09:41:48-171  Video cache instance created at 0x7fb208009b50
 [createBuffers] 09:41:48-171  Added 16 video cache buffers, 16 total.
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-171  Original frame increment 00:00:00,020 = 20000 us
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-171  Ref video is field-encoded.
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-179  min increment 00:00:00,020 = 20000 us for frame 65
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-179  max increment 00:00:00,720 = 720000 us for frame 26789
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-179  About 20000 microseconds per frame, 160867 frames
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-179  The first frame DTS = 181 ms
 [addReferenceVideo] 09:41:48-179  The first frame has a PTS > 0, adjusting to 581 ms
 [updateStartTime] 09:41:48-179  Setting DTS start in ref to 00:00:00,181
 [updateStartTime] 09:41:48-179  New total duration = 01:47:33,640
 [ADM_verifyDts] 09:41:48-179  Verifying DTS....
 [ADM_verifyDts] 09:41:48-179  Checking from 1 to 160867
 [ADM_verifyDts] 09:41:48-183  Pass 2..
 [ADM_verifyDts] 09:41:48-187  DTS verified
[Editor] B- frame possible with that codec 
 [addFile] 09:41:48-187  [Editor] This is H264, check if we can fill missing PTS
 [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 09:41:48-189  We have 254 missing PTS
 [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 09:41:48-189  Some PTS are missing, try to guess them...
 [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 09:41:48-196  H264 AVC scheme: 0/80433 failures.
 [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 09:41:48-196  Filling 2nd field PTS
 [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 09:41:48-204  Fixed 254 PTS
 [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 09:41:48-208  End of game, we have 0 missing PTS
 [addFile] 09:41:48-208  H264 sometimes has invalid timestamps which confuse avidemux, checking
 [seektoTime] 09:41:48-208  Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
 [seektoTime] 09:41:48-208  Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:41:48-208  Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:41:48-211  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:48-255  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:48-348  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [goToTimeVideo] 09:41:48-386  Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:48-386  Checking file for broken PTS...
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:48-386  Checking 100 frames out of 160867.
 [seektoTime] 09:41:48-942  Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
 [seektoTime] 09:41:48-943  Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:41:48-943  Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:41:49-018  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:49-023  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:49-031  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [goToTimeVideo] 09:41:49-088  Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  -------- Stats :----------
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  nbBFrames:55
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  nbPFrames:13
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  nbIFrames:3
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  nbNoImage:29
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  nbPtsgoingBack:0
 [checkForValidPts] 09:41:49-119  -------- /Stats ----------
 [seektoTime] 09:41:49-119  Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
 [seektoTime] 09:41:49-119  Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:41:49-119  Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:41:49-121  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:49-126  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:49-133  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [goToTimeVideo] 09:41:49-194  Seek done, decoded to 581133 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 581133 us
 [destroy] 09:41:49-194  Destroying preview
 [renderDisplayResize] 09:41:49-194  Render to 1920x1080 zoom=0,6370, old one =0 x 0, zoom=1,0000, renderer=(nil)
 [init] 09:41:49-194  [Vdpau]Init
 [init] 09:41:49-194  [Vdpau] Not operationnal
 [spawnRenderer] 09:41:49-194  VDPAU init failed
 [simpleRender] 09:41:49-194  creating simple render.
 [init] 09:41:49-194  init, simple render. w=1920, h=1080,zoom=0,6370
 [spawnRenderer] 09:41:49-201  simpleRenderer init ok
 [UI_resize] 09:41:49-224  Resizing the main window to 1429x887 px
[RDR] Resizing to 1223 x 688
 [renderCompleteRedrawRequest] 09:41:49-302  RedrawRequest
 [A_ResetMarkers] 09:41:49-310  Video Total duration : 01:47:33,640 ms
 [setMarkerBPts] 09:41:49-311  Selection's end point set to 01:47:33,640 (6453640000 us)
 [rewind] 09:41:49-314  Rewinding
 [switchToSegment] 09:41:49-314  Trying to switch to seg 0 with startTime in reference pic= 581 ms
 [seektoTime] 09:41:49-314  Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,581
 [seektoTime] 09:41:49-314  Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,581
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:41:49-314  Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:41:49-316  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:49-321  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:41:49-328  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [switchToSegment] 09:41:49-387  Switched ok to segment 0 (dontdecode=0)
 [start] 09:41:49-387  admPreview,starting
 [updateLoaded] 09:41:49-468   conf updated 
[AudioEncoder] Selected copy for index 0, tag 0x0 
 [HandleAction] 09:41:53-565  ************ AUDIO_SELECT_TRACK **************
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-573  For track 0, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-574  For track 1, index=-1
 [ADM_getIndexForIso639] 09:41:53-574  Language qad not found in list
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-574  For track 2, index=-1
 [ADM_getIndexForIso639] 09:41:53-574  Language qaa not found in list
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-575  For track 3, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-576  For track 4, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-576  For track 5, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-577  For track 6, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-578  For track 7, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-578  For track 8, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-579  For track 9, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-579  For track 10, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-580  For track 11, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-581  For track 12, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-581  For track 13, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-582  For track 14, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-583  For track 15, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-583  For track 16, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-584  For track 17, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-584  For track 18, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-585  For track 19, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-586  For track 20, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-586  For track 21, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-587  For track 22, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-587  For track 23, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-588  For track 24, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-588  For track 25, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-589  For track 26, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-590  For track 27, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-590  For track 28, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-591  For track 29, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-591  For track 30, index=-1
 [buildTrackMenu] 09:41:53-592  For track 31, index=-1
 [run] 09:41:53-592  Running QT4 audioTrack GUI
 [qtRegisterDialog] 09:41:53-592  reparenting widget DialogAudioTracks
 [updateActive] 09:42:02-790  Checking input 0 for track 0
 [updateActive] 09:42:02-790  	Setting language fra to pool 0
 [updateActive] 09:42:02-790  Processing input 0 for track 0
 [dump] 09:42:02-790   Active Track 0, pool index=0
 [dump] 09:42:02-790  	 from video
 [run] 09:42:02-790  /Running QT4 audioTrack GUI
qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2550, resource id: 8662305, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0
 [HandleAction] 09:42:05-766  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-766  Scale :9
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-766  Scale Time:5813 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-766  Scale Time:00:00:05,813 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:05-766  Best candidate for time 00:00:06,394 in reference is frame 176
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-766  Seeking to  Time:00:00:05,080 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:05-766  Decoding up to intra frame 150, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:05-768  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:05-772  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:05-780  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:05-953  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:05-999  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-999  Scale :73
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-999  Scale Time:47116 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-999  Scale Time:00:00:47,116 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:05-999  Best candidate for time 00:00:47,697 in reference is frame 1232
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:05-999  Seeking to  Time:00:00:46,600 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:05-999  Decoding up to intra frame 1215, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:06-010  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-015  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-023  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:06-337  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-337  Scale :83
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-337  Scale Time:53570 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-337  Scale Time:00:00:53,570 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:06-337  Best candidate for time 00:00:54,151 in reference is frame 1400
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-337  Seeking to  Time:00:00:52,480 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:06-337  Decoding up to intra frame 1367, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:06-339  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-344  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-344  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-344  [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-345  [lavc] Missing reference picture, default is 6
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-345  [lavc] decode_slice_header error
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-346  [lavc] Missing reference picture, default is 6
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-346  [lavc] decode_slice_header error
 [HandleAction] 09:42:06-476  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:06-795  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-795  Scale :101
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-795  Scale Time:65186 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-795  Scale Time:00:01:05,186 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:06-795  Best candidate for time 00:01:05,767 in reference is frame 1685
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:06-795  Seeking to  Time:00:01:04,680 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:06-795  Decoding up to intra frame 1668, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:06-797  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-802  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:06-811  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:06-971  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:07-034  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:07-034  Scale :119
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:07-034  Scale Time:76803 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:07-034  Scale Time:00:01:16,803 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:07-034  Best candidate for time 00:01:17,384 in reference is frame 1977
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:07-034  Seeking to  Time:00:01:16,640 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:07-034  Decoding up to intra frame 1972, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:07-036  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:07-042  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:07-045  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:07-215  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:08-145  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-145  Scale :138
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-145  Scale Time:89065 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-145  Scale Time:00:01:29,065 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:08-145  Best candidate for time 00:01:29,646 in reference is frame 2286
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-145  Seeking to  Time:00:01:29,000 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:08-145  Decoding up to intra frame 2276, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:08-156  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-161  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-169  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:08-315  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:08-790  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-790  Scale :174
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-790  Scale Time:112298 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-790  Scale Time:00:01:52,298 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:08-790  Best candidate for time 00:01:52,879 in reference is frame 2863
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-790  Seeking to  Time:00:01:51,480 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:08-790  Decoding up to intra frame 2843, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:08-792  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-798  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-798  [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one
 [HandleAction] 09:42:08-925  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:08-984  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-984  Scale :193
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-984  Scale Time:124560 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-984  Scale Time:00:02:04,560 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:08-984  Best candidate for time 00:02:05,141 in reference is frame 3242
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:08-984  Seeking to  Time:00:02:03,280 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:08-984  Decoding up to intra frame 3202, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:08-986  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-991  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-991  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:08-991  [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one
 [HandleAction] 09:42:09-112  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:09-563  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:09-563  Scale :211
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:09-563  Scale Time:136176 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:09-563  Scale Time:00:02:16,176 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:09-563  Best candidate for time 00:02:16,757 in reference is frame 3533
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:09-563  Seeking to  Time:00:02:15,400 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:09-563  Decoding up to intra frame 3506, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:09-573  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:09-579  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:09-588  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:09-748  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:10-185  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-185  Scale :257
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-185  Scale Time:165863 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-185  Scale Time:00:02:45,863 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:10-185  Best candidate for time 00:02:46,444 in reference is frame 4272
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-185  Seeking to  Time:00:02:44,720 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:10-185  Decoding up to intra frame 4244, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:10-186  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:10-192  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:10-342  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:10-485  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-485  Scale :275
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-485  Scale Time:177480 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-485  Scale Time:00:02:57,480 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:10-485  Best candidate for time 00:02:58,061 in reference is frame 4567
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:10-485  Seeking to  Time:00:02:57,280 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:10-485  Decoding up to intra frame 4558, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:10-487  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:10-492  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:10-492  [lavc] number of reference frames (0+5) exceeds max (4; probably corrupt input), discarding one
 [HandleAction] 09:42:11-153  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-153  Scale :284
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-153  Scale Time:183288 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-153  Scale Time:00:03:03,288 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:11-153  Best candidate for time 00:03:03,869 in reference is frame 4710
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-153  Seeking to  Time:00:03:03,040 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:11-153  Decoding up to intra frame 4697, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:11-155  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:11-160  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:11-169  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:11-300  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:11-392  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-392  Scale :303
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-392  Scale Time:195550 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-392  Scale Time:00:03:15,550 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:11-392  Best candidate for time 00:03:16,131 in reference is frame 5018
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-392  Seeking to  Time:00:03:14,760 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:11-392  Decoding up to intra frame 4995, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:11-403  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:11-409  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:11-895  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-895  Scale :312
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-895  Scale Time:201358 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-895  Scale Time:00:03:21,358 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:11-895  Best candidate for time 00:03:21,939 in reference is frame 5163
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:11-895  Seeking to  Time:00:03:20,520 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:11-895  Decoding up to intra frame 5140, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:11-905  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [HandleAction] 09:42:12-900  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:12-900  Scale :321
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:12-900  Scale Time:207166 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:12-900  Scale Time:00:03:27,166 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:12-900  Best candidate for time 00:03:27,747 in reference is frame 5309
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:12-900  Seeking to  Time:00:03:27,080 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:12-900  Decoding up to intra frame 5299, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:12-902  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:12-907  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:12-915  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:13-068  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:13-957  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:13-957  Scale :339
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:13-957  Scale Time:218783 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:13-957  Scale Time:00:03:38,783 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:13-957  Best candidate for time 00:03:39,364 in reference is frame 5618
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:13-957  Seeking to  Time:00:03:38,480 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:13-958  Decoding up to intra frame 5603, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:13-959  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:13-965  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:13-972  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:14-183  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:14-183  Scale :349
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:14-183  Scale Time:225237 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:14-183  Scale Time:00:03:45,237 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:14-183  Best candidate for time 00:03:45,818 in reference is frame 5799
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:14-183  Seeking to  Time:00:03:44,520 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:14-183  Decoding up to intra frame 5772, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:14-185  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:14-194  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:16-786  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:16-786  Scale :349
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:16-786  Scale Time:225237 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:16-786  Scale Time:00:03:45,237 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:16-786  Best candidate for time 00:03:45,818 in reference is frame 5799
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:16-786  Seeking to  Time:00:03:44,520 ms 
 [HandleAction] 09:42:18-668  ************ PreviousKFrame **************
 [previousKeyFrame] 09:42:18-668  Current PTS :224520 ms
 [previousKeyFrame] 09:42:18-668  next kf PTS :223560 ms
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:18-668  Decoding up to intra frame 5748, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:18-679  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:18-684  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:18-691  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:19-793  ************ PreviousKFrame **************
 [previousKeyFrame] 09:42:19-793  Current PTS :223560 ms
 [previousKeyFrame] 09:42:19-793  next kf PTS :222600 ms
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:19-793  Decoding up to intra frame 5724, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:19-803  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:19-808  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:19-816  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:20-888  ************ PreviousKFrame **************
 [previousKeyFrame] 09:42:20-888  Current PTS :222600 ms
 [previousKeyFrame] 09:42:20-888  next kf PTS :221640 ms
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:20-888  Decoding up to intra frame 5700, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:20-898  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:20-904  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:20-911  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:22-260  ************ MarkA **************
 [addToUndoQueue] 09:42:22-260  The undo queue has now 1 element(s)
 [setMarkerAPts] 09:42:22-260  Selection's start point set to 00:03:41,640 (221640000 us)
 [HandleAction] 09:42:24-721  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:24-721  Scale :9357
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:24-721  Scale Time:6038675 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:24-721  Scale Time:01:40:38,675 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:24-721  Best candidate for time 01:40:39,257 in reference is frame 150406
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:24-721  Seeking to  Time:01:40:38,360 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:24-726  Decoding up to intra frame 150391, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:24-737  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:24-742  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:24-750  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:25-875  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:25-875  Scale :9367
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:25-875  Scale Time:6045129 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:25-875  Scale Time:01:40:45,129 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:25-875  Best candidate for time 01:40:45,710 in reference is frame 150567
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:25-875  Seeking to  Time:01:40:44,880 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:25-879  Decoding up to intra frame 150559, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:25-889  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:25-895  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:25-898  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:26-057  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:26-205  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-205  Scale :9459
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-205  Scale Time:6104503 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-205  Scale Time:01:41:44,503 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:26-205  Best candidate for time 01:41:45,084 in reference is frame 152051
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-205  Seeking to  Time:01:41:43,920 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:26-209  Decoding up to intra frame 152030, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:26-210  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-215  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-223  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:26-542  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-542  Scale :9468
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-542  Scale Time:6110311 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-542  Scale Time:01:41:50,311 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:26-542  Best candidate for time 01:41:50,892 in reference is frame 152198
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-542  Seeking to  Time:01:41:49,840 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:26-546  Decoding up to intra frame 152178, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:26-557  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-562  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-570  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:26-745  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:26-782  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-782  Scale :9514
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-782  Scale Time:6139998 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-782  Scale Time:01:42:19,998 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:26-782  Best candidate for time 01:42:20,579 in reference is frame 152936
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:26-782  Seeking to  Time:01:42:19,080 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:26-786  Decoding up to intra frame 152907, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:26-797  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-802  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-810  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-882  [lavc] Reference 2 >= 2
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-882  [lavc] error while decoding MB 116 22, bytestream 13106
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:26-882  [lavc] concealing 5453 DC, 5453 AC, 5453 MV errors in B frame
 [HandleAction] 09:42:26-947  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:27-052  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-052  Scale :9560
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-052  Scale Time:6169684 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-052  Scale Time:01:42:49,684 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:27-052  Best candidate for time 01:42:50,265 in reference is frame 153681
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-052  Seeking to  Time:01:42:48,840 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:27-057  Decoding up to intra frame 153651, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:27-067  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:27-073  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:27-083  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:27-690  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-690  Scale :9569
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-690  Scale Time:6175493 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-690  Scale Time:01:42:55,493 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:27-690  Best candidate for time 01:42:56,074 in reference is frame 153822
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-690  Seeking to  Time:01:42:55,000 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:27-695  Decoding up to intra frame 153805, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:27-706  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:27-711  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:27-719  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:27-867  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:27-990  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-990  Scale :9596
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-990  Scale Time:6192917 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-990  Scale Time:01:43:12,917 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:27-990  Best candidate for time 01:43:13,499 in reference is frame 154261
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:27-990  Seeking to  Time:01:43:12,360 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:27-994  Decoding up to intra frame 154239, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:28-005  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:28-011  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:28-019  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:28-425  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-425  Scale :9606
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-425  Scale Time:6199371 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-425  Scale Time:01:43:19,371 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:28-425  Best candidate for time 01:43:19,952 in reference is frame 154414
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-425  Seeking to  Time:01:43:19,360 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:28-430  Decoding up to intra frame 154414, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:28-431  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:28-437  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:28-445  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:28-578  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:28-725  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-725  Scale :9624
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-725  Scale Time:6210988 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-725  Scale Time:01:43:30,988 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:28-725  Best candidate for time 01:43:31,569 in reference is frame 154712
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:28-725  Seeking to  Time:01:43:30,880 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:28-729  Decoding up to intra frame 154702, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:28-731  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:28-736  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:28-744  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:28-894  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:29-243  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-243  Scale :9642
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-243  Scale Time:6222604 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-243  Scale Time:01:43:42,604 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:29-243  Best candidate for time 01:43:43,185 in reference is frame 155002
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-243  Seeking to  Time:01:43:42,040 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:29-247  Decoding up to intra frame 154981, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:29-258  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:29-264  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:29-272  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:29-432  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:29-610  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-610  Scale :9679
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-610  Scale Time:6246483 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-610  Scale Time:01:44:06,483 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:29-610  Best candidate for time 01:44:07,064 in reference is frame 155598
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-610  Seeking to  Time:01:44:06,200 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:29-615  Decoding up to intra frame 155583, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:29-625  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:29-631  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:29-639  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:29-872  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-872  Scale :9688
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-872  Scale Time:6252291 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-872  Scale Time:01:44:12,291 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:29-872  Best candidate for time 01:44:12,872 in reference is frame 155735
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:29-872  Seeking to  Time:01:44:11,960 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:29-876  Decoding up to intra frame 155727, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:29-878  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:29-884  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:29-891  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [HandleAction] 09:42:30-056  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:30-074  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-074  Scale :9725
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-074  Scale Time:6276169 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-074  Scale Time:01:44:36,169 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:30-074  Best candidate for time 01:44:36,751 in reference is frame 156341
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-074  Seeking to  Time:01:44:35,960 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:30-080  Decoding up to intra frame 156327, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:30-081  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:30-087  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:30-095  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:30-132  [lavc] concealing 8092 DC, 8092 AC, 8092 MV errors in B frame
 [HandleAction] 09:42:30-280  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction] 09:42:30-728  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-728  Scale :9743
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-728  Scale Time:6287786 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-728  Scale Time:01:44:47,786 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:30-728  Best candidate for time 01:44:48,367 in reference is frame 156630
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:30-728  Seeking to  Time:01:44:47,480 ms 
 [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 09:42:30-732  Decoding up to intra frame 156615, ref: 0
[edCache] Flush
 [ADM_FFgetFormat] 09:42:30-743  Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:30-748  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:30-758  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:42:30-825  [lavc] concealing 2862 DC, 2862 AC, 2862 MV errors in B frame
 [HandleAction] 09:42:31-995  ************ Scale **************
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:31-995  Scale :9743
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:31-995  Scale Time:6287786 ms (total=6453640 ms)
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:31-995  Scale Time:01:44:47,786 ms 
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:31-995  Best candidate for time 01:44:48,367 in reference is frame 156630
 [HandleAction_Navigate] 09:42:31-995  Seeking to  Time:01:44:47,480 ms 
 [HandleAction] 09:42:34-230  ************ MarkB **************
 [addToUndoQueue] 09:42:34-230  The undo queue has now 2 element(s)
 [setMarkerBPts] 09:42:34-230  Selection's end point set to 01:44:47,480 (6287480000 us)
 [HandleAction] 09:42:37-155  ************ SAVE_VIDEO **************
 [admSaver] 09:42:46-365  [Save] Encoder index=0
 [save] 09:42:46-365  Audio starting time 00:03:41,640
 [save] 09:42:46-365  [A_Save] Saving..
 [checkCutsAreOnIntra] 09:42:46-365  Checking cuts start on keyframe..
 [checkCodec] 09:42:46-365  Codecs identified by isH264Compatible() as matching
 [muxerMkv] 09:42:46-365  Creating Matroska muxer.
 [dealWithH26x] 09:42:46-365  Input is probably AnnexB bitstream, convert it to mp4
 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 09:42:46-366  Creating copy video stream, start time: 00:03:41,640
 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 09:42:46-366  End time: 01:44:47,480
 [getTimeBase] 09:42:46-366  Ref video 0 is field-encoded, copy mode: 1
 [getTimeBase] 09:42:46-366  Timebase set to 1000 / 50000
 [getFrameNumFromPtsOrBefore] 09:42:46-366  Best candidate for time 00:03:42,221 in reference is frame 5700
 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 09:42:46-366  PTS/DTS delta=400000 us
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-366  frame 5701 is early 
[tsDemux] Wanted frame 5701, going back to frame 5700, last frame was 156636,
 [extractSPSInfo_lavcodec] 09:42:46-367  Incoming SPS info

 0000 : d.(...p.2.....:@   64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70 80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40
 0010 : .! ..G.......$..   e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc 8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01
 0020 : .AF.......<.;...   02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02 01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a
 0030 : 9..2 p.a2..c.`.f   39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1 61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66
 0040 : 8..X.L X..tA.,..   38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20 58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01
 0050 : ..?x............   e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08 08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00
 0060 : ..J                00 19 4a
 [extractSPSInfo_lavcodec] 09:42:46-367  converted SPS info

 0000 : .M@....dgd.(...p   01 4d 40 1f ff e1 00 64 67 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70
 0010 : .2.....:@.! ..G.   80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc
 0020 : ......$...AF....   8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02
 0030 : ...<.;...9..2 p.   01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1
 0040 : a2..c.`.f8..X.L    61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20
 0050 : X..tA.,....?x...   58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08
 0060 : ...........J       08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 00 19 4a
 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 09:42:46-368  Parser created
 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 09:42:46-368  Codec created
 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 09:42:46-368  Context created, ticks_per_frame = 2
Used bytes 0/108 (+5)
Scale : 50, tick=1, fps=25000
Taking crop into account, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 8
 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 09:42:46-368  Width2 : 1920
 [extractSPSInfo_mp4Header] 09:42:46-368  Height2: 1080
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  width:1920
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  height:1080
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  fps1000:25000
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  hasStructInfo:1
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  hasPocInfo:1
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  CpbDpbToSkip:0
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  log2MaxFrameNum:8
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  log2MaxPocLsb:9
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  frameMbsOnlyFlag:0
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  darNum:1
 [extractSPSInfo] 09:42:46-368  darDen:1
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-368  frame 5702 is early 
[tsDemux] Wanted frame 5702, going back to frame 5700, last frame was 0,
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-369  frame 5703 is early 
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-369  frame 5704 is early 
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-369  frame 5705 is early 
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-369  frame 5706 is early 
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-369  frame 5707 is early 
 [getOpenGopDelayForSegment] 09:42:46-369  Not a bframe, stopping (8)
 [getNonClosedGopDelay] 09:42:46-369  Found maximum non closed gop delay = 240000
 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 09:42:46-369  Some B-frames are not droppable, but PTS delay is sufficient
 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 09:42:46-370   Fixating start time by 400000
 [ADM_videoStreamCopy] 09:42:46-370   Starting DTS=221240, PTS=221640 ms
 [ADM_videoStreamCopyFromAnnexB] 09:42:46-370  AnnexB to iso filter
 [extractExtraDataH264Internal] 09:42:46-370  PPS removed zero filler 3 -> 3
 [extractExtraDataH264Internal] 09:42:46-370  Copy from annexB: Found sps=99, pps=3.
 [extractExtraDataH264Internal] 09:42:46-370  generated 115 bytes of extradata.

 0000 : .d.(...dgd.(...p   01 64 00 28 ff e1 00 64 67 64 00 28 ad 90 a4 70
 0010 : .2.....:@.! ..G.   80 32 0b 8d 06 00 e8 3a 40 e7 21 20 83 03 47 fc
 0020 : ......$...AF....   8c 11 08 08 12 14 24 a1 01 02 41 46 ff f4 d1 02
 0030 : ...<.;...9..2 p.   01 14 e8 3c 13 3b 10 16 1a 39 0b 12 32 20 70 e1
 0040 : a2..c.`.f8..X.L    61 32 05 02 63 e1 60 f0 66 38 ca c1 58 e0 4c 20
 0050 : X..tA.,....?x...   58 d0 a0 74 41 8e 2c c5 01 e0 11 3f 78 0f 08 08
 0060 : ...........J...h   08 0f 80 00 00 03 00 80 00 00 19 4a 01 00 04 68
 0070 : .<.                ff 3c b0
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-370  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-370  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
 [refill] 09:42:46-371  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:42:46-371  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [setupAudio] 09:42:46-371  Setting up 1 audio track(s)
 [setupAudio] 09:42:46-371  [audioTrack 0] Creating audio encoding stream, starttime 00:03:41,240(encoding with encoder=5)
[AccessFilter] Creating access filter, startime 00:03:41,240, globalHeader 1
 [createEncodingFilter] 09:42:46-371  Creating audio encoding filter with start time 00:03:41,240
 [AUDMAudioFilter_Bridge] 09:42:46-371  [Bridge] Starting with time 00:03:41,240 , shift 0 ms
 [AUDMAudioFilter_Bridge] 09:42:46-371  [Bridge] Ending with time 00:03:41,240, sample 0
 [rewind] 09:42:46-371  [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-371  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-371  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
 [refill] 09:42:46-371  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:42:46-371  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [rewind] 09:42:46-372  [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-372  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-372  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
 [refill] 09:42:46-372  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:42:46-372  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [rewind] 09:42:46-372  [AudioBridge] Going to time 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-372  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] Seeking to 00:03:41,240
 [goToTime] 09:42:46-372  [edAudioTrackFromVideo] => seg 0, rel time 00:03:41,240
 [refill] 09:42:46-372  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (1 try)
 [refill] 09:42:46-372  Trying to ignore the discontinuous timestamp (2 try)
 [AUDMEncoder_Lavcodec_AC3] 09:42:46-372  [Lavcodec] Creating Lavcodec audio encoder (0x2000)
 [initialize] 09:42:46-372  [Lavcodec] Selected fltp as sample format.
 [initialize] 09:42:46-373  [Lavcodec]Incoming : fq : 48000, channel : 2 bitrate: 128 
 [initialize] 09:42:46-373  [Lavcodec]Lavcodec successfully initialized,wavTag : 0x2000
[FilterAccess] Created, starting at 0 ms
 [ADM_audioAccess_thread] 09:42:46-373  Swallowing audio access into a thread
[FF] Muxer opened
[muxerFFmpeg::initVideo] Initial audio delay: 0 ms
[FF] Using 115 bytes for video extradata
 [initVideo] 09:42:46-373  Video has extradata and muxer requires globalHeader, assuming it is done so.
[muxerFFmpeg::initVideo] Video initialized
 [rescaleFps] 09:42:46-373   TimeBase for video 1000/50000
[FF] Bitrate 128
 [initAudio] 09:42:46-373  Using default channel layout 0x3 for 2 channels
 [initAudio] 09:42:46-373  Audio has no extradata but muxer requires globalHeader.
 [initAudio] 09:42:46-373  Language for track 0 is fra
[FF] Audio initialized
 [open] 09:42:46-507  Timebase codec = 1/1000
 [open] 09:42:46-507  Timebase codec2 = 1000/50000
[FF] Saving
 [saveLoop] 09:42:46-507  avg fps=50000
 [initUI] 09:42:46-507  Muxer, creating UI, video duration is 01:41:06,240
qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 7715, resource id: 8669806, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0
 [qtRegisterDialog] 09:42:46-511  reparenting widget encodingDialog
[muxerFFmpeg::saveLoop] Final audio delay: 0 ms
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5702 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,061 / 00:03:42,221
 [startThread] 09:42:46-584  Starting thread...
 [startThread] 09:42:46-594  Thread created and started
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5703 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:41,981 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5704 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:41,941 / 00:03:42,221
 [getCompressedPicture] 09:42:46-608  Dropping frame 5704
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5705 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,021 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5706 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,141 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5707 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,101 / 00:03:42,221
[getCompressedPicture] Frame 5708 PTS is in the past vs segment start: 00:03:42,181 / 00:03:42,221
  1% done	frames: 1968	elapsed: 00:00:01,006
  2% done	frames: 2989	elapsed: 00:00:02,007
  3% done	frames: 4176	elapsed: 00:00:03,014
  4% done	frames: 6662	elapsed: 00:00:04,020
  5% done	frames: 7815	elapsed: 00:00:05,028
  6% done	frames: 8802	elapsed: 00:00:06,042
  6% done	frames: 9776	elapsed: 00:00:07,043
  7% done	frames: 10583	elapsed: 00:00:08,044
  8% done	frames: 11789	elapsed: 00:00:09,045
  8% done	frames: 12703	elapsed: 00:00:10,061
  9% done	frames: 14007	elapsed: 00:00:11,074
 10% done	frames: 14729	elapsed: 00:00:12,081
 10% done	frames: 15732	elapsed: 00:00:13,088
 11% done	frames: 16412	elapsed: 00:00:14,102
 12% done	frames: 17607	elapsed: 00:00:15,106
 12% done	frames: 18504	elapsed: 00:00:16,120
 13% done	frames: 19451	elapsed: 00:00:17,123
 13% done	frames: 20389	elapsed: 00:00:18,124
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:04-664  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:04-664  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 09:43:04-664  PES startcode found at 0x276784b8 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:23,168 newDts = 00:17:23,360
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -194867, computed : 00:17:22,584 got 00:17:22,778
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -109555, computed : 00:17:22,669 got 00:17:22,778
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-091  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2352
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-091  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 09:43:05-091  PES startcode found at 0x28420bf0 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:41,408 newDts = 00:17:41,792
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -408179, computed : 00:17:40,802 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -322867, computed : 00:17:40,888 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -237555, computed : 00:17:40,973 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -152179, computed : 00:17:41,058 got 00:17:41,210
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -66867, computed : 00:17:41,144 got 00:17:41,210
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-093  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-093  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 09:43:05-093  PES startcode found at 0x284b522c after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,368 newDts = 00:17:42,560
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -191987, computed : 00:17:41,786 got 00:17:41,978
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -106611, computed : 00:17:41,872 got 00:17:41,978
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,752 newDts = 00:17:42,944
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -213299, computed : 00:17:42,149 got 00:17:42,362
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -127987, computed : 00:17:42,234 got 00:17:42,362
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -42611, computed : 00:17:42,320 got 00:17:42,362
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-226  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-226  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 09:43:05-226  PES startcode found at 0x285b75c4 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:43,712 newDts = 00:17:44,096
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -384051, computed : 00:17:43,130 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -298739, computed : 00:17:43,216 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -213363, computed : 00:17:43,301 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -128051, computed : 00:17:43,386 got 00:17:43,514
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -42739, computed : 00:17:43,472 got 00:17:43,514
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-228  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-228  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 09:43:05-228  PES startcode found at 0x2864069c after 2 retries
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-228  [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:44,480 newDts = 00:17:44,864
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -383987, computed : 00:17:43,898 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -298611, computed : 00:17:43,984 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -213299, computed : 00:17:44,069 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -127987, computed : 00:17:44,154 got 00:17:44,282
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -42611, computed : 00:17:44,240 got 00:17:44,282
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:45,056 newDts = 00:17:45,248
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -192051, computed : 00:17:44,474 got 00:17:44,666
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -106739, computed : 00:17:44,560 got 00:17:44,666
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:43:05-229  [lavc] invalid spectral extension range (11 >= 5)
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:43:05-229  [lavc] error decoding the audio block
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:43:05-230  [lavc] exponent -2 is out-of-range
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 09:43:05-230  [lavc] error decoding the audio block
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-230  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-231  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 09:43:05-231  PES startcode found at 0x286e8728 after 2 retries
 [decodePesHeader] 09:43:05-231  [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +576000, lastDts = 00:17:45,632 newDts = 00:17:46,208
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -597363, computed : 00:17:45,029 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -512051, computed : 00:17:45,114 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -426739, computed : 00:17:45,200 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -341363, computed : 00:17:45,285 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -256051, computed : 00:17:45,370 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -170739, computed : 00:17:45,456 got 00:17:45,626
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x55ea277ac420 : drift -85363, computed : 00:17:45,541 got 00:17:45,626

Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 30/03/2023, à 10:45)

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

Hors ligne

#28 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:52


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

iznobe a écrit :

Actuellement , tu configures avidemux pour que le fichier de sortie soit enregistré sur ta cle USB sandisk de 250 Go .

Je proposais donc ( afin d ' eliminer un potentiel soucis de cl" ou de transfert USB ) de faire la meme action que celle que tu donnes le retour mais en disant a avidemux d ' enregistrer le fichier non pas dans la clé USB , mais sur ton disque dur .

D'accord, compris, je tente la chose sur ce même fichier qui plante systématiquement >> peut-être le fichier, dans ce cas précis...

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

Hors ligne

#29 Le 30/03/2023, à 10:55


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

iznobe a écrit :

le disque dur SSD NVME parait etre en bon etat , juste ce compteur qui parait anormalement haut :

Unsafe Shutdowns:                   661

Mais si tu rebootes a la " sauvage " chaque fois que avidemux plante , peut que ceci explique cela .


As tu installé les codecs non libre sur ton systeme ?

Il y a des reboot sauvages, effectivement, tant causés par Avidemux (mais pas tant que ça), mais aussi des plantages ou blocages inexpliqués pour moi qui ne connais pas trop Linux. Alors, dans ces cas où je ne peux même plus aller sur le Net pour me renseigner et utiliser la méthode douce, appui long sur le bouton M/A...

Concernant les codecs non libres, je ne sais pas, désolé, oui, à l'installation :

    8  sudo apt install xfce4-goodies xubuntu-restricted-addons ubuntu-restricted-extras gnome-brave-icon-theme -y

Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 30/03/2023, à 10:57)

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

Hors ligne

#30 Le 30/03/2023, à 11:01


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Je m'en occupe de suite et te donne le retour.
Test, sentence très rapide (normal, sur disque dur), ça plante et gèle Avidemux à 12%. Ce chiffre tourne aux alentours de 12 à 14% d'ailleurs...
Je commence à soupçonner fortement le fichier.
Nvme OK
Avidemux il n'y a pas de raison qu'il ne soit pas OK.

Je tente un essai avec Windows 7 sur un vieil ordinateur ...
Comment vérifier ce fichier, éventuellement ? Histoire d'être sûr et de ne pas perdre trop de temps dessus.
@Isnobe, je t'ai envoyé un MP.

Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 02/04/2023, à 11:26)

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

Hors ligne

#31 Le 05/04/2023, à 07:25


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Salut , peux tu donner le lien de telechargement de ton fichier stp , je regarderais a l' occasion .

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

En ligne

#32 Le 05/04/2023, à 09:01


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

iznobe a écrit :

Salut , peux tu donner le lien de telechargement de ton fichier stp , je regarderais a l' occasion .

Merci pour ta réponse, je te le donne en MP. J'ai mis plus de temps à l'envoyer sur Méga qu'à télécharger, les vitesses ne sont pas les mêmes.
J'ai tenté - ni connaissant pas grand chose - de transformer complètement la piste son et la piste image en d'autres formats sans succès, sous Windows 7, pareil.
Je soupçonne donc le fichier ou la clé USB qui a servi à enregistrer sur le décodeur TNT, mais celle-ci me donne des fichiers bons à 99% du temps.
Le seul problème, c'est que je ne sais pas lever le doute et savoir qui bloque.

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

Hors ligne

#33 Le 05/04/2023, à 13:23


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Alors , essai avec avidemux , voici la sequence de plantage :
presque toujours au meme endroit a peu de chose pres ( apres avoir supprimer les pubs de la source .ts ) :

13% done	frames: 20844	elapsed: 00:02:53,916
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:39-734  [lavc] Reference 3 >= 2
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:39-734  [lavc] error while decoding MB 80 12, bytestream 21483
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:39-734  [lavc] concealing 6689 DC, 6689 AC, 6689 MV errors in B frame
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:39-989  [lavc] concealing 2620 DC, 2620 AC, 2620 MV errors in B frame
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:40-008  [lavc] Reference 4 >= 2
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:40-008  [lavc] error while decoding MB 101 30, bytestream 34657
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:40-009  [lavc] concealing 4508 DC, 4508 AC, 4508 MV errors in P frame
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:40-031  [lavc] concealing 2633 DC, 2633 AC, 2633 MV errors in B frame
 13% done	frames: 20964	elapsed: 00:02:54,919
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:40-351  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:40-351  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:40-352  PES startcode found at 0x276784b8 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:23,168 newDts = 00:17:23,360
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -224051, computed : 00:14:02,154 got 00:14:02,378
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -138675, computed : 00:14:02,240 got 00:14:02,378
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -53363, computed : 00:14:02,325 got 00:14:02,378
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:40-939  [lavc] concealing 4464 DC, 4464 AC, 4464 MV errors in B frame
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:40-948  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:40-948  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:40-948  PES startcode found at 0x27678340 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:23,168 newDts = 00:17:23,360
[audioClock] Drift detected :842266867 vs 842458867, delta=192000
 13% done	frames: 21085	elapsed: 00:02:55,928
 14% done	frames: 21194	elapsed: 00:02:56,934
 14% done	frames: 21317	elapsed: 00:02:57,937
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-073  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2352
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-073  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:44-073  PES startcode found at 0x28420bf0 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:41,408 newDts = 00:17:41,792
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -383923, computed : 00:14:20,426 got 00:14:20,810
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -298611, computed : 00:14:20,512 got 00:14:20,810
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -213299, computed : 00:14:20,597 got 00:14:20,810
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -127923, computed : 00:14:20,682 got 00:14:20,810
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -42611, computed : 00:14:20,768 got 00:14:20,810
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-074  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2898
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-074  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:44-074  PES startcode found at 0x284b522c after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,368 newDts = 00:17:42,560
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -192051, computed : 00:14:21,386 got 00:14:21,578
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -106675, computed : 00:14:21,472 got 00:14:21,578
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:42,752 newDts = 00:17:42,944
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -213363, computed : 00:14:21,749 got 00:14:21,962
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -128051, computed : 00:14:21,834 got 00:14:21,962
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -42675, computed : 00:14:21,920 got 00:14:21,962
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-075  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-075  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:44-075  PES startcode found at 0x285b75c4 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:43,712 newDts = 00:17:44,096
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -384051, computed : 00:14:22,730 got 00:14:23,114
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -298675, computed : 00:14:22,816 got 00:14:23,114
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -213363, computed : 00:14:22,901 got 00:14:23,114
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -128051, computed : 00:14:22,986 got 00:14:23,114
 14% done	frames: 21426	elapsed: 00:02:58,940
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-827  [lavc] Reference 3 >= 2
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-827  [lavc] error while decoding MB 23 16, bytestream 12595
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-827  [lavc] concealing 6266 DC, 6266 AC, 6266 MV errors in B frame
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-845  [lavc] co located POCs unavailable
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-859  [lavc] co located POCs unavailable
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-867  [lavc] concealing 3313 DC, 3313 AC, 3313 MV errors in B frame
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-869  [lavc] co located POCs unavailable
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-903  [TS Packet] PackLen=2696, avalailble=2515
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-903  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:44-903  PES startcode found at 0x2841a464 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +448000, lastDts = 00:17:41,312 newDts = 00:17:41,760
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-903  [TS Packet] PackLen=2696, avalailble=2515
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-903  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:44-903  PES startcode found at 0x28419e84 after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +448000, lastDts = 00:17:41,312 newDts = 00:17:41,760
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-904  [lavc] reference picture missing during reorder
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-905  [lavc] reference picture missing during reorder
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-905  [lavc] Missing reference picture, default is 108830
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-905  [lavc] Missing reference picture, default is 108830
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-921  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2352
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:44-921  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:44-921  PES startcode found at 0x284209bc after 2 retries
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:41,408 newDts = 00:17:41,792
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-983  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:44-999  [lavc] concealing 1136 DC, 1136 AC, 1136 MV errors in B frame
[audioClock] Drift detected :860410867 vs 860858867, delta=448000
[audioClock] Drift detected :860410867 vs 860858867, delta=448000
[audioClock] Drift detected :860506867 vs 860890867, delta=384000
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -42675, computed : 00:14:23,072 got 00:14:23,114
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:45-051  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:45-051  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:45-051  PES startcode found at 0x2864069c after 2 retries
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:45-051  [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +384000, lastDts = 00:17:44,480 newDts = 00:17:44,864
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -384051, computed : 00:14:23,498 got 00:14:23,882
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -298675, computed : 00:14:23,584 got 00:14:23,882
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -213363, computed : 00:14:23,669 got 00:14:23,882
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -128051, computed : 00:14:23,754 got 00:14:23,882
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -42675, computed : 00:14:23,840 got 00:14:23,882
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +192000, lastDts = 00:17:45,056 newDts = 00:17:45,248
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -192051, computed : 00:14:24,074 got 00:14:24,266
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -106675, computed : 00:14:24,160 got 00:14:24,266
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-052  [lavc] invalid spectral extension range (11 >= 5)
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-052  [lavc] error decoding the audio block
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-058  [lavc] concealing 5229 DC, 5229 AC, 5229 MV errors in P frame
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-062  [lavc] exponent -2 is out-of-range
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-062  [lavc] error decoding the audio block
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:45-062  [TS Packet] PackLen=3080, avalailble=2716
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:45-062  [Ts Demuxer]*********Pes too long*******
 [getNextPES] 12:04:45-062  PES startcode found at 0x286e8728 after 2 retries
 [decodePesHeader] 12:04:45-062  [TS Packet]extra crap at the end 182
[ADM_audioStreamBuffered::refill] Warning skew in dts = +576000, lastDts = 00:17:45,632 newDts = 00:17:46,208
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -597363, computed : 00:14:24,629 got 00:14:25,226
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -512051, computed : 00:14:24,714 got 00:14:25,226
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -426675, computed : 00:14:24,800 got 00:14:25,226
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -341363, computed : 00:14:24,885 got 00:14:25,226
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -256051, computed : 00:14:24,970 got 00:14:25,226
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -170675, computed : 00:14:25,056 got 00:14:25,226
[Composer::getPCMPacket] Track 0, 0x556056354c70 : drift -85363, computed : 00:14:25,141 got 00:14:25,226
 [getRealPtsFromInternal] 12:04:45-068  Dts>Pts, that can happen if there are holes in the source, fixating..
 [getRealPtsFromInternal] 12:04:45-068  DTS=00:14:21,200
 [getRealPtsFromInternal] 12:04:45-068  PTS=00:14:21,120
 [getRealPtsFromInternal] 12:04:45-068  Using newDts=861080000
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-112  [lavc] co located POCs unavailable
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-131  [lavc] reference picture missing during reorder
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-131  [lavc] reference picture missing during reorder
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-131  [lavc] Missing reference picture, default is 108878
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-131  [lavc] Missing reference picture, default is 108878
 [adm_lavLogCallback] 12:04:45-148  [lavc] mmco: unref short failure

pas de rapport de crahs dans les logs ...

iznobe@iznobe-PC:~$ cat /home/iznobe/.avidemux6/
cat: /home/iznobe/.avidemux6/ Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Avec VLC , le fichier se re-encode cependant correctement . par contre on voit clairement en regardant la vidéo quelques minutes , que le fichier n' est pas propre . c ' est certainement la source du probleme .
plusieurs images sautent comme si il y avait des " trous " , a la place il apparait plein d' artefact avec d ' enormes pixels qui ne ressemblent a rien . c ' est limite , mais la vidéo reste a peu pres regardable .
Avec VLC , je ne sais pas trop comment ( ni si c ' est possible ) de couper les parties pub .
Cependant , je pense que suite au rencodage par VLC , tu pourras ensuite eliminer les parties de pub dans avidemux , je n' ai pas testé , mais y a pas de raison .

Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 05/04/2023, à 13:26)

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

En ligne

#34 Le 05/04/2023, à 14:47


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Iznobe a écrit :

plusieurs images sautent comme si il y avait des " trous " , a la place il apparait plein d' artefact avec d ' enormes pixels qui ne ressemblent a rien . c ' est limite , mais la vidéo reste a peu pres regardable .

Ça, je pense que ce sont des décrochages du signal TNT, j'en ai de temps en temps chez moi, inexpliqués car j'ai l'émetteur à 1.5km et visible, donc l’antenne pointée pile dessus. J'ai déjà demandé à je ne sais plus quel service s'il y avait des soucis du ré-émetteur, ils m'ont répondu de faire vérifier - à mes frais - l'antenne.

Merci d'avoir téléchargé et visualisé le problème, c'est bien le fichier.
Néanmoins, j'ai téléchargé une seconde fois et un autre jour ce fichier sur la même chaîne (Arte, l'après-midi), j'ai eu le même genre de blocage à environ 14%...
Je ne sais pas utiliser VLC pour ré-encoder ou assembler deux fichiers avec VLC, donc, tant pis.
Merci encore et de ta rapidité, et de ton coup de main à lever le doute, c'est sympa !

Je dois pouvoir mettre en "résolu", alors ?

Dernière modification par Phil17 (Le 05/04/2023, à 14:48)

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

Hors ligne

#35 Le 05/04/2023, à 17:57


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

si tu ne l' as pas encore installé , installe vlc :

sudo apt install vlc

ensuite , tu vas voir c ' est tres simple , c ' est meme plus simple qu ' avec avidemux big_smile .

tu lances vlc , puis tu fais : media => convertir / enregistrer =>  fichier => ajouter , bien evidemment tu vas ensuite selectionner ton fichier .ts , puis en bas => convertir / enregistrer .
Une nouvelle fenetre apparait , il faut alors choisir le profil de re-encodage selon ce que tu desires , comme fichier en sortie ( video + audio ) et lui dire ou et comment tu vas renommer ton fichier au final en sortie et cliquer alors sur demarrer .
Et c ' est tout , reste plus qu ' a valider et attendre .


je sais pas trop quoi te dire sur avidemux , vu que pas de log , il faudrait probablement aller demeler tout cela sur le forum dedié . Ce qui est sur , c ' est que avidemux plante en beauté et que ce n' est pas normal . le processus reste bloqué a 100 % et il n ' y a pas d ' autre moyen que de kill le processus .

Si cela t ' arrive a nouveau dans d' autre circonstances , voilà comment faire pour tuer le processus :
Dans un terminal , tu fais d ' abord un


pour identifier l ' ID du processus avidemux ( a gauche : l' ID , a droite le nom du logiciel correspondant ) , il devrait se trouver dans les lignes du haut . ( touche " Q " pour quitter top ) . une fois en possession de l' ID il suffit de faire alors :

sudo kill N°-ID

En procedant ainsi , tu retrouves alors ta machine dans un etat standard de fonctionnement et tu n' es pas obligé de l ' arreter a la sauvage en risquant de perdre un travail non enregistré ou d' abimer le disque si celui -ci est en train de travailler .


Je ne crois pas vraiment que l' on puisse dire que ca soit resolu . par contre c' est clairement un bug du logiciel avidemux .

Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 05/04/2023, à 17:59)

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

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#36 Le 05/04/2023, à 19:30


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Merci pour toutes ces information sur VLC, que j'utilise uniquement en lecteur de contrôle de timing car VLC a des codecs que mon lecteur de salon n'a pas, ce qui fait qu'au salon, la vidéo peut ne pas être lisible.
Oui, dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de log et j'ai essayé d'aller sur le forum Avidemux, le 13 décembre 2022 pour être précis et j'ai abandonné pour le moment, je vais tenté une seconde fois.
Merci pour le kill, ça peut aider...:)

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

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#37 Le 13/04/2023, à 16:00


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Je n'ai, au départ, pas écouté la recommandation de géode au #14 me disant d'utiliser l'Appimage. De toute façon, je me demande si cette version aurait fonctionné.
Suite aux conseils du modérateur du forum Avidemux, j'ai installé la version nightly (développeur) disponible en Appimage et testé.
Plus aucun problème même sur les anciens fichiers que j'avais gardé et qui plantaient.

J'ai désinstallé la version deb, mais je ne sais pas comment créer une entrée dans mon menu pour y trouver directement l'icône d' et son fichier de démarrage, je ne me suis jamais servi d'un Appimage avant ce programme que je vais chercher sur le disque dur à la main en quelque sorte...
J'ai noté le titre du fil comme résolu, encore merci pour votre aide !

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

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#38 Le 13/04/2023, à 19:12


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Bonsoir , pour disposer d ' un " raccourci " sur le bureau , ( si il veut bien ... ) tu vas là ou est stockée ton app , clic droit dessus , creer un lien . si il n ' y a pas le choix de le mettre directement sur ton Bureau , tu peux couper le raccourci , ouvrir le gestionnaire de fichier dans " Bureau " et le coller . c' est pas exactement la meme chose , mais en attendant c ' est deja plus pratique . en meme temps , je le renomme pour supprimer " lien vers " devant .

je ne sais pas creer de fichier " .desktop " pour un appimage .

Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 13/04/2023, à 19:14)

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

En ligne

#39 Le 13/04/2023, à 19:24


Re : Avidemux s'arrête et bloque en cours d'encodage [Résolu]

Je viens juste de trouver... !
Il faut installer AppImageLaucher (donc encore un autre soft pour faire tourner un soft... c'est pour ça que je n'aime pas trop les AppImage, sans compter que le fichier AppImage prend de la place).
Ensuite il faut télécharger ou activer le fichier *.app voulu, automatiquement, AppImageLaucher démarre et propose de placer le fichier *.app où il veut (on peut modifier) et de créer un lanceur (mais lanceur sans icône particulière, une simple icône Gnome).
Après, ça va, l’icône et son lanceur associé sont dans le bon répertoire du menu de démarrage de Xubuntu.
Je vais voir pour récupérer l'icône propre de Avidemux pour l'intégrer.

XPS15 version 2020 (7590) i7-9750H, RAM : 16 Go, SSD 512 Go, Écran FHD 15,6"
Xubuntu 22.04LTS, TLP en mode BAT persistant.

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